Cooper McKenzie Strangers in the Morning (pdf)

Strangers in the
Cooper McKenzie
To new friends
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the
author s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental.
Strangers in the Morning by Cooper McKenzie
Red Rose"! Publishing
Publishing with a touch of Class! "!
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Red Rose"! Publishing
Copyright© 2010 Cooper McKenzie
ISBN: 978-1-60435-771-4
Cover Artist:
Editor: Belle
Line Editor: Red Rose"! Publishing
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Red Rose"! Publishing
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Strangers in the
Cooper McKenzie
 I know I don t need a man in my life, but it would be nice to have one
around on occasion. I heard the whiny tone in my voice, but couldn t help myself.
I d been divorced for three years and was lonely and horny.
 So what are you going to do about it? Lara, my best friend, had been with
me through my rocky marriage, my divorce and now my growing desire for a new
man in my life.
I looked Lara in the eye, then shifted my gaze to the picture on the wall over
her shoulder. Two hands reaching toward one another, mother and child passing
an orange Gerbera daisy between them. I wanted that. Someday. But first I needed
a man in my life.
What was I going to do? I d been asking myself that question for weeks
now, ever since I d started waking up in the middle of the night after dreams of
naked bodies, sweat and sex that had left me hot and frustrated.
 I have no clue, I admitted softly.  All I do know is that I want to meet
someone who is the exact opposite of Rat Bastard X. Someone caring and sexy
who can appreciate me for my weaknesses and quirks as well as my strengths. Is
that too much to ask for?
Lara was grinning by the time I finished my rant. Then she reached for her
Palm Pilot.  I have just the man. Big, built and bald, he s the most honest guy I ve
ever met. She scrolled through her contact list, then reached for her cell phone.
Without another word to me she punched a number in and waited for an answer.
 Hey, it s Lara. What are you doing tomorrow night?
My eyes got wide and I waved my hands and shook my head, trying to stop
her from setting me up on a blind date.
Lara waved me off and turned away.  Yes, I know you said you ve given up
looking for anything serious. That s good because neither is she. Yeah, uh huh. She
glanced at me then turned away again and lowered her voice.  Remember that
picture you ve been drooling over for months now? Uh huh. Yes. Okay. We ll be
there. She hung up and put the cell phone in her pocket before I could grab it
away from her.
 Tomorrow night at seven thirty. Dinner at Baker s Square. Dress casual.
I was so overwhelmed I could find no words. My mind had gone completely
blank. I opened my mouth, snapped it closed and then took a deep breath.  I
cannot believe you just did that.
 Why not? Kendall Malone, you need a man. You are not the type of woman
who can spend her life alone. He s perfect for you. All I m doing is helping you find
each other. What comes out of it is up to the two of you.
 He s not going to expect me to sleep with him tomorrow night, will he?
Kendall seemed to take some perverse pleasure at my near panicked
question.  It s time to put the past to rest. Bear is a completely different sort of
man than Rat Bastard X or anyone else you have ever met before. He won t demand
you do anything you don t want to do. If you do want sex, I think Bear s the perfect
specimen. Just do me a favor before tomorrow night. Go buy some condoms and
not out of some bathroom vending machine. Just in case.
 Yes, Mom. I pushed out of my chair and headed for the front door before
Lara had me engaged and married to this Bear person.
As I walked the two blocks from Lara s house to my own, my brain became a
pendulum swinging from thoughts of canceling the dinner to wondering if I
should buy some sexy underwear, just in case. Then I pondered pursuing a one
night stand with a friend of Lara s whom I would probably never see again.
That meant buying condoms. Did I have the guts to buy them? Rat Bastard
X had always bought them, until my emergency hysterectomy after miscarrying for
the fourth time.
All at once it hit me.  Oh my God, I have a date tomorrow night. I didn t
know whether to dance a happy jig or throw up.
Standing just far enough away to still see, but not so close it looked like I
was actually studying the display I marveled at the variety and choices. Colors,
stripes or patterns. Ribbed, bumped or smooth. Regular, large and extra large.
