
English as a
Foreign Language
Part 1
You must answer this question.
1 You are studying in Cambridge at present and two friends from your country are coming to visit
you next month. During their visit they would especially like to spend a few days in Edinburgh and
you are planning to go with them. A travel agency has given you the following information. Read
it carefully. Then write a letter to your friends, giving them some information about the three
different ways of travelling to Edinburgh. Suggest which you think is the best way and explain why.
Cambridge dep. Edinburgh arr.
07.00 12.15
07.56 13.38
09.00 14.12
Return fare: Ł90 (Friday and Saturday)
" Edinburgh
Ł75 (all other days)
30% off with a young person s rail card.
" Cambridge
" London
Cambridge to Edinburgh - 540 km
Cambridge dep. Edinburgh arr.
11.00 22.05
18.08 06.35
22.30 12.25
Car hire: Ł40 a day plus petrol and
Return fare: Ł60 (Friday and Saturday)
Ł45 (all other days)
30% off with a young person s coach
Write a letter of between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate style on the opposite page. Do
not write any addresses.
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Part 2
Write an answer to one of the Questions 2  5 in this part. Write your answer in 120  180 words in
an appropriate style on the opposite page, putting the question number in the box.
2 You have just seen the following advertisement:
" What is your favourite programme on TV?
" Why do you like it?
We are looking for short articles answering these questions and
we will publish some of the best articles next month.
Write your article for the International TV Weekly magazine.
3 You have been asked to write a story for a student magazine beginning with these words:
I wanted to give my best friend a surprise &
Write your story.
4 You are going to start a short English course at a new language school. To help the school to put
you in the most suitable class for you, you have been asked to write a report for the Director of
Studies, describing what you find easy and what you find difficult about learning English.
Write your report.
5 Background reading texts
Answer one of the following two questions based on your reading of one of the five set books:
A Passage to India - E M Forster Pygmalion - G B Shaw
Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Crime Never Pays - Oxford Bookworm Collection
Your answer should contain enough detail to make it clear to someone who may not have read
the book. Write the letter (a) or (b) as well as the number 5 in the question box, and the title of
the book next to the box.
Either (a) Which part of the book do you think is most important and why?
Or (b) Write a short article for your college magazine about the character in the book
which you would most like to meet and the questions which you would ask that
Page 3
Appropriacy of Register and Format
Informal letter.
Major points: Reference to forthcoming holiday.
Information about the different ways of travelling to
Edinburgh, with reference to cost and time/distance.
Suggestion of best option and reason(s) why.
Language of description, comparison and suggestion.
Minor points: Any additional information.
Vocabulary relating to travel.
Organisation and Cohesion
Target Reader
Clear opening to letter. Cohesive devices may be used to
Would have enough information on which to base an
contrast the different ways of travelling. Suitable
evaluation of the writer s suggestion.
paragraphing. Appropriate ending.
Dear my friends,
I resived your letter and I m writing about go to Edinburgh with you next month.
I went to a travel agency and got some information. If we go there by car, the cost will be Ł40
a day plus petrol and insurance. It s the cheapest. But we ll have to rent a car and will have to
find parks ofen.
If we go there by coach, the cost will be Ł45 unless we go there on friday or Saturday.
But it ll take us about 10 hours.
So shall we go there by train.
The cost will be Ł75 unless we go there on friday or Saturday. It ll take us about five hours.
We can spend most of the time in Edinburgh. I m going to get the tickets and am planning
about what we do there.
If you have questions or good idea, call or write me as soon as posibble. Otherwise see you
next month.
Look forward to seeing you.
Love Louise
Appropriacy of Register and Format
Friendly tone e.g. Otherwise see you next month.
All major content points have been included, with a clear
suggestion of best option; expressed very simply - So shall
we go there by train.
An adequate range of structure and vocabulary for the task
with some good tense control e.g. The cost will be Ł75
unless we go ...
The errors do not obscure communication (apart from find
Target Reader
parks), though they occasionally distract the reader e.g. Dear
my friends; If you have questions or good idea, call or write
Would be adequately informed.
me as soon as posibble.
Band 3
Organisation and Cohesion
The letter is well organised and gets straight into the task.
Ideas are suitably paragraphed and an attempt has been
made at appropriate opening and closing formulae.
Page 4
Dear Christine,
Thank you for your letter, which I got it yesterday. I was very surpraised that you and
Juan are deceided to coma to visit me next month. You couldn t have chosen a better
time because I ll have my hafe-term brake from school so I ll be able to spend whole
week with you. I ve already made a few attempts to find out, the cheapest way to get
to Edinburgh, as you said you wanted to see this place. In my opinion, the best way is
to get a train from Cambridge to Edinburgh, because the juorney is quite long and
tairing. However, this is not the cheapest one.
