Dawning Star Terraformer 04 EFL Special Forces

Requires the use of the d20 Modern
Roleplaying Game, published by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
The Eos Freedom League has little in the way of a standing army, instead
relying on militia members to fill their ranks. The EFL can field upwards of
fifty thousand soldiers if required. Such an effort would take several
weeks to complete, and the soldiers would be poorly trained and
equipped though motivated. Having little money with which to support a
standing army and repulsed by the possibility of an army-controlled police
state (which is how many view the Dawning Star Republic), the EFL
instead has only a small number of full-time soldiers. These soldiers are
well trained, well equipped, and given carte blanche by the EFL in regards
to the means they use to accomplish their missions. These units are the
EFL Special Forces (or EFLSF). Combined, there numbers are just over
five hundred--but they are far more effective than their numbers would
EFLSF Organization
There are 50 Special Forces squads in the EFLSF, each having ten
members. Each of these squads is based in one of the faction-camps
allied with the EFL. That faction-camp is responsible for keeping the unit
supplied, staffed, and trained. Roger s Point is home to eighteen EFLSF
squads, while Steel End has ten squads, Sunder Ridge has twelve, Delhi
has six, and Lanner s Crossing four. Each faction-camp decides on its
own how many squads to support and may choose to decommission or
add squads at any time. However, controlling EFLSF squads is seen as a
Dawning Star was the first full-scale science fiction campaign setting built on d20
Modern and powered by the Future ruleset from Wizards of the Coast. The
critically-acclaimed setting was nominated for an ENnie for Best d20 Game. You
can learn more and download free material by visiting www.dawningstar.com.
The Terraformer line of products from Blue Devil Games presents new material
designed for Dawning Star but usable in most science-fiction campaigns. Each
entry will offer a new prestige class, xenomorph, talent tree, feat, weapon, etc.
and advice on using it into your campaign and using it to  shape your world.
 Fiendishly Clever. Blue Devil Games is one of the highest-quality small-press
publishers on the market today. BDG product lines include Dawning Star,
AEvolutions in support of Monte Cook s Arcana Evolved, and the upcoming
Passages. Visit our website for more information: www.bluedevilgames.com.
Lead writer and game designer on the Dawning Star line, Lee has been
affectionately called the  Hemmingway of RPGs for the quality of his writing
and prolific body of work. Lee has worked for numerous publishers, including
AEG, Bastion Press, Louis Porter Jr. Designs, and DC Comics.
major political and military advantage within the EFL. While the faction-
camps within the EFL cooperate most of the time, in the few times they
have undertaken military action against each other it has primarily
consisted of covert actions carried out by their respective EFLSF squads.
During a disagreement between Sunder Ridge and Steel End over the
disposition of some salvaged fusion reactors, they each sent their EFLSF
squads into the other s territory to sabotage industrial and infrastructure
targets. Sponsoring EFLSF squads is not just a military tool but a sign of
dedication to the EFL and a symbol of political prestige.
All EFLSF teams technically fall under the command of General
Jasper Wellington, the leader of the oldest EFLSF team, the Bladefishers,
based out of Roger s Point. The EFLSF squads are supposed to
cooperate and act together in times of war, but a state of war has not
existed on Eos since the annexation of Red Hill. This means most EFLSF
squads ignore the command structure beyond their own settlement and
only listen to their local commanders. Within each settlement though the
command structure is usually very disciplined and controlled, with a
colonel heading up each settlement s EFLSF teams and a captain leading
each squad.
All EFLSF teams are highly trained in combat and covert operations,
but most teams also have a secondary specialty such as orbital
operations, underwater missions, or propaganda. The standard
composition of an EFLSF team is one captain who serves as the
commander of the group, a lieutenant who is the second in command,
three weapons specialists, and five other specialists, such as demolitions
or vehicle experts. The specialists on each team usually have related
specialties, such as having an expert on alien technology, a security
system specialist, and a survivalist on a relic hunting team. EFLSF teams
are usually deployed alone, but particularly important missions have been
known to involve upwards of ten teams at once.
The soldiers who make up the EFLSF are recruited from the local
militia and police, mercenary companies, relic hunters, and even former
EDF soldiers looking for a new way of life. Possible recruits are observed
covertly for some time before approached about joining the EFLSF in
order to ferret out any spies and to make sure the candidates are
completely loyal to the EFL. The standards of loyalty vary from settlement
to settlement, but they have been very strict since the EDF managed to
insert a spy into the EFLSF two years ago and obtained extensive
information about their operations. Those candidates who pass the
inspection process are put through a rigorous three-year training regimen
by the other EFLSF squads, with each squad spending one month out of
the year training new recruits. This long training process and limited
recruiting pool means it is difficult for the EFL to replace casualties in the
EFLSF. As a result, they do everything they can to prevent losing any of
their soldiers.
As part of their efforts to avoid casualties whenever possible, the
EFL equips the EFLSF squads with the most advanced equipment
available, including stolen Republic equipment and weapons from Daxion
Arms. The EFLSF are often used to test new technology developed by
the faction-camps, sometimes with less than pleasant results. While the
EFLSF teams are well equipped compared to most troops on Eos, they
often lack basic supplies like food and ammunition, while having plenty of
advanced sensors and medical gear. This is accepted by most EFLSF
soldiers as comical since it happens so often, and is called the  SF
paradox by veteran EFLSF soldiers. As a result of this situation, they
often end up undertaking missions to raid Republic supply bases to
acquire additional supplies. They always take care to cover their tracks
when doing so, usually disguising their attacks as being that of bandits or
local creatures. When on such operations the EFLSF tries to avoid
actually attacking Republic personnel as much as possible, knowing that
any casualties will generate unwanted attention.
Individual EFLSF units are assigned vehicles based on the skills of the
squad s members, but the EFL has few military vehicles to go around.
The EFLSF tends to rely on converted civilian vehicles for transportation,
upgrading most of their vehicles with additional armor plating and
weaponry like the D-12 rail gun cannon. The EFLSF has no spacecraft
assigned to it full time but occasionally makes use of the handful of
shuttles possessed by the EFL. Apart from two squads trained in orbital
operations, the EFLSF is rarely active in space, though the development
of the drop pod (see below) may change this.
Each EFLSF squad is identified with a Greek letter (denoting which
settlement it hails from), a number (representing its seniority within that
settlement), and a nickname ascribed by its members. All Roger s Point
EFLSF units are designated as alpha squads, Steel End units as betas,
Sunder Ridge as deltas, Lanner s Crossing units as epsilons, and Delhi
units as gammas. Most of the unit nicknames are based on Old Earth
animals or animals common to the settlement the unit is based in.
