Phrasal verbs

Listen & Learn
Angielski na mp3
Spis treści Strona Ście\ka
Lesson 1 Phrasal verbs with OUT 2 track 1-2
Lesson 2 Phrasal verbs with OUT 3 track 3-4
Lesson 3 Phrasal verbs with OFF 4 track 5-6
Lesson 4 Phrasal verbs with THROUGH 6 track 7-8
Lesson 5 Phrasal verbs with INTO 7 track 9-10
Lesson 6 Phrasal verbs with OVER 8 track 11-12
Lesson 7 Phrasal verbs with UP 9 track 13-14
Lesson 8 Phrasal verbs with UP 10 track 15-16
Lesson 9 Phrasal verbs with DOWN 11 track 17-18
Lesson 10 Phrasal verbs with AWAY 12 track 19-20
Lesson 11 Phrasal verbs with ON 13 track 21-22
Lesson 12 Phrasal verbs with BACK 14 track 23-24
Lesson 1 TAKE 15 track 25-27
Lesson 2 GET 17 track 28-30
Lesson 3 TURN 20 track 31-33
Lesson 4 BREAK 22 track 34-36
Lesson 5 LOOK 24 track 37-39
Lesson 6 BRING 26 track 40-42
Lesson 7 COME 28 track 43-45
Lesson 8 GIVE 30 track 46-48
Lesson 9 CUT 32 track 49-51
Lesson 10 PUT 34 track 52-54
Lesson 11 RUN 36 track 55-57
Lesson 12 GROW 38 track 58-60
Lesson 13 SET 40 track 61-63
Lesson 14 CARRY 42 track 64-66
Lesson 15 GO 44 track 67-69
Lesson 16 MAKE 46 track 70-72
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Lesson one Phrasal verbs with OUT
% finishing or stopping % performing or fulfilling
to run out (of supplies, time) skończyć się to carry out (an action, a duty) przeprowadzić,
to cut out (of a motor) zatrzymać się spełnić
to put out (a fire, light) zgasić
% spreading
to turn out sb zwolnić kogoś
to give out rozdać
to go out (of a fire, light) zgasnąć
to spread out rozprzestrzenić się
to work out (an answer) wymyślić
Exercise one 1
A rescue action was carried out with difficulty when an old barn caught fire in a small
village near Norfolk. The problems started when one of the two fire engines ran out of petrol
on the way to the farm and the engine cut out 200 metres from the burning building.
Moreover, the foam had been given out to the firemen on the previous day and they didn t
have enough to fight the fire. The time was running out by the time the firemen worked out
what to do but in spite of all difficulties they put the fire out. However, after the action their
chief was turned out. He lost his job as he had failed to carry out his duties properly.
Actually, if the fire hadn t gone out in time, it would have spread out and the whole farm
would have been burnt to the ground.
Exercise two 2
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- What did the fire brigade do when No, the time was running out.
the old barn caught fire?
- & . - Did they stop the fire in spite of all
They carried out a rescue action. difficulties?
- &
- Why did the fire engine stop? Yes, they finally put it out.
- &
Because it ran out of fuel. - Who was fired after the action?
- &
- How far from the burning building The chief was turned out.
did it stop?
- & . - Why did he lose his job?
The engine cut out 200 metres away - & .
from the fire. Because he didn t carry out his
- Why didn t the firemen have enough
foam? - Did the fire stop in time?
- & . - &
Because it had been given out on the Yes, it went out in time.
previous day.
- Did the fire reach the whole farm?
- Did they have enough time? - &
- & No, it didn t spread out.
Lesson two Phrasal verbs with OUT
% starting, appearing % making known
to turn out pojawić się, zebrać to give out ( a date, news) ogłosić
to come out pojawiać się to turn out okazać się
to set out wyruszyć w podró\ to put out (a statement, a warning) ogłosić
to break out (of a war, a fight) zacząć się to come out (of truth) wyjść na jaw
to bring out (a product) wprowadzić na rynek to find out odkryć
Exercise one 3
A lot of people turned out at the Olympic Stadium to watch the Football League match
where many famous football stars came out to play every season. So when the date of the
final match was given out by the Football Union, the spectators set out early in the morning
to get the tickets. However, because of the great interest in the match it soon turned out that
there were no tickets left.
On the day of the Final, all the supporters were very excited. But when their team lost the
match, street fights broke out. Consequently, the authorities put out a statement that all
participants of the riots would be severely punished. A few months before, a new security
system had been brought out on the market and then the authorities had decided to install it
at the stadium. Thus, soon after watching the tapes the whole truth about the fights came out
and the police quickly found out the vandals names.
Exercise two 4
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- Where did the people come to
watch the Football League match?
- & . - What started after the Final?
They turned out at the Olympic - & .
Stadium. Street fights broke out.
- How often did the football stars - What did the authorities broadcast
appear? then?
- & - & .
They came out to play every They put out a statement.
- What system had been introduced
- Who announced the date of the on the market a few months before?
Final? - & .
- & A new security system had been
It was given out by the Football brought out.
- Did they know the truth about the
- Why did the spectators leave early participants soon?
in the morning? - & .
- & Yes, it came out very quickly.
They set out early to buy the tickets.
- What did the police discover?
- What soon appeared? - &
- & They found out the vandals names.
It turned out that there were no
tickets left.
Lesson three Phrasal verbs with OFF
to see sb off odprowadzić
% disconnecting or not working
to take off (of a plane) wystartować
to go off przestać działać, zgasnąć
% discouraging or stopping
to give off (a smell, gas) wydzielać, emitować
to put sb off zniechęcić
to break off (of a part) odpaść
to wear off (of a feeling) skończyć się
to cut off odciąć
% completing successfully
% leaving
to come off (of a plan) udać się
to take off wziąć wolne
to carry off (a part, an action, a duty)
to set off wyruszyć w podró\
przeprowadzić z sukcesem
Exercise one 5
After long and nervous negotiations with one of her most demanding clients, Ann decided she
needed to rest and take off for a few days somewhere. Her boss tried to put her off this idea
because there was a lot of work to do as usual but Ann didn t want to change her mind. She
set off for a three-day trip to a Pacific island the next day. Her flatmate saw her off at the
airport to wave goodbye and wish her a pleasant journey.
When the plane took off, she felt very relaxed and she was sure her holiday was going to
come off as planned. However, after a few hours, due to some failure of the electrical system,
one of the engines was cut off, and the lights went off in the passenger cabin. To make it
worse, after a few minutes the electric wires started to give off a smell of burning plastic and
everybody began to panic.
As a result, they had to land on the nearest island, hoping that the captain would be able to
carry the landing off successfully. While landing, one of the wings almost broke off and the
radio system went off completely so it seemed that they would be cut off on this small island
longer than she had expected. Having realised that, Ann s enthusiasm for spending her
holiday away from home completely wore off.
Exercise two 6
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- Did Ann decide to have a long or short holiday after the negotiations?
- & .
She decided to take a few days off.
- Why did her boss try to discourage her?
- & .
He tried to put her off because there was a lot of work to do.
- When did she start her journey?
- & .
She set off the next day.
- Who went with Ann to the airport to wish her a pleasant journey?
- & .
Her flatmate saw her off.
- When did she feel relaxed?
- & .
She felt relaxed when the plane took off.
- What happened with one of the engines after a few hours?
- & .
It was cut off.
- What was the problem with the lights in the passenger cabin?
- & .
They went off.
- What smell did the electric wires emit?
- & .
They gave off a smell of burning plastic.
- Did they manage to land?
- & .
Yes, the captain carried off the landing successfully.
- What happened with the wing during the landing?
- & .
It almost broke off.
- Did they have any radio contact with air traffic control?
