Troll Blade 2nd Edition

2nd edition
0 - Game Mechanics
 A process cannot be understood by
stopping it. Understanding must move with
the flow of the process - Mentat proverb
Troll-Blade determines the success or failure of
attempted actions with the roll of a twenty sided die
or d20.
In combat, the HIGHER the roll the better with any
bonus adding to the roll and any penalty subtracting
 With sword and spell we conquer hell, from it.
With spell and sword are legends forged.
For any other action, referred to as a TASK, the
- attributed motto of the Sons of War
LOWER the roll the better with any bonus subtracting
from the roll and any penalty adding to the roll.
ZERO - game mechanics
ONE - character generation
Roll High Low
1.1 - Generate abilities
Bonus Add Subtract
1.2 - Determine dice values
1.3 - Action points Penalty Subtract Add
1.4 - Choose a race
The effects of actions are often cumulative. The table
1.5 - Choose a class
below determines this.
1.6 - Determine combat bonus
1.7 - Personal details
Level Cumulative
1.8 - Equipment
TWO - tasks 1 1
2.1 - passive task rolls
2 3
2.2 - opposed task rolls
3 6
2.3 - task penalties
4 10
THREE - combat
3.1 - the combat round
5 15
3.2 - full move
6 21
3.3 - hand-to-hand combat
7 28
3.4 - mounted combat
3.5 - missiles
8 36
3.6 - recovering missiles
9 45
3.7 - special manoeuvres
10 55
3.8 - versus large and small opponents
FOUR - adventuring
11 66
FIVE - spell casting
12 78
5.1 - to cast a spell
5.2 - priests 13 91
5.3 - the spell list
14 105
5.4 - wryds
15 120
5.5 - magic item creation
16 136
SIX - character development
SEVEN - referee s guide
17 153
7.1 - monsters (universal)
18 171
7.2 - non humanoid monsters
19 190
7.3 - humanoid monsters
7.4 - monster traits
20 210
7.5 - monster treasure
7.6 - experience points
7.7 - monster examples
EIGHT - the Thousand Kingdoms
1 - Character Generation The value of a given ability reflects directly on a
character s combat skills.
 Be thy one and wisdom to, Check the table below to determine.
And grew and joyed in my growth,
From a word to a word I was led to a word
From a deed to another deed.
6 or less d2 d4 d6
- poem of ancient Britain
7 to 10 d4 d6 d8
1.1 - GENERATE ABILITIES : 11 to 14 d6 d8 d10
15 plus d8 d10 d12
Each character has 6 abilities. They are:
Hit Points (HP) per Rank. Compare END to C.
Strength (or STR)
Damage inflicted with hand weapons. Compare
Dexterity (or DEX)
STR. A = small weapon, B = medium weapon, C
Endurance (or END)
= large weapon.
Intellect (or INT)
Damage inflicted with missile weapons.
Willpower (or WILL)
Compare DEX. A = throwing weapon / sling. B =
Charisma (or CHA)
bow. C = crossbow.
Damage resistance (DR) from wearing armour.
STR represents physical, muscular power as it
Compare END. A = leather. B = chain-mail. C =
relates to such activities as swimming, climbing
and lifting. A high STR makes it easier to hit an
Deflection bonus (DB) when using a shield.
opponent in hand-to-hand combat and also
Compare DEX. A = small shield. B = normal
determines how much damage can be inflicted
shield. C = large shield.
with a hand weapon by the character.
Initiative. Compare DEX to B.
DEX measures a character s agility and grace
with regard balancing, riding and ability to react
quickly. A high DEX means a greater ability to
hit a target with a thrown or missile weapon,
Each character begins at RANK 1 with 1 action point
inflict damage with same and a character s
prowess with a shield.
END is physical toughness and resilience. END
An AP can be spent at any time and allows the
measures a character s ability to withstand
character to make his next roll TWICE with the better
damage through hit points and deflect damage
roll being chosen each time.
by wearing armour. A high END character is
less likely to suffer the worst effects of poison
Only 1 AP may be spent in a single round.
and disease.
INT is a character s intelligence, ability to learn
Ordinarily all AP S are recovered 24 hours after the
and use knowledge. INT is the major
AP total is reduced to 0, however after a AP is spent
requirement for Sorcerers both in casting and
a character may attempt to recover the spent AP
powering their spells. A high INT character is
immediately by rolling the highest score on a rolled
likely to be literate and know many languages.
WILL is awareness, mental strength and
resistance. WILL is a requirement for Priests to
For humans the die is a d8.
channel divine power through them.
CHA measures a character s charm, grace and
For non-humans the die is a d4 for a FAVOURED AP
presence (or lack thereof).
roll (FAP) and d12 for all other AP spending.
Roll 1d6 + 12 for one ability.
A FAP is a circumstance in which the character has a
Roll 2d6 + 6 for another two abilities.
racial / cultural advantage when attempting a
Roll 3d6 for each of the three additional abilities.
particular action and are listed in the races section.
Don t worry about the ability scores for the moment
as they can be increased as a character progresses
in experience.
There is a choice of five character races. They are -
To determine an ability s value with regard to a TASK
roll (it s TASK INDEX or TI score), double the value
of the ability.
Each race, except for humans, has FAP for certain
circumstances. These are -
Any END TASK roll.
Any combat use of an axe, hammer, crossbow,
or armour.
Any combat roll to hit or damage goblinoids or
Any TASK roll appraising the value of metal or
stone goods.
Any TASK roll concerning the detection, crafting
or appraising of stonework or stone working.
Any INT TASK roll.
Any combat use of a long-sword or bow.