While all the EFLSF teams are technically on the same side, they
often actively work against each other and have a strong feeling of
competition among their ranks, especially against teams from other
settlements. It is not uncommon for EFLSF teams to learn that a team
from another settlement is on a certain mission and then try to go
complete that mission before the original team can. Due to the nature of
their assignments the EFLSF has lots of down time between missions and
training can only fill up so much, so they tend to be pretty creative when
coming up with ideas as to how to fill their time. Discretely causing trouble
for the Republic, hunting some of the more unusual Eotian creatures, and
relic hunting are the main pasttimes.
The public in both the EFL and the Dawning Star Republic knows
of the existence of the EFLSF but not what their missions are or most of
their practices, such as stealing from the Republic. A few of the less
important units that carry out less sensitive operations are used as
propaganda tools and are displayed as patriots fighting for freedom
against the oppressive Republic. The EFL makes sure that the less
pleasant operations of the EFLSF never see the light of day.
Delhi EFLSF Units of Note
This section identifies the more notable special forces units based out of
the Delhi faction-camp.
Squad Gamma Zero (The Unmentionables)
Using a simple question mark as their symbol, the Unmentionables are an
internal security squad tasked with keeping Republic spies and agents out
of Delhi when possible or under surveillance when their presence must be
tolerated. Consisting of a roster only known to the top leaders of the EFL,
the Unmentionables have also been used on occasion to ferret out
traitors within the EFLSF, including the EDF spy that infiltrated the
organization a few years back. Officially, the Unmentionables do not exist,
and they are not mentioned in any written records. They receive their
orders and supplies through blind drops and conspicuously unguarded
supply depots. The Unmentionables have remained completely loyal to
the EFL, but now some leaders within the organization fear they have
been given too much autonomy in order to preserve their secrecy and
believe that they could cause significant damage to EFL operations if they
turned rogue. Thus, some other settlements are slowly organizing
operations of their own to eliminate the Unmentionables while doing their
best to conceal such movements.
Squad Gamma Three (The Shadow Monkeys)
When Squad Gamma Three was formed there were doubts the squad
could be supported by Delhi on top of the three EFLSF squads it already
supported. The soldiers in the unit self-effacingly named themselves the
Shadow Monkeys in reference to the jungle fighting they were trained for
and because they didn t expect to be around long enough for their name
to hold any importance. Surprisingly Delhi did find the means to support
the squad, using them primarily to hunt down dangerous creatures in the
jungles south of Delhi and the plains surrounding the settlement. Skilled in
guerilla warfare and survival skills, Squad Gamma Three is entrusted with
keeping tabs on Republic operations in the area around Delhi, most of
which are terraforming or archaeological missions. The Shadow Monkeys
have taken to stealing food supplies and flashlights from Republic camps
in the area as a prank. The Shadow Monkeys have yet to see any real
combat, having only been in existence a year, and are one of the least
respected units in the EFLSF. Because of this they are eager to prove
themselves, and their leader, Captain Willard Shii, is always trying to find
missions that will earn his team some respect.
Lanner s Crossing EFLSF Unit of Note
This section identifies one of the notable special forces units based out of
the Lanner s Crossing faction-camp.
Squad Epsilon Two (The Wind Wolves)
One of the few EFLSF units to have air vehicles permanently assigned to
them, the Wind Wolves have been fortunate enough to be issued two SH-
32 Sky-Skipper Hoverbikes and two SA-6 Dromedary Air Cargo Haulers.
These craft have been modified with additional armor plating and a
number of heavy weapons, primarily D-12 rail gun cannons and Tangier
missile launchers. Squad Epsilon Two is officially an air rescue team,
charged with pulling EFL troops and supplies out of the most dangerous
situations, but it is equally adept at ground support missions. The Wind
Wolves are all expert pilots and also have specialists in field repair,
medical procedures, and navigation. The Wind Wolves spend most of
their downtime looking after the herds of livestock that Lanner s Crossing
depends on. This is one of the few EFLSF squads that all the other teams
pay respect to at least in public, never knowing when the Wind Wolves
will be sent to pull them out of a sticky situation. All the vehicles of the
Wind Wolves are recognizable by the silver-winged wolf symbol painted
on the sides.
Roger s Point EFLSF Units of Note
This section identifies the more notable special forces units from the
Roger s Point faction-camp.
Squad Alpha One (The Bladefishers)
The original EFLSF squad, it began as a team of soldiers specially trained
in aquatic operations to help secure the ports of Roger s Point. The team
is made up of veterans with at least ten years of experience, and it is
considered the premiere unit within the EFLSF. Led by General Jasper
Wellington, its specialists are skilled in underwater demolitions, salvage
missions, boarding operations, and naval combat. While their specialty is
naval operations, they are often used by Patricia Rogers in other
environments due to their experience and fearsome reputation. They
have effectively become her personal problem-solvers, carrying out
everything from assassinations to industrial espionage--some even
whisper that Captain Wellington is Patricia Rogers s lover. The
Bladefishers consider themselves above all the infighting and competition
endemic to the EFLSF, but secretly every other EFLSF team is looking to
take them down and thereby become the new top dogs. One EFLSF
team from Steel End tried to actively sabotage a Bladefisher mission
three years ago. They were decimated, and no EFLSF squad has tried to
interfere with the Bladefishers directly since.
Squad Alpha Eighteen (Black Rat Squad)
The newest of the EFLSF squads, the Black Rats are an urban combat
team specializing in subterranean combat. Officially they are meant to
help defend Roger s Point from creatures that may move into its sewer
system, an occasional problem on Eos, but the squad s true purpose is
guerilla operations within Dawning Star City itself. The EFL only deploys
the Black Rats in extreme cases, such as open hostilities with Dawning
Star, though there have been some pushes lately for using them on a
strictly espionage capacity within the city. Unlike most new teams that are
made up of one or two veterans and a number of skilled individuals from
outside the EFLSF, the Black Rats are entirely made up of veterans from
other EFLSF teams. The Black Rats are still technically in training, but
have been running a number of missions to various ruins on Eos to
investigate rumors of functional relics.
Steel End ELFSF Units of Note
This section identifies the more notable special forces units from the Steel
End faction-camp.
Squad Beta Five (The Steel Tigers)
The most famous EFLSF unit in Steel End, the Steel Tigers gained
notoriety two years ago when they destroyed a relic robot that rampaged
through the center of Steel End. The Steel Tigers have been the heroes
of Steel End ever since, and their habit of exaggerating their deeds has
done nothing to curtail these feelings. If you ask them, they are the only
reason the Republic has not rolled over the faction-camp. The Steel
Tigers are trained in urban combat and heavy weapons with their area of
expertise being anti-armor operations. Using concealment, traps, rocket
launchers, and explosives they can effectively take on armored vehicles
assuming they have terrain to use to their advantage. The Steel Tigers
have had little chance to use these skills since the Republic is the only
group on they planet with real armored vehicles, and open war has not
existed between the EFL and Republic since the Red Hill annexation. The
Steel Tigers are now itching for a fight with the Republic, particularly their
Armadillo heavy tanks. The Steel Tigers do more weapons testing then
other EFLSF squads, mainly concentrating on heavy weapons.
