Victoriana Clarifications and Errata v2 0

Clarifications and Errata
Revision 2.0, January 1, 2004.
Many thanks to David Crowhurst, Walt Ciechanowski, Tyson Streich & Adam Ness for their work in compiling errors and requests for clarifications that form
the backbone of this document!
Clarifications and errata are both listed below in chapter order, errata is page noted in red, clarifications in blue.
p43: The punishment for rape in the Typical Sentences chart does not reflect what is in the text above it.
Oops! The sad truth is it depended who got raped by whom. The rape of a noble woman would certainly be discretely
punished by death/deportation. Sadly the women of the middle classes are nowhere near so protected and paltry fines are
considered to be enough compensation for their  inconvenience & discomfort . The women of the working classes had no real
legal recourse for wrongs done to them.
It s also worth pointing out here that under Victorian law it is impossible for a husband to rape his wife. It s an unpleasant
subject, but such a brutal husband makes a villain that your players will love to hate.
P43: The last line of the second full paragraph references the 1850's as if it were the Victoriana present
As has been admitted on the mailing list, when Victoriana was in its design phase we were extremely torn as to whether the
game year should be 1857 or 1867. The starting game year finally became 1867 (well, 1868 now!) and this crops up later in
the book as well where the write up for India mentioned below.
Science and Steam Power
No errata reported.
Europe & Beyond
p67: There is no population breakdown for Britain
a layout omission (knowing full well the London sourcebook will be out soon)
p84: There is a reference to "west Prussia," but the map on the preceding page fails to locate it.
West Prussia is more commonly known in the current Victoriana Europe as Brandenburg. A chronological error, as Bismarck
draws the German kingdoms into a single state the concepts first of east & west Prussia emerge, before the concept of
 Germany as a nation makes the definitions obsolete  but that s the future&
p88: "...prophecy that the British will be expelled from India one hundred years after the battle of Plessey (1758 - in other words, next
year!)" - the game year is 1867 so your 10 years adrift somewhere.
there was indecision whether the game 'year' should start at 57 or 67, eventually we went for 67, but hey no prophecy is that
accurate - right?
World Maps: the grey scale world map is awful, it s hard to tell where the political boundaries are!
We concur, the originals are color and the grayscale transposition hasn t come over well, the color maps are now available on
the downloads page at
Several errors in the language lists have been addressed in the skills section below.
Character Creation
p98: characteristic points by class. Seems a bit generous. With 36 points to spend on 6 primary stats your low class pc can have scores of
6 in each stat - that's heroic in everything!
that s the lower class, and that s their perk for being poor as church mice, its intentional - the PCs are meant to be heroes.
Although we don t pretend that all the proletariat is so exceptionally strong of limb and mind  the player characters need to
be, it s their story, and they re going places.
p99: "Planar Empathy" is missing from the Eldren line on the Character Races chart (incidentally, the inclusion of this advantage gives
Eldren characters an advantage that is not balanced with a disadvantage).
The Eldren s minuses in Body and Resolve are more flawed than the raw figures might indicate, so we felt the empathy
bonus balanced their other frailties.
p103: paragraph 3 says "...A starting characteristic may not be higher that 7 before modifiers for race are applied" ; however, paragraph 8
- ....maximum level you can buy in any one characteristic at the start of play is 8...." - which is correct?
8, oops
p104: Constitution derived stat. You have not stated if you round the total up or down.
Always round down unless stated.
p106-115: Childhood Experiences and Past occupations contain skills not in the skill list.
Ah, a major oops, and an apology to all. Some of the skill entries in here that are throwing you are misprints, skills that were
finally renamed for the final edition. Some however really don t appear in the skill list, and are  custom specialties as
described on p  which is fine, except we didn t tell you!. Here s a summary of the skills in question.
Adventuress: general knowledge skill - misprint, this is 'education'
Bodyguard: Has the unarmed skill - misprint, this is 'brawl'
Costermonger: both the Childhood and Past Occupation descriptions say they have the trade skill, but the trust skill is also
part of the Past Occupation description. Trade is a bespoke specialty skill, there is no fixed description. It relates to
knowledge of trade, and could be used whenever the character buys or sells to represent his knowledge of trade.
Journalist: Has the creative fiction skill. A custom specialty, relates to the journalist's ability to write creatively - which is
occupation after all!
Itinerant Peddler: Has the trust skill. A custom specialty, allows the peddler to hold the trust of others (rightly or wrongly), or
at least seem trustworthy.
Mud-Lark (childhood): Has the trade skill. as above
Orderly: Has the trust skill. as above.
Poacher: Has the scan and listen skills. big misprint, these have now been boiled down into 'perception'
Personal Tutor (childhood): is also called Private Tutor or Private Tutors on some of the characters in the book, the names
are considered interchangeable, they all point to a solitary education.
Prostitute: Has the trust skill. as above
Revolutionary: Has the unarmed skill. as above
Servant: Butler/Housekeeper have the 'Stiff upper lip' (aka trust) skill. as above - have you ever seen the TV show Blackadder
III? a classic example of a butler with trust +10 - who really doesn't deserve it!
