Complex Numbers from Geometry to Astronomy 98 Wieting p34

COMPLEX NUMBERS: from Geometry to Astronomy
Thomas Wieting
Reed College, 1998
1 Introduction
2 Complex Numbers
3 Construction Problems
4 Galaxies
5 Finite Fourier Series
6 Classical Astronomy
7 References
1 Introduction
1ć% Complex numbers comprise a computational system within which one
may clarify and study many kinds of mathematical problems. In this brief
essay, we will describe the complex number system carefully and pose several
computational problems for discussion. Then we will apply the system to
develop the classical problems of construction with straightedge and compass,
including the problems of trisecting angles, duplicating cubes, and squaring
circles and the problem of constructing regular polygons. Finally, we will
apply the system to study the problem of saving appearances in classical
astronomy, which called for a description of the puzzling motion of the planets
in terms of circular motion at constant speed. For the latter problem, we will
describe the elementary features of the theory of Finite Fourier Series.
2 Complex Numbers
2ć% In simplest terms, complex numbers are ordered pairs of real numbers:
z =(x, y)
where x and y are any real numbers. They may be represented as points in
the familiar Cartesian plane. See Figure 1 . One refers to x as the real part
of z and to y as the imaginary part. When y = 0 one says that z =(x, 0) is
purely real; when x = 0 one says that z =(0, y) is purely imaginary.
3ć% Now let C := R2 be the set of all complex numbers. We plan to introduce
certain basic operations upon C, namely, the operations of addition, negation,
multiplication, conjugation, and inversion. We will try to relieve the tedium
of formal definitions by introducing several simple exercises.
4ć% Let z1 and z2 be any complex numbers:
z1 =(x1, y1), z2 =(x2, y2)
(0, y)(x, y)
(0, 0) (x, 0)
C := R2
Figure 1
One defines the sum of z1 and z2 as follows:
z1 + z2 =(x1 + x2, y1 + y2)
This operation of addition may be represented by drawing an appropriate
parallelogram. See Figure 2 . In that figure, we have abbreviated the complex
number (0, 0) by 0. This particular number is the neutral number for addition.
That is, for any complex number z:
z +0=z =0 +z
5ć% One can readily check that the operation of addition is both commutative
and associative. That is, for any complex numbers z1 and z2:
z1 + z2 = z2 + z1
and, for any complex numbers z1, z2, and z3:
z1 +(z2 + z3) =(z1 + z2) +z3
6ć% Obviously, for each complex number z:
z =(x, y)
z1 + z2
Figure 2
there is precisely one complex number z such that z + z =0 =z + z. One
refers to z as the negative of z and denotes it by -z:
-z =(-x, -y)
Again see Figure 2 .
7" Find the complex number z =(x, y) for which (2, 1) +(x, y) =(-1, 2).
8ć% Let z1 and z2 be any complex numbers:
z1 =(x1, y1), z2 =(x2, y2)
One defines the product of z1 and z2 as follows:
z1 · z2 =(x1x2 - y1y2, x1y2 + x2y1)
This novel operation of multiplication requires examination. Very soon, we
will develop an intuitive interpretation of the operation by exploiting the polar
coordinates of a complex number. For now, let us note that the operation of
multiplication is both commutative and associative. That is, for any complex
numbers z1 and z2:
z1 · z2 = z2 · z1
and, for any complex numbers z1, z2, and z3:
z1 · (z2 · z3) =(z1 · z2) · z3
Moreover, the particular complex number (1, 0) is the neutral number for
multiplication. We shall abbreviate it by 1. So, for any complex number z:
z · 1 =z =1 · z
9ć% One can easily check that the operation of multiplication distributes over
the operation of addition, in the usual manner. That is, for any complex
numbers z1, z2, and z3:
z1 · (z2 + z3) =z1 · z2 + z1 · z3
10ć% At this point, let us draw attention to an obvious fact. The familiar set
R of all real numbers can be identified with the subset of C consisting of all
purely real complex numbers. One need only identify each real number x with
the corresponding purely real complex number (x, 0). Under this identifica-
tion, the operations of addition and multiplication correspond neatly. That
is, for any real numbers x1 and x2:
(x1, 0) +(x2, 0) = (x1 + x2, 0)
(x1, 0) · (x2, 0) = (x1x2, 0)
Now we may describe a convenient form for the representation of complex
z =(x, y)
=(x, 0) + (0, y)
=(x, 0) + (y, 0) · (0, 1)
= x + yi
where i stands for the purely imaginary complex number (0, 1). See Figure
3 . Clearly:
i2 = -1
11ć% Now let us develop a simple geometric interpretation of the operation of
multiplication. For any complex number z:
z =(x, y)
let us introduce the polar radius r and the polar angle ¸ for z, as illustrated
in Figure 4 . Of course:
x = r cos¸
y = r sin¸
z = r(cos¸ + sin¸ i)
Figure 3
yi z
0 x
Figure 4
For any complex numbers:
z1 = r1(cos¸1 + sin¸1i), z2 = r2(cos¸2 + sin¸2i)
we have:
z1 · z2
= r1(cos¸1 + sin¸1i)r2(cos¸2 + sin¸2i)
= r1r2((cos¸1cos¸2 - sin¸1sin¸2) +(sin¸1cos¸2 + cos¸1sin¸2)i)
= r1r2(cos(¸1 + ¸2) +sin(¸1 + ¸2)i)
In this computation, we have made use of the formulae for the cosine and the
sine of the sum of two angles:
cos(¸1 + ¸2) =cos¸1cos¸2 - sin¸1sin¸2
sin(¸1 + ¸2) =sin¸1cos¸2 + cos¸1sin¸2
We conclude that, for the multiplication of complex numbers, we must mul-
tiply the polar radii and add the polar angles. See Figure 5 .