Squad Beta Seven (Ghost Walkers)
The Ghost Walkers are unique in the EFLSF in that they do not usually
carry weapons and rarely actually enter combat. Instead they are
masters of sabotage and are trained to operate deep in enemy territory
without weapons or any other indication of their true intent. The Ghost
Walkers are currently deployed in the Southern Resource Zone, where
they cause trouble for resource harvesting operations in the region near
Steel End. They do this primarily by sabotaging vehicles, destroying vital
roads, and stealing supplies meant for miners or lumberjacks. Their
efforts have had only limited effects, but they are learning and becoming
more effective. They have been on assignment now for two years
straight with little contact with the EFL, leading some to think they may
have gone rogue. The Ghost Walkers are all extensively trained in close
combat, particularly with knives, and stealth, preferring to achieve their
mission without ever being seen.
Sunder Ridge Unit of Note
This section identifies one of the notable special forces units from the
Sunder Ridge faction-camp.
Squad Delta Two (The Red Rams)
One of the earliest EFLSF teams to be created; it was formed out of a
special mountain rescue squad Sunder Ridge had maintained before
joining the EFL. Trained in both mountain rescue and combat, the Red
Rams are well known in the faction-camp and are considered local
heroes for all the rescue work they have done. The Red Rams tend to
downplay their military role, preferring to avoid combat where possible.
This has made them unpopular with their fellow EFLSF squads and the
EFL leadership. There has been talk of disbanding the squad for several
years but so far their popularity has kept them safe.
EFLSF squads are always equipped with the most advanced technology
available to the EFL, though they are often short on little things like clothes
or food. The EFLSF are sent experimental equipment from the EFL for
field testing, and they carry out such testing rigorously. The EFLSF
squads will not take experimental equipment on actual missions due to
questions of reliability, but will use them, extensively in testing.
The following pieces of equipment have been tested by the EFLSF
and are now used in the field on a limited basis.
EFLSF Drop Pod
One of the rarer items used by the EFLSF, only twenty EFLSF drop pods
are currently in existence. Nine feet tall and three feet wide, these black
metallic cylinders are a recent creation of Steel End and are used to drop
soldiers from orbit to a planet s surface. Each pod has an engine in the
base and multiple retrorockets to slow its fall and keep it upright, in
addition to parachutes and other more conventional devices used to slow
its decent to a survivable speed. The drop pods are designed to be
dropped from orbit over a target and left to free fall with only minor
adjustments until the last mile above the surface. At this point initial
deceleration devices are deployed; the remainder of the devices are not
activated until the pod is within one thousand feet of the ground in order to
avoid appearing as anything other than a meteor. The interior chamber is
pressurized to minimize the effects of rapid descent on the occupant.
The pod must be targeted properly before it is dropped, requiring a
Navigation check (DC 25) and ten minutes of preparation. Drop pods are
dropped from a special launcher that can be mounted in the cargo hold of
most ships and takes up thirty tons of cargo space. A drop pod takes
approximately twenty minutes to reach the surface when dropped from
orbit, though this varies with high or low orbits. The occupant must make
a Fortitude save (DC 16) to avoid passing out for 1d4 minutes when
landing, a Fortitude save (DC 12) to avoid taking 1d4 points of Dexterity
damage due to blood flow difficulties. Even a successful landing deals 2d6
points of concussion damage (Reflex DC 20 halves). Needless to say
these devices are not for the faint of heart or the weak. Items struck by a
landing drop pod take 8d6 points of fire damage (from the retrorockets)
and 8d6 points of bludgeoning damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 15)
halves each instance of damage. Once the pod is down it requires five
rounds for the occupant to remove the pressure suit and exit the pod.
Each pod has a total cargo capacity of five hundred pounds, most of
which is used for equipment for the occupant. Drop pods have 60 hit
points and a hardness of 15. Each pod weighs two tons and has a
purchase DC of 31. The pods are reusable if recovered.
EFLSF Covert Armor
A recent creation by engineers in Roger s Point, this armor is made of a
mixture of materials harvested from creatures native to Eos and from
high-tech fibers similar to Kevlar. Designed for maximum mobility, the
covert armor is not as effective as EDF combat armor but is lighter and
easier to move around in. EFLSF combat armor comes standard in black,
but most units paint it according to their unit colors. The armor is unknown
out of the EFLSF but due to its usefulness it is planned to go into
production for civilians within the next two years. Covert armor is
considered medium armor.
Armor PL Type Equip Nonprof. Max Armor Speed Wgt Purch Restr.
Bonus Bonus Dex Penalty (30 DC
Bonus ft./20 ft.)
EFLSF 25 ft./
6 Tactical +5 +2 +4 -2 20 lb. 26 Res (+2)
Covert Armor 15 ft.
EFLSF Squad Comp
A device issued to all EFLSF squads but not necessarily used by all of
them, the EFLSF squad comp is a set of wearable computers that each
member is supposed to use while in the field. These computers link up
with each other through infrared transmissions and are linked into global
positioning systems, allowing all members of a team to know the locations
of other members and to communicate information to them quickly. The
squad comp has two major components: the power pack/processor
carried on the hip and the display/camera unit which is worn over one
eye. This allows the wearer to easily see information projected onto his
field of vision and capture images of whatever he is looking at, which may
be then sent to his comrades over the computer network. The computer
also correlates the images visible in each soldier s camera with satellite
information to create a three-dimensional map of the area, including the
location of hostiles that may be visible to one squad member but unseen
by everyone else. While active the squad comp grants its users a +2
equipment bonus to Spot and initiative checks, though it must have at
least five active users to be effective.
Each EFL squad comp unit weighs two pounds, has a purchase DC of
18, and a restriction level of Licensed (+2).
