MERCURY INSTEAD OF TUNGSTEN The letter to EC, 21 12 2009r

 Still to the neighbouring ports they waft,
Proverbial wiles and ancient craft.
George Gordon Bayron  The Giaour
The main aim of the European Commission should be providing Europe with the
organization structure which would guarantee development and competitiveness with regard
to the rest of the world. It is puzzling, however, that it forces using harmful technology
resulting in disastrous ecological and environmental effects. What we mean are so-called
energy-efficient bulbs which are not, and never have been bulbs but they are simply
fluorescent lamps in a compact form, not sources of light with tungsten radiant element. It is
only a front  people have had enough of fluorescent lamps, and they are back by a different
name and in a different shape. The Commission fails to comment on the mercury present in
those forced to be used products. Its effect is contrary to the UE law forbidding producing
and selling articles containing mercury and generating dangerous waste which used
fluorescent lamps undoubtedly are. It is questionable why the European Commission does
not mind the mercury in the fluorescent lamps.
Not a single commercial of the fluorescent lamps warns people against mercury and
its toxic metabolites despite the fact that advertisements, in accordance with the binding
laws, warn against inappropriately taken drugs and their health consequences. It is assessed
that during the post-war period approximately 500 million fluorescent lamps, which is over 30
tons of mercury, have landed in polish rubbish dumps. Used fluorescent lights ended up in
municipal rubbish dumps, were buried near the place of residence or smashed in dustbins.
Also nowadays, the broken glass is put into concrete base course and other constructional
materials. It is going to be the same with the next dangerous waste, namely broken
fluorescent lights. The degree of contamination of the environment with mercury is going to
Mercury, similarly to every chemical element, is indestructible. It has been confirmed
by the European Center of the Environment Medicine (ECEM) as it stated that there is no
satisfactory system of storage and destroying used fluorescent lamps containing mercury.
Even if the used fluorescent lamp is returned while buying the new one, there is no
guarantee of its proper utilization. Moreover, we do not believe in the utilization (which costs
1 zl per piece!) at all. Mercury is the second most dangerous (plutonium is the first) chemical
element on Earth. Its organic compounds, e.g. thimerosal and methyl mercury are especially
toxic. The degree of poisoning of the oceanic fish has reached the level which is dangerous
for human foetal life. What is more, thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines causes
permanent mutilations and serious nervous system diseases, for instance autism and ADHD.
These diseases currently constitute a greater hazard to the society than temporary, curable
contagious illnesses. Thimerosal, similarly to other compounds of mercury, destroys neurons
when present in even nano-molar concentrations, while officially the content of mercury in a
fluorescent light is supposed to be 5 mg! From the point of view of toxicology, it does not
make any difference if citizens are poisoned with mercury from thermometers or, so-called
compact fluorescent lamps. We do not want another Minamata in stages, which is being
prepared by the European Commission. There is no room for the products containing
mercury on the market, especially for ones which are so universally used as bulbs. Breaking
the bulb with radiant fibre is not dangerous at all. Breaking so-called compact fluorescent
lamp results in poisoning of the room. Recommended one hour ventilating can be treated
only as a gloomy joke. This small amount of mercury multiplied by the number of households
and the average fluorescent lights consumption gives the amount which is enough to result in
births of thousands of handicapped children. Even micro-gram amount is toxic.
The official reason for this decision, given by the European Commission, is energy
saving. However, it turns out to be a scarce saving. It is estimated that in a global range 20
% of the whole production of energy is used for lightning, 8% o which is used by households.
Even if every person in the world changed bulbs it would result in 6 % energy saving. Real
consumers of energy in our households are not bulbs, but vacuum cleaners, irons, freezers
and washing machines. Also air conditioners are becoming more and more popular. A usual
3000W electric kettle during 3 minutes uses as much energy as a fluorescent light uses
during 3 hours. Would anyone dare to propose withdrawal of such equipment? What kind of
saving is it if we have other, much more energy-intensive devices in our households? Why is
not it emphasized that the production of one fluorescent light costs ten times more energy
than the production of the traditional bulb? Producers of fluorescent lamps tout their life-
span. However, it turns out that by usual cycles of turning on and off their life-span is
shortened to such an extent that their work shorter than traditional bulbs.
In this case, energy saving is just a myth. The  energy-saving fluorescent lights are
not popular and do not sell well. Additionally, they are worse than traditional bulbs: they
provide unpleasant light which damages eyesight, are not durable, but easy to break, they
turn on with a delay, and after some time their work is becoming worse. What is more, they
squaw and blink, demonstrate harmful stroboscopic effect causing concentration disorders
and eyesight damage, turning them on and off results in increased consumption of energy
and premature wear and tear. They also distort colors showing unnatural color of the
complexion and, therefore, should not be used while photographing.
