The Babylon Project Red Riots

 Red Riots
Version 1.1
By Jason Kempnich
A module for
The Babylon Projectęł
Module 2, 27 August 1997
This module is copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich
For more free modules, visit the website at
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Babylon 5"! names, characters, and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Brothers "! and ©
1997 Warner Brothers.
The Babylon Project"! names, characters, and all related indicia are trademarks of Chameleon
Eclectic Entertainment "! and © 1997 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment.
No infringement of Warner Brothers or Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment copyright is intended.
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 2
FOREWORD................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 1: BEGINNINGS ......................................................................................................... 4
SCENE 1: YOU HAVE NEW E-MAIL................................................................................................... 4
SCENE 2: ORDERS AT GANYMEDE BASE........................................................................................... 4
SCENE 3: THE LONG HAUL.............................................................................................................. 5
SCENE 4: A SMALL HICCUP............................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER 2: WELCOME TO THE RED PLANET.................................................................... 8
SCENE 1: TOUCHDOWN................................................................................................................... 8
SCENE 2: LIFE IN THE BIG DOME ..................................................................................................... 9
SCENE 3: FIRST CONTACT............................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 3: BEGINNING THE OPERATION ........................................................................ 11
SCENE 1: SETTING UP SHOP.......................................................................................................... 11
SCENE 2: GATHERING INFORMATION ON THE UNDERWORLD........................................................... 11
CHAPTER 4: SOLIS PLANUM DOME...................................................................................... 13
SCENE 1: THE UNDERWORLD ........................................................................................................ 13
CHAPTER 5: XANTHE TERRA DOME .................................................................................... 15
SCENE 1: THE UNDERWORLD ........................................................................................................ 15
SCENE 2: A DISGRUNTLED OLD MAN............................................................................................ 15
SCENE 3: DOYLE S PERISHABLE IMPORTS ...................................................................................... 16
SCENE 4: VISITING DOYLE S......................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 6: SYRIA PLANUM DOME (OPTIONAL CHAPTER).......................................... 19
SCENE 1: THE UNDERWORLD ........................................................................................................ 19
SCENE 2: WAREHOUSE 43............................................................................................................. 20
SCENE 3: THE MEETING BEGINS.................................................................................................... 20
SCENE 4: FINDING THE OLYMPUS MONS MEETING......................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 7: OLYMPUS MONS DOME ................................................................................... 23
SCENE 1: THE UNDERWORLD ........................................................................................................ 23
SCENE 2: MAKING CONTACT WITH THE UNDERWORLD (OPTIONAL SCENE) ...................................... 23
SCENE 3: GETTING THERE IS HALF THE FUN................................................................................... 24
SCENE 4: THE OLYMPUS MONS MEETING...................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER 8: THE MARS FOOD RIOTS................................................................................... 27
SCENE 1: THE RIOTS BEGIN .......................................................................................................... 27
SCENE 2: THE AUTHORITIES FIGHT BACK...................................................................................... 27
SCENE 3: GAINING CONTROL OF MARS.......................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER 9: CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE ................................................................... 30
APPENDIX A: NON PLAYER CHARACTERS ......................................................................... 31
APPENDIX B: CONTACT LIST ................................................................................................. 34
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 2
This is designed to be an action/intrigue module for  The Babylon Project role playing
system. The main thrust of the module is the infiltration of the underground movement on
Mars that is organising the populace into militant action groups. This will eventually lead to
the Mars Food Riots of 2251. How badly Mars is disrupted and how long the riots last depend
on the actions of the Player Characters. This adventure requires a group that:
" Would be hired by Earth Force for undercover work  perhaps one of the group
members had previously carried out such work for Earth Force and was very successful.
" Can use lethal force if a situation proves it necessary.
" Can successfully blend in with the seedy underbelly of the Mars colony.
These points are important as they allow the adventure to run smoothly: a group of Centauri
ministers would not be hired by Earth Force to conduct an undercover operation that is
important to Earth colony security.
Verbal descriptions and dialogue that are to be read to the players by the GM will be in the
form of indented bold text in a paragraph of their own. An example of such a description is:
 You will be payed 2,000 Centauri Ducats upon accepting the job to
cover costs, then 8,000 Ducats per item delivered. You will have one
month to.., Kiron suddenly breaks off when an elderly woman and a
child stroll casually by.
Finally, I have a favour to ask. In return for giving this free adventure to you, I would like to
receive any feedback you may have on the module, especially corrections. Please e-mail me as with your thoughts or questions. If you would like more modules,
visit my website at and see what other Babylon
Project adventures are available.
Jason Kempnich
August 1997
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 3
Chapter 1: Beginnings
Chapter 1 deals with getting the basic issues at hand known to the Player Characters so the
adventure can begin.
Scene 1: You Have New E-mail
A Player Character determined by the GM as being a likely candidate will receive an official
Earth Force communication via encrypted e-mail. The message is from Commander Samuel
Masters at Ganymede Base in the Sol system. This is the same individual who issued orders in
the adventure presented in chapter 4 in  The Babylon Project handbook. He has been reused
here for the sake of uniformity. There is no reason to suspect anything strange or counterfeit
about the message. It reads:
Orders to:
From: Earth Force Cmdr Samuel Masters, Ganymede Base
Date: 10 June 2251
Message: Report with team to Commander Samuel Masters on
Ganymede Base, Sol system as soon as possible for further
The Player Characters should leave for Ganymede base as soon as they can.
Scene 2: Orders at Ganymede Base
When the Player Characters arrive at Ganymede Base, they should report to Commander
Masters office. He will see them as soon as he is able. If the team are all part of Earth Force,
he will speak openly to all of them. However, if there are some non-Earth Force team
members, he will only see the individual mentioned in the original communique, stating that it
is up to that individual to select the team (s)he thinks is appropriate. When he speaks, he will
cut straight to the point, saying in an informal manor:
 The Earth Alliance may have a situation on Mars Colony soon. A month
ago, Earth Senate decided that excessive amounts of food wastage was
occurring on Mars and as a direct result, valuable space on transports was
occupied by replacement food. The Senate determined that food rationing
was necessary to curb the waste and to allow for more space for
construction supplies, which were overdue. The food rationing has been in
effect on Mars for over two weeks now.
 As you could imagine, the Marsies aren t too happy about it. Inside
sources indicate that we may have a full-scale revolt on our hands if things
don t improve. That s why I d like to send your team in. We need a strong,
pro-active undercover presence. If you re found out, they ll most likely have
you killed and Earth Force would have to deny any knowledge of your
activities. But know this: by saying we need a  pro-active force , I mean that
it is likely that you will have to  remove key instigators. As always with
situations like this, it s a few key people that manifest the public s ill feeling
into action. Remove the head, and the body ceases to function. Let s just say
that ultimately you will not be held responsible for any  little accidents that
may occur around you during this  unofficial job.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 4
 Are you interested in the job? You do not have to accept this mission.
The Player Characters should indicate that they are. Masters will now outline the details the
Player Characters need to know:
 You and your team will be immediately transferred to Solis Planum on
Mars. Intelligence shows that the Solis Planum dome has the least descent,
so it will be easier to slip you in with the locals there. After that, you will
need to make your own way to wherever the trouble spots are.
 We have a list of contacts for you, at least one for each dome. You are to
only contact them if it is safe to do so. They are long-established locals, so it
is important that you do not bring any suspicion to them. We expect you to
make contact with one of them upon commencement of your operations, and
then check in with any of them once every two days to report on your status.
