The Science Of Reiki

The science of Reiki
Reiki is an energy which has been known in the west for only a few decades. It is
practiced by over one million people which, when compared to the world population, is
certainly little more than a smattering.
To explain Reiki from a scientific point of view we need to discuss some concepts of
science first. Scientific validation arises in many ways. It is popular to give a rational
understanding of the mechanics of some phenomena based on the logic of `sound'
scientific principles.
Your typical example of this is the `rational' explanation of Reiki using the terms -
`subatomic matter' ; `unpolarized'; `vortex theory'; `mirror imaging' etc. These sound
good and are probably the best way of appeasing the need for a rational explanation
which so many Reiki Practitioners have. There is, however, a flaw. The mere use of
physics terminology is not a scientific validation of Reiki! That is only a rational
explanation based on common (but often contradictory) terms used in physics. (As will
be discussed later, we can apply those labels to Reiki based upon our observations.)
The whole field of high energy physics is new and pioneering. When you are explaining
it to a layperson, it is totally appropriate to generalize and use the scientific
(unpolarized, subatomic etc.) terms we use because we are using them to establish a
conceptual framework for the understanding of the clinical manifestations of Reiki - not
to validate Reiki.
Reiki is `nonpolarized' subatomic energy that is released as a harmonic into energy
blueprints (e.g. - the body) that are in a state of disharmony. Once it leaves the
subatomic world, it must polarize because it is entering the physical, manifest world
where it is acted upon by time. Because it is, by nature, a harmonic, it will polarize
and form a `mirror image' of any disharmonious frequency in that energy blueprint,
thereby restoring normal harmony and well being. This, in turn, accelerates the
natural healing processes of the body.
To validate and explain that definition we must use the scientific process of clinical
observation and the logical rationalization of the results. Most of the things we utilize in
our daily lives are there because they work consistently. If they didn't, they would be
discarded. If a new drug is tried clinically and gets good consistent results (without
significant side effects) it is used because the observed results validate it! Once that
drug stops working or proves to have bad side effects, it is discarded and considered no
longer valid.
This is very important to understand. We cannot validate or prove Reiki with fancy
charts or scientific terms. These things are great for explaining frameworks and actions.
Validation, at this early stage, comes from our own clinical hands-on experience and the
experience of hundreds of thousands of Reiki practitioners using Reiki daily for the past
few decades.
When we list the observations made my Reiki practitioners and their patients, we start
to build up a clinical picture which will tell us a great deal about Reiki.
a) Sensation in the hands.
During a Reiki treatment, the practitioner and the person being treated usually observe
a sensation in the hands of the practitioner. The most common sensations are:- warmth,
tingling, pins and needles, cold, or electrical feelings. Often, in very sick people, the
sensation in the hands of the Reiki practitioner can be one of strong heat to the point
that the skin can feel as though it might be getting burned. Sometimes no sensation is
felt even though results are still obtained.
It is important to note that the sensation can vary from treatment to treatment, and the
sensation in the hands felt by the patient can be very different to that felt by the
practitioner. We have observed cases where the practitioner experiences his hands as
being cold and the person being treated has felt them radiating intense heat.
One explanation is that Reiki, in and of itself, has no sensate characteristics. What is felt
is the body's reaction to the Reiki flowing through it. As the Reiki emerges through the
practitioner's hands, it reacts to the superficial tissues of the hands as it is passing
through them. It then interacts with the superficial tissues of the person being treated.
The Reiki energy, at this stage, is polarizing as it enters the manifest world of our body
and it will act upon the sense receptors in the tissues giving rise to sensations. These
sensations will vary according to the state of health of the body and according to your
sensitivity at that time. This can change from day to day and person to person. Some
people are more in touch with their body and will feel the sensations more.
The practitioner and the person being treated have different imbalances in their body
and the Reiki will polarize accordingly. Hence the different sensations (or lack of )
observed by each person.
b) Switches on automatically
This is one of the more interesting observations of the Reiki phenomena. When a Reiki
practitioner's hands are placed on or near any living organism the Reiki `turns on'
automatically. There is no conscious effort needed on the part of the practitioner. If a
Reiki practitioner is asleep and his or her hands are placed on another person's injury or
wound the Reiki starts flowing even though the practitioner is asleep.
