World Of Warcraft Cash Creating Guide

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Below you will find in no particular order
the best ways to make large amounts of gold
in World of Warcraft. I sincerely hope you
enjoy your time using these strategies and I
hope they are profitable for you.
WoW Gold Tips:
Rare pet dealer- People love the novelty of
having pets that are cross faction. Every
big tauren wants a white kitten and gnomes
can be seen proudly dragging their prairie
dogs around with them. You can make a LOT of
gold buying non-combat pets like cats,
snakes, owls, etc. and listing them at the
Gadgetzan auction house. I typically will
sell them for around 2-4g and you can sell
tons of them. Even better, arrange with
someone of the opposite faction to supply
you with pets or, if you are on a PvE server
create an alt and supply yourself with the
other faction s pets to sell at your home
AH. They ll pull in even more cash there.
I want that Dancin Flute!- If you ve spent
anytime around the local auction house you
certainly discovered the  dancing flute
m=13379 )This is really a fun item and it
only drops off of one guy in Stratholme. The
good news is I guarantee you can get it.
How? Well first of all, the mob that drops
this is named Hearthsinger Forresten. He is
a rare spawn but lucky for us not too
exceedingly rare. Where is he?
If you enter the back door of Strat (you ll
need the Key to the City) and proceed to the
very first gated tunnel he will often spawn
to the right of the doorway. Let s make it
even easier to find him. Once you enter the
instance just type  /target Hearthsinger
minus the quotes of course. If he is there
then we can proceed, if not then reset the
instance and try again.
If he IS there then if you are a rogue or
druid stealth over under the gated area to
the left and wait there. If you do not have
stealth then you can still do this. The area
you need to walk by to get to the gated area
(where you will be able to unstealth and
fight Forresten) is very small. So all you
need to do is purchase or have your
alchemist friend make you some invisibility
potions. Open the gate and run to the safe
area. (you will trigger the enemy chat
script but no mobs will attack you). Now
wait and make sure that there are no patrols
coming by. You are safe in the gated area
but if a patrol comes by when you pull
Hearthsinger you will get it too and die.
Peek around the corner to your right and you
will see Hearthsinger standing alone. At
this point you will pull him by shooting him
with a bow or gun or using a ranged spell on
him. Let him run to you under the gates
where you can fight him. He is easy to solo
but has a very high dodge % so bring a
potion in case he dodges so much you risk
dying. I was able to kill him on my second
try and have killed him many times since.
With any luck he will drop your flute or
another nice item like the Songbird Blouse
(great for druids). The good news is even if
he doesn t drop what you are looking for
that you can just disenchant it and sell the
shard and try again! You can repeat this
over and over again and either get yourself
a flute or make some serious money!
See the below for full details on his
Playing the market- I have made the most
money in this game by using this technique.
It simply consists of the most basic
economic principal- buy low and sell high. I
have bought a ton of stuff from my own AH
and then relisted it for a higher price
(sometimes much higher) and raked in serious
gold. It is amazing what you can find just
by looking through your AH! Most people have
no idea what an item is worth if there isn t
one already posted for them to compare with.
This can be a risky business so start small
and work your way up. If you purchase all
the thorium on your AH (as an example), then
relist just a couple of stacks at a time at
a higher price you ll find they sell quite
nicely. If someone tries to undercut you
don t panic. Either buy them out and relist
their items or wait for a day or two when
the market is better to sell them.
It is best to buy on weekdays and sell on
weekends when more people are playing.
Keep in mind when you do this you are going
to lose some money to the AH fees as well as
the listing fee. As such, one of the
absolute best things to buy and relist is
enchanting supplies because there is NO FEE
to list them. You can buy them cheap and
relist them until they sell without it
costing you a thing. My favorites are large
radiant shards and small brilliant shards;
also illusion dust has done well for me. All
are in high demand but fairly low supply so
they ll move fast. Over time you ll learn
what is a good price for these and you can
buy accordingly. There are a lot of
strategies here that will get more into the
specifics of what items will bring you the
most cash. As above, I always recommend
enchanting supplies as a great place to
start because there is no AH penalty for
listing them.
About those blues and purples- Using the
above strategy you can make some really
serious gold selling blue or purple items
for a lot more than what you paid for them.
I always recommend to buy off a seller who
might be advertising in the trade channel
(always barter) and then relist it in the AH
for big profits. If you are having trouble
making cash doing this then try the Gadget
AH- twice the customers there.