How was a woman to choose a condom from this array in the hopes her
blind date might end well? The only thing in my favor was that at five fifteen in
the morning there was no one to witness my mini meltdown. No customers
wandering through the aisles. No employees stocking the Health and Beauty
Department. The night crew of stock people and floor cleaners were in the
grocery area on the other side of the huge store.
I was tempted to call Lara, but she never answered the phone before nine.
By that time I would be at my job as a middle school guidance counselor, up to my
earlobes in problems and challenges to deal with before the nine day Spring break
began at 3:15 that afternoon.
I sidestepped closer to the display of protection for the sexually
adventurous. Was a blind date really worth the heartburn and stress I was putting
myself through?
 How does anyone choose? I whispered.
 If you re looking for a recommendation, these work well for me. A tanned,
masculine left hand with long, well formed fingers and no wedding ring plucked a
box from the center of the display.
I jumped and turned to the man who had appeared out of nowhere beside
me. Where had he come from? How had I missed his approach?
As my gaze traveled from the knee high display of condoms up his body, I
took a few seconds to admire the view. He was at least a foot taller than my own
five and a half feet and powerfully built wearing faded jeans, a black T shirt and
battered black leather jacket. When I reached his face, I swallowed hard and tried
not to gasp in instant lust crush.
He wore his hair in a short crew cut, much the same as many of the Marines
who lived in the area did. The short black hair and deep brown bronzed
emphasized blue eyes the color of the Carolina sky in springtime. Bright eyes that
flashed in what I thought was recognition. But I had never met this man before. I d
remember those broad cheeks, strong nose and jaw, full lips and especially those
warm blue eyes. If his hair had been long and flowing down his back and he d
worn a cotton shirt and leather leggings, I would have thought he d stepped off an
advertisement for the Cherokee Indian reservation.
The sexual being in me that had been comatose for years woke with a roar,
though I doubted he felt the same. My straight, chocolate brown hair was just long
enough to tuck behind my ears. My skin was ivory pale with a dusting of freckles
that became more pronounced when I spent time in the sun. I was plain and
pleasant, and way more curvy than fashion trends dictated. A hunk like him
wouldn t be interested in me, though I could feel my body tighten up and dampen
in preparation for whatever he might want to do to me.
I d never believed in lust at first sight, at least not until this very second. As I
watched him, his eyes heated further and a smile tilted up one corner of his lips.
Then he extended the box another inch toward me.
 Uh, thanks.
I dropped my gaze and took the box. I d always been of the  no question is
too stupid school, so before I could stop myself I asked,  I know this is probably a
stupid question, but how does a man figure out which one works for him? My
cheeks burned as I tossed the box into my empty cart.
He shrugged.  No such thing as a stupid question. Trial and error.
Experience. Testing them all as a much younger man.
His voice was so deep I felt the resonance rumble through to my core. In
response, my nipples puckered tight and my cunt clenched sure signs I had been
without a man for far too long.
A moment later the man beside me cupped his large warm hand around my
cheek and under my jaw. I allowed him to slowly turn my head so I was looking up
at him. I closed my eyes as he bent closer.
 No. Don t close your eyes.
I opened my eyes, blinked and met the warm blue gaze that brought to mind
a clear April sky over New Bern, North Carolina.
 Are you off the market?
The rumble of his soft question arrowed through me, sending my sexual
appetite ratcheting up another notch. If I wasn t careful I would attack this man
without a thought to the fact that we were standing right next to the condom
display in the middle of Wal Mart.
 Would you like to be? His index finger traced a line down my jaw to my
chin as his head slowly moved closer.
 Maybe. I lifted a hand to his face and stretched upward, trying to close the
last inches between us. His breath smelled like peppermint and coffee. My body
tightened and my cunt began to dampen as it prepared for sex. Which in itself
should have made me pause. I had never reacted to any male like this before. Not
even Rat Bastard X had ever affected me like this. Of course, he d smelled of
cigarette smoke and onions.