Clearly, from this observation alone, we see that the flow of Reiki is activated despite the
practitioner and independent of the practitioner's belief system. You do not have to
learn how to give Reiki. If you have been initiated to Reiki, you simply have to place
your hands on or near the body.
Another observation does contradict this slightly. Practitioners and patients have
observed that the Reiki appears to flow more powerfully if the Practitioner deliberately
places his/her hands with conscious loving intent. This is not an efforting process. It
simply means that if you consciously desire to help the patient and place your hands
with intent to help then the treatment will be more effective. (This will be discussed in
more detail later)
c) Flows according to demand
Further observation shows that the flow of the Reiki can seem to vary according to the
degree of disharmony in the patient. For example, in patients who are seriously ill or
very upset emotionally, the Reiki flows more strongly. It therefore flows on demand
according to the degree of disharmony in the target system.
Energy that is a natural harmonizer will be drawn in intensity according to the degree
of disharmony. The flow is totally independent of the expectations of the Practitioner. It
functions according to it's own innate laws.
Some Reiki practitioners have observed that the Reiki apparently switches off after a
period of time on one position on the body. It then switches on again when the hands
are moved to another position. The concept seems to be that, as one area is `fixed', you
move on to the next area. As the Reiki travels though the body to where it is needed,
this appears to be a contradiction. A noted phenomenon is that Reiki practitioners
trained by Reiki Masters who don't talk about this phenomena, don't experience it.
Their hands just continue to flow. It appears that the `expectations' or consciousness of
the Reiki practitioner cause them to stop feeling the sensation of the Reiki. Experiments
have shown that when such practitioners say they feel the Reiki `switch off'' the person
being treated still feels the flow strongly.
d) The Reiki is the same in both hands
The flow and effectiveness of the Reiki are the same in both hands. There is no `giving'
or `receiving' hand to worry about when using Reiki. Simply put, if you treat a person
for one hour with one hand they will get half as much as they would if they were
treated with both hands. The quality would not be altered. You could also treat one
person with one hand and another person with the other hand.
There are many `polarized' systems which need to observe rules on polarity with regard
the hands. For example, keeping both hands on the patient; not crossing the hands;
treating on the correct side of the body, etc. There is nothing wrong with those systems.
They are, however, unnecessary when using Reiki on its own. If you are combining
Reiki with other systems, then you may want to observe the rules of the other system.
That will not influence the effectiveness of the Reiki. It will continue to flow and work
despite the rules.
(I do use both hands to do a reverse movement of energy. I will put it in with one hand and pull
it out with the other. This works especially well in areas where there is stagnated bound energy.
The one hands pulls out the stagnant yucchy stuff while the other immediately replaces the void
with new energy)
e) Reiki does not run out
One of the most dramatic observations of Reiki is that the Reiki doesn't appear to run
out. Reiki practitioners have found that they can continue treating sick people all day
and the Reiki will flow just as strongly as when they started the day. Furthermore, the
practitioner appears to receive a `spin off' from the Reiki, which means they will finish
the day stronger and with more vitality than when they started.
This is an observation that differentiates Reiki from other healing systems. Many
systems involve the use of the physical energy (chi) of the body as the energy source to
use on the patient. This has the effect of draining the physical energy of the practitioner.
The overall effectiveness of the treatment is dependent upon the vitality of the
practitioner. The number of patients that can be treated in a day depends upon the
practitioner's ability to `recharge' his physical energy.
There is a tendency to bundle many paramedical healing systems into that broad
classification of `energy' systems. Acupuncture, tai chi, polarity therapy, shiatsu,
magnetic healing, and some forms of `spiritual' healing can fit reasonably comfortably
into this category because they all seem to follow the predictable rules of physical
energy (chi, ki, prana etc.) flow in the body.
