Stormy Glenn SS New Year's Resolution Spank Me Once

Jamie is looking for someone to give him a little discipline. Nothing major -
a light spanking will do just fine. When he spots Simon at a New Year's Eve
party, he knows he's met a man who can make his New Year's resolutions
come true.
New Year's Resolution by Storm Glenn
New Year's Eve
"Okay, I'm here." Jamie McDonald handed his jacket to his best
friend, Brandon Thomas. "Now, where's my Christmas present?"
Brandon laughed. "Patience, my dear friend. You just got here. Get a
drink and mingle a little. It's New Year's Eve. You've already waited a week
for your present; you can wait a little longer."
Jamie shook his head and laughed. "Honey, I have a lot of virtues, but
patience is not one of them."
Brandon rolled his eyes. "Fine. I planned this party with you in mind.
There are a lot of couples here but no less than six single men looking for a
sweet thing like you. Have your pick."
Jamie pursed his lips and turned to survey the room. "Single, you say?
Maybe this will be a good year after all."
"I thought you might be particularly interested in Greg. He's an
accountant with Quine and Carlton, thirty-eight, and single for the last six
months." Brandon stepped up to stand next to Jamie and pointed to a
dark-haired man standing by the bar.
"Oh, he's nice. Does he play?" Jamie crooned and gazed at the tall
man. He looked nice. The black jeans hugged his legs like a second skin, as
did the tight, white button-down shirt on his chest. Jamie envisioned
unbuttoning each one with his teeth.
"Not like you, but you can always convert him." Brandon laughed.
"Of course, if he doesn't suit you, there's always Thomas."
"Thomas?" Jamie asked curiously and dragged his gaze away from
Greg to look at the other man Brandon pointed out.
Thomas seemed starchier than Greg. Dressed in a nice pair of brown
slacks and a cream dress shirt, he was clean-shaven with neatly-combed
blond hair. Jamie wondered if a hair on the man's head ever fell out of place.
He seemed almost too perfect.
"Uh, not so much. Somehow I don't think he'd let me eat crackers in
bed, Bran. Let's move on," Jamie said, dismissing Thomas as a possibility.
He was too straight-laced, and Jamie liked to get a little kinky every once in
awhile. Thomas didn't look like he'd go for that.
"Okay, there's always William." Brandon pointed to a third man
standing next to the front window talking with others.
Jamie turned to look at William and a flash of white caught his eye.
He followed the cotton shirt and discovered a pair of dark copper eyes
staring at him. Jamie inhaled softly and a shudder of desire shot through him
from the intense look in the man's eyes.
Ooohhh... now this one would know how to play. Jamie knew it by
the glint in the man's eyes and the thickness of his hands. He had no doubt
this man could give him what he wanted, what he needed.
"I want that one," Jamie said to Brandon without taking his eyes off
the man.
"Which one?" Brandon turned his head to look. "Oh, no, you don't
want him, Jamie, take my word for it. Simon is... well, Simon just isn't the
one for you."
"Why not? Is he straight? Married? Involved? What?"
Brandon shook his head. "No, not exactly, but he's... he's intense.
More intense than I think you're ready for."
"What's he into?" Jamie's curiosity heightened. He had to know. He
hadn't had someone affect him like this in a long time. His heart raced, and
his palms broke into a sweat. More importantly, his cock throbbed and
begged for an introduction.
"Look, Jamie, I don't know Simon very well. He's a friend of Carl's,
but I've heard things." Brandon placed his hand on Jamie's arm. "He's not
into anything weird, at least not by your standards, but he prefers submissive
partners very submissive."
"I can do submissive," Jamie whispered. Just the thought of being
submissive under Simon's strong muscular body gave him the shivers. Tall
and well defined, Simon stood at least six foot two. At five foot nine, Jamie
would be in heaven.
"Not like this, you can't." Brandon assured him. "There's no power on
earth to hold your tongue when you get pissed off and you know it. It would
never work."
"So, I'm a sarcastic bitch. That doesn't mean I can't do submissive,"
Jamie replied. "Besides, have you seen the size of that man's hands? They're
"Oh, I swear to God, you and your penchant for getting spanked."
Brandon groaned. "Honey, you've got to expand your horizons a little; try
out some other kink."
"Uh-uh, I like that one too much." Jamie chuckled and turned to
Brandon. "Have you ever had your ass reddened by a large, thick hand
swatting you over and over until you feel it reverberate through your body?"
Brandon's eyes widened. "Oh, too much information, my friend." He
laughed and held up his hand. "No, I've never been spanked and I don't care
to, thank you very much. I like my ass the color it is."
With a shake of his head, Jamie smirked. "You don't know what
you're missing."
"I'll take your word for it," Brandon said, glancing at Simon. "Jamie,
I'm serious about that man. He's into a lot more than you are. Even if I don't
understand why you like it, spanking is nothing compared to what he wants
in a partner."
"What? Are we talking candle wax on nipples or something?" Jamie
raised a brow and looked from Simon to Brandon.
"Uh, no. I think I'm safe in saying there is no candle wax involved, but
there might be a few other toys."
"Toys? I love toys."
"Restraints, whips, plugs, clamps, rings. I could go on, you know."
When Jamie looked at Simon again, the man was smirking. Oh, he
definitely has possibilities. Jamie had never indulged in the heavier toys
before, but for this man, he'd consider it.
