Dzien Zapobiegania Samobojstwom

P R A C A P R Z E G L  D O W A
Informacja na temat Światowego Dnia
Zapobiegania Samobójstwom
W 2003 roku Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Zapobiegania Samobójstwom (IASP, International Asso-
ciation for Suicide Prevention) we współpracy ze Światową Organizacją Zdrowia (WHO, World Health
Organization) ustanowiło w dniu 10 września każdego roku obchody Światowego Dnia Zapobiegania
Samobójstwom (World Suicide Prevention Day). W 2004 roku, gdy ten dzień obchodzono dopiero po raz
drugi, Polskie Towarzystwo Suicydologiczne razem ze Stowarzyszeniem Aktywni Przeciwko Depresji
i Biurem ds. Współpracy z WHO zorganizowali na terenie Ośrodka Informacji ONZ w Warszawie konfe-
rencję prasową i wykład dla dziennikarzy oraz nauczycieli połączone z rozdawnictwem broszur poradni-
ków na temat zapobiegania samobójstwom dla pracowników mediów i dla nauczycieli opublikowanych
przez Polskie Towarzystwo Suicydologiczne. W czasie tego spotkania udzielono także wielu wywiadów
dla telewizji i radia.
Niestety, z powodu braku środków finansowych w 2005 roku, trzeci z kolei Światowy Dzień Zapobiegania
Samobójstwom poza opublikowaniem kilku okolicznościowych artykułów i wywiadów, między innymi
z prezesem Polskiego Towarzystwa Suicydologicznego, prof. Brunonem Hołystem, nie był w Polsce spe-
cjalnie obchodzony.
Trzeci Światowy Dzień Zapobiegania Samobójstwom odbywał się pod hasłem  Zapobieganie samobój-
stwom jest w interesie każdego (Prevention of suicide is everybody s business). Nasza redakcja posta-
nowiła zamieścić, korzystając ze stron internetowych IASP, materiał informacyjny na temat zapobiegania
samobójstwom w języku angielskim, zakładając, że zdecydowana większość Czytelników naszego rocz-
nika dysponuje znajomością tego języka.
Suicydologia Tom 1, nr 1, 109 111
Niestety nie zdążyliśmy przygotować przekładu na język polski tych materiałów opublikowanych w związku
ISSN 1895 3786
ze Światowym Dniem Zapobiegania Samobójstwom, który był obchodzony w dniu 10 września 2005 roku
przedrukowano z: w ponad 50 krajach na całym świecie.
World Suicide Prevention Day 10th September, 2005
 Prevention of suicide is everybody s business
 Prevention of suicide is everybody s business
 Prevention of suicide is everybody s business
 Prevention of suicide is everybody s business
 Prevention of suicide is everybody s business
Once again, after an uprecedentedly successful public THE PROBLEM OF SUICIDE
awareness campaign last year focussing on suicide pre-
vention, the World Suicide Prevention Day will be held Suicide is one of the world s largest public health pro-
on September 10, 2005. Despite the complexity and se- blems, accounting for approximately 1 million lives lost
verity of the problem, suicide prevention cannot be seen annually. One of the leading causes of death worldwi-
as the responsibility of experts alone; rather, preventing de, particularly in younger people (WHO 2003), it pro-
suicide is everyone s business. This year the Internatio- foundly affects individuals, families, workplaces, neigh-
nal Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), in colla- bourhoods and societies. The economic costs associa-
boration with the World Health Organization (WHO), ted with suicide and self-inflicted injuries are estimated
invites the public, communities, societies, individuals, pro- to be in the billions of dollars.
fessionals and volunteers to conduct activities on this day One million suicides represents:
to promote and demonstrate our joint responsibility to  more lives lost than in all wars and homicides world-
save lives that would otherwise be lost to suicide. wide every year;
SUICYDOLOGIA 2005, tom 1, nr 1
 three times the catastrophic loss of human lives in behaviours. Since suicide is caused by an interaction of
the tragic Tsunami disaster in South East Asia at so many different factors, it can be combatted in many
the end of last year; different ways. There is a need for each and every one
 a number equal to the loss in lives in the terrorist of us to share this responsibility: suicide prevention is
attack on New York 9.11.2001  every day of the everybody s business. So what can you do?