Fiery enchant- There is a quest in the
Badlands that rewards those who complete it
a fiery enchant. This enchant is not
soulbound and can be traded or sold on the
AH. These sell for 10-30g. I ve sold
numerous for over 20g. You can acquire these
a few ways. First, you can head out to the
Badlands where the questgiver is and ask
people right away to buy the enchant (I
offer about 3g to start) or you can keep an
eye on the AH because people usually don t
realize what they have and list them for
around 1-2g. Simply buy it and then resell
it for a huge profit. ;)
Rare recipes- Vendors all over the World of
Warcraft on both continents sell crafting
recipes. The thing is, most people don t
realize where these recipes come from. Any
time I am at a vendor and he has a high
level or limited supply recipe I purchase it
and list it on the AH for an increased
price. These almost always sell for me. Some
of my favorites are:
Mooncloth recipe that is sold at Everlook
in Winterspring- I have good luck selling
this in Gadget at the AH for 4-10g.
Most recipes sold in Moonglade. Moonglade
is a high-level town meaning that most
people won t be able to go there and
purchase from the vendors until lvl 55+. If
you are a druid or create a druid alt you
will be able to go to Moonglade at around
lvl 10. You can buy the tailoring and other
recipes there and resell them for a profit.
Mooncloth robe recipe from Dire Maul. In
the library area of DM there is an NPC that
sells a limited recipe for the mooncloth
robe. It costs 4g and I have seen it sell
for over 55g!
Cash Gathering- My best advice to someone
wanting to make money is to not pick up a
tradeskill until lvl 60 when you can find or
buy all that you need and then just
powerlevel it up in an evening or two.
Choose herb gathering or mining as your two
processions and SELL everything you gather.
You ll have so much gold so soon you won t
have to worry where that mount money is
going to come from. The only hassle you ll
have is that  find herbs and  find
minerals can t be used together. I suggest
the best mod in the world for this-
Gatherer. It can be found here:
Skinning is also a good choice and won t
affect your minimap displaying herbs or
minerals either.
Quest items- People need quest items.
Fortunately for you some of these items are
farmable or craftable. You can make quite a
nice chunk of gold by loading up on items
needed for quests and standing around a
questgiver at a busy time (like a Friday
night). For example, there is a quest in
Eastern Plagues needing high explosive bombs
and unstable triggers, there s a quest in
Badlands needing Frost Oil and there is a
quest in Un goro needing a mithril casing.
All of these things are easy enough to craft
or get from a craftsman or guildy then it s
just a matter of advertising your wares in
general chat to those that need them.
Sell it in the right place- Always sell
class specific items in the correct AH. For
example,  of the Elements things are for
Shaman. You won t have much luck selling
them in the Ironforge AH. Sell them in
Gadget. The same thing goes for Lightforge
stuff. It s for Paladins, so Horde sell them
in Gadgetzan if you want them to sell.
Silithus is where I call my home- The
untouched expanses of Silithus are one of
the best places to farm for materials to
sell. You can find a ton of essences off of
the elementals there that will sell for a
nice chunk of gold. The only bad thing about
elementals is that they tend to not drop
much else besides essences when you kill
them so the wait can be long but the payoff
is big. A side effect of farming here is
that some of the mobs raise your faction
with the Hydraxian Waterlords and nothing
else but Molten Core will do the same thing.
Keep an eye out for essence of air, essence
of water, and sometimes breath of wind in
this area. Depending on your server these
will sell for a nice amount each- anywhere
from 2g-20g.
Set pieces- Always, always, always keep an
eye out for people selling set pieces
(Valor, Wildheart, etc.) in the trade
channel or on the AH. These are consistently
the best sellers because everyone wants to
complete their class set. If you are in a
pick up group and there is a piece that no
one needs then make sure and get a roll in
for it if it is BoE. You can certainly sell
it for a hefty sum. The trade channel is
your friend here. Bargain with sellers to
get these pieces and the resell them for
quick gold.
 Nerfed items- Items that have been removed
from the game or  nerfed are a potential
for MASSIVE gold. If there is an item that
has had its stats lowered or otherwise
negatively changed, but Blizzard does not
change those already in existence then those
old items are going to be even more rare
than an epic item. One item that I still see
fairly often are the green lenses like the
Green Lens of Stamina. This old item allows
casters to have over 35 stamina when
equipped and amazingly I see these on my AH
fairly often. You can buy them and resell
them for 50g+. They are easily worth more
than that in my opinion, but your mileage
will vary. If you see a patch note that
Blizzard is discontinuing or changing an
item then stock up on them if possible and
sell them later on for a profit.