Reiki doesn't fit into this category. It simply cannot be physical `polarized' energy in the
conventional sense because of the peculiar characteristics it demonstrates clinically.
f) The Reiki flow is not affected by the health of the practitioner
A sick person usually has low physical energy and would therefore be less effective in
treating others if he was harnessing his own energy. Clinical observation shows that
even a very sick, weak person who is correctly initiated to Reiki can give treatments that
are just as strong and effective as a Reiki Practitioner who is in robust health. Again,
from this we deduce that the Reiki energy is not coming from the physical energy of the
g) Reiki works on animals and plants
Animals tend to respond faster to Reiki than humans. They generally have a more
dynamic energy system and their powers of recuperation tend to be superior. They also
have less accumulated stress, emotional blockages and self-sabotage tendencies. It also
appears that the more domesticated the animal, the slower it's recovery time. Domestic
animals tend to take on the stress and emotional traits of their owners. Those of us who
have pets are all too aware of how much they can be a reflection of their owners. When
you see a neurotic, tense dog you can usually assume that to obtain lasting results you
will need to treat the owner with Reiki (or sedatives!!).
Plants also respond to Reiki because they are also living energy fields that can be out of
balance and will respond to the harmonizing effects of Reiki.
By the fact that Reiki works on animals and plants we are able to discount any
suggestion that the effects of Reiki are psychosomatic.
h) One can treat oneself with Reiki
There are many gifted `healers' who are able to help others but cannot help themselves
because their system does not work effectively when they try to treat themselves.
Because Reiki operates independently of the practitioner's body, practitioners can lay
their hands on their own bodies and enjoy all the benefits of Reiki. This is of particular
importance from the perspective of preventative medicine. One of the great luxuries in
the life of a Reiki practitioner is the time spent self-treating. (See the chapter on self
i) Anybody can be initiated to Reiki
Provided the initiation is correctly performed, anybody can have the Reiki activated in
his or her hands. It is even possible to initiate people in comas, or children, or for that
matter animals. Provided you receive all four of the Initiations you will have the Reiki
in your hands for life.
Nobody appears to have Reiki in his or her hands naturally. No Reiki Master that we
are aware of has ever found anyone who has. The question arises as to who was the first
person to have Reiki and how did he/she get it. We will never know the answer to that
because the answer is lost in time. We are therefore open to the possibility that someone
may have developed themselves to a point where Reiki could manifest in their hands.
This would probably involve a lifetime of personal development. It is far more practical
and faster to be initiated by a Reiki Master in a weekend.
(I ve talked to a lot of people who have used a form of energy healing that they developed or just
had naturally that acted a lot like reiki, so again, I don t think this is a valid statement. Receiving
reiki atunements increased the intensity of the energy flow, but not way the energy was sent)
j) Reiki is not a belief system, religion or cult.
Reiki is practiced by people of all persuasions. Christians, Muslims, Jews, atheists and
agnostics are all able to receive the benefits of Reiki because it is not tied to any
particular religion or philosophy. Once you have it, you have it for life, and can use it in
any way you see fit. You do not need to belong to any group or association. You can
choose to join an association if you wish for the purpose of receiving information and
meeting people of like interests.
There are no gurus in Reiki although a few people have set themselves up as such. Reiki
Masters are normal human beings who are trained to initiate people. They have normal
human traits, strengths and weaknesses. We like to think of ourselves as  master
learners .
k) There are no harmful side effects from Reiki.
In the two decades since Reiki Masters have been actively initiating practitioners in the
west, there have been no reported cases of negative effects from Reiki.
There are a large number of cases where people have observed what at first appears to
be negative effects. People with no understanding of the physiological healing
processes of the body can misinterpret what they experience. When the body is
undergoing a healing process, there can be short term effects which cause some
For example, a person with an arthritic joint can have an increase of pain after the first
few Reiki treatments. The Reiki will be increasing the circulation of blood to a joint that
has had poor circulation for a number of years. The sudden increase in circulation can
be painful at first. The end results will be great!
People with a great deal of accumulated stress or emotional blocks can find everything
stirred up at first with treatments as their body starts to process the effects of the Reiki.
Cancer patients often experience an increase in pain in the area of the tumor for the first
few treatments.
(I have found that the more chronic a problem, the more reiki treatments are needed to make any
difference. As for no side effects, I ve never known anything to happen to someone receiving
reiki. However, when I first started using reiki, I gave treatments without shielding myself and I
developed rheumatoid arthritis right after giving my first full body treatment to someone I did
not know. Coincidence? Maybe. But I shield always now)
l) Reiki is complementary to all other systems.