 What s your name? His big hands settled on my shoulders and began a
gentle massage. They were so big they covered nearly the entire width.
 Kendall. And yours?
 Josiah. This is crazy, but I can t help myself.
His hands slid up my neck to cradle my entire head in big warm hands. I
raised my chin and closed my eyes as his lips met mine. With my inner voices
screaming  Yippee! I gave myself over to his kiss. For such a big, powerful man he
had the gentlest touch.
His lips were warm and soft as they brushed over mine once, then again. It
was as if he were mapping the territory before settling in. A shaft of powerful and
unexpected lust shivered through me as my hands lifted. They ran up the front of
his chest to take hold of his jacket. I held on tight to the leather to keep myself
from floating to the ceiling like a loose helium balloon.
The sexual hunger I had caged after finding out Rat Bastard X was cheating
with not one, but two girlfriends, tore through the wall of its container like a force
five hurricane through a coastal trailer park.
Wrapping his arms around me, he snuggled me closer. I adjusted my stance,
spreading my legs to straddle one strong thigh. With one muscular arm across the
middle of my back, I arched into him, wanting to get closer. I traced his lower lip
with the tip of my tongue, hoping to take this kiss even deeper.
Josiah made a sound of approval as his lips parted, bidding me entrance. He
shifted against me and his long, thick cock pressed against my belly. Our tongues
mated and dueled as our bodies got better acquainted through the layers of
 My truck s outside, he murmured between kisses.
 Uh huh.
 It has a camper in the back. With a bed.
While my body surged in the knowledge that an available bed was so close
at hand, my mind balked. I couldn t do this. I couldn t climb into the back of a
truck and have sex with a man I had met two minutes ago over a box of condoms. I
was a good girl no matter how bad I really wanted to be. I needed to know a man
first, trust him before I could give him my body.
 Kendall? Josiah loosened his hold just enough so he could hunker down
and look into my eyes.
Meeting those sky blue eyes was the hardest thing I d done in quite awhile.
 I can t, I whispered.  I m sorry.
Before he could persuade me differently, I bolted. Jerking free from his now
loose hold, I turned and pushed out of his arms. He released though he could have
easily held me where I stood. Grabbing my cart, I hurried away without a
backward glance. I fought back tears of frustration, of regret, of the loss of
something I couldn t define.
What might have happened if only I d said yes stayed in the forefront of my
thoughts as I crossed the store to the grocery area. Rushing up and down aisles, I
grabbed a few things and put them in my cart, the mental shopping list I d put
together the night before gone.
Finally I gave up. Though I d stayed the course of a  good girl and left
before doing anything I could regret at a later date, my body remained overly
wound up and achy. The last thing I could think about was whether I needed
toilet paper, garbage bags or aluminum foil.
Turning the cart around in the middle of the paper products aisle, I headed
back toward the front of the store. My cart held two cans of carrots, a box of tea
bags, a bag of egg noodles and the box of condoms.
Thankfully the clerk on duty was distracted by a conversation with another
clerk as she checked me out. I felt my cheeks burn as the condom box was swiped
over the electronic eye and dropped into the plastic bag. I accepted the bag and my
change and headed for the door, though I listened, still half hoping to hear my
name called in Josiah s deep, deep masculine voice.
As I crossed the sidewalk, I jumped when my cell phone chirped its happy
song. Pulling the phone from its designated pocket of my purse, I glanced at the
readout. The caller s ID was blocked, but the call originated somewhere in town.
 Are you okay? The deep voice sent a thread of renewed hunger straight to
my belly.
 Josiah? How did you get my number?
 There are only two people in New Bern with the first name Kendall. The
other one is an eighty seven year old man. Are you okay? I didn t hurt you, did I?
He sounded concerned, like he actually cared about my feelings.
 No, you didn t hurt me. I m fine. It s just& well& um&  I fell silent because I
couldn t come up with a plausible excuse, not even for my own mind. To kiss a
stranger and almost give in to sex was not who I was.
 What are you doing today?
 I have to work.
 Have dinner with me tonight?
