SHSpec 170 6207C17 E Meter Reads and ARC Breaks

6207C17 SHSpec-170 E-Meter Reads and ARC Breaks

Meter reading has been exposed as the one point that must be done
perfectly. There is a TR-4 phenomenon connected with the meter. The meter,
read wrong at all, operates to throw TR-4 out in the session. The PC has an
answer which the meter hasn't acknowledged, as far as the PC can tell, so he
gets mad -- at the meter, really, but, not knowing what to get mad at, he
misassigns the blame and his anger to something else. The PC has had a
withhold missed. Or the auditor cleans a clean; he calls a read where there
isn't one, and the meter starts reacting on the PC's ARC break.

Incidentally, the wording of listing lines has been amended. [See p. 259
for original wording.] On "Want/not want", the wording has to use the exact
warding of the goal, [e.g. "to catch cats", not "the goal to catch cats"] ,
and on "Oppose/not oppose", it has to be the participial form [e.g. "catching
cats']. Precise English is very junior in importance to wording it as given
by the PC.

In the metering errors mentioned above, only one thing is occurring. You
are violating an old, overlooked law that you mustn't acknowledge a lie or
accept a lie as truth. What is this about? It is about prime postulate.
[See the discussion of the first four postulates on pp. 14-15, above.] 3GA
demonstrates the similarity of construction between a reactive bank and a
universe. A universe is formed by a prime postulate which then, alter-ised,
makes matter, energy, space. and time. The PC has a basic purpose or goal,
indistinguishable from a prime postulate. Therefore prime postulate, or the
PC's basic goal or purpose, is the basic building block of the reactive bank.
The prime-prime postulate would be the basic-basic of the goal or purpose on
which all else would be stuck. [Cf. Expanded Dianetics.] You won't get it on
the first try. You can't just date it on the meter and have it blow, because
it has occurred earlier and has gotten mingled in with later occurrences. So
don't worry about it. Just take what you get on a goals list.

The keynote of the reactive bank, with all its masses, spaces, and
everything else in it, is alter-is , which suppresses down into a not-is.
This forms the MEST that is contained in the bank. The same mechanism exactly
applies to the formation of the physical universe. Thus the field of the mind
is parallel to that of the physical universe. But the mind came first and
thus formed the universe. It is fantastic for a being to discover this,
because this discovery is in violation of [the principle behind the formation
of] matter, space, etc. This discovery reverses the downward spiral. What
starts the downward spiral and makes it denser is acceptance of alter-is as
fact. "This is something every thetan knows, 'way down deep, he must not do
and what every thetan that ever got in trouble has done." A thetan gets
nervous when he starts to suspect that he has been accepting alter-is as
fact. If he accepts too many alter is-es as fact, he goes into an overwhelm.
He is overwhelmed by lies.

The priests of Muggy Muggy (a god made out of mud) can make lots of
converts using this principle. If everyone protests Muggy Muggy (the lie)
enough, and if the priests can collect to themselves enough motivators, in
other words, if they can can get the people to commit enough overts against
Muggy Muggy, Muggy Muggy overwhelms the people. This is how you get zealots,
fanatics and atheists. They all form a chaotic mess, resulting from fighting
an alter-is of the facts. Religious mechanisms have been the most powerful source of alter-isness of mind and forms. They get protested against most strongly, and thetans get overwhelmed by them most easily. The biggest alter-is you could make is the mis-assignment of source of creation, or alter-is of thought. These exist in the seventh and eighth dynamics. The most fruitful source of lies and commotion is anything that has to do with creation. A false assignment of the source of creation produces randomity all out of proportion to the Act of making the false assignment. This act is, in itself, the father of all chaos. Being Almost on the truth makes it very bad. The most powerful protests follow the most extreme alter-isnesses. Hence the violence of religious wars.

If you mis-assign the source of any part of a cycle of action, in fact,
you will get a grossly disproportionate upset. Try going to a museum during
an exhibition of Rembrandt and pointing out all the "Picassos". People will
argue with you and get very misemotional, etc. Any chaos in the universe will
be found to exist by reason of a misassignment of who created it. For
instance, George Washington is thought to be one of the sources of of the U.S.
government, yet the fact that he actually tore up the minutes of the
constitutional convention is virtually unknown. This is what is wrong with
the U.S. There is a lot of missing data concerning its source. We don't know
what the basic purpose of the founding fathers was.

"Basic purpose, alter-ised, creates mass [and] a degeneration of tone."
People who think LRH has alter-ised scientology and dianetics don't realize
that we are operating on a backwards track, cutting into the most fundamental
fundamental we can cut into, regardless of the forward progress of time. We
are swimming against the time-stream. Suddenly, on isolation of importances,
we are back in the early fifties, with basic purpose and prime postulate.
This is all Book One stuff [See p. 270, above.] We've gone down some blind
alleys, like 3DXX. If you do a 3DXX line or a pre-hav line, you are listing
wrong things, which just adds more alter-is to the bank. 3DXX was the ridge
that LRH found before prime purpose. 3DXX was alter-ising the PC's goal.

We have gone forward on the time track and, at the same time, we have run
the fundamentals back. Now we are at a fundamental that runs out everything
that we have put on the time track. Unless you follow some such pattern as
this pattern of scientology research, you can't backtrack the complexity of
structure of a mind or a universe to a simplicity sufficient to do something
about it. That's what we have done, and we find, to our great surprise, that
what is wrong with the PC is his prime postulate, his goal. That's
unexpected. That's weird. A complete whizzer. George Washington is not what
is right with the U.S.; he is what is wrong with the U.S. Similarly, a PC's
goal is what is wrong with the PC.

"If the individual is no longer able to adequately do something, it's
probably his goal.... it'll be the one thing that kinda makes you sigh and
that you retreat from." A goal itself isn't really what is wrong with the
person. It is really the alter-is of his goal, departures from his goal line,
his inabilities to commit this goal to action -- that is what gives him his
bank. If he never altered his goal, he would probably he all right. The PC's
goal "was a self-postulated truth" that "never got acknowledged, but all
around him lies got acknowledged, and this baffled him."

That's really all the thetan is protesting. "Truth never gets acknowledged and lies always get acknowledged." That's the basis of a thetan's misemotions. All thetans operate on these same buttons. So when you make it clear, in session, that you are not acknowledging or taking up a truth, the PC gets upset. That's cleaning a clean read. When you say he has something he hasn't got, he gets upset. He also gets upset when you say he hasn't got something that he has got. Cleaning a clean or missing a read is an alter-is and an acknowledgment of a lie. Nothing upsets a PC or a thetan more than this. So misreading the meter is a betrayal that strikes at the heart of his thetanesque soul. He will try, from then on, to get the truth of the matter across to you. You don't have a PC anymore. You have a crusader for truth, armed and mounted.

We mustn't have more alter-is than we've already dot, because that is how
we got in this mess in the first place. An ARC break is an abandonment of
truth and an acknowledgment of lies. In a session, you are running extreme
truth and the PC knows it. He can feel it. Every time you misread a meter,
you have entered a lie into the session. This is the thetan's favorite
bogey-man. You have just hit on the issue of the whole construction and
destruction of universes and of his bank, and he doesn't like it being that
way. You have made the session agree with all the slave tricks that have ever
been pulled on him, when he thought you were his friend getting him
untrapped. So put in a lie (misread the meter), and all Hell breaks loose.
That's why it is essential to read a meter correctly, every time. It is
do-able, so don't worry about not being able to learn how.


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