0 1
Figure 5
12" For the complex number z =(1/2) +( 3/2)i, calculate z6.
13" Find the nine complex numbers z for which z9 = -512i.
14ć% Finally, let us describe the operations of conjugation and inversion for
complex numbers. For each complex number z:
z =(x, y) =x + yi
one defines the conjugate z" of z as follows:
z" =(x, -y) =x - yi
One can readily check that z · z" is purely real and that:
z · z" = r2
where r is the polar radius for z. By the way, one often writes |z| in place of
r, so that:
z · z" = |z|2
One refers to |z| as the modulus of z. It is merely another common name for
the polar radius of z.
15ć% Now let z be any complex number, distinct from 0:
z =(x, y) =x + yi = r(cos¸ + sin¸ i) (0 We contend that there is precisely one complex number z such that z · z =
1 = z · z. In fact, the interpretation of multiplication in terms of polar
coordinates makes the matter clear. The polar radius of z must be 1/r and
the polar angle must be -¸. See Figure 6 . One refers to z as the inverse of
z and denotes it by z-1:
1 1 1 1
z-1 = (cos¸ - sin¸ i) = (x - yi) =( x, - y)
r r2 r2 r2
Figure 6
" "
16" Verify that, for any complex numbers z1 and z2, (z1 + z2)" = z1 + z2 and
" "
(z1 · z2)" = z1 · z2.
17" Show that, for any complex numbers z1 and z2:
|z1 - z2|2 + |z1 + z2|2 =2 ( |z1|2 + |z2|2)
What is the geometric interpretation of this relation?
3 Construction Problems
18ć% Let us now focus our attention upon the complex numbers 0 and 1.
They are the seed points for our subsequent discussion. Let us imagine laying
down a straightedge upon the complex plane so that it aligns perfectly with
the points 0 and 1. We may draw the straight line which passes through 0
and 1 (that is, the real axis) by running a finely sharpened pencil along the
straightedge, as far to the left and to the right as we like. In turn, we may
place the needle leg of a compass at the point 0 and the (finely sharpened)
pencil leg at the point 1. Turning the compass smoothly, we may draw the
circle which is centered at 0 and which passes through 1. Similarly, we may
draw the circle which is centered at 1 and which passes through 0. In this
way, we succeed in constructing several new points in the complex plane from
the seed points 0 and 1, namely, the complex numbers:
" "
1 3 1 3
-1, w" := - i, w := + i, 2
2 2 2 2
Together with 0 and 1, they are the points of intersection of the two circles
and the line. See Figure 7 . Of course, we may continue the process. We may
draw the circle which is centered at -1 and which passes through 1 and the
circle which is centered at 1 and which passes through -1. In this way, we
succeed in constructing (among others) the new points of intersection:
" "
-3, - 3 i, 3 i, 3
" "
We may then draw the straight line which passes through - 3 i and 3 i.
This line yields two new points of intersection:
-i, i
Again, see Figure 7 . Of course, there are other ways in which we may draw
straight lines and circles, using the points already constructed. These vari-
ous straight lines and circles will yield ever more fresh points of intersection.
Continuing the process forever, we succeed in constructing a legion of points
in the complex plane.
19ć% Let us say that a complex number z is constructible iff there is a finite
sequence of steps as just described which leads from the seed points 0 and 1
to the point z. Let us be just a bit more precise. Let K0 be the set consisting
of the seed points 0 and 1. Let K0 be the family of all straight lines and
circles which can be drawn using the points in K0. In fact, there is one such
straight line and there are two such circles. See Figure 7 . Let K1 be the
various points of intersection formed by the straight line(s) and the circles in
K0. Let K1 be the family of all straight lines and circles which can be drawn
using the points in K1. Let K2 be the various points of intersection formed
by the straight lines and the circles in K1. Let K2 be the family of all straight
lines and circles which can be drawn using the points in K2. Let this pattern
of definition continue forever. Clearly, the sets:
K0, K1, K2, · · ·
are increasing, in the sense that each is included in the next. Let K be the
union of all these sets. Now we may say that, for each complex number z, z
is constructible iff z " K.