There are no contraindications to the use of Reiki. It can be used on its own or in
conjunction with any other therapy. There are often times when your health problems
are so serious that you need to take advantage of everything that is available.
For example, Reiki is brilliant at promoting the rapid healing of cuts, even large ones.
However, if you amputate a limb, you should be seeing a surgeon. You would still give
the body as much Reiki as possible because it will help dramatically in the recovery
process from the surgery and reduce the amount of scarring and pain.
Serious illnesses such as cancer still need to be treated and monitored by the medical
experts. In every case however, Reiki will increase the overall vitality of the body and
the ability of the body to recover. Reiki will also reduce the side effects of treatment
such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy and maximize your potential to get well.
In the meantime, each Reiki treatment you have will work on harmonizing the
underlying cause of the illness.
m) Reiki always treats at the root cause level.
One common observation of Reiki has very important ramifications. People being
treated by Reiki, and Reiki practitioners, have repeatedly noticed that if a practitioner
has his/her hands on a patient in a particular position such as the head, the person
being treated sometimes feels the Reiki having effect in a completely different part of
the body. The part they feel it working on strongest is a part of the body that has greater
disharmony. For example the patient may have diseased kidneys and will feel the Reiki
strongest there even though the hands are on another part of the body.
This important observation helps to confirm the theory that Reiki is a harmonic that
will, by its nature, always tend to go to the area of greatest disharmony. There is still a
local effect because the Reiki passes through the area of the body under the hands.
This helps to explain the apparent variation in results with Reiki. Some practitioners
may have established that when the arthritic knee of an ex-footballer (or soccer player,
to some) is treated, they can usually expect significant improvement in three to five
treatments. One time they treat an arthritic knee which seems to take much longer. The
knee still gets better but needs many more treatments. A possible explanation is that the
footballer has another more serious condition that he may not have known about such
as a weak heart, and the Reiki is going to that area as a priority. Both the practitioner
and the person being treated don't know it but by the time the knee is better, so is the
When we start experiencing the symptoms of an illness, we often fall into the trap of
thinking that it is something that just happened to us. This is very far from the truth in
most illnesses. The condition will often have existed for years before it finally manifests
as a symptom. A heart condition is there for many years gradually developing until it
finally starts to give symptoms. Physics tells us that energy exists and moves first 
matter follows. There is usually a disturbance in the energy systems of the body first.
This eventually starts to bring about the physical changes that eventually become the
Our body is composed entirely of energy at different levels of vibration. The slowest
vibrations make up the bones. The higher vibrations go through the spectrum of the
muscles, organs and blood until we arrive at even higher vibrations that make up our
energy system (chi [Qi], prana, ki Etc.).
Many things can cause disharmony in the energy system. Emotional disturbances and
traumas, mental aberrations, environmental influences, trauma, diet, injuries etc. can all
contribute. Once this energy system is thrown into disharmony, it starts to manifest
changes in the body/mind. These changes eventually lead to disease as we recognize it.
The average disease process develops through an accumulation of predisposing factors.
There is rarely just one cause for the disease. It is usually a heterogeneous mixture of
many different factors.
When we visit the doctor for a diagnosis we should remember that the diagnosis is
usually only a label. The labels - stomach ulcer, hepatitis, nephritis, fibrositis, etc., are not
explanations of the cause of the disease. They are descriptions of the end result of the
various causes. How we are treated is going to depend upon the training
(indoctrination) of the doctor treating you. He/she will decide on a  cause to focus on
according to his/her area of expertise.
One metaphor we like to use is that of an iceberg. We know that the greatest part of an
iceberg floats under the water. The tip that protrudes out of the water is not a good
indication of how much lies below. The symptom is similar to the tip of the iceberg; the
causes of the disease are the main body of the iceberg which is hidden. Two people can
have the same `tip' (symptom) and yet have a vastly different array and number of
causes. That is why two people with the same symptom can have vastly different
healing times.