I paused a moment to swallow hard.  I can t.
 Why not?
 I have a date.
 Break it.
 I can t. Not without incurring the wrath of my best friend. I climbed into
my car, but was glad I wasn t driving when Josiah asked his next question.
 What are you wearing under your clothes?
 Excuse me?
 I m imagining black silk. A thong that s damp from your sweet juices and a
front clasp bra that s full to overflowing with pink tipped tits that are so hard
they re aching.
I swallowed hard again and bit the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing
out loud.  Yeah, sure, whatever you want, I whispered.
If only he knew the truth. I was wearing old, faded pink French cut cotton
briefs that had a run in the knit material. With it I wore a white sports bra that
kept my C cup jugs from jiggling too much as I race walked around school. I d
learned early in my career that middle school boys are fascinated with tits,
especially when they move as their owner walks.
 How about you? I found a shred of bravado to ask in a voice that came out
way more sultry than I expected.
I smiled when Josiah cleared his throat on the other end of the line.  Umm,
to tell the truth, I can t remember.
 Are you alone?
 Yes, why?
 Unzip and look. I giggled at the bizarre path this call was heading down,
as well as the fact I was an active participate, something I had never done before.
 Do you do this often?
 Do what?
 Turn a man on so much he resorts to phone sex for relief?
 Is that what we re doing? Having phone sex?
 We will be if we keep this up. His voice grew rougher and deeper as the
conversation continued. Even through the phone his smooth assurance set
something inside me to humming.
I took a breath as I wrapped my free hand around the steering well. I needed
something to hold onto.  So, what are you wearing? Or are you running around
kissing strange woman commando?
Josiah groaned at my question.  White boxers. Are you a strange woman?
I ignored the question.  Are you hard? One hand left the steering well. For
some reason my sensible side had gone on vacation and I was feeling daring, yet
nervous, about the next few minutes. I needed an orgasm. Phone sex with a
stranger had me so turned on I had to send myself over the edge before I would be
safe to drive.
I brushed my fingertips over the knotted, super sensitive nipple of one
breast and then the other. I pinched them and gasped as electric pulsations shafted
from tit to cunt, causing my thighs to clench. I closed my eyes and easily recalled
the feeling of Josiah s hard male body brushing against mine. He d been so solid, so
 Now how could I be anything but? You?
 I m not hard, no. But I am wishing I was a different sort of woman.
 What sort?
 The sort that would be in the bed in the back of your truck at this
moment. My thighs began to clench rhythmically, my hips rising and falling in a
pale imitation of sex. It had been too long since a real live hard, throbbing cock
had spread the lips of my cunt and carried me to orgasmic paradise. I was so close
to peaking that I missed his answer.  Sorry, what did you say?
 I said I wouldn t change a thing about you. Arrggh. He ended with an
extended guttural groan. Had he really just ejaculated? Had our kiss and now this
strange conversation really gotten him so worked up he d had to jerk off and come?
My hand dropped from my breast to cup my crotch, squeezing my clit
through my slacks once, twice and then I shuddered as every muscle in my body
clenched with my own orgasm.  Oh. Oh. Oh God.
 Kendall? You still there?
 Uh huh.
 My phone is beeping that it s about to go dead. Have a good day and I ll& 
 Hello? Josiah? I said into the phone. When there was no answer I checked
the readout. His cell had, indeed, gone dead. At least it had waited until we d
finished having sex.
It took another minute before I felt certain I could drive home without
getting into an accident or winding up in a ditch.
I waited until an ecstatic Jack Thompson left my office clutching his
acceptance letter to the North Carolina High School of Performing Arts before
collapsing into my chair. I closed my eyes, and wondered how to go about
canceling my blind date. I was exhausted and knew I would not make a good first
impression on anyone. Plus I d always been a one man woman and Josiah remained
in the forefront of my thoughts. I wanted to be his woman, not some man known
only to his friends as  Bear .
A soft knock broke the silence of my windowless, closet sized office.