0 1
Figure 7
20ć% Our first objective is to show that the set K consisting of all constructible
complex numbers is closed under the basic operations of addition, negation,
multiplication, conjugation, and inversion. We shall develop these facts in the
following two problems.
21" Show that, for each complex number z:
z =(x, y)
z is constructible iff the purely real and purely imaginary complex numbers
(x, 0) and (0, y) are constructible. To that end, recall the procedure for con-
structing the perpendicular bisector of the straight line segment joining two
points. See Figure 8 .
22" By the foregoing result, we may reformulate our objective as follows.
Show that, for any real numbers x1 and x2 (identified as the purely real com-
plex numbers (x1, 0) and (x2, 0)), if x1 and x2 are constructible then the real
numbers x1 + x2 and x1x2 (identified as the purely real complex numbers
(x1 + x2, 0) and (x1x2, 0)) are constructible. To develop appropriate argu-
ments, consult Figures 9 and 10 . Moreover, show that, for any real number x
(identified as the purely real complex number (x, 0)), if x is constructible then
the real numbers -x and 1/x (identified as the purely real complex numbers
(-x, 0) and (1/x, 0)) are constructible. For the latter case, assume that x =0.

Figure 8
23" Show that, for any positive real number x (identified as usual with the
purely real complex number (x, 0)), if x is constructible then the real num-
" "
ber x (identified as usual with the purely real complex number ( x, 0)) is

24" Let c0, c1, and c2 be constructible complex numbers for which c2 =0.
Let z1 and z2 be the roots of the following quadratic equation:
c0 + c1z + c2z2 =0
Show that z1 and z2 are constructible. To that end, use the foregoing problem
and the familiar quadratic formula.
25ć% Now let us consider the classical problems of construction. Of course, we
will formulate them in terms of complex numbers. The first of these problems
is the question whether one can Trisect Angles. Let z be any complex number
for which the polar radius is 1. We mean to say that z lies on the unit circle.
See Figure 11 . Let ¸ be the polar angle for z. In turn, let z be the complex
number for which the polar radius is 1 and the polar angle is ¸ = ¸/3. Given
that z is constructible, we inquire whether z is constructible. For the case
in which ¸ = Ä„/2, one finds (easily) that both z and z are constructible.
However, for the case in which ¸ = Ä„/3, one finds (with difficulty) that z
is constructible but that z is not. We conclude that one cannot in general
trisect angles with straightedge and compass. Very soon, we will describe a
criterion by which one can prove such a surprising result.
(0, y)
(0, 0) (x, 0) (x + y, 0)
Figure 9
(0, y)
(0, 1)
(0, 0) (x, 0) (xy, 0)
Figure 10
26ć% The second of the classical construction problems is the question whether
one can Duplicate Cubes. Let x and y be any positive real numbers. We
imagine two cubes, one for which the length of an edge is x and one for which
the length of an edge is y. We imagine that the volume of the second cube is
twice the volume of the first. Given that the first cube is  constructible, we
inquire whether the second cube is  constructible. Let us be more precise.
Given that (x, 0) is constructible, we inquire whether (y, 0) is constructible,
where y3 =2x3. In effect, we inquire whether:
( 2, 0)
is constructible. Again, one finds that it cannot be done. We conclude that
one cannot duplicate cubes with straightedge and compass.
Figure 11
27ć% The third (and last) of the classical construction problems is the cele-
brated question whether one can Square Circles. Let x and y be any positive
real numbers. We imagine a circle for which the radius is x and a square for
which the length of an edge is 2y. We imagine that the areas of the circle and
the square are equal. See Figure 12 . Given that the circle is  constructible,
we inquire whether the square is  constructible. Let us be more precise.
Given that (x, 0) is constructible, we inquire whether (y, 0) is constructible,
where 4y2 = Ä„x2. In effect, we inquire whether Ä„ is constructible. Again, one
finds that it cannot be done. We conclude that one cannot square circles with
straightedge and compass.
28ć% There is yet another interesting problem of construction (related to but
substantially broader in scope than the problem of trisecting angles), the
question whether one can Construct Regular Polygons. Let k be any (positive)
integer for which 3 d" k. Let z be the primitive k-th root of unity:
2Ä„ 2Ä„
z = cos( ) +sin( )i
k k
(0, 0) (y, 0) (x, 0)
Figure 12
Figure 13
See Figure 13 . One should note that the (distinct) complex numbers:
1 =z0, z = z1, z2, z3, · · · , zk-1
comprise the k k-th roots of 1. That is:
(zj)k =1 (0 d" j 13
These numbers also comprise the vertices of a regular k-gon. Of course, a
regular 3-gon is an equilateral triangle, a regular 4-gon is a square, and so
forth. Now we inquire whether the primitive k-th root of unity is constructible.