Sell me some First Aid- If you re Alliance
and you head out to Stromguard castle (the
one in Arathi) hang a right at the entrance
and once inside the  safe area make another
right across the bridge. You ll find an NPC
named Deneb. He sells the First Aid books
that allow you to increase your level as
well as learn improved bandage styles. You
can purchase these for 1g or under and
resell them on the AH for at least twice as
much. On my server there are quite a few
people who have figured this out, but it
doesn t really matter because I still sell
them all the time!
Disenchanted- It is good to become
knowledgeable as to what items disenchant
into valuable enchanting materials. For
example, Icy Cloaks and Green Lenses always
disenchant into valuable enchanting
materials. In the case of Green Lenses they
will always result in a large radiant shard
when disenchanted. So, head to your local AH
and check the price of green lenses and
large radiant shards. If the shards are
selling for more than the lenses then buy
the lenses and disenchant them and sell the
shards for a profit. If enchanting is not
one of your professions then start a lvl 1
alternate character that is a gnome or dwarf
and run him/her to Ironforge or an orc or
troll and run them to Org and learn
enchanting. From this point on this
character can be your  mule to disenchant
Guard those stones!- Many of the new recipes
available in the game such as the new cloak
recipes like the Cloak of Warding and
Shifting Cloak require guardian stones. Now,
keep in mind that both of these cloaks
require other materials that sell for large
amounts of gold. Players are investing a lot
to make these crafted items.
Guardian stones drop one place and one place
only in the world and that is off of the
Stone Guardians in Un goro Crater. These
giants are graded level 60 and 61 elite so
they certainly seem intimidating. The truth
is though that many classes can easily solo
them or with a potion or two if needed, take
them down. I ve found that they drop
Guardian stones about 1 out of every 3 or 4
kills. The Guardian Stones sell on the
auction house for anywhere from 7-20g each.
And in my experience almost no one is
farming these things! It just seems that
most people think it is just too much work.
So head into that crater and show those lazy
people how to do it. I can usually get 4-6
stones in an hour so that right there is a
potential 120g per hour! But even
conservatively that is going to make you at
least 30g or so.
I thought I saw a Devilsaur- While your down
in that crater you might as well bring a
skinning knife with you because you are
going to see lots of Devilsaurs. These
giants can be soloed by some classes like
hunters or druids but almost 2 of any class
can take them down. They never seem to drop
much but their leather is used to make
really nice leather pants and gloves and you
can sell a piece for around 2-8g depending
on the market. So head into that crater and
farm these guys while you are killing Stone
Guardians. Oh, avoid the 60 elite King Mosh
though. He can wipe a party easily.
Elemental Invasions- One of the more rare
but needed items in the game are the
essences like Essence of Water, Essence of
Air, etc. Obtaining these normally requires
hours of farming elementals. But since the
last patch Blizzard has implemented the
 Elemental Invasions and I have found that
not only is it a great time to kill tons of
elementals in one place but these guys seem
to drop essences a lot more often. Two
places that these invasions routinely occur
is Un goro Crater and Winterspring. Make
sure to keep on top of these events as you
can grab a large number of essences quickly
and then sell them for a profit at your AH.
Bandage for cash- Lots of people told me
that they make a good amount of cash selling
stacks of cloth to vendors. It seems like
most people don t want to be bothered to
sell it on the AH so they just vendor it.
What they don t realize is that by first
turning cloth into a bandage it will vendor
for more than the normal price! For example,
right now one runecloth is worth 4 silver to
a vendor. But, one runecloth bandage is
worth 5 silver to a vendor. Cool, huh?
