Christmas Traditions Lisa Marie Davis id 2033461

Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

ROYCE Spaulding didn’t like to talk about it (truth be told, he actively avoided talking about it) but Śhappy’ was the last word he would use to describe his childhood memories when it came to Christmas. He couldn’t recall one that so much as existed in the same hemisphere as ŚMerry.’

In fact, that had been true of his life in general, until the day he met Caden Foster. They’d fallen in love but circumstances had driven them apart, until seeing Royce again gave Caden the strength he needed to break out of a life he didn’t want. And when he did, Royce was there with open arms.

Now, finally, they were together and Caden had never been so happy. He finally had the life he had always dreamed about. He was with Royce. He had a job he liked helping low-income families secure housing. His and Royce’s bond was stronger than ever. And Caden had made up his mind to give Royce something he had never had.

A real Christmas, with all the trimmings, big and small.

They had already decorated the apartment, after going out and buying all new decorations. Royce hadn’t really had 2

Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

any from when he had lived alone, just a wreath he had hung on the door, but Caden refused to leave it at that. He wanted the works and he spent an entire weekend dragging his lover all over town, looking for decorations that were

Śperfect.’ Royce happily indulged him. Caden knew it was a first for him, trying to get in to the spirit of the holiday season, but he slowly did so, mostly because Caden’s enthusiasm amused him so much. Caden confessed that he went just a little overboard buying lights, tinsel, ornaments for the new tree, stockings, and what Royce called a

Śfrighteningly large’ stuffed Santa to set in the hallway outside their apartment, where Royce was certain it would traumatize their neighbors.

When it came to actually decorating the apartment, though, Royce had a good time. Caden made sure of it.

Standing in their living room now, Caden looked around again, smiling, deciding that everything was perfect indeed.

Instead of a traditional tree, they’d gone with an all-white one they decorated with red ornaments and tinsel.

Royce had picked out the gold star on top himself. He explained to Caden that when he was five or six years old, one of his neighbors had a star like that on their tree and he had always thought it was beautiful. If Caden could, he’d have roped a star from the sky - anything to see Royce smile.

Nothing mattered more than that, and tonight he hoped to give Royce the kind of Christmas Eve he would always remember and cherish.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

They had spent the day volunteering at a homeless shelter and tomorrow they were set to have lunch with some friends, but tonight it was just the two of them and Caden had big plans.

Humming to himself, knowing Royce would soon be finished with his shower, he spread a blanket out on the floor in front of the tree and went into the kitchen, where he grabbed a tray already loaded with Christmas cookies and fresh hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. He wanted Royce to have the kind of Christmas Eve treats he had missed out on as a kid, but he had something else in mind for later in the evening. Caden smiled again, thinking about the black velvet-covered jeweler’s box he had tucked in the pocket of his old gray jogging pants.

Setting the tray on the coffee table, he pulled the box out and opened it, deciding again that the rings were perfect.

He had spent two months going to nearly every jeweler in New York, knowing he would feel it in his heart when he found what he was looking for.

In the end, he came across a yellow and white gold Celtic wedding band with three emeralds embedded in the intricate design. He immediately decided to buy two, one for him and one for Royce.

Now all he needed was for Royce to say yes.

Hearing footsteps in the hall, he quickly closed the box, slipping it back into his pocket. He turned as Royce 4

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Lisa Marie Davis

stepped into the living room, dressed in jogging pants and no shirt. His hair was still damp from the shower and he smiled as he glanced around the room. Caden went to him, arms open, pulling him into a heated kiss that was physically and emotionally arousing.

Tongues clashing, Caden moaned, sliding his hands down Royce’s bare back, loving the feel of the smooth, warm skin. Royce’s naturally dominant nature quickly asserted itself and Caden found himself turned, pressed against the wall. Royce surrounded him; he was engulfed in heat, waves of desire leaving him breathless. He had to lock his knees to keep from slipping to the floor as Royce moved a hand between them, cupping Caden’s erection through the suddenly cumbersome fabric of his pants.

Squeezing gently but hard enough to draw a gasp from Caden, Royce broke the kiss, trailing his lips down Caden’s neck, nipping and licking, knowing where to touch and just how to render Caden completely impatient with need.