That is, we inquire whether the regular k-gon is constructible. The facts of
this matter are remarkable. Let us describe these facts, without pretense of
proof. To that end, let us count the number of integers j for which 1 d" j and for which j and k are relatively prime. The latter condition means that
there are no common positive integer divisors of j and k other than 1. For
the case in which k = 28, the various integers j would be 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13,
15, 17, 19, 23, 25, and 27. Let Ć(k) be the total number of such integers j.
Of course, Ć(28) = 12. One can show that the primitive k-th root of unity is
constructible iff Ć(k) is a power of 2. See reference [ W ]. In particular, we see
that the primitive 28-th root of unity is not constructible. If k is prime then
Ć(k) =k - 1. In this case, the primitive k-th root of unity is constructible iff
k - 1 is a power of 2. Such prime positive integers are called Fermat primes.
Actually, 3, 5, 17, 257, and 65, 537 are Fermat primes. No others are known.
29" Show that, in general, the primitive k-th root of unity is constructible
k =2ap1p2 · · · p
where a is any nonnegative integer and where p1, p2, · · ·, p is any sequence
(possibly empty) of distinct Fermat primes.
30" Let b be any positive integer. Show that if 2b + 1 is prime then b must
itself be a power of 2. To do so, use the fact that, for any positive integers m
and c, if c is odd then:
mc +1=(m + 1)(mc-1 - mc-2 + · · · -m +1)
As we noted earlier:
0 1 2 3 4
22 +1 =3, 22 +1 =5, 22 +1=17, 22 + 1 = 257, 22 +1=65, 537
are prime. However:
5 6 7 30
22 + 1 = 641 · 6, 700, 417, 22 +1, 22 +1, . . . , 22 +1
and several others are not prime. For the rest, the issue is undecided.
31" Study Figures 14 and 15 to determine how one may construct the reg-
ular pentagon. Bear in mind that, for the regular pentagon, the ratio of the
distances between alternate corners and adjacent corners is the golden ratio:
Å‚ := (1 + 5)
Drawing the regular pentagon from two given
adjacent corners P and Q
Figure 14
Drawing the regular pentagon from two given
alternate corners P and Q
Figure 15
32ć% Now let us describe (without pretense of proof) a criterion by which one
can determine that certain complex numbers are not constructible. In terms
of this criterion, we can explain why it is impossible (in general) to trisect
angles, duplicate cubes, or square circles. To that end, let us review the idea
of a polynomial function and the idea of the roots of such a function.
Thus, let d be any positive integer and let:
c0, c1, c2, · · · , cd
be any complex numbers, with the proviso that cd = 0. In these terms, one

defines the polynomial function:
f(Å›) :=c0 + c1Å› + c2Å›2 + · · · + cdÅ›d
where Å› is any complex number. One refers to the complex numbers cj (0 d"
j d" d) as the coefficients of f and to the positive integer d as the degree of
f. Let z be any complex number. One refers to z as a root of the polynomial
function f iff f(z) = 0, which is to say that:
c0 + c1z + c2z2 + · · · + cdzd =0
With substantial effort, one can show that there must be precisely d such
z1, z2, · · · , zd
so that:
f(Å›) =cd(Å› - z1)(Å› - z2) · · · (Å› - zd)
where Å› is any complex number. [ Some of the roots may coincide. ] One
calls this deeply significant fact the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. See
reference [ W ]. For the case in which d = 2, one can find the roots of the
(quadratic) polynomial function f by applying the quadratic formula:

-c1 - c2 - 4c0c2 -c1 + c2 - 4c0c2
1 1
z1 = z2 =
2c2 2c2
For the cases in which d = 3 (the cubic) and d = 4 (the quartic polynomial
function), there are similiar (though more elaborate) formulae. For 5 d" d,
there are no such formulae. See reference [ W ].
33ć% One says that a polynomial function f is rational iff the coefficients of f
are rational numbers. For example:
f(ś) = +3ś - 4ś3
34" Show that, for the rational polynomial just displayed:
f(cos ) =0
Start by noting that:
1 Ä„
= cos(3 )
2 9
35ć% One says that a complex number z is algebraic iff there is a rational
polynomial function f of which z is a root. One can easily show that, among
all rational polynomial functions f of which z is a root, there are some for
which the degree d is smallest. One refers to d as the degree of the algebraic
number z. One can show that any two such rational polynomial functions f1
and f2 of smallest degree d must be constant multiples of one another. One
refers to any one of them (preferably the one for which cd =1) as the minimal
polynomial function for z.