"Come on, Jamie, let me introduce you to William," Brandon said.
"You'll like him."
Jamie shook his head and watched Simon plop onto a couch across the
"Nope, I found what I want for Christmas and he's sitting right over
"Jamie... ."
Ignoring his friend's protest, Jamie walked toward the man he'd set his
sights on, stopping once he stood in front of him. He waited for Simon to
look up while running through every pickup line he could think of in his
"Hi, my name's Jamie. I realize Christmas is technically over but I
wondered if I could ask you a question."
Simon looked up. "I suppose you could, but I reserve the right not to
The man had a deep, whiskey drawl, and the hairs at the back of
Jamie's neck rose. To hear that voice in the throes of passion would be a
dream come true.
Agonizing moments later, Simon asked, "What's your question?"
"Do you know that according to Scandinavian custom, males and
females who meet under the mistletoe are obliged to kiss?" Jamie leaned
down and placed his hands on the back of the couch behind Simon's head.
"At Christmas time, anyone standing under a ball of mistletoe cannot refuse
to be kissed. Such a kiss could mean deep romance or lasting friendship and
goodwill. Thus, if two people exchange a kiss under the mistletoe, it's
interpreted as a promise to marry, as well as a prediction of happiness and
long life."
Simon's lips twisted into a smirk. "Three problems with that, Jamie;
one, it's no longer Christmas. Two, I'm not Scandinavian, and three, I don't
see any mistletoe."
"No," Jamie said and moved his face close to Simon's until their lips
almost touched. "But we can always pretend."
Simon looked down at Jamie's lips and then met his eyes again. "I
don't have a very good imagination."
"That's not what I hear," Jamie said softly.
"Oh? And just what have you heard?"
"Well, I heard you might be able to help me with my New Year's
Simon smiled again. "What might that resolution be?"
"I've resolved to have my ass spanked before the night is over." Jamie
knew his words were direct, but the glint in Simon's copper eyes told him his
message had been received loud and clear.
The thought of what Simon could do to him made Jamie's ass tingle.
Simon's imagination might not be very good, but Jamie's rolled ahead full
steam. He imagined the weight of Simon's hand on his ass.
"That's quite a resolution," Simon said. "And you think I can help you
out there?"
Jamie nodded, dropped to his knees between Simon's legs, and
reached over and grabbed his hand. "Oh yeah." He rubbed his thumb slowly
over Simon's palm. "Your hands are perfect, so wide, large and strong. I
have no doubt they could redden my ass exquisitely."
Jamie couldn't miss Simon's response to his words. The large tent
forming in the man's pants caused Jamie to groan. His fingers itched with
need to reach out and touch him.
He looked up at Simon, aware of the hot flames of heat in his eyes.
"I'm sure there are a few New Year's resolutions I could help you out with...
The moment he said sir, Jamie knew he had him. Simon's eyes
darkened to dark brown. His nostrils flared, his breathing increased, and the
small pulse at the side of his throat throbbed. "I may have mistletoe back at
my condo."
"Lead the way, please." Jamie smiled, came to his feet and stepped
back so Simon could stand. Rising to his full height, Jamie looked up and
realized he'd underestimated Simon's height by several inches. Jamie's eyes
were level with Simon's thick, muscular chest.
"Oh, you're tall," Jamie whispered.
"Does that mean you want to change your mind?"
"Hell no!" Jamie turned and headed for the door. A moment later, he
felt a hard swat on his ass. Shocked, Jamie yelped and turned to look at
Simon, shocked to see a stern look on his face.
"Swearing is not allowed, Jamie."
"What, no swearing? Seriously?" He opened his mouth to put Simon
in his place, but the man's raised eyebrow gave him pause. "Okay, no
swearing, I can do that... for now."
Following Simon across the room, Jamie gave Brandon a wave and a
wide grin.
He recognized the worried look on Brandon's face, but there was
nothing he could do about it now.
Brandon had never understood Jamie's need to be spanked during
sexual play, and Jamie doubted his friend ever would. Brandon and Carl
practiced vanilla love in their relationship, and while Jamie had never been
privy to their sexual interludes, he imagined their idea of foreplay consisted
of Brandon pulling down his pajama bottoms and bending over.
Jamie, on the other hand, wanted more. He loved being spanked, lived
to give blow jobs, and being fucked by a big, strong partner was his idea of
heaven. He even had a box at home with a few toys. Nothing wild, but toys
"So, how far to your place?" Jamie asked as Simon unlocked the car
door, opened it, and held it open for him. Jamie smiled and climbed in.
Simon shut the door and walked around to the driver's side, while Jamie
buckled his seatbelt.
Simon started the car, merged into the traffic and headed toward his
condo. "Not far, maybe ten minutes."
"Perfect," Jamie said. "That gives me just enough time."
"Time for wha oh, God!"
A groan fell from Simon's lips when Jamie leaned over, unzipped his
pants, and pulled his cock out before he finished the question. Seconds later,
Jamie wrapped his lips around Simon's hard erection. Damn, if Jamie could,
he'd be yelling right now.
Drops of pre-cum leaked from the head of Simon's cock, slid against
Jamie's tongue, and exploded over his taste buds. Simon tasted delicious.