You will receive feedback through them. You are never to make contact
with any Earth Force personnel, no matter the situation. Do I make myself
clear? On completion, you ll return here for debriefing.
Masters will give the Player Character a list of names and addresses at this point. The list,
titled  Contact List , is found on the end of this adventure and should be handed to the players
for their use. Unless the players exhibit extreme incompetence or disregard for stealth, it is
assumed the list will not fall out of the possession of the Player Characters. It is up to the GM
to create personal details for each person on the list if they are needed.
 We will pay each team member 250 credits per day. However, we expect
to see results in quelling this unrest  it s not an open chequebook. That is
all. If you have no further questions, pick up your team and one of my
assistants will escort you to a waiting shuttle. Once on the shuttle, you will
find the necessary clothes and identicards to assume new identities suitable
for infiltrating the kind of groups you will need to mix with, and you ll each
be given 200 EA credits. Finally, you will be landing on Mars from an
Earth Force shuttle, so you won t have to go through customs - you may
take with you any weapons you deem necessary, except for slug throwers.
Masters will answer questions within reason. After this, the Player Character should go with
the assistant, collect their team, and head for the shuttle.
Scene 3: The Long Haul
This scene deals with the long shuttle trip between Ganymede Base and Mars. As Commander
Masters indicated, new identities are waiting for the Player Characters on board the shuttle in
the form of identicards, histories and clothes. The new identities are designed to not bring
attention to the Player Characters from the dissidents. The GM will have to decide beforehand
which Player Character receives which new identity, as the identicards and false histories on
Mars contain photographic and description data.
A few identities are presented below. It is important to note that all individuals are listed as
being  homeless because neighbours would notice a new arrival. If more identities are
needed, simply make them up along a similar line.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 5
Geoff Wilson, bouncer. Came to Mars colony in 2249. Criminal record shows
several instances of assault. Due to bad finances, Geoff is currently homeless,
and he blames it on the current government.
Robert Johnson, student. Born on Mars colony. Criminal record shows several
petty thefts. Due to gambling on title fights, Robert is currently homeless.
Aaron McGill, unemployed. Born on Mars colony. Criminal record shows
break and enters during earlier part of life. Aaron is homeless and likes it that
Mark Chambers, unemployed. Came to Mars colony in 2248 looking for work.
Has never held a job. No criminal record. Mark is homeless and blames Earth
Gov for his situation.
Lisa-anne Stilton, importer. Born on Mars, she imports flowers from Earth.
Due to cargo space rationing, her business is days away from collapsing. No
criminal record. Lisa-anne has become homeless, spending her last few credits
on her business.
June Carlton, unemployed. Came to Mars looking for work this year and found
none. No criminal record. June is homeless and blames Earth Gov for her
Deborah Willchester, lecturer. Born on Mars colony. Criminal record shows
several convictions of inciting a group to riot. She refuses to stay in a
government provided home, and is accordingly homeless.
The GM should actively encourage the players to further develop their newly acquired alter
egos during the lengthy shuttle trip. Add new details; flesh out their story more. Practice with
each other. Do they know each other? By the time they reach Mars, they will need to be well
versed in who they are. What has recently occurred in their lives that would want to make the
Player Characters join any rebel groups on Mars colony? The Player Characters are expected
to leave their personal belongings, clothes and identicards on Ganymede, assuming their new
identities before they leave.
Scene 4: A Small Hiccup
The transport shuttle, piloted by Captain Henry Williams, will experience a  minor problem.
There is no real danger. This is purely to give the sense of a long trip, as well as to give the
players a chance to use some of their character s skills before the real issues come to the fore.
About half way into the trip, the pilot will receive a warning from the shuttle s computer
system that there has been a slight drop in pressure inside the shuttle itself. The probable
cause is a tiny hull breach. Because of the possibility that the high pressure inside the shuttle
may cause the hole to blow open to something life threatening, the pilot will order everyone
into the ship s emergency pressure suits, which have a 12 hour air supply as detailed on page
168 of  The Babylon Project Sourcebook. Since the pilot and the copilot are the only other
people on board, the pilot will suggest the Player Characters should try and trace the cause of
the problem, with the copilot lending assistance where possible.
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The cause of the problem is a tiny hull breach on the underside of the shuttle, visible on the
exterior due to the fine jet of  mist venting from the 1mm wide hole. The hole is in no
immediate danger of widening, but the crew does not know this. The shuttle s air systems can
cope with the continual loss of the air from the 1mm wide hole between this point and Mars if
necessary. Welding a metal plate at the appropriate spot in an airtight fashion inside the hull
can temporarily repair the breach until Mars is reached.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 7
Chapter 2: Welcome to the Red Planet
This chapter begins with Scene 1 when the shuttle containing the Player Characters has begun
its descent into Mars atmosphere and is about to land. Because of this, the GM should
indicate to the players that the shuttle has reached Mars and has been slowly descending
through the atmosphere for some time now.
Scene 1: Touchdown
When the GM is ready to bring his or her players down onto Mars, read the following section.
It begins just a few minutes before touchdown.
From out of the shuttle s view ports you can see the red-brown craggy
surface of Mars steadily rolling by, rocks and other small details now
becoming discernible to the naked eye in the thick light of the late afternoon
sun. As your altitude continues to rapidly decrease, you see for the first
time what must be Solis Planum: a sprawling, uninterrupted expanse of red
soil, randomly strewn with small irregular rocks. In the middle of this sits a
large domed complex surrounded by squat semi-prefabricated buildings and
landing platforms, their design undeniably Earth Force. The complex s
lights combined with the rugged, functional structures and barren landscape
give it an almost stylised look of beautiful alien tranquillity in the deep red
light of the setting sun. You begin to think it impossible for there to be any
kind of trouble here on Mars.
Minutes later, your shuttle is hovering above a section of one of the many
landing platforms. A thorough  bump indicates you ve landed, soon
followed by the winding down of the shuttle s engines. After a few seconds,
the barren landscape begins to disappear behind the lip of the landing
structure as your piece of the pad begins to retract to underground with the
shuttle on it. After a few seconds of a downward motion, the platform stops
and begins to shift in a northerly direction  undoubtedly toward the main
dome. Through the dimness afforded by maintenance lights, you can tell the
shuttle and landing pad are moving through a series of air locks, however
your attention is taken by the Captain.
 OK folks, drawls Captain Williams,  We ll be docked in a few more
seconds. As this is an Earth Force ship you won t be checked by customs,
however I strongly advise you to disembark and disappear as soon as
possible, as a group of vagrants leaving an Earth Force shuttle is sure to
attract a little gossip on the local grape vine.
With that, the floor of the shuttle shifts slightly. The view through the
portal shows the platform has come to a halt.
 Well, that s it, concludes Williams as he glances outside,  Report in to one
of your nominated contacts after you leave the shuttle, and so saying,
Williams moves over to the side of the shuttle, checks the external pressure,
and opens the hatch for you.
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The Player Characters are now expected to leave the shuttle. They are in Docking Bay 6 in
Docking Complex B, which is located on the south side of the Solis Planum dome.
