The Effectiveness of a Sexuality Training Program

Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 23, No. 2, Summer 2005 (© 2005)
DOI: 10.1007/s11195-005-4669-0
The Effectiveness of a Sexuality Training Program
for the Interdisciplinary Spinal Cord Injury
Rehabilitation Team
Patricia Fronek, B.SocWk.,1,3 Susan Booth, B.SocWk.,2 Melissa Kendall,
B.Sc., MHumSrv.,2 Deborah Miller, CN.,1 and Timothy Geraghty,
M.B.B.S., F.A.F.R.M. (RACP)1
While there is evidence to support consideration of client sexuality needs
in the provision of rehabilitation services to people with spinal cord injury
(SCI), the interdisciplinary team rarely receives training in this area. The
current study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a consumer-driven sex-
uality training program in improving staff knowledge, comfort (general and
personal) and attitudes. Using a local needs assessment to identify train-
ing needs and the Permission, Limited Information, Specific Suggestions and
Intensive Therapy (PLISSIT) model as a training framework, a sexuality
training program was developed in one Australian SCI service. A randomized
controlled trial was conducted and significant improvement was found in all
domains for the treatment group  Knowledge(Ç2 = 46.141, p < 0.001),
Comfort (Ç2 = 23.338, p < 0.001), Approach(Ç2 = 23.925, p < 0.001)
and Attitude (Ç2 = 15.235, p < 0.001) compared to the control group.
Changes were found to be maintained at three month follow-up  Knowl-
edge (Z = -5.116, p < 0.001), Comfort (Z = -3.953, p < 0.001),
Approach (Z = -4.103, p < 0.001) and Attitudes (Z = -2.655, p <
0.001). These results support the use of an individualized needs-based sex-
uality training program in fostering staff knowledge, comfort and attitudinal
change in an interdisciplinary SCI rehabilitation service.
KEY WORDS: sexuality; training; spinal cord injury; interdisciplinary.
Spinal Injuries Unit, Queensland Spinal Cord Injuries Service, Brisbane, Australia.
Transitional Rehabilitation Program, Queensland Spinal Cord Injuries Service, Brisbane,
Address correspondence to: Patricia Fronek, Social Worker, Spinal Injuries Unit,
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Ipswich Rd., Woolloongabba QLD 4102, Australia; e-mail:
0146-1044/05/0600 0051/0 © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
52 Fronek, Booth, Kendall, Miller, and Geraghty
During the last fifteen to twenty years, literature supporting holistic
services for people with spinal cord injury (SCI) has become increasingly
inclusive of sexuality concerns as a legitimate aspect of the rehabilita-
tion process (1 7). Yet it is reported that sexuality issues are infrequently
addressed during rehabilitation (2,4,6,8). This is at odds with the per-
ception that staff members in SCI rehabilitation recognize this frequently
unmet need and support sexuality interventions (4,9,10).
Barriers to the provision of sexuality services to people with SCI have
been identified in the literature. Lack of knowledge, discomfort and atti-
tudes of staff from different disciplines have been reported as some of the
key reasons why sexuality issues are not addressed and, in some cases,
avoided (1,4,7,8). Many staff may perceive, not only that they possess
inadequate knowledge and skills, but that the expertise lies elsewhere, there
is insufficient time or the patient is not ready to address sexual concerns
(4). While some staff identify they have never been approached for infor-
mation in this area (11), clients may hold perceptions that discussions of
sexual issues are inhibited by staff members evasiveness, discomfort, body
language and personality (6).
The existing literature suggests that staff training is required in these
areas in order to facilitate holistic rehabilitation, inclusive of sexuality con-
cerns (2,7,11 13). Significantly however, patients may not necessarily iden-
tify a particular discipline or person as most appropriate with whom to
discuss issues of sexuality but may rather identify those staff members who
make them feel most comfortable and allow opportunity for discussion.
These preferences support the management of sexuality within the
context of the interdisciplinary team as a whole (2,3,6,8).