Brute Force- One potion that always sells
for quite a bit is the Elixir of Brute Force
m=13481 ). Problem is that most people don t
have the recipe and there is only one way to
get it. In Un goro crater there are numerous
bloodpetal sprouts lying on the ground,
simply click on them to gather them up. Once
you have 15 you can turn them into an NPC at
Marshal s Refuge. You will then get a nice
box of goodies- usually some major healing
potions and valuable herbs, etc. There is a
chance you will also get the recipe for this
rare elixir. At this point you can either
sell the recipe (seen it go for 50g twice on
my server) or if you are an alchemist then
you can learn it and start making gold
selling these elixirs. It s a good deal
either way because you are always getting
some good loot from the packages while you
Tree Farming- In the western instance of
Dire Maul you will find the giant tree boss
Tendris Warpwood. He is an easy kill for a 5
man group and the best news is that if you
walk carefully you can get to him without
aggroing anything else in the area. So
gather a group together, sneak in there,
grab your loot then leave and reset the
instance and go do it again and again and
again. He drops all kinds of nice gear for
different classes. Last time I was there he
dropped the Foror's Compendium of Dragon
Slaying ( )
the second time we killed him. There was a
happy Pally in the group ;). We averaged
about 10-15 kills an hour and I m sure you
can too. He regularly drops a staff that
vendors for around 5g so you can make some
good gold doing this for an hour or two with
friends. The trick is usually once you enter
the Dire Maul West entrance is to run to the
wall and hug it tightly until the patrols
pass then you can run to the safety of the
overhang where the boss is. If we pull aggro
we have one person designated to run off and
die, then we can resurrect them without the
whole group wiping. It takes a couple of
tries to get the path down, but once you do
you will find this to be super profitable.
Map below:
Take me fishing- The best fishing pole in
the game is the Big Iron Fishing Pole
m=6367 )Anyone who wants to max out their
fishing ability is going to need it at one
point. It only comes from one place and that
is inside the cage traps on the ocean floor
near the Horde town on the West coast of
Desolace. If you head out near the town
there (the area is green and grassy unlike
the rest of Desolace) and go into the water
directly west of the dock and swim down you
will find traps littering the ocean ground
there. When you open them you will either
find shellfish, spawn a mob, or& get this
rare fishing pole. I was able to find 2 of
these in a fair amount of time and guess
what? They sell on my AH for over 25 gold!
You could make quite a business for yourself
just collecting and reselling these rare
fishing poles. Make sure when you go looking
for this you come equipped with some
underwater breathing potions, it will make
it much easier.
Map below:
High end grinding- I m going to share with
you my favorite grinding spots in the entire
game. Now I m certain others have their own
but for making cash fast these are my two
First is the cave in Un goro crater that is
filled with apes (the cave where A-me is for
the quest). These gorillas are fairly easy
to kill and drop lots of valuable vendor
trash like their whiskers and regularly drop
greens and some blues. Just on the gray
trash items alone you can make around 10g an
hour just grinding here.
My next favorite is the troll temple in
Eastern Plaguelands. I guess this place is
just so far away that no one seems to want
to bother with it. These trolls drop lots of
green items, the occasional blue, and I know
friends who have seen epics drop off of them
as well. They re good for runecloth and
powerful mojo as well. The other nice perk
of this area is that it s full of thorium
and high end herbs also.
Deadwind Pass is also great for farming for
items. No one really is here when I farm it.
I d expect to see farmers or just others
players hanging out here but no one ever
really is. There are a ton of high level
ogres with great loot and when you go down
to the Karazhan area you will find a haunted
town that has humanoids that drop great coin
and runecloth.
Tour guide- I was whispered an interesting
proposition one evening. I was told that if
I would help 3 lower level players through
an instance that they would pay me 5g. I
told them that I really wasn t interested
but thanks for the offer. They persisted-
and I made 5 gold! Start your own healing or
tanking service and take lower levels into
instances yourself. As a high level you are
not only superior to all the mobs you ll
encounter but you most likely know the way
as well. If you are an enterprising
individual you can have a lot of fun doing
this and make some nice gold too. If you
feel like it is too  greedy to ask for gold
you could just offer to go with low levels
if they let you have all the silk, or all
the food, or whatever you feel is
Deviate Fishing- If you ve seen someone
running around your capital city looking
like a slime, a pirate, or otherwise acting
strange they were probably using a food item
call  Savory Deviate Delight
m=6657 )This item is always a favorite for
players to use when entertaining their
friends. If you have this recipe you can
make a lot of gold selling them for about 1g
each. But you don t need this rare recipe to
make serious gold from it. In the Barrens,
outside of the cave that leads to the
Wailing Caverns instance is a small pond
area. From this pond you can fish out the
vital ingredient for the Savory Deviate
Delight- the deviate fish. You can collect
quite a few of these in about an hour and
either use them to make your own delights or
sell them on the AH for a profit to other
cooks. If you enjoy fishing then this is the
perfect gold maker for you as these fish are
worth quite a bit.