Scene 2: Life in the Big Dome
When the Player Characters leave Docking Complex B they will emerge onto a busy street on
the south side of the dome. At this point, read the following section:
You emerge from what is signed as  Docking Complex B into the bright
artificial light of the Solis Planum dome. As you lift your eyes skyward, the
dying light of the day s sun can be seen as a dull red against the supports of
the otherwise transparent structure. You immediately notice the amount of
noise here  it would appear the sounds of everyday life are easily reflected
off the curved roof and back down onto the colony s citizens. The street is
bustling with activity from all walks of life: high rollers wheeling and
dealing, trades people plying their work, and the not so fortunate testing the
limits of the local Earth Force Security patrol. From your initial
observation, nothing appears to be out of place here. There certainly
appears to be no troublemakers or rioters. Perhaps EA intelligence got it
If the Player Characters are already dressed as the identities which they will assume (which
they should be, as the only forms of identification they will have are their assumed identities),
read the following paragraph:
An Earth Force security officer moves up to your group and eyes you with
disgust. With his hand held loosely over his PPG holster, he says,  OK you
lot, split up and move on, you re frightening the honest people, His manor
brooks no nonsense.
Earth Force security officer Jimmy Smit will force the group to split up and disperse. He will
not accept them moving off together. He will call in the aid of a local squad of EA security
officers if there is any trouble. With them, he will arrest the group on charges of  failing to
obey an Earth Force security officer , taking them to the local short-term detention centre. The
officers know the charges will not stick and will release any Player Characters a few hours
after checking their records for unresolved crimes. In the mean time, the officers will quiz the
Player Characters on their histories, trying to provoke them or make them say something they
shouldn t. The officers are more than aware of the trouble being caused lately by people
fitting the Player Characters socioeconomic status and they are held in high suspicion because
of this. If there is any reason to hold Player Characters for a longer period (assaulting an
officer, offensive behaviour, or just plain suspicion), they will.
Scene 3: First Contact
This scene comes into play when the Player Characters attempt to speak with one of their
undercover contacts for the first time. Assuming the Player Characters have successfully
navigated their way to the place of contact during the correct time of day, they should be able
to successfully meet their first undercover contact. It will be very low key, the Non Player
Character concerned noting down their assumed names for transfer back to the appropriate
authorities to indicate they have arrived safely. The individual will answer as many questions
about Mars colony or the dome as they can. Specifically, they do not know much about the
growing unrest or the groups of people involved. They only hear local gossip.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 9
After all of the above is settled, the contact will inform the Player Characters that (s)he
overheard this morning that there has been escalated unrest in Xanthe Terra dome and there
may soon be an outbreak of violence there. The contact offers this as helpful news as they
know nothing  officially . The information will turn out to be false, however the Player
Characters must visit Xanthe Terra. As the GM, you must ensure they visit the dome soon.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 10
Chapter 3: Beginning the Operation
This chapter covers beginning the  operation of infiltrating the troublesome groups and trying
to cease their activities. How the Player Characters go about this is largely up to the players
themselves. Accordingly, this chapter only offers information useful to the GM.
The scenes presented in this chapter are not actual scenes but rather information for the GM so
(s)he can generate a scene applicable to the situation. Because of this approach, it is suggested
the GM have a very firm understanding of the situations presented here. Specific information
and encounters for each dome can be found in the following four chapters. Whilst the
information for each dome has been split up into separate chapters, some information crosses
over into other chapters/domes, therefore the GM needs to have an excellent grasp of the
information presented throughout the module.
Scene 1: Setting Up Shop
It is a good idea that the Player Characters set up some kind of base of operations, however all
the Player Characters seen coming and going from the one venue may not be such a good idea
itself. None the less, they will need a place to sleep, to store their personal possessions, to
meet and discuss plans. There are various forms of hotel rooms available for $100 a night or
more. On the cheaper scale, bunk style accommodation in large dormitories can be had for
$25 a night per person but these are not good for private conferencing. The Player Characters
will also need food and water, all additional expenses for a very limited budget. Remember
that each character only has 200 EA credits to spend. The Player Characters cannot stay with
their undercover contacts. Once a room has been decided on, the GM should draw a map of it
for the players and decide on the risk to the operation presented by their surroundings.
A possible source of income would be to find employment. If the players wish to explore this
possibility, the GM should keep several factors in mind. Firstly, there is reasonably high
unemployment on Mars. Secondly, the Player Characters would need to find work suitable for
their assumed identities, not work suitable for what they can actually do in real life. Finally, if
the Player Characters find work that is suitable for their assumed identities, it doesn t
necessarily mean the character will actually be skilled in executing those tasks and they may
draw unnecessary suspicion if they attempt to execute key tasks in a below standard manner.
Scene 2: Gathering Information on the Underworld
After the Player Characters are ready to begin their investigations, they will need to gain
information about the local underworld society. The primary skill for this would be Savvy
with a speciality in Underworld. Specifically, the players will be interested in finding where
and when such groups meet and who are organising the groups. The techniques employed by
the players to gain this information will be wide and varied but ultimately they will need to
speak to underworld figures to begin gaining useful information. The local EA Security
officers know a little information but they will not hand it out to anyone, especially to a group
of people (our Player Characters) who look as if they are about to join such a movement!
They will need to discover the kind of bars, etc, where people who might know a little
information are found. They in turn may be able to direct them to someone else who knows
more, who in turn may be able to direct the Player Characters to a group meeting.
Accordingly, when asking underworld figures about meeting locations/times it will be a
 Tricky to  Difficult task. When asking for information about people in charge it will be a
 Very Difficult task. Unless the Player Characters experience enormous success in
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uncovering specific information, they will have to do this for each dome as each dome is
controlled by separate groups of people.
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Chapter 4: Solis Planum Dome
As Solis Planum is where the Player Characters were dropped off, this is the first dome
mentioned. The city itself consists of one large dome. After Solis Planum, the Player
Characters can go to any dome they wish by one of two conventional methods. They can
either book a private shuttle, which is quite expensive of course, or they can take the tube. The
tube system on Mars colony is quite simple. It an above ground railway enclosed in a strong
tube-like structure. It begins at Solis Planum dome and strikes a north west direction through
Xanthe Terra dome, Syria Planum dome, then finally terminating at Olympus Mons dome.
Needless to say, the tube system is a much cheaper but very public form of transportation. It
is up to the GM to set prices that are consistent with previous campaigns.
Scene 1: The Underworld
This scene and others like it in the following chapters describe the underworld situation in the
dome named by the chapter, with specific attention given to the growing rebellion. It is to
these scenes that the GM should look for initial information on what the Player Characters
may be able to uncover, locations, who s responsible, etc.
Solis Planum is Mars colony s second smallest outpost, with Xanthe Terra being the smallest.
Without doubt, resentment for the Earth Government and its decision to introduce food
rationing is running high amongst figures in the  underworld and those who are dependent on
government assistance. However, there is no organised militant force in Solis Planum. It s
just one of those quirks of nature. No one has come to the fore to mould the population s
feelings in this dome into a tangible force. The local Earth Force Security Officers are very
aware of this and will be swift to remove anyone causing trouble, open or otherwise, as they
have seen what is happening in other domes.
When the Player Characters use  underground channels to inquire about the situation in the
Solis Planum dome, they will discover first hand the contempt the local population holds Earth
Gov in. They will hear people s  plans to  do away with Earth Alliance President Sir Peter
Ashton (Sir Peter held the office of President from 2248  2253 as detailed on page 129 of
 The Babylon Project sourcebook) and his corrupt cohorts, but this is all just  big talk . They
will also hear people suggest that maybe the locals should take Mars for themselves and run it
as it should be run. Suggestions to hijack some of the Earth/Mars food transports must
definitely be heard as it may get our Player Characters onto a train of thought that is
necessary to bring this adventure to a satisfactory conclusion. The GM should also make up a
few more plans and threats that the Player Characters will discover, but they should all be
hollow and empty, simply the populous being disgruntled.