Shopkeeper: Has the trade skill. as above
Student: Has the classical literature and general knowledge skills. Gen. Know is 'education', classical literature is a custom
specialty knowledge covering the scope of classical literature.
P142: How do I determine an opposed roll when the "attacker" is using a non-combat skill against a victim?
For example: Elisabeth uses "Impress" against Robert. Elisabeth rolls 3d6 +presence + impress. What would Robert roll to resist? While I
can see using Resolution, it seems strange to add "impress" to that (perhaps Charm?). I'd suggest defenders of social situations use 3d6 +
presence + resolution, but that gives an advantage to defenders (since it's likely that the two stats would be higher than the attacker's stat
and skill----not always, but on average).
A very interesting question, and not one with a straight answer! The skill system in Victoriana (and the wider world of Fuzion)
is open-ended and allows a great deal of leeway in such questions. In the example above Resolution is quite clearly the
perfect choice for resisting an attempt to sway, con or influence the character  but as for the skill!  Human perception would
be my choice, its purpose is to see the meaning behind actions. Alternatively, you might allow a character with the seduction
or bull! Skills to use those  if the character is a skilled seducer or liar himself, then that knowledge might quite easily assist in
seeing through the wiles of others  especially when they use routines that the character would use himself!
p145: skill list seems to be broken. Specialties listing is wrong, for example Horse Riding appears in the specialties list as well as the
Common Knowledge list. It is a common knowledge skill for all classes as far as I can tell.
it is indeed a common skill. oops x2
p145:  Invoking" is listed under Specialties, but is not given an entry in the Complete Skill List on the following pages.
Oops! Invoking is an advanced form of summoning, specific to nature spirits and embodiments. It was removed from the main
rules for balance issues, to be reintroduced later after some& refinement.
p148: Horse Riding skill is shown as (intellect). Surely this should be (dexterity).
we have a thing about horses eh! oops x3, quite right, the best stat to use would indeed be dexterity.
p149: Languages  where are Portuguese and Turkish, what the hell is  Swiss !
Despite the oversights in the entries in  Europe & the rest of the world and in the table on this page, the Portuguese do not
only speak Spanish, they do of course have their own language   Portuguese , the Turks also have their own language
 Turkish which was also omitted from the lists. Our apologies to the Portuguese for the omission.
Also in the  Europe entry for Switzerland a mention is made of the  Swiss language, yet the table on 19 says that the Swiss
speak French, Italian and German  not Swiss.
There is no Swiss language as such, the Swiss (due to their location) are the most linguistic nation of Europe, and they do
indeed speak French, Italian and German  sometimes in the same sentence.
Are the Brown Bess muskets and the Baker rifles in your game converted to percussion caps at this time in your history or are they still
All Victoriana weapons are percussion cap unless specifically stated in the weapon description.
P156: Grapple, Optional rules for Melee Combat (page 156) "The grappler can chose to do his body score in damage dice to the defender
each turn..." Does armour apply? Further, assuming the damage is only stun, evenly matched opponents will render their foe unconscious
in two turns, on average.
Grapple is designed to be a pain to accomplish with the contested rolls, but swift once done. Remember that a target can try
and escape each round, and damage can t be applied until the second round (the first round grabs them, the second round
squishes). Yes, armour applies.
Let s face it if you want to kill a character or support character it s often far too easy, but knocking someone out is often
ridiculously frustrating in RPG s. The swift grapple and the  Stunned rule on p182 make it possible to have non-lethal combat
that doesn t take all night. If it s too swift for your tastes, then consider this optional rule: a character caught in a grapple rolls
his own body dice in an opposed  soak roll against the damage dice of the grappler, the target takes the attacker s margin of
success as damage.
P162: Diving for Cover : "You make an action roll using athletics against a difficulty based on the distance (base of 14 for 1 yd + 1
difficulty for every extra yd.)....." So the farther away the explosion is, the harder it is to completely avoid damage? I understand that the
damage is reduced by 2 points per yard anyway, but just checking.
 The distance is the distance to your desired location/cover! Not the distance from ground zero. If your character is at ground
zero and wants to dive for cover that is 8 yards away, he needs to roll against a difficulty of 21 (14+7, the first yard is free).
However, a character who was already halfway between ground zero and the cover only needs to roll against a difficulty of
Dramatic Systems
P183: Medicine and Recovering. Assuming a slightly high (proletariat) Body of 3, a wounded person would heal 1 Health a day in a
Hospital, 1 point a day in the Poor Ward, and not at all (but not risk infection) if his friend the medical student tends to him once a day?
This is totally correct, remember we re talking about lethal damage here, not stun damage. Characters should have a healthy
respect for the nasty wounds that swords and bullets give them. Characters should seek proper medical care if they want to
recover from lethal damage.
Where this might break down is if one of the characters actually is a practicing doctor with a decent Medicine skill, access to
a pharmacy, and has a clean environment for the patient to recuperate in. In such circumstances it is quite viable to apply the
poor ward healing rates, or if the doctor has the time to dedicate to his patient possibly even hospital rates  but the doctor
would have to be spending 16 hours a day observing the character to justify such a rate, which is unlikely if he is trying to
maintain a job as a doctor with other patients at the same time  most practicing doctors would send a patient to a hospital so
nurses could observe when he was not present himself.