My Favorite Mine- Any miner knows that the
most valuable mining veins are the rich
thorium veins. They spawn in many places
such as Un goro crater, the Plaguelands and
Winterspring. There is major competition for
these veins because not only do they drop
quite a bit of thorium but also have a
chance to drop arcane crystals, azerothian
diamonds and other gemstones. I am going to
reveal to you my two favorite  secret
mining spots. The first is the Hearthglen
Mine that is in Northern Western
Plaguelands. There is often one rich thorium
vein outside the mine and then another 2
inside of it. Thy all seem to have a very
fast respawn time and the ones inside the
mine are guarded by groups of 2 non-elite
miners that most classes can easily distract
or solo. I have seen 2 arcane crystals drop
from just one of these veins! The second of
my favorite locations is in Southern
Winterspring near the barred off entrance to
the unopened Hyjal area. This is in the
dangerous Darkwhisper Gorge. It is full of
level 60 and 61 elites that hit really hard
but I have successfully walked the entire
way to the end without stealth and it can be
done if you are careful. Obviously if you
can feign death or stealth it gets even
easier. There are usually an additional 4-5
(yes!) rich thorium veins in this area.
Buy in bulk- Just a quick but obvious tip.
Always look on your AH for large stacks of
items that you can buy at a good deal and
then resell singly for an increased profit.
Herbs and minerals are the best for this,
and enchanting supplies as always are great.
Farm me a Reaper- the most powerful
craftable axe in the game is the Arcanite
m=12784 ). These are extremely material
heavy and will sell for over 1000g on most
servers. Problem is, the recipe to create
these is rare. In fact, not even all servers
have this recipe. The recipe alone has sold
for over 1000g on my server! Feeling
adventurous? If you are I ll tell you how
you can actually farm this rare recipe. The
recipe drops off of a rare named spawn in
Lower Blackrock Spire. His name is Bannok
Grimaxe ( and
he spawns in the Hordemar camp in the last
room before the spider ramp in the bottom
floor of LBRS. He is usually sitting on one
of the little red carpets in the back of the
room. The good news is he isn t linked to
any other mob there and a rogue or druid can
stealth in and solo him! What you can do is
enter the instance and either use a
Warlock s  eye to see if he has spawned or
you can use an Elixir of Dream Vision ( ) to  float down
there and see if he is up. If he is up you
can send the rogue or druid down to jump off
the ramp (it will do about 900 damage so
you ll live) and they can then easily solo
him. He will drop the recipe about 10% of
the time. If he is not up when you enter the
instance then back out and try it again by
resetting the instance. Yes, this is time
consuming and can be expensive but the
payoff is well worth it. If you are a
blacksmith and get this recipe you can
basically charge whatever you want for this
magnificent weapon.
Run it stealth- Sorry, this one is just for
rogues and druids& I highly recommend you get
a group of all rogues and druids together
and do a stealth run on instance bosses,
especially the bosses of Lower Blackrock
Spire. This is great because so much rogue
and druid gear drops here. There is the rare
spawned spider name Crystal Fang that drops
a really nice weapon set for rogues as well
as the two canine bosses that drop druid
gear. It s always good to collect some
stealthy friends and farm instances, all the
gold rich rogues and druids I know do this.
The farmestary- Once you hit lvl 50+ one of
the best places to farm for gold and items
is in Scarlet Monastery. At level 60 you can
solo the whole place and at level 50+ you
can solo most of it unless you get a really
bad pull. Farm here with all your bags empty
and kill everything in site. At the end
you ll have a ton of green items you can
sell on the AH and lots of silk and wool
(remember, make bandages with it before you
vendor it!). It amazes me how many high
levels have never thought about doing this.
Which leads to my next tip&
Shard farming- When Blizzard discovered how
easy it was to continually farm the bosses
of Scarlet Monastery and sell the loot, the
devalued the vendor value of all the boss
drops severely. They succeeded in making it
not worth farming for cash anymore. But,
there is a way around this. If you are an
enchanter you can easily repeatedly kill all
the SM bosses and disenchant the items into
shards that will sell for a large amount of
gold on the AH. All of Herod s drops will
yield a small radiant shard and most of the
others result in a large glowing shard. You
can make a LOT of gold doing this and quite
quickly too.