- & .
No, the radio system went off completely and they were cut off.
- Was Ann still enthusiastic about spending her holiday away from home?
- & .
No, her enthusiasm wore off.
Lesson four Phrasal verbs with THROUGH
to bring sb through przywrócić do zdrowia,
% overcoming difficulty or danger
to break through dokonać odkrycia
to get through (a test, an exam) przejść przez,
% quick repetition, revision or
to go through (sth unpleasant) przejść przez,
to look through przejrzeć
to carry sth through przeprowadzić do
to come through (of news, results) pojawić się
to come through (an operation) prze\yć
Exercise one 7
When I was looking through the morning paper yesterday, I noticed that some astonishing
news had just come through. The scientists had broken through in their search for a cure for
bone cancer. They managed to get through the clinical tests and although they encountered
some problems with the registration they hoped to carry it through in spite of difficulties.
Another interesting story was about a young girl who luckily came through a very difficult
operation after losing a lot of blood in an accident. A five-year old girl went through some
painful tests and everybody admired her bravery. Although the chances of her recovery were
not very great, the doctors managed to bring her through after the long and exhausting
Exercise two 8
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- What did he read quickly in the - Did they complete the registration
morning? of the cure?
- & - &
He looked through the morning No, but they hoped to carry it
paper. through.
- What news had just become - Did the girl survive the operation
known? after the accident?
- & . - & .
The news about a cure for cancer Yes, she came through the
had just come through. operation luckily.
- Did the scientists achieve success - Why did everybody admire her
in their search? bravery?
- & . - & .
Yes, they broke through in their Because she went through some
search. painful tests.
- What did they finish? - Did the doctors manage to save the
- & . girl?
They got through the clinical tests. - & .
They brought her through the
Lesson five Phrasal verbs with INTO
% unexpected changes % intentional forceful behaviour
to grow into wyrosnąć na to break into włamać się
to come into (a fortune) otrzymać w spadku
to get into sb  wstąpić w kogoś
% careful consideration
to run into sb wpaść na kogoś przez przypadek
to look into (evidence) przejrzeć
to run into sth wpaść w kłopoty
to turn into zmienić się w
Exercise one 9
Mr Lucky grew into a fine young man. Moreover, he became very rich when he came into
quite a big fortune from his grandmother. Everybody admired him when one day something
bad got into him. He decided to break into his neighbours house. Unfortunately, when
leaving the house with some pretty valuable jewels he ran into a policeman outside the back
door and in fact he ran into trouble. He was arrested and when the police looked into the
evidence carefully he was accused of burglary. As a result, instead of being a millionaire Mr
Lucky turned into an unlucky criminal.
Exercise two 10
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- What kind of man did Mr Lucky become?
- &
He grew into a fine, young man.
- Did he inherit a lot of money from his grandma?
- & .
Yes, he came into a big fortune.
- What made him act strangely one day?
- &
Something bad got into him.
- Where did he steal jewels from?
- & .
He broke into his neighbours house.
- Whom did he meet unexpectedly when leaving the house?
- &
He ran into a policeman.
- What did the police examine carefully?
- &
They looked into the evidence.
- Who did Mr Lucky change into?
- & ..
He turned into an unlucky criminal.
Lesson six Phrasal verbs with OVER
% finishing % overcoming difficulties
to turn over przekazać to get over (difficulty) przezwycię\yć
to take over (a business) przejąć
% reviewing or checking
to be over skończyć się
to look over przejrzeć
to go over sprawdzić
to come over (of a feeling) ogarnąć
Exercise one 11
A sudden feeling of tiredness came over him after 40 years of hard work and he decided to
turn over the family business to his sons. Some time ago a big company had threatened to
take over his small business but he happily got over the difficulties in time and the danger
was already over.
For the last time in his life he looked over the documents on the desk, went over the latest
accounts to check if everything was OK, and then left the office glad of the decision he had
Exercise two 12
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- What kind of feeling did he have after 40 years of hard work?
- &
A feeling of tiredness came over him.
- What did he decide to do with the family business?
- &
He decided to turn it over to his sons.
- Who had wanted to gain control over his company some time ago?
- & .
A big company had threatened to take over his small business.
- Did he manage to overcome the difficulties?
- & .
Yes, he happily got over the difficulties in time.
- Was the situation still dangerous?
- &
No, the danger was already over.
- What did he examine quickly before leaving the office?
- &
He looked over the documents on the desk.
- What did he check?
- & .
He went over the latest accounts.
Lesson seven Phrasal verbs with UP
to turn up (of a problem) pojawić się
% increasing
to go up (of prices, numbers) wzrosnąć
to come up with (a solution)
to grow up dorastać
znalezć, wymyślić
% appearing or creating
to work up (a feeling) wpadać w
% starting
to come up pojawić się
to set up (a business) zało\yć
to draw up (a plan, a contract) stworzyć, spisać
to take up (a hobby) zacząć
to build up (a list) stworzyć, poszerzać
to look up (information) sprawdzić, znalezć
Exercise one 13
As the prices of fruit had gone up enormously in the last months, they decided to set up a
profitable business. They worked up a lot of enthusiasm for the idea when all the promising
numbers came up in the conversation. They drew up a plan of distribution, built up a list of
possible contacts and looked up all the necessary information in the books. Everything
seemed easy when an unexpected problem turned up. According to the law you have to be a
grown-up to have a business in this country. As they were still too young and could not come
up with any solution for the time being, they were advised to take up a hobby instead.
Exercise two 14
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- What prices had risen enormously - Where did they find all the
in the last months? necessary information?
- & - & .
The prices of fruit had gone up. They looked it up in the books.
- Were they enthusiastic about the - Did a problem appear suddenly?
idea of starting a business? - & .
- & . Yes, it turned up unexpectedly.
Yes, they worked up a lot of
enthusiasm for it. - What does the law say about the
age of people who want to have a
- Did they decide to start a company? business?
- & . - & .
Yes, they wanted to set up a They have to be grown up.
profitable business.
- Could they think of any solution?
- What plans did they design? - & .
- & . No, they couldn t come up with any
They drew up a plan of distribution idea.
- What list did they prepare? - What were they advised to do
- & . instead?
They built up a list of possible - & .
contacts. They were advised to take up a
Lesson eight Phrasal verbs with UP
% finishing or stopping % dealing with difficulties or
to break up (of a relationship) skończyć się
something unpleasant
to use up zu\yć
to come up against (a problem, difficulty)
to bring up (children) wychować
to grow up (of children) dorosnąć
to face up to stawić czoło
to give up (a relationship) zakończyć
to put up with znosić, tolerować
to end up skończyć jako&
to live up to (expectations) sprostać
Exercise one 15
After twenty years, their marriage was about to break up. They had come up against many
different problems in life but they had never shared responsibility together and so she had had
to face up to all the difficulties alone. She had put up with his ignorance for years but she
used up all her patience when he accused her of bringing up the children in the wrong way
and said that her behaviour had never lived up to his expectations. Now that the children had
grown up, nothing would stop her and she decided to give up. She hadn t expected that after
so many years together they would end up as complete strangers.
Exercise two 16
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- Was their marriage about to come - Who cared for the children?
to an end? - & .
- & . She brought them up.
Yes, it was about to break up.
- Was her behaviour good enough for
- What problems did they encounter him?
in life? - & .
- & . No, it had never lived up to his
They came up against different expectations.
- Did their children become adults?
- Who was responsible enough to - & .
deal with the problems? Yes, they grew up.
- & .
She faced up to all the problems - Did she decide to stop the
alone. relationship?
- & .
- Did she tolerate his ignorance? Yes, she decided to give up.
- & .
Yes, she put up with it for years. - Who did they become to each other
in the end?
