Millennium's End Identification Friend or Foe

An Assignment for
Millennium s End
A long-distance caller hires a BlackEagle cell to protect an unknowing teenager from a possible
death threat. The teen s father s work for the Colombian military makes him a target for retalia-
tion by FARC, the Colombian insurgency. The threat is real, but FARC s not the only one gun-
ning for the kid. The identity of the mysterious client may hold the key to unraveling this com-
plex, fast-paced assignment.
Adventure Designed and Written by Charles Ryan
This adventure originally appeared in White Wolf magazine in 1992. It has been reformatted for download but it is otherwise
unchanged from how it appeared in original publication. This document is being made available strictly for personal use. This
reformatted document has not been sanctioned, endorsed, or approved by Charles Ryan, Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.,
Hero Games, or White Wolf Magazine. No infringement on the copyrights of these individuals or entities is intended.
A long-distance caller hires a BlackEagle cell to protect an unknowing teen-
ager from a possible death threat. The teen s father s work for the Colom-
bian military makes him a target for retaliation by FARC, the Colombian
insurgency. The threat is real, but FARC s not the only one gunning for the
kid. The identity of the mysterious client may hold the key to unraveling this
complex, fast-paced assignment.
Raleigh is waiting for you as you enter the conference room. As always, the
Senior Cell Leader is casual and relaxed, his loafered feet propped on the
large table. But there s something missing: the client. Raleigh is alone in
the room.
 G day, chums, he says as you file in.  Glad you all could make it on
such short notice. As you sit down, he leans back and hits play on the CD
player behind him.  This is a recording of a phone conversation I had this
morning, he explains as he scans it forward a bit.
 Let me give you our situation, an unfamiliar voice begins. It sounds a
little fuzzy, as though recorded over a bad long-distance line.  We ve had
some threats made against our company recently. The callers threatened to
kill several of our employees, although they have only mentioned one by
name. I ve hired a BlackEagle cell here in Seattle to protect the individual
and his family, but his son is flying to Miami today to attend the National
Science Fair Exhibition. He ll be there for four days, and I d like you to keep
an eye on him. Neither the boy, nor his family know about the threats, and we
don t want to alarm them, so your people can t contact the boy directly. The
kid s name is Kevin Doggerty.
Raleigh s voice comes on.  Have you got any idea why these threats
were made? What did the caller say?
 Nothing specific, just that they would kill employees, starting with
Doggerty. I think  I think the caller was mad because Armitage makes
weapons systems for Colombia. I think the caller was from FARC.
 Well, I ll be honest with you. Protecting someone without his knowl-
Identification Friend or Foe page 2 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.
edge is a tricky proposition, and FARC has a pretty solid organization here in
Miami. I can t tell you whether or not we ll take the job until I talk with some
of the cells 
 Well, hopefully it s just a hoax, but we can t take chances. Are there
cells available?
 I ll forward a $10,000 retainer. If you take it, the job pays $50,000
total. Kevin s flight arrives there at 3:15. Call me if you take the job, and
leave a message if I m not in 
Raleigh pauses the recording.  The rest is just business, he says.  That
was a man named Simon Phillips of Armitage Software Systems in Seattle. I
talked to Bob Flemming at our office out there, and confirmed that the same
guy hired a cell to protect Ken Doggerty, the father. Phillips sent some hard
copy including a picture of the kid, his hotel, and flight information, and an
itinerary for this science fair thing. Looks like a straight shot, and the price is
right. You all up to it?
A couple of months ago, the system administrator at the FARC political of-
fice in Miami noticed some unaccounted-for activity on the office subnet. A
Eyes in the Sky
decent hacker herself, she managed over the course of several weeks to trace
the interloper to a GenNet account in Seattle belonging to a K. Doggerty.
In the summer of 1998, political opposi-
She informed her seniors, who investigated the account s owner. The infor-
tion to American activity in Colombia
mation accessed by the hacker was sensitive, and FARC was ready to exact
forced the discontinuation of most mili-
revenge on an apparent spy. But what the investigators learned about the
tary aid, including American AWACS
hacker soon changed their plans.