Staff sexuality training has been identified as an area requiring fur-
ther investigation. Literature which supports sexuality training tends to
be focused on single disciplinary knowledge rather than the interdisciplin-
ary team (4,5,9,10,13). Disciplinary education is important but neglects the
varying levels of expertise a team can contribute and the patient s selective
interaction with those professionals who they feel most comfortable with,
regardless of their discipline. Despite identified needs for staff training in
the management of sexuality issues, this area has been neglected with few
studies examining interdisciplinary training programs and the effectiveness
of such programs.
Previous studies have demonstrated that change in staff attitudes to
sexuality issues in people with intellectual disability is possible (14) and
also that significant gains in knowledge, comfort and skills can be achieved
for staff working with people with SCI (3), following specific sexuality
training. However, sample size has been relatively small in these studies,
they have not used true control groups or random assignment and the sus-
tainability of the changes over time has rarely been examined.
The Effectiveness of a Sexuality Training Program 53
Research in the field has-generally highlighted the provision of skills
and knowledge as important elements of training, yet the sensitive and
complex nature of sexuality presents different challenges for staff who may
find application of skills and knowledge more difficult due to personal
attitudes and degree of comfort experienced (1,8). No single study has
sought to measure the impact of training on staff Knowledge, comfort and
attitudes in dealing with the sexuality concerns of people with spinal cord
injury. The current exclusion of these factors suggests that a systematic
model of professional skill development is required (1).
The authors of the current study have previously suggested that con-
sideration of the knowledge, comfort and attitudes of staff is essential in
assessing training need and determining the content of training programs
(7). Furthermore, training initiatives should be individualized to address
the specific needs of individuals in these domains. Historically, training
has tended to be directive in nature assuming a passiveness of the learn-
ing recipient in the process although this is not always the case (3,8). It
has been suggested that by combining individualized assessment (3) and
incorporation of needs in these domains with the application of a pro-
cess-focused model such at the Permission, Limited Information, Specific
Suggestions and Intensive Therapy (PLISSIT) model (15), an innovative
approach to interdisciplinary training emerges, addressing the need for a
consumer driven approach to program development and evaluation (7).
This current study aimed to measure the effectiveness of this approach
by evaluating a consumer-driven sexuality training program to improve
staff knowledge, comfort, (general and personal) and attitudes in the inter-
disciplinary SCI rehabilitation team.
This randomized controlled trial, which aimed to examine the impact
of the training program on staff knowledge, comfort and attitudes, was
conducted over an eight month period in 2002/2003. Relevant institutional
ethics committee approval was granted for the trial.
The participants were staff employed in the Queensland Spinal Cord
Injuries Service (QSCIS). The QSCIS provides interdisciplinary SCI rehabil-
itation services in a unique continuum of care model (16) which incorporates
inpatient acute care and primary rehabilitation in the Spinal Injuries
Unit (SIU), community based transitional rehabilitation in the Transitional
54 Fronek, Booth, Kendall, Miller, and Geraghty
Rehabilitation Program (TRP) and a community based follow-up and con-
sultation service through the Spinal Outreach Team (SPOT).
All members of the QSCIS interdisciplinary team were invited to par-
ticipate in the current study. There were no exclusion criteria based on
gender, age, qualifications, or job experience. Of the 96 interdisciplinary
staff within the service, 89 staff agreed to participate. Participants included
63 nursing staff, 3 medical staff, 2 social workers, 4 physiotherapists, 1
physiotherapy assistant, 3 occupational therapists, 1 occupational therapy
assistant, 6 TRP staff and 6 SPOT staff.
Participants were randomized to treatment or control groups using a
stratified randomization process across discipline groups. A series of one-
day training workshops were delivered to the treatment group and, at the
conclusion of the study to the control group, for reasons of equity of
access to professional development opportunities. Each training workshop
had 10 15 participants.
Using a local needs assessment, the PLISSIT model as a training
framework and adult learning theory (17), the consumer-driven sexual-
ity training program was developed and delivered in a series of one-day
training workshops. The education program, informed by a local needs
assessment (7), was developed and delivered by an external clinical nurse
consultant who is a recognized specialist in the area of sexuality and SCI.