- Did she lose her patience - & .
completely? They ended up as complete
- & . strangers.
Yes, she used it up.
Lesson nine Phrasal verbs with DOWN
% decreasing % rejecting
to calm down uspokoić się to turn down ( a request, an offer) odrzucić
% failing to satisfy % criticizing
to fall down (of a plan) nie udać się to come down on sb  naskoczyć na kogoś
to get sb down załamać kogoś to look down on sb patrzeć z wy\szością na
to let sb down zawieść kogoś kogoś
to break down załamać się to run sb down krytykować
Exercise one 17
When the client turned down the offer and the sales plan seemed to be falling down
definitely at that moment, the situation started to get Rebecca down. This feeling of
nervousness got even bigger when the manager came down on her criticising the methods of
her work and claiming that the sales numbers had really let him down. Rebecca was about to
break down completely when her friend explained that the manager was that kind of man
who always looked down on people to show his superiority. He liked running others down
and saying unfair things about their work simply to demonstrate his power. The moment
Rebecca realised that, she managed to calm down and stopped worrying so much.
Exercise two 18
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs with  down .
- What did the client reject?
- & . - Did she feel depressed?
The client turned down the offer. - & .
Yes, she was about to break down
- Did the sales plan seem to fail? completely.
- &
Yes, it seemed to be falling down - Did the manager feel superior to
definitely. others?
- & .
- Did this nervous situation have a Yes, he always looked down on
bad effect on Rebecca? people.
- & .
Yes, the situation started to get her - Did the manager say unfair things
down. about others work?
- & .
- Did the manager criticise the Yes, he liked running people down.
methods of her work?
- & . - Did Rebecca stop worrying so
The manager came down on her. much after she talked with her
- What did he claim he was - & .
disappointed with? Yes, she managed to calm down.
- & .
He claimed that the sales numbers
had let him down.
Lesson ten Phrasal verbs with AWAY
% leaving or escaping % losing or not having any more
to get away zdołać uciec to throw away wyrzucić
to go away wyjechać to give away rozdać
to run away uciec to fade away zniknąć
to turn away nie wpuścić
to be carried away być ogarniętym przez
Exercise one 19
A famous film star decided to get away from the city and bought a small farm in the country.
She threw away all her unnecessary things, gave away her furniture to the poor and went
away for good without leaving her new address. She was really carried away by the idea of a
simple and happy life away from the centre. This feeling of excitement didn t fade away even
when the journalists appeared at the studio to ask some questions about her new life. She
turned them away not even trying to have a word with them and when they tried to follow
her to the new house she managed to run away in her Ferrari.
Exercise two 20
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- Did a famous film star decide to escape from the city?
- & .
Yes, she decided to get away.
- What did she do with all her unnecessary things?
- & .
She threw them away.
- Who was given the furniture?
- & .
She gave away the furniture to the poor.
- Did she leave for a few days or for a longer period of time?
- & .
She went away for good.
- Was she excited with the idea of a simple and happy life?
- &
Yes, she was carried away by this idea.
- Did the feeling of excitement lessen when the journalists appear?
- &
No, it didn t fade away.
- Did she have a word with them?
- & .
No, she turned them away.
- What did she do when they tried to follow her to the new house?
- & .
She ran away in her Ferrari.
Lesson eleven Phrasal verbs with ON
to grow on sb przypaść do gustu
% continuing
to carry on kontynuować
% starting
to get on (well) with sb być z kimś w dobrych
stosunkach to try on (clothes) przymierzyć
to go on (a diet) przejść na dietę
% showing gradual changes
to take on sb zatrudnić
to get on (of a person) starzeć się
to bring sth on/upon sb sprowadzić na
to put on (weight) przybierać na wadze
Exercise one 21
When she had been young she was always slim and fit. However, as she was getting on she
started to put on weight easily, which made her angry especially when she tried on new
clothes in the shops. To do something about this, she decided to go on a special vegetable diet
and take on a fitness instructor. They carried on exercising every day and it didn t take long
until these classes grew on her and she became gradually more and more pleased with the
effects. As she got on well with the instructor they spent a lot of time together and soon they
brought a lot of gossip on themselves.
Exercise two 22
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs with  on .
- What did she gain easily as she was
- What did they continue every day?
getting older?
- & .
- & .
They carried on exercising.
She put on weight as she was getting
- Did she start liking these classes
- When did she get angry about her
- & .
Yes, they soon grew on her.
- & .
When she tried on new clothes in the
- Did they have a good relationship
with the instructor?
- & .
- What did she decide to do with her
Yes, they got on well.
- & .
- What did they cause by spending a
She decided to go on a special
lot of time together?
vegetable diet.
- & .
They brought a lot of gossip on
- Whom did she employ?
- & .
She took on a fitness instructor.
Lesson twelve Phrasal verbs with BACK
to go back wrócić
% recollecting
to give back oddać
to look back sięgać pamięcią
% delaying or withdrawing
to bring back (memories) przypominać coś
to come back to sb przypominać się to take back wycofać, odwołać to, co
się powiedziało
% returning
to set sth back wstrzymać, opózniać
to get back odzyskać
Exercise one 23
When I look back on my childhood I realise how happy we were at those times. All these old
photographs and souvenirs bring back cheerful memories with no serious problems. It was
easy to take back anything you said if you were wrong. It wasn t even a problem to get your
friends back after having fights and arguments as nobody treated them seriously. Nothing
could really set your plans back if you didn t want it to. If your attempt didn t appear to be
successful you could always go back and try again. If you needed something you didn t
possess you could easily borrow it and then give it back. And now when I think of these
events and it all comes back to me, I feel very nostalgic.
Exercise two 24
Answer the questions about the text using phrasal verbs.
- What do you remember as the happy time of your life?
- & .
I look back on my childhood.
- What memories do the old photos return to your mind?
- & .
They bring back cheerful memories.
- Was it easy to admit that you were wrong?
- & .
Yes, it was easy to take everything back.
- Was it a problem to become friends again after having arguments?
- &
No, it wasn t a problem to get them back.
- Could anything delay or stop your plans?
- & .
Nothing could set them back.
- What could you do if your attempt didn t appear to be successful?
- & .
You could always go back and try again.
- Did you return the possessions to their owners after borrowing them?
- & .
Yes, you gave them back.
- Do these events return to your memory?
- & .
Yes, they come back to me.
Lesson one TAKE
Exercise one 25
TAKE AFTER przypominać kogoś
She resembles her mother in appearance but in character she takes after her father.
TAKE BACK wycofać (to, co się powiedziało)
OK, I withdraw all the bad things I said about my boss. I take it all back!
BE TAKEN IN zostać oszukanym, nabranym
Be careful! You can be easily deceived by him. I was taken in by his lies many times.
TAKE OFF zdjąć ubranie
This boy can t remove his scarf. Can you help him take it off?
TAKE OFF (o samolocie) startować
What time does his plane leave the ground? I guess it takes off in a few minutes.
TAKE OFF wziąć wolne w pracy
I haven t had a break at work for a long time so I ve decided to take ten days off next month.
TAKE ON zatrudnić (pracownika)
The company has decided to employ new staff. First they are going to take on a new
TAKE OVER przejąć (np. kontrolę nad czymś)
This big company will soon gain control over the local business. If they take it over, most of
the workers will be fired.
TAKE TO polubić
I didn t feel a liking for my neighbours at first. In fact, I didn t take to them for a long time.
TAKE UP zaczynać coś nowego (np. hobby)
You should start a new hobby. Why don t you take up tennis?
Exercise two 26
Listen and repeat.
She takes after her father in character.
Ok, I take back everything I said about him.
I was taken in by a conman.
Take off your shoes, please.
