120529133639 bbc tews whats the damage

The English We Speak
What's the damage?
29 May 2012
Jen: Hello, I'm Jen  and with me in the studio today is Helen!
Helen: Hi!
Jen: Helen, just before we get started  did you get the chance to go to the
farmers' market for me? I didn't have time to go myself.
Helen: I did, I chose some things I thought you'd like& Here we are& I bought
some fresh apples, some crunchy carrots, a load of onions, a loaf of fresh
bread and a jar of delicious honey.
Jen: Brilliant  thanks so much for doing that for me, I can't wait to try it. So
what's the damage?
Helen: Damage? I don't think there's any damage really. Although I suppose one
of the apples is a little bit bruised and I nibbled the end of one of the
carrots but it'll be fine if you just cut it a little bit.
Jen: I don't mean damage to the food. The phrase "what's the damage?" can be
used to ask how much money you owe someone for something.
Helen: So you wanted to find out how much you owe me for the food?
Jen: That's right  let's hear a couple of examples of the phrase in use.
What a lovely meal  I think we should split the bill two ways though, so what's the
Thanks so much for fixing the brakes on my car. What's the damage for the work you've
Helen: So you could say "what's the damage?" in a restaurant or a cafe?
Jen: That's right; you might use the phrase amongst friends when you get a
bill, or you might hear it if you are paying a workman to do something.
Generally we use it when we don't know how much something is going to
cost or if the price has been estimated beforehand.
Helen: Like when I went to the market for you today!
The English We Speak British Broadcasting Corporation 2012
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Jen: Yeah, I didn't know how much it would cost so I asked you "what's the
damage?" So how much do I owe you?
Helen: Ł12.50.
Jen: Ł12.50?! That's pretty expensive.
Helen: It's worth it when you look at the quality of the food  it's very good.
Jen: Alright then, here you are  Ł12.50.
Helen: And here YOU are.
Jen: Let's have a look then& Apples, yum& Well, they do look a little more
bruised than you mentioned&
Helen: Yes, sorry, I dropped the bag&
Jen: Look at the carrots! You said you'd nibbled them, but there are only the
tops of them left! I can't cook with those!
Helen: I was peckish, sorry.
Jen: At least this jar of honey looks good& it's empty!
Helen: Sorry, sorry! It looked so delicious that I couldn't help it!
Jen: Well, I think you should give me my money back. I'm not paying for food
that's already been eaten!
Helen: OK, what if we go out for a meal and I pay?
Jen: Hmm& OK&
Later on&
Jen: I'm stuffed! The apple and honey pie was really delicious.
Helen: Here's the waiter with the bill. Now don't forget, this is my treat after
eating all of your food. Ooh, er& This is embarrassing.
Jen: Is it expensive? What's the damage?
Helen: It's Ł40 for the meal but I've just remembered&
Jen: What?
Helen: I left my purse at the farmers' market! Can you pay for us?
Jen: Argh!
The English We Speak British Broadcasting Corporation 2012
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