(Airborne Warning and Command Sys-
The account belonged to Ken Doggerty, a programmer with the software
tem) flights. The AWACS radar planes
company Armitage Systems. It was Armitage s software that coordinated
kept tabs on all air traffic in Colombia,
tracking and communication equipment aboard U.S. AWACS aircraft. It so preventing FARC from developing effec-
tive air combat or attack capability.
happened that two months earlier, Alberto Visconte, a corrupt official in the
FARC s air-defense systems were be-
Colombian Defense Ministry who frequently sold information to FARC, had
coming quite sophisticated in late 1998,
made an exceptional offer: he had arranged for a flaw to be written into the
and with the cessation of AWACS flights
system code for the two AWACS destined for Colombia. Essentially, the
FARC stepped up its use of ground at-
aircraft had a blind spot; if they received a particular IFF (Identification Friend
tack helicopters and even imported high-
or Foe) transponder code, they would ignore the signal, leaving the transmit-
end fighter/bombers. But in November,
ting aircraft off their radar screens. That aircraft could then travel without
the U.S. approved the Federal Colom-
being detected by the central element of the Colombian air defense system.
bian purchase of two U.S.-made AWACS
Although this blind spot would not give FARC aircraft total freedom, it might
planes. The aircraft were delivered in
let FARC fighters to get close enough to the AWACS planes to shoot them
March and the first began flying last
down. All that was needed were the IFF codes, which Visconte offered to week, with mixed Colombian and Ameri-
can crews. Results were immediate: two
provide for a price.
FARC airstrips were identified and de-
But Visconte balked at the last minute, afraid of being caught in a grow-
stroyed, and attack-helicopter flights all
ing Defense Ministry investigation. Now, however, FARC had an alternative
but ceased in contested areas. All of this
 a skilled hacker named Ken Doggerty who worked at the company that
information has been well covered in the
produced the faulty control software. Although FARC did not know who
international media and is pretty com-
rigged the blind spot, they figured that Doggerty could find out, so they made
mon knowledge among informed opera-
him an offer that he couldn t refuse: get them the IFF codes and all would be
tives. Feed this information to the play-
forgiven. They wouldn t even have to kill him, or his fifteen-year-old son.
ers surreptitiously, however, or well in
But the FARC investigators had made one mistake. Ken Doggerty wasn t
advance of running the adventure, be-
the hacker; it was Kevin, his son. And since the blackmail threat was sent
cause its impact on this assignment
electronically to the K. Doggerty address, it was Kevin, not his father who
should not be immediately obvious.
Identification Friend or Foe page 3 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.
read it.
FARC and the
Kevin is a bright kid, an experienced hacker with a long history of elec-
Colombian Civil War
tronic breaking and entering. FARC didn t scare him, and he sure wasn t
about to tell his dad what he had been up to. So he answered the threat,
Colombia has faced insurgency from
letting FARC think they were dealing with his father, and promised to deliver FARC and a number of other organi-
zations for almost three decades. But
if given some time. Kevin formulated a plan: he would find the IFF codes on
in 1995, FARC was absorbed by the
the Armitage subnet, then hand them over to FARC as promised. But he
Medellin Cartel and began to fight a
would also tip off the Federal Colombians while on a trip to Miami that he
well-financed conventional war. In
was about to make anyway. That way, the IFF codes wouldn t help FARC,
1999, FARC controls almost a third of
because the Colombians could fix the AWACS blind spot. But because the
Colombia. American aid to the Fed-
tip to the Federales would be secret and anonymous, FARC would never
eral government has been sporadic, as
know that it was his fault.
the political climate at home has not
The last communication he received from the FARC blackmailers put
favored military adventurism. But al-
everything on the line.  Mr. Doggerty, it read,  we are giving you four days
though FARC is worldwide considered
to come through for us. And don t worry about your son; we ll keep an eye
a criminal organization rather than a
on him in Miami. Kevin called the BlackEagle offices in Miami and Se- political insurgency, it is well financed,
and without outside support, the Fed-
attle, and using a speech processor to mask his youthful voice, hired cells to
eral forces may well lose all or most
covertly protect him and his father. Payment was provided by a number of
of Colombia.
corporate sponsors, thanks again to Kevin s hacking skills.