Hopefully after a few game-time days of collecting such information, the players will come to
realise for themselves that they have been hearing empty talk and there are no solid clues to be
found in Solis Planum dome. If they still haven t taken the hint, have them meet someone who
has just come in from Syria Planum. This individual will have heard of anti-government
meetings being secretly organised in that dome and Olympus Mons dome as well. They do not
know anything more and a surface scan will reveal they are telling the truth in all aspects. Be
aware that the Player Characters are not permitted to perform scanning activities.
The Player Characters should now leave the Solis Planum dome and head for either Syria
Planum dome or Olympus Mons dome. If you want the story to run faster, try and have them
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 13
go directly to Olympus Mons as it will make the Syria Planum chapter redundant, otherwise
they should move their efforts to Syria Planum first.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 14
Chapter 5: Xanthe Terra Dome
Xanthe Terra dome is the first stop on the tube after Solis Planum. Out of the four cities on
Mars colony, Xanthe Terra is the smallest by a considerable amount. Consisting of just one
small dome, it is more of a  central business district than anything else. Xanthe Terra is
where a lot of Mars leading corporations have set up their head quarters. Not many people
have quarters inside this dome. Those who do live here are well financed. Most of the people
who work in Xanthe Terra catch the tube in and out each day from other domes.
Xanthe Terra has a feeling of  newness and  exclusivity . This is hardly surprising, as it was
the most recently built dome. Its construction was more expensive and superficial than the
other domes, as a conscious effort was made to attract large corporations and well financed
families. In this respect, the dome has been totally successful.
Scene 1: The Underworld
Upon their initial investigations of this dome, the Player Characters will find no evidence of
any underworld activities, anti-government or otherwise. To put it simply, Xanthe Terra is the
new central business district of Mars and there is no reason to suspect anyone organising anti-
government movements because quite frankly not many people live here. There is virtually no
crime in this dome. Accordingly, the GM should do everything possible to prevent the players
from getting bogged down here with pointless investigations beyond the contents of scene 2.
However, nothing could be further from the truth. The Player Characters won t discover it in
the early stages of the adventure, but the dissension amongst the Mars populous over various
government rulings and now the food rationing is being organised by the family who run a
company based in this dome. If they are to successfully complete this module, they will most
likely come back to Xanthe Terra to investigate the details presented in scenes 3 and 4.
It is important to note that when the rioting events portrayed in chapter 8 comes to pass, the
dome least effected by this would be Xanthe Terra, due to its almost exclusive business nature.
There will be small amounts of looting, but compared to the other domes it is not noteworthy.
Scene 2: A Disgruntled Old Man
The following scene is vital to the adventure and you must ensure it occurs early on!
It is quite important that the Player Characters do some kind of investigation in this dome
when visiting for the first time. No matter what or where the investigation is, talking to people
in a bar or listening in on conversations through a communication system, they will speak to
(or overhear) a man in his mid-sixties complaining about the current situation. It is vital that
the Player Characters be able to visually recognise the man and those who surround him.
He will announce himself as the owner of Doyle s Perishable Imports, giving his name as
Henry Doyle. He will complain that the recent food rationing has made his business non-
existent and that under the rationing laws if he operated he would be arrested. He will go on to
boast that his two sons are securing a fair future for everyone on Mars, but will not go any
further on the matter. At this point, a young man, unremarkable in his appearance, will appear
out of the background and put his hand on Henry s shoulder, saying,
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 15
 Come on Dad, you ve said enough. Worrying about it like this is going to
do you no good. You ve got to relax and let me handle it, OK? I think it s
time to go home.
The old man slowly looks up at the speaker, a man who you assume to be his
son. He nods slowly.
Make sure you adjust the text to suit the context of the situation you use it in. The two men
will leave and walk off together. They will not answer any questions the Player Characters ask
at this point, the young man becoming rather agitated if they press the issue. Both men will
travel a reasonable distance before reaching a small fenced off compound, the sign above the
gate claiming it to be  Doyle s Perishable Imports Head Office . They will enter and lock
themselves inside, the guard on the gate preventing the Player Characters from getting any
closer. For a description of the exterior of Doyle s, see scene 4 of this chapter.
The individual who referred to Henry Doyle as  Dad was Martin Doyle and he is in fact
Henry s son. He and his brother, Andrew  Slyfox Doyle, work for their father and they both
stand to inherit the business. However, they also both have a darker side to their day-to-day
existences. Martin organises and runs the Olympus Mons chapter of  Free Mars , whilst
Andrew runs the Syria Planum chapter. They were always interested in the independence of
Mars, both as Mars loyalists and as businessmen with their own financial interests at stake.
Because of this, they actively supported  Free Mars by becoming members long ago. When
the possibility of food rationing was mention over a month ago, they quickly climbed to the top
of the  Free Mars hierarchy with the aid of their father in order to prepare it to be an
organisation keen to overthrow the remote rule of Earth Gov. The brothers personal reasons
for doing this are presented in scene 3.
Scene 3: Doyle s Perishable Imports
Doyle s Perishable Imports is a Mars-based company that was set up to import goods with a
short shelf life. Needless to say, food rationing on Mars would seriously injure a company that
specifically imported food and perishable food at that. Often in frontier situations, perishables
are considered delicacies and a delicacy is not likely to be found on a food ration list. Doyle s
Perishable Imports is being severely hurt by the decision to cut food imports to Mars and to
ration what food is left.
Doyle s is a private company, owned and run by Henry Doyle who has lived on Mars all his
life. The company has made good profits over its 20-year history. As noted previously,
Henry s sons Martin and Andrew, work for the company and stand to inherit all of it between
them on their father s death. Because of the current economic crisis the company is suffering,
the two sons stand to lose everything they and their father have worked for. Accordingly, with
their father s encouragement, they have made the food rationing situation the paramount issue
with  Free Mars and are using  Free Mars as a vehicle to have the situation reversed.
Currently, Doyle s Perishable Imports have no business. When the rationing was put into
effect over two weeks ago, Doyle s cold rooms were stacked full of perishable food items. At
the time they also had another shipment of perishables on the way. The shipment, from Earth
to Mars, was seized by Earth Force under the rationing law. Fortunately, the Doyles were able
to sell all of the stock in their cold rooms due to panic buying. However, they had to wear the
loss of the seized shipment and so far Earth Gov does not seem likely to pay costs. They have
continued to lose money due to no turnover. Accordingly, all staff were retrenched one week
in to the food rationing, leaving only Henry and his two sons. Henry estimates that over the
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 16
past two weeks, the company has lost 100,000 EA credits and it will continue to lose between
30,000 and 40,000 credits for every week the rationing continues. To put it simply, the
situation is killing the company.
Scene 4: Visiting Doyle s
It may come to pass that the Player Characters feel a closer inspection of the property is
required. If the Player Characters require a description of the building, read the following:
A clean sign above a well maintained 10-foot mesh fence proclaims this to be
Doyle s Perishable Imports Head Office. A guard eyes you warily from his
guardhouse on the other side of the fence, next to the main gate. Inside the
yard is a small parking area and a docking bay. The building itself is single
storey and is well maintained. Glass double doors signify the main entrance,
whilst a few meters to the right is a large vertically moving door for the
docking bay. From this view, the building appears to be window free,
however there are several large cooling plants on the roof on the south side
of the building, undoubtedly for cold rooms.