The PLISSIT model (15), widely accepted and utilized in sexuality educa-
tion, provided a conceptual framework for training which assists individ-
ual participants with varying levels of knowledge, skill and comfort levels
to manage sexual questions at a minimum level of competency. An over-
view of the program is provided within Table 1.
The KCAASS (Knowledge, Comfort, Approach and Attitudes towards
Sexuality Scale) (1), a previously validated single measurement question-
naire which demonstrated high levels of internal consistency across the
four conceptual domains was utilized for the purposes of this study. The
questionnaire has four subscales that measure current staff knowledge on
sexuality issues, staff comfort in addressing sexuality issues, staff comfort
in managing personal approaches from clients and staff attitudes towards
sexuality among people with SCI. The KCAASS produces summary scores
for four aspects of sexuality (Knowledge (/56); Comfort (/104); Approach
The Effectiveness of a Sexuality Training Program 55
Table 1. Program Description
Topic Content Outline
Introduction Introduction to study day
General information Group Establish agreed group limits/boundaries
Sexual/reproductive health and Cultural differences, attitudes and values
disability professional issues Sexual rehabilitation  Role of health
Identification of professional boundaries
Limit setting
Maintaining boundaries
Sexual function prior injury Brief overview
Pre injury sexual function
Development of sexual identity
Phases of sexual response
Sexual function after spinal cord Changes in arousal and orgasm responses
Sexuality/sexual expression Emotional/social fears and concerns
Physical concerns  positioning, bladder and
bowel issues problems/potential solutions
Basic sexual health counseling Health professional issues/barriers
skills Sexual health history taking
Information giving  models of care
How to begin and how to end the session
Management of erectile Oral medications
dysfunction Intra cavernosal medications
Devices to enhance sexual function
Surgical implants
Current research/development
Video and discussion Disability and sexual expression
Fertility following injury Male factor infertility
Contraception in spinal injured women
Pregnancy in spinal injured women
Management of infertility Counseling/information giving
Semen retrievel techniques
Achieving pregnancy
Case studies Presentation of case studies
Group discussion Close of Group discussion  intervention options
(/20) and Attitude (/20)) where higher scores represent better knowledge
and skills. The Comfort, Approach and Attitude subscales are reverse
coded when calculating summary scores.
Participants were provided with information sheets and informed con-
sent obtained from each participant by the principal investigators. Given
56 Fronek, Booth, Kendall, Miller, and Geraghty
the sensitive nature of sexuality issues, participants were made aware that
independent, confidential counseling services were available. Participants
could withdraw from the study at any time. Only non-identifying informa-
tion was used and confidentiality was assured.
The KCAASS was administered by the principal investigators at three
testing points, immediately pre- and post-training and at 3 months post-
training to both the control and treatment groups. For the treatment
group, the pre- and post-training KCAASS was completed by all partic-
ipants at the commencement and completion of the training workshop.
However for logistical reasons, the participants in the control group com-
pleted the KCAASS during their normal working day. This meant that the
control group did not complete their questionnaires as a group, but this
process stretched over a period of one weeks. Both the treatment group
and the control groups completed groups completed the three month fol-
low-up under workplace conditions.
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics were used to illustrate central tendency and vari-
ability on each of the subscales of the KCAASS. Due to the skewed distri-
bution on the Attitude subscale and the fact that transformation could not
approximate normality, non parametric analyses were performed. Between-
group comparisons of treatment and control group were conducted using
Mann Whitney U tests and within group comparisons over time were con-
ducted using the Friedman s test. Post hoc comparisons were conducted
using Wilcoxon signed ranks tests.
A total of 89 interdisciplinary staff members participated in the study,
with 44 treatment and 45 control group participants. There were 31 nurses,
1 medical practitioner, 6 allied health staff and 6 community staff in the
treatment group and 32 nurses, 2 medical practitioners, 5 allied health
and 6 community staff members randomly assigned to the control group.
Table 2 shows the demographic characteristics of the sample as a whole.
Demographic data were collected separately and could not be linked to
individual questionnaire data so as to maintain confidentiality and ano-
nymity. This meant that comparisons across groups on demographic char-
acteristics were not possible.