36ć% Now we can state the promised criterion. For any complex number z, if z
is constructible then z must be algebraic and the degree of z must be a power
of 2. See reference [ W ]. Applying this criterion, we can explain why one
cannot (in general) trisect angles, duplicate cubes, or square circles. First, we
note that the complex number:
Ä„ Ä„
z := cos( ) +sin( )i
3 3
is constructible. However, by article 34" , cos(Ä„/9) is algebraic but its degree
is 3. Hence, it is not constructible. It follows that the complex number:
Ä„ Ä„
z := cos( ) +sin( )i
9 9
is not constructible. Therefore, one can construct the  60 degree angle with
straightedge and compass but one cannot trisect it. Second, we note that the
real number:
is algebraic but its degree is 3. Hence, 2 is not constructible. Therefore,
one can  construct a first cube for which the length of an edge is 1 but one
cannot  construct a second cube of volume twice that of the first. Finally,
we note that the famous number Ä„ is not even algebraic. This fact is very
difficult to prove. See reference [ N ]. In any case, it follows that Ä„ is not
constructible. Therefore, one can  construct a circle for which the area is Ä„
but one cannot  construct a square for which the area is Ä„.
37ć% Naturally, we must ask whether the criterion just stated is not only
necessary but also sufficient that the complex number z be constructible. In
fact, it is not. To understand this subtle matter, one must study the general
subject of Galois Theory. See reference [ W ].
38ć% One might wonder about the relation between the criterion for con-
structibility just stated and the criterion for constructibility for regular poly-
gons stated in article 28ć%. In fact, for any (positive) integer k (3 d" k), the
primitive k-th root z of 1 is algebraic and its degree is Ć(k). See reference
[ W ]. So the two criteria are the same. However, for the primitive k-th root z
of 1, the criterion is not only necessary but also sufficient. Again see reference
[ W ].
4 Galaxies
39ć% Let us digress to describe an amusing topic. We will consider the repre-
sentation of complex numbers in terms of complex digits and a complex base,
somewhat analogous to the decimal representation of real numbers. Let D be
any finite set of complex numbers, containing 0 and at least one other number.
For example, let D consist of 0 and the three third roots of 1:
" "
1 3 1 3
0, 1, w := - + i, w" := - - i,
2 2 2 2
We will refer to the numbers in D as the digits. Let ² be any complex number
for which 1 < |²|. For example, let ² = 3+i. We will refer to ² as the base.
Let us consider all complex numbers of the form:
c-1²-1 + c0
where c-1 and c0 are any digits. For the examples just described, there would
be 16 such numbers. For a picture of these numbers, see Figure 16 .
40" Explain the structure of Figure 16 , using the geometric interpretation of
the sum and product of complex numbers. Imagine drawing a picture of all
complex numbers of the form:
c1² + c2²2
where ² = 3+i and where c1 and c2 are any of the digits 0, 1, w, and w".
How would the new picture be related to the old?
41ć% Of course, one need not stop at such modest limits. One may consider
all complex numbers of the form:

where k and are any integers for which k d" and where cj (k d" j d" )
are any digits. Let us refer to such a set of complex numbers as a galaxy.
By experimenting with various sets of digits and with various bases, one can
produce pictures of marvelous variety and complexity. See Figure 17 . For
that figure, we set the digits to be 0, 1, w, and w", the base to be 3+i, and
k and to be -3 and 0.
Figure 16
Figure 17
5 Finite Fourier Series
42ć% Let us consider a complex number ! free to move in the complex plane.
We imagine that ! marks the position occupied by a planet. We will say that
! moves as a function of time t. The various positions marked by ! at the
various times t will comprise a curve in the complex plane, the orbit of the
planet. We assume that the motion of ! is periodic, which is to say that !
follows a closed curve in the complex plane and that it traverses the curve
over and over again in the same way. For an impression of such a curve, see
Figure 18 .
Figure 18
We can be more precise. We assume that there is a positive real number Ä
such that, for any real number t, the position marked by ! at time t and the
position marked by ! at time t + Ä coincide:
!(t + Ä) =!(t)
One refers to such a number Ä as a period of the motion.
43ć% We will concentrate upon periodic motions for which 2Ą is a period.
This condition will help to set a focus for our discussion. One can easily
adapt the discussion to periodic motions for which the periods are arbitrary,
by introducing scale transformations of the time.
44ć% Let us describe a series of simple examples. To emphasize that these
examples are special cases of periodic motion, we will use the symbol Å› instead
of !. For the first case, we describe the prototype of circular motion: circular
motion at constant angular speed. For each real number t, let Å›(t) be defined
as follows:
Å›(t) :=cost + sint i
In effect, we identify the time t with the polar angle of Å›(t). The polar radius
is 1. Clearly, as time passes, Å› will trace the unit circle in the complex plane
counterclockwise at constant angular speed. In fact, it will cover one radian
per second. Moreover, Å›(0) = 1. One should note that the smallest period of
this special case of periodic motion is 2Ä„.
45ć% For smooth expression, let us abbreviate the complex number cost+sint i
by exp(ti):
exp(ti) :=cost + sint i
This abbreviation will make subsequent relations easier to read. Of course,
we may now express the first of our examples as follows:
Å›(t) =exp(ti)
where t is any real number. See Figure 19 .