FARC has offices in a number of
But Kevin s skills are not perfect, and there is one thing he doesn t know.
countries, using them to maintain po-
A corrupt and paranoid programmer at Armitage, the very one who sabo-
litical liaisons, deal with the interna-
taged the AWACS code, noticed Kevin s activities on his account and real-
tional media, and purchase the arms
ized that his work had been discovered. Unlike the FARC investigators in
that keep it afloat. Despite American
Miami, he was able to discover Kevin s identity. Fearful of being caught, he
activity in Colombia, the FARC office
warned Visconte, giving him Kevin s name and telling him that Kevin was
in Miami is totally legal, although not
headed for Miami.
popular. FARC officials and employ-
Kevin s plan is to contact Federal Colombian officials shortly after he ees face threats and attacks on a
weekly basis, but they carry out their
arrives in Miami. He doesn t want to give the IFF codes to FARC until he
jobs nonetheless. There are fourteen
knows that the Federales have them. But he also doesn t want FARC to
employees at the FARC office.
suspect that he is double-crossing them; his life and that of his father, who
Questioning FARC officials will
has no idea that any of this is going on, hang in the balance. He s hired the
be fruitless; most of the office person-
operatives as a precaution, but he is assuming that FARC will be watching
nel know nothing about the Doggerty
him, so he doesn t want to be seen with the operatives.
affair, and those who do won t talk.
Kevin is right, but that doesn t mean he is safe. Visconte has hired a
The GM will have to field any attempt
couple of cocaine cowboys to kill Kevin in Miami. He doesn t know that
to infiltrate the office, keeping in mind
Kevin is planning to give the codes to both sides, but he does know that he is
that that the security is quite good.
facing the death sentence should he be caught, and Kevin holds the key.
Hacking the office subnet is another
story, however. FARC s GenNet ad-
dress is in the directory, and a Com-
puter Ops/Security roll at -30 will get
a hacker past the mailbox and into the
If the operatives take the assignment, they ll only have a few hours before
subnet s restricted areas. With enough
Kevin s flight arrives. Raleigh will call Phillips, leaving a voice-mail mes-
searching  use a Computer Ops/Civil
sage that the job is a go. Any preparations the operatives care to make before
Systems roll to see how long it takes 
Kevin s arrival will have to be made quickly.
the operatives will find a file contain-
Throughout most of the events outlined below, one or more groups will
ing all of the blackmail correspon-
be watching Kevin. All of these watchers  the operatives, FARC s thugs,
dence sent to the K. Doggerty account.
Visconte s assassins, and the Colombian government representative  will be
More information on FARC and
undercover most of the time. Unless otherwise noted, follow this procedure
the Colombian civil war can be found
for every scene:
in the Millennium s End rulebook and
Have each player involved make a Hiding/Shadowing roll, modified to the 1999 Datasource (also see the Mi-
ami Sourcebook and The Medellin
the conditions at the scene. If anyone fails, make a Perception roll for each
group of NPCs also in the area. If that roll is made, the NPCs have noticed
one or all of the operatives and may change their behavior to observe them or
Identification Friend or Foe page 4 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.
stay out of the way. Once that is decided, have the players make a Perception
roll, at a base -20 if they aren t deliberately looking or a +20 if they are, plus
any other modifiers that apply. If they succeed, they notice one or more of
the NPCs in the area.
If the FARC thugs become aware of the operatives, they will hang back a
bit to try to learn who they are and why they, too, are watching Kevin. This
will make them harder to notice; change the operatives Perception modifi-
ers to -30 and +10. On the other hand, the FARC men s distance from their
target will make them easier to derail or steer away from Kevin.
Kevin s flight arrives on time. He s easy to identify walking down the ramp
 a tall, lanky kid with unkempt hair, a pimply face and a laptop. Any opera-
tives at the airport should make their Perception and Hiding rolls described
The National Science Fair
above; Vasquez, a FARC man, is present as well. Kevin will notice anyone
who fails the Hiding roll by more than 20. He will try not to react since he s
The National Science Fair is the culmi-
not supposed to know they are there, but an additional Perception roll will
nation of a nationwide high-school sci-
tell the operatives that Kevin has spotted them.
ence competition. Hundreds of teenag-
Kevin collects his suitcases and a large trunk from the baggage carousel,
ers from around the country have come
then takes a taxi to his hotel  the Regal, in Miami Beach s Art Deco district.
to display their award-winning science
While he doesn t act with the ease of a seasoned world traveler, he handles
projects. The fair is being held in the
himself pretty well for a fifteen-year-old traveling on his own. Once checked
Miami Beach Exhibition Center, about
in, he retires to his third-floor room for a couple of hours. Operatives suc-
two blocks from the Regal Hotel, and
cessfully making their Perception rolls will notice two men (the FARC thugs)
includes displays on cutting-edge tech-
watching the hotel from the lobby, Collins Park, or across Collins Avenue.
nology and seminars by several impor-
One of them, Vasquez, might be recognized from the airport.
tant scientists as well as about 200 stu-
About 6:00 in the evening, Kevin comes downstairs to have dinner in the dent science projects.