There was a moderate amount of missing data on the KCAASS
but this was distributed across entire subscales rather than any particular
The Effectiveness of a Sexuality Training Program 57
Table 2. Demographic Details of Participants
Frequency (n) Frequency (%)
Gender Male 16 17.8
Female 59 65.6
Age (years) 21 30 18 20.0
31 40 32 35.6
41 50 18 20.0
>50 7 7.8
Marital status Single 22 24.4
Married 41 45.6
Defacto 8 8.9
Separated/divorced 4 4.4
Years in spinal <1 9 10.0
1 3 3 3.3
4 5 11 12.2
6 10 21 23.3
11 20 28 31.1
>20 3 3.3
Previous sexuality training Yes 25 27.8
No 50 55.6
Previous SCI sexuality Yes 18 20.0
training No 57 63.3
Missing data 14 16.7
individual items. There was also a small degree of attrition in the treat-
ment group at the 3 month data point (five people). Missing data for the
control group was variable over time but was substantially higher than for
the treatment group. Cases with missing data were excluded from the anal-
ysis for that scale. This method of exclusion was selected because data was
missing across entire subscales and imputation methods would have been
questionable given the sample size and the fact that demographic data
could not be matched to individual participants.
Cronbach Ä… scores for the subscales of the KCAASS (Knowledge,
Comfort, Approach and Attitude) in this study were 0.929, 0.972, 0.865
and 0.641 respectively.
Initial between-group comparisons on subscales scores showed that the
control group scored significantly higher than the treatment group on the
Knowledge subscale prior to the training program (Z =-2.155, p = 0.031)
but scored significantly lower than the treatment group immediately fol-
lowing the training program (Z =-2.773, p = 0.006) and at 3 month fol-
low-up (Z =-3.328, p = 0.001). Yet no significant differences were noted
between treatment and control groups on scores obtained prior to and
following the training or at 3 month follow-up on the Comfort, Approach
or Attitude subscales.
58 Fronek, Booth, Kendall, Miller, and Geraghty
Within group comparisons were conducted to explore change over
time within each group using the Friedman s test with post hoc compar-
isons using Wilcoxon signed ranks.
Table 3 shows the median and interquartile range obtained for treatment
and control groups on each subscale of the KCAASS at three data collection
points, namely just prior to the education, just following the education and
at 3 months follow-up. The treatment group showed significant change over
time on each of the subscales, namely Knowledge (Ç2 = 46.141, p <0.001),
Comfort (Ç2 = 23.338, p <0.001), Approach (Ç2 = 23.925, p <0.001) and
Attitude (Ç2 = 15.235, p <0.001). In comparison, the control group did not
show any significant change over time on any of the subscales of the KCAASS.
Post hoc comparisons revealed that the treatment group showed signifi-
cant change between pre- and post-education on Knowledge (Z = -5.706,
p < 0.001), Comfort (Z = -4.306, p < 0.001), Approach (Z = -4.555,
p < 0.001) and Attitude (Z = -3.4996, p < 0.001) subscales. At 3 month
follow-up, the treatment group reported significantly higher scores than they
did at pre education for the subscales of Knowledge (Z =-5.116, p<0.001),
Comfort (Z =-3.953, p <0.001), Approach (Z =-4.103, p <0.001) and
Attitudes (Z = -2.655, p < 0.01). Although scores did tend to be lower at
the 3 month follow-up than immediately following the education, they did not
differ statistically.
Comparisons across disciplines were made using change scores and
Mann Whitney U tests were performed for both treatment and control
groups. There were no differences in change scores for either treatment or
control group between nursing, allied health or community staff members.