Jamie used his tongue to lap at the head, pushing down against the
tiny slit at the top. He wanted more, and loved giving blow jobs, but
something about this felt so much better. Maybe it was the anticipation of
what was to come. In any case, sucking Simon's cock made Jamie's blood
Jamie stretched his mouth wide to fit Simon's large cock into his
mouth. Using his lips to squeeze around his girth, he pushed the head of
Simon's cock up against the roof of his mouth. He couldn't wait to feel that
bad boy pounding into him.
"Jamie!" Simon growled. "I'm going to come if you keep doing that."
Jamie lifted his head and Simon's cock dropped from his mouth with a
loud pop.
Looking up he said, "So come already; I have no doubt I can get you
up again."
Simon's eyes widened and he inhaled deeply before he grabbed a lock
of Jaime's hair and pushed his head down to his cock again.
Jamie wrapped his lips around Simon's shaft and swiped his tongue
down the length, swallowing as much as he could. He moved his mouth up
and down in a rapid motion and he brought his hand up to caress the
underside of Simon's ball sac.
The harder he worked, the tighter Simon gripped his hair. On instinct,
Jamie let his teeth scrape against the sides of the hard cock in his mouth. He
heard a loud growl and then Simon shot a stream of hot cream into his
Jamie swallowed and used his tongue to lick up every last drop of the
pearly white seed, including a few drops that fell on Simon's balls.
Simon gripped Jamie's hair and raised his head. When their eyes met,
Simon's were glazed over and a dazed expression masked his face. He
released his grip and gestured to the cock hanging out his pants. "We're
almost there, Jamie."
Jamie planted a small kiss on the top of Simon's spent cock, shoved it
back into his pants and closed the zipper. "Bye-bye, I'll see you soon." He
chuckled and patted Simon's crotch.
Jamie sat up, leaned back in the seat, and grinned. Judging by the
stunned look on Simon's face, he'd enjoyed Jamie's cocksucking technique.
Reaching down, he rubbed his hand against his own hard, aching cock.
"Stop that!" Simon said sternly.
Jamie's eyes widened. "What?"
"That's mine now, mine to play with and enjoy. You get to play with it
only when I say so. If you need to come, you'll come when I tell you to.
Otherwise, keep your hands off."
"You're not serious!" Jamie shrieked and his hand flew forward to
prevent his body from hitting the dashboard when Simon pulled the car over
and slammed on the brakes.
Simon turned and looked at him. "Make your decision now. You said
you've heard about me, so you know what I want. Either you accept that
your body belongs to me and we continue on to my condo or we don't. In
that case, we'll consider this a nice drive through the city and I'll take you
back to the party."
Stunned, Jamie felt his mouth drop open. Was the man serious? He
thought this would be a one-time thing, maybe a few times at most. "Can I
ask some questions before I make my decision?"
"I expect nothing less."
"This isn't a one time thing, is it?"
Simon shook his head. "No. If you want a quick rub-off, I'm not the
man for that. I'll take you back to the party and you can find someone else to
take home for the night."
Simon turned the car around and Jamie reached out and grabbed his
arm. His heart beat a million miles a minute and he tried to gather his
chaotic thoughts. "Please, wait a minute. I want to understand. I need to
know what you want from me. Tell me in plain language."
"You'll belong to me, do what I say, when I say it. Disobey me and I'll
redden that sexy little ass of yours. Please me, and I'll redden that sexy little
ass of yours."
"What's the difference?" Jamie asked, confused.
"The difference is if you please me, I'll let you come after I paddle
your ass. If you don't, I won't. And you're not allowed to come without my
"At all? What about in the shower or first thing in the morning? What
if I don't see you for days? You actually expect me not to jerk off?" Jamie
shook his head, his voice rising. A part of him felt outraged, another part
incredibly aroused at the thought of submitting to Simon. The thought of
being under the man's control caused Jamie's body to shudder.
"Yes, I expect you to not jerk off," Simon said. "If you need relief,
you'll come to me for it. If I find out you masturbated without my
permission or if you go to anyone else, it's over. It's as simple as that."
"And what do I get out of this... torture?"
"And that means what?" Jamie asked. "Sure, you're the hottest thing
I've seen in years but there are other guys out there. Why should I turn
myself over to you and let you tell me what to do or when I can jerk off?
What makes you so special?"
"You need me whether you know it or not. I can paddle that ass and
give you what you need. I'll be there to take care of you, make sure you have
everything you need, sexually or otherwise."
Whoa! No one had ever offered to take care of him, at least not in a
sexual way.
That was a little, no, very unusual. He wasn't sure what to make of it.
"Simon, I don't know what to say. I mean... ."
"Is this something you can live with or not?"
"Honestly, I don't know. I mean right now I can say yes because I
want to take you home and fuck your brains out, but in the light of day, I just
don't know. I've never had to answer to anyone before and I'm not sure I'd be
good at it."
A smile spread Simon's lips. "Don't worry, baby, it's not something
that happens overnight. It will take time and patience from both of us before
you're properly trained."
"Trained?" Jamie squeaked. "What do you mean trained?" Visions of
dog collars and eating out of a bowl on the floor flashed through his head.
While he didn't mind being submissive to his partner, he wasn't into that.
"You can't be expected to understand my wants and needs overnight.