Another way to get there is by coach but the time we ll be there is late evening or
early morning and we ll have to travel for whole night and I know how you hate
traveling by coach. There is another possibility to travel there, which is hiring a car, it
is quite cheap and convinient but I can t drive here and so you because of right hand
driving. I hope all the inforrmation which I provide here will help you to make the
right deciedion. I can t wait to see you here, I m sure we ll have a grate time. Looking
forward to seeing you soon.
Content Appropriacy of Register and Format
Good realisation of the task set, though the letter is over-long. A consistently friendly tone, appropriate to the purpose and
audience, with direct personal reference.
There are several basic spelling errors e.g. surpraised; brake;
tairing. Errors occur even when more complex language is Good range of structures e.g. you couldn t have chosen; ...
not attempted e.g. which I got it; you and Juan are deceided. so I ll be able to spend; ... I know how you hate traveling.
These keep it in Band 3.
Target Reader
Organisation and Cohesion
Would have enough information on which to base an
Paragraphs are not always clear, but good linking devices are
used e.g. Another way to get there; ... as you said you
wanted ...
Band 3
Page 5
Content Appropriacy of Register and Format
Description of favourite TV programme, including title of the Consistently semi formal or informal, possibly within a
programme. Reasons for liking it. letter.
Language of description and opinion. Expressions of
Target Reader
preference. Vocabulary relating to TV.
Would learn something about the programme and
understand why the writer likes it so much.
Organisation and Cohesion
Clear opening to the article, with early reference to the
programme chosen. Suitable paragraphing. Conclusion.
My favourite TV programme
I write to give an opinion on one of the TV programmes. It s  Cooking is fun directed by a well-
known cook, Stiven Watson. It may not seem to be very interesting, but let me explain what a good
this programme makes to people.
Most of us doesn t like to cook and usually buys food which is almost ready to serve. And I was
one of those before I switched on the TV once. Stiven teaches step by step, that cooking can be
easy and what s more, pleasant. The recipes he gives are clearly understood, and all the pieces of
the dish, you are going to make, are easy to buy. That puts you in a comfortable situation in which
you feel that you are able to do it. Following the instructions, you can make a great supper or bake
a delicious cake withouth too much difficulties. All you need is a good will. That s why I
appreciate this programme, because it s not for the best, for those who already tasted cooking. It s
for those who think that kitchen is the part of the house, where they don t need to come in, unless
they want to have a drink.
I give the highest mark to the producers and I hope they won t give up persuading that cooking is
 step by step ,  I hope they won t give up persuading... .
Good realisation of the task, though the article is over-long.
Organisation and Cohesion
Reasonably clearly organised.
Patchy. The writing is awkward in places e.g. ...because it s
not for the best, for those who already tasted cooking. Errors
Appropriacy of Register and Format
occur mainly when attempting more complex language e.g.
Most of us doesn t like to cook and usually buys food...
some poor punctuation e.g. ...of the dish, you are going to
Target Reader
Would have a clear idea of the programme.
Band 4
Ambitious use of vocabulary and some structures e.g.
 Following the instructions, you can make a ... ,
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Appropriacy of Register and Format
Consistently informal or neutral. NB Written for a weekly
Personal story that continues from the words given. Should
include reference to a best friend and some sort of surprise.
Target Reader
Would be able to follow the storyline.
Narrative. Past tenses. Relevant vocabulary.
Organisation and Cohesion
Could be minimally paragraphed, but clear progression in
the story through linking devices and sequencing.
I wanted to give my best friend a surprise to visit african Countries particarly french
speaking countries Zaire and Senegal.
When I gave last mounth a travel document to my best friend she was surprise, happy;
She told me, your are kindly, since my childhood I wish to spend more time in Africa,
it is the best surprise for me. I would like to visit a volcan and okopi animals in the
natural park; says my friend.
One week to ago, Josiana is name, told her parents, who were glad for Josiana s visit.
When we fly to Zaire, Josiana meet another friends enthousiast, beautifull. and she
decide to live in Zaire where she established a foundation for help the blind people.
Josiana realise her dream.
This story is true.
Content Organisation and Cohesion
Ideas are inadequately organised and paragraphed. Linking
The task is attempted but not adequately achieved.
devices are rarely used.
Appropriacy of Register and Format
Many basic errors, some of which may obscure
communication at times e.g. One week to ago, Josiana is
name, told her parents, who were glad for Josiana s visit.
Limited evidence of language control.
Target Reader
The message is not clearly communicated.
Band 2
Limited structural range which is not adequate to cover the
task. Vocabulary is reasonable in parts e.g. where she
established a foundation ...
Page 7
Appropriacy of Register and Format
Formal register. Report may begin in the form of a letter.
Description of what is easy and what is difficult for the
Sub-headings may be used.