Kevin s project has to do with ho-
hotel restaurant. About halfway through his meal, he gets up and places a
lographic data-storage. It s an impres-
brief call from the phone booth in the lobby. Watchers making a successful
sive display, with a computer and home-
Perception roll will notice that he pulls some sort of object out of his pocket
made holographic drive among other
and seems to be holding it near his mouth as he speaks. Operatives getting
things, and it actually contributes a few
close enough may see that it is an electronic device about the size of a mini-
new ideas to the field, although no break-
cassette recorder, but if Kevin notices anyone watching him, he ll turn his
throughs (Engineering/Electrical at  20
back and hastily conclude. Once finished with the call, Kevin returns to his
to accurately assess the importance of
dinner, then heads upstairs for an exciting evening of cable TV. One of the
Kevin s work). The operatives may be
FARC thugs stays in the vicinity of the hotel all night.
tempted to believe that the various watch-
Kevin s call was to the Colombian consulate in Miami, made from a pay
ers and assassins are after Kevin s sci-
phone for fear that his home or even hotel room might be bugged. He in- entific discoveries. Let them.
formed the consulate desk officer that he has important information concern- The operatives were given a copy
of the Science Fair brochure and itiner-
ing Colombian air defenses, and told him about the drop he plans for the next
ary. Here is an abbreviated version:
day. He didn t leave his name.
Friday: 14:00-19:00 exhibitor set up
Saturday: 08:00-10:00 exhibitor set up
The operatives will know from the Science Fair itinerary that things don t
10:00-18:00 public display,
really start until Saturday, although exhibitors can set up Friday afternoon. talks, and seminars
Kevin doesn t get himself out of bed until almost noon. He then plays around
Sunday: 10:00-16:00 public display
on one of his computers for a while before taking a shower. At around 1:00,
13:00-14:00 finalist
he sets out from the hotel in search of lunch, with Vasquez and LaPas in tow.
About two blocks from the hotel Visconte s assassins go for Kevin. A
14:30-15:00 awards
man and a woman in a red Ferrari convertible pull suddenly out of a side- presentations
street, cutting across the busy Collins Avenue traffic and squealing to a halt 16:00-18:00 tear-down
Identification Friend or Foe page 5 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.
alongside Kevin. The man stands in the passenger seat and levels a pistol at
Background Checks:
the astonished teenager, squeezing off four quick shots. But the car s sudden
Kevin, Ken, and Armitage
stop throws him off balance, and all four shots miss their mark. Kevin turns
and ducks quickly into the shop behind him.
At some point in the adventure, the op-
What happens next depends on the operatives actions; the equally sur- eratives are probably going to want to
do some background checking on Kevin,
prised FARC men will make no move. With no intervention, Lawry will hop
his father, or Armitage, their apparent
out of the car and pursue Kevin through the shop, out a side door, and down
client. The best way to deal with such
to the beach, where he will kill him, then be picked up by his partner. If the
an eventuality will depend on how the
operatives hesitate but pursue, Glitter will fire upon them. She and Lawry
operatives go about their checks.
will then try to break it off and escape. If the operatives act before Lawry can
If the operatives attempt to contact
start after Kevin, the assassins will simply drive away, with a few parting
Armitage through the number that Kevin
shots. Whatever the case, Lawry and Glitter will not press a fight in the face
(posing as Phillips) left, they will reach
of powerful resistance, and the GM should endeavor to keep one or both
Kevin s computer phone mail system,
alive for the final scene.
which will identify itself as Armitage and
If the operatives do not recover Kevin, he will return to the hotel in a
request that they leave a message. The
couple of hours, conspicuously cautious. He will flash a knowing and re- next time Kevin checks his mail, he will
return the operative s call using his voice
lieved look at any BlackEagle operative he recognizes, and then head up-
processor, posing as Phillips, and an-
stairs. But if approached by the operatives at any time, he will keep up the
swering questions as best he can while
pretense of innocence, trying to disassociate himself from direct contact that
maintaining his ruse. Operatives speak-
might be observed by FARC.
