161 be grammar verbtenses2

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Business English Grammar Exercise | Topic: Mixed verb tenses 2
Choose the best response to complete each sentence:
1. __________________________ a strike, the company gave in to the workers' demands.
a) Hoping to prevent b) Hoped to prevent c) Hope to prevent
2. Our employees __________________________ our strongest asset.
a) are being b) are c) to be
3. __________________________ that for another meeting.
a) Let's to leave b) Let's be leaving c) Let's leave
4. Our office usually __________________________ at 5:00 PM, but today we're staying open until
a) closes b) is closing c) closed
5. __________________________ business in third-world countries can be a frustrating experience.
a) To do b) Having done c) Doing
6. Please ask Robert _________________to the meeting.
a) to be coming b) to come c) come
7. By the time my boss gets here, I _________________ my report.
a) will have finished b) would be finished c) finish
8. From now on, we __________________________ things differently.
a) will be doing b) A or C c) will do
9. If he had told me about this earlier, I __________________________ someone else.
a) will have hired b) would have hired c) will hire
10. I __________________________ those changes last week.
a) have implemented b) have been implementing c) implemented
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Business English Grammar Exercise | Topic: Mixed verb tenses 2
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) c 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) c