P185:. Raising Characteristics with Experience: The rules state that characteristics  May be raised by study or practice . However, the
Study and Practice optional rule says "Study cannot raise characteristics, only practice...", and later "Practice is just as applicable to
characteristics as it is to skills.."
How long should it take, by default?
We have muddled you here, we referred you to the section on study and practice, where you find that study applies to skills,
whereas practice applies to skills and characteristics. We phrased it poorly in the original reference under characteristics. As
for time taken, it s a month per skill point when studying for skills, and a week per point when practicing for skills  or
Magic & Mediums
Corporeal mediums vs. channeling, sensate and faith mediums
Major edit slip here kids. In the rules there are meant to be Channeling, sensate and  true faith mediums, each having its own
skill to drive its own ability list.
Corporeal mediums are another type of medium whose attunement to the planes is more physically rooted and whose
abilities manifest through their bodies.
Corporeal mediums where eventually taken out of the main rules in edit with intent to bring them back in the  Crimean
sourcebook  finally introducing them through the Czarina s Peyetra elites. Looks like we missed a mention though! To clarify,
the corporeal medium does not have all the abilities of the others  they have their own skill  Medium: Corporeal and their
own powers list, which given the slip up, we ll give you earlier than planned!
Supporting Cast
P231: Supporting Cast. Since Physical Competence is about twice a Physical Characteristic Rating, could these be used as convenient
Running Speed numbers? Also, shouldn't the NPC blocks have an "Initiative" listing under combat Picks? It's a pain to average the mental
and physical competence and divide by two for every single one of them.
The method suggested for providing moving speeds is fine for humans and human sized beasties  it will get a little  out of
the range for horses or giants, but characters attempting to chase or run away from a mounted opponent or giant really
shouldn t be using the chase rules, they should just be getting a  boxed text where reason prevails.
Initiative is most logically worked out as described, but for speed (and that s what the supporting cast is all about) just quarter
the physical competence.
I've got to be missing something with the Supporting cast... Competences seem to make them *amazingly* good at everything where as
the starting PCs are poor to moderately good. Take a starting Lower Class PC, averaging 6 in their characteristics, and 3-4 in the 10 skills
that they have, and they're going to get outsmarted, out- talked, and beaten to a bloody pulp by any average charity worker.
The competences seem to give a huge advantage in flexibility to the supporting cast, since they don't suffer the -4 penalty for unskilled
actions, and they effectively have a few points in every skill.
The supporting cast is designed for speed, not for fullness. It s true that starting Victoriana characters are frequently
outmatched, and rightly so in the infancy of their adventuring careers. Victoriana characters need to think about when to fight
and when not to, but that adds to sense of achievement when characters grow and are able to return to old foes with
righteous vengeance. Likewise you need to consider your party when designing adventures. In the same way that 1st level
d20 characters seem to live in goblin and kobold lairs, early Victoriana characters find their matches with small gaggles of
thugs, footpads, cheaters, embezzlers and bounders.
As to supporting cast versatility, I have to say we didn t even consider it. The supporting cast is designed to be just that 
supporting cast, the full range of their skills and capabilities was considered unimportant. Major villains who do have
important roles within a story should be more fleshed out  as a player character is. The nature of the supporting cast and
villains is something that we will expand in the coming year, so watch for developments.
P255: Liche. Granted Liches should be terrifying, but are those Thaumaturgy, Necromancy, Occult Lore, and Science! skills intended to
be at the levels they are listed at? Crikey!
In summary  yes! The Liche described here is centuries old and as such has indeed amassed devastating knowledge and
power. This kind of Liche is a big fish, the final mastermind behind a web of undead activity and villainy, before the characters
meet him they will have waded through a series of cells of ghouls, undead, necromancers, greater undead, vampire allies
and thralls  the Liche is the hidden spider in the web.
It s perfectly possible that your characters might encounter younger litches who are not so skilled, after all Liche creation is
tied to corruption points so enthusiasm for necromancy is more key to their creation than knowledge.
Running the Game
No errata reported.
White Wedding
P290 The plants around Uriah noticeably wilt. Presumably this is due to Uriah's necromantic aura; however, nothing in the Necromancy
section suggests this as typical of necromancers (e.g. the Corruption Levels table on p.203 does not include this).
Artistic license! A little bit of atmospheric description to make sure the players know there s something really nasty going
down. What is more of interest is Levinia detecting the corruption in Uriah s aura. Sensate mediums who can see auras can
indeed detect magic users as brighter than normal auras, and the taint of demonic or necromantic corruption can show
P294: Levinia Dempsey on page 294 has an Artistic Eccentricity called  temper fits . Is this the same as the Mental Complication
 Rage! on p127 or is it something different?
Temper fits are a little like rage, but shorter and not so violent, generally limited to strong language and crockery throwing!
 Temper fits is a custom eccentricity of the kind that you and your players should be encouraged to concoct for your own


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