Any WILL TASK roll to listen, spot or search.
Any TASK roll to resist the effects of spells or
spell-like effects.
Any DEX TASK roll.
Any STR TASK roll to climb or jump. 1.6 - DETERMINE COMBAT BONUS
Any use of thrown or sling weapon.
Any WILL TASK roll to resist the effects of spells A COMBAT BONUS (CB) is a measure of a
or spell-like effects. character s better skill with hand-to-hand weapons
and missile weapons based on his martial training
HALF-ORC and high ability scores.
Any STR TASK roll.
Any combat use of a large weapon. A WARRIOR S CB is equal to his RANK.
Any CHA TASK roll to intimidate another.
A SORCERER S CB equals half his RANK rounded
Each character has a choice of 4 careers or
CB plus 1 at RANK S 1 to 4, plus 2 at RANK S 5 to 8,
CLASSES. These are -
plus 3 at RANK S 9 to 12, plus 4 at RANK S 13 to 16
and so on.
WARRIOR - a professional fighter trained in all
aspects of warfare and combat.
In addition CB is increased for -
THIEF - common name for a rogue, thug, scout or
CB hand-to-hand combat = + 1 for every 2
PRIEST - a servant of the divine able to wield both
points STR above 10.
weapons and spells in their god s name.
CB missile / thrown weapons = + 1 for every 2
SORCERER - a learned spell caster who seeks
points DEX above 10.
power through the use of magical spells and lore.
Any roll a WARRIOR makes concerning the 1.7 - PERSONAL DETAILS
damage inflicted by a weapon, the DB of a
shield or the DR of armour, is 1 die higher than HEIGHT
it should be. I.E. a d4 becomes a d6, a d6 44 + 6d6 .
becomes a d8 etc. Multiply by the following racial modifiers.
A THIEF doubles any TASK roll penalties (TP) HALF-ORC - 1.1
with regard to wearing metal armour or DWARF - 0.85
excessive weight. HALFLING - 0.7
A THIEF makes his initiative roll in combat at 1
die higher. . I.E. a d4 becomes a d6, a d6 WEIGHT
becomes a d8 etc. Multiply the height in inches by the racial modifiers
A THIEF can backstab an opponent if he is able below to get the weight in pounds.
to sneak up on his opponent (requires a DEX
TASK roll with a difficulty equal the opponent s DWARF - 2.5
WILL) or if he manages to hit an opponent in a HALF-ORC - 2.3
first round of combat before his opponent has HUMAN - 2.1
acted. A backstab ignores armour or shield rolls ELF - 1.7
and inflicts initial damage equal to the die roll HALFLING -1.5
plus the THIEF S RANK.
Multiply all figures by 0.95 if the character is female.
A PRIEST may cast spells and has a number of
spell points (SP) equal to his RANK plus his AGE
WILL. The average age for a human is 3d6 plus 10.
A PRIEST may cast healing and turning spells
without a TASK roll and casts them as if 4 Double the age for half-lings, triple it for dwarves and
RANKS higher than he is. quadruple it for elves.
A SORCERER may cast spells and has a LANGUAGES
number of spell points equal to his INT plus his Each character can speak TRADE-TALK, their own
cumulative RANK. racial language and their own class language.
Any roll a SORCERER makes concerning the
damage inflicted by a weapon, the DB of a TRADETALK is a common or commercial language
shield or the DR of armour, is 1 die lower than it which is good mainly for description, costs and basic
should be. I.E. a d4 becomes a d2, a d6 emotions and quite useless for anything subtle or
becomes a d4 etc. poetic.
A SORCERER doubles any TASK roll penalties
(TP) with regard to wearing armour. The Racial languages are -
Dwarf - Kuruk
Elf - Falaran
Half-ling - Smoot Easy 5
Half-orc - Gurn
Normal 10
The class languages are a combination verbs and
Hard 15
grammar related to the skills and actions of the
various classes. They are - Very hard 20
Nigh impossible 25
THIEVES - Mumble
WARRIORS - Clarion
Subtract the difficulty # from the ability s TI .
PRIEST - Solemn
This is the figure that must be rolled EQUAL or
A character with a high INT can speak an additional
UNDER to be successful.
language for every 2 points his INT is above 12. This
may be any other racial language and may include
A roll of 1 always succeeds and a roll of 20 always
the languages of monsters listed below.
Gnash - orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears.
If something calls for a task roll without giving a
Bellow - ogres, giants, trolls, minotaurs.
difficulty then the attempt has a difficulty equal to the
Growl - beast-men
ability s value.
Roar - dragons, dragon-kin, wyverns.
Hiss - lizard men and snake-men.
Disturb - abominations
Smother - un-living
If the TASK is being directly and actively opposed by
Celeste - angels
another being, then the difficulty of the TASK can be
Dominate - devils
rated with the value of the most relevant opposing
Debase - demons
A character is literate in any language that he can
For example, a character involved in an arm wrestle
make an INT TASK roll for except for SORCERERS
with a town guard would use the guard s STR as the
and PRIESTS who need only roll for additional
difficulty rating of the STR TASK roll he must make to
Different abilities can be used to oppose each other.
A character holding his breath under water in a
fountain while a guard searches the courtyard could
Each character can carry # items equal to STR.
make an END TASK roll using the guard s WILL as
Items listed as A, B or C equal 1, 2 or 4 items
the difficulty rating. OR a character trying to undo
respectively. 50 coins or 10 arrows/bolts equal 1
locks on a treasure chest before a guard makes it
item. 10 sling stones equals 2 items.
down a stairs to fight him would make a DEX TASK
roll with the guard s STR as the difficulty rating.
