Frater Motivation Agents of Manifestation at the Edge of Chaos

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"Agents of Manifestation at the Edge of Chaos"
Chaos Magick
by Frater Motivation
IOT World
In this article I will present a meta-model for anomalous
manifestation that utilizes what I call agents of
manifestation as well as a number of other terms. Many of
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these are synthetic terms that I will use in an attempt to
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convey core concepts while still trying to avoid references to
specific paradigms. When I do make specific references, these
will hopefully only be made in order for you to see the
applicability of a concept or to help place something in a
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framework that youll be more comfortable with. Much of what I
will cover is in many ways old ground, but please read on.
Also, please note that nothing is true and everything is
permitted, so that if I appear to be drawing a box around
something at any point, please feel free to go outside that
box and see if what I'm saying still makes sense. This is only
a model, but one that I feel explains a lot of things.
A lot of people have different views about magick, different
styles, different methods, but if you move past dogma and
feelings, you find that there are some common observations
that can be made about much of what happens under the label of
results oriented magick.
Results and their manifestation:
A successful result often comes by unexpected ways. A
successful result often appears to be due to synchronicities.
Results due to ritual, whether successful or not, often have a
specific feel to them. Side effects, or collateral effects are
not uncommon, but ideally are minimized. Results rarely
manifest through movie magick special effects style
pyrotechnics. Results most often manifest through people,
whether 3rd party, the magician, or the target of target based
magick. Results often manifest through 3rd parties, whether
directly or indirectly. Results are gross scale effects and
perceptible to the magician and others. Successful magicians
claim a high rate of success. Magick doesnt seem to have a
high success rate for certain classes of result, such as
winning at games of chance.
A strong belief in magick and in your ability to work it, seem
to help. Paradoxically, ultimate emotional feeling within
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ritual, followed by totally forgetting about the result you
want after the rituals climax, seems to help. Avoiding lust of
results seems to help.
State of gnosis is the mental state from which the actual work
or climax is achieved. Extraneous thoughts seem to hinder the
process, which is one of the reasons that some people banish
before a ritual, to clear their heads. There is obviously more
than this, but Im picking things that will let me begin to lay
down a foundation for the model that I will be presenting. For
now, Im going to focus on results and their manifestation.
From the above observations on results, Im going to make the
following assumptions:
1) Results are often not manifested directly by the magician.
2) Results are usually manifested through 3rd party agents,
whether directly or indirectly.
3) The exact method and agents of manifestation are almost, if
not always, never known ahead of time by the magician. (i.e.
ritual is done with only the result in mind, not the method of
4) Results are gross scale manipulations of probability.
The argument for an agent based model:
CMT looks at what were attempting to do in terms of
probabilities. Results oriented magick, in its most basic
guise, is an attempt to improve our odds at getting a desired
result. For the sake of limiting the scope of this article, I
will focus on what could be called the anomalous manipulation
of the probability of a given result.
Can we as humans directly affect the probability of a given
outcome in an anomalous manner? At this point I will drop down
into a paradigm, that of science. The question of Psi powers
and the ability of humans to affect reality with just the
power of the mind, has been a topic of scientific research for
a number of years. Though there are a number of theories as to
how this is achieved, one thing that seems to be clear from
the numerous studies that have been done is that humans have
the ability to manipulate probabilities in an anomalous
manner. What also should be noted is that this manipulation is
of a very small, but still statistically significant, size.
Common sense would seem to be in line with this. There aren't
a lot of spoon benders in the various magick circles Ive
traveled. Casinos are still in business and making a good
profit. Of course there are probably exceptions to this rule,
but I personally havent met them and certainly not amongst any
of my friends who practice magick.
If we dont seem to inherently have the ability to manipulate
probabilities on a gross scale, then should we look to other
paradigms for the answers? Are external entities doing the
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work - servitors, gods, energy beings, enochian angels? If we
use common sense and experience, then again we see problems
with other paradigms as well. Religious miracles are indeed
miraculous, and not commonplace. The Catholic Church is not
winning. Im still here despite the fact that millions of
Christians are busy praying for the demise of cartoon evil.
Anomalous gross scale manipulations of probability seem to be
rare, without regard for who or what is the driving force.
When external entities are employed, its still rare that such
a being materially manifests the magicians desire in a direct
way. Agents of manifestation are still used, regardless of who
or what is acting in the capacity of what I call engines of
magick. The same basic observations about results in results
oriented magick seem to apply no matter what the paradigm
used. There is variation of course, but we still see the same
sorts of things.
So what about magick allows us to anomalously manipulate
probabilities on a gross scale? How can we affect change on
such a regular basis that more than a few magicians run around
claiming high rates of success and command of their universe?
From the above observations it would seem that Agents are the
prime source of manifestation of a magicians desired result.