The implied saving is just an illusion, taking into consideration the time needed to
achieve the full value of the luminous flux. Fluorescent lights should be continuously turned
on because, as it has already been mentioned, turning it on and off frequently results in its
short life-span. According to the results of research conducted by independent scientific
centres in the West, fluorescent lights can cause depression, hasten glaucoma, and have
negative effects on people suffering from migraine and epilepsy. Discharges occurring in the
fluorescent lamps generate ultraviolet light and can trigger cataract and skin cancer. These
effects are accompanied with the previously described results of pollution of the environment
with mercury, such as feeling, eyesight and hearing disorders, insomnia, vertigo, worse
memory, kidneys damage, hypertension, bones deformation and cancer. Undoubtedly, such
problems are not results of using traditional bulbs.
Another drawback of fluorescent lights is their price. Now people pay about 2 zl per
one bulb, whereas it is going to be 30-40 zl per piece plus 1 zl to pay for the utilization.
People are going to choose cheaper Asian fakes which do not comply with any requirements,
e.g. this of the 5 mg mercury content. Companies producing sources of light are going to
make a gigantic profit as a result of the currently introduced directives. The European
Commission should not favour any of the producers. The case of fluorescent lamps is setting
a dangerous precedent. Which dangerous and unpopular good is going to be promoted
next? GMO perhaps? Anja Weisgerber, German MP of the European People's Party,
emphasized the fact that the decision concerning fluorescent lamps has been made by the
European Commission  too fast, without social consultation, and behind both the European
Parliament s and UE citizens back . The legislative process has not been initiated.
In our opinion, the European Commission should withdraw the decision to force
citizens to use fluorescent lights as quickly as possible, as it can be seen as marketing. It is
widely known that misleading advertisements are punishable according to the law fighting
with unfair competition. What is more, these actions are not only contrary to the UE law but
also unethical. We expect the European Commission and the European Parliament to
promote real ecology, and not forcing people to use harmful products in the name of empty
platitudes about energy saving. As it has been already mentioned in the introduction, we
expect the European Commission to accomplish strategic goals in the world of changing
Fortunately, Polish society has not entirely lost the instinct of self-preservation or
sense of reality which is proven by the newspaper headlines, for example  Let s buy bulbs or
 A bulb conspiracy  . Officially, we are a democratic country, so why the decisions are being
made without our opinions and votes? Why are not we free to choose? Apparently, there is a
market economy.
To conclude, we state that forcing people to use products generating dangerous
waste and violating the law concerning products containing mercury is incompatible with EU
authority. There has been infringement upon the law as such a crucial issue should be
considered by the European Parliament. Another charge is exposing the society to the
above-mentioned health effects of the higher level of mercury in households and outside of
them, together with damaging the eyesight and discomfort resulting from unhealthy lighting.
The estimated amount of mercury that would be brought is 1 ton a year in Poland whereas
0.000001g Hg or its nano-molar amounts are already toxic.
Prepared by:
1. Przemysław Sanecki
2. Anna T. Lorens
3. Piotr M. Skitał
4. Sławomir A. Kozarski
5. Piotr Kosior
Rzeszow, 21. 12. 2009.
1. Krzysztof Różycki, Kupujmy żarówki; Patryk K. Urbaniak, Zmowa żarówkowa, Angora 18/2009.
2. W. Żagan, Warunki wycofywania żarówek z eksploatacji i ich racjonalnej wymiany na
energooszczędne zródła światła w pomieszczeniach domowych, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny Nr
3. Kryteria zdrowotne środowiska: Rtęć. Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich, Warszawa 1983.
4. Rozporządzenie Komisji (WE) nr 244/2009 z dnia 18 marca 2009 roku
5. Raport WHO Elemental mercury and inorganic mercury compounds: human health aspects,
Genewa 2003.
6. Raport WHO: Exposure to mercury: a major public health, Genewa 2007.
7. Otmar Lahodynsky i in., yle się jarzy, Forum Nr33/17.08.-23.08.2009.
8. David Apel, Toksyczne świetlówki, Świat nauki listopad 2007.
9. Tomasz Teluk, Tomasz Molga, Nie zabierajcie nam żarówek, Wprost, 6 września 2009.
10. Magdalena Lipecka, Pożegnanie z żarówką, Czysta energia Nr 4/2009.
11. Senator Susan Collins, Ochrona dzieci i środowiska przed rtęcią, polskie tłumaczenie J. Górecki:
12. List pani prof. Marii D. Majewskiej, Szczepienia, autyzm, i oficjalne kłamstwa, http://www.autyzm- adobe.pdf , lub
13. Inger Lorelei, Zwykła żarówka, czyżby najzdrowsza? Cz.1, NEXUS wrzesień-pazdziernik 2003.
14. Inger Lorelei, Zwykła żarówka, czyżby najzdrowsza? Cz.2, NEXUS listopad-grudzień 2003.
15. Marcin Maj, PE: Zakaz sprzedaży żarówek jest niedemokratyczny, link:


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