Table 3. Medians and Interquartiles Range on Each Subscale of the KCAASS for Treatment
and Control Groups at Three Data Collection Points
Prior to Following Three month
Data Education Education Follow-up
Treatment 34.00 (7.50) 42.00 (7.00)** 42.00 (6.50)**
Control 35.50 (5.75) 37.50 (7.50) 36.00 (7.00)
Comfort (/84)
Treatment 69.00 (24.50) 76.00 (18.00)** 77.00 (19.00)**
Control 78.50 (16.50) 77.50 (18.75) 73.50 (21.25)
Approach (/20)
Treatment 11.00 (6.00) 14.00 (5.00)** 13.00 (4.00)**
Control 12.50 (6.50) 13.50 (5.00) 12.00 (5.50)
Attitude (/20)
Treatment 17.00 (3.00) 19.00 (2.50)** 18.00 (3.00)**
Control 18.00 (3.25) 18.00 (3.25) 17.50 (3.00)
**Significantly different to pre-education score at p<0.01.
The Effectiveness of a Sexuality Training Program 59
The medical practitoners were excluded from this analysis on the basis of
small sample size.
The current findings provide support for the effectiveness of consumer-
driven training programs in improving staff knowledge, reducing discomfort
with addressing sexuality rehabilitation and personal approaches from cli-
ents and improving attitudes towards sexuality for people with SCI. Those
staff assigned to the treatment group showed a significant improvement
on all subscales of the KCAASS following the training program and these
changes were maintained at 3 month follow-up. In comparison, the control
group did not demonstrate any significant change in KCAASS scores.
This finding supports previous research which has demonstrated
improvements following staff education and training in sexuality issues.
Rose and Holmes (14) conducted a study examining the effectiveness of
staff training on attitudinal change in the area of intellectual disability
(14). They evaluated the impact of two workshop formats of three-day and
one-day training programs and concluded that both workshops were effec-
tive in facilitating attitudinal change though they did not investigate the
permanency of these changes. In Tepper s study (3) a training program
based on a local needs assessment which aimed to increase staff knowl-
edge, comfort and skill in the sexual health care needs of people with SCI
was developed, implemented and evaluated. The program, which also used
the PLISSIT model (15) as a training framework, had a 5 month follow-
up evaluation assessing the impact of the training on practice. Eighteen
participants from varying disciplinary backgrounds participated in 3 days
workshop. Statiscally significant gains in staff knowledge and self-reported
comfort and skills and a positive translation to the work environment, was
The significance of the improvements seen in this study across all sub-
scales is also supported when the relatively small sample size is considered.
While the statistical power of the study is likely to be low because of the
small sample size, low statistical power would be expected to increase the
likelihood of finding no change  so these results suggest that the actual
change may have been greater than was found.
The present study s finding that the gains achieved can be maintained
at 3 months has not been previously reported. Many training programs
reported in the literature are either not evaluated over the medium term or
have not demonstrated sustainable change (3,14,18) Furthermore, previous
research has found that change in domains such as comfort and attitudes
60 Fronek, Booth, Kendall, Miller, and Geraghty
is more difficult to achieve and maintain than change in more tangi-
ble domains such as knowledge (18). While participants in the current
study demonstrated greater improvement in knowledge than they did in
the other domains of comfort and attitude change, the changes in comfort
and attitude remained significant at 3 month follow-up.
The training program delivered in this evaluative study offered a
range of content areas, developed specifically on the basis of a pre-
viously conducted needs assessment (7). This approach to education
and training is in contrast to the approach often employed where the
content of training programs is defined by the people developing the
program or the  experts rather than by the end consumer (14). This
approach to the education of healthcare professionals (particularly in
areas such as sexuality that may still be perceived as non-essential by
some individuals) also aligns more clearly with current notions of adult
education and training. In his model of adult learning, Knowles (17)
outlines the six principles on which adult learning must be based on:
(1) the need to know; (2) the learners self concept; (3) the role of
the learners experience; (4) readiness to learn; (5) orientation to learn-
ing and (6) motivation. For healthcare professionals involved in the
delivery of rehabilitation services, training initiatives must be relevant
to their role descriptions, as well as focussed on the learning needs
of the individual. Without relevance to the individual, training initia-
tives such as these may merely be seen as another task to be per-
In the present study, the training program was offered within a one-
day workshop format. Existing literature suggests that workshops con-
ducted over longer periods of time (e.g., 3 days) may be more effective in
producing attitude change (14). However, the results of this study support
the effectiveness of a one-day format as well. This also has practical impli-
cations as longer duration education and training programs may not be
organizationally or financially viable for the interdisciplinary rehabilitation
team, whose primary role is clinical service delivery.