śTaste so good...” Royce slipped a hand beneath Caden’s shirt, running teasing fingers up his chest. śWant to strip you and bury myself inside youŚ” Tweaking a nipple, he smiled when Caden shuddered and arched into the touch.

Royce looked into the desire-filled blue eyes he loved, eyes he could so easily get lost in.

Watching as Caden licked his beautiful, kiss-reddened lips, Royce found the innocent gesture painfully arousing.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

śDo you have any idea what it does to me when you talk like that?”

śHopefully, it makes it easier for me to seduce you.”

śBaby, you never have to seduce me. For you, I’m a sure thing.”

Royce laughed, kissing him again, a quick, teasing kiss, before looking around the room again.

śYou’ve been busy.”

śNot really. I just thought we could relax for a little bit.”

Taking Royce’s hand, Caden guided him to the blanket, gesturing for him to sit down. After he did, Caden handed him a cup of hot chocolate before sitting down himself, legs crossed, facing his love.

śHot chocolate?” Royce glanced up at him.

śIt’s the store bought kind.”

śAnd the cookies? Please tell me you didn’t bake them.”

śOf course not. I got them at the bakery down the street.”

Reaching for a frosted, star-shaped cookie, he took a bite as Caden watched, unable to look away from the man he loved. How he had ever thought he could have a life without 6

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Lisa Marie Davis

Royce was beyond him. Being with Royce was truly his destiny; Caden had no doubt about it. He felt a familiar sting, thinking about just how close he had come to being completely miserable. He was still amazed and grateful that Royce had forgiven him, that he was here now and not stuck in their hometown, married to a woman he didn’t love, living a life that was a lie.

śStop it.”

Pulled from his thoughts, Caden blinked. śWhat?”

śYou’re thinking about the past again, about things that don’t matter now.”


śI’ve told you, baby. Let it go.”

Setting his half-eaten cookie and hot chocolate on the coffee table, Royce reached for Caden’s hand. Caden sighed, not surprised that Royce was so good at reading him and his complicated moods.

śWe’re together now, Caden. That’s all that matters.”

śI knowŚ”

śAnd thisŚ” Royce gestured around the room. śI know you did this for me, all of this Christmas stuff, and I love you for it. I love you because you’ve given me what I never had, what I thought I could never have.”


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

śYou deserve more than this,” Caden whispered, his voice thick with emotion. śI hate it when I think about all the shit you had to deal withŚ” He shook his head. His childhood might not have been ideal, thanks to his overly controlling father, but Royce’s childhood had been a nightmare.

śI survived it. Mostly because of you.”

śI don’t see how I helped.”

śYou were there to listen, to hold me, to tell me to never give up hope.”

śAnd then I failed you. I let my father manipulate meŚ”

śAnd in the end, you got away from him,” Royce reminded them both. śAnd now here we are, sharing our first Christmas. I can tell you, baby, I am happier now than I have ever been and that’s what I want to focus on. Not the past or mistakes we both made.” He lifted the hand he held, kissing it gently.

Caden knew Royce meant what he said. He was at peace with the years they had lost, and somehow Caden knew he needed to find that peace as well, as Royce watched him with brilliant green eyes that reflected everything he felt.

Caden loved that about his partner. Royce could be reserved when dealing with others, but with Caden he allowed his emotions, his feelings, and his needs to show.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

śWant to know a secret?”

Caden smiled. śAlways.”

śWhen I left town all those years ago, I told myself I could be happy, that I could build a life for myself.”

śYou did.”

śMaybe. But something was missing. And deep down, I knew I would never really be complete without you, Caden.”


śOn some level, I think I never gave up hope that you would come back to me.”

śYou saved me,” Caden whispered. śWhen you came back to Ashland to deal with Hank’s estate, it forced me to open my eyes and see what a mess my life had become and I knew I couldn’t live the lie. I knew I should never have let you goŚ” His words faded. His emotions were threatening to spill but he didn’t care. He wanted, needed, Royce to know what he felt, what he wanted. When Royce pulled him into his arms, Caden went willingly, eagerly. The kiss instantly sparked a mutual desire that could never fully be sated, because it seemed their need for one another was endless.