ing with him may make a Perception (if
At about 4:00, Kevin collects a hotel porter to give him a hand with his
they do not suspect) or Diplomacy/Pry-
gear, and starts out on the two-block walk to the Exhibition Center. Before
ing (if they do) roll to notice that some-
leaving the hotel, he glances about to insure his covert security team is on
thing about Phillips and his story is not
hand, which any operative making a Perception roll will notice. Once he gets
right. If the operatives try to reach
to the center, Kevin checks in at the crowded registration desk, gets a cart on
Phillips by calling Armitage direct, they
which to pile his gear, and releases the hotel porter. He heads off into the
will be told he is out of town on busi-
hall, moseying along between displays, most of which are almost assembled. ness; the real Phillips actually is. No-
body else knows anything about death
He pauses frequently to look, occasionally talking to the other exhibitors
threats or BlackEagle assignments.
about their projects. At one table he has a lengthy discussion, talking for
Operatives looking into Kevin s fa-
almost fifteen minutes and showing off quite a bit of his own work before
ther will learn that Ken Doggerty is a
moving on. While all this is going on, a careful observer will notice that not
mid-level programmer and Kevin s only
only are LaPas and Vasquez nearby, but there is also another mysterious His-
immediate family. He makes $64,000 a
panic man loitering in the vicinity (Perception at -10).
year and owns the small house he and
As Kevin pulls away, a strange incident occurs. The kid to whom was
Kevin live in. He was not involved in
talking holds up a manila envelope, calling out,  Hey! You forgot some-
the AWACS system software project.
thing! Kevin seems to ignore him, but the mysterious Latin man steps for-
Contacting Doggerty will only alarm
ward, mumbles something, takes the envelope, and walks quickly away. How him; he knows nothing about any of what
much of this the operatives take in depends on the result of yet another Per- is going on. If the operatives let him
know that his son is in danger, he will
ception roll, modified for the operatives point of view. Kevin moves on to
head for Miami posthaste.
his table and begins nervously setting up his display; he will deny any knowl-
There s not a lot available on Kevin.
edge of the envelope if asked. The mysterious man heads out through the
Although he s bright, Kevin s grades are
lobby and towards Collins Avenue. LaPas follows him.
average. He has few extra-curricular in-
After setting up for a couple of hours, Kevin heads back to the hotel.
volvements and no police record. An
The entire time, he keeps glancing around every few minutes, just to make
operative making a Computer Ops/Net-
sure his protectors are still around. He doesn t interact with anyone else at
working roll may find the K. Doggerty
the Exhibition Center, and eats dinner in his room when he gets back to the
account  and may, like FARC, assume
it belongs to his dad, although another
Computer Ops/Networking roll at -20
will reveal that all transactions with that
account are being forwarded to Kevin s
The incident at the exhibition hall was a rather amateurish drop attempt. The
hotel room. A Computer Ops/Security
manila envelope, which wasn t supposed to be noticed by the other kid, con- (con t. next page)
tained the IFF codes and information on the corrupted AWACS software for
Identification Friend or Foe page 6 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.
the Colombians. The man who picked it up was Major Fernando Marquez, a (from prev. page)
roll at -50 will get a hacker onto Kevin s
consular official. From the Exhibition Center, Marquez headed for his car,
system; from there the operative can find
not pausing to read the envelope s contents. But Kevin s bungle, a result of
several dozen gigabytes worth of fasci-
watching too many bad spy movies, tipped FARC to his attempts to double-
nating material, including all of the cor-
cross them, and Marquez was intercepted. Only the intervention of his driver/
respondence with FARC, the IFF codes
bodyguard saved his life, and the envelope was lost; stage this scene if the
and AWACS information, the records of
operatives follow Marquez. Now FARC thinks that Ken Doggerty is using
the account transfers by which the op-
his son to double-cross them, and, with the codes in hand, they re ready to
eratives were paid, and evidence of un-
carry out their threat. Meanwhile, Marquez still doesn t have the codes, or
related hacking.
even really know what this is all about. He does, however, know what Kevin
looks like and where to find him.
