
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Astrology - II - Taurus, the Bull

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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual
Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations

Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most
occult of the planets "falls" in this sign, producing [401] the accentuation and
the sharp division between body and soul which is so marked a characteristic of the
Taurian subject. It prepares the inner man for the sharp interplay and conflict in the
next sign, Gemini. The presence, therefore, of the exalted Moon and the fallen Uranus
gives a marvelous picture of man's history during the stage of personality development and
power. The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive
response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is
achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness - substituting these
higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions. It is interesting to note that in
Scorpio, Uranus is exalted which gives indication of the success of the task which the
Uranian forces undertook. Achievement is attained.Mars is in detriment in this sign.
Its activity adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus but the potency of
the Taurian struggle is so great, esoterically speaking, that the effect of Mars is lost
in the larger whole. It "adds to the glamor and confusion and yet holds within
itself hope for the struggling man."
Constantly in this sign comes the emphasis upon struggle. It is a cosmic, planetary and
individual struggle, for desire-will underlies the manifested activities of the Logos, the
planetary Life and of man and also of all forms in nature. It is the struggle of that
which is deeply hidden in darkness to reach the light of day; it is the struggle of the
hidden soul to dominate and control the outer form, the struggle to transmute desire into
aspiration and aspiration into the will to achieve. It is the struggle to attain the goal
which an increasing light reveals. So potent is this struggle that on the ordinary wheel
it culminates (prior to the re-entry in Aries of the soul seeking incarnation) by the
fixed [402] desire, growing steadily stronger, to follow the wheel of rebirth; on the
reversed progress around the zodiac, the struggle is to overcome and destroy all that has
been so laboriously achieved upon the ordinary wheel and to demonstrate in Scorpio
(through the terrific tests there applied) that the form no longer controls but that the
lessons learnt through the use of the form have been retained; the struggle is to achieve
initiation in Capricorn and thus release the soul from the revolving wheel and achieve
final liberation from the thralldom of desire and from form control of any kind.
This is
curiously emphasized by the rulers of the decanates in this sign. Both the astrologers,
Leo and Sepharial, practically and to all intents and purposes, agree in their assignment
of planets to govern the triple aspects of the sign. They only vary exoterically on one
point for Sepharial gives the Moon as governing the second decan whilst Leo gives Venus as
ruling the first decan. However, Venus and the Moon are often used interchangeably and
both express or emanate the same basic energy of active intelligence in its higher and
lower aspects. One expresses intelligent love and the other the intelligence of matter;
this dual emphasis is concerned with the dominance of the form nature in the Taurian
subject and his release through the Venusian Son of Mind. The Moon or Venus, Mercury and
Saturn control the decanates and our consideration of these planets in the other signs
will have indicated to you their right interpretation, both here and elsewhere. Form life,
intelligent activity, and intense struggle summarizes the Taurian problem, whilst Mercury,
the Messenger of the Gods, reminds the struggling man that he must become ever what he
essentially is, thus escaping from illusion and entering into light.
Keynotes of this sign are, as usual, clear in their implications. [403] One states the
note of the form aspect,
struggle be undismayed."

The Word of
the form is to take, grasp and go courageously after that which is desired. The Word of
the Soul is,
"I see
and when the Eye is opened, all is light."

The eye of
the cosmic Bull of God is open and from it light pours radiantly forth upon the sons of
men. The eye of vision of the individual man must likewise open in response to this cosmic
light. Hence victory is inevitable for the potency of cosmic energy will unfailingly and
in time subdue and reorient the energy of humanity.

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