Two people can be suffering from stomach ulcers. One person may have the ulcer
simply because of a change of cultural environment. He may move to Thailand with his
job and eat an excess of hot, spicy Thai food that his stomach is not used to. The
treatment would be simple and the results quick, especially if he reduced his intake of
spicy food until his stomach got used to them.
The other patient with a stomach ulcer may have gone through a divorce a few years
ago and spent two years living as a bachelor, cooking for himself, worrying about
money, and divorce proceedings, and may also have injured his upper back. Here we
have a variety of factors that can contribute to the stomach ulcer. Worry is known to
stimulate the vagus nerve, which supplies the stomach, and thus causes excess acid
secretions in the stomach. A back problem can affect the sympathetic nerve supply to
the stomach and contribute to an imbalance in the nerve supply to the stomach, again
resulting in excess acid secretions. In addition to these factors the diet is a problem. All
this means his `iceberg' is much bigger and the stomach ulcer will probably take much
longer to heal because of the accumulation of causes.
In each of these cases, the patient could receive very good treatment from different
specialists; a chiropractor, a dietitian or psychologist for stress management. Probably
each could attain a result because when anything reasonably constructive is done to the
body, symptomatic relief often results. The problem is that very often the whole body of
the `iceberg' has not been addressed and the symptom will eventually return or
manifest as another similar symptom because not all the causes have been dealt with.
A diagnosis is usually only a label. A description of the end result of the various
causes. Not an explanation of the cause of disease.
The great thing about Reiki is that it doesn't specifically treat the symptom. Because
Reiki is a harmonizing energy, it treats the whole complex of the body. As it pours into
the body and interacts with it, the Reiki will systematically start harmonizing the whole
body of the iceberg. When the stomach has finally cleared up with Reiki treatments, it
means that the condition has gone because the underlying causes have been
harmonized, and not just because the symptom has been relieved or masked (such as
with antacids).
Even with apparently simple things like sports injuries, we often find that there are
underlying predisposing factors such as high stress levels or being run down. It has
been established that if the body is over stressed or run down it is more easily injured.
When Reiki treats the injury, it is also treating the stress and thus enhancing vitality.
Each disease can be seen as a particular combination of disharmonious frequencies. It
appears that Reiki polarizes in the body as the mirror image or harmonic of the diseased
frequencies. This would effectively tend to neutralize the disharmony in the same way
that frequency therapies like homeopathy work. The difference is that in homeopathy
the practitioner has to diagnose the disharmony and choose the appropriate frequency
(medicine) with which to harmonize it. Reiki doesn't need diagnosis because it follows
its own laws of harmonics and gravitates to the frequencies of predominant
disharmony. Simply put  one does not need diagnosis because the Reiki does its' own.
(I will scan a person to check for problem areas before starting a treatment sometimes. I hold my
hands about 3-6 inches away from the body and move them slowly up and down. I feel areas of
cold where there are problems, areas of heat, or neutral temperatures where there are not
problems. In places where there is a chronic problem, or here there is a more severe problem, I
will feel cold air blowing off the person.
I believe that the cold air blowing off is a place where the body has blown a hole because of
pressure build ups. So, when I work with the person, not only do I work on removing the build
up of stagnant energy, I also locate the area of blockage that caused the energy build up and work
on removing that blockage.
I use the analogy of a bicycle tire. If you block the tire so that air pressure builds up, it doesn t
blow out at the block, it blows where the tire all is the weakest. It works the same with people.)
n) No need for diagnosis with Reiki
(You also have the legal issue here. Only doctors can legally make medical diagnosis. Quite
frankly, if I had someone coming in for a reiki treatment because they were having chest pains..
I d better be sending their ass to a medical facility right quick and not to my reiki treatment
table& not a diagnosis, common sense)
If you needed to diagnose in order to treat with Reiki, you could not become a
practitioner in a weekend seminar. You would need to do at least a four-year course.
The majority of Reiki practitioners are lay people who are not trained in diagnosis. Reiki
knows where to go to effectively treat the person. (The act of apparent knowing implied
here relates to the harmonizing principle discussed earlier. It could also relate to the
`manifesting consciousness' principle discussed in the second part of this book.) As you
do not have to know where to direct the Reiki, you do not need to know what is wrong.
