No Quarter Magazine 11 Web Extra Death and Diamonds

Supplemental Material for
No Quarter #11 s
Ternon Crag Adventure Location
he following supplemental material expands the information
Tincluded in the No Quarter #11 article,  Death and Diamonds .
The majority of this information is intended for GMs and includes
expanded descriptions of locations and personalities as well as rumors
and plot hooks.
I Am The Law
nforcement of Ternon Crag s laws falls squarely on the broad, but
Eoverburdened, shoulders of Brue and his deputies. Due in part to
the recent rush of new residents, Brue and his men are much slower in
their response to trouble. Thus, bar fights, robberies, and duels in the
street are typically over by the time they arrive. To help combat this,
Brue occasionally deputizes a trusted individual to assist him. However,
the sheer danger of the job has resulted in the untimely deaths of many
people, some of which were Brue s close and dear friends. This puts
him in a bind he d rather have someone he can trust completely, but
doesn t want to see them killed, leaving him the option of deputizing
a less reputable person, which comes with its own problems. Most of
the time, Brue deputizes an individual for an extremely short period
of time, such as during a riot or larger than normal bar brawl.
Depending on the crime, punishment in Ternon Crag can range
from relatively mild to brutally severe. Outside of town, justice falls
on the hands of whoever is there to mete it out. It is not unusual for
miners to string up claim jumpers and thieves near mine entrances as
a warning to passers-by. When Brue is involved, he serves as judge,
jury, and executioner as the situation warrants. What follows is a
brief list of crimes and their punishments in Ternon Crag:
By Dan Weber " Art by Andrew Arconti
Friends in Low Places
" Public Drunkeness
Chief than Brue Westrone. Given
1 night in Crag Gaol*
Common (DC 10): The Redstone brothers
his criminal past, this seems likely
are a group of four Rhulfolk who hire
" Fightin
themselves out to prospectors in need of
1 night to 6 months in Crag Gaol*
more of a joke than a real interest,
strong backs and arms. Only the desperate
" Cheatin (at cards, dice, drinking, etc.)
but the Hammer and Gad may
or ignorant seek their assistance, since many
money split between cheated parties,
of the claims they have worked for suffered
consider even someone of his
1 months hard labor in a
some sort of accident, whether it be cave-in,
Hammer & Gad mine* standing if it gave them more
missing equipment, injuries, etc.
control over affairs in the town.
" Thievin Possessions given to damaged
Uncommon (DC 15): In almost every
party, 1 year hard labor in a Hammer and
instance, the Hammer and Gad has
Gad mine*
purchased the claim from the desperate
Pip & Pop s
prospector soon after such an accident.
" Rapin  Death*
Trade Emporium
Rare (DC 20): At least one of the brothers
" Claim Jumpin  Death*
has some sort of supernatural abilities.
Smaller shops backed by the
" Killin (unjustified)  Death*
Some say he s a sorcerer with an affinity for
working with stone.
Hammer and Gad, including
(*) Usually preceded by a pistol
whipping when arrested.
Obscure (DC 25): The Redstones are on a Spider s Prospecting Supply,
permanent retainer with the Hammer and
are slowly but surely chipping
Gad, but their actual positions with the
away at the gobbers business
company are a mystery at best.
North Crag
and they are at a loss for what to
do. Pip secretly wonders if a few
Hammer and
Long Arm of the Law
small fires might increase their
Gad Offices
Common (DC 10): Until recently, Cygnar
customer base again. So far, he
has ignored the goings-on in Ternon Crag
Once the real power in Ternon
and allowed fugitives to hide in town and
has not disclosed this with anyone
live in relative peace.
Crag,  the Gad is now facing
and he realizes that he would need
Uncommon (DC 15): With the war s steady
harsh reality as their influence
outside assistance to put off such
escalation, Cygnar can no longer allow its
falls far shorter than they once
enemies to hide in plain sight as it has in the a brazen act.
past. It is said Scout General Rebald himself
believed. When they selected
has dispatched one or more spies to Ternon
Brue Westrone as the Marshal
Spider s
Crag to watch the movements of Asheth
Chief, they believed he was Magnus and his men.
Prospecting Supply
someone they could manipulate. Rare (DC 20): The most plausible candidate
is Latan Pyke. He is the newest resident A failure as a miner, Spider had
Brue s almost immediate control
of note in town, and his apothecary skills
the wherewithal to sell his strike
of the lawless streets made him
point to service as a chirurgeon in Cygnar s
to the Gad in exchange for enough
invaluable to the town. Brue also
money to open his own shop, with
Obscure (DC 25): Pyke is under almost
made it clear he would not be the
constant surveillance by Magnus men.
conditions, of course. The shop
Gad s man. Thye left him in the
Whether Steelhead mercenaries, or
primarily caters to prospectors
loyalists, Pyke s every move is observed
position out of necessity, but his
and reported back to The Traitor.
and panners, although Spider is
popularity with the Craggers,
Very Obscure (DC 30): If the Loyalists
expanding his merchandise as
combined with Old Thom s vocal
catch Pyke in the service of Cygnar his life
Pip and Pop s Emporium falls
support, have now made him is forfeit.
on harder times. The Gad and
impossible to remove legally.