0 exp(0)
Figure 19
46" Note that exp(Ä„i) =-1.
47" Verify that, for any real numbers t1 and t2:
exp((t1 + t2)i) =exp(t1i)exp(t2i)
48ć% Let us modify the foregoing example somewhat. For each real number t,
let Å›(t) be defined as follows:
Å›(t) : =( 3+i)exp(ti)
=2exp( i)exp(ti)
=2exp(( + t)i)
Clearly, as time passes, Å› will trace the circle in the complex plane for which
the center is 0 and the radius is 2. The motion will be counterclockwise
and the angular speed will be constant, at one radian per second. Moreover,
" "
Å›(0) = ( 3 +i) = 2exp((Ä„/6)i). The effect of multiplication by 3 +i is
to change the radius of the circular motion from 1 to 2 and to change the
initial position Å›(0) from 1 to 3+i. One summarizes the matter by saying
that the modulus of the motion of Å› is 2, the phase is Ä„/6, the direction is
counterclockwise, the angular speed is constant, and the smallest period of
the motion is 2Ä„.
49ć% Let us modify the example once more. For each real number t, let ś(t)
be defined as follows:
Å›(t) : =( 3+i)exp(2ti)
=2exp(( +2t)i)
Again, the modulus of the motion of Å› is 2 and the phase is Ä„/6. Again, the
motion is counterclockwise and the angular speed is constant. However, the
angular speed is now twice that of the preceding two cases: two radians per
second. In consequence, the smallest period of the motion is Ä„.
50ć% Now let us consider a hybrid example. For each real number t, let ś(t)
be defined as follows:
Å›(t) :=2exp(ti) +(1+i)exp(2ti)
Clearly, the motion of Å› is (in a sense) the sum of two simple periodic motions:
one for which the modulus is 2, the phase is 0, the motion is counterclockwise
at constant angular speed, the smallest period of the motion is 2Ä„; and one
for which the modulus is 2, the phase is Ä„/4, the motion is counterclockwise
at constant angular speed, and the smallest period of the motion is Ä„. Of
course, one can still recognize the smallest period 2Ä„ in the hybrid periodic
motion of Å› but one finds that the other features have been melded into a new
form. See Figure 20 .
0 1
Figure 20
51" For the hybrid example just described, draw the curve by hand with
straightedge and compass. The sense of the phrase spinning circles should
become clear. Find the times t for which Å›(t) is closest to 0.
52" For each real number t, let Å›(t) be defined as follows:
Å›(t) :=2exp(ti) +(1+i)exp(-2ti)
This hybrid example of periodic motion coincides with the foregoing example,
except that the second of the simple periodic motions proceeds not coun-
terclockwise but clockwise. Draw the curve traced by Å›. See Figure 21 for
53ć% Now let us boldly hybridize. For each real number t, let ś(t) be defined
as follows:
" "
:= 4exp(-3ti) +4( 3+i)exp(-ti) +1+( 3+i)exp(2ti) +9exp(3ti)
One can say that the smallest period of this hybrid periodic motion is 2Ä„ but
one can only guess at the form of the curve traced in the complex plane. In
fact, the curve is that depicted in Figure 18 . It is a gift of computer graphics.
Again, for each real number t, let Å›(t) be defined as follows:
Å›(t) :=-iexp(-ti) +2exp(ti) +(1+i)exp(8ti)
The curve followed by this hybrid periodic motion is depicted in Figure 22 .
By such examples, one is led to inquire whether there is any limit to the
complexity of curves traced in the complex plane by hybrids of simple periodic
Figure 21
Figure 22
54ć% Let k and be any integers for which k d" . Let:
ck, ck+1, · · · , c -1, c
be any complex numbers. In these terms, we may define the most general
hybrid periodic motion, with period 2Ä„. Thus, for each real number t, let Å›(t)
be defined as follows:

Å›(t) := cjexp(jti)
Let us refer to such a periodic motion as a finite Fourier series and let us
refer to the complex numbers:
ck, ck+1, · · · , c -1, c
as the coefficients of the series. Obviously, every finite Fourier series is a pe-
riodic motion, with period 2Ä„. All the foregoing examples of periodic motion
are of this form.
55ć% Now let !1 and !2 be any two periodic motions in the complex plane,
with period 2Ä„. Let be any positive real number. Let us say that !1 and
!2 are -neighbors iff, for each real number t:
|!1(t) - !2(t)| <
That is, for each real number t, the distance between !1(t) and !2(t) is smaller
than . See Figure 23 .

Figure 23
Clearly, the merit of this relation lies in small values of . For example, if
= 1/10, 000 then plots of the motions !1 and !2 on a screen of normal
resolution would be indistinguishable.