The PLISSIT Model (15) has been widely used as a model for the
provision of staff training and sexuality rehabiliation interventions within
a variety of clinical settings and across a wide array of disciplines (19
23) including spinal cord (3 5,24,25). Rather than defining what content
should be included in sexuality training or provided to clients within sexu-
ality rehabilitation, the PLISSIT model provides a process framework that
allows for different degrees of involvement based on the staff member s
comfort level, knowledge base and counseling skills. This model is partic-
ularly appropriate for use within the interdisciplinary team where differ-
ent members contribute varying levels of skill, knowledge and experience
in sexuality counseling.
The Effectiveness of a Sexuality Training Program 61
Although this study did not demonstrate any significant differences in
the degree of improvement between individual disciplines, further studies
with larger sample size may be informative.
In identifying and developing appropriate content for inclusion in
training programs, the utility of the knowledge, comfort (general and
personal) and attitude framework (1) is apparent. By specifying these
domains and identifying the current status and individual needs of staff
in each of these domains, appropriate content could be developed and tai-
lored to the team, inclusive of the psycho-emotional needs of individual
staff as well as their identified knowledge needs. In addition, the KCAASS
(1) appears to be an appropriate measure of change in these areas demon-
strating sensitivity to change over time.
There are several aspects of the current study that present limitations
and warrant caution in interpreting the results. Perhaps the most obvious
limitation in the current study lies in the reporting bias exhibited by the
control group who were not assigned to receive the training initially. The
implications of these biases in this study were evident where the control
group scored higher than the treatment group on each of the subscales,
but significantly higher on the Knowledge subscale. While the study aimed
to ensure equivalence across groups by reassuring participants in the con-
trol group that they would receive the training at the completion of the
study, it is suspected that being assigned to the control group still resulted
in some feelings of resentment and a tendency to overestimate knowledge,
comfort and attitude. The greater amount of missing data for the control
group also supports the likelihood of reporting bias in this group.
One aspect of the current study that must be considered relates to the
individualized and consumer-driven nature of the program provided to the
participants. The program was developed according to the needs identi-
fied by these participants. It is therefore anticipated that the content pro-
vided within this education program would not necessarily be applicable
or relevant to individuals within other rehabilitation settings. It is however,
proposed that the process involving the conduct of needs assessments and
development of individualized programs would be particularly relevant to
other services wanting to develop their own training programs.
The study has also demonstrated that the improvements observed
have been maintained at 3 months but there was a non-significant trend
towards lower scores even at this point. Whether improvements can be
maintained beyond 3 months and for how long is of theoretical and
practical importance when considering the need for  refresher courses or
62 Fronek, Booth, Kendall, Miller, and Geraghty
additional training initiatives. Further longitudinal assessment of the cur-
rent cohort is planned.
Finally and perhaps most importantly, the study has not examined
the degree to which the self reported changes in knowledge, comfort and
attitudes are translated into practice. Ultimately, changes in self reported
measures are of little use if these changes do not result in real differences
for clients receiving sexuality rehabilitation. The Tepper study (3) reports
observational follow-up aimed at examining translation to practice and
further similar studies are required.
This study represents a significant advance in evaluating staff train-
ing in sexuality rehabilitation both theoretically and methodologically. The
inclusion of a control group, random assignment of participants, the use
of a theoretical model as the basis for the program at both content
and process level as well as the tailored nature of the program has not
been previously described. Significant improvement was demonstrated in
all domains and the change was maintained at 3 months.
Consumer-driven and needs-based education initiatives are the ideal
when contemplating the provision of training programs for practicing
healthcare professionals., The current study provides support for the effec-
tiveness of a consumer-driven sexuality training program in improving
knowledge, increasing comfort and improving attitudes for the interdis-
ciplinary SCI rehabilitation team. Future research should examine the
degree to which these changes can be maintained over longer periods and
how they can be translated into clinical practice which will benefit people
with spinal cord injury. A larger sample size and involvement of multiple
may also be beneficial in future studies.
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