Hammer take the lion s share of
mentioned in polite conversation,
Originally, the Gad had his profits far more than anyone
it is fairly common knowledge that
thought about hiring Alten could imagine but Spider seems
these criminals can often be found
Ashley to  fire Brue, but a quick strangely content about this
here. Rumors persist there is a
conversation with the monster arrangement.
set of secret tunnels connecting
hunter proved he had no interest
the Last Gambit to the riverbank.
Willitt and
in such things. Brue has cleaned
Anyone investigating hard enough
up the streets once before, and it
learn these rumors are true the Sons Jackworks
was good for business they hope
tunnel can be accessed behind
Otis other son, Mat, was wooed
he continues to do so.
one of the cellar s supply racks
away from the family business
and leads to a well-concealed exit
when Magnus came to town.
The Last Gambit
south of the ferry.
Wishing to see the world outside
Jarok Croe and his Cutthroats
the dusty mining town; Mat
His motivations unclear, Croe
keep a set of rooms in the saloon s
offered his services as a bodger
has made rumblings he thinks
cellar. Although this is not
and jack handler to the mercenary.
he would make a better Marshal
Death and Diamonds: Ternon Crag Extra
Impressed with the young man s from his post, but the presence
 Old Thom
abilities, Magnus hired Mat of Magnus and the loyalists lit a
Jaspers Place
on and has him working on his slow-burning fuse on a powder
mechanika and warjacks at the keg that he fears will destroy the
Hukley Massiter invited Old
Hull Estate. With this perceived town. Recent sightings of Skorne
Thom to join the Hammer and Gad
betrayal, Otis announced his son in the Bloodstone Marches only
when the company was formed,
dead to him, even going as far as add to the town s tensions.
but Thom was not interested in
to scratch out the  s in Sons on
their idea of honest business.
Brue is fiercely devoted to
the Jackworks sign. Mat has not
Thom s refusal to join Hukley has
Ternon Crag, and would give his
been back to see his father since
driven a wedge between the pair.
life to protect it or its inhabitants.
hiring on with Magnus, but is
Recently, accidents at several
He constantly watches the
trying to convince his brother,
of the Thom s mines has him
situations in town for angles he
Karl, to join him.
wondering how deep the wedge
can use to his advantage. Brue s
cut into Hukley s pride.
integrity is above reproach,
Crag Gaol
something the Gad discovered too
Old Thom is one of a handful
This ruined outpost has yet to
late to remove him from office.
of people who knows Brue s
be fully explored. Brue does not
Few people, other than Old Thom,
history. He saw potential in the
have the time or manpower to
know Brue s history before his
hard-as-nails adventurer when he
dig through the sealed chambers,
arrival in Ternon Crag, a mystery
hired him on as a bodyguard five
snaking tunnels, and natural
he would prefer to maintain.
years ago. When the Crag needed
caverns connecting them beneath
His skill with pistol and rifle is
a new Marshal Chief, Thom put
the Gaol. Some prisoners swear
legendary in these parts, with
his name in as a candidate. To
they heard voices coming from
some claiming him to be second
Brue s surprise, he was elected.
the floor of their cells, but Brue s
only to Alten Ashley, which the
Thom s pride in Brue s work is
brief investigations have found no
monster hunter acknowledges
evident, leading some to suggest
sort of access to any area beneath
behind closed doors Brue might
the dungeons. He would be more
be Thom s son.
than happy to allow someone he
Brue is confident he could
trusted to do the exploring for
take Magnus unaware if it came
The  Pit Chapel
him. Unfortunately, trust is in
to dealing directly with the
The Preacher, once a prospector
short supply these days.
warcaster, but knows the ensuing
like so many others in town,
orgy of revenge Vinter s loyalists
The Idrian ruin s only
subscribes to neither Morrow nor
would embark upon would
surviving tower houses a Caspian-
Menoth, but instead an amalgam
destroy the town as completely
made telescope shipped to Ternon
of the two religions. This riles
as any fire. As it stands, he keeps
Crag at great expense. While
Menoth s congregants to no end,
his opinion to himself just in case
it was once used to watch over
but Morrowans in the Crag have
more people than he knows are in
the Greybranch Gap for threats
found the blending a fresh breath
the Traitor s employ.
coming from the Marches, Brue s
to their faith. The Preacher has
deputies now train its glass eye
scratched symbols from both faiths
South Crag
to the west, now that Magnus
as well as several unidentifiable
spends the occasional night in
symbols into the walls of the Pit
Ternon Crag.
as well.