Doyle s has put off all of their staff due to the current economic crisis. Only Henry, Martin
and Andrew work there now. They themselves have no work to do and are purely waiting for
the situation to change. Because of their recent elevated vigilante status, Martin and Andrew
keep a very low public profile. When out in public, they are normally in the immediate vicinity
of at least two (2) bodyguards each. When in the office or at home, the whole family is
normally protected by two (2) bodyguards. In addition, one (1) guard is always on the
company gate. The family home is not defined in this module. If GMs feel it is necessary to
map it, they should do so. However, the Doyles spend most of their spare time at their place of
business. The business is mapped below:
A. Reception. No staff is here. The double doors to the west are glass.
B. Empty Office.
C. Henry Doyle s Office. If circumstances will permit it, he will be in his office.
D. Martin Doyle s Office. If circumstances will allow, he will be in his office with his
personal bodyguards.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 17
E. Andrew Doyle s Office. If circumstances will permit it, he will be in his office with his
personal bodyguards.
F. Amenities.
G. Cold Storage. Nothing is in storage presently and the rooms are tuned off.
H. Loading Dock. There is no staff here. To the west is a large vertically moving door for
the loading dock.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 18
Chapter 6: Syria Planum Dome (optional chapter)
The majestic Syria Planum dome is the second stop on the tube after Solis Planum and is the
second oldest and second largest community on Mars. It mostly consists of three large domes.
Syria Planum is where the Player Characters can begin to uncover some real information on
the issues at hand.
If the GM wishes to run the adventure a little quicker, (s)he should encourage the players not
to visit Syria Planum as all the important clues and events are in other domes  this chapter is
purely to add atmosphere and give the Player Characters a sense of direction. Include it if you
have time. If you choose to drop this chapter, you will need to include one extra scene in the
next chapter. Directions for doing so have been written into that chapter.
Scene 1: The Underworld
The underworld in Syria Planum dome is quite active, especially with reference to the recent
movements against food rationing and Earth Gov. The local Earth Force Security teams do all
they can to stop the spread of these movements, but they have been growing in popularity on a
daily basis and now have a firm foothold with the people of this dome. With some successful
(and subtle!) inquiries in the right places, the Player Characters will be able to ascertain that
secret meetings are held regularly by militant groups to discuss what can be done about the
new food rationing situation and Earth Gov. They also discuss who is willing to execute the
ideas and who can lend assistance.
Further careful querying by the Player Characters will yield important information such as the
next meeting time, location and an organisation name, but that is the extent of useful
information gained. It is up to the GM to define when the next meeting will be, however it is
suggested that the following text be included in a conversation to the Player Characters when
the information is finally passed on:
 Look, if I tell you this, you ll do the right thing by me and you ll keep it all
under your hat, right? We need people like you, but we have to be very
careful of who we tell, and who they in turn tell, see, because local security
has been cracking down.
 The local  Free Mars chapter will be holding its next meeting tomorrow at
1900 hours out the back of warehouse 43 in green sector. It s open to
everyone, except for people representing Earth Gov of course. They ll be
discussing some important issues that we need to be made aware of before
some big changes that they say will come about this week. So it would be a
good idea if you came along.
This will be the first time the Player Characters have heard a name given to the organisation
responsible for the unrest   Free Mars . The individual informing the Player Characters of
this is not lying and will be at the indicated meeting. (S)he will tell the Player Characters this
if requested. The individual is an average person, with no position of power in the  Free Mars
movement or any knowledge of its hierarchy. They are involved with it purely because of the
issues at stake. An Earth businessman who is currently on Earth and appears to have no
connection with the  Free Mars movement owns the property (ie: they are  borrowing the use
of his property without his knowledge). The individual who informed the Player Characters of
the meeting does not know any of this, nor does (s)he care.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 19
Scene 2: Warehouse 43
The meeting is a reasonably informal affair. There are three (3) armed bouncers inside the
door, making sure no one from Earth Gov or the authorities gets in, as well as another two (2)
bouncers near the meeting area. The Player Characters will be admitted without question as
long as they are still dressed as average people or down-and-outs. If they are not, or they are
openly carrying weapons, they will not be admitted to tonight s meeting, no matter what they
end up doing.
Down the back of the warehouse, people are milling around in small circles under the watchful
eyes of the two bouncers. The people quietly chat about the food rationing and how it affects
them personally. This is a good chance for the Player Characters to make friends and build
trust. No useful information can be gained here, only stories of personal hardship and hatred
for the government back on Earth, but important relationships may be forged.
A. Loading Dock. This is
where heavy vehicles unload.
There is a large locked
vertically moving door here
that Earth Force Security
will use.
B. Main Door. The double
doors lead into a reception
area where three bouncers
are standing.
C. Empty Offices.
D. Amenities.
E. Warehouse Floor. In times
of business this would have
been jammed tight with
stock. It lies empty now.
F. Meeting Area. This is where the Free Mars meeting will take place.
G. Empty Crates. People stand on the crates to address the crowd assembled in area F.
H. Fire Exit. Although locked, it is one of the entries Earth Force Security will use. It leads
out onto a dark alley.
Scene 3: The Meeting Begins
The meeting will actually begin at 1930 hours. When ready, read the following description to
the players:
A sudden hush descends upon the assembly of disgruntled Mars residents.
They have sighted a lone male scaling a set of crates in the north-west corner
of the room. He is unremarkable, both in appearance and dress. After
reaching the apex of the crates, he turns and eyes the assembly for a few
seconds before raising his voice to be heard.
 Good evening to you all, and thankyou for taking the time to care about the
future of Mars, our collective futures. As always, we extend a special
welcome to our newfound friends. I see a few unfamiliar faces with us
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 20
tonight. For those who do not know, I am simply known as  Syria Planum
Leader because the task of organising this dome has fallen to me. Any of
our new members, who may have something to offer  Free Mars and its
fight against food rationing and the tyranny of Earth Gov, please speak to
me after the meeting tonight. We can use many forms of assistance: money,
information, special skills and supplies.
 We are on the verge of striking a deft blow to Earth Gov, my friends. We
are in the final stages of planning an open rebellion like Earth has never
seen. We will teach them the pain of their corruption! However, we are still
lacking some vital supplies, plans and team members. I expect these will be
filled soon. As part of the preparation for this, you have all been invited to a
tactical planning session held by the Olympus Mons group tomorrow night
at 1900 hours at their usual venue. Attendance is not compulsory, however
if you intend to lend a hand during our rebellion, I urge you to sit in on this
important session.
 Our time is coming, my friends! We are only a few days away from
beginning what will be the end of Earth tyranny on Mars! We will hold our
own freedom in our own hands!
The assembly quietly cheers this news, a few enthusiastic soles venturing
more articulated versions of their joy. After a few seconds, Syria Planum
Leader continues,  I can t supply you exact details yet, as they are ever
changing and it would be tactically unwise. Just keep your hopes high with
the thought that our salvation is but days away. Stay strong! Free Mars!
The assembled crowd roars an enthusiastic reply,  Free Mars!
As if on cue, the lights in the warehouse snuff out, leaving you to real in inky
blackness. The sound of breaking glass and shattering wood can be heard,
accompanied by the tones of a muffled battle. Syria Planum Leader s voice
can be heard above the din of the now frightened assembly, yelling for the
emergency lights and for the security teams to respond. A small explosion
goes off nearby, briefly illuminating the frightened faces around you. People
surge and push against you, as yet another explosion goes off, and another,
then another. Soon, a brief waft of teargas assaults your senses.
