2006 p3 answers

May 2006
Standard Level
Paper 3
13 pages
 2  M06/4/PHYSI/SP3/ENG/TZ1/XX/M+
This markscheme is confidential and for the exclusive use of
examiners in this examination session.
It is the property of the International Baccalaureate and must not
be reproduced or distributed to any other person without the
authorization of IBCA.
 6  M06/4/PHYSI/SP3/ENG/TZ1/XX/M+
Option A  Mechanics Extension
A1. (a) total = 0.44 222 ;
+0.44 9.8 32 ;
= 240(244) J ; [3]
Award only 2 out of 3 if g = 10 ms-2 .
(b) energy at sea level = 244 0.66 = 160 (161) J ;
v2 =
v = 27 ms-1 ; [2]
A2. (a) gravitation / gravity; [1]
(b) gravitational force = ;
(R1 + R2)2
MR1 4Ą2
centripetal force = ;
gravitational force provides centripetal force
GM1M2 M1R1 4Ą2
= ;
(R1 + R2)2 T
R1(R1 + R2)2 4Ą2
T = [3]
(c) from formula, is a constant;
(so if R1 is smaller) then M2 is smaller / M1 is larger; [2]
Do not award second mark if no reasoning given or argument is fallacious.
A3. (a) e.g. weight of object or reaction force (not mass);
nature of surfaces;
whether stationary / moving (velocity arguments must include zero); [3]
Award any other sensible suggestions.
(b) (i) R shown acting upwards and normal to slope; [1]
(ii) F shown acting upwards and parallel to slope; [1]
Lines of action not important as long as they pass through block.
(c) (i) (resolving normal to slope) W cos = R ;
(resolving along to slope) W sin = R ;
working to show tan = ; [3]
(ii) maximum value of is 1.0 and tan-11.0 = 45 ; [1]
 7  M06/4/PHYSI/SP3/ENG/TZ1/XX/M+
Option B  Quantum Physics and Nuclear Physics
B1. (a) VS gives a measure of (maximum) kinetic energy of electrons;
intensity determines rate of production / emission (not energy); [2]
(b) photon energy = work function + maximum kinetic energy of electron;
VS = - ;
e e
gradient is ;
gradient is 1.24(ą0.02)10-6 ;
Award mark for final answer only
(1.2410-6 1.610-19) #
h = ;
(3108) if this marking point is clear.
= 6.6(ą0.1)10-34 J s ; [6]
B2. (a) used to compare / measure nuclear / atomic masses; [1]
(b) Bainbridge type Or Aston type
collimated beam; collimated beam;
velocity selector; region of electric field;
region of magnetic field and vacuum; region of magnetic field and vacuum;
suitably placed detector; suitably placed detector; [4]
(c) fraction x of mass 35u ; (i.e. some clear explanation of working)
35x + 37(1- x) = 35.5;
x = 0.75 ;
ratio is = 3.0 ; [4]
B3. (a) baryon numbers +1 +1 0 0;
lepton numbers 0 0 +1 -1;
(b) mass-energy / charge / spin / momentum / parity / time conjugation; [1]
Do not allow either  mass or  energy .
 8  M06/4/PHYSI/SP3/ENG/TZ1/XX/M+
Option C  Energy Extension
C1. (a) (i) CA; [1]
(ii) V " T and T = 290 K;
temperature = 3 290 = 870 K; [2]
Award [0] for 51C.
(iii) p " T ;
# ś# 290 =1800 K;
temperature = [2]
ś# ź#
# #
102C scores [1] out of [2].
(b) external work done = p"V ;
= 2.0105 6.010-4
= 120 J ;
change in internal energy (= 300 -120) = 180J ; [3]
(c) energy supplied to gas (= A B + B C) = 550J ;
work done going through cycle = 120 J / representing the area under the pressure
volume graph;
transfer in stage C A (= 550 -120) = 430J ; [3]
C2. (a) organic/living matter;
(partial) decomposition;
under conditions of  high (temperature) and pressure; [3]
(b) (i) e.g. renewable energy source;
no CO2 emissions; [2]
Do not allow  pollution free /cost.
Award [1] each for any two sensible suggestions.
(ii) e.g. large number of turbines required;
covering large area of land;
e.g. output dependent on wind speed;
so unreliable;
e.g. change in local climate;
as a result of turbulence; [4 max]
Award [1] each for any two sensible suggestions and [1] for each explanation.
 9  M06/4/PHYSI/SP3/ENG/TZ1/XX/M+
Option D  Biomedical Physics
D1. (a) area scales as dimension2 Or L2 ;
volume scales as dimension3 Or L3 ; [2]
(b) surface area of cylinder > surface area of sphere (for same mass);
rate of energy absorption greater for cylinder;
hence {temperature rises more rapidly} for the same mass; [3]
D2. (a) conductive: loss occurs in middle ear / damage to membranes / ossicles;
sensory: loss occurs in inner ear / damage within cochlea / auditory nerve; [2]
(b) (i) (changes in) loudness are response of ear to (changes in) sound intensity;
response is (approximately) logarithmic with intensity; [2]
(ii) loss of hearing is selective;
so it is sensory; [2]
Do not award mark if fallacious or no argument.
(iii) 60 = 10 lgś#ź# ;
# #
I = 1.010-6 W m-2 ; [2]
D3. (a) e.g. simple scattering;
photoelectric effect;
Compton scattering;
pair production; [2 max]
Allow [1] each for any two mechanisms.
