History of Britain  KEY EVENTS
Dr Tomasz Skirecki
1 BA, IFA, filologia rosyjsko-angielska, UAM
Provide dates to the following events from British history:
Stonehenge completed
Julius Caesar's raids on Britain
Claudian conquest of Britain
Boudicca's revolt
Hadrian Wall completed
Roman rule ends in Britain
Beginning of Anglo-Saxon invasions of Britain
Christianization of Ireland by St. Patrick
St. Augustine founds a monastery at Canterbury
Synod of Whitby
Venerable Bede completes the History of the English Church and People
reign of Alfred the Great
Treaty of Wedmore
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Battle of Brunanburgh
Battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings
Domesday Book
Magna Carta Libertatum
Simon de Montfort's parliament
Statute of Rhuddlan
Model Parliament
Battle of Bannockburn
Hundred Years' War
Battle of Crecy
Black Death
Great Revolt of the Peasants
revolt of Owain Glyndwr
Battle of Agincourt
Wars of the Roses
Battle of Bosworth
Act of Supremacy
Wales legally incorporated by England
Reign of Queen Elizabeth I
Francis Drake circumnavigates the world
defeat of the Spanish Armada
personal union of England and Scotland
the Gunpowder Plot
the Authorized Version of the Bible
English Civil War
Execution of Charles I
the Commonwealth and the Protectorate
History of Britain  KEY EVENTS
Dr Tomasz Skirecki
1 BA, IFA, filologia rosyjsko-angielska, UAM
Great Fire of London
Habeas Corpus Act
Glorious Revolution
English Bill of Rights
Battle of the Boyne
foundation of the Bank of England
Act of Settlement
Battle of Blenheim
Act of Union with Scotland, Great Britain comes in life
Jacobite Rebellion of Fifteen
Robert Walpole becomes the first Prime Minister
Battle of Culloden
Battle of Plassey
Captain Cook s voyages
French Revolutionary War
Battle of the Nile
Union of Great Britain and Ireland
Battle of Trafalgar
Battle of Waterloo
Catholic Emancipation Act
Great Reform Bill (First Reform Act)
abolition of slavery in all British dominions
Reign of Queen Victoria
Chartist Movement
Crimean War
Indian Mutiny
British North America Act
The Boer War
Labour Party first time in Parliament
Parliament Act
World War I
Gallipoli campaign
Battle of the Somme
Battle of Jutland
Easter Rising
George V changes the name of the Royal House to Windsor
Treaty of Versailles
Irish Free State established
Statute of Westminster
abdication of Edward VIII
World War II
Dunkirk evacuation
Battle of Britain
Battle of El Alamein and loss of Singapore
Monte Cassino
History of Britain  KEY EVENTS
Dr Tomasz Skirecki
1 BA, IFA, filologia rosyjsko-angielska, UAM
Operation Market Garden
United Nations formed
India becomes independent
National Health Service created
NATO formed
Reign of Elizabeth II
Suez Crisis
Life Peerages Act
The Troubles in Ireland
Britain enters the EEC
Falklands War
the Gulf War
Maastricht Treaty
Good Friday Agreement
Handover of Hong Kong
Death of Princess Diana
Establishment of the Scottish National Parliament
Establishment of the National Assembly for Wales
House of Lords Act


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