Solo bosses- Just like all the SM bosses
there are a number of bosses that you can
solo at higher levels. Some of them are:
Mauradon princess- Yes, you can solo this
big stinky beast. She has become a little
more difficult in recent patches but if you
have a nature protection potion or two it
shouldn t be hard to do. I know many rogues,
druids, and hunters who have done it.
Mother Smolderweb- Yes, this elite spider in
LBRS can be soloed by a druid to get their
Wildheart boots. You can stealth in and use
a combination of bear form and hibernate to
kill her. Simply pull her over to the corner
behind her in bear form tank her and then
when your health is low you can bash stun
her and/or pop out and hibernate her for as
long as you like while you recover health
and mana. This can be done but it takes
about 15 mins. The spider also drops some
other nice blues and greens.
Tinkerer Gizlock- This little goblin
engineer in Mauradon is quite easy to solo,
drops some nice gear that can be
disenchanted for a nice supply of shards. No
real strategy here but just to fight smart,
he is fairly weak.
Zul farrak bosses- At a high level you can
solo most of the mini bosses in Zul. They
drop pretty good gear for any level and the
nice thing is once you are done you can ride
out and start over again. The only thing to
watch out for in here is adds from the
wandering patrols. My favorite boss to solo
here is the one witch doctor that turns you
into a frog. Just watch out for his healing
totems and he is an easy fight. Just like
any boss I advise clearing out any patrols
near him if possible.
And of course, you can easily solo other low
level bosses but their drops aren t very
good so it usually isn t worth it. In my
opinion, the best farming instance is
Scarlet Monastery because it has great
itemization and is fairly easy.
Best time to bid- If you want to win big on
an item that is getting a lot of bids or is
a hot item there is only one time to bid on
it. Every Tues in the US (not sure if Euro
is the same) the servers are brought down
for maintenance. If you log on right before
this and find items with short or medium
time left and place bids right before the
server goes down for maintenance you are
certain to win since no one else can bid! Of
course, never list YOUR items during a
maintenance for this same reason. You won t
make any money doing it.
Epic Mount Assistance- As you may or may not
know, the warlock and paladin classes have
quite lengthy and expensive quests for their
epic mounts. I know a warlock on my server
who makes money because he has one of the
items needed for the warlock quest and he
charges people to go on runs with him where
he can use the item for them (it s
reusable). He charges 20g a run and does
this all the time because people are happy
to pay it! There are a lot of opportunities
like this out there, always keep your eyes
open to how you can make gold through a
service and not necessarily selling items
all the time.
Playing the Transmute Market- You should
always be looking at what materials are
selling for on the AH versus what their
transmuted results are selling for. Often
you will find a large profit gap between the
two. Here is an example. Arcane crystals may
be selling for say 21 gold on your server
and arcanite bars are selling for 32-35
gold. Now, a typical arcanite transmute may
run 4-5 gold. What I ve done is purchase 10
arcane crystals and then have all of them
transmuted just by asking for transmutes in
the trade channel and then relisting the
completed arcanite bars for their sell
price. If you figure about a 10-5 gold
profit per arcanite bar you can make serious
gold with this method fast. I will typically
purchase 3-5 arcane crystals a day and just
continually purchase transmutes so I can
always have arcanite bars for sale on the
AH. You can use this technique with a
variety of transmutes whether it be essences
or whatever is profitable. I always
recommend looking for essences and arcanite
as the most profitable transmuted items to
buy and then resell.
Crafting for Cash- It doesn t matter if you
can t craft a single rare item. All you need
is someone who does. Just like transmutes
you always need to look at what crafted
items are selling for versus what their
ingredients are selling for and then look
for profit opportunities. Let s look at a
couple of items that use arcanite in their
crafting process (arcanite anything right
now is a great way to make gold). First of
is the popular rogue dagger, the
Heartseeker. This item takes 10 arcanite
bars as well some other materials that I
would say are semi-expensive. You always
want to price out what this dagger will sell
for versus what the materials cost. I talked
to one player who has made over 3000 gold
just by buying the materials for rare
weapons and then having other people
crafting them and then selling them on the
AH! He was proud to show me his epic mount
as well as open a trade window and display
his gold after about ½ an hour of questions
on his gold-making techniques. Some other
items you may want to look at are any dark
iron items, the Arcanite Reaper, and cloaks
like the Cloak of Warding and the Hide of
the Wild (very material heavy). Many people
are not gatherers or have no idea how to get
these items. This is pure profit for you
when you purchase these materials and then
have the item crafted and sold. Even better,
while you are shopping for the materials
needed to craft these items you always want
to be looking for arbitrage opportunities to
buy and resell these materials as well.