Squad Alpha Seven (The Bonerattlers)
Named after a reptilian creature common in the area near Roger s Point
and noted for its rattlesnake-like noise, the Bonerattlers are an excellent
example of an  average EFLSF team. Trained in covert operations,
particularly in the plains regions of Eos and for relic hunting missions, the
Bonerattlers are a moderately experienced squad with a number of
successful missions to their credit. Most of these operations have taken
place in northern Dawnhome, and the Bonerattlers have come into
conflict with the Dawning Star Republic several times. While both sides
have tried to keep these encounters from becoming shooting
engagements, the Bonerattlers have earned the ire of most of the
Republic Rangers in the area and can expect to attract a great deal of
attention if they are ever discovered in Republic territory. For all the
trouble the Bonerattlers have caused the Republic they have never
injured a Republic citizen. In fact, they have taken part in several rescue
operations to save Republic citizens from severe weather conditions and
xenomorph attacks. These good deeds are one of the reasons the
Republic personnel they encounter are so loathe to open fire, since the
Bonerattlers are really more seen as thieves than soldiers. The behavior
of both the Republic Rangers and the Bonerattlers has not been reported
home to their respective commanders since both sides realize they are
not supposed to play nice with their enemies. If either side received orders
to break their habits of avoiding conflict they will, but they would also avoid
killing when possible.
The symbol of the bone rattlers is an  X, formed by a human bone
crossed with a rattle, on a black field. The unit can usually be found
training around Roger s Point and is often deployed in northern
Dawnhome when in the field. On occasion it has been active in other
regions but these missions have been rare.
Captain Selma Yang
Captain Yang has been the commander of the Bonerattlers since its
inception four years ago. A skilled leader, she has been the driving force
in not engaging the Republic directly in combat. Instead she seeks to
embarrass and harass the agents of the Republic, feeling that it
accomplishes more than starting a shooting war. Captain Yang gained her
position after ably serving in the militia during a bonerattler migration that
threatened the outer settlements of Roger s Point, proving herself a
proficient combatant and excellent organizer. Her performance since her
appointment to lead the Bonerattlers has not been quite so stellar in the
eyes of the EFL, but she does get results.
Ultimately Captain Yang is interested in accomplishing her missions
with as few casualties as possible on all sides. While she does not favor
what she sees to be the domineering power of the Republic, she feels
that the people have to make their own choices as to who will lead them,
and she would prefer to offer alternatives than try to change minds by
force. She is an excellent lateral thinker, always tackling problems from
an unexpected angle.
Captain Yang gets along well with her second in command Lieutenant
Kit, and the Bonerattlers in general hold her in high esteem. She gets
along particularly well with Lieutenant Kit and Sergeant Taske, often
playing cards together when off duty.
Captain Yang is in her early thirties and has slightly graying, long, thick
black hair. Of Asian and Indian descent, she always wears a bindi mark
on her forehead, denoting her Hindu faith. Always immaculately well
groomed and clean, she considers her appearance to be an important
facet of her role as an officer.
Captain Selma Yang (Fast Hero 2/Charismatic Hero 2/Field Officer 4):
CR 8; Medium humanoid; HD 6d8+2d6; hp 44; MAS 10; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.;
Defense 24, touch 20, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex, +7 class, +5 armor); BAB
+6; Grap +6; Atk +6 melee (1d4, survival knife) or +6 melee (1d6, baton)
or +6 melee (1d3 electrical + stun, stun gun), +8 ranged (3d4, D-2 rail gun
pistol) or +8 ranged (3d6, D-1 Longarm rifle); Full Atk +6/+1 melee (1d4,
survival knife) or +6/+1 melee (1d6, baton) or +6/+1 melee (1d3 electrical +
stun, stun gun), +8/+3 ranged (3d4, D-2 rail gun pistol) or +8/+3 ranged
(3d6, D-1 Longarm rifle); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Leadership,
tactical expertise, uncanny survival; AL EFL; SV Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +8;
AP 10; Rep +4; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14.
PL Familiarity: 6
Occupation: Military.
Skills: Bluff +10, Computer Use +8, Diplomacy +14, Drive +5,
Gather Information +6, Hide +7, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (Streetwise) +9,
Knowledge (Tactics) +15, Listen +4, Move Silently +7, Read/Write
Language (English), Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +5, Speak
Language (English), Survival +8, Treat Injury +3.
Talents: Coordinate, Evasion.
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Educated, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Personal Firearms
Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Trustworthy.
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, D-3 rail gun pistol with 2 clips,
D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, survival knife, stun gun, baton, 5 days of
survival rations, night vision goggles, backpack, rope, 5 glowsticks, info
comp, compass, universal communicator, medkit.
Lieutenant Wilson Kit
Second in command of the Bonerattlers, Lieutenant Kit was one of the
few police officers in Roger s Point before joining the Bonerattlers.
Personally chosen for the EFLSF by Patricia Rogers after being
instrumental in apprehending some thieves who had been stealing blood
and organs from the less fortunate in Roger s Point, he is a well known
figure in the faction-camp and is considered something of a local hero.
Some suspect his appointment to the EFLSF was more a propaganda
move than a real appointment, but he has served with distinction since
joining the EFLSF, and his sensibilities fit well with Captain Yang s. He is
even well known in the Northern Resource Zone from an incident where
he worked side by side with a Republic Ranger to help save a family from
a flash flood.
A relaxed and laid back sort, Lieutenant Kit has an easy rapport with
his troops that works well in concert with Captain Yang s more
impersonal efficiency. He is generally more concerned with everyone
getting back alive than completing missions successfully, but when the
goal is important enough he puts these feelings aside. He often is found
with Captain Yang and Sergeant Taske when off duty.
Of Nordic descent, Lieutenant Kit looks years longer than his real age
of 28. He often wears his fatigues even when off duty; they are usually
clean but rarely in what one would call neat condition. When off duty,
Lieutenant Kit often heads to Roger s Point to visit friends and family.
Lieutenant Wilson Kit (Fast Hero 4/Gunhand 3): CR 7; Medium humanoid;
HD 7d8+14; hp 49; MAS 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 24, touch 19, flat-
footed 24 (+2 Dex, +7 class, +5 armor); BAB +6; Grap +6; Atk +6 melee
(1d4, survival knife), +8 ranged (3d4, D-3 rail gun pistol) or +9 ranged
(3d6+2, D-1 Longarm rifle); Full Atk +6 melee (1d4, survival knife), +8
ranged (3d4, D-3 rail gun pistol) or +9 ranged (3d6+2, D-1 Longarm rifle);
FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Tough as nails, weapon specialization (D-
1 Longarm rifle); AL EFL; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3; AP 9; Rep +4; Str
10, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12.
PL Familiarity: 6
Occupation: Law Enforcement.
Skills: Drive +7, Gamble +5, Hide +9, Intimidate +13, Knowledge
(Streetwise) +12, Listen +9, Move Silently +9, Read/Write Language
(English), Sense Motive +3, Speak Language (English), Survival +3, Treat
Injury +4.
Talents: Evasion, Uncanny Dodge 1.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Medium), Confident, Double Tap, Eos
Freedom League Member, Faction-Camp Familiarity (Roger s Point),
Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Renown, Quick Draw,
Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus (D-1 Longarm rifle).