Each character has 3d6 coins to purchase items.
Items listed as A, B and C cost = 5, 10 and 20 coins
A character has a task penalty (TP) to STR and DEX
TASK rolls depending on what he is carrying and
Ordinary equipment (50 rope, pick axe, lantern, litre
of oil, 10 arrows etc.) cost 2 coins each. 10 sling
The TP total to both equals -1 for leather, -2 for
stones = 1 coin.
Chain-mail, -3 for plate mail and an additional - 1, -2
and - 3 for carrying half, three-quarters or total
number of items allowed (round up).
2 - Tasks
Other class related penalties may also apply.
 The body gives form.
Form permits action.
Action reveals the person.
- from the Formulas of Being
Anytime a character wishes to attempt something
such as climb a wall or whatever, choose the most
relevant ability and compare it s TI value to the
difficulty of the task at hand.
Generally tasks are rated in difficulty as -
3 - Combat A rider must make a DEX TASK roll at the start of
each round of combat.
A successful roll means that the rider can choose
whether he or his mount attacks. The rider can also
breakaway from combat without rolling as a special
A failed roll means the opponent chooses whether he
fights the mount or the rider.
To hit a target with missile weapon roll 1d20 and add
their CB (missile).
This must roll EQUAL or OVER 10, 15 or 20 at close,
medium and long range respectively.
The range in yards equals the difficulty number for
thrown weapons.
For bows and crossbows the range is the difficulty x2
for close range , x3 for medium range and x4 for long
For slings the distance = difficulty x1.5, x2 and x2.5
At the start of each round the characters must roll for
initiative. The highest roll goes first. Equal rolls must
roll until somebody goes before another.
A character s DB roll is subtracted from the to hit roll.
Each round (6 seconds. there are 10 rounds in a
Turn or minute) a character may move a distance in
feet equal his DEX or STR (whichever is higher) and
Roll 1d6 for each missile.
perform an action such as a hand-to-hand attack,
open a door, grab an item, jump over an item etc.
A thrown weapon is recovered on a 2+. A sling stone
on a 4+ and a 6+ for an arrow or crossbow bolt.
Not move and perform a full round action such as use
a missile weapon or cast a spell.
Make a full move but do nothing else.
A character may wish to attempt an action in combat
which doe not involve not inflicting damage on the
opponent, such as disarming, breaking away from
combat, breaking past an opponent etc.
A FULL MOVE depends on what armour the
character is wearing.
The attack roll in such a case is made with a -4
It is 5 times the normal move if not wearing armour. 4
times if wearing leather.
A successful hit requires a STR or DEX TASK roll
3 times if wearing chain-mail.
(whichever is lower) using the opponents STR or
2 times for wearing plate mail.
DEX (whichever is higher) in order to be successful .
Special manoeuvres are full round actions.
In hand-to-hand combat both parties roll 1d20 and
add their CB (melee).
There a 5 basic sizes that any being may be. They
If either side is using a shield then roll the shield s DB
are (in order) -
at the same time and subtract that from the
opponents roll.
The highest score wins.
After damage is rolled the opponent may make a DR
roll which either deflects ALL the damage by rolling
EQUAL or HIGHER than the damage roll or NONE
The characters are all in the medium size bracket.
at all by rolling lower.
Attempting to hit a larger being than oneself is done
Death occurs for monsters at 0 HP.
with a +1 bonus for each size bracket higher the
other being is.
Characters who are reduced to 0 or less HP must
make a END TASK roll each round or die under they
Attempting to hit a smaller being than oneself is done
are healed above 0 HP.
with a -1 penalty for each size bracket lower the
other being is.
DROWNING/SUFFOCATION - characters stuck in a
It is possible that a larger opponent is big and tough situation were they cannot breathe, such as in a
enough to shrug off the blows. This is called SIZE cloud of poison gas or underwater, take cumulative
NEGATION and it applies to any damage inflicted damage per round.
with missiles or in hand-to-hand combat. After damage is taken the character can attempt to
escape their circumstances if possible. This requires
For every hit roll a 1d20. If the opponent is larger the a STR, DEX or END (whichever is lowest) TASK roll
cumulative difference is size brackets must be rolled at a penalty equal to the number of rounds the
higher than in order to inflict damage. This is in character has been stuck in the circumstances.
addition to any DR or DB rolls.
POISON - poison effects characters for 3d6 hours.
EXAMPLE - a man (medium) and a sprite (tiny) fight An END TASK roll each hour is required to avoid
a dragon (huge). The man gains a +2 to hit the losing 1d4 HP. Character suffers -2 penalties to all
dragon but any damage inflicted his word is negated rolls while poisoned.
on a 1d20 roll of 3 or less. The sprite gains a +4 to hit
the dragon but her damage is negated on a 1d20 roll DISEASE - as POISON except replace hours with
of 10 or less. The dragon suffers a - 2 and -4 to hit days and an initial END roll to avoid catching it.
the man and the sprite respectively .
5 - Spell Casting
4 - Adventuring
 The mystery of life is not a problem to  I have no sword. What use a blade when
solve, but a reality to experience - the one s words can cut flesh and break the
Orange Catholic Bible minds of men.
- Agnon Steff. Order of the Green Tower
HEALING - Characters heal 1 HP every 24 hours or
1d4 HP ever 24 hours of FULL rest with a cost of 1d4
coins per day.
Both PRIESTS and SORCERERS can cast spells.
FALLING - characters suffer the following damage in
a fall -
To cast a spell successfully requires an INT TASK
roll for a SORCERER and a WILL TASK roll for a
10 1d4
20 2d6
A successful spell costs spell points to power. The
exact SP cost depends on the spell level that the
40 3d8
caster chooses compared to the RANK of the caster.