Glancing at the day s schedule, I frowned. I didn t have an appointment for
another hour. In that time I planned to eat lunch, return calls and put out any fires
that had come up during the morning. Opening the door I found Josiah looking
much as he had hours earlier, except for a look in his eyes. I couldn t tell if it was
anxiety or something more sinister.
 I m not a stalker. I m not crazy. I just couldn t wait to see you again.
As he spoke, he stepped into my office, bumped the door closed and
gathered me to his chest. I was so surprised to see him I didn t fight as he lowered
his head and kissed me. As soon as his lips touched mine, hunger for sex bubbled
up in me like an overloaded volcano experiment.
I wrapped my arms around his waist, then slid them down to cover his ass.
He responded by tightening his arms around me and deepened the kiss until we
were right back where we had been just hours earlier. All at once any hesitation I
had felt was gone and I was ready for anything. From the feel of Josiah s cock
pressing against the zipper of his jeans, so was he.
I reached for his belt as he pulled my blouse from the waistband of my
slacks. His roughened fingertips brushed the skin of my back and then traveled
around and up my body to cover one bra encased tit.
Frustrated by his belt, I cupped the bulge covered by his zipper instead.
Josiah pulled back, swore softly and took two steps away. My chair stopped him
and he collapsed into it much as I had done just moments earlier. When I took a
step toward him he held both hands up to ward me off.
 Stay over there. I ve got to talk to you, but you have to stay over there.
I leaned against the door, crossed my arms over my chest and said,  Talk
about what?
 You need to know a few things before you go on your blind date tonight,
starting with my name. It s Josiah Bear. My mother and now you are the only
people who have called me Josiah since before I was in the service. Everyone else
calls me Bear.
It took a few seconds before my brain put everything together. Bear. Josiah
Bear.  You re Lara s friend?
He nodded with a deep breath, all the while warm blue eyes stared deep
into mine.
 You re the guy I have a blind date with tonight?
Again he nodded.
 How did you find me this morning? Were you following me? I frowned as
curiosity turned to suspicion and edged toward anger at being under surveillance.
 What would you have done if you hadn t liked the way I looked? Or I hadn t
kissed you? Are you here because I said no to going to your truck and fucking you?
Are you here to break our date in person? Though I wanted to scream, I was
highly aware that the office walls were about as thick as a doubled layer of paper
Josiah looked stricken by the time I finished.  No, that s not it at all.
Standing, he crossed the space between us in a single step. He wrapped his arms
around me, holding me gently. I tried to push him away, but it was like trying to
move a brick wall.
 This morning was a crazy coincidence. I d just finished a job and decided to
pick up a few things before heading home. I recognized you from a picture Lara
had. She s also the one who, just an hour ago and under great duress, told me
where you worked.
I lifted my face to study his. His eyes blazed blue heat. I could see he was
 As for your saying no to a visit to my truck, I thought you were very brave
and smart.
 So why didn t you tell me all that this morning?
He swallowed hard and looked away for a moment. Color filled his cheeks
and he admitted,  I was so caught up in you that I didn t think about it until later.
And then my phone died.
I leaned forward to rest my forehead on his chest. Closing my eyes I mulled
over his words. I felt his lips brush over the back of my neck as he waited without
saying anything further.
Just being this close to him again caused my cunt to dampen and nipples to
grow hard. My mind clouded until all I could think about was being alone and
naked with Josiah in a real room with thick walls, a proper bed and no deadlines
to interrupt us.
 You ve got to leave now, I said after taking a deep breath and lifting my
 Yes. I have to get back to work.
 And tonight?
 I have to think about it.
Josiah looked like he wanted to argue, but nodded. With a look that warned
of dire consequences if I decided not to show for dinner, he brushed a kiss on my
cheek then opened the door and walked out.
Lara walked into my bedroom at quarter after seven, took one look at me
and asked,  Who is he?
 Who s who? I asked as I straightened the camisole top I d bought during a
spur of the moment shopping spree after work. It was scarlet silk. Under it I wore
my new front clasp black silk bra that matched the G string I wore under my
favorite blue jeans. I felt sexy though I still wondered if I really could let go and
have sex, no matter how much Josiah turned me on.