It takes time. I'm sure you'll mess up here and there, but you're fairly
intelligent and eager to please. I have no doubt you'll pick it up soon
"Can we take it slow?" Jamie asked. He was intrigued enough to want
to try the things Simon described, but hesitant enough not to want to jump
into this with both feet.
"I have no problem with taking it slow, Jamie, but I do require one
promise from you before I agree."
"I insist on monogamy. I refuse to share. If that's not something you
can agree to, this ends now."
Jamie smiled. "Monogamy sounds good to me." He reached into his
back pocket, pulled his wallet out, and handed a piece of paper to Simon. "I
get tested every six months because I work in a hospital. I haven't been
involved with anyone in over a year, and I've been tested twice."
Simon nodded. "Hold on to that until we get home. I have one too and
I'll be happy to show it to you. But I have been involved in the last year. It
ended eight months ago. I've tested clean twice since then."
"You've been... " Jamie swallowed his words. It wasn't his business
who Simon was involved with or why they were no longer involved. If
Simon wanted him to know, he'd tell him.
"His name was Henry," Simon said, fixing his eyes on the windshield.
"We were together for two years until he decided what we had wasn't what
he wanted. He's getting married next month."
"Married, to a woman?"
"Yes, his bride-to-be is the daughter of the CEO of Kindle Industries.
I received an invitation but decided it wouldn't be appropriate for me to
"Oh," Jamie said and wondered if Simon still held feelings for his
ex-lover. He didn't want to be someone's rebound. As much as Simon
interested him, those types of relationships never worked out in the long run.
Simon looked at Jamie out of the corner of his eye. "Of course, if I
had you on my arm, I might reconsider attending."
"Me? Why?"
"I cared about Henry, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't in love with
him. There was definitely something missing in our relationship. When we
broke up, I wasn't that upset. Henry, however, has decided to tell everyone
how much it devastated me. I wouldn't mind putting him in his place."
Jamie's brows drew together in a frown. "And why would having me
attend with you matter?"
Simon chuckled. "Baby, if you don't know your appeal, you must be
"Is that why you decided to take me home?" Jamie asked, outraged.
He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Simon. "So you can shove
me in the face of your lover?"
"Ex-lover, Jamie, and no, that's not why I decided to take you home.
I'm taking you home so I can paddle that little ass of yours like you so richly
deserve. Showing you off would be a bonus."
Jamie leaned his head against the window and watched the city streets
fly by.
Confused by the conversation with Simon, he wondered if he should
have taken Brandon's advice and made a play for William.
"Here we are," Simon said, pulling into the driveway of a simple
Jamie lifted his head and looked at the house. He would never have
guessed Simon lived in a place that looked like a broken down duplex. The
man didn't seem the type. Brownstones screamed minivans and poodles, not
sexy guys who like to dominate. It didn't fit, and hadn't he said something
about a condo?
Climbing from the car, Jamie shut the door and stepped onto the
sidewalk. He gazed up at the three-story brick building. He hadn't
envisioned this.
"Are you coming?"
Jamie turned, surprised to see Simon halfway across the street. He
looked back at the brownstone. "Isn't that your place?"
"That place? God, no, I live over here." Simon pointed to a tall
warehouse building across the street. "I pay Mrs. Montgomery to park in her
driveway. She doesn't own a car and my place doesn't offer parking."
Relieved, Jamie followed Simon across the street to the warehouse
building. The thought of minivans and poodles gave him the creeps. Jamie
was honest enough with himself to know he was not the suburbanite type.
Potlucks and PTA meetings were not for him.
Jamie followed Simon into the building and into an elevator. The
doors closed, Simon pushed a floor button and turned to him. Jamie
swallowed the lump in his throat, unable to ignore the feral look on Simon's
A small cry fell from his lips when Simon reached for him and pushed
him against the wall of the elevator. His lips came down and claimed Jamie's
and his hands held his head immobile. When Simon's tongue touched his, a
hot rush tore through him.
Simon's lips were hard and searching, his hands rough and demanding
as he explored the hollows of Jamie's back. Jamie's heart pounded in his
chest. He'd never been kissed like this. Simon wasn't merely kissing him, the
man was staking his claim, and Jamie was helpless to stop him.
"Your ass is going to be so beautiful when I'm done with it," Simon
whispered against his neck.
In a haze of desire, Jamie arched his neck back to give better access.
Simon nipped at his neck and nibbled his ear, sending Jamie's heart into wild
"Simon," he groaned. Damn, he wanted this man, wanted him badly.
His hands moved to the cotton shirt tucked into Simon's pants. He pulled it
up until he felt bare flesh against his exploring fingers, then he leaned
forward and took one of Simon's brown nipples into his mouth. Squeezing
his lips around it, he sucked it into a hard little nub.
"Oh, that's good, baby." Simon moaned and twined his fingers into
Jamie's hair, holding his head tightly against his chest. A small ding echoed
in the elevator. "This is my floor."
His knees weak, Jamie followed Simon out of the elevator and into a
small entryway with a set of double doors. Simon unlocked them, pushed the
door open and grabbed Jamie's arm, pulling him in before locking the door.
Jamie looked around the room. Now this warehouse-type condo was
more like it. From where he stood, he could see the sunken living room with
a two-story ceiling.
A massive black leather sofa sat in front on a large fireplace with
floor-to-ceiling windows behind it. Off to one side, Jamie saw an alcove that
housed a large gourmet kitchen and dinning room.
