
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - A Treatise on White Magic - Rule XV - A Call to

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A Treatise on White Magic - Rule Fifteen - A Call to Service

But if true impersonality is cultivated, if the power to stand
steady is developed, if every situation is handled in a spirit of love and if there is a
refusal to take hasty action and to permit separation to creep in, then there will be the
growth of a group of true servers, and the gathering out of those who can materialize the
plan and bring to birth the new age and its attendant wonders.To do this, there must be
courage of the rarest kind. Fear holds the world in thrall, and no one is exempt from
influence. For the aspirant and for the disciple there are two kinds of fear which require
to be especially considered. The fears that we dealt with in the earlier part of the
treatise, and the fears that are inherent, as you know, in existence itself are familiar
to all of us. They have their root in the instinctual nature (economic fears, fears
arising out of the sex life, physical fear and terror, fear of the unknown, with that
dominating fear of death which colors so many lives) and have been the subject of much
psychological investigation. With them I do not seek to deal. They are to be overcome by
the life of the soul as it permeates and transforms the daily life [626] and by the
refusal of the aspirant to accord them any recognition. The first method builds towards
future strength of character, and prevents the coming in of any new fears. They cannot
exist when the soul is consciously controlling life and its situations. The second
negatives the old thought forms and brings about eventually their destruction through lack
of nourishment. A dual process is therefore carried forward, producing a genuine
manifestation of the qualities of the spiritual man and a growing freedom from the
thralldom of age-old fear concepts. The student finds himself becoming steadily detached
from the prime governing instincts which have hitherto served to weld him into the general
scheme of the elementary planetary life. It might be valuable here to point out that all
the major instincts have their roots in that peculiar quality of the planetary life, -
fear reactions, leading to activity of some kind. As you know the psychologists list five
main and dominant instincts, and we will very briefly touch upon them.
The instinct of self-preservation has its root in an innate fear of death;
through the presence of this fear, the race has fought its way to its present point of
longevity and endurance. The sciences which concern themselves with the preservation of
life, the medical knowledge of the day, and the achievements of civilized comfort have all
grown out of this basic fear. All has tended to the persistence of the individual, and to
his preserved condition of being. Humanity persists, as a race and as a kingdom in nature,
as a result of this fear tendency, this instinctual reaction of the human unit to
The instinct of sex has its main root in the fear of separateness and of
isolation, and in a revolt against separative unity on the physical plane, against
aloneness; and it has resulted in the carrying forward of the race and [627] the
persistence and propagation of the forms through which the race can come into
The herd instinct can easily be seen to have its root in a similar reaction; for
the sense of safety and for convinced assured security - based on numerical aggregations -
men have always sought their own kind and herded themselves together for defense and for
economic stability. Out of this instinctual reaction of the race as whole, our modern
civilization is the result; its vast centers, its huge cities and its massed tenements
have merged, and we have modern herding, carried to the nth degree.
The fourth great instinct, that of self-assertion, is also based on fear; it
connotes the fear of the individual that he will fail of recognition and thus lose much
that would otherwise be his. As time has progressed, the selfishness of the race has thus
grown; its sense of acquisitiveness has developed and the power to grasp has emerged (the
"will to power" in some form or another) until today we have the intense
individualism and the positive sense of importance which have produced much of the modern
economic and national troubles. We have fostered self-determination, self-assertion and
self-interest until we are presented with a well-nigh insuperable problem. But out of it
all, much good has come and will come, or no individual is of value until he realizes that
value for himself, and then with definiteness sacrifices the acquired values for the good
of the whole.
The instinct to enquire in its turn is based on fear of he unknown, but out of
this fear has  emerged - as a result of agelong enquiry - our present educational
and cultural systems and the entire structure of scientific investigation.

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