The plane will take off in a few minutes.
He has taken ten days off work.
I ve decided to take on a new secretary.
What if this big company takes us over?
I didn t take to my neighbours at first.
You should take up tennis.
Exercise three 27
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  take .
- Ask somebody if he resembles his mother or father.
- &
Do you take after your mother or father?
- Say you withdraw everything you said.
- &
I take back everything I said.
- Say you won t be deceived by these lies.
- &
I won t be taken in by these lies.
- Ask what time the plane leaves the ground.
- &
What time does the plane take off?
- Say that you can t remove your jacket.
- &
I can t take off my jacket.
- Say that you would like to have a three-day holiday at work.
- &
I d like to take three days off work.
- Ask somebody when he employed his last worker.
- &
When did you take on your last worker?
- Ask who is going to gain control over the business.
- &
Who is going to take over the business?
- Say that you immediately start liking honest people.
- &
I immediately take to honest people.
- Advise somebody to start boxing.
- &
You should take up boxing.
Lesson two GET
Exercise one 28
GET AT naskakiwać, krytykować
Do you really have to attack me all the time? Why don t you get at somebody else for a
GET AWAY uciec
Two dangerous prisoners escaped yesterday. Somebody must have helped them get away.
GET AWAY WITH uniknąć kary
Don t think you can avoid punishment for this. Nobody gets away with cheating during an
GET BY radzić sobie (finansowo)
I don t know how she manages to live on such a small pension but somehow she gets by.
GET DOWN przygnębiać
For me the most depressing is rainy weather. It always gets me down.
GET DOWN TO zabrać się (do pracy)
Stop playing around and start working. I tell you son, get down to work!
GET ON starzeć się
He s aged considerably since his wife s death. He s getting on before your eyes.
GET ON robić postępy
Are you making any progress with the project? Not really, it s difficult to get on without the
necessary data.
GET ON WITH być w dobrych stosunkach z
I have a very friendly relationship with my father-in-law but I don t get on well with my
GET OVER wychodzić (z choroby, szoku)
Jack s still recovering from his operation. We all hope he ll get over it soon.
GET OVER przezwycię\yć, pokonać
She can t overcome her shyness. How could we help her get over it?
GET ROUND rozprzestrzenić się
The bad news spread very quickly. It soon got round that she was divorcing her third husband.
GET THROUGH TO dodzwonić się
I couldn t reach her by phone because the line was busy. I had to try a few times before I
finally got through to her.
GET THROUGH uporać się z, przebrnąć
After many attempts, she finally got through the exam. I think she managed to pass this time
thanks to her new teacher.
Exercise two 29
Listen and repeat.
Do you really have to get at me all the time?
Two dangerous prisoners got away yesterday.
Nobody gets away with cheating during an exam.
I don t know how she gets by on such a small pension.
Rainy weather always gets me down.
Stop playing around and get down to work!
He s getting on before your eyes.
I m getting on slowly with the project.
I don t get on well with my mother-in-law.
We hope he ll get over his operation soon.
She can t get over her shyness.
The bad news got round very quickly.
I couldn t get through to her because the line was busy.
She finally got through the exam.
Exercise three 30
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  get .
- Tell somebody not to attack you all the time.
- &
Don t get at me all the time.
- Ask if the burglars escaped through the window.
- &
Did the burglars get away through the window?
- Warn somebody that they won t avoid punishment.
- &
You won t get away with this.
- Ask somebody if they ll manage to live on such a small salary.
- &
Will you get by on such a small salary?
- Ask somebody what usually depresses them.
- &
What usually gets you down?
- Say that it s high time you started working on your project.
- &
It s high time I got down to my project.
- Say that you don t want to grow old so quickly.
- &
I don t want to get on so quickly.
- Ask somebody how they are advancing with their work.
- &
How are you getting on with your work?
- Ask somebody what kind of people they have a friendly relationship with.
- &
What kind of people do you get on with?
- Warn somebody that it won t be easy to recover from such a shock.
- &
It won t be easy to get over such a shock.
- Advise somebody to do everything to overcome their weakness.
- &
You should do everything to get over your weakness.
- Ask somebody how the news of their marriage spread.
- &
How did the news of your marriage get round?
- Say that it s always difficult to reach your boss by phone.
- &
It s always difficult to get through to my boss.
- Promise to help somebody manage their depression.
- &
I will help you get through your depression.
Lesson three TURN
Exercise one 31
TURN AGAINST zwrócić się przeciwko
It was sad to see how she became an enemy of her former colleagues. She turned against them
in a most vicious way.
TURN AWAY odprawić z kwitkiem
We were not allowed to enter the nightclub because the event was only for members.
Everybody else was turned away.
TURN DOWN ściszyć, przykręcić
She asked her son to reduce the noise but he refused to turn the music down.
TURN DOWN odrzucić, odmówić
You should never turn down a job offer hastily. Think twice before you reject it.
TURN INTO zamienić się
Do you know what the princess changed into after midnight? She turned into a frog again!
TURN OUT okazać się
In the end he proved to be the wrong person for the position. He turned out to be lazy and
TURN OVER przełączyć (np. kanał telewizyjny)
When I see commercials I always change the channel. I turn over because I can t stand them!
TURN TO SB zwrócić się do kogoś
Why don t you ask your father for advice? He ll help you if you turn to him.
TURN UP podkręcić, zrobić głośniej
Each time I wanted to increase the heat in the room it got colder. Maybe you know how to
turn it up?
TURN UP pojawić się
He was the only one to arrive late for the meeting. Everybody else turned up on time.
Exercise two 32
Listen and repeat.
She turned against her former colleagues.
We were turned away from the nightclub.
She asked her son to turn the music down.
You should never turn down a job offer hastily.
The princess turned into a frog after midnight.
In the end he turned out to be irresponsible.
I always turn over the channel when I see commercials!
Why don t you turn to your father for advice?
Do you know how to turn up the heat?
He turned up late for the meeting.
Exercise three 33
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  turn .
- Promise that you will never become an enemy of your old friends.
- &
I will never turn against my old friends.
- Say that you weren t allowed to enter the nightclub.
- &
We were turned away from the nightclub.
- Ask somebody to reduce the loud music.
- &
Could you turn down the music, please?
- Advise somebody not to reject a job offer hastily.
- &
You shouldn t turn down a job offer hastily.
- Ask what the princess changed into after midnight.
- &
What did the princess turn into after midnight?
- Say that in the end he proved to be irresponsible.
- &
In the end he turned out to be irresponsible.
- Say that you change the channel when you see commercials.
- &
I turn over the channel when I see commercials.
- Ask somebody whom he asks for advice.
- &
- Who do you turn to for advice?
- Ask somebody how to increase the heat.
- &
Do you know how to turn up the heat?
- Ask somebody why he arrived late for the meeting.
- &
Why did you turn up late for the meeting?
Lesson four BREAK
Exercise one 34
BREAK DOWN zepsuć się
Our car stopped functioning one day and nobody knew why it had broken down.
BREAK DOWN stracić panowanie nad sobą
He didn t lose control of himself on hearing of her death. But he broke down completely at
the funeral.
BREAK INTO włamać się
The firemen had to break into the house. They wouldn t have saved the people inside if they
hadn t entered by force.
BREAK OFF odłamać się
First the left wing came apart and then the whole back section of the plane broke off.
He had attempted to escape several times before he finally broke out of prison.
BREAK OUT wybuchnąć, rozpocząć się
It s sheer ignorance to claim that the Second World War began in 1940. It broke out in 1939!
BREAK OUT IN pokryc sie (plamami, wysypką)
He became ill right after he d eaten strawberries. It s obvious that he broke out in a rash
because he was allergic to the fruit.