To the left, a set of wood stairs led to a loft bedroom. Colorful artwork
graced the walls, vases of fresh flowers sat on sideboards, and books and
sculptures filled the bookshelf along one wall.
"Do you like it?"
Jamie turned to look at Simon, His hands were stuffed into his pockets
and he looked tentative as if waiting for his approval.
"It's perfect."
"Good, I'm glad you like it," he said with a smile. "I bought the
building a few years ago and converted the top two floors into a condo. I
lease the bottom floors to businesses and restaurants. My office is on the
third floor, just below us."
Jamie's eyes widened. "You own this building? What do you do for a
"I'm an architect specializing in reclaiming, repairing, and
reconstructing old abandoned buildings. This was one of my first projects."
The pride in Simon's voice touched Jamie's heart. The man obviously
worked hard to make a living but more than that, he seemed to love his
Jamie wished he could say the same. His own job as a medical records
clerk at the local hospital paid the bills but he hated it. He'd much rather do
something he loved, such as write an erotic how-to book on perfect blow
jobs. But, hey, a man had to eat.
"It's very nice, Simon. You've done an excellent job here." Jamie
snorted out a laugh. "I have to tell you, when we pulled into the driveway of
the brownstone, I was worried. I don't do suburbanite very well."
Simon's brows drew together. "Suburbanite?"
"Minivans and poodles, potlucks and PTA meetings, and white picket
fences make me nauseous." Jamie felt the heat rise in his cheeks. He hoped
Simon wasn't into that kind of stuff.
"Thank God!" Simon said and grabbed Jamie by the arms, pulling him
into an embrace. "Don't get me wrong. I love kids and I enjoy my nieces and
nephews, but I don't do dirty diapers and late night feedings. I'd much prefer
my baby to look like you."
Jamie tilted his head back and looked into Simon's eyes. "Maybe, but
I have to warn you, I'm a high maintenance baby. I need lots of attention,
lots of presents, and lots of sex."
Simon grinned. "Why do you think I live in the same building I work
in? Long lunches, arriving home early, and since I'm the boss, it's easy to
take a day off if my baby needs a little extra special attention."
"Oh, I need lots of extra special attention," Jamie said with a smile.
"That's another reason I work and live in the same place. If you need
me, I can run upstairs and paddle your sweet little ass. I'm only a phone call
Jamie laughed. "For you maybe, but I live across town. It would take
twenty minutes to get to me if I called."
"For now, but that could change in the future." Simon reached behind
Jamie, grabbed his ass, and gave it a good squeeze. "Now, don't I have some
discipline to administer?"
Jamie closed his eyes and leaned into Simon. He felt Simon's hard
erection pressing against his abdomen. Clenching his hands into the fabric of
Simon's shirt, he tried to stop himself from swooning. The man was so hot!
"Discipline is good." Jamie groaned and opened his eyes, imploring
Simon to mete out his punishment. "And I've been a very bad boy."
"Have you now?" Simon frowned. "Just how bad are you?"
"As bad as you want me to be."
"Then come with me, my little love, and see what I have upstairs."
Simon grabbed Jamie's hand and pulled him up the stairs. "I have no doubt
you'll like my playroom."
Playroom... Simon had a playroom? Jamie reached the top of the stairs
and looked left to right to locate it. A massive bed, covered in a black
comforter, sat in the middle of the room against a far wall. Black nightstands
stood on both sides of the bed.
Another wall held a chest of drawers and a full-length mirror. An
open door on the same wall led to the world's biggest bathroom. Beside
Jamie, at the edge of the stairs, stood a long solid railing that ran the length
of the room.
Jamie looked down into the living room. From where he stood, he
assumed the bedroom was above the kitchen and dinning area. He liked the
open spaciousness of the room, and had to admit, Simon did an excellent job
in designing it.
However, the row of tall bookshelves along the third wall intrigued
Jamie the most. Especially when Simon walked up to one of them, pulled
out a red, leather-bound book, and one of the bookshelves swung open to
reveal a hidden room behind the wall.
"Coming?" Simon asked and walked into the room.
Jamie groaned and readjusted the hard cock in his pants. "God, I hope
He followed Simon into the room, and came to an abrupt stop. This
had to be the Taj Mahal of playrooms. A large bed covered in black silk
sheets sat in the middle of the room. Along one wall hung every paddle,
flogger, and whip Jamie could imagine.
Another wall held a series of shelves with books and baskets filled
with toys.
"Do you like it?"
Jamie turned to Simon with his mouth agape. "It's... well... it's really
something." He couldn't find the proper words for a room dedicated strictly
to sex play, and knew now he had truly fallen in love.
"Let me show you around," Simon said and led Jamie on a tour. "I had
the room custom built six months ago."
"Six months ago? Then Henry's never... . "
"No," Simon said with a shake of his head. "I built this room after
Henry left. He wasn't, well, he didn't enjoy that side of our relationship so I
did without it. After he left, I decided I wasn't going to deprive myself again.
Henry didn't understand my desire, my need, to dominate."
"And you think I do?" Jamie asked hopefully.
"I have no doubt you understand it. That's why you're here. I haven't
brought anyone to this room since I built it. I waited for the right person to
share it with, someone who would appreciate the work I put into it."
