install (14)

| vbHome Lite |
| Version 2.0 |
| By Nakkid ( hacker)
| Email(Messenger):
| This hack will create a vBulletin(powered) homepage for your website. |
| |
| The advantage of this hack is that you can interact better your |
| website with vBulletin. |
| vbHome (lite) is fully customizable through vBulletin templates, so |
| it's very easy to achieve any look or webdesign you want. |
| |
| NOTE: You are allowed to use this hack only if you agree not to remove |
| the vbHome Lite link in the custom footer. |
| home
| home_avatar
| home_headinclude
| home_header
| home_footer
| home_threadbits
| home_newsbits
| 01. First, create a new forum, called NEWS. I recommend you to create
| a new group also, called Journalists and give them permissions to view it.
| The best way is to have the NEWS forum hidden to all members, except
| the Journalists and Administrators. You can do this easy by setting
| the right permissions in your vBulletin admin panel.
| NOTE: Don't forget to set the $newsforum variable in index.php to the
| right value. For example, if your NEWS forum have the ID 38, your
| variable should look like:
| $newsforum=38;
| 02. In index.php, set the rest of variables. Here there are all of them,
| explained in detail:
| $newsposts=15;
| - the number of news posts listed on the main homepage.
| $maxthreads=30;
| - the number of latest threads, listed on the left hand side of
| your main homepage.
| $maxchars=25;
| - how long it will be the latest threads title. If the title is
| longer then 25 characters, the extra text will be replaced with
| dots.
| chdir("/home/path/to/forum");
| - the path where your forum/global.php is located. Note that
| you must enter the path, not the URL.
| If you don't know what is your path, simply create a info.php
| file with the content:
| and place it where forum/global.php is. Load it in your browser.
| 03. Customize all your templates (listed below) the way you like.
| 04. In index.php, you will see this segment of code:
// ###############################################################################
// ## VBULLETIN CODE #############################################################


// ## END VBULLETIN CODE #########################################################
// ###############################################################################
| To add more vBulletin options into your main homepage, all you have to
| do is open the specific .php file and copy-paste the code.
| For example, if you want to add the private messages code, do this:
| a. open forum/index.php and find:
| //check usergroup of user to see if they can use PMs
| b. copy-paste that segment of code into your index.php file.
| Was this easy? Yes. ;)
| 05. Set your {imagesfolder} to the full url. To change this, go to
| your admin control panel:
| Replacements > Modify > {imagesfolder} > [change original]
| and change the "Code to insert" to the full url, instead of "images".
| Example:
| NOTE: There are 2 templates ("bbcode" and "standarderror") that
| require some extra html code altering. Find this code:
| $bburl/{imagesfolder}
| and replace it with:
| {imagesfolder}
| 06. Set your smilies to the full url. To change this, go to
| your admin control panel:
| Smilies > Modify > [edit]
| and change the "Path to image" to the full url, instead of "images".
| Example:
| File: index.php (vbHome Lite) |
| Place index.php into your root.
| NOTE: Don't forget to edit the root path (chdir) and the rest of
| custom variables, located at the top of this file.
| File: vbhome_lite.php (table installer) |
| Run the vbhome_lite.php installer in your /admin folder
| to alter the 'thread' table.
| File: newthread.php |
| Find:
| BELOW this, add:
if ($forumid==2) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET articleid=$postid WHERE threadid=$threadid");
| NOTE: '2' is the value of your news forum. Change it to whatever forum ID
| you selected.
| Template: home |
| Place into it the following code:

$bbtitle Home Page


$threadbits $newsbits


| Customize this template the way you want.
| Template: home_avatar |
| Place into it the following code:

| Customize this template the way you want.
| Template: home_header |
| Place into it the following code:


Here you can view your subscribed threads, work with private messages and edit your profile and preferences
Registration is free!
Find other members
Frequently Asked Questions


| Customize this template the way you want.
| Template: home_footer |
| Place into it the following code:

Powered by: vbHome (lite) and vBulletin Version $templateversion

Copyright ©2000, 2001, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited.


| Customize this template the way you want.
| NOTE: Do NOT remove the vbHome (lite) link or vBulletin info.
| Template: home_headinclude |
| Place into it the following code:

| Customize this template the way you want.
| Template: home_newsbits |
| Place into it the following code:

$newsavatar $newstitle


- by $newsusername on $newsdate $newstime

| Customize this template the way you want.
| Template: home_threadbits |
| Place into it the following code:

$geticon $gettitle$getdots

$getdate $gettime by $getusername

Replies: $getreplys

| Customize this template the way you want.
| Now that you created all files listed above, is time to go live
| with your new vBulletin(powered) main homepage.
| Congratulations!! ;)


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