Switching Networks
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 1
General (theoretical) model of the exchange Extended (practical) model of the exchange
Serving Serving
Line Unit Line Unit
Switching Network Concentrator Switching Network
Unit Unit
SN (Sieć Dróg SN
to other to other
exchanges exchanges
Trunk Trunk
Unit Unit
Control Unit
Control Unit
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 3 Switching Systems 4
Stanisław Stoch
Number of terminals involved in the connection Number of terminals involved in the connection
In digital telephony a conference is task of a conference
bridge and NOT of the SN. From the SN point of view,
conference of N subscribers is set of N single connections
single connection
between subscribers and the conference bridge .
In digital telephony multicast is to be found only
by delivering of signalling from one tone generator
to multiple subscribers (or tone receivers).
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Stanisław Stoch
One-sided vs. two-sided units Possible misunderstanding
local connection
Two-sided = rectangular
(is able to connect only
to other
input with output) offices
transit connection
outgoing or incoming
One-sided = triangular
(homogeneous terminals,
Symbol of triangle is used for one-sided units in theoretical documents only.
In the documentation of switching systems all units are drawn as rectangles.
not divided into some groups)
The real triangular nature of one-sided unit is to deduce from text description.
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Stanisław Stoch
The same switching unit drawn as a triangle Number of inputs to number of outputs ratio
traffic compression
2:1 or greater, e.g. 8:1
local connections
traffic expansion
( Line-Line )
1:2 or lesser, e.g. 1:8
outgoing and incoming
traffic distribution
connections ( Line-Trunk )
between 2:1 and 1:2
transit connections ( Trunk-Trunk )
to other
sub.A sub.B
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Stanisław Stoch
Transmission directionality
exchange exchange exchange
telephone circuit telephone circuit (transmissionally bidirectional)
made on made on
bidirectional path two unidirectional paths
trunk exchange
hybrid hybrid
(rozgałęznik) (rozgałęznik)
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 12
Digital elementary switch Digital two-sided (rectangular) switch
" transmisionally bidirectional
telephony service is bidirectional
" transmisionally unidirectional
because of digital technology
" two-sided (rectangular)
partition into inputs and outputs
is the result of unidirectional transmission
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 13 Switching Systems 14
Stanisław Stoch
Digital one-sided (triangular) switch Digital one-sided (triangular) switch
Looping of certain circuit
" transmisionally bidirectional
is practically used in switching equipment
telephony service is bidirectional
to check partly set connection path.
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
1 1
1 1
2 2
2 2
switching switching
memory memory
3 3
3 3
4 4
4 4
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 15 Switching Systems 16
Stanisław Stoch
Switching directionality Switching directionality
seizure is possible
unit Y
by control unit Y only
exchange exchange exchange
sub.A sub.B unidirectional circuits
Because every telephone circuit
seizure is possible
by control unit X only
unit X
must be transmissionally bidirectional,
designation of directionality of telephone circuit
bidirectional circuits
refers always to switching directionality.
Switching directionality of a circuit is a matter of
control signaling control
control units abilities
unit X unit Y
(avoids danger of
and signaling between them. double seizure)
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 17 Switching Systems 18
Stanisław Stoch
Structures of stepping and crossbar exchanges Structures of digital exchanges
to other offices
to other offices
to other offices
to other offices
In the past almost all circuits (excluding subscriber lines) were unidirectional
Today almost all telephone circuits are bidirectional (switching and transmission
(switching unidirectionality), so practically all units were two-sided (rectangular).
directionality) so typical are one-sided (triangular) units.
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Stanisław Stoch
Final remarks
Explanation of the difference
Possible reasons to differentiate terminals,
what implies switching unit to be bidirectional
unidirectional transmission
to other offices
switching unidirectional
to other offices
position in the
switching network
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 21 Switching Systems 22
Stanisław Stoch
Chicken diagram (symbolika szwedzka) Chicken diagram (cont.)