Always stay on top of the AH market!
Always Sell Solo- This is what I consider a
simple tip but I m mentioning it because I
see so many people making this mistake. When
you have multiple items never ever list more
than a couple at once on the AH. Why? You
compete with yourself and drive down prices
and also reduce your chance that all your
items are going to sell. Also, if you manage
to obtain multiple items that are hard to
obtain or high priced never list them
together or if you do list one on an
alternate character. Always do this! Why?
Well, if someone sees you selling a bunch of
Big Iron Fishing Poles or Dark Iron Ore,
what do you think they ll think?  Hey that
guy has a bunch of those! I wonder how he is
getting them? And then they will study that
item and then compete with you. Never hint
on to the fact that certain items are easy
to get or profitable. This will kill your
business faster than anything.
Look for Librams- You probably have come
across Librams by now
ram ). What amazes me is that most people
have no idea what these are and sell them
for way less than they are worth. I have
made a ton of gold selling specifically the
Libram of Constitution
m=11733) and also the Libram of Resilience
) and the Libram of Rumination
) . What I think happens is that most people
go to their AH, look at the price of other
Librams and see that they are selling for
around 10 gold so they list theirs for the
same price. I will then purchase the more
valuable ones for the discounted price and
relist them at their appropriate prices
which is usually anywhere from 20-50 gold.
It s easy to do and the profits are good.
Preferred Transmuters- Just a bit of advice
on getting transmutes since they are
sometimes tough to find because of their
long cooldown time. I will buy a transmute
from someone and offer to buy their next
transmutes from them for above the going
rate. For example, let s say the average
arcanite transmute is about 4 gold. I will
purchase a transmute from someone and say,
 hey, if you message me next time your timer
is up I will pay you 5 gold for it. 90% of
the people I offer this to agree to it. Why
not? It s a great deal for them and you get
a list of people who are guaranteed to
transmute for you all the time. In the big
picture of the AH game, spending 1 extra
gold to get a quick transmute is way better
than spending an hour looking for someone to
do it for you. I don t need to look for
transmutes anymore because people contact
Reputation Items- Always look at what items
are needed to gain reputation with new
factions or for new recipes. This will give
you an idea of what items are worth keeping
when you are farming for other stuff. Items
that were previously considered vendor trash
(grey items) are now actually going to be
used for reputation increases for events
like the Darkmoon Faire! It s important you
know this so you can plan accordingly and
stock up to use or even better sell these
items. I have often trashed a bunch of
 useless items only to find out they were
worth a ton later on or used for a quest.
How to Speculate for Serious Gold- There is
a location on the official World of Warcraft
website that can make you more gold than any
other method. Where is this you ask? The
patch notes and the more importantly the
test server notes and forums. By going to
these two places you can learn what the WoW
economy is going to do after the next patch.
You can learn what items are going to go
from useless to insanely valuable and then
stock up on them now before the patch so
afterwards you can sell them for a huge
profit or use them for yourself. Browsing
the Test Realm forum (under  Test on the
realm forums list) you can get some really
valuable information. For example, let me
tell you something that was recently
revealed. When the Darkmoon Faire comes to
town, you will be able to turn in various
items to gain faction with them and in turn
get powerful new rare and epic items. The
players on the test server discovered that
one of these items was a green firework. Now
usually green fireworks require heavy
leather and heavy blasting powder to make.
This makes them somewhat expensive. But for
the 4th of July Blizzard spawned a special
NPC in the main cities that sold fireworks
dirt-cheap. What do you think the people who
knew about the green fireworks did? Of
course, bought hundreds of them for a few
gold and they will now have epic and rare
items once the faire comes to town on the
live servers. It s reasons like this you
should ALWAYS play on the test server, read
the test forums and patch notes. People who
do always discover things that make a lot of
gold. Another great example of this is when
Blizzard implemented the runecloth turn-in
quest for reputation increases. People saw
this coming and bought stacks and stacks of
cloth. Now, cloth sells for almost triple
what it did before and these people (myself
included) made serious gold reselling at a
Resetting an Instance- Anyone who plans on
doing any sort of farming or collecting
inside of instances needs to know this
information. Resetting an instance dungeon
is the process of  fooling the game into
thinking you are part of a new group
entering the instance for the first time.