(b) (i) thickness of material required to reduce intensity / photon flux by one half; [1]
(ii) ratio = 0.58 ;
= or 3.910-3 ; [2]
(c) ultrasound (nearly all) reflected by bone (boundary) but X-rays can penetrate;
X-rays show up internal structures; [2]
 10  M06/4/PHYSI/SP3/ENG/TZ1/XX/M+
Option E  The History and Development of Physics
E1. (a) (precise) positions and times/movements for the (known) planets; [1]
(b) planetary orbits are elliptical rather than circular;
with Sun at one focus; [2]
(c) Newton developed (universal) law of gravitation;
law was used to derive Kepler s laws; [2]
E2. (a) wire carrying a current;
causes deflection of a compass needle / suspended magnet; [2]
(b) used two (parallel) current-carrying conductors;
(mutual) forces when current in wires; [2]
E3. (a) phlogiston / caloric is a fluid;
this flows between bodies when they are at different temperatures; [2]
(b) e.g. thermal energy produced as a result of friction / cannot explain change of
further detail regarding stated phenomenon e.g. fluid endless / does not cause
temp change; [2]
E4. (a) wax blocks placed in neutron beam;
protons ejected from wax blocks;
emergent radiation examined in cloud chamber; [3]
(b) energy / speed of protons measured;
in a cloud chamber / by absorption in aluminium;
momentum of protons measured;
by collision with nitrogen atoms; [4]
 11  M06/4/PHYSI/SP3/ENG/TZ1/XX/M+
Option F  Astrophysics
F1. (a) constellation: Pattern of stars;
Candidate must indicate that stars are not close together.
stellar cluster: group of stars bound by gravitation / in same region of space; [2]
(b) d = ;
= 130 pc [1]
(c) no atmospheric turbulence / irregular refraction; [1]
(d) (i) red/red-orange; (not orange)
blue / blue-white / white; [2]
(ii) Betelgeuse looks brighter; [1]
(iii) L = 4Ąbd ;
Rearrangement of formula on data sheet required.
d = 4.0 1018m;
L = 4Ą 2.0 10-7 (4.0 1018)2;
L = 4.0 1031W; [4]
(iv) L = 4Ąbd
luminosity of Rigel is about half that of Betelgeuse (or ecf from (iii));
brightness of Rigel is about 0.1 times that of Betelgeuse;
so Rigel is more distant (must be a consistent conclusion from statements
about luminosity and brightness); [3]
Do not allow mark for fallacious or no argument.
Mere statement that luminosity and brightness are less so Rigel is more
distant scores [1 mark] only.
F2. (a) universe is infinite; [1]
(b) number of stars in shell increases as R2 ;
intensity decreases as ;
brightness of shell is constant;
adding all shells to infinity;
sky would be as bright as Sun / uniformly bright; [5]
Award [2 max] for argument based on any line of sight lands on a star.
 12  M06/4/PHYSI/SP3/ENG/TZ1/XX/M+
Option G  Relativity
G1. (a) means of locating an object in space; [1]
(b) (i) observer O: light from flashes arrives simultaneously at O;
because takes same time, as measured by O, to reach O / because
O is at
rest with respect to A and B;
observer C: flash from A reaches C before flash from B;
because speed of light independent of reference frame; [4]
(ii) ł = = 1.25 ;
# ś#
= 1.25;
ś#1- ź#
# #
v = 0.6c ; [3]
Award [0] if use of ł = 0.8.
G2. (a) (i) 1.8c; [1]
(ux - v)
(ii) recognize use of ux = ;
#1- uxv
ś# ź#
# #
Allow equation with + in numerator and denominator.
(c + 0.8c)
ux = ;
ż#-0.8c2 ś#
ś#1- # Ź#ź#
c2 #
# #
ux = c ; [3]
Award [1 max] if substitution gives  sign in numerator or denominator.
Award [2 max] for a statement  c is same in all frames so ux = c  .
(b) (according to Maxwell), speed of light independent of speed of source / depends
on permittivity and permeability which are constants;
this is shown by answer in (a)(ii); [2]
G3. (a) rest mass energy: E = mc2 where m0 is the rest mass;
total energy: sum of rest mass energy and kinetic energy; [2]
(b) energy = 20.51 =1.02 MeV ;
estimate because only rest-mass energy considered / k.e. not considered; [2]
(c) curved line through origin always  above given line after about 0.4c;
asymptotic at v = c ; [2]
 13  M06/4/PHYSI/SP3/ENG/TZ1/XX/M+
Option H  Optics
H1. (a) (i) correct position by eye but within ą 5mm; [1]
(ii) ray parallel to principal axis through F2 ;
ray undeviated through pole of lens;
correct extrapolation to marked image; [3]
Do not allow unless image lies between L1 and right-hand F1.
(b) virtual because rays only appear to come from it; [1]
(c) (compound) microscope; [1]
(d) (i) Ll unchanged;
L2 moved (to right) so that I1 is at F2 ; [2]
(ii) angle (subtended) at eye by image is larger than that (subtended) by object; [1]
H2. (a) light must be incident on boundary from the more (optically) dense medium;
angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle; [2]
(b) (i) i = 22 ;
sin r =1.5sin 22
r = 34 ; [2]
(ii) ray at correct angle (by eye); [1]
(c) e.g. refractive index between core and covering constant;
so that refraction in fibre independent of medium in which fibre is placed;
e.g. core of fibre would not become scratched;
(so that) light would not be scattered out of fibre; [2 max]
Award [1] for a sensible reason and [1] for the explanation.
(d) e.g. monochromatic;
so that all light has same speed in fibre;
e.g. can be switched very rapidly;
so that more information can be carried;
e.g. light can be directed;
so that less light losses / less need for amplification; [4 max]
Award [1] each for two sensible reasons and [1] for each explanation.
Do not allow coherence without explanation.


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