80 4d10
RANK Spell Level
160 5d12
1 2 3
160+ 6d20
1 - 4 1d4 2d6 3d8
JUMPING DOWN - a jump down is a controlled fall. a
5 - 8 1d4 1d6 2d8
DEX task roll taken at a difficulty equal to half the
drop in feet. Halve the damage taken if successful. 9 - 12 1 1d6 1d8
13 - 16 1 1 1d8
17 - 20 1 1 1
RANK Spell Level
4 5 6
1 - 4 4d10 5d12 6d20
5 - 8 3d10 4d12 5d20
9 - 12 2d10 3d12 4d20
13 - 16 1d10 2d12 3d20
17 - 20 1d10 1d12 2d20
A successful TASK roll to cast a spell reduces the
caster s SP total by the rolled amount. At 0 SP the
caster cannot cast any spells for 24 hours.
SORCERERS have an SP total equal to their INT
plus their cumulative RANK. A PRIEST has an SP
total equal to their WILL plus their RANK.
A failed TASK roll to cast a spell results in a increase
to the SP cost equal to the amount that the roll was
failed by.
number of hours equal to the cumulative spell
Should the cost of a spell reduce the caster s SP total level and must be cast on an opponent that is
to less than zero. The additional points to power the within the caster s RANK in feet.
spell come off the character s HP on a 1 for 1 basis. 6. CRIPPLE - the character reduces a chosen
ability of a touched being by the cumulative total
5.2 - PRIESTS of the spell level for the same amount of turns.
The character is allowed to make a END TASK
A PRIEST always casts TURNING or HEALING roll to resist with a penalty of 1 per spell level.
spells as if 4 RANKS higher than he really is and is The minimum the ability can be lowered to is 3
not required to make a WILL TASK roll to do so. but the extra points become penalty points and
These are known as INFLUENCE spells as they are subtracted to an related TASK rolls. They
relate to a gods sphere of influence. are also subtracted to damage related rolls
(STR for hand-to-hand, END for armour and
PRIESTS may occasionally worship gods who are DEX for missiles and shields) where
not so concerned with healing the sick or turning appropriate.
back the un-living. Such PRIESTS will have 1 or 2 7. DESTRUCTION - inflicts damage on inanimate
different INFLUENCE spells. objects within the cumulative RANK of the
caster in feet. The damage amounts to the
A PRIEST begins with 3 spells, 1 of which must be spell s cumulative level multiplied by the caster s
HEALING or TURNING. The PRIEST gains an RANK in cubed feet is totally disintegrated in a
additional spell at RANKS 3, 6, 9, 12 etc. single round. Magic items reduce the spell s
level by 1 for each bonus point they have. If this
A SORCERER begins with 4 spells. He gains an reduces the spell level to 0 then the spell has no
additional spell at RANKS 2, 4, 6, 8 etc. effect.
8. DETECT (object / being) - the caster becomes
5.3 - SPELL LIST aware of any of the listed objects or beings
within a radius of the caster s RANK multiplied
Both SORCERERS and PRIESTS have access to by the spell level in feet. Examples of detectable
the same list of spells. items include (and must be chosen with the
spell) : magic (items and magic users), un-living,
monsters, humanoid monsters, traps etc. The
1. (energy) BARRAGE - fires a number of energy
caster will always be aware of the items
bolts ( flame, frost, lightning or acid. Chosen
whereabouts within the spell s range for his
with spell. ) equal to 1 plus the spell level plus
RANK in turns.
half the caster s RANK. Each bolt has a range of
5 per caster s RANK multiplied by the spell 9. DISPEL - used to cancel a spell that has a
level. Each bolt inflicts 1d4 damage at spell level lasting effect such as TURNING or WARDING.
1 and increases by 1 die type at each additional The spell is automatically cast at the spell level
level (I.e. d6 at level 2, d8 at level 3 etc.) Each of the other spell. A failed INT / WILL TASK in
bolt may only hit a single target within range. A casting this spell sees the loss of SP but not the
DEX TASK roll halves the damage. Does not cancelling of the other spell.
damage inanimate objects. 10. FLIGHT - the touched character can fly at a
2. (energy) BLAST - fires a single ball of energy speed of up to 10 multiplied by the cumulative
bolts ( flame, frost, lightning or acid. Chosen spell level every round as a move action. The
with spell. ) that has a range of 5 per caster s character has complete control over this flying
RANK multiplied by the spell level. It explodes an may stop/start/ hover as he sees fit. This
with a radius of 5 per caster RANK. The blast lasts for number of turns equal to the caster s
inflicts 1d4 damage at spell level 1 and INT / WILL. The character may attempt to fly at
increases by 1 die type at each additional level much faster speeds as a full action. In such a
(I.e. d6 at level 2, d8 at level 3 etc.). An END case the speed is 10 times faster but any
TASK roll halves the damage. Does not turning greater than 45° requires a DEX TASK
damage inanimate objects. roll or the character falls from the sky.
3. BOOST - the character increases a chosen 11. HEALING - heals 1d4 damage at level 1, 2d6 at
ability of a touched being by the cumulative total level 2, 3d8 at level 3 etc. the caster must be
of the spell level for the same amount of turns. able to touch the being for 1 whole round.