It wasn t that I didn t want him. It wasn t that I didn t trust him. I just
wasn t sure I trusted myself to be satisfied with a one night stand that might even
spill over into a weekend fling.
 The man who has you dressing like that? Like a woman going out on a real
I turned from the mirror and grabbed my purse.  Maybe I just decided I
wanted to make a good impression on your friend.
Ten minutes later, she parked just down the block from the restaurant.
All at once my nerves kicked into high gear.  Are you sure this guy is okay?
 He s a good guy. You ll be fine. Just relax and enjoy his company. Now let s
go. Knowing Bear he s already inside.
I followed Lara into the family restaurant with giant butterflies doing an
enthusiastic polka in my stomach. As I followed her through the room, my gaze
caught Josiah s. He stared back with warm eyes and a welcoming smile.
 Hey Bear, how s it hanging?
 Hello, Lara. You re looking good. He said without a glance in her direction.
His deep as a well voice resonated through me, reawakening the hunger I had
spent all afternoon trying to control.
 Bear, I d like you to meet Kendall Malone. Kendall, this is Bear.
 Hello Josiah. I stepped forward and offered my hand as if we were
He stood and ignored my offered hand. Instead he gathered me close to his
chest, dropped his head and kissed me. Smiling against his lips, I returned his
greeting with enthusiasm.
He broke the kiss before I could lose myself completely to our surroundings
and the dozen or so people watching us. With a squeeze of strong arms around my
back, he released me then seated me next to him on one side of the table. Lara sat
on the other side. Josiah rested his arm along the back of my chair and I snuggled
into his side, not surprised to find that I fit perfectly. I looked forward to seeing
how well we fit together in other ways as well.
Lara stared at us, stunned.  Okay, you two have met before.
We nodded in unison.
 And you obviously got along.
Again we nodded.
 How hungry are you? Josiah looked at me, his blue eyes glowing with a
different kind of hunger.
 Not very. I said, squirming in my seat.
 Want to get out of here?
Before I had a chance to answer, a young woman wearing a pale yellow
apron over her jeans and T shirt stopped beside our table.  Good evening, what
can I get you to drink tonight?
 We re not staying. Thanks anyway. With that Josiah stood and helped me
from my chair.
 Hey, wait a minute, Lara grabbed my arm.
 What s going on with you two?
Josiah smiled and looked at me. I grinned back and nodded before he said,
 You ve been telling me for months that you thought we d be perfect for each
other. We re going to go find a room with a bed, a locked door and thick walls to
see just how perfect.
Lara looked me in the eye.  Did you buy the things we discussed?
I smiled and nodded.  Yes, Mom. I ve got lots of protection.
 Me, too. Josiah said with a wicked grin.  Between us we should have
enough to get through at least the next day or two.
Laughing at our private joke, we linked hands and headed out. We had a
room to find with a big bed, a door that locked and thick walls.
The End
Author Bio
Cooper McKenzie always thought she had been born a hundred years too
late, but has come to appreciate air conditioning, computers and other
conveniences of modern day living. She enjoys the slower pace of New Bern,
North Carolina as well as the history and small town community found there. In
addition to dreaming up her next story, Cooper enjoys reading everything from
children s books to vampire romance, singing in her church choir and needle-
weaving. She loves to hear from her readers at
As Cooper McKenzie:
Red Rose Publishing
Behind Closed Doors
Love Reincarnate- Vamping With Jayne Series: Book 1
Love Bite -Vamping With Jayne Series: Book 2
Love Choice- Vamping With Jayne Series: Book 3
Santa Hunk
Her Older Younger Man
Pushing Boundaries
As Susan Eileen Walker
Publish America
Maura s Trunk
I Am the Quigglebush Bear
Mary of Nazareth, Pennsylvania
I Know the Quigglebush Heroes
Keene Publishing
Secret of the Dance
As S. E. Walker:
Publish America


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