One suicide represents:
 a lost life, lost talents, lost creativity, lost contribu- HELP INCREASE AWARENESS OF
tions made to society; SUICIDE AS A MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH
 a lost son or daughter, a lost father or mother, a lost PROBLEM
friend or colleague;
 a wound that does not easily heal in those who are An obstacle to effective suicide prevention is the strong
left behind. societal and moral taboos and myths surrounding suici-
de and suicide survivors. Taboos prevent us from spe-
aking openly and freely about the problem and discus-
THE NEED FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION sing what to do. Myths often portray suicidal people as
INITIATIVES insane, suicide attempters as manipulating, and suicide
as something inevitable. Myths create dysfunctional at-
Fortunately, suicide is not an inevitable burden that must titudes and are major obstacles to change. There is
be accepted by society. There are many ways in which a great need to change
suicide can be prevented. There is a great need for ef- public attitudes and increase awareness of suicide as
fective, coordinated and comprehensive suicide preven- a major public health problem that is largely preventa-
tive initiatives throughout the world if we are to reduce ble. We recommend that on the World Suicide Preven-
the enormous numbers of completed suicides, suicide tion Day 2005 individuals, groups, organisations and
attempts and problems related to suicide and self-de- societies:
structive behaviours.  Organise stands, walks, contests, luncheons, BBQs
Effective suicide prevention calls for an innovative, com- or open houses;
prehensive multisectorial approach, including both he-  Organise exhibitions, fairs, concerts, cultural or spi-
alth and non-health sectors, including education, labo- ritual events;
ur, police, justice, religion, law, politics and the media.  Organise open meetings, panel debates;
 Hold press conferences;
 Design and distribute leaflets, posters and other writ-
IS SUICIDE PREVENTION ten information;
A RESPONSIBILITY ONLY OF EXPERTS?  Contact local politicians;
 Write letters to newspaper editors and contact re-
Suicide is related to a complex interaction of causal fac- porters
tors, including mental illness, poverty, substance abuse, ... and any other efforts to put suicide prevention on the
social isolation, losses, relational difficulties and work- local public agenda. Use your imagination and creativi-
place problems. ty! Visit for ideas!
We certainly need experts, such as medical personnel
and mental health workers, when combatting suicide.
These professionals play crucial roles in risk assessment, FUND RAISING
emergency services and in providing short- and long-
term treatments. They are also important in the deve- Not all suicide prevention activities cost money; to lend
lopment of our knowledge-base through research and a helping hand, to be a good friend or colleague does
evaluation of suicide preventive measures. not necessarily imply financial costs. But many suicide
However, suicide cannot, be effectively prevented thro- preventive initiatives do. Therefore, you may want to
ugh the efforts of these experts alone. All of us should use the World Suicide Prevention Day 2005 to raise
be part of the solution. funds for important projects.
We would encourage you to link your fund raising acti-
vities to the public awareness activities listed above. The
WHO CAN HELP? International Association for Suicide Prevention is also
grateful for any financial contribution, large and small,
Everyone can do something to help reduce the number to fund our work promoting the WSPD internationally
of people who try to solve their problems with suicidal in years to come. Contributions may be sent to
Informacja na temat Światowego Dnia Zapobiegania Samobójstwom
International Association for Suicide Prevention  Books
Account Number 444 7271  Research results
Northern Trust Company  Conferences
50 South LaSalle Street
Chicago Illinois 60675, USA
The IASP web site will present examples of activities to
Most people can benefit from more knowledge on how be held on September 10, 2005 (
to recognize suicide risk and provide first aid in suicidal We ask you to send us a brief description of the activi-
crises. This information may make us more confident ties you are planning to hold for the 2005 World Suici-
and effective in encountering people at risk of suicide. de Prevention Day by filling out the form on the IASP
Thus, one important activity for the World Suicide Pre- web site, including providing us with links to local and
vention Day would be to organise and offer brief cour- national sites where further information is available.
ses in first aid in suicidal crises. This could be done in You may also send information by mail to:
many ways, but should involve people that can provide International Association for Suicide Prevention,
simple and effective teaching at low cost. Suicide Research and Prevention Unit,
We encourage all individuals, institutions, organizations, University of Oslo,
professionals and volunteers who are able to conduct Sognsvannsveien 21, Bygg 12,
such courses, to consider organizing and promoting first 0320 Oslo, Norway.
aid educational activities for WSPD 2005. or by FAX to: +47 22 92 39 58
We will post a selection of these activities from around
the world on our web site along with a selection of links
LAUNCH NEW SUICIDE PREVENTIVE to sites where further information is available.
Volunteers and professionals may find it useful to orga- WHY SHOULD PREVENTION OF SUICIDE
nise kick off events for new suicide preventive initiati- BE EVERY BODY S BUSINESS ?
ves, strategies, methods or resources on WSPD 2005.
Our experience is that such new initiatives get far more We would like to answer this question citing the famous
public attention when launched this way and they will meditation of the 17th century English poet John Donne:
also help increase the total impact of WSPD. Examples
of activities to launch include:
 Suicide preventive strategies and plans
 Crisis intervention or support centres and hot lines
 Resource centres
 Films, Internet resources
 Training courses


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