The maximum the ability can be raised to is 18 12. HOLDING - the caster holds another being
but the extra points become bonus points and within a skin tight  cage of energy. The range
are added to an related TASK rolls. They are equals the caster s RANK multiplied by 5 and
also added to damage inflicted (STR for hand- lasts for a number of turns eqaul to the caster s
to-hand and DEX for missiles) were appropriate. RANK. An END TASK roll resists this but the roll
4. (energy) BOLT - fires a single energy bolt bolts suffers a penalty equal to the spell level. A held
( flame, frost, lightning or acid. Chosen with being has a DB to all damage equal to the
spell. ) at a single target within a range 10 per caster s RANK.
caster s RANK multiplied by the spell level. The 13. INSUBSTANTIAL - the touched being can pass
bolt inflicts the caster s RANK in damage plus through solid matter at a normal move pace,
2d4 at spell level 1 and increases by 1 die type cloth at spell level 2, wood/brick at level 2,
at each additional level (I.e. 2d6 at level 2, 2d8 common metal at level 3, hard metal alloys at
at level 3 etc.). A DEX TASK roll halves the level4, solid stone at level 5 and gemstones at
damage. Does not damage inanimate objects. level 6. The spell lasts for a cumulative spell
5. CHARMING - the caster gains control of a being level in turns. The character cannot fight, cast
that fails a WILL TASK roll with a penalty equal spells or physically manipulate objects while
to the spell level. The being will follow any order under the spells effects and can only be harmed
without fail unless the action would directly harm by magic or energy attack and even then the
the being or do something that the being would damage is halved.
normally consider wrong, at which point another 14. INVISIBLE - the subject touched becomes
WILL TASK roll is allowed. The spell lasts for a invisible for a number of minutes equal to the
cumulative spell level multiplied by then caster s something and suffering a number of d20
RANK. While the character cannot be seen he damage equal to the spell level. Anyone held by
can still be detected by making noise, handling or touching the caster is teleported as well but
items or taking actions that require him to use each person adds a -1 penalty to the casting of
physical contact. In order to avoid detection he the spell.
must make a DEX TASK roll with the spell level 21. TRANSFORM - the caster changes the physical
as a bonus, using the opponent s WILL as the appearance of a being with touch. An END
difficulty number. Should he be engaged in TASK roll prevents this but suffers a penalty
fighting each round the opponent must make a equal to the spell level. The character gains no
WILL TASK roll, the spell level as a penalty, special traits by being changed and his abilities
using the character s DEX as the difficulty remain the same. The character retains the
number. Should the character sneak up on a same mass but can be reduced or increased in
creature unnoticed he may inflict double the height by cumulative 1d6% per spell level. The
maximum amount of damage on the creature in spell lasts for a number of hours equal to the
the first round. cumulative level of the spell.
15. ILLUSION - the caster can create an illusion 22. TURNING - when used successfully against the
surrounding either a living creature (which can un-living they are held back from the caster a
move with the being) or an inanimate object distance in feet equal to the caster s INT / WILL
(which remains inanimate). An illusion is plus, the caster s RANK multiplied the spell
counted in rounds at level 1, turns at level 2, level. The spell affects a number of un-living
hours at level 3 and son on. The illusion lasts for ranks equal the caster s RANK plus 1d4 at spell
a number of rounds / turns / hours / days / level 1, 2d6 at spell level 2, 3d8 at spell level 3
months / years, equal to the caster s INT / WILL etc. The effect lasts for a number of turns equal
multiplied by the caster s RANK and again by to the INT / WILL multiplied by the spell level.
the spells level. The maximum radius of effect of 23. WARDING - creates a visible barrier around an
an illusion equals the cumulative spell level object. The barrier has a maximum radius in feet
multiplied by 10. To actively disbelieve an equal to the caster s INT / WILL multiplied by
illusion requires a WILL TASK roll at a penalty the spell level. The warding lasts for a number
equal to the cumulative level of the spell (-1 at of days equal to the caster s INT / WILL
level 1, -3 at level 2 etc.) multiplied by his RANK and multiplied again by
16. SHAPING - the caster can manipulative solid the spell level. Any attempt to pass through the
inanimate matter as a full action the size of the warding requires a number of rounds equal to
affected matter depends on the spell level. It the caster s INT / WILL and an END TASK roll
starts off at 2 square feet at level 1 and squares at a penalty equal to the cumulative spell level
again at each additional level. The materials that of the warding (-1 at spell level 1, -3 at spell
can be effectuated at each level are the same level 2, -6 at spell level 3). A failed attempt
as what can be passed through with an inflicts the spell level in damage.
17. SHIELDING - the spell creates a visible barrier
around someone touched for a number of
rounds equal to the caster s INT / WILL
multiplied by the spell level. The spell acts as a
DB and DR equal to 1d4 at level 1, 1d6 at level
2 etc. The spell also changes TASK rolls against
magic or energy attacks. A failed TASK roll
halves the damage and a successful TASK roll
cancels all damage completely.
18. STRIKE - a touched weapon gains the spell
level as a bonus to hit and the cumulative spell
level as a bonus to damage. The weapon
carries this magical ability for a cumulative spell
level number of turns.