If the person being treated wants a `label' for his/her symptoms, he/she should go to a
doctor. In the meantime, the Reiki practitioner can still effectively help the person
regain health and vitality  holistically.
The treatment method for Reiki is explained in a later chapter. Essentially, except for
crisis treatment, a Reiki practitioner provides the same holistic Reiki treatment for any
condition. Because of this the Reiki practitioner does not need a `label' to know where to
put his or her hands.
Some Reiki practitioners have noticed that, with continued use, Reiki develops their
intuition. This intuition strengthens the rapport with a patient during treatment, and
means that the practitioner often becomes `aware' of what is wrong with that person
they are treating. While we are happy to encourage the development of intuition with
Reiki, we do not condone the use of Reiki as a diagnostic tool. Such a practice is too
subjective and fraught with dangers of misdiagnosis and interpretation.
If, during a treatment, a Reiki practitioner intuits an apparent serious condition, it is
appropriate to suggest to the person that he have a good checkup with his doctor
because there may be an energy disturbance in the  lungs _ for example. It would be
totally unethical, irresponsible and, in some countries, illegal to tell the patient they
have lung cancer!
The Reiki Network actively discourages all students from openly diagnosing while it
does encourage the use of Reiki to promote intuitive development. There are many
other ways of doing this however  regular self tests being one of them.
o) Reiki reduces stress
When people receiving Reiki are connected to biofeedback equipment, they are shown
to go into a state of alpha (brain waves). This is a form of light meditation known to
reduce the accumulated stress levels of the body. Clinically, people report a significant
relaxing of the body and a rapid increase in feelings of well-being (associated with
stress release).
It is well documented that stress is a major contributing factor to the etiology of a
disease. Any system that can actively reduce stress is therefore going to have short- and
long-term effects on total physical and mental well-being. This is another compelling
reason for using Reiki regularly. We live in a stress-ridden society. By keeping our
stress levels down, Reiki can contribute dramatically to our enjoyment of life.
Scientific hypothesis
Within the subatomic world scientists are aware of energy forces that are unlimited,
`unpolarised' (they don't have a frequency because there is no time factor acting upon
them), and act as general `harmonizers' of the subatomic world by interconnecting
everything and maintaining the balance and harmony of this little known world.
This `universal life energy' (the layman's term) is probably the best description of the
phenomenon known as Reiki. Advanced knowledge of the workings of the Reiki
initiation process tends to reinforce this hypothesis. Reiki Masters use energy sequences
and patterns to bring about the changes necessary to release this energy into the
manifest world.
This subatomic energy fits all the above criteria that characterizes Reiki. One of the
main functions of `Universal Life Energy' in the subatomic world is to harmonize. If this
`unpolarized' subatomic energy is released into the manifest world (acted upon by
time), it will polarize immediately (heat, tingling etc.). This polarization will result in
the harmonization of the energy field it targets. (Human, animal, plant etc.) To do this it
will form a mirror image of the disharmony (disease) in the energy field. The
harmonization of the energy field will automatically accelerate the natural healing
The lay term `universal life energy' can be misleading because many `new age' therapies
attribute this name to any energy force that cannot be readily perceived. In the majority
of such cases, the clinical manifestations indicate that they are dealing with high
frequency levels of normal polarized energy.
Based on these clinical observations, we can hypothesize that these, collectively, are the
distinct properties of the phenomenon known as Reiki. Probably any system that shares
all these properties can legitimately, by definition, call itself Reiki.
Clinical observation has shown that anyone who has `Reiki' (meeting all the above
defining properties) will obtain consistent tangible results in clinical practice if applied
in the way taught by Reiki Masters such as those in the Reiki Network. These clinical
results are then the primary validation of Reiki.
Anyone who is using a system of `energy' healing that does not obtain all the above
characteristic phenomena, can readily assume that they are not using Reiki. That does
not mean their system is not good or effective. It just means it is not Reiki.
Reiki has very definite properties which can be clinically observed and tabulated.
Behind the clinical results and observations however, lie many mysteries. There are
some aspects that defy logical explanation at this point in time. These mysteries are best
explained under the umbrella of the `Metaphysics of Reiki' and in part two of our Reiki


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