Shortly after Kevin arrives at the Exhibition Center Saturday morning,
Marquez approaches him. Kevin, not wanting to be seen with this man,
reacts desperately, but does not run. If the operatives don t intervene, Marquez
The Regal
will calm Kevin, explaining his loss of the envelope. If they do get in his
way, he will assume they are Kevin s bodyguards and impress upon them the
The northernmost building in Miami
importance of his speaking with Kevin, without giving details.
Beach s historic Art Deco district, the
This situation is ripe with possibility, especially if the operatives are on
Regal is a small but luxurious hotel that
edge. But Marquez is persuasive, and despite some tension, should be able
still retains much of its 1930s splendor.
to get through without anybody drawing a weapon. At this point Kevin s
The Art Deco district was revitalized in
involvement in more than the science fair will become unavoidably obvious.
the early eighties, and most of the hotels
When Kevin hears that FARC knows he tried to pass the codes, any attempt
were restored. But the depression and
at a ruse will be superfluous. He and Marquez agree to head back to the hotel
malaise of the nineties have taken their
to get the codes from Kevin s laptop; his computer at the exhibition center is
toll, and many have fallen into disrepair
not on the net. The FARC men are nowhere to be seen, and Marquez urges again. But the Regal, sitting on the beach
only two blocks from the Exhibition
speed. Kevin orders the operatives to ride shotgun.
Center, does good business year round
Nothing happens on the way to the hotel. The FARC thugs are in Kevin s
and remains in pretty good shape. The
room, stealing his computer. As the operatives enter the hotel lobby, they run
seven-story hotel has ninety-two rooms
point blank into the thugs coming out of the elevator (or a stairwell, if the
and suites.
operatives come in by a rear entrance) with Kevin s laptop in hand. The
Kevin s room is 312, near the beach
FARC men won t hesitate; their job is to retrieve and conceal the codes, and
end of the L-shaped building and facing
if possible, kill Kevin. Doing both in a busy hotel lobby doesn t bother them
into its courtyard and pool. It s a simple
at all.
room, with a queen-size bed and the typi-
Once the firefight is over, Kevin plugs his laptop into the GenNet jack at
cal assortment of hotel-room furniture,
the registration desk and sends the codes to Marquez s account at the consu- all in the art deco style. When Kevin
late. This break in the action may lull the players into thinking the assign- arrives, one of the first things he does is
plug his laptop into the GenNet jack, so
ment is over. In the few moments before the police arrive, Kevin will answer
any correspondence addressed to the K.
as best he can any questions they have about his role in the events or about
Doggerty account goes there. His com-
the identity of Marquez and the FARC men. Marquez doesn t really know
puter, and the account, will be up for the
what s going on either, so he asks,  If you didn t sabotage the software, and
length of his stay in Miami.
FARC didn t either, someone else must be involved. Why haven t we heard
There are additional rooms available
from them?
at the Regal. The closest to Kevin s are
Just then Lowry and Glitter screech to a halt in front of the hotel firing at
313 (a two-room suite) and 302. Nei-
Kevin through the glass of the lobby doors with automatic weapons. Both
ther of the rooms directly above or be-
hop out of the car to pursue their target through the hotel. They are used to
low are free, but there are rooms on most
drive-by shootings and don t have much grasp of more sophisticated tactics, of the other floors. Use the Small Hotel
but unless the operatives posted a lookout, they should have the advantage of on pages 66 and 67 of the GMs Com-
panion for floorplans of the Regal Ho-
surprise. This time, they will press the fight, not quitting until they or Kevin
are dead.
Identification Friend or Foe page 7 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.
The fight with Visconte s assassins shouldn t take long, and the police, al-
ready called after the first firefight, will arrive within a minute. The opera-
tives and Kevin won t be charged unless bystander casualties were heavy,
but police business and the press will keep them busy for several hours.
Marquez has diplomatic immunity and enough connections to keep his in-
volvement out of the public eye.
Kevin will leave Sunday morning, not bothering to stay through the sci-
ence fair judging. The shootings, a minor footnote in Miami s violent in-
volvement in the Colombian war, won t even make the national news. The
contract will be paid in full within a week, and FARC will leave Kevin and
his father alone, for the time being.