Well... hell! What was he supposed to say to that? His stomach was
twisted into so many knots, he wondered which way was up. Not only was
Simon drop-dead gorgeous, but he seemed to be into the same type of
lifestyle Jamie loved.
Combine that with Simon's architectural genius and the hidden
playroom with toys, and Jamie was about to declare his undying devotion.
This seemed too perfect, and he wondered when the other shoe would drop.
"As you can see," Simon said, pointing to the wall, "this holds all my
paddles, floggers and such."
Jamie nodded.
"Over here, I have my other toys. Each basket holds a different kind."
Simon pulled out several baskets. "Butt plugs in different sizes, cock rings,
restraints, ball gags. I have a large array of toys for whatever discipline you
might warrant."
Jamie's eyes widened with each basket Simon pulled from the shelves.
He stood in a fully-stocked playroom with a man who wanted to discipline
him. How could it get any better?
"When I built this room, I made it soundproof. Feel free to make all
the noise you want because no one will hear you scream."
Okay, so it could get better. He was almost certain he had fallen in
love. But the final proof would lie in how well Simon could discipline him.
"Simon, I... ." Jamie's words were snuffed out when Simon reached
over, placed a hand over his mouth, and shook his head.
"In the rest of the house, or when we're out, even when we're making
love, you may call me Simon, but when we are in this room you are only
allowed to address me as master." Sternly, he added, "Is that understood?"
Jamie paused briefly then nodded.
"Now take off your clothes, my little love. It's time to see how you
take your punishment." Simon dropped his hand from Jamie's mouth and
stepped back. Jamie undressed while Simon watched with his arms crossed
over his chest. It unnerved him.
He folded his clothes, set them on a bench by the wall, and then
walked toward Simon and stood in front of him. Butterflies cartwheeled in
his stomach when Simon circled him in an appraising manner.
A touch here, a touch there, a soft caress to his ass, a slow pull on his
hard cock, a little pinch to his nipple, and Jamie was panting line a worn-out
dog by the time Simon completed the full circle. If Simon didn't make a
move soon, Jamie would have to attack him.
"You have very good form, Jamie." Simon grabbed his hand and
pulled him toward the bed. "I think you'll look delicious on display. But
first, I want to redden that ass of yours a little bit."
Oh hell yes!
When Simon sat down on the side of the bed and gestured to his lap,
Jamie laid down over his legs. His heart thudded in his chest when Simon's
large hand caressed his butt cheeks and pushed his fingers between them to
brush against his eager hole.
He prayed the pre-cum leaking out of his hard cock wouldn't drip all
over Simon's pants, but knew it did the moment the first swat landed on his
ass. Simon knew instinctively how much pressure to put into his swing to
make Jamie squirm.
"You have the perfect little ass." Simon paddled his ass again and
again until Jamie felt a white-hot fire spread over his cheeks. "Just look at
how pretty you are, all nice and red with just a hint of my handprint. Your
ass was made for spanking, Jamie, and that pleases me."
Simon's praise made Jamie's heart swell with pride and delight. He let
his head hang down to cover the tears in his eyes. No one had ever been
pleased that he liked spanking before.
"More, please, Master." Jamie wiggled in Simon's lap. With his cock
trapped between Simon's thighs, every time he swatted him, it pushed
Jamie's hard erection down, increasing his arousal until he thought he'd lose
his mind.
Jamie whimpered. "Sim... Master, please... I can't... I'm gonna... ."
"Not until I say so. Is that understood? Your body belongs to me and
you do not get to come unless I say so." His voice sounded harsh and gentle
at the same time.
"Now, go over to the bookshelf and bring me the plug of your choice
and some lube."
With Simon's help, Jamie rose on shaky legs. His cock ached and he
worried it would shatter if he touched it. Jamie walked to the bookshelf and
chose a medium-sized butt plug and a bottle of lube.
"A nice choice, Jamie." Simon took the plug and the bottle of lube
from him.
"Lay down so I can put this in."
Jamie's heart jumped in his throat as he lay over Simon's legs again.
He'd used a plug before, usually long enough to get off, but never for any
length of time. He knew by the grin on Simon's face he was about to be
tormented by the toy.
Simon's slick fingers moved between his ass cheeks, and Jamie
couldn't contain the long groan from passing his lips. Wonderful. Delicious.
Mind numbing. Jamie didn't want it to end. Simon could do whatever he
wanted to his body after this.
Simon inserted two fingers into Jaime's ass and moved them in and
out. With every thrust, Jamie cried out, and every time Simon pulled those
wicked fingers out, Jamie whimpered. Mindless with ecstasy, he didn't know
what felt better, when he pushed them in or pulled them out. Every
movement was mind-blowing.
"Hold on, my little love, it's time for the plug, and then we'll move on
to the rest of your discipline." Simon pulled his fingers from Jamie's ass,
eliciting another protest from Jamie.
His hands curled around Simon's legs and he held his breath when
Simon inserted the lubricated plug. Jamie felt only the slightest burn before
Simon pushed the plug all the way in.
"Oh, that's nice. I may have you wear something like this more often."
Simon wiggled the plug around, pushing and pulling it in and out. Jamie
squealed as the weight of Simon's hand came down on his ass and pushed
the plug in deeper.