56ć% Let us state the Theorem of Fourier, surely one of the most splendid
theorems of modern Mathematics. One might prefer to call it the Spinning
Circles Theorem. Let ! be any periodic motion in the complex plane, with
period 2Ä„. We do insist that ! be reasonably smooth. The motion must be
continuous and it must change direction not abruptly but smoothly. Let be
any positive real number, no matter how small. According to the Theorem
of Fourier, there must be some finite Fourier series Å› such that ! and Å› are
-neighbors. Given that is quite small, one would say that, for all practical
purposes, ! and Å› are the same.
57ć% Naturally, one would ask whether there is a procedure for constructing ś
when ! and are given. The Theorem of Fourier provides such a procedure.
To describe the procedure, we must apply the methods of the Calculus. Let !
be any reasonably smooth periodic motion in the complex plane, with period
2Ä„. To be precise, we assume that ! is continuously differentiable. Let be
any positive real number. For each integer j, let the complex number cj be
defined by the following integral:

cj := !(t)exp(-jti)dt
One refers to cj as the j-th Fourier coefficient for the given periodic motion
!. Let us select a block of these coefficients:
ck, ck+1, · · · , c -1, c
where k and are any integers for which k <0 < . In terms of this block of
coefficients, let us form the finite Fourier series:

Å›(t) := cj exp(jti)
According to the Theorem of Fourier, Å› and ! will be -neighbors provided
that -k and are sufficiently large.
58ć% The Theorem of Fourier is one element of the vast subject matter of
Harmonic Analysis. There are many beautifully written references on the
matter but all require substantial preparation in Mathematics. The proof of
the Theorem of Fourier itself (as we described it just now) is not very difficult.
However, it does require the methods of the Calculus, including the properties
of infinite series. We will not attempt an exposition of the proof. See reference
[ D/McK ].
6 Classical Astronomy
59ć% Ancient astronomers were deeply impressed by the apparent regularity
of the motions of the stars. Looking to the southern sky at night, they noted
that the stars rose continually at various places on the eastern horizon, passed
from east to west through the southern sky, and set at corresponding places on
the western horizon. The stars followed parallel arcs of circles in the southern
sky. See Figure 24 . Looking to the northern sky at night, they noted that the
stars moved in circular paths  counterclockwise about a special place in the
northern sky. They called that motionless place the celestial pole. See Figure
25 . It seemed to them that the stars were set like jewels in a grand celestial
sphere, centered upon the spherical Earth, and that the celestial sphere turned
once daily at constant angular speed about the axis defined by the center of
the earth and the celestial pole. This elegant view of the motion of the stars
explained most of what they saw in the southern and the northern skies; most,
but not all.
Ancient astronomers noted anomalies in the motions of certain stars.
These planets followed novel courses, joining the stars in the daily rotation
of the celestial sphere but (against the background of that regular motion)
drifting slowly from west to east along the arc of a great circle transverse to the
arcs of the stars in the southern sky. The astronomers called that great circle
the ecliptic. Moreover, the drift of the planets from west to east along the
ecliptic showed a bizarre feature. Occasionally, one of the planets would cease
its drift from west to east, turn back west for a time, then turn back east again
to resume its course. See Figure 26 . The astronomers called this phenomenon
the retrograde motion of the planets. They sought to explain it in terms of
the motion they thought appropriate to the stars, namely, circular motion at
constant angular speed. The problem of devising such an explanation was the
Fundamental Problem of ancient astronomy.
In due course, Hipparchus put forward the construction of spinning cir-
cles, by which to approximate the observed motions of the planets. In retro-
spect, we may say that he introduced the idea of finite Fourier series (though
he did not use the concepts and notation of complex numbers). His con-
struction served as the base for mathematical astronomy for more than 1800
60ć% Let us describe Hipparchus construction in terms of the concepts and
notation of complex numbers. We imagine, in particular, the motion of the
planet Mars in the plane of the ecliptic, against the regular daily rotation of
the celestial sphere. Let:
Å» Å» Å»
¸1, ¸2, · · · , ¸n
be a record of the polar angles of Mars at times:
t1, t2, · · · , tn
Voyager II Sky Chart UT: Sep 4, 1997 05:00 LMT: 09:00
ter: 19h 42.7m -08° 11' Altazimuth: 180° x 180° Location: 122° 41' W 45° 31' N Portland
Sun Jupiter Moon Galaxy
Dark Nebula
- 0. 2 0.3 0.9 1.5 2.1 2.7 Mercury Saturn Shadow Globular Cluster
Venus Uranus Comet Open Cluster
4 .4 5.0
Earth Neptune Asteroid Planetary Nebula
X-ray Source
riable Double
Mars Pluto Spacecraft Bright Nebula
Cluster of Galaxies
Figure 24
Voyager II Sky Chart UT: Sep 4, 1997 05:00 LMT: 09:00
ter: 08h 28.5m +80° 37' Altazimuth: 180° x 180° Location: 122° 41' W 45° 31' N Portland
Sun Jupiter Moon Galaxy
Dark Nebula
- 0. 2 0.3 0.9 1.5 2.1 2.7 Mercury Saturn Shadow Globular Cluster
Venus Uranus Comet Open Cluster
4 .4 5.0
Earth Neptune Asteroid Planetary Nebula
X-ray Source
riable Double
Mars Pluto Spacecraft Bright Nebula
Cluster of Galaxies
Figure 25
Voyager II Sky Chart UT: May 28, 1993 17:20 LMT: 09:20
ter: 05h 33.8m +30° 55' Altazimuth: 180° x 180° Location: 122° 41' W 45° 31' N Portland
Sun Jupiter Moon Galaxy
Dark Nebula
- 0. 2 0.3 0.9 1.5 2.1 2.7 Mercury Saturn Shadow Globular Cluster
Venus Uranus Comet Open Cluster
4 .4 5.0
Earth Neptune Asteroid Planetary Nebula
X-ray Source
riable Double
Mars Pluto Spacecraft Bright Nebula
Cluster of Galaxies
Figure 26
Ancient astronomers chose the reference direction for the polar angles to be
the direction from the Earth to the spring equinox Ä„ (the point on the ecliptic
at which the sun crosses the celestial equator heading north). See Figure 27 .