Target Reader
Would know enough about the writer to place them in a
Language of description and opinion. Vocabulary relating to
suitable class.
learning a language.
Organisation and Cohesion
Clear opening to report. Suitable paragraphing. Concluding
To Director of Studies.
Dear Sir.
My name is Anna. I came to London to improve my English language and I decided to
take an English course at your school. I m writing this letter to help you put me in the most
suitable class for me. I used to learn English at school in my country but it was only reading and
writing including some old gramatical rules.
I have found the most difficult for me English pronaunciation, phrasal verbs and some
specifical constructions of sentences, probably idioms.
My vocabulary is not good enough, I know just some of the basic, mostly using sounds. I need to
renew my knowledge about English grammar as well. I realized some rules have changed or they
are not using by English people nowadays. I hope I can find oportunity in your school to use
English mainly speaking with another students.
Your sincirely,
Content Organisation and Cohesion
Adequate with a clear opening and concluding sentence.
The candidate has not described what is easy explicitly, but
The closing formula is problematic - your sincirely.
the difficulties are covered fully.
Appropriacy of Register and Format
A number of basic errors e.g. another students; they are not
It is a report within a letter format, which is acceptable.
using by ... which don t impede communication.
Target Reader
Would know which class to put her in!
This is a typical FCE answer - just satisfactory. There is an
adequate range of structure and vocabulary. More ambitious
Band 3
attempts appear clumsy e.g. I need to renew my knowledge
about...; I have found the most difficult for me English
Page 8
To discribe my good points and weak points in learning English, I should like to mention on 5
skills of operating English.
(1) Listening - In general, I am good at listening, but there is a weak point. I am not used to
diarects or accents especially northern accents, because I am surrounded by RP speakers.
(2) Pronounciation - I do not have such a big problem, but I would like to improve my skill
by learning how to link words together and special rules.
(3) Writing - As I do not have enough vacaburary, I sometimes face difficulties in writing,
especially in formal styles. Essay writing is my weak point.
(4) Reading - I have gained skills like scanning and skimming, but I still have difficulty in
intensive reading.
(5) Seminor Skills - This is the weakest skill of mine. I am not good at interrupting into
other s discussion, but when it is in a small group, I feel more confidence. I like presentation
using some visual aids like over head projectors.
As a whole, I need to improve skills (3), (4) and (5) in the list above, so I would like to
experience essay writing and diverts or discussions in your English course.
Content Organisation and Cohesion
Well organised.
The task has been realised.
Accuracy Appropriacy of Register and Format
The register is consistently appropriate. The candidate has
Generally accurate but errors occur when attempting more
employed an appropriate report format, which uses
complex language e.g. I should like to mention on 5 skills of
numbered points and topic headings effectively.
operating English.
Target Reader
The report would have a positive effect on the reader, who
Within the limits of the task set this is more than adequate
would know exactly which class to place the writer in!
e.g. I would like to improve my skill by learning how to... A
range of relevant topic vocabulary has been used e.g.
Band 4
accents; scanning and skimming; visual aids.
Page 9
Content Appropriacy of Register and Format
Summary of the part of the book the writer thinks is most Neutral. Composition layout.
important. Explanation why.
Target Reader
Range Would understand why the writer thinks the part of the book
Language of summarising and explanation. chosen is most important.
Organisation and Cohesion
Linking of summary and explanation.
Passage to India. By E.M. Forster
The part of the book I think is most important is the description of the trial where Dr. Aziz
was accused of having assaulted Miss Quested at the Marabar Caves. The fact took place
during a visit to the caves that occured a few days after Miss Quested arrivd to India. She
visited the caves with other British friends but entered in one cave all by herself. Finding
herself alone she became very frightened and, after hearing strange noises, she became
really frightened. So she thought that Dr. Aziz was near her, pushing her and trying to
assault her. In panic, she run away and accused him of having assaulted her.
It was during the trial that she realised she could be wrong and found herself in an awkward
position: she was ashamed of having accused him without reason and, on the other hand,
she was afraid of what might be the reaction of her British friends that had supported her
I think she was realy brave in having admited her mistake and I admire her for having
enough courage to admit her fault despite all prejudices she could have.
Content Organisation and Cohesion
Well organised with a variety of linking devices e.g. ...the
Summarises the part of the book the writer thinks is
description of the trial where ...; Finding herself alone she ...
important and the explanation required by the task is
implicit in the final paragraph.
Appropriacy of Register and Format
Accuracy Consistently appropriate.
Minimal errors only e.g. arrivd to India, entered in one cave,
In panic, she run away, but generally the candidate shows
Target Reader
good control.
Would understand why the writer thinks the part of the book
chosen is most important.
There is a wide range of structure and vocabulary e.g. ...was
accused of having assaulted ...; ... and I admire her for
Band 5
having enough courage to admit her fault despite ...
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