BREAK UP zerwać znajomość
Have you heard that Jack and Jill have ended their relationship? They broke up after a long
and happy engagement.
BREAK UP łamać, kruszyć
 How was the cupboard separated into smaller parts?  The builders broke it up with a
BREAK UP skończyć (zajęcia w szkole)
When does your school term end? It breaks up for the holidays in three weeks.
Exercise two 35
Listen and repeat.
Our car broke down and nobody knew why.
He broke down completely at the funeral.
The firemen had to break into the house.
The whole back section of the plane broke off.
He attempted to break out of prison several times.
The Second World War broke out in 1939.
He broke out in a rash because he was allergic to fruit.
They broke up after a long and happy engagement.
The builders broke up the cupboard with a sledgehammer.
When does your school break up for the summer?
Exercise three 36
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  break .
- Ask somebody why their car stopped functioning.
- &
Why did your car break down?
- Say that he lost control of himself at the funeral.
- &
He broke down at the funeral.
- Tell somebody not to enter the house by force.
- &
Don t break into the house!
- Say that the whole back section of the plane came apart.
- &
The whole back section of the plane broke off.
- Ask somebody why the man attempted to escape from prison.
- &
Why did the man try to break out of prison?
- Ask when the Second World War began.
- &
When did the Second World War break out?
- Say that he became covered with a rash because he was allergic to fruit.
- &
He broke out in a rash because he was allergic to fruit.
- Ask somebody why they ended their relationship.
- &
Why did you break up?
- Say that they should separate the old cupboard into smaller parts.
- &
They should break up the cupboard.
- Ask somebody when their school term ends.
- &
When does your school break up?
Lesson five LOOK
Exercise one 37
LOOK AFTER opiekować się
I don t think she s the right person to care for her children. She can t even look after herself.
LOOK AROUND / ROUND rozglądać sie za czymś
We are looking around because we want to buy a house. We are searching for it in a number
of places in the area.
LOOK BACK wspominać
My grandmother becomes very nostalgic when she remembers her past. Elderly people often
do so when they look back on their childhood.
LOOK DOWN ON spoglądać z góry na
I hate the way she looks down on people. There is no reason why she should feel superior to
LOOK FOR szukać
I ve been looking for some information about diabetes. I think the best place to search for it is
on the Internet.
LOOK FORWARD TO wyczekiwać
Children always look forward to their summer holiday. It s natural that they anticipate it with
great pleasure.
LOOK INTO zbadać
Look carefully into the case before you give your opinion. You must examine it thoroughly.
LOOK THROUGH przeglądać, wertować
My dad looks through the newspaper before breakfast. He always reads it in silence.
LOOK UP poszukać
The teacher told the pupils to look up all the new words. They had to search for them in a
bilingual dictionary.
LOOK UP TO SB szanować
You may not look up to your parents now but you will learn to respect them with time.
LOOK SB UP odwiedzić
Should you be in London again, do look us up. You are always welcome, whenever you
decide to visit our house.
Exercise two 38
Listen and repeat.
She can t look after her children.
We are looking around because we want to buy a house.
Elderly people often look back on their childhood.
I hate the way she looks down on people.
I ve been looking for some information on the Internet.
Children always look forward to the summer holiday.
Look carefully into the case before you give your opinion.
My dad looks through the newspaper before breakfast.
The teacher told the pupils to look up all the new words.
You should look up to your parents.
Should you be in London again, do look us up.
Exercise three 39
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  look .
- Ask somebody to take care of your cat while you are away.
- &
Could you look after my cat while I m away?
- Tell somebody to search in a number of places and choose the best house for them.
- &
Look around and choose the best house for you.
- Ask somebody if they ever remember their school years.
- &
Do you ever look back on your school years?
- Say that there is no reason why she should feel superior to others.
- &
There is no reason why she should look down on people.
- Suggest searching for some information on the Internet.
- &
Let s look for some information on the Internet.
- Ask if the bride is eagerly anticipating her wedding.
- &
Is the bride looking forward to her wedding?
- Advise somebody to examine both pictures in detail and find the differences.
- &
Look carefully at both pictures and find the differences.
- Ask somebody if they often read their notes just before the exam.
- &
Do you often look through your notes just before the exam?
- Advise somebody to check new words in a dictionary.
- &
You should look up new words in a dictionary.
- Say that children ought to respect their teachers.
- &
Children should look up to their teachers.
- Invite somebody to visit you when they are in the neighbourhood.
- &
When you are in the neighbourhood, look us up.
Lesson six BRING
Exercise one 40
BRING ABOUT spowodować, doprowadzić do
What brought about such dramatic changes in him? Were they caused by the death of his
BRING BACK przypomnieć, przywrócić wspomnienie o czymś
The old records reminded me of my childhood. They brought back the happiest memories.
BRING BACK odnieść
Don t forget to return the books once you ve read them. You must bring them back.
BRING STH ON ONESELF spowodować, sprowadzić coś na siebie
He was sunburnt but it was his own fault. He brought it on himself by falling asleep on the
BRING OUT ujawnić, wyzwolić
Ironically, the stress at work brings out the best in her. It reveals her perseverance and
BRING OUT wypuścić (na rynek)
They re going to produce a new album. They re bringing it out this summer.
BRING SB ROUND przekonać
You won t have to persuade her to stay longer. We have already brought her round.
If he fainted, would you know how to restore him to consciousness? I mean, do you know
what to do to bring him round?
BRING UP wychowywać dzieci
Raising a child is a very responsible task. The way you bring up your child will affect its
whole future life.
BRING UP poruszyć kwestię, temat
I hate to bring up the question of money but I think it s time someone mentioned the problem.
Exercise two 41
Listen and repeat.
His father s death brought about dramatic changes in him.
The old records brought back the happiest memories of my childhood.
Don t forget to bring the books back.
He was badly sunburnt but he brought it on himself.
The stress at work brings out the best in her.
They re bringing out a new album this summer.
We have already brought her round to the idea.
Would you know how to bring somebody round?
Bringing up a child is a very responsible task.
I hate to bring up the question of money but someone has to.
Exercise three 42
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal versb with  bring .
- Ask somebody what caused such a big change in their friend.
- &
What brought about such a big change in your friend?
- Say that old photos often cause memories to return.
- &
Old photos often bring back memories.
- Tell somebody not to return the documents unsigned.
- &
Don t bring back the documents unsigned.
- Warn somebody that if they drink too much alcohol they ll cause trouble for
- &
If you drink too much alcohol you ll bring trouble on yourself.
- Say that it was a great success to reveal the truth about the accident.
- &
It was a great success to bring out the truth about the accident.
- Ask when they are publishing the latest book by Eco.
- &
When are they bringing out the latest book by Eco?
- Tell somebody not to persuade you to their way of thinking.
- &
Don t bring me round to your way of thinking.
- Ask what the best way to restore somebody to consciousness is.
- &
What is the best way to bring somebody round?
- Ask if it is difficult to raise a child nowadays.
- &
Is it difficult to bring up a child nowadays?
- Ask who will mention the problem at the meeting.
- &
Who will bring up the problem at the meeting?
Lesson seven COME
Exercise one 43
COME DOWN ON SB krytykować, besztać
Why did their boss criticise them so severely? He came down on them for their arrogance.
COME BACK TO przypomnieć się
Every time I look at this picture, the good old times come back to me. I remember them
COME INTO odziedziczyć
My uncle came into a fortune at a very young age. He inherited the money when he was only
COME OFF powieść się
Despite long preparations, the party didn t come off as planned. Actually, nothing happened
as we wanted.
COME OUT wyjść w druku
When will his latest book be available? I think it will come out next year.