This means that all of the mobs, minerals,
chests, items, etc. will respawn again as
new for you. Here is how you do it.
Enter an instance in a group of 2 people
with yourself as the group leader. Do what
you have to do whether it is kill a mob,
mine ore or whatever. Now, promote the other
person in your group to leader. Have them
kick you from the group. In a second or two
you will get a message saying,  You are not
in this instance s group&  and it will
threaten to port you out. At this point
leave the instance. Once outside, reinvite
your other group member with you as the
leader and re-enter the instance. The
instance should be reset and just like new
again for you to repeat as many times as you
Here s the real trick, sometimes if you do
the above method too quickly the instance
will not reset. For example, if you are only
making 2-3 minute runs inside an instance it
typically will not reset for you. Here is a
trick I discovered to overcome this. Follow
the above procedure but when you reinvite
your other group member ALSO send an invite
to another person who is already in a group.
You can find another person in a group by
simply doing a /who on a place like Molten
Core or Scholomance because these people
will obviously be in a group already. You
will get a message that they are already in
a group BUT this will  trick the game into
thinking your group structure has change and
bam!- instance is reset. Using this method
you can reset instance dungeons all day long
without problem. Go for it!
Dark Iron Mining- This is the gathering
technique I routinely use to make over 100
gold in an hour. Yes, you really can make
that much gold using this system. Dark iron
is a very valuable material that is used to
craft high-end items and also for reputation
gains with the Thorium Brotherhood. Put
simply, it is worth a lot of gold. It is
only found in two places in the entire game,
Blackrock Depths and Molten Core. Obviously,
Molten Core is a 40 main raid instance so
you can t sneak in there to get ore. That
leaves us with BRD.
Upon entering the BRD instance there is a
door to your right. You will need to be able
to lockpick it or you will need to have the
Shadowforge key to open it (obtained by
completing a quest inside BRD). Once through
there you can either walk straight ahead or
turn right through another door. You want to
walk straight ahead to the area called the
Dark Iron Highway. In these area is where
you are going to make tons of gold mining
ore. There are numerous dark iron spawn
points in this area and on each run you
should be able to get to one or two of them.
Simply mine the ore, leave and reset the
instance to do it all over again. You will
need a couple of people at least for this or
if you are a rogue or druid you can stealth
in. Also, hunters can run in and feign death
to escape the mobs around the ore. Some
times you will need to clear some mobs
around the ore to mine it. Sometimes it will
all be clear for you. Other times it will be
behind so many mobs you won t be able to
reach it and will have to reset the instance
right away. A word of warning about the mobs
in here- there are bloodhounds in this are
that can see through stealth from very far
away for their level. Also, they hit very
hard but fortunately don t have much health.
You may have to fight a few of these to get
to the ore but they can easily be soloed if
you are careful.
I average about 20-40 dark iron ore per hour
using this technique. Considering that dark
iron ore sells for anywhere from 1 gold to 4
gold a piece it is easy to see that this is
insanely profitable. I had the money for my
epic mount using this technique for just two
days. It s that good!
Map below:
Checking the Market- The best place to check
the market value of an item is by far If you search for an item
there you will find listed right below it
its median selling price as well as the
prices it has most recently sold for. Click
on the info link and you will find all sorts
of information about the pricing of the
UI Mods you should have:
Gatherer- shows the location of minerals,
herbs, chests, etc. on your main map and
Lootlink- In-game database of items-
Enchantrix- Shows item disenchant results so
you can track what is worth disenchanting
Atlas- In-game map of instance dungeons-
Auctioneer- Provides you with in-game data
on your auction house
Quickloot- Moves the looting window under
your mouse cursor no matter where it is
BankItems- Keeps track of what you have in
your bank, even when you aren t at the bank
When this guide is updated, you will receive
all future updates as a customer. Thanks for
your support.
This guide is not endorsed or supported by Blizzard
Entertainment. Use at your own risk. World of Warcraft is a
registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. We are in no
way affiliated with World of Warcraft or Blizzard
This document copyright Luke Brown, 2005.
Unauthorized duplication forbidden.


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