19. SUMMON - the caster calls forth a physical
manifestation of an creature from another plane
of existence. The creature with has a HP,
damage, DR and DB depending on the spell
level. At level 1 it s d4, at level 2 it s d6, and so
on all the way up to d20 at level 6. The
creature s RANK equals the caster. The 5.4 - WYRDS
creature will have 1 random special monster
trait per 2 levels of spell although a missile A WYRD is an area or item within that area that casts
attack may be chosen by the referee instead. a particular spell on whoever enters the area or
The creature will stay until dismissed by the touches the item. The caster or anybody specifically
caster or for a total of turns equal to the caster s noted at the time of the WYRDS creation is
INT / WILL multiplied by his RANK. The unaffected.
summoned creature will have looks that reflect
the caster s class and personality and will never To create a WYRD costs the caster must do a
do anything that the caster would not do himself. number of things -
20. TELEPORT - the character can teleport himself 1. Choose the spell that will have an effect and at
to a chosen place in the blink of an eye. The what level.
range in miles of the teleport is the character s 2. Choose an item that is symbolic of the spell ( a
INT / WILL multiplied by the spell level. A failed shield for shielding, a sword for strike etc.) that
casting roll results in the character arriving 1d6 is destroyed to create the WYRD along with
miles away in a random direction. A failed roll of materials equal in value to the cumulative spell
20 also results with the character teleporting into level multiplied by 100 in gold coins and name
the conditions which will prevent the WYRD
from taking effect (such as not effecting female 6 - Character
elves or being carrying swords in both hands for
3. Cast the spell successfully. The spell takes a
number of hours to cast equal to the cumulative
spell level. Failure to do this means that the
Each character goes up a RANK when he gains an
WYRD has not taken effect.
amount of experience points (XP) equal to the next
4. If the spell is cast successfully the character will
RANK multiplied by 100.
recover all his SP over time EXCEPT for a
number equal to the spell s level. These are
In turn each character gains
permanently lost.
5. The area of effect cannot be greater in space
an additional die of HP
than the cumulative spell level multiplied by the
gains an additional AP
caster s cumulative RANK in square feet.
may increase his lowest ability score by 1. He
6. A WYRD lasts for an amount of time equal to
may increase any other ability by 1 instead, if he
the character s cumulative RANK. The
decides to permanently lose an AP.
measures of time depend on the spell s level, as
PRIESTS and SORCERERS gain additional
shown below.
This is accompanied by a cost of 10 coins x new
RANK which covers day to day expenses such as
1 Hours
study, training, equipment repair, rent etc.
2 Days
3 Weeks
7 - Referee s Guide
4 Months
"What is best in life? To crush your
5 Years
enemies, to see them driven before you,
6 Decades
and to hear the lamentations of their
-Ghengis Khan
A magic item is empowered with a bonus with regard
to the TASK it is used with. It may also be loaded
with a spell or spells. In order to create a magic item
the caster must -
A monster s HP per RANK depend on it s size. This
amounts to -
1. Determine the total bonus of the item and the
number of spells it contains. This may be no
Tiny - d4
higher than a combined total of 6 (spells plus
Small - d6
bonus) and this is also the level of the spell that
Normal - d8
is directly creating the item.
Large - d10
2. Materials valuing the cumulative total of the
Huge - d12
creation spell level multiplied by 100 coins, must
be used and destroyed in the creation.
A monster s CB melee equals it s RANK x 1.5 (round
3. Cast the spell successfully. The spell takes a
down). A monster s CB missile = RANK x 1.
number of hours to cast equal to the cumulative
spell level. Failure to cast the spell also fails to
A monster s initiative depends on it s size.
create the item.
4. If the spell is cast successfully the character will
recover all his SP over time EXCEPT for a Tiny d12
number equal to the spell s level. These are
Small d10
permanently lost.
5. A magic item will always resist being used
Medium d8
initially. The character must make a CHA TASK
Large d6
roll using a difficulty number equal to 2d6 plus
the bonus. This takes 1d6 rounds.
Huge d4
6. Each spell begins with a number of charges
equal to the caster s RANK. Each use of the
For the purposes of TASK rolls only, assume
spell is a full round action and uses 1d4 of the
monsters have the following ability values.
item s charges. The item gains an additional 1d6
charges each time the character gains a RANK.
If the amount of charges runs out the item loses
tiny 1d6, small 2d6. Medium 3d6, large 3d6 + 6,
that spell.
huge 4d6 + 12
7. Each spell is cast as if the character had a
casting RANK equal to the item s bonus plus the
tiny 3d6 + 6, small 2d6 + 6, medium 3d6, large 2d6,
character s RANK divided by 2.
huge 1d6
tiny to medium 3d6, large 2d6 +6, huge 1d6 + 12
1 at 1d6, 1 at 2d6 and 1 at 3d6
7.2 - MONSTERS (NON-HUMANOID) doesn t share this ability when in this
A non-humanoid monster s melee damage (and 9. FLIGHT- the monster can leave combat at any
missile but only if appropriate) and DR = the HP per time without harm unless his opponent makes a
RANK die. DEX TASK roll. Monsters fly at a speed of
10 per round per RANK.
Non-humanoid monsters don t usually have a DB. 10. INVISABLE or PHASING - the characters must
make a WILL TASK roll or suffer -1d12 to hit the
7.3 - HUMANOID MONSTERS monster.
11. POISONOUS - the creature inflicts a poison
attack anything it inflicts damage.
Melee damage, missile damage, DR and DB is determined
12. PROTECTIVE AURA - an opponent must make
on the chart below.
a TASK roll based on a appropriate ability due
to the monster s aura which has a radius of the
A equals a small or thrown weapon, small shield and
cumulative RANK total in feet (1 at RANK 1, 3
leather armour.
at RANK 2, 6 at RANK 3 and so on. Failure
results in a -4 penalty to all rolls will in the aura s
B equals a normal or bow weapon, normal shield and
chain mail.
13. UN-LIVING - Un-living are animated by negative
energy and are always assumed to make their
C equals a large weapon or crossbow, large shield
saving throws. Any time they take damage roll
and plate-mail.
1d20. If this equals or less than their RANK they
only suffer 1 point of damage. Un-living are
Siz T S N L H
immune to poisons, disease and any spell or
effect that requires a WILL TASK roll to resist.