25 circuits
25 Out
1 circuit 25 circuits 25 circuits 1 circuit 10 circuits
10 In
1 25 25 1
10 25
1 25 25 1
10 25
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Stanisław Stoch
Joinig of inputs Joining of outputs
10 25 10 25
25 25
50 20
25 50 10
25 10 In 10 In
20 In
10 50 20 25
10 In
10 25 25 10 10 25
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 25 Switching Systems 26
Stanisław Stoch
Joinig of inputs and outputs
10 25
10 In 10 In
20 In
10 10 25 25
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 27
Single-stage network (example no. 1) Single-stage one-sided network
N2 Out
N1 N2 N
" Number of crosspoints is a reasonable
N1 In
approximate indication of the network cost :
" To make one connection only one crosspoint
L = N " (N 1) / 2 ( L ~ N2 )
(punkt komutacyjny) should be closed
For two-sided and one-sided networks:
" All outputs are fully available
" Number of crosspoints is a reasonable " Preserving full availability
approximate indication of the network cost:
" we seek an opportunity to reduce the cost L.
L1 = N1 " N2 (for N1= N2: L1 = N2 )
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 29 Switching Systems 30
Stanisław Stoch
Two-stage network (example no. 2) Calculating number of crosspoints
n1 1 1 n2 n1 1 r2 r1 1 n2
N1 = n1 " r1 N2 = n2 " r2 N1 = n1 " r1 N2 = n2 " r2
n1 r1 r2 n2 n1 r1 r2 r1 r2 n2
1. stage 2. stage 1. stage 2. stage
one switch: n1" r2 r1" n2
" between each switch of 1. stage
one stage: (n1" r2)" r1 (r1" n2)" r2
and each switch of 2. stage
there exists exactly one link
L2 = r1" r2" (n1 + n2) = N1/n1 " N2/n2 " (n1 + n2) =
" for single chosen input and single chosen
= N1" N2" (n1 + n2) / n1" n2 = N1" N2 " (1/n1 + 1/n2)
output there exists only one possibility
to connect them (using two crosspoints)
Typical value of n was =20, is: 8" 30 = 240, so L2 � L1
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 31 Switching Systems 32
Stanisław Stoch
Two-stage network example of blocking
a a
In1 Out1
b c
In2 Out2
1 2 3 1 2 3
not possible
c b
d d
3 6
4 5 6 4 5 6
2 5
In Out
1 4
Two-stage network
1 2 3
a b
with full availability
(compared to single-stage
c d
network) is cheaper (L2 < L1),
but blocking can appear.
4 5 6
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 33
Switching network with doubled links blocking
Network with doubled links (example no. 3)
In1 Out1
n1 1 1 n2
In2 Out2
In3 Out3
N1 = n1 " r1 N2 = n2 " r2 1 2 3 1 2 3
not possible
n1 r1 r2 n2
3 6
1. stage 2. stage
2 5
4 5 6 4 5 6
" between each switch of 1. stage
1 4
In Out
and each switch of 2. stage
Network with multiple links
there exist exactly two links
1 2 3
between switches
of adjacent stages is called
" to connect chosen input to chosen output
incomplete network.
there exist two possibilities
This is very ineffective
" L3 = 2 " L2 4 5 6
method to reduce blocking.
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Stanisław Stoch
Three-stage network (example no. 4) Three-stage network chicken diagram
3. stage
n1 1 1 1 n2
m n2
N1 N2
n1 r1 m r2 n2
1. stage 2. stage 3. stage
" between individual switches of adjacent
stages there exists exactly one link r1
" to connect single input to single output
there exist m independent paths
1. stage
" we denote that network: �
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 37 Switching Systems 38
Stanisław Stoch
Clos Theorem for �(m,n1,r1,n2,r2) Clos network Example cost comparison
n1 1 1 1 n2 no. of terminals of the network
N 800 115 200
no. of terminals of one switch
only one only one n 20 240
free input free output
no. of side-stage switches
r 40 480
no. of middle-stage switches
m 39 479
one-stage network (nonblocking)
L1 640 000 13 271 040 000
two-stage network (blocking)
L2 64 000 110 592 000
two-stage incomplete n. (blocking)
L3 128 000 221 184 000
Clos network (nonblocking)
L4 124 800 220 723 200
" To avoid blocking, there must be:
m e" (n1-1) + (n2-1) + 1 i.e. m e" n1 + n2 - 1
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 39 Switching Systems 40
Stanisław Stoch
One-sided (triangular) Clos network Clos theorem for one-sided network �
n 1
n r
" Physically it s a two-stage network.