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, D-3 rail gun pistol with 2 clips,
D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, survival knife, 5 days of survival rations,
night vision goggles, backpack, rope, 5 glowsticks, info comp, compass,
universal communicator, medkit.
Sergeant Benjamin Taske, Weapons Specialist
A massive mountain of a man, Sergeant Taske is well known within the
EFLSF for being one of the top contenders each year in the EFLSF
Boxing Championship. Transferred to the Bonerattlers after serving in the
EFL Militia for many years, he is the oldest member of the Bonerattlers
and has the most field experience. Despite this he does not see himself
as a leader and always defers to his officers, but he makes an excellent
non-commissioned officer. All the other non-coms in the Bonerattlers look
up to Sergeant Taske and consider him the heart of the unit.
More so than Captain Yang, Sergeant Taske prefers a good throw-
down on occasion. While he is well trained in various heavy weapon
systems, Sergeant Taske prefers settling things in close, as a number of
Republic soldiers have learned. Not much on killing exactly, he does have
a thing for blowing up unoccupied vehicles and buildings. Sergeant Taske
claims to have had a childhood experience encountering a darkling and
ever since gets a little jumpy in ruins and small, enclosed spaces. He is an
avid follower of all accounts of darkling encounters.
Six-and-a-half feet tall, Sergeant Taske weighs over 300 pounds, and
most of it is muscle. Possessed of an coarse brown beard, he looks very
much like a mountain man of Old Earth. He usually wears fatigues and
always carries a weapon of some type.
Sergeant Benjamin Taske (Tough Hero 3/Dreadnaught 5): CR 8; Medium
humanoid; HD 3d10+4d12+24; hp 87; MAS 19; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; Defense
19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 class, +5 armor); BAB +5; Grap +7; Atk +7
melee (1d4+2 survival knife) or +9 melee (1d8+2 nonlethal, punch), +5
ranged (3d4, D-3 rail gun pistol) or +5 ranged (D-1 Longarm rifle); Full Atk
+7 melee (1d4+2 survival knife) or +9 melee (1d8+2 nonlethal, punch), +5
ranged (3d4, D-3 rail gun pistol) or +5 ranged (D-1 Longarm rifle); FS 5 ft.
by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Ability surge x2/day, fearless, knockdown, master
defender, steamroller, unhindered; AL EFL; SV Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +5;
AP ; Rep +; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12.
PL Familiarity: 6
Occupation: Military.
Skills: Climb +4, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (Tactics) +6, Read/Write
Language (English), Speak Language (English), Survival +12, Swim +5.
Talents: Remain Conscious, Second Wind.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Medium), Brawl, Exotic Firearms
Proficiency (Grenade Launchers, Missile Launchers), Improved Brawl,
Improved Massive Damage Save, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Personal
Firearms Proficiency
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, D-3 rail gun pistol with 2 clips,
D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, survival knife, 5 days of survival rations,
night vision goggles, backpack, rope, 5 glowsticks, info comp, compass,
universal communicator, medkit, either a Tangier missile launcher or
Tangier grenade launcher.
Corporal Sias McTaggert, Weapons Specialist
One of the newer additions to the Bonerattlers, Corporal McTaggert was
assigned to the team to replace a member lost during a vehicle crash two
months ago. Corporal McTaggert was transferred to the Bonerattlers
after helping a group of Republic terraformers deactivate their
atmospheric processor before it exploded. This earned her a demotion
and a transfer to an EFLSF team where supposed pro-Republic
sympathies would hopefully fit right in. Corporal McTaggert has not taken
this well and tends to take it out on everyone around her, rarely being
anything but grumpy.
An expert sniper, Corporal McTaggert is the resident sharpshooter for
the Bonerattlers. She spends most of her missions far behind the rest of
the team under concealment so she can provide cover fire. Corporal
McTaggert is also one of the stealthier members of the team and does
most of the scouting. She rarely hangs out with other members of the
team when off duty, preferring to stew in her own anger while playing
video games.
A small woman just barely five feet tall, Corporal McTaggert s face is
locked in a permanent scowl. She often wears a Greenville Earth Devils
baseball cap, trying to keep her bright red hair out of sight as much as
Corporal Sias McTaggert (Fast Hero 4/Soldier 2): CR 6; Medium
humanoid; HD 4d8+2d10+6; hp 34; MAS 12; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; Defense
24, touch 19, flat-footed 21 (+3 Dex, +6 class, +5 armor); BAB +4; Grap
+4; Atk +4 melee (1d4, survival knife), +7 ranged (3d4+2, D-3 rail gun
pistol) or +8 ranged (3d6+4, D-1 Longarm rifle); Full Atk +4 melee (1d4,
survival knife), +7 ranged (3d4+2, D-3 rail gun pistol) or +8 ranged (3d6+4,
D-1 Longarm rifle); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Weapon specialization
(D-1 Longarm rifle); AL EFL; SV Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3; AP 9; Rep +1;
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 8.
PL Familiarity: 6
Occupation: Military.
Skills: Climb +8, Drive +5, Hide +14, Knowledge (Tactics) +6, Listen
+3, Move Silently +14, Read/Write Language (English), Speak Language
(English), Spot +7, Survival +9, Swim +2, Treat Injury +3.
Talents: Improved Sharpshooter, Sharpshooter.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Medium), Dead Aim, Far Shot, Personal
Firearms Proficiency, Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapon
Proficiency, Stealthy, Weapon Focus (D-1 Longarm rifle).
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, D-3 rail gun pistol with 2 clips,
D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, laser sight, and a scope, survival knife, 5
days of survival rations, night vision goggles, backpack, rope, 5
glowsticks, info comp, compass, universal communicator, medkit.
Corporal Shian Ti, Weapons Specialist
The firearms maintenance expert for the Bonerattlers, Corporal Ti is
responsible for making sure all the team s weapons remain in top shape.
She is also the demolitions expert for the team, though she finds herself
disarming explosives more often than setting them. She works in
conjunction with Corporal Case, who usually ends up finding those
explosives that need to be disarmed. She also is responsible for most of
the explosive weapons used by the Bonerattlers and carries a large
quantity of grenades.
Corporal Ti is always extremely quiet while on a mission, rarely
speaking a word, but she can be a real chatterbox when not in the field.
Many of the other members of the Bonerattlers think she talks too much,
and they avoid spending time with her outside of field operations. This
bothers Corporal Ti little. She spends most of her down time singing in
various bars in Roger s Point where she has a small following as a blues
A tall, rail-thin woman, Corporal Ti always has perfect posture and
seems the taller for it. She is one of the few members of the Bonerattlers
who actually takes time to take care of her appearance. In fact, she
spends a few days each year sneaking into Dawning Star City to go
shopping--against Captain Yang s wishes.