E Ä„
Figure 27
Let k and be any integers for which k d" . Let:
be any positive real number and let:
ck, ck+1, · · · , c -1, c
be any complex numbers. In these terms, let us form the (modified) finite
Fourier series Å›. Thus, for each real number t, let Å›(t) be defined as follows:

Å›(t) := cjexp(Éjti)
Obviously, the effect of the parameter É is to replace the period 2Ä„ by the
period 2Ä„/É. For each real number t, let ¸(t) be the polar angle of Å›(t). Now
we may compute the polar angles:
¸1 := ¸(t1), ¸2 := ¸(t2), · · · , ¸n := ¸(tn)
and we may compare these angles with the given record:
Å» Å» Å»
¸1, ¸2, · · · , ¸n
to see if they stand in reasonable agreement. If so, then we may presume that
Å› is a reasonable approximation to the motion of Mars and we may presume to
interpret the various future values of ¸(t) as predictions of the corresponding
future polar angles of Mars. Ancient astronomers tried to set the positive real
and the complex numbers:
ck, ck+1, · · · , c -1, c
so that the observed angles and the computed angles stood in the best possible
agreement. In practice, they analyzed the observed angles to see if there were
some period Ä of repetition. If so, they set the parameter É to meet the
Ä =
To make the computations feasible, they considered only very short series,
such as:
Å›(t) :=c1exp(Éti) +c2exp(É2ti)
Å›(t) :=c-2exp(-É2ti) +c-1exp(-Éti) +c0 + c1exp(Éti) +c2exp(É2ti)
This flexible program formed the center of mathematical astronomy from
the point of its creation in the work of Appolonius and Hipparchus in the
second century BC to the point of its rejection in the work of Newton in the
seventeenth century AD. See reference [ K ].
61ć% In the lectures, we will discuss Ptolemy s modification (in the second
century AD) of Hipparchus construction and we will discuuss Copernicus
objections (in the sixteenth century AD) to this modification. We will then
describe Copernicus proposal to reinstate the original construction in its pure
form and to  simplify it by shifting the origin of the construction from the
Earth to the Sun.
7 References
62ć% [ D/McK ]
H. Dym and H.P. McKean s Fourier Series and Integrals provides one of
the best introductions to the study of Harmonic Analysis. One can find a
proof of the basic Theorem of Fourier in the first chapter.
63ć% [ H1 ]
J. L. Heilbron s The Sun in the Church is a brilliant study of Astron-
omy, Religion, and Politics in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries AD,
focussing upon the adaptation of the great cathedrals of Italy and France to
serve as solar observatories.
64ć% [ H2 ]
J. L. Heilbron s Geometry Civilized sets the development of geometry in
historical context.
65ć% [ K ]
Thomas Kuhn s The Copernican Revolution is a beautifuly organized and
clearly written account of the facts and the issues underlying the transforma-
tion from Geocentrism to Heliocentrism in Western Europe.
66ć% [ N ]
Ivan Niven s Irrational Numbers is an elegant study of the properties of
algebraic numbers (and of many other topics). It provides a proof of the
Theorem of Lindemann, which implies as a special case that Ä„ is not algebraic.
It requires preparatory study of, for instance, Harry Pollard s Theory of
Algebraic Numbers.
67ć% [ V ]
B. L. van der Waerden s Science Awakening and Geometry and Algebra
in Ancient Civilizations are authoritative but also accessible studies of the
foundations of our subject.
68ć% [ W ]
Seth Warner s Classical Modern Algebra is a fine reference for the forego-
ing discussion. It starts with the concept of set, describes the basic number
systems, and develops with clarity and precision the basic ideas of Galois


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