A 1 d2 d4 d6 d8
B d2 d4 d6 d8 d10
C d4 d6 d8 d1 d12
There is 3 types of treasure. Coins, goods and magic
items. Treasure may not necessarily carried by the
monster. It may be hidden or kept in a lair or simply
within radius of the monsters lair.
Many monsters have special qualities that make
them harder to fight and shape their tactics. COINS - each monster or group of monsters has an
amount of coins = cumulative RANK x 1d6. So a 4th
1. CONSTRUCTION - the monster is a RANK monster would have between 10 and 60 coins.
manufactured creation. Any time they take
damage roll 1d20. If this equals or less than GOODS - the amount of goods, including weapons
their RANK they only suffer 1 point of damage. and armour is normally twice the value of coins
Constructions are immune to poisons, disease owned.
and any spell or effect that requires a WILL
TASK roll to resist. A DESTRUCTION spell will MAGIC ITEMS - there is a percentage chance equal
damage a construction at a cumulative rate to to the creature s cumulative RANK (or the highest
the spell s level (1d4 at level 1, 2d6 at level2, RANKING monster in the group, is in posession of a
3d78 at level 3 etc). number of magic items equal to half of the highest
2. CRUSH or TRAMPLE - if the monster hits the RANK ING monster in the group. There is also a n
character must make a DEX TASK roll. If this equal cumulative chance per item, that the magic
fails the character is held/pinned. At the start of item is actually in by one of the monsters
each round after that the character takes double
the normal damage before he attempts another Roll 1d6 to see what type of item it is.
DEX TASK roll to escape. 1-weapon
3. DAMAGE REDUCTION - unless hit with a 2-bow
particular type of weapon damage is halved 3-shield
after DR roll. 4-armour
4. ENERGY BLAST- every 1d4 rounds the 5-worn items
monster can automatically hit a number of 6-carried item.
beings equal to half it s RANK within 10 per To determine if the items, such as arms, armour
RANK. Damage equals # damage die = half it s or shields, are A, B or C roll 1d6.
RANK but a successful END TASK roll will half 1 to 3 = A
the damage. 4 or 5 = B
5. ENERGY DRAIN - when touched by this 6 = C
monster the character must make a successful Items designated as worn or carried must be
TASK roll of the appropriate ability or suffer a used so to gain their bonus.
permanent loss of a 1 point of that same ability. The bonus of an item is determined by rolling
For 24 hours afterward the character cannot add 2d6.
AP to any rolls involving that ability. 6, 7 or 8 = +1
6. ENERGY RAY -every 1d4 rounds the creature 5 or 9 = +2
can automatically inflict # damage die = half it s 4 or 10 = +3
RANK on a single being within 10 per RANK. 3 or 11 = +4
Only a successful DEX TASK roll halves the 2 or 12 = +5
damage. A worn or carried item gives it s bonus to a
7. FAST HEAL - the monster regains 1d4 HP at randomly determined, but specific, ability TASK
the start of each round. One type of damage rolls such as STR / climbing or riding/DEX.
always ignores this. A magic item will always resist being used
8. FAVOURED ENVIRONMENT - the monster initially. The character must make a CHA TASK
gains a +4 bonus to hit another creature that
roll using a difficulty number equal to 2d6 plus The TUROC empire once ruled the continent of
the bonus. This takes 1d6 rounds. RAUX. From coast to coast it s provinces were
Roll 1d20 for any magic item. On a roll of 20 it the model of just, feudal rule. The people
has the power to cast a random spell (roll 1d100 supported the orders of knights that swore to
and divide by 4) at a level equal to the item s protect them as the lawful representatives of the
bonus and as if the character had a casting TUROC family. Trade flourished and schools
RANK equal to the item s bonus plus the devoted to the study of the arts and magic
character s RANK divided by 2. This is a full thrived under the patronage of the empires
round action. It costs no SP rather it uses up many lords and ladies. All races lived in peace
1d4 of the item s charges. Each item has 3d6 under the rule of man.
charges and gains 1d6 charges every time the But it was the noble TUROC family which led to
character gains a RANK. Should it run out of the empires downfall. Over the years it
charges, it loses it s ability. attempted to consolidate it s power through
A character can never carry more items with a marrying it s children and cousins into every
combined bonus greater than his/her RANK. noble house. The result was that hundreds of
nobles were able to claim a line of descent to
7.6 - EXPERIENCE POINTS (XP) the throne. While this mostly consisted of petty
squabbles over land and titles, some came to
believe that the crown that was desired should
A defeated monster has a number of XP . To
be taken by force.
determine the amount first check the following table-
What started the bloodshed is now long
forgotten but it began a brutal cycle of raids and
reprisals between various houses and their
allies, until not a single province was not at war.
d4 1
As months of fighting became years of struggle,
d6 3
some lords began to despair and turned to
wicked and cruel methods to achieve victory.
d8 6
Foreign mercenaries were hired, often with orcs
and ogres in their pay. Dark powers were
d10 10
summoned and bargained with. Terrible
d12 15
creatures walked the land freely amid the
confusion of the age.
The war raged for more than three decades with
Then multiply it by (RANK + # of monster traits).
no end in sight. Slowly the nobles began to
settle with the men and land they had. The
fighting for the crown of the empire gave way to
Goblin - rank 1 small humanoid
struggling against brigands and monsters in
Orc - rank 2 normal humanoid.
order to rule at all, their petty kingdoms forever
Black orc - rank 3 normal humanoid.
under threat of extinction.