Hungry, desperate, Caden longed to allow the passion to completely consume him but there was still something he needed to do.

Something important.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

Pulling back, he drew in a breath that was more than a little ragged. Royce grinned but it was obvious he was just as aroused.

śYour hot chocolate is getting cold,” Caden teased.

śWe’ve got an excellent microwave.”

śTrue, but there is one more very important tradition I need to introduce you to.”

śSex under the Christmas tree?”

Caden laughed. śWell, we can do that, but first, there’s a tradition where you get to open one present the night before Christmas.”

śReally? And do you have a present for me?” His hand moved slowly up Caden’s leg as he asked.

śI certainly do.”

Batting Royce’s hand away, knowing he wouldn’t be able to concentrate if Royce reached his obvious destination, Caden drew in another deep breath, feeling suddenly nervous because he wanted to say the right thing.

śI love you, Royce.”

śI love you too, baby. I always will.”

śI’m glad to hear you say that becauseŚ” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small box, watching as Royce’s eyes widened a bit in obvious surprise. śIt may have 10

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Lisa Marie Davis

taken me some time to get my head out of my ass, but I finally did and I know now what I have always known.”


śI love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Opening the box, he pulled out one of the rings, looking up at Royce again, blinking back tears that threatened to cloud the sight of his lover.

śWill you marry me?”

śYes. Of courseŚ” Royce laughed, not bothering to hide the tears in his eyes as Caden reached for his hand, easily sliding the ring on to his finger. śGod, CadenŚ” He shook his head, pulling Caden to him again, kissing him hard, not caring that he was crying. Caden was close to it, himself. They had waited a lifetime for this moment.

Breathless, trembling from the strength of the desire that burned between them, Royce picked up the box Caden had dropped, taking out the second ring.

śGive me your hand.”

Smiling, Caden did as he asked, watching in fascination as Royce slipped the ring on to his finger.

śI love you, Caden. I always will. I don’t care what anyone else might say, you’re my soul mate and I never want to go back to a life without you.”


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

śI’ll never leave you, Royce. I swear that. My heart is yours.”

Royce looked down at their hands, at the matching rings. śI can’t wait to stand up in front of all our friends and make you mine forever.”

śI’m already yours, but yeah, I like that idea. I want the world to know I love you more than anything.”

śSo how about a Valentine’s Day wedding? Not overly original, but romantic.”

śIt sounds perfect.”

śWith that settledŚ”

śI say we celebrate.”

Reaching for the hem of his shirt, Caden pulled it off, tossing it aside as Royce reached for him. He moved into the strong, warm arms that felt like heaven to him. He loved being flesh to flesh with Royce, loved the feel of being close to him, knowing Royce wanted him, needed him. He couldn’t get enough. He would never be able to get enough. He felt alive and almost invincible when Royce touched him. Their kisses quickly became more and more heated as Royce shifted, pushing him onto his back, not breaking the kiss, hands roaming down the length of Caden’s chest.

Arching up, Caden pressed his lips against Royce, feeling their erections brush together through their pants. He 12

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groaned, breaking the kiss, looking up at Royce almost panting.

śNaked. Now.”

Royce laughed, pulling back far enough to strip off Caden’s pants and then his own, leaving them both finally naked, aroused, desperate for more.

For everything.

Stretching out beside Caden, Royce rested a hand on his chest, looking down at him, at the amazing blue eyes filled with love and desire.

śI love you.”

śI love you, too.”

Royce claimed his lips again, kissing him slowly at first, teasingly, tongue dipping into his mouth. Caden tangled his hands in Royce’s hair, needing him closer, needing to be surrounded by and consumed by the man he loved.

Wanting to savor the moment, Royce tried to set a slow pace, but it was nearly impossible as the kiss became frantic and demanding. Caden pressed closer and Royce straddled him, grabbing Caden’s hands and pinning them above his head. He knew it would arouse Caden even more; his lover had a taste for being dominated and Royce was willing to give him what he wanted. He loved having Caden at his sexual mercy, wanting him and ready to beg for it.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis


śI could take you to the bedroom and handcuff you to the headboard, but frankly I like it right where we are, so you just be the good boy I know you can be and keep those hands right there.”