Corporal Shian Ti (Smart Hero 3/Techie 3): CR 6; Medium humanoid; HD
6d6; hp 23; MAS 10; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 19, touch 14, flat-footed 18
(+1 Dex, +3 class, +5 armor); BAB +2; Grap +2; Atk +2 melee (1d4,
survival knife), +3 ranged (3d4, D-3 rail gun pistol) or +4 ranged (3d6, D-1
Longarm rifle); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4, survival knife), +3 ranged (3d4, D-3
rail gun pistol) or +4 ranged (3d6, D-1 Longarm rifle); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.;
Reach 5 ft.; SQ Extreme machine, jury-rig +2; AL EFL; SV Fort +2, Ref
+2, Will +5; AP 9; Rep +1; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 14.
PL Familiarity: 6
Occupation: Military.
Skills: Computer Use +11, Craft (Chemical) +8, Craft (Electrical) +11,
Craft (Mechanical) +11, Craft (Writing) +4, Demolitions +16, Disable Device
+13, Drive +4, Navigate +11, Perform (Singing) +7, Read/Write Language
(English), Repair +14, Research +8, Search +8, Speak Language
(English), Spot +4.
Talents: Savant (Demolitions), Savant (Repair).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Medium), Cautious, Creative, Personal
Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Proficiency,
Weapon Focus (D-1 Longarm rifle), Windfall.
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, D-3 rail gun pistol with 2 clips,
D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, survival knife, 5 days of survival rations,
night vision goggles, backpack, rope, 5 glowsticks, info comp, compass,
universal communicator, medkit, mechanical tool kit, electrical tool kit,
multi-tool, demolitions kit, 10 pounds of C-4, 5 fragmentation grenades, 4
smoke grenades, 2 phosphorous grenades.
Sergeant Meghan Owalli, Alien Technology Expert
A graduate of Dawning Star University, Sergeant Owalli was looking
forward to a career of inspecting alien relics and writing papers on them.
She had no interest in going into the field herself, finding the whole
prospect to be too dangerous--what with all the xenomorphs and strange
diseases involved. She was accused of selling University relics on the
black market by a colleague who had in fact carried out the thefts in
question. Unfortunately, enough circumstantial evidence and
embarrassment for the University was brought to bear that she was
terminated from her position and blacklisted from working in Republic
academia. Having no other choice, she left the Republic for the faction-
camps, first living in Hapeville before she was recruited by Patricia
Rogers to come research relics in Roger s Point.
Not having the staff of Republic facilities like the Republic, Sergeant
Owalli quickly ended up going into the field to investigate ruins instead of
remaining in the lab. She demonstrated a good head for field operations,
in one instance leading her team of archaeologists in battle against a
group of hostile spitter spiders. After several other similar events,
Sergeant Owalli was asked by Patricia Rogers to join the EFLSF, offering
more access to relics controlled by Roger s Point in exchange. Sergeant
Owalli accepted and has served admirably, but she has yet to really get
her hands on any relics other than the small handful the team itself has
A scholarly woman who always seems to have trouble looking
professional, Sergeant Owalli is always reading. She spends most of her
off duty time in research or reading papers published by the research
institutes of the Republic. She is somewhat bitter about her lot in life,
wanting to instead be in the ivory towers of learning in the Republic. Deep
down, she knows it is not to be.
Sergeant Meghan Owalli (Smart Hero 3/Field Scientist 3): CR 6; Medium
humanoid; HD 3d6+3d8+6; hp 34; MAS 13; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 19,
touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+2 class, +2 Dex (Smart Defense),+5 armor);
BAB +2; Grap +2; Atk +2 melee (1d4, survival knife), +2 ranged (3d4, D-3
rail gun pistol) or +2 ranged (3d6, D-1 Longarm rifle); Full Atk +2 melee
(1d4, survival knife), +2 ranged (3d4, D-3 rail gun pistol) or +2 ranged (3d6,
D-1 Longarm rifle); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Scientific
improvisation, smart defense; AL EFL; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3; AP 9;
Rep +2; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 11.
PL Familiarity: 6
Occupation: Academic.
Skills: Computer Use +11, Craft (Chemical) +8, Craft (Electrical) +8,
Craft (Mechanical) +8, Decipher Script +13, Forgery +13, Investigate +11,
Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) +11, Knowledge (Physical Sciences)
+13, Knowledge (Technology) +13, Read/Write Language (English),
Research +13, Search +7, Speak Language (English).
Talents: Identify Alien Technology, Utilize Alien Technology.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Medium), Educated, Meticulous, Personal
Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Proficiency,
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, D-3 rail gun pistol with 2 clips,
D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, survival knife, 5 days of survival rations,
night vision goggles, backpack, rope, 5 glowsticks, info comp, compass,
universal communicator, medkit, evidence kit, mechanical kit, chemical kit.
Corporal Toru, Survivalist
One of the few velin found among the ranks of the EFL, Toru is the
Bonerattlers expert in wilderness lore and survival. Able to live
comfortably in most any area of Eos, Toru is a valued part of the team
but is always aloof and separated from his companions. Toru left his tribe
to learn more about humans outside the Republic. So far has been
troubled by what he has seen. Humans show far more variety in their
beliefs and behaviors than the velin, and that has been confusing for Toru.
He joined the EFLSF after helping some EFL soldiers deal with a pack of
Dawson dragons in a feeding frenzy, but he is not really that interested in
the cause of the EFL. Loyal for now, he is the velin who has penetrated
the furthest into the EFL power structure, and the Velin Tribal Council
wants to keep him in a position to keep them informed.
Toru is always taciturn and alert in the field, rarely relaxing or talking
with his teammates. He has forgone traditional velin clothing for his EFLSF
armor and uniform but always carries a number of trophies and talismans
made of various animal bones and feathers. While he carries modern
weapons, he also always has his bazer sword close at hand.
Corporal Toru (Velin Hunter 3/Dedicated Hero 3): CR 6; Medium
humanoid; HD 6d8+18; hp 42; MAS 19; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 19,
touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+4 class, +5 armor); BAB +5; Grap +7; Atk +7
melee (1d4+2, survival knife) or +8 melee (1d6+1d6 acid+2, bazer sword),
+5 ranged (3d4, D-3 Rail gun pistol) or +5 ranged (3d6, D-1 Longarm rifle);
Full Atk +7 melee (1d4+2, survival knife) or +8 melee (1d6+1d6 acid+2,
bazer sword), +5 ranged (3d4, D-3 Rail gun pistol) or +5 ranged (3d6, D-1
Longarm rifle); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Detect vaasi (x6/day),
improved detect vaasi, low-light vision, tribal collective memory, vaasi
hatred, wilderness training; AL Velin Tribal Council; SV Fort +7, Ref +2,
Will +5; AP 8; Rep +1; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 6.