Kevin Doggerty
Kevin is a precocious teenager; a brilliant hacker, a budding electrical engi-
neer, and a skilled conniver. Unfortunately, his opinion of his skills exceeds
The Miami Beach
even their actual level. This arrogance has won him few friends at school,
Convention Center
but has never gotten him into this sort of trouble before. Kevin sees the
operatives as little more than hired thugs  his hired thugs, countering those
Miami Beach has an enormous Exhibi-
sent after him by FARC. This attitude will become apparent if the operatives tion and Convention Center, located just
on the edge of the Art Deco district and
interact with him for any length of time. Attitude aside, Kevin will stick to
only a couple of blocks from the beach.
his innocence story up to the last minute, claiming that he knows nothing
The expansive, post-modern building has
about the attackers or the operatives.
well over a million square feet of exhi-
Kevin is a tall but thin young man with an unkempt look and a propensity
bition space, of which the National Sci-
for faded T-shirts. He is not strong, but fairly agile and a quick thinker.
ence Fair is using about a quarter. The
rest of the center is unoccupied during
Kevin Doggerty
this adventure.
15 year-old male, 185cm, 60kg, Blonde hair, brown eyes, light skin.
The Science Fair occupies the east-
Int 83 Sen 30 Acting 42 46
ern and northern lobbies, several adjoin-
Agl 52 Cor 48 Con 21 67
ing conference rooms, and a single huge
Con 41 Str 38 Computer Ops 62 70
exhibition floor. Only the eastern lobby
Per 34 App 40 Networks 31 101
entrances are open; the northern lobby
Bra 70 Wil 62 Security 28 98
Diplomacy 44 49
doors are locked, as the lobby space is
Perception 34 Lying 22 71
being used for high-technology displays.
Base Speed 16 Unarmed H-t-H 20 25
Armed guards are present in both lobby
Damage Rating 2 Dodge 10 35
spaces and at the entrances to the main
Mass Factor 1.1 Punch 8 33
exhibition floor.
Weapon Roll DF/DD Dam. Type
Floorplans for the Convention Cen-
Punch 33 2 Impact
ter can be found online at:
FARC Goons
Kevin is watched throughout most of this adventure by Marco Vasquez and
Eduardo LaPas, employees of the FARC political office in Miami. Vasquez
and LaPas have been ordered to keep tabs on Kevin and kill him if given the
word. They are both skilled in physical surveillance and the ways of the gun,
and have no compunction about offing Kevin or anyone else who gets in the
way. Nevertheless, at least at the start of the assignment they don t suspect
Kevin at all, and have no clue who the operatives are or why they too would
be after the kid. They communicate with each other and the FARC office by
mobile phone. Both will avoid confrontations with the operatives, and resist
Identification Friend or Foe page 8 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.
questioning if cornered.
Vasquez is a tall man with a long, somber face, dark hair, and a mous-
tache. LaPas is built like a fireplug, with close-cropped dark hair and a pug
nose. As if unable to shield their drug-lord-hit-men image, they both wear
dark suits, ties, and sunglasses.
Marco Vasquez
32 year-old male, 187cm, 78kg, Black hair and moustache, brown eyes, tan skin.
Int 38 Sen 52 Aim 44 49
Agl 48 Cor 50 Autofire 19 68
Con 44 Str 54 Smallarm 22 71
Per 36 App 46 Hiding 48 53
Bra 52 Wil 52 Shadowing 24 77
Unarmed H-t-H 34 39
Perception 49 Dodge 10 49
Base Speed 15 Punch 16 55
Damage Rating 3
Mass Factor 0.9
Carries a MAC M11 (32 rnds hollowpoint) and an extra magazine. Wears a Class II+
concealable ballistic vest.
Weapon Roll DF/DD Dam. Type
M11 88 18 Hyd. Shock
(auto) 85 18 Hyd. Shock
Punch 55 3 Impact
Eduardo LaPas
27 year-old male, 168cm, 95kg, Black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
Int 48 Sen 44 Aim 40 45
Agl 54 Cor 42 Autofire 10 55
Con 62 Str 68 Smallarm 20 65
Per 56 App 40 Hiding 42 46
Bra 40 Wil 50 Shadowing 21 67
Unarmed H-t-H 60 66
Perception 45 Dodge 25 91
Base Speed 16 Grapple 20 86
Damage Rating 4 Punch 30 96
Mass Factor 0.8 Drive 48 53
Auto 24 77
Carries a Beretta 93R (20 rnds hollowpoint) and two extra magazines. Wears a
Class II+ concealable ballistic vest.