Simon swatted Jamie's ass several more times, extracting a long moan
from his lips. He didn't know how much more he could take. He felt a tingle
at the base of his spine, spreading outward and heralding his imminent
"Master... I can't... ."
"Ssshhh, my little love, I know." Simon crooned and caressed Jamie's
burning ass. "Come on, stand up. Your ass is nice and red right now. I want
to see how you look when you're displayed for my pleasure."
Displayed for his pleasure? Jamie rose to his feet on shaky legs and
wondered what in the hell Simon meant by that comment. Without waiting
to be told, he followed Simon to the side of the room and watched as he
reached up and grabbed a chain hanging from the ceiling. It suddenly
dawned on Jamie what Simon was about to do.
His breath caught in his throat and his heart pounded rapidly. He eyed
the long chain hanging from the ceiling. One long strand of heavy links split
into two separate chains about half way down. Felt-lined cuffs swung from
the end.
Jamie drew his gaze from the chains and looked at Simon. He
recognized the question in his lover's eyes. Jamie drew a deep breath,
stepped forward and raised his hands over his head. As Simon buckled a cuff
around each wrist, Jamie prayed he hadn't made a mistake.
Now Simon could do anything he desired and Jamie couldn't get
away. The room was soundproof; no one would hear him scream or cry out
for help. He hoped he hadn't been wrong placing his trust in the man.
Once the cuffs were buckled, Simon grabbed Jamie by the hair at his
nape and pulled his head back. His gaze sincere and full of wonder, he
looked down at Jamie. "I won't forget the trust you're giving me. I know it
took a lot of courage to do this since you barely know me, and I won't let
you down. Now, give me your safe word."
" Safe word? How about banana?"
"Okay. If anything gets to be too much or you become uncomfortable,
all you have to do is say banana and I'll stop. Understood?"
Jamie nodded.
"You've been such a good baby and I think you deserve a reward."
Simon dropped to his knees and took Jamie's hard cock into his mouth.
Jamie's head fell back and he groaned. Oh damn! He didn't realize how
close to the edge he was until Simon swallowed his cock and moved his
tongue over the small slit at the top. His legs shook harder than they had
before; in fact, they were so unsteady, he was thankful for the cuffs holding
up his body weight. Jamie wrapped his hands around the chains, thrust his
cock farther into Simon's mouth, and exploded, filling Simon's mouth with
his release.
Simon was as good at giving a blow jobs as Jamie. He licked up every
last drop of cum that spilled from Jamie's cock. Finally, Simon came to his
feet and reached over to brush a lock of hair from Jamie's sweaty forehead.
"You did very well, my little love."
Panting breathlessly, Jamie wondered what else he had to do to be the
benefactor of Simon's praise. It felt good; it felt wonderful. His heart
blossomed and his body hungered for more. Suddenly, he wanted everything
Simon could dish out.
"Master," Jamie murmured and nudged his face into Simon's hand.
"Such a beautiful little love." Simon whispered and leaned down to
kiss Jamie's lips. Soft and gentle, it was as though Simon searched for
something more now. Jamie's question was answered when Simon leaned
back with a wide grin on his face. "Ready for more?"
Jamie nodded. "Yes, please."
Simon gazed at Jamie for a moment and nodded. He dropped his hand
from Jamie's face, walked around behind him, and trailed a hand across
Jamie's red ass, giving him a small swat before he walked to the wall.
Jamie watched him out of the corner of his eye when Simon pulled
something mysterious off a hook. His hands gripped the chains harder when
Simon walked over and stood in front of him.
Simon clipped the clamps onto Jamie's nipples. When he cried out,
Simon leaned forward and blew on them before reaching out with his tongue
to lick each little nub.
Simon straightened, gave a tug on each clamp, and nodded before he
walked behind Jamie again. "Remember your safe word, my little love." He
brought the paddle down across Jamie's ass.
Jamie cried out and thrust his hips forward to avoid the blows. For a
moment, he considered using the safe word. He liked to be spanked, but had
only experienced a hand on his ass before. But he wanted to put his faith in
Simon and in the new feelings the man had awakened in him. He held his
tongue and willed his body to settle down.
"That's good, my little love. Relax." Simon caressed his ass. "Relax
and just let it happen."
Another swat, then another and another. Jamie felt certain he wouldn't
be able to sit for days. Not only did the surface burn, but he felt the heat
deep inside his ass. Just when Jamie thought he couldn't take another swat,
Simon dropped the paddle and wrapped his arms around Jamie.
"So very beautiful." Simon whispered against his ear. "So perfect."
Simon's hard cock pressed against Jamie's burning ass through his jeans. He
brought his hands up and tugged at the clamps on Jamie's nipples, pulling on
them until Jamie groaned.
"I'm going to fuck you now, Jamie. Are you ready?"
Jamie nodded. Hell yes, he was ready. He felt Simon's massive cock
press against his ass. He wanted to feel it shoved into his ass; he ached for it.
Even knowing what was coming, he wasn't ready for it when Simon pulled
the plug from his hole. He couldn't hold back the small cry.
Strong hands lifted Jamie's hips up until his feet left the floor. He
marveled at the sheer strength of the man. Moments later, Simon's hard cock
sunk into him.
Jamie cried out again. Simon filled him completely, touching the very
depth and breadth of him internally. Simon began to thrust and Jamie's head
fell forward. His hands clenched the chains until his knuckles turned white.