(same as for two-sided network)
" For r > 3: m e" 2n - 1
" From the traffic point of view
(round down
" For r = 3: m e" to integer
it s a three-stage network
= truncate)
(three crosspoints constitute the path
" For r = 2: m e" n
connecting two terminals).
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 41 Switching Systems 42
Stanisław Stoch
2. stage
The worst state of the network
" Choose two terminals of different switches and hold
them free.
" Make connections taking subsequent terminals of the
same switches, as previously chosen free terminals.
" If connection path goes through two sections, try to
make all connections using the same link group.
If connection path goes through three sections, try to
make subsequent connections through different
middle-stage switches to other side-stage switches,
than switches chosen at the beginning.
" After connecting all other terminals, return to
previously chosen free terminals, and try to connect
them. If it is not possible the network is blocking.
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 44
The worst state of the network example The worst state of the network example
n=3 r=4 m=4 (non-blocking m e" 2n 1 = 5)
n=4 f=4 (non-blocking f e" n = 4)
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 45 Switching Systems 46
Stanisław Stoch
Selection types Distibution of trunks of the same group
to K1
" P-P - Point - Point (to individual circuit)
Trunks of the
to K1
not possible
" P-G - Point - Group (to any circuit of a group)
same group
(leading to
" P-A - Point - All (to any of all circuits)
the same
should be
to K1
as equally
to K1
sub.A sub.B
as possible
among all
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 47 Switching Systems 48
Stanisław Stoch
External blocking Internal blocking (of 1. type)
In1 K1 In1 K1
In4 K1 In2 K2
In2 K1 In3 K3
1 2 3 K1 K2 K3 1 2 3 K1 K2 K3
not possible not possible
K3 K3 K3 K3
4 5 6 K1 K2 K3 4 5 6 K1 K2 K3
K2 K2 K2 K2
In Out In Out
K1 K1 K1 K1
All internal links
1 2 3 1 2 3
available to some input
None free trunks to
(i.e. all outputs of its
the desired destnation
switch) are busy.
4 5 6 4 5 6
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 49 Switching Systems 50
Stanisław Stoch
Internal blocking (of 2. type) Example of Benea algorithm s use
In1 K1
In1 K1
In4 K2
In4 K2
In4 K2 should use
In4 K2
the same switch, as
In2 K2
1 2 3 K1 K2 K3 1 2 3 K1 K2 K3
previous In1 uses
not possible
K3 K3 K3 K3
4 5 6 K1 K2 K3 4 5 6 K1 K2 K3
K2 K2 K2 K2
In Out In Out
K1 K1 K1 K1
There exists free output, In that case it s possible to
1 2 3 1 2 3
free available link, but it s establish connection
not possible to establish
In2 K2
the connection.
(as well every other).
4 5 6 4 5 6
Stanisław Stoch Switching Systems 51 Switching Systems 52
Stanisław Stoch
Benea algorithm Rearrangeable (or repackable) network
In multistage networks there exist many possible paths
to connect some input to specific destination (output).
K1 K2
These paths go trough different switches of particular
1 2
The main idea of Benea algorithm is not to choose
K1 K2
a completely empty middle-stage switch if it is possible
to set up a call through a partially occupied switch
3 4
(making them more occupied).
In1 A K1 Making change:
That choice leaves in the switching network
In3 B K2 In3 A K2
maximal switching capabilities for future connections.
In2 K1 we achieve:
not possible In2 B K1
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Stanisław Stoch
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