The building is being stormed by Earth Force Security and they are using teargas in a SWAT-
style hit. They will enter the building via every available means, via doors, sewage grates or
covers, and through weak points in the roof. Anybody trying to defend themselves with a
weapon will receive a PPG blast for their efforts. This will apply to most of the bouncers, at
least for the first few seconds until the remaining bouncers realise they are outnumbered. The
local Earth Force officers are being complemented with specialists from other domes this
evening. The initial charge is being lead by twelve (12) Earth Force Security officers specially
trained in such situations. They will be followed after a few seconds by the second team that
consists of another twelve (12) officers, again using the same points of entry. Another twenty-
four (24) officers, some of who will enter the building to lend assistance if necessary, are
surrounding the building. Beside our Player Characters, the building contained four (4)
bouncers and thirty (30) meeting attendees, who for Non Player Character purposes are just
 ordinary people . After the first twenty-four (24) officers have entered the building, the lights
will be restored.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 21
As previously mentioned, the Earth Force Security officers have fired teargas and the area
where the meeting is being held is filling fast with the gas. The Player Characters have just
begun to smell the first wafts of it  not enough to impair them. If the Player Characters come
up with a reasonable plan to escape, then the GM should let them do so, otherwise they will
succumb to the effects of teargas after four (4) rounds (8 seconds). Future official rule
supplements may cover the effects of teargas, otherwise devise your own or use the excellent
fan-written rule additions listed on  The Babylon Project  Unofficial Rules Supplement web
page at
As with the teargas, the Player Characters should be given a brief chance to effect an
ingenious escape plan. If the Player Characters do not manage to escape the building, they
will be arrested by the Earth Force Security team and taken to a local holding facility where
they will be held until midday the following day under suspicion of inciting to riot. At midday,
they will be released with most of the others with no charges being brought against them. Any
surviving bouncers will be charged with possession and (if appropriate) use of an illegal
weapon.  Syria Planum Leader , Andrew  slyfox Doyle in real life, managed to escape and
will continue to organise Syria Planum meetings in other locations. Andrew Doyle is the son
of Henry Doyle (owner and operator of Doyle s Perishable Imports) and he stands to inherit
the business with his brother, Martin. Hopefully the Player Characters will discover this plot
point before the end of the adventure. The GM should organise more Syria Planum meetings
for the Player Characters if they wish to attend them, but doing so is pointless. What is
important is that the Player Characters attend the mentioned meeting at Olympus Mons.
Scene 4: Finding the Olympus Mons Meeting
It is important to point out that although the Player Characters are aware of a meeting
tomorrow night in Olympus Mons dome at 1900 hours, they do not know the location of the
meeting. Olympus Mons is the largest of the Mars communities and the  Free Mars meetings
are kept secret. The chances of the Player Characters stumbling onto the location at this late
stage are  Next to Impossible .
The only chance the Player Characters have of attending this meeting (and it is a meeting that
they must attend at some point) is by connecting up with someone they made some form of
contact with in the meeting at Warehouse 43. Try and make this as easy as possible for the
players as this is a course they need to take. They may have been speaking to the person. The
individual may remember seeing them at the meeting. Or they may happen to see Syria
Planum Leader on the streets the following day and ask him. Regardless of how it happens, it
must happen!
After contact has been made, the Player Characters should ask about the meeting location. If
they don t, have the Non Player Character they just met ask if they re interested in attending.
They will not tell the Player Characters where in Olympus Mons the meeting is being held.
Instead, they will request to meet them at the Syria Planum tube station at 1700 hours. From
there, they will catch the tube to Olympus Mons dome and they will then lead them to where
the meeting is being held. The individual concerned is not lying and has no hidden agendas.
Their offer is legitimate.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 22
Chapter 7: Olympus Mons Dome
Olympus Mons dome is the last stop on the tube, coming after Syria Planum. Olympus Mons
is by far the largest and oldest community on Mars, being made up of four large domes.
Unlike the previous chapter, this chapter must be run as it contains vital elements for the game.
Scene 1: The Underworld
The underworld in Olympus Mons dome is just as active per capita as Syria Planum.
However, it is slightly more important because  Free Mars considers Olympus Mons to be
their main base of operations, even though they are being run from interests inside Xanthe
Terra dome! The local Earth Force Security teams will do all they can to harass people they
suspect being  Free Mars members, detaining them for long periods for  investigation . They
will take any excuse they can to lock them away.
When the Player Characters come to this dome, they will have no contacts. If the chapter on
Syria Planum was played, they will already be aware of an Olympus Mons meeting time and
should have made a few Syria Planum contacts who will take them to the meeting location and
vouch for them if necessary. When this is the case, the following scene should not be included.
Scene 2: Making Contact with the Underworld (optional scene)
If the chapter on Syria Planum dome was not played, use this scene to give the players some
necessary information. If the chapter was used, this scene must be skipped as it covers
information already known.
Ultimately, the Player Characters will want to attend a  Free Mars meeting, although at this
stage they will not know  Free Mars is responsible. As it happens, an extremely important
meeting will be taking place within a day. With some successful, but careful inquiries in the
right places, the Player Characters will be able to ascertain that a secret  Free Mars meeting
to discuss what to do during an open rebellion will be held at 1900 hours tonight. When (if)
the players finally pry this information out of someone, include the following text in the
 The local  Free Mars chapter will be holding a special meeting tonight at
1900 hours. We ll be discussing what we should all do during a period of
rebellion. It will be very important, to all of us! You should be there. If
you like, I can meet you here at 1800 hours and I will show you the way
The individual telling the Player Characters these details is not lying and will meet them at the
appointed time and location so they can all attend the indicated meeting. The individual is an
average person, with no position of power in the  Free Mars movement or any knowledge of
its hierarchy. They are involved with it purely because of the issues at stake. Also, the Player
Characters now have a name to associate with the underground movement against Earth Gov 
 Free Mars .
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 23
Scene 3: Getting there is Half the Fun
By this stage, the Player Characters have met the individual they initially made contact with at
the appointed place and time, then continued on to the meeting location. The location is a
somewhat unusual one. The meeting is being held in a large basement that had its access
doorway sealed shut. Access is gained through sewage access hole in the basement itself, from
the sewers of Olympus Mons. GMs who run campaigns with more paranoid players may like
to map a route to the basement through the sewers before the game begins. However, there is
no need to do so from this module s point of view.
The final leg of the trip to the meeting will begin with the contact leading the Player Characters
down a dark and empty alley.
Your contact reaches the end of a dark alleyway. (S)he begins to act
suspicious, looking around, checking for unseen observers. Finally, (s)he
drops to the road before lifting the lid off a sewer access cover.
 I ll go first, make sure you re not seen. And don t bother holding your
breath, it ll do you no good, (s)he quickly drops from your view, leaving
you standing in the deserted alley.
The Player Character s contact will be waiting for them at the bottom. When they have
assembled down in the sewers, the contact will begin to lead them through the complex
interconnecting pipes to the offshoot that lies beneath the meeting room.
You begin your journey to the meeting through the sewers of Olympus
Mons. Thankfully, there is a thin walkway along the side of the tunnels
keeping you clear of the filth, but not clear of the thick, stale air.
Maintenance lights afford just enough brightness to keep you on track.
After a while, you begin to feel as if you ve been down here for a long time.
Each tunnel looks like the one before, and each intersection like the one
before that. Unexpectedly, your guide turns into a smaller pipe, barely big
enough to allow you to stand. After a small amount of travel, you pass three
silent but well armed men, who nod knowingly to your guide. (S)he turns to
you and says,  We re here. The meeting is just above us through that open
access shaft, and so saying (s)he climbs up through the hole and into the
warm glow of the room above.
As the guide indicated, they have arrived at the meeting location. After the Player Characters
climb up the shaft, move on to the next scene.