PL Familiarity: 3
Occupation: Nomad.
Skills: Hide +8, Listen +10, Move Silently +8, Speak Language
(English, Velin), Spot +12, Survival +13, Treat Injury +8.
Talents: Defense Training, Survival Training.
Feats: Alertness, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency (Bazer Sword), Guide,
Improved Massive Damage Threshold, Personal Firearms Proficiency,
Simple Weapons Proficiency, Stealthy, Weapon Focus (Bazer Sword).
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, D-3 rail gun pistol with 2 clips,
D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, survival knife, bazer sword, 5 days of
murcow jerky, backpack, rope, 5 glowsticks, info comp, compass,
universal communicator, medkit, trophies.
Sergeant Pieter Ofkropt, Vehicle Expert
The child of air runners who were among the original members of the
faction-camps, Sergeant Ofkropt has spent his entire life in Roger s Point
and is a staunch believer in the EFL and the freedoms it protects. A
member of the militia before the EFLSF, he earned his place in the
EFLSF through years of proficient service and loyalty to the EFL. Among
the Bonerattlers he is one of the few that is actively worried about the
team s reputation and place in the pecking order with other EFLSF teams.
He is constantly trying to get missions for the team that will get them
some prestige or show up another EFLSF team.
For Sergeant Ofkropt, his job is his life. He spends his time off duty
keeping the vehicles used by the EFLSF in shape. Only his lack of
leadership skills keeps him from being promoted further in the ELFSF
since his loyalty and skills are without question. Sergeant Ofkropt regularly
pushes Captain Yang to be more aggressive during encounters with the
Republic, but so far has followed orders. It seems only a matter of time
before Sergeant Ofkropt shoots before thinking and gets the Bonerattlers
in some serious trouble.
A small man in his early thirties, Sergeant Ofkropt wears an old, worn
pair of glasses that he has never found a suitable replacement for. He
normally wears a flight suit since he tends to stay with the Bonerattlers
vehicles, but when expecting combat wears EFLSF covert armor. He
carries a large .50 Desert Eagle that is a family heirloom passed down
through his family all the way back to their days on Old Earth.
Sergeant Pieter Ofkropt (Fast Hero 3/Air Runner 3): CR 6; Medium
humanoid; HD 6d8+6; hp 38; MAS 12; Init +3; Spd 40 ft.; Defense 24,
touch 19, flat-footed 21 (+3 Dex, +6 class, +5 armor); BAB +4; Grap +4;
Atk +4 melee (1d4, survival knife), +7 ranged (3d4, D-3 rail gun pistol) or
+7 ranged (3d6, D-1 Longarm rifle); Full Atk +4 melee (1d4, survival knife),
+7 ranged (3d4, D-3 rail gun pistol) or +7 ranged (3d6, D-1 Longarm
rifle);FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Push it!, she ll make it, ; AL EFL; SV
Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +3; AP 9; Rep +1; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis
13, Cha 8.
PL Familiarity: 6
Occupation: Military.
Skills: Barter +2, Computer Use +5, Drive +14, Knowledge (Local
(Roger s Point)) +8, Knowledge (Streetwise) +8, Navigate +12, Pilot +14,
Read/Write Language (English), Repair +5, Speak Language (English),
Spot +4, Survival +7, Tumble +9.
Talents: Improved Increased Speed, Increased Speed.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium),
Aircraft Operation (Vectored Thrust), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point
Blank Shot, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Vehicle Dodge, Vehicle Expert.
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, flight suit, D-3 rail gun pistol
with 2 clips, D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, survival knife, 5 days of survival
rations, night vision goggles, backpack, rope, 5 glowsticks, info comp,
compass, universal communicator, medkit.
Corporal Diana Case, Security Expert
A native of Dawning Star City, Corporal Case moved to Sun City with her
family shortly after its founding to try and cash in on the tourist trade.
Unfortunately the early years in Sun City were not easy, and Corporal
Case was soon forced into thievery to keep her parents fed and to
acquire the diabetes medicine needed by her mother. After being caught
stealing from tourists, something that is not tolerated in Sun City, Corporal
Case was forced to leave the faction-camp and ended up in Roger s
Point, where she quickly went back to stealing since it was all she knew.
Within a few weeks she had fallen in with a group of criminals
operating in the city, who concentrated on stealing raw materials and
other hard to move goods that few dared steal. Unfortunately the group
was more ruthless than Corporal Case was comfortable with, so she
eventually informed the EFL about their activities and helped the EFL take
the criminal organization down. As a reward for her efforts Corporal Case
was hired by Patricia Rogers to keep an eye on the underworld of
Roger s Point, but she found this to be little more than a clerical job since
Patricia Rogers already had a good hand on such matters. Wanting a
more active vocation, Corporal Case requested a transfer to the forces
of the EFL and eventually ended up in the EFLSF.
Since joining the Bonerattlers Corporal Case has spent most of her
time trying to get the team safely into alien ruins or dealing with Republic
security systems. She prefers to avoid violence when possible and aims
to carry out a mission without tripping any security systems. When off
duty she can often be found gambling in some of the seedier bars in
Roger s Point.
Corporal Diana Case (Fast Hero 3/Infiltrator 3): CR 6; Medium humanoid;
HD 6d8; hp 30; MAS 10; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 23, touch 18, flat-
footed 21 (+2 Dex, +6 class, +5 armor); BAB +3; Grap +3; Atk +3 melee
(1d4, survival knife), +6 ranged (3d4, D-3 Rail gun pistol) or +5 ranged (D-1
Longarm rifle); Full Atk +3 melee (1d4, survival knife), +6 ranged (3d4, D-3
Rail gun pistol) or +5 ranged (D-1 Longarm rifle); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5
ft.; SQ Improvised implements, sweep; AL EFL; SV Fort +2, Ref +7, Will
+3; AP ; Rep +; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12.
PL Familiarity: 6
Occupation: Criminal.
Skills: Balance +7, Climb +4, Disable Device +7, Drive +5, Escape
Artist +11, Gambling +6, Hide +13, Knowledge (Streetwise) +11, Move
Silently +13, Read/Write Language (English), Search +5, Sleight of Hand
+13, Speak Language (English).
Talents: Evasion, Footwork.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Medium), Improved Initiative, Personal
Firearms Proficiency, Nimble, Quick Draw, Simple Weapon Proficiency,
Stealthy, Weapon Focus (D-3 Rail Gun Pistol).
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, D-3 rail gun pistol with 2 clips,
D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, survival knife, 5 days of survival rations,
night vision goggles, backpack, rope, 5 glowsticks, info comp, compass,
universal communicator, medkit, lock picks, climbing kit.