Ogre - rank 4 large humanoid
Nearly two centuries have since passed and the
Troll - rank 5 large humanoid, fast heal
mighty TUROC empire has become The
Minotaur - rank 6 large humanoid, trample,
favoured environment (dungeons)
Hill giant - rank 7 huge humanoid
The Thousand Kingdoms is designed as a setting
Harpy - rank 5 normal monster, flight, protective
which allows for a lot of personal design. In order to
aura (song, 15 , CHA to save)
work out the details of any particular kingdom, follow
Skeleton - rank 1 monster, un-living
this method.
Zombie - rank 2 monster, unliving
Ghoul - rank 3 monster, un-living, poisonous
1. SIZE: roll 3d6 twice. For each 6 rolled roll
Wight - rank 4 monster, un-living, energy drain
another 1d6 and add it to the total. These # are
how wide the kingdom is, in miles north-to-south
Wraith - rank 5 monster, un-living, energy drain
and east-to-west respectively.
(END), damage reduction (magic weapons)
2. POPULATION: multiply both size figures by
Ghost - rank 6 monster, un-living, damage
themselves and multiply again 100. This is the
reduction (magic weapons), protective aura
base population. Roll 1d6. On a roll of 1 the
(fear, 21 , WILL to save)
kingdom is underpopulated. On a roll of 6 the
Manticore - rank 6 large monster, flight, 4d6
kingdom is over populated. Respectively divide
and multiply the base population by 2. In both
Wyvern - rank 7 large monster, flight, poisonous
cases the cost of goods and services is
Young dragon - rank 10 large monster, flight,
DOUBLED due to scarcity of materials or
energy blast (fireball, 100 , 5d10), protective
aura (fear, 64 ,WILL to save)
3. RACES : 3d6% of the population will be non-
human and will be split between the races of
half-lings/dwarves/elves/half-orcs in a ratio of
8 - the Thousand
4/3/2/1. There will be a 1 in 20 chance of a non-
human race being the kingdom s rulers. Roll a
1d20 as follows - 1to10 - dwarf, 11to16 - elf,
17to19 -half-ling, 20 - half-orc.
4. NOBILITY : 2d6% of the population will belong
 All claimed the crown. With sword and
to the ruling noble class.
5. MILITIA : every able bodied man is expected to
flame was it shattered and laid at the feet
serve at times of need in a militia. This amounts
of a thousand lords. The wisdom of one
to 25% of the population. Each militia man will
was lost to a multitude of folly and pride.
be RANK 1 to 4 and armed with a small shield,
leather armour and a hand weapon OR leather
armour and a 2-handed weapon OR a small
weapon, leather armour and a bow.
6. SOLDIERS : each kingdom will have a # of
soldiers equal to 1% of the total population.
Each soldier will be RANK 3 to 8 and armed
with a medium shield, chain mail armour and a
hand weapon OR chain mail armour and a 2-
handed weapon OR a hand weapon, chain mail
armour and a bow.
7. KNIGHTS : the ruling class is expected to lead
in times of war. 10% of nobles will be knights.
Each will be RANK 1 to 12 and be armed with a
medium shield, hand weapon, plate mail armour
and a cross bow. Roll 1d6 for each item. On a
roll of 6 the item is magic.
8. TOWNS : each kingdom has 2d6 towns or
villages. Each town will have 1d6% of the total
population living there. 1 town will be the
 capital . 3d6% of the population will live there.
The rest of the population live alone in the
without charge or restrictions as long as (A) it s
countryside in groups of 2d10 individuals.
author is properly credited, (B) a link is provided
9. WASTELANDS : 4d10% of the kingdom will be
to an original, unaltered work of the rules and (C)
wasteland. Double this for underpopulated
no money is ever made from it. Ever!
kingdoms. Around 1% of the population will live
in this unfarmed area. This will consist (roll 1d6)
Any queries, advice, ideas, thoughts, feelings
woodland (1or2), hills/mountains (3or4) or
or additional work concerning TROLL-BLADE
swamp/marshland(5or6). Each kingdom will
should be sent to with a
have a coastline on a roll of 1 on a 1d6.
title including the word  TROLL-BLADE .
10. NEIGHBOURS: each kingdom will have 2d3
neighbouring kingdoms. Their attitude towards
each other can be determined on a 1d6. On a
roll of1 they are openly hostile with each other.
On a roll of 2to5 they are unfriendly but not
hostile and on a roll of 6 they are allies.
There is no one who denies the existence of a
Creator God. But his power is considered beyond
mortal concerns. In his place there exists a pantheon
of deities, all created to aid with the needs of men
and all vying to increase their power and influence.
The gods accept worshippers from all races, their
appearances humanoid but without being one race
over another.
The following list lists just some of the deities and
includes any INFLUENCE spells they bestow on their
AEYONUS - the warrior god (strike, healing)
IBRATO - the trickster (illusion, transform)
MEH DIAH - goddess of retribution (cripple, energy
KUHL - god of war (energy blast, destruction)
NOL - god of learning (detect, dispel)
BELLOC - god of travellers (flight, teleport)
KHURN - god of strength (boost, holding)
SOLLAH - goddess of compassion (healing, warding)
MANAR - god of the dead (shielding, turning)
NAME ___________________________________
character sheet
SEX (M/F) AGE________HT________WT_______
STR / TI _______/______DEX / TI______/______
END / TI ______/_______INT / TI ______/_______
WILL / TI ______/_______CHA / TI______/______
CB (melee/missile)____________/_____________
WEAPON / damage________________/_________
WEAPON / damage________________/_________
WEAPON / damage________________/_________
MISSILE / damage________________/__________
MISSILE / damage________________/__________
MISSILE / damage________________/__________
SPELL POINTS _____________________________
Picture or symbol
SPELLS ___________________________________


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