Caden shifted beneath him but nodded, and Royce released his wrists, smiling to see Caden follow his demand.

śSo very pretty like thisŚ” Royce sighed, running his fingers down Caden’s chest, brushing his nipples teasingly.

śI can’t get enough of seeing you like this, wanting meŚ” He leaned down, kissing his lover, but only briefly, before trailing his lips lower, nipping and nibbling at Caden’s neck.

He knew just how to drive his lover insane; he knew what to do to push Caden to the edge and keep him there, but as much as he wanted to play, he had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to hold out for too long tonight.

Sliding lower, he explored Caden’s chest, attention drawn first to his right nipple, tugging at it with his teeth until he heard a sharp gasp from Caden.

śLike that, baby?”

śYou know I doŚ” Caden shivered when Royce bit him again before sucking hard at the tight nub that ached and throbbed almost painfully. śPlease, RoyceŚ” He shivered again when Royce turned his attention to the other nipple, subjecting it to the same slow, sensual torture, savoring Caden’s reactions.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

śPlease what? Tell me what you want.”

śYou! God, I want you now. Inside of me.”

Royce smiled against his skin, kissing Caden’s stomach. śBelieve me, baby, I want to be inside you, but first, there’s something else I want to doŚ” Shifting further, he slipped one hand under Caden, carefully cupping his balls, his other hand wrapping firmly around the base of his lover’s straining cock.

He heard Caden gasp again in the instant before his mouth descended and he wrapped his lips around the bulging head. He could taste the salty, rich flavor of pre-cum, and he savored it, gently squeezing and sucking, slowly lapping his tongue around the hot, ridged flesh as Caden arched his hips, crying out his approval and frantically begging for more and more.

Relaxing his throat, Royce sucked his lover even deeper, licking and pumping, taking his time, listening as Caden babbled incoherent words and phrases, chest heaving for breath. He made a beautiful sight.

A sight Royce would spend a lifetime loving.

Sensing how close Caden was, Royce increased his pace, lips sliding up and down, tongue teasing, until with a strangle cry Caden came, hard and fast, cum flooding Royce’s mouth and throat. And Royce eagerly accepted every drop. He loved driving Caden over the edge, loved how he was flushed and beautiful and breathless as Royce crawled 15

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Lisa Marie Davis

back over him to kiss him again as Caden moaned his delight.

Savoring the taste of his cum that still lingered on Royce’s lips, Caden pulled back from the kiss, body still humming from his release.


śYou taste so damn good,” Royce whispered. śBetter than any Christmas cookie, that’s for sure.” He grinned, dropping another quick kiss before sitting back on his heels, grin fading slightly.

śWhat’s wrong?”

śI hate to move away from you for even a second but I need to get some lubeŚ”

śLook under the coffee table.”

Glancing to his left Royce laughed, finding a new tube waiting there.

śYou think of everything, don’t you, baby?”

śWanted everything to be perfect tonight.”

śAlways perfect with you.”

That earned him one of Caden’s classic smiles, the smile that had haunted Royce’s dreams during all their years apart.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

Grabbing the lube, Royce quickly opened it, coating his fingers while Caden drew up his knees, lifting his hips in an obviously wanton display.

Despite the incredible, mind-shattering orgasm he had just enjoyed, he could feel renewed need and desire stirring his cock to life again. Just watching Royce aroused him and Caden loved it. He had never seen a more beautiful man.

Royce was stunning, with red hair, golden skin, and a body Caden could explore time and time again, still finding it as perfect and as fascinating as he had the first time, so very long ago.

śKeep looking at me like that, baby, and this will be a quick ride.”

śFine by me.”

śIs it now?”

śSure. I mean, we can always do it again. And againŚ”

Royce laughed again, watching Caden’s eyes turn smoky with pleasure, as he brushed his slick fingers over his lover’s deliciously tight entrance.


śAlmost there, baby. Just need to get you ready.”