This is still not a big stretch. If the result isn't popping
into existence out of thin air, then someone or something is
manifesting it, i.e. an Agent of manifestation. Were still
left with a bit of a gap though.
If direct manipulation of anything more than the slightest
degree is so rare, then how is it that we can affect the
agents that manifest our desired result? Through chaos.
If the agents that manifest our desired results are chaotic
dynamic systems, in particular, systems that ideally sit at
the edge of chaos, then we can with a slight manipulation of
starting parameters, affect a gross scale manipulation of
probability (the so called butterfly effect). This is not just
another model striving to incorporate the term chaos into its
description, but a fairly simple model that fits extremely
well with observations about results oriented magick, as well
as with current CMT.
The Model:
The path from the magician to his/her desired result involves
what I call engines of magick, agents of manifestation and
interference. Magicians employ engines of magick in order to
maximize the manipulation of agents of manifestation. These
agents are what directly manifest the will of the magician.
All humans, entities, and things that are capable of acting in
the idealized fashion of an engine of magick, are also capable
of random and low-grade manipulation of the available pool of
agents which ultimately has a negative effect upon the
probability of success. This is known as interference.
Engines of magick:
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The role of an engine of magick is to maximize the probability
of the magicians desired result, by maximizing the total
probability function for the agents of manifestation. This is
not a flat 2d function, but is a multidimensional function. It
must somehow know a number of things, then have enough energy
to set things into motion. Such knowledge might include:
1) What agents are available to manifest a result.
2) What agents can be manipulated to manifest a result.
3) What starting parameters for a potential agent should be
manipulated to achieve a given result.
4) How the starting parameters of a chaotic dynamic system
must be manipulated in order to have the system unfold and
achieve the desired result.
5) What combination of agents in serial or parallel might be
necessary to achieve a result.
6) When such manipulation should take place.
Many other involved pieces of information:
This is a damn tall order. It requires an incredible level of
prescience and anomalous knowledge, though not omniscience.
Luckily, as magicians we have such capabilities, or at least
in theory we do. Occult lore speaks of such knowledge with
flowery terms such as Seeing with our higher self, seeing into
higher dimensions or energies, knowing, etc. A scientific
paradigm might call it a mix of ESP and quantum computing. If
we believe in divination however, or more than just believe,
have experienced it, then such anomalous knowledge and
computing are within reason. If we believe in external
entities, then such abilities fall just as easily to them.
This does not mean that it is an easy task. It requires that
an engine of magick has to do some pretty amazing things, from
both an anomalous knowledge standpoint, and a subtle
manipulation standpoint. As it is an attempt to maximize the
probability of success, it will not always succeed, it will
not always choose the best agent or agents, and it will not
always do it in a straightforward manner. It will find the
best maximization that it is capable of, using what it has at
its disposal.
What exactly is an engine of magick? It is anything that
serves the above meta-function. It can be any number of things
more specifically, depending upon your paradigm. It could be a
single engine that is in fact some function of the brain of
the magician, or it could be the multiple engines of multiple
magicians doing group ritual. It could also be some function
of an external entity (for you theists), a single synthetic
engine formed by a group as an egregore or an individual as a
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servitor, or a single engine formed by a group by
synchronizing their individual brain based engines.
Agents of manifestation:
The role of the agents of manifestation is to manifest
results. Potential agents are ANY system capable of
manifesting a result. As the engine of magick must maximize
the end probability, certain things can be assumed about what
makes a good agent. The agent should have a reasonable base
probability of manifesting a required effect. A boulder in
California has a low probability of getting you a job in NYC.
If it is a conscious task, then the agent should not be
against it. For agents that are sentient, there are any number
of actions that, though capable of, they would not perform
because it is against their will. This should not be a problem
for nonsentient agents. The engine of magick should be able to
manipulate it effectively in order to achieve a desired
Ideally, an agent is a chaotic dynamic system that sits at the
edge of chaos. An overly chaotic system becomes too
unpredictable and would not be an effective agent. At the
extreme, a totally random system has no predictability at all.
Conversely, a strictly non-chaotic system has no butterfly
effect to take advantage of, and would not amplify the
manipulation as well.
The amount of interference that the agent brings with it
should be minimal. For human agents and others that can
potentially function as engines of magick, they should not
bring excessive interference to the operation. An agent that
has strong emotional attachment to some aspect of the
operation is going to be doing his or her own subtle
manipulation to the systems involved.
Agents are the systems that ultimately manifest a change in
probability that gives us our result. We should not
directly/consciously choose these agents, as that is one of
the functions of the engine of magick.
