018 020

Bourne Shell Quick Reference Guide:

Table of Contents

Program Format:
Patterns in program can be associated with a statement to perform if an input line matches the pattern. The format is:

pattern { statement }

A missing pattern always matches, and a missing statement prints the current input line.


match before first input line

match after last input line

pattern1, pattern2, ..., patternn
match if pattern1, pattern2, or patternn match current input line

pattern1 && pattern2
match if pattern1 and pattern2 match current input line

pattern1 || pattern2
match if pattern1 or pattern2 match current input line

match if pattern does not match current input line

match if regular-expression matches current input line

match if relational-expression evaluates to true

Flow Control Statements:

exit from a for or while loop

execute next for or while loop

delete variable[expression]
delete element expression from array variable

do statement while (expression)
execute statement while expression is true

skip remaining input

for (expression1; expression2; expression3) statement
execute statement while expression2 is true; loop is usually initialized with expression1 and incremented with expression3

for (variable in array) statement
execute statement, setting variable to successive elements in array

if (expression) statement1 [ else statement2 ]
execute statement1 if expression is true, otherwise execute statement2

skip rest of the input line

return value of expression

execute command and return status

while (expression) statement
execute statement while expression is true

Input/Output Statements:

close file

set $0 to next input record; set NF, NR, FNR

set $0 to next input from file; set NF

getline var
set var to next input record; set NR, FNR

getline variable<file
set variable to next input record from file

command | getline
pipe output of command into getline

print current input record

print expression
print expression; multiple expressions must be separated with a ","

print expression>file
print expression to file; multiple expressions must be separated with a ","

printf format expression
print expression according to C-like format. Multiple expressions must be separated with a ",". Output can also be appended to file using >> or piped to a command using |.

printf format expression>file
print expression to file according to C-like format. Multiple expressions must be separated with a ",". Output can also be appended to file using >> or piped to a command using |.

Table of Contents


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