String indexOf

String::indexOf() \ Language (API) \ Wiring ALPHA 1.0 Search Language (A-Z) \ Libraries \ Environment \ Learning \ Hardware Reference for Wiring version 0027+. If you have a previous version, use the reference included with your software. If you see any errors or have any comments, let us know. Class String Name indexOf() Examples // declares s1 with an initial string String s1 = String("string number one"); byte bytes[20]; // array of bytes char array[20]; // array of chars void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // turn ON wiring hardware LED pinMode(48, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(48, HIGH); // s2 holds "10000" String s2 = String(10000); Serial.println("s2 holds: " + s2); // s3 holds "567000" String s3 = String(567000, DEC); Serial.println("s3 holds: " + s3); // s4 holds "string number four" String s4 = "string number four"; Serial.println("s4 holds: " + s4); // use + operator to add a string s4 += " plus another part"; // user + operator when printing to serial Serial.println("now s4 holds: " + s4); // get character at position 5 char c = s4.charAt(5); Serial.print("c holds: "); Serial.println(c); // prints 'g' // s5 holds "string number one" String s5 = String("string number one"); int cmp = s1.compareTo(s5); // compare s1 to s5 if(cmp == 0) { Serial.println("s1 and s5 are equal"); // prints equal } else { Serial.println("s1 and s5 are different"); } // check if s5 ends with "one" if(s5.endsWith("one")) // prints "s5 ends with "one"" Serial.println("s5 ends with "one""); if(s1.equals(s5)) // check if s1 equal to s5 Serial.println("s1 and s5 are equal"); // prints equal // s6 holds "string NUMBER one" String s6 = String("string NUMBER one"); // check if s5 and s6 are equal ignoring case differences if(s5.equalsIgnoreCase(s6)) // prints equal Serial.println("s6 and s5 are equal ignoring the case"); Serial.print("index of char R pn s6 is: "); Serial.println(s6.indexOf('R'), DEC); // prints 12 Serial.print("index of char R on s6 from index 13 is: "); // prints -1, not found Serial.println(s6.indexOf('R', 13), DEC); String s7 = s6.substring(7, 13); Serial.println("s7 is: "+s7); // prints "NUMBER" Serial.print("index of string "NUMBER" on s6 is: "); Serial.println(s6.indexOf(s7), DEC); // prints 7 Serial.print("last index of char 'n' on s6 is: "); Serial.println(s6.lastIndexOf('n'), DEC); // prints 15 Serial.print("length of s6 is: "); Serial.println(s6.length(), DEC); // prints 15 // set character at index 15 to 'N' s6.setCharAt(15, 'N'); // prints "string NUMBER oNe" Serial.println("s6 is: "+s6); // check if s6 starts with "string" if(s6.startsWith("string")) // s6 starts with "string" string Serial.println("s6 starts with "string""); // prints "string number one" Serial.println("s6 to lower case is: "+s6.toLowerCase()); // prints "STRING NUMBER ONE" Serial.println("s6 to upper case is: "+s6.toUpperCase()); s6.concat(" plus spaces at the end "); // concat a string // prints "string NUMBER oNe plus spaces at the end " Serial.println("s6 is: "+s6); // prints "string NUMBER oNe plus spaces at the end" Serial.println("trim of s6 is: "+s6.trim()); // prints "string NUMBER oN5 plus spac5s at th5 5nd" Serial.println("s6 is: "+s6.replace('e', '5')); // get the byte array in the array bytes s6.getBytes(bytes, 20); Serial.print("array bytes is: "); for(int i=0; i Wiring is an open project initiated by Hernando Barragán. It is developed by a small team of volunteers. © Info, Processing © Info


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