Caden arched his hips further and Royce chuckled at the silent demand as he carefully, slowly, inserted first one finger and then another. He could feel Caden tighten around 17

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Lisa Marie Davis

him, accepting him, his body stretching to welcome him. It was nearly enough to push Royce right over the edge.

Franticly desperate to be where he belonged, Royce withdrew his fingers, quickly coating his cock with the excess lube.

śNeed to be in you now, baby.”

śWell, get in me already!”

Grinning, Royce lifted Caden’s legs, arranging them so they were draped over his shoulders, allowing him the access he needed to take his own cock in hand and slowly ease into his waiting, eager lover.

Eyes closed, muscles tense, resisting the need to surge forward without restraint, he carefully slipped in an inch at a time. He could feel Caden pushing against him in a wordless plea for more, and Royce shuddered when he was finally completely inside, his hips pressed against Caden’s firm ass.

Surrounded by tight, delicious heat, he held perfectly still for a moment, bracing his hands on the floor on either side of Caden’s hips. He opened his eyes to find Caden watching him.

śI love you.”

śLove you too, baby. But if you don’t start movingŚ”

The words faded when Royce gave a long, slow thrust and Caden moaned, eyes closing, hands tangling in the quilt.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

His lips, damp and red, were parted and he made such a perfectly wanton sight that Royce couldn’t look away as he began moving with sure, strong, steady strokes that Caden matched with frantic need. It never failed to amaze him, how perfectly they moved together. Frantic and driven or slow and sensual, they were always in perfect sync, and Royce basked in that. The burning need forced him to increase the pace of his thrusts, his hips snapping forward with lightning speed as he pumped relentlessly into Caden’s ass.

Any chance of making this round last faded and Royce didn’t try to hold himself back, giving in to the familiar sensations as he peaked, spilling into his lover, crying out Caden’s name as he came with mind-shattering force.

Trembling, he fell forward, head against Caden’s chest, sighing when his lover’s arms wrapped around him, holding him as hands stroked down his back.

Content, temporarily sated, they lay together for a few minutes, bodies cooling, heart rates slowly returning to normal.

śI think this is going to become a cherished Christmas Eve tradition.”

Royce smiled, lifting his head. śActually, I think it’s past midnight now, so Merry Christmas, baby.”

śMerry Christmas to you, too.”


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

Shifting so he was curled at Caden’s side, Royce nestled close, in no hurry to move. He was wrapped in Caden’s arms and there was no place he would rather be. It might have taken some time and a few hard knocks along the way, but Fate had brought them back together and Royce was certain nothing had the power to pull them apart again. Caden was more than just his soul mate; he was the other half of his soul, and being able to freely and thoroughly love him really did make all the pain and hurts from the past seem meaningless and unimportant. It didn’t matter that his childhood hadn’t been exactly happy because he was happy now, with the man he loved, the man he had always loved.

He had everything he could possibly ever want and more.

Caden was his; he wanted to marry him, spend a lifetime with him.

What gift could be more precious than that?

Lifting his head again, he kissed Caden’s lips slowly, softly, smiling at Caden’s contented sleepy sigh.

Maybe a little nap was called for, before the celebration continued.

Settling down again, Royce reached for Caden’s left hand, their matching rings bathed by the Christmas tree’s lights as they drifted off to sleep.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis


If you want to read the story of how Royce and Caden met and reunited, read When Love Comes Back Around by Lisa Marie Davis. Available at Dreamspinner Press and All Romance eBooks.


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

LISA MARIE DAVIS is a Florida girl, born and raised, who had been writing for as long as she can remember. There's nothing she loves more than writing. Her mind is always wondering, creating characters and plots. She's been accused of daydreaming too much but doesn't see it as a fault.

Other titles from Lisa MarieŚ


Christmas Traditions

Lisa Marie Davis

©Copyright Lisa Marie Davis, 2008

Published by

Dreamspinner Press

4760 Preston Road

Suite 244-149

Frisco, TX 75034

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Dan Skinner/Cerberus Inc. Cover Design by Mara McKennen

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite 244-149, Frisco, TX 75034

Released in the United States of America December, 2008



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