When in Ternon Crag,
The Preacher s sermons are
Brue Westrone
Boomhowler s mercenaries head
typically screeching fire and
through Krieltown in search of
Brue is a man caught in the
brimstone affairs that can be heard
trollkin interested in joining his
middle of events that could
well away from the Pit. He is
company. Many younger trollkin
spiral out of his control at any
often seen talking to himself when
leap at the opportunity to get out
moment. Not only is the Hammer
he is seen outside the shack or Pit,
of the Crag and set out on a more
and Gad looking to remove him
typically in some unrecognizable
adventurous path.
Death and Diamonds: Ternon Crag Extra
tongue. The Preacher suffers from surrounded by a crude iron
Scarleforth Lake
the Panner s Pox, and many in his fence and is clearly visible on
Rumors persist of a large flying
current congregation have started the west side of the road leading
shape traveling between the lake
showing signs of the disease as to Scarleforth Lake. The few
and the Castle of the Keys to the
well. It is said he has been to the grave markers, such as they are,
east some decades past. The lake
Castle of the Keys, but will not are roughly carved and quickly
is deep and dark, and most of
speak of it when pressed; instead ruined by the weather. Names
the prospectors avoid traveling
launching into a sermon warning and dates fade rapidly, or are
its surface when they can. The
against exploring in  Caen s etched away by the desert sands.
barbarians east of the lake show
accursed places. The graveyard has had its share
signs of the Panner s Pox as well,
of body theft, but Craggers do
leading many to believe there is
not overly concern themselves
The Outskirts
something tainted about the lake s
with the threat of the undead or
waters and avoid the area east of
worse, laughing at the thought
The Flophouse
it if possible.
of a shambling army of corpses
Sitting atop a lone hill east of town,
attacking North Crag.
Sightings of strangers around
Ternon Crag s first inn and former
the lake and near the Castle of
bordello, the beautiful Bloodstone
The Haunted Mine
the Keys are on the rise. Vaguely
Rose, fell on hard times. Known
Common (DC 10): Almost five miles east
elven and always spotted at a
of Ternon Crag stands the Gadley Mine. In
now as the Flophouse, the building
AR 589 Silas Gadley and his crew of thirty
distance, these individuals have
houses the destitute and transient,
were killed in a horrible cave-in. Only Joss
yet to interact with prospectors
Gadley, Silas brother, survived. The mine
providing bargain basement
is avoided by locals and is rumored to be in the area. Eerily fleet of foot,
rooming rates in rooms once
the strangers appearance has
reserved for the town s most well
Uncommon (DC 15): Joss Gadley (Male
prospectors keeping weapons
heeled visitors. The inn s interior Midlunder, Exp6) was in charge of mine
closer at hand, day or night.
safety at the time of the collapse. He blames
retains little of its past glory. Faded,
himself for the deaths, spending his days
peeling wallpaper covers a few
begging for drinks he promptly cries into at
Sanity s Bastion.
walls and most of the inn s original
Disappearing Miners
Rare (DC 20): Recently, strange noises
furnishings have been looted or
Common (DC 10): A few miners have
and lights have been noticed coming from
disappeared in the Greybranch foothills
wrecked and replaced with cheap
the Gadley Mine shaft. Joss desperately
recently although no evidence of foul play
wants to investigate, but his ruined leg
rough-hewn wooden tables, chairs,
has been found.
prevents him from going himself.
and beds. Even the gilded fixtures
Uncommon (DC 15): Although most
of those missing are miners, some were
have been picked clean of their gold
prospectors exploring near the Castle of
leaf, replaced with squat candles Greybranch Gap
the Keys.
and sputtering lamps.
Safe to travel year round, Rare (DC 20): All of the affected mines
recently broke through into some type of
Greybranch Gap serves as gateway
The entire first floor serves as underground cavern complex.
to the Bloodstone Marches. Even
a common room, while the upper
Obscure (DC 25): Since the disappearances,
the harsh sandstorms that blow
glimpses of emaciated, hunched over figures
rooms are typically rented out hourly
have been seen in the dead of night near
west through the Gap do not
by the town s ladies of the evening.
these mines. Any attempt to pursue them
prevent travel, but simply make
has proven useless.
The Flophouse s owner, an odious
it more onerous. The Gap itself is
and unlikable Scharde Islander
not without some peril; in areas
known only as Rutt (Rog8/Gmg4),
the path is barely wide enough for
has one rule in his establishment:
a man on foot to lead a horse and
don t let me catch you at (insert
wagon. Desert predators, like the
illicit activity) in my place.
Dune Prowler, ambush travelers
from time to time, so anyone
Ternon Crag
venturing through the Gap is
warned to arm themselves before
The Ternon Crag graveyard is
leaving Ternon Crag.
little more than a patch of land
Death and Diamonds: Ternon Crag Extra
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