Scene 4: The Olympus Mons Meeting
When the Player Characters finally make it into the basement where the meeting is being held,
read the following description:
You have emerged into a dimly lit, but spacious basement. The room is
crammed with people, at least sixty from your estimates. All the room s
occupants have their attention on a man standing on a small platform at the
opposite end of the room, his head just missing the low ceiling. He is
speaking, the meeting seemingly started moments ago.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 24
From his speech, the Player Characters can ascertain that the speaker is in charge of the
Olympus Mons chapter of  Free Mars , calling himself Olympus Mons Leader. For GMs who
played the previous chapter, Player Characters passing an  Average Perception check will
realise the man sounds and looks similar to Syria Planum Leader. Characters passing a
further  Average Perception check will remember him as being the one who referred to the
man named Henry Doyle as  Dad in chapter 5 scene 2. He is in fact the Syria Planum
Leader s brother and the son of the old man, his name being Martin Doyle, although he will
not give it. Looking around the room, the Player Characters will discover that Syria Planum
Leader is present, standing near the speaker. They will also see up to six bodyguards in the
room, three for each leader.
The speaker will talk about what to do during a rebellion. He covers everything from specific
individuals who have tasks to perform, down to general ways to help  Free Mars during such
a period. The Player Characters should feel that the situation is one of  final instructions
before a major event, namely the rebellion everyone has been referring to in certain terms.
After the Player Characters have been made aware of this situation, read the following:
The speaker stops for a second and glances at Syria Planum Leader, who
returns a knowing nod to him. Olympus Mons Leader looks back to the
silent crowd before him, and takes a breath. He appears to be steeling
himself for something. Then he begins to speak,  We have one final matter
to attend to this evening. Last night, Earth Force Security officers from all
over Mars raided a meeting of the Syria Planum chapter of  Free Mars .
Although most of our tactical and organisational people escaped without
arrest or injury, they are obviously increasing the pressure on us. We
intended to begin our revolution within a week, however this recent near-
setback has forced us to move a few days early. Starting tonight, we will
begin our revolution!
The gathering erupts in a joyous cheer. With fists thrust high, people begin
to chant,  Free Mars! Free Mars! The speaker urges the people to be
quiet so he can finish,  Yes my friends, the future of Mars begins tonight!
In a few moments, we will all leave and return to our respective domes.
From there, we will contact those who did not make it to the meeting
tonight. Then at midnight, we will gather at our meeting places for our
domes, and when ready, we will move out onto the streets, and claim Mars
for our own! Go now, for we have much to organise and only a few hours to
achieve it in!
Again, the crowd erupts into a heartfelt cheer. Olympus Mons Leader and
Syria Planum Leader are surrounded by jubilant Marsies. The celebration
does not last long however. Six bodyguards surround the Leaders in a
forceful manner. After a few seconds, the small group begins to push
through the overcrowded room, the Leaders on the inside of a protective
ring of bodies. They are lead down the sewer hole, and out of sight.
The meeting has come to a close. The assembled people, who are extremely excited about the
news just announced, will quickly leave to do as they were told. They will contact all their
friends and acquaintances and will gather at the dome s  Free Mars meeting place before
midnight. For this dome, that is the large basement in which the meeting just took place. For
Syria Planum, it is Warehouse 43.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 25
The Mars Food Riots will now begin. This was unavoidable from the Player Character s point
of view. Their task now is to bring the riots to a swift close by working to remove the
influences from the inside. The Player Characters by now have been given most of the clues
they need to begin to piece a plan of action together. Turn to the next chapter for information
on running the Food Riots and do not forget the chapter about Xanthe Terra dome and Doyle s
Perishable Imports, as the Player Characters may pay the company a visit.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 26
Chapter 8: The Mars Food Riots
At midnight, following the meeting described in chapter 7, scene 4, the event known as  The
Mars Food Riots will begin. The GM should use this chapter for information on how the riots
will begin and run.
Scene 1: The Riots Begin
 Free Mars Leaders from Olympus Mons and Syria Planum will organise their followers to
take to the streets just after midnight. When ready, they will move directly to the nearest Earth
Force Security office and storm it. In all, 150 people will begin the riot in Syria Planum,
whilst 200 will be initially involved in Olympus Mons. The mobs will be loud, engaging in
acts of petty vandalism and looting along their path. The remaining two domes will not see
any such activity this night.
Once the local Earth Force Security office has been taken, they will use it as a base of
operations, defending it with vigour. This will occur, with a small amount of blood shed, in
both domes. After this point, large portions of the general population will begin to riot as well,
causing large-scale looting and property destruction. Some time shortly after sunrise, when the
opportunity presents itself and the Player Characters are outside in a dome, read the following
The gentle, soft red light of the morning sun streams in through the clear
panels of the dome. The view above is very peaceful, however on the ground
the situation is anything but. The air is frequently punctuated by the sound
of PPG fire, windows shattering and people yelling. The streets are
deserted, except for the occasional rag-tag  Free Mars groups they call
patrols. But they seem more interested in looting than taking control of
Mars for the moment.
Your eyes turn skyward for the moment again. A thin trail of black smoke
to the north catches your eye. Something inside the dome is burning. The
two quickest ways of killing everyone in this dome would be through
burning things or setting of explosives.
A small shop is alight two blocks north of the Player Character s current position. There is
nothing the Player Characters can do and responsible  Free Mars members are trying to
extinguish it.
During this period, the Doyle brothers will retreat to the family s business premises with their
father, Henry. From the safety of their compound, they will coordinate the  Free Mars effort
remotely via a series of carefully planned and untraceable narrowband tachyon transmissions
to predetermined locations. The authorities will not discover them during this period.
Scene 2: The Authorities Fight Back
At 0600 hours that morning, an emergency meeting of Earth Gov will declare Mars under
Martial Law. They will rule for it to be illegal for people to be found outside of their place of
residence without good cause. As soon as they are able, Earth Force Security officers will
begin implementing this temporary law, but not for the time being.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 27
Transport between domes will be cut around this time. Because Xanthe Terra and Solis
Planum domes are not rioting, reinforcements will be brought in from there, as well as any off
duty Earth Force personnel or Ground Pounders. They will gather at previously planned
secure locations throughout the domes and will begin enforcing Martial Law using hastily
secured holding compounds. There will be pitched bloody urban battles between  Free Mars
groups that are strategically located throughout the dome and the Earth Force personnel. For
the time being, neither side will gain the upper hand, both suffering with large numbers of
A day later, Solis Planum and Xanthe Terra domes will also suffer from riots. The bulk of the
rioting will be in Solis Planum. These riots are unorganised and are effectively copycat
Scene 3: Gaining Control of Mars
After a few days, it is hoped that the Player Characters will have acted to remove both of the
leaders organising the  Free Mars movement. Doing so will undermine the movement s
coordination enough that the local authorities will be able to bring control back to the domes of
Mars, with some organisational help from Earth Force.
If the Player Characters do not successfully remove both leaders within five days of the riots
beginning, an EA war cruiser will come out of hyperspace and will enter orbit around Mars. It
will be of some personal interest to the players (although it will mean nothing to the Player
Characters) that a young Captain John Sheridan will lead a small but well trained team of
Ground Pounders into Olympus Mons dome. There, Sheridan will reorganise what he can find
of the local security officers and will coordinate a reclaiming of the dome. The process should
only take two days to achieve. From here, Sheridan will leave behind a small clean-up crew to
flush out any remaining troublemakers, while he and his team perform the same operation in
Syria Planum dome. After Syria Planum is declared reasonably secure, they will send smaller
crews to the other two domes to clean up any  sympathy rioting . Sheridan and his Ground
Pounders will stay for a period of a week while  Free Mars members are located and arrested
and the domes are cleaned up. If it comes to this, the Player Characters have failed their task.