Corporal Nina Tilalin, Infiltration Expert
Before joining the Bonerattlers, Corporal Tilalin was a barter jack traveling
through the northern reaches of Dawnhome, trading primarily in Red Hill,
Dawning Star City, and Roger s Point. She was known to the Republic
and treated well due to her habit of bringing presents for the customs
agents she dealt with regularly. This practice allowed her to carry on a
healthy smuggling trade. Unfortunately during one of her smuggling runs
she had to dump a shipment of fusion reactors in order to avoid being
caught. The fusion reactors had already been bought and paid for by
Patricia Rogers. Because Corporal Tilalin did not have the money on
hand to reimburse Patricia Rogers after the loss of the shipment, Rogers
shanghaied Tilalin into the EFL under threat of torture, demanding that she
work off the value of the lost shipment. Knowing Patricia Rogers s
reputation for ruthlessness, Corporal Tilalin has worked with the
Bonerattlers for two years now, hoping for the day when everything will
be squared away.
Corporal Tilalin is only deployed with the Bonerattlers in limited
circumstance so she can spend the rest of her time keeping her secrets
from the Republic. According to the records of the Dawning Star Republic
she is a law-abiding citizen with no unusual criminal record, and her
uselessness as an agent decreases drastically if this changes. She helps
get the Bonerattlers into Republic territory with minimal fuss by hiding
them in her shipments or using a wide variety of forged papers. Corporal
Tilalin is not much of a fighter, but she is an excellent talker and is well
practiced in the art of appealing to peoples sense of greed. Overall, she is
loyal to the EFL only because of the fear she feels, though she has
befriended individual members of the Bonerattlers.
Corporal Nina Tilalin (Charismatic Hero 3/Barter Jack 3): CR 6; Medium
humanoid; HD 3d8+3d6; hp 30; MAS 10; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 19,
touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +3 class, +5 armor); BAB +2; Grap +2;
Atk +2 melee (1d4, survival knife), +3 ranged (3d4, D-3 Rail gun pistol) or
+3 ranged (3d6, D-1 Longarm rifle); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4, survival knife),
+3 ranged (3d4, D-3 Rail gun pistol) or +3 ranged (3d6, D-1 Longarm rifle);
FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Big money, haggle king, license permit
(Dawning Star Republic), region familiarity (Red Hill); AL EFL; SV Fort +4,
Ref +3, Will +3; AP 9; Rep +4; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14 , Wis 12, Cha
PL Familiarity: 6
Occupation: Adventurer.
Skills: Barter +10, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +10, Drive +7,
Knowledge (Business) +10, Knowledge (Streetwise) +10, Navigate +4,
Profession (Trader) +10, Read/Write Language (English), Speak
Language (English), Survival +10.
Talents: Bargain Mastery, Improved Bargain Mastery.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Medium), Deceptive, Educated, Great
Fortitude, Guide, Master Trader, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple
Weapons Proficiency.
Possessions: EFLSF Covert armor, D-3 rail gun pistol with 2 clips,
D-1 Longarm rifle with 2 clips, survival knife, 5 days of survival rations,
night vision goggles, backpack, rope, 5 glowsticks, info comp, compass,
universal communicator, medkit, lock picks, climbing kit. When traveling
incognito she wears rough-outs and carries an EDF-9 auto-pistol.
EFL Special Forces in a Dawning Star Campaign
Depending on which side of the fence the PCs sit, the EFLSF could serve
as a valuable asset or a prime rival. They can also serve as a plausible
rescue team in the event they PCs find themselves in over their head. In
such an event, they might find themselves indebted to the EFL, leading to
future adventures.
EFL Special Forces in Other Science-Fiction Campaigns
In other campaigns, the EFLSF can stand in for any human paramilitary
organization, such as on might be found on a new planet or in a post-
apocalyptic setting.
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Layout by Justin D. Jacobson.
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'd20 System' and the 'd20 System'
likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes Open Game Content does not constitute a
logo are trademarks of Wizards of
and graphic, photographic and other visual or challenge to the ownership of that Product
audio representations; names and descriptions Identity. The owner of any Product Identity the Coast, Inc. and are used
of characters, spells, enchantments, used in Open Game Content shall retain all
according to the terms of the d20
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and rights, title and interest in and to that Product
System License version 6.0. A copy
special abilities; places, locations, Identity.
of this License can be found at
environments, creatures, equipment, magical
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game www.wizards.com/d20. d20 Modern
symbols, or graphic designs; and any other Content You must clearly indicate which
and Wizards of the Coast are
trademark or registered trademark clearly portions of the work that you are distributing
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,
identified as Product identity by the owner of are Open Game Content.
Inc. in the United States and other
the Product Identity, and which specifically
excludes the Open Game Content; (f) 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its countries and are used with
"Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, designated Agents may publish updated
sign, motto, designs that are used by a versions of this License. You may use any
All other content is ©2006 Justin D.
Contributor to identify itself or its products or authorized version of this License to copy,
Jacobson. Dawning Star, Operation Quick
the associated products contributed to the modify and distribute any Open Game
Launch, Helios Rising, TERRAFORMER,
Open Game License by the Contributor (g) Content originally distributed under any
their corresponding logos, and all Blue Devil
"Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, version of this License.
Games logos are trademarks of Justin D.
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify,
Jacobson. This edition of TERRAFORMER is
translate and otherwise create Derivative 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include
produced under version 1.0a of the Open
Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or a copy of this License with every copy of the
Game License, version 6.0 of the d20 System
"Your" means the licensee in terms of this Open Game Content You Distribute.
License, version 5.0 of the d20 System
Trademark Logo Guide, and the Modern
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not
System Reference Document by permission of
2. The License: This License applies to any market or advertise the Open Game Content
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Subsequent
Open Game Content that contains a notice using the name of any Contributor unless You
versions of this product will incorporate later
indicating that the Open Game Content may have written permission from the Contributor
versions. All rights reserved. Product Code
only be Used under and in terms of this to do so.
License. You must affix such a notice to any
Designation of Open Content: All of the
Open Game Content that you Use. No terms 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for
content not specifically enumerated as Closed
may be added to or subtracted from this You to comply with any of the terms of this
Content is Open Content, including but not
License except as described by the License License with respect to some or all of the
limited to the NPCs, equipment, xenomorphs,
itself. No other terms or conditions may be Open Game Content due to statute, judicial
and description of Julian measles.
applied to any Open Game Content order, or governmental regulation then You
Designation of Closed Content: Dawning
distributed using this License. may not Use any Open Game Material so
Star logos and titles, TERRAFORMER logos
and titles, the cover illustration and the term
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open
vaasi and darkling.
Game Content You indicate Your acceptance 13 Termination: This License will terminate
of the terms of this License. automatically if You fail to comply with all


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