COME ROUND odwiedzić, wpaść do kogoś
Why don t you visit us tomorrow? You could come round at seven.
COME ROUND / TO odzyskać przytomność
We were obviously relieved when she regained consciousness. I don t want to think what
would have happened if she hadn t come round.
COME UP pojawić się, paść w rozmowie
Who mentioned the pay rise at the meeting? I must say it came up quite unexpectedly.
COME UP TO sprostać, spełnić oczekiwania
His test results didn t come up to his expectations. They weren t as good as he had expected.
COME UP WITH wymyślić, wykombinować
You d better find a good excuse for your absence at school. If you don t come up with
something convincing, the teacher will be furious.
Exercise two 44
Listen and repeat.
Their boss came down on them for their arrogance.
Every time I look at this picture, the good old times come back to me.
My uncle came into a fortune at a very young age.
Unfortunately, the party didn t come off as planned.
When will his latest book come out?
Why don t you come round at seven?
We were relieved when she came round.
The question of the pay rise came up quite unexpectedly.
His test results didn t come up to his expectations.
You d better come up with a good excuse for your absence.
Exercise three 45
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  come .
- Say that the teacher criticised his pupils very heavily.
- &
The teacher came down on his pupils very heavily.
- Ask somebody if they now remember the details of the accident.
- &
Do the details of the accident come back to you now?
- Say that everyone would like to inherit some money.
- &
Everyone would like to come into some money.
- Promise to help somebody if their plans fail.
- &
I ll help you if your plans don t come off.
- Say that her memoirs have just been published.
- &
Her memoirs have just come out.
- Ask somebody not to visit you in the afternoon.
- &
Please, don t come round in the afternoon.
- Advise somebody to call an ambulance if the girl doesn t recover consciousness soon.
- &
You should call an ambulance if the girl doesn t come round soon.
- Tell somebody to call you only if something unexpected happens.
- &
Call me only if something unexpected comes up.
- Ask somebody if their new job is as good as they expected.
- &
Does your new job come up to your expectations?
- Ask who had the idea to hide the money in the vase.
- &
Who came up with the idea to hide the money in the vase?
Lesson eight GIVE
Exercise one 46
GIVE AWAY zdradzić, wyjawić
Her trembling voice gave her away. It betrayed her nervousness.
GIVE AWAY rozdać, podarować
You shouldn t give all your money to the poor. You ll be poor yourself if you give away
everything you have.
GIVE IN ulec, ustąpić
He begged her to forgive him but she wouldn t agree. She didn t give in to him even though
he promised her a new fur coat.
GIVE STH IN wręczyć, dostarczyć
We must hand over the tests in two hours. If we don t give them in on time, they will be
declared invalid.
GIVE OFF / OUT wydzielać, emitować
This factory chimney gives off a strange smell. I think it may be emitting poisonous gases.
GIVE OUT rozdać, dystrybuować
My first job was distributing leaflets in the street. I had to give out about a thousand of them
each day.
GIVE OUT (o zapasie) wyczerpać się
Our food supply will give out soon. I hope we ll be rescued before it completely comes to an
GIVE UP zaniechać, rzucić
You had better stop smoking. A pregnant woman should give up cigarettes if she wants to
have a healthy baby.
GIVE UP poddać się, zrezygnować
Don t give up too easily! It s silly to stop trying after the first failure.
GIVE SOMEBODY UP porzucić nadzieję na ocalenie kogoś
My father was so sick that we stopped believing he would survive. But luckily, the doctors
didn t give him up and he was saved.
Exercise two 47
Listen and repeat.
Her trembling voice gave her away.
You shouldn t give away all your money.
He begged her to forgive him but she wouldn t give in.
We must give in the tests in two hours.
This factory chimney gives off a strange smell.
My first job was giving out leaflets in the street.
Our food supply will give out soon.
You should give up smoking.
It s silly to give up after the first failure.
The doctors didn t give him up and he was saved.
Exercise three 48
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  give .
- Ask somebody not to reveal the ending of the film.
- &
Please, don t give away the ending of the film.
- Ask somebody why they got rid of their furniture for free.
- &
Why did you give away your furniture?
- Ask somebody if they would ever admit their defeat publicly.
- &
Would you ever give in publicly?
- Remind somebody to hand over the documents before they leave.
- &
Don t forget to give in the documents before you leave.
- Ask why the eggs are emitting such a bad smell.
- &
Why are the eggs giving off such a bad smell?
- Ask somebody to distribute the papers in the class.
- &
Could you give out the papers in the class?
- Explain that your patience came to an end when he lied.
- &
My patience gave out when he lied.
- Advise somebody to stop eating sweets.
- &
You should give up eating sweets.
- Promise that you will never stop trying to be the best.
- &
I will never give up trying to be the best.
- Say that everyone stopped believing that the miner could be saved.
- &
Everyone gave the miner up.
Lesson nine CUT
Exercise one 49
CUT DOWN ON zmniejszyć, ograniczyć
The doctor advised me to reduce my consumption of sugar so I cut down on it significantly.
CUT IN wtrącić się
I hate the way she interrupts people while they are speaking. Why does she always have to cut
CUT OFF odizolować
The earthquake isolated a big part of the coast. Gradually, the piece that had been cut off
turned into an island.
CUT OFF wyłączyć, odciąć dostawy np. prądu
If you don t pay your bills the electricity supply will soon be stopped. It will be cut off within
one week.
CUT OFF rozłączyć, przerwać rozmowę telefoniczną
I was on the phone to my boss when the conversation was cut off. It was disconnected at a
very important moment.
CUT OUT wyciąć, usunąć
The producer decided to remove all the violent scenes from the film. He cut them out to make
it more suitable for young people.
CUT SB OUT OF wydziedziczyć
Mr Scrooge threatened to disinherit his nephews if they didn t work for him. They did but he
cut them out of his will anyway.
CUT STH UP pociąć
My eccentric aunt always divides her meat into seven pieces. She believes that if she cuts it
up this way it will bring her luck.
Exercise two 50
Listen and repeat.
The doctor advised me to cut down on sugar.
I hate the way she cuts in on conversations.
An earthquake cut off a big part of the coast.
The electricity supply will be cut off within one week.
My conversation was cut off at a very important moment.
The producer decided to cut out all the violent scenes from the film.
He cut his nephews out of his will.
My eccentric aunt always cuts up her meat into seven pieces.
Exercise three 51
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  cut .
- Ask somebody when they are going to reduce their expenses.
- &
When are you going to cut down on your expenses?
- Advise somebody not to interrupt during the discussion.
- &
You shouldn t cut in on the discussion.
- Say that living in the countryside has isolated you from cultural life.
- &
Living in the countryside has cut me off from cultural life.
- Ask somebody if they know why the power supply was stopped.
- &
Do you know why the power supply was cut off?
- Ask why your phone was disconnected.
- &
Why was my phone cut off?
- Ask who removed the best part of the cake.
- &
Who cut out the best part of the cake?
- Promise somebody never to disinherit them.
- &
I will never cut you out of my will.
- Ask why she cut her boyfriend s photo into pieces.
- &
Why did she cut up her boyfriend s photo?
Lesson ten PUT
Exercise one 52
PUT ASIDE odkładać, oszczedzać
Try to save some money for later. If you put aside small sums every month, you ll be a rich
PUT OFF przeło\yć (na pózniej)
The manager postponed the meeting for some personal reasons. He had to put it off till next
PUT OFF zniechęcać
My son is so easily discouraged from learning. Any small failure at school can put him off.
PUT ON wkładać (ubranie)
I won t let you in unless you are properly dressed. You must put on a jacket and a tie.