"Oh God, faster," Jamie begged. Simon eagerly complied and
pounded into Jamie's eager body. Jamie drifted into a blissful state. Every
time Simon thrust forward, his body rubbed against Jamie's tender ass and
reminded him of the expert spanking he'd received.
Simon shifted his body and pegged Jamie's sweet spot. Thrusting hard
and deep, he hit Jamie's prostrate over and over until he was mindlessly
Jamie tilted his head back, screamed out his release and shot his
semen all over the floor. Simon continued to drive into him until Jamie's
body hummed with delight through his orgasm. He floated down from his
orgasmic high as Simon's body stiffened behind him. His lover roared his
release and filled his ass with hot semen. His hands tightened on Jamie's
sweaty, hot hips, crushing, and intensely powerful. It felt wonderful. His butt
cheeks still burned from the paddling and his ass burned from Simon's
massive cock deep inside him. Feeling like a pile of melted goo, Jamie
couldn't find words to describe his complete satisfaction.
While Jamie drifted in a blissful haze, Simon pulled his cock from his
ass and allowed Jamie's legs to meet the floor again. He removed the nipple
clamps, blew several hot breaths over them, and unbuckled the cuffs from
his wrists.
Simon caught Jamie before he fell to the floor and carried him into the
He ran a bath for him, lowered him into the blessed water and washed
him head to toe.
After the soothing bath, Simon carried him into the bedroom and laid
him on the bed, covering him up with a comforter. Jamie didn't have the
strength to lift his head when Simon left the room.
Simon returned moments later, climbed into bed beside him, and
pulled him into his arms. Jamie settled his head on Simon's chest with a
deep, satisfying sigh.
"You okay, my little love?"
"Yeah." Jamie managed to squeak out before a yawn overtook him.
"You go to sleep; I'll be here all night to watch over you." Simon
kissed the top of his head. "Tomorrow we'll discuss our living arrangements.
Now that I've had you, I don't plan to give you up."
Jamie smiled. "Yes, Master."
* * * * *
Valentine's Day
"Okay, I'm here," Jamie said, handing his jacket to Brandon.
"Well aren't you the chipper one." Brandon laughed. "Living with
Simon must agree with you."
Jamie nodded and a small laugh escaped his lips. "Living with Simon
is unbelievable. It was the best damn present I ever received. I can't
remember when I've been happier."
"You certainly seem happy." Brandon led Jamie to the couch and sat
down. "But it's only been a few weeks, how can you be sure?"
Jamie looked across the room. Simon was talking to Carl, but kept his
eyes on him. "I just know. He makes me happy. His entire world revolves
around me." Jamie chuckled. "And that's how it should be." He looked at
Brandon again. "He had me quit my job at the hospital. I work for him now
so I can be there all the time. He hates being away from me, even if he's at a
meeting or something."
"Doesn't it seem weird spending so much time with him?" Brandon
asked. "I mean, I love Carl but I wouldn't want to live in his back pocket
twenty-four hours a day. Isn't it just a bit strange?"
"Are you kidding? I love it. Between the long lunch breaks and
Simon's private meetings when he drags me into his office and throws me
over his desk, I'm in heaven."
"And he does that... thing you love?"
Jamie thought of the little private playroom he and Simon frequented.
"Oh yeah, he does that thing for me and then some."
"Okay." Brandon slapped a hand over Jamie's mouth. "I see you're
happy and that's all I want for you. I don't want to know the details." He
dropped his hand and looked into Jaime's eyes. "Seriously, though, I know
he's dominant and likes that submissive master stuff. Are you okay with
Jamie shrugged. "It was a little hard to get used to in the beginning,
but I like it now. If Simon doesn't discipline me for some infraction a few
times a week, I purposely get into trouble so he'll paddle my ass. He's
usually pretty good about making sure I don't go without."
Brandon's eyes widened. "You purposely get into trouble so he'll
paddle you?"
"If Carl promised to discipline you by sucking your cock every time
you did something he didn't like, wouldn't you get into trouble as often as
you could?" A smirk spread across Jamie's lips.
"Well, yeah, I guess," Brandon said. "But my kink is not nearly as
weird as yours."
"Bran, everyone has a kink; it's just different with each person. You
like blow jobs. I like spankings. Simon likes to be my master. I'm sure there
is something Carl likes you to do often. Just because what I like is different
than what you like doesn't make it weird."
Brandon fell silent for a moment and then nodded. "I guess I can see
that. I just don't want you to get hurt."
"I'm not, believe me. We have a safe word. If Simon does something I
don't like, I just say it and he stops immediately. He even bathes me
afterward and tucks me into bed. Don't worry, my friend, Simon takes very
good care of me."
"As long as he's good to you, that's what matters."
"He is," Jamie said, and thought about just how good Simon was to
him. He didn't want for a thing, not love, acceptance, or the occasional
spanking. Simon went out of his way to provide him with everything he
"So, tell me, how do you get yourself into trouble?"
Jamie felt his face flush. "It's easy."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Watch this, works every time." Jamie said. He cleared his throat then
An angry voice from across the room drew Jamie and Brandon's
gazes. Simon's stern glare bore down on them. "Jamison McDonald, what
did I tell you about swearing?"
Jamie looked at Brandon and his lips stretched into a wide smile.
"Told ya!"
~The End~


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