If the Player Characters have successfully removed both leaders within five days of the riots
beginning, the  Free Mars movement will have lost control of itself. Members will still
continue to loot and attack authorities, but there will be no organised strikes or revised defence
procedures. Within less than 48 hours of the last leader being removed, local authorities will
begin to make dramatic inroads into regaining control of some areas of the domes. An EA war
cruiser will come out of hyperspace and will enter orbit around Mars. A young Captain John
Sheridan will lead a small but well trained team of Ground Pounders into Olympus Mons
dome and will coordinate the reclaiming of the rest of the dome with the steadfast Olympus
Mons security team. When Olympus Mons is reasonably secure, he will replicate this feat in
the three other domes. As time goes by, it will become easier to gain control as  Free Mars no
longer has any direction. If this situation comes to pass, the Player Characters have succeeded
in bringing an early end to the riots in a covert manner.
No matter what happens,  Free Mars and the local population are not destined to gain control
of Mars. History shows that Captain Sheridan and his troops will ultimately gain control over
the Mars Food Riots and life will continue as normal. However, it would be fair to assume
that Earth heeded the grievances of their Martian subjects and lifted the food rationing that
sparked the riots in the first instance.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 28
After the events detailed in this scene have occurred, the bulk of the adventure has concluded.
All that is left now is for the Player Characters to report back to Ganymede Base for their
debriefing. This is covered in the final chapter.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 29
Chapter 9: Concluding the Adventure
When the Player Characters feel they have completed the assignment, successfully or
otherwise, they should return to Ganymede Base after informing their local contacts that they
have finished working on Mars and are leaving. The shuttle trip back will be uneventful and
the Player Characters can take the time to have a well-earned rest. When the Player
Characters arrive at Ganymede base, Masters will want to see them as soon as possible. He
will admit them to his office for an informal debriefing session.
It is up to the GM how to handle the debriefing session. What Masters will say and his
general mood will greatly depend on how well the players tackled the task assigned to them. If
they successfully brought about an early end to the riots without causing too much trouble for
Masters to clear up (such as arrests, destroyed property, etc), he will be very pleased with
them and will shake their hands firmly. In such cases, he may also offer a cash bonus to the
Player Characters, at the GM s discretion of course. On the other end of the scale, the Player
Characters may have completely messed the job up! Thousands of people may lay dead,
accidentally by their hands, after a Player Character got excited and used a slug thrower to
 apprehend a suspect, the bullet ricocheting and puncturing the dome. Or perhaps they joined
with the  Free Mars group for a bit of fun?  Hey, Masters will never know the difference!
Oh yes he will! In such cases, it s possible the Player Characters will not get payed and may
even be jailed!
Of course, most groups will fall somewhere in between the two extremes presented here. Most
will have achieved the job, but will have left some work for Masters and his team to clean up
later. He will congratulate them for successfully completing a hard and difficult task and they
will receive their payment in full.
As the work performed was  unofficial , no record of it will be kept after this meeting.
However, Masters will personally remember the performance of the team and will keep this in
mind when selecting groups for future  unofficial work.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 30
Appendix A: Non Player Characters
This appendix gives statistics for Non Player Characters encountered during the adventure.
Most of these are generic archetypes, such as  Earth Force Security Officers and
 Bodyguards . Accordingly, they should be altered if the GM deems it necessary. Be warned,
the  Thugs listed here are quite skilled in what they do and may be more than a match for an
average party. As always, keep this in mind when selecting numbers for groups to rough up
your Player Characters, and remember, it never hurts to fudge the rolls to give your players a
Martin or Andrew Doyle
Character Attributes
Charm: 7 Intelligence: 5 Strength: 5
Finesse: 5 Insight: 5 Agility: 5
Presence: 7 Wits: 5 Endurance: 4
Xenorelation: 3 Perception: 5 Coordination: 5
Derived Character Attributes
Toughness: 0 Initiative: 5 Resolve: 5
Character Skills and Specialties
Savvy 5 Underworld Mars Society
(Persuasion draws off Charm)
Public Speaking 4 Persuasion
Business 3 Management Operations
Law 2 EA Civil
Combat, Unarmed 2 Strike Block
Acumen 2 Attitude Emotion
Henry Doyle
Character Attributes
Charm: 5 Intelligence: 6 Strength: 4
Finesse: 4 Insight: 6 Agility: 4
Presence: 5 Wits: 6 Endurance: 3
Xenorelation: 3 Perception: 6 Coordination: 5
Derived Character Attributes
Toughness: -1 Initiative: 5 Resolve: 6
Character Skills and Specialties
Business 5 Management Operations
Acumen 4 Attitude Emotion
Savvy 3 Mars Society
Law 3 EA Civil
Combat, Unarmed 1 Block
Engineering, Electrical 1 Device Applications Power Systems Design
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 31
Earth Force Security Officer
Character Attributes
Charm: 4 Intelligence: 4 Strength: 5
Finesse: 4 Insight: 6 Agility: 5
Presence: 6 Wits: 5 Endurance: 5
Xenorelation: 3 Perception: 5 Coordination: 5
Derived Character Attributes
Toughness: 0 Initiative: 5 Resolve: 5
Character Skills and Specialties
Investigation 4 Forensic Case Management
Law 3 EA Civil EA Criminal
Combat, Armed 3 Strike Parry
Combat, Ranged 3 Handgun Longarm
Combat, Unarmed 2 Strike
Acumen 2 Veracity
Athletics 2 Running
Medical, EMT 1 Human
Bouncer, Bodyguard or Thug
Character Attributes
Charm: 4 Intelligence: 3 Strength: 7
Finesse: 4 Insight: 4 Agility: 8
Presence: 4 Wits: 4 Endurance: 6
Xenorelation: 4 Perception: 3 Coordination: 6
Derived Character Attributes
Toughness: 2 Initiative: 6 Resolve: 3
Character Skills and Specialties
Combat, Unarmed 5 Strike Dodge Parry
Combat, Armed 3 Swing Parry
Combat, Ranged 2 Handgun
Savvy 2 Underworld
Hiding 1 Shadowing
Ordinary Person
Character Attributes
Charm: 6 Intelligence: 5 Strength: 4
Finesse: 6 Insight: 5 Agility: 5
Presence: 4 Wits: 4 Endurance: 4
Xenorelation: 5 Perception: 4 Coordination: 5
Derived Character Attributes
Toughness: 0 Initiative: 4 Resolve: 5
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 32
Character Skills and Specialties
Apply as appropriate
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 33
Appendix B: Contact List
Dome Name Contact Name Profession Contact Address
Olympus Mons Jerry Mennser Dome Repair Room 1585, Blue Sector (AH)
Caitlin Levner Unemployed Room 8, Brown Sector (WH/AH)
Andrea Jones Shop Owner Shop 34, Red Sector (WH)
Solis Planum Peter Weller Kitchen Hand Room 129, Yellow Sector (AH)
Syria Planum Claudia Brown Hydroponics Room 1098, Blue Sector (AH)
Bruce Roberts Unemployed Room 6, Brown Sector (WH/AH)
Xanthe Terra Bill Morris Shop Owner Shop 10, Red Sector (WH)
Contact time availability at indicated address is noted by Work Hours (WH) or After Hours (AH).
Please note the contact may not always be available during this period.
 Red Riots version 1.1, 27 August 1997. Copyright © 1997 Jason Kempnich. 34


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