PUT ON (WEIGHT) przytyć
She s obsessed about putting on weight. She always counts the calories so as not to grow
PUT ON wystawić sztukę
The last time we staged a school play it was a great success. That s why we ve decided to put
one on again this year.
PUT OUT zgasić
It took hours to extinguish the fire. Luckily, the firefighters managed to put it out before the
church was burnt to the ground.
PUT THROUGH łączyć ( rozmowę telefoniczną)
The secretary refused to put me through, claiming that the boss was at a meeting. But I m
convinced she was told not to connect my phone calls.
PUT SB UP przenocować kogoś
We can give you accommodation if the hotels are fully booked up. We can put you up
overnight any time you stay in town.
PUT UP WITH tolerować, znosić
It s really difficult to tolerate my cousin. I can t put up with his constant grumbling.
Exercise two 53
Listen and repeat.
Try to put aside small sums every month.
The manager put off the meeting till next week.
My son is easily put off learning.
I won t let you in unless you put on a jacket and a tie.
She s obsessed about putting on weight.
The last time we put on a school play it was a great success.
It took hours to put out the fire.
The secretary refused to put me through.
We can you put you up if the hotels are full.
It s really difficult to put up with my cousin.
Exercise three 54
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  put .
- Suggest saving some money to go for a luxury cruise.
- &
You should put aside some money to go for a luxury cruise.
- Say that you have decided to postpone your departure until you get better.
- &
I ve decided to put off my departure until I get better.
- Tell somebody not to be discouraged if they fail their driving test.
- &
Don t be put off if you fail your driving test.
- Advise somebody to dress smartly for the theatre.
- &
If I were you, I would put on smart clothes for the theatre.
- Say that you have gained weight lately.
- &
I ve put on weight lately.
- Ask when the new musical will be staged.
- &
When will the new musical be put on?
- Ask somebody to extinguish the cigarette.
- &
Could you put out the cigarette, please?
- Ask somebody to connect you to room 55.
- &
Could you put me through to room 55, please?
- Refuse to give accommodation to somebody because you have a small flat
- &
I can t put you up because I have a small flat.
- Say that you can t tolerate your noisy neighbours.
- &
I can t put up with my noisy neighbours.
Lesson eleven RUN
Exercise one 55
Puppies love chasing things. The funniest thing, however, is when they run after their own
RUN AWAY uciekać
The boy escaped through the window during the daytime. It s strange that nobody saw him
running away.
RUN OVER przejechać, rozjechać
He was driving in the fog when he hit and knocked over something. When he got out of the
car he realised he had run over a cat.
RUN DOWN krytykować
I could hardly stand it when he criticised me for being too slow. But when he ran down my
whole work so far, I burst out.
RUN INTO wpaść, zderzyć się z
There was nothing left of his motorbike after he ran into a tree at full speed.
RUN INTO SB spotkać kogoś przypadkiem
Yesterday I ran into my old maths teacher. She must live in the neighbourhood because we
just met by chance in the street.
RUN OUT OF wyczerpywać się, kończyć się
My patience is almost used up. I will run out of it soon if you don t stop making this noise.
RUN OUT tracić wa\ność
 What should I do if my passport expires when I m abroad?  If it runs out, you should go to
the embassy and ask for a new one.
RUN THROUGH / OVER powtarzać, przećwiczyć
When I learn my lines I usually repeat them for practice several times. But I never run
through them on the day of a rehearsal.
RUN UP AGAINST napotkać (np. problemy)
As a policeman you are forced to deal with all kinds of problems. You must know how to
behave when you run up against difficulties.
Exercise two 56
Listen and repeat.
Puppies often run after their own tails.
The boy ran away through the window.
He realised he had run over a cat.
I couldn t stand it when he ran down my work.
He ran into a tree at full speed.
Yesterday I ran into my old maths teacher.
I will soon run out of patience.
What should I do if my passport runs out?
I never run through my lines on the day of a rehearsal.
As a policeman you may run up against difficulties.
Exercise three 57
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  run .
- Ask somebody why they had chased that man in the street.
- &
Why did you run after that man in the street?
- Ask somebody if they had ever escaped from school.
- &
Have you ever run away from school?
- Say that your neighbour was once knocked down by a bus.
- &
My neighbour was once run over by a bus.
- Tell somebody not to criticise you unfairly.
- &
Don t run me down unfairly.
- Ask somebody if they have ever collided with another car.
- &
Have you ever run into another car?
- Ask somebody whom they met by chance at the shops.
- &
Whom did you run into at the shops?
- Tell somebody not to worry if they use up all the coffee.
- &
Don t worry if you run out of coffee.
- Ask somebody what to do if your driving licence expires.
- &
What should I do if my driving licence runs out?
- Suggest rehearsing the marriage vow one more time.
- &
Let s run through the marriage vow one more time.
- Tell somebody they must be prepared to encounter strong opposition.
- &
You must be prepared to run up against strong opposition.
Lesson twelve GROW
Exercise one 58
GROW FROM być wynikiem, wywodzić się z
I m sure her depression resulted from her unhappy childhood. It must have grown from the
fact that her parents had neglected her.
GROW INTO wyrosnąć na
Her only wish was that her sons should develop into good people. She would never have
expected them to grow into thieves and liars.
GROW INTO dorosnąć do
The little boy can t wait till he becomes big enough for his new trainers. He s decided to drink
a lot of milk to grow into them faster.
GROW ON SB coraz pozytywniej działać na kogoś
At first I couldn t stand opera but with time it grew on me. It became more pleasing after I
had dated an opera singer.
GROW OUT OF wyrosnąć z czegoś
He gave away most of his toys when he became too old to play with them. The only one he
didn t grow out of was his toy train.
GROW UP dorastać, rozwijać się
It s amazing how quickly our children become older. They grow up before we know it.
Exercise two 59
Listen and repeat.
Her depression grew from her unhappy childhood.
Her sons grew into thieves and liars.
The little boy can t wait till he grows into his new trainers.
Opera grew on me with time.
He will never grow out of his toy train.
It s amazing how quickly our children grow up.
Exercise three 60
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  grow .
- Ask somebody where their interest in music resulted from.
- &
Where did your interest in music grow from?
- Promise to develop into a good patriot.
- &
I will grow into a good patriot.
- Say that the boy will soon become tall enough for his father s suit.
- &
The boy will soon grow into his father s suit.
- Say that the idea of emigrating is slowly becoming acceptable to you.
- &
The idea of emigrating is slowly growing on me.
- Say that you have already become too big for your school uniform.
- &
I ve already grown out of my school uniform.
- Ask somebody why they don t want to become an adult.
- &
Why don t you want to grow up?
Lesson thirteen SET
Exercise one 61
SET ABOUT zabrać się za
It took her hours to start preparing dinner. When she finally set about cooking it was late
SET BACK stanowić przeszkodę, wstrzymywać
The construction of the highway was said to be delayed by the severe winter. But it was also
set back by poor management.
SET IN nadejść, ustabilizować się
After rainy weeks it seems that autumn has set in for good. It began early this year and will
probably continue.
SET OFF / OUT wyruszyć
The journey is long so they want to start it early. Actually they are thinking about setting off
at dawn.
SET OFF detonować, uruchomić
Nobody knows what really caused the bomb to explode. Some say that it was set off by a
radio signal.
SET ON poszczuć
He often threatens to cause his dog to attack me. I think one day he might really set his dog on
SET UP zakładać
Don t try to establish a business on your own. It s always better to set it up together with
somebody else.
SET UP wrobić
The accused claimed he was unjustly incriminated. He said he was set up by his partner.
Exercise two 62
Listen and repeat.
It took her hours to set about cooking.
The construction of the highway was set back by the severe winter.
Autumn has set in for good.
They want to set off at dawn.
The bomb was set off by a radio signal.