An obvious assumption is that agents must be humans. Although
this is often the case (if you look closely enough at your
successful results oriented work, theres almost always a human
agent manifesting the result somewhere in the mix), this is
not a requirement of this model. Agents can include one or
more systems acting in serial or parallel. This can be human,
non-human, weather, pollen in the air, servitors, gods,
whatever. It can also be the magician him/herself, or the
target or targets of a working. Again, the engine of magick
has to optimize the fabric of possibility toward a desired
result. Some agents optimize better than others.
If we choose to use the sensitivity of chaotic dynamic systems
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as a method for amplifying a very small effect into something
much bigger, then were also forced to deal with interference
on this level. What is the difference between a magician and
every Tom, Dick and Harry who really wants something and
simply wishes for it? It is my belief that all humans, in fact
anything that is capable of acting in the idealized capacity
of an engine of magick, are also capable of a very low-grade
version of this same manipulation. Magick involves reaching a
state of gnosis and then, with enhanced knowledge and ability,
manipulating the starting parameters of chaotic dynamic
systems that in turn manifest the will of the magician. Even
the magician can perform this same low-grade manipulation.
This is the dreaded lust of results that occurs outside of
ritual. This is why it is so imperative to forget your desired
result and to banish, with laughter or otherwise, at the tail
end of a ritual. Interference comes from many quarters. These
Interference from the populace at large.
Interference from other magicians.
Interference from the target or targets of a ritual.
Interference from the magician.
Any degree of fixation or desire can potentially direct
interfering manipulation at the pool of chaotic dynamic
systems that the magicians engine of magick has so carefully
manipulated and maximized toward a purpose. This same
sensitivity to starting parameters that the engine of magick
takes advantage of also leaves them susceptible to
interference. An obvious question is whether or not an engine
of magick would know ahead of time about future interference
and compensate for it. This is of course a possibility, but as
such interference would clearly increase the complexity of
prediction, it only makes sense that it would decrease the
overall probability of success for an operation.
Does the model match observation?
Manifestation through agents of manifestation that are ideally
chaotic dynamic systems seems to fit observation fairly well.
Manifestation often seems random and unpredictable. The
feeling of synchronicities and coincidence also makes sense
with such a model. Side effects or collateral effect makes
total sense as the end result of interference changing the
course of an agents intended unfolding. Certain classes of
result would have a much smaller chance of being affected
through magick. Completely random events, such as the outcome
of the lottery where there is no easy way for an agent to
manipulate the system, would be an example of this.
Does it play well with current CMT?
I believe that it does. It helps explain a number of things in
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my opinion. Why a magickal link would be of help, why belief
is important, why detachment about the result outside of the
ritual is so important, what the purpose of the state of
gnosis is. Additional thoughts and practical application Group
ritual becomes problematic unless certain things occur.
Ideally there is either only one engine of magick doing the
manipulation, or all engines of magick are operating in total
concert with each other. If this is not the case, then they
will interfere with the subtle manipulation required of the
agents. This could mean that there is only one operator, and
that the rest of the participants simply pump energy for the
operator, acting as the engine of magick, to use. In theory,
multiple operators could somehow sync their engines of magick,
and form a larger composite engine.
Another possible solution is the formation of synthetic
engines, or egregores. Certain results oriented work would
seem to be a waste of time. Situations that are bereft of good
agents (chaotic dynamic systems) or that cannot be easily
manifested by agents would seem to be bad candidates for a
The more emotionally charged a desired result is, the more
potential interference. Something without emotional content
would be easier to do than say affecting the outcome of a
football game. Every fan in that stadium is generating some
degree of noise. It would seem that the engine of magick is
able to manipulate without regard to the limits of time.
Certain results are clearly manifested through agents that
were set into motion prior to the actual ritual. Psi research
involving retro-PK would seem to buttress this concept.
Humans are often good agents, but they are not the only
chaotic systems. In theory agents can be entities (if your
paradigm includes such things), but also any chaotic system
such as the weather, that is subject to the butterfly effect.
Something to think about and research, self organizing systems
(SOSs) seem to form most readily at the edge of chaos EOC. For
those of you who like the quantum brain model of magick, the
type of maximization of agents done by the engine of magick is
a good match for quantum computing.
What I've presented in this article is a stripped down version
of a more complete model. I feel that although not a pure
meta-model, this shortened version will give you enough
information so that you can apply it to whichever paradigm you
feel most comfortable with. Please note that the focus of this
article is on results oriented magick, and is only one of a
number of potential magicks. The logical concepts of engines
of magick and agents of manifestation, although synthetic in
nature, hopefully avoided some of the confusion that paradigm
specific references might have caused. Please feel free to
reshape them and apply them however you feel necessary. To sum
this whole article up in one sentence:
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Results oriented magick most often involves reaching a state
of gnosis and then, with this enhanced knowledge and ability,
manipulating the starting parameters of chaotic dynamic
systems that in turn manifest the will of the magician.
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