Language and Skills Test 7B Units 13 14

Name_________________________________ Class__________ Total 50
1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.
0 You haven t got a temperature so it s not flu. I think you ve just got a bad cold .
1 Please don t make too much noise. I ve got a terrible h____________.
2 Every year it s the same. People cut the grass and my h____________ f____________ starts.
3 I m not going to that restaurant again. I ve got a bad s____________. I don t think they cooked
dinner properly.
4 Did you hear about Mr Jones? He came back from Asia with a strange v____________.
5 Here s your p____________. Take it to the chemists and they ll give you your medicine.
6 I m very ill. The doctor gave me strong a____________.
7 Don t try to carry that box, it s too heavy. You ll get b____________ .
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2 Circle the correct words.
0 We had to wait three hours at the anthem / border / treaty between Poland and Germany.
1 In America you have / make / take the right to stay silent.
2 The EU and America are going to sign / pass / make a treaty on trade.
3 Our President had / took / made a speech in Brussels yesterday.
4 There was a fire at the EU government / parliament / diplomat building in Brussels.
5 My father worked as a diplomat / diplomacy / diplomatic for many years.
6 I think the government will lose the next elect / elector / election.
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3 Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences.
0 Talking in exams is not allowed.
You mustn t talk in exams .
1 It s not a good idea to watch too much TV.
You __________________________________________________________________.
2 It would be a good idea to do more exercise.
You __________________________________________________________________.
3 I really need to get my haircut.
I __________________________________________________________________.
4 You can get up early if you want or you can stay in bed.
You don t __________________________________________________________________.
5 Climbing here is not allowed.
You __________________________________________________________________.
6 It says in the cinema to switch off your mobile phone.
You __________________________________________________________________.
7 You ll get better without any medicine.
You __________________________________________________________________.
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4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
0 Who (you vote) would you vote for in the election if you (be) were British?
1 If you (feel) ________________ ill (you go) ________________ to the doctor?
2 We (not live) ________________ here if it (not be) ________________ safe.
3 If I (not feel) ________________ better tomorrow, I ll call the doctor.
4 If I (be) ________________ you, I (not go) ________________ out with her.
5 Complete the text with the correct question tags.
A Where s Colin? He s coming today, (0) isn t he ?
B Yes, he is. It s only 3 o clock. He isn t late yet.
A No, I guess not. You re going to meet him, (1) ________________?
B Yes, at the train station. Then we re having a party. I ll be good to see him again,
(2) ________________?
A Yes. He s always fun to have around. We haven t seen him for ages, (3) ________________?
I wonder if he s changed.
B You remember when he left, (4) ________________?
A How can I forget. It was a wild day, (5) ________________?
B Yes, it was. Your dad shouted at us, (6) ________________?We had to go home before he
called the police!
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CD Track 8
1 Listen to seven people talking about their problems. Match the speakers (1-7) with the headings
(A-H). There is one extra heading.
A It ll have to come out ________
B Have a proper break ________
C First time ________
D I should have just danced ________
E What will they think of me? ________
F Switch off before it s too late ________
G I can t enjoy the sun ________
H A large prescription ________
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1 Read about some myths about the EU. Put the sentences A-H in the correct place in the text. There is
one extra sentence.
The straight banana and other Euromyths
Many people in Britain think that the EU is trying to change our lives completely. Newspapers
make this worse by writing stories that aren t exactly true. Here below are some of the most famous
of these stories
The straight banana is possibly the most famous of all the EU myths. British papers told their
listeners that the EU didn t like the shape of bananas. (1)__________. What the EU really said was
that the size and quality of bananas should be looked at. There was a similar story about cucumbers.
That wasn t true either.
Vegelate. Newspapers told their readers that chocolate would have to be called vegelate. This was
because the EU said English chocolate didn t have enough cocoa or milk fat. (2)__________. What
did the EU really say? That chocolate bars would have to say, on the packet, what was in them. The
name wouldn t have to change.
Euro CV.  All people will have to use an EU CV . That s what the papers said. (3)__________ Not
at all. The EU have made a standard CV but nobody has to use it. They thought it would be easier
for employers to compare applicants from different countries. Not a bad idea really!
.eu internet addresses The EU wants to stop people using the .uk internet address said the papers.
Of course nobody has to change. There is an .eu address. (4)__________ But the .uk address can
still be used too.
British exams. This sounded very serious. A levels, which students take at 18 will go.
(5)__________ What did the EU want to do? They wanted to help students from different countries
study anywhere they wanted in the EU. The best way to do this was not to have just one exam. It
was to help all countries understand the exams in the other countries. (6)__________
Road numbers. Someone saw a map which said E30 not the M4. They thought the EU had changed
our road numbers. (7)__________ It was the UN who thought up the Trans Europe Road Network.
But the UN didn t say the road numbers would have to change. There are now two numbers which
are both used.
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A They thought it would be easier for employers to compare applicants from different countries.
B That wasn t the only time
C There was a similar story about cucumbers.
D They wanted to help students from different countries study anywhere they wanted in the EU
E They thought the EU had changed our road numbers
F It was to help all countries understand the exams in the other countries
G The name wouldn t have to change.
H There is an .eu address
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1 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
A Have you got any (0) tips on (1) __________ to feel healthy?
B Well, I think it s a good (2) __________ to get some professional advice. You know, ask a
doctor or something.
A You know about these things. (3) __________ you give me some (4) __________?
B Well, if I (5) __________ you, I d take up a sport. Get some exercise. Also, it s (6) __________
not to eat greasy, fried food.
A Yes, you re right. But it s difficult. I love chips!
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