He often threatens to set his dog on me.
Don t try to set up a business on your own.
The accused claimed that he was set up by his partner.
Exercise three 63
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  set .
- Advise somebody to begin working on the project.
- &
You should set about working on the project.
- Ask somebody if the earthquake delayed their building plans.
- &
Did the earthquake set back your building plans?
- Tell somebody to leave before the storm begins for good.
- &
Leave before the storm sets in.
- Ask somebody what time they want to start their journey.
- &
What time do you want to set off?
- Tell somebody not to light fireworks in this way.
- &
Don t set off fireworks in this way.
- Ask somebody who caused the dog to attack you.
- &
Who set the dog on me?
- Ask somebody when they are going to establish a family.
- &
When are you going to set up a family?
- Ask somebody why they are trying to incriminate you.
- &
Why are you trying to set me up?
Lesson fourteen CARRY
Exercise one 64
BE / GET CARRIED AWAY dać się ponieść emocjom
The football fans got very excited after their team had scored. They got so carried away that
they broke the fence.
CARRY OFF odnieść sukces
Although the critics doubted that the young actor would succeed in the play, he carried it off
CARRY ON awanturować się
The helpless mother just watched her son behaving wildly. No matter what she did, he carried
on like a little savage.
CARRY ON (WITH) kontynuować
You must continue with your work. If you don t carry on with it, you won t get anywhere.
CARRY OUT przeprowadzić, spełnić
First we must conduct a survey among teenagers and then carry out the same survey among
their parents.
CARRY STH THROUGH przeprowadzić (pomimo trudności)
I m sure the scientist will complete his research in spite of the difficulties. He will carry it
through even if it takes a long time and lots of money.
Exercise two 65
Listen and repeat.
The football fans got carried away after their team had scored.
The young actor carried off the performance brilliantly.
The boy carried on like a little savage.
If you don t carry on with your work, you won t get anywhere
We must carry out a survey among teenagers.
The scientist will carry his research through in spite of the difficulties.
Exercise three 66
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  carry
- Advise somebody not to get excited during the TV debate.
- &
Don t get carried away during the TV debate.
- Say that you are sure he will perform the speech successfully.
- &
I m sure he will carry off the speech.
- Tell somebody not to behave in a foolish way when he loses a game.
- &
Don t carry on like a fool when you lose a game.
- Advise somebody to continue walking no matter what.
- &
You should carry on walking no matter what.
- Ask somebody if they will fulfil their promise before you come back.
- &
Will you carry out your promise before I come back?
- Advise somebody to complete the plan despite all the objections.
- &
You should carry the plan through despite all the objections.
Lesson fifteen GO
Exercise one 67
GO DOWN obni\yć się (o cenie)
I ve found some nice shoes but I m waiting till they are cheaper. I will buy them when they
go down to half the price.
GO DOWN WITH zachorować na
Last week I became very ill and had to stay at home. I went down with flu.
GO IN FOR startować w, uprawiać
He loves quizzes and has taken part in many competitions. I m sure he ll soon go in for a TV
GO OFF eksplodować
Be careful, the bomb can explode any minute! If it goes off in here, hundreds of people will
be injured.
GO OFF uruchomić się
I don t like it when car alarms sound in the street. What I really hate is when they go off in the
middle of the night.
GO OFF (o \ywności) psuć się
If the pork goes off you must get rid of it immediately. There is nothing worse than meat that
has become smelly.
GO OFF SB / STH przestać lubić / podobać się
At first she was mad about Joe but after a year she suddenly stopped liking him. It seems she
went off him without any reason.
GO ON WITH kontynuować
After a fierce argument the old couple behaved as usual. The man continued with his
gardening and the woman went on with her knitting.
GO OUT zgasnąć
Last night we were playing cards, when suddenly the lights stopped working. They went out
for almost three hours.
GO OUT WITH SB chodzić z kimś, umawiać się na randki
I m not sure how long John has been dating Debbie now. I guess they ve been going out for
two years or so.
GO UP (o cenie) wzrosnąć
Most people are worried that the prices of houses might go up again because they have risen
at least twice this year.
Exercise two 68
Listen and repeat.
I will buy the shoes when they go down to half the price.
Last week I went down with flu.
He loves quizzes and goes in for many competitions.
Be careful, the bomb can go off any minute!
I hate it when car alarms go off in the street.
If the meat goes off you must get rid of it.
She went off her boyfriend without any reason.
After an argument the woman went on with her knitting.
We were playing cards, when suddenly the lights went out.
They have been going out for two years.
The prices of houses might go up again.
Exercise three 69
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  go .
- Ask somebody if they will buy the car when the price becomes lower.
- &
Will you buy the car when the price goes down?
- Ask what you should do if you become ill with smallpox.
- &
What should I do if I go down with smallpox?
- Advise somebody to take part in a beauty contest.
- &
If I were you I would go in for a beauty contest.
- Explain that if somebody touches the trigger the gun will fire.
- &
If somebody touches the trigger the gun will go off.
- Say that your alarm clock didn t ring this morning.
- &
My alarm clock didn t go off this morning.
- Tell somebody not to drink the beer because it has become stale.
- &
Don t drink the beer because it has gone off.
- Ask somebody why they have stopped liking chocolate.
- &
Why have you gone off chocolate?
- Advise somebody to continue with their work after a short break.
- &
You should go on with your work after a short break.
- Ask when the fire stopped.
- &
When did the fire go out?
- Ask somebody who they are dating at the moment.
- &
Who are you going out with at the moment?
- Tell somebody not to sell the bonds until they increase in value.
- &
Don t sell the bonds until they go up in price.
Lesson sixteen MAKE
Exercise one 70
MAKE FOR kierować się ku, zdą\ać ku
The children took the biscuits from the table and headed for the door. They made for the exit
so quickly that I didn t have time to stop them.
MAKE OUT zrozumieć
I m dyslexic and I can t understand written texts well. It s always difficult for me to make
them out the first time I read them.
MAKE OUT udawać, twierdzić
Don t make out you re innocent. Sooner or later people will find out you did it.
MAKE UP zmyślić historię
My grandmother had a real gift for inventing bedtime stories. She could make them up on any
subject I wished.
MAKE UP pogodzić się
I have no idea how to become friends again with my sister. We had a terrible fight and I m
sure saying  sorry won t be enough to make it up with her.
MAKE UP FOR nadrobić
After the war he studied both law and medicine to make up for lost time. In this way he
managed to compensate himself for five long wasted years.
MAKE IT UP TO SB wynagrodzić coś komuś
Don t worry, I ll find a way to compensate you for the money you wasted on this business.
I ll make it up to you somehow.
Exercise two 71
Listen and repeat.
The children took the biscuits and made for the exit.
It s difficult for me to make out written texts.
Don t make out you re so innocent.
My grandmother makes up bedtime stories.
I have no idea how to make it up with my sister after our terrible fight.
He studied both law and medicine to make up for lost time.
I ll make it up to you somehow.
Exercise three 72
Listen to the instructions and make sentences using phrasal verbs with  make .
- Say that it s late and you d better head for home.
- & & & &
It s late and we d better make for home.
- Say you couldn t understand what they wanted.
- & & & &
I couldn t make out what they wanted.
- Say he isn t as good a doctor as some people claim.
- & & & &
He isn t as good a doctor as some people make out.
- Ask somebody if they like inventing stories.
- & & & &
Do you like making up stories?
- Advise someone to end a quarrel and become friends again.
- & & & &
You should make it up.
- Say that nothing could compensate for losing her husband.
- & & & &
Nothing could make up for losing her husband.
- Ask somebody how you can compensate them for losing their book.
- & & & &
How can I make it up to you for losing your book?