Weapon Roll DF/DD Dam. Type
Beretta 93R 82 20 Hyd. Shock
(auto) 72 20 Hyd. Shock
Punch 96 4 Impact
Visconte s Assassins
Martin Lawry and Chick Glitter are a pair of cocaine cowboys hired by
Visconte to kill Kevin. Local drug runners, Lawry and Glitter are a flashy
pair who like to show off their ill-gotten gains, strutting along the trendy
streets of Miami and Miami Beach in expensive clothes, jewelry and a bright
red Ferrari 348. They are never far from their guns, which come out at the
drop of a hat. But the pair are more smoke than substance and won t hang
around for a sustained firefight. If captured, they will talk, but know nothing
about why they were hired. Their employer is in Colombia; they were con-
tacted by phone.
Lawry is a handsome young man with tan skin and light brown hair.
Glitter is a striking blonde who wears a lot of leather. Neither goes anywhere
Identification Friend or Foe page 9 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.
without the other, a weapon, a lot of glitz, and an attitude. Not surprisingly,
they have a reputation in Miami s underworld  one that might make them
familiar to the operatives  and information on them is easy to come by.
They are highly mobile, however, and hard to track down. More information
on Lawry and Glitter can be found on pages 120-121 of the GMs Compan-
Martin Lawry
24 year-old male, 182cm, 74kg, Dark blonde hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
Int 46 Sen 54 Aim 38 44
Agl 62 Cor 50 Autofire 16 60
Con 48 Str 52 Longarm 15 59
Per 46 App 62 Smallarm 17 61
Bra 52 Wil 48 Kata 32 38
Karate 16 54
Perception 49 Unarmed H-t-H 52 57
Base Speed 20 Dodge 20 77
Damage Rating 3 Punch 26 83
Mass Factor 1.0
Carries a Beretta 84F (13 rnds hollowpoint) and two extra magazines and/or an
AKM (30 rnds ball) and an extra magazine. Wears a Class II+ concealable ballistic
Weapon Roll DF/DD Dam. Type
Beretta 84F 76 18 Hyd. Shock
AKM 85 19 Hyd. Shock
(auto) 86 19 Hyd. Shock
Punch 83 3 Impact
Chick Glitter
25 year-old female, 163cm, 52kg, Blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin.
Int 40 Sen 48 Aim 56 61
Agl 51 Cor 50 Autofire 28 89
Con 47 Str 41 Smallarm 20 81
Per 52 App 72 Drive 52 57
Bra 60 Wil 42 Auto 26 83
Perception 42
Base Speed 16
Damage Rating 3
Mass Factor 1.3
Carries a Mini-Uzi (20 rnds ball) and three extra magazines. Drives a Ferrari
348tb custom convertible.
Weapon Roll DF/DD Dam. Type
Mini-Uzi 100 17 Hyd. Shock
(auto) 108 17 Hyd. Shock
Fernando Marquez
Major Fernando Marquez is the Federal Colombian military liaison in Mi-
ami. Since he is a coordinator for special and covert operations in the Co-
lombian civil war, the operatives may well have met him before, or at least
heard about him around the office. Marquez has been part of the Defense
Ministry investigation that frightened Visconte, so when a mysterious caller
offered information on air defense leaks, he jumped at the opportunity. A
solid character, Marquez will be willing to help protect Kevin and work with
the operatives, so long as he gets his information.
Marquez is a short, handsome man with black hair and a small mous-
Identification Friend or Foe page 10 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.
tache. He is friendly and easy-going, and a skilled combatant. More infor-
mation on Marquez and his activities can be found in the 1999 Datasource.
Fernando Marquez
36 year-old male, 170cm, 70kg, Black hair and moustache, brown eyes, tan skin.
Int 55 Sen 55 Aim 44 49
Agl 47 Cor 62 Smallarm 15 64
Con 55 Str 41 Diplomacy 50 56
Per 52 App 43 Coercion 25 81
Bra 63 Wil 66 Lying 20 76
Unarmed H-t-H 36 41
Perception 46 Dodge 14 55
Base Speed 15 Punch 18 59
Damage Rating 3
Mass Factor 1.0
Carries a Browning Hi-Power (13 rnds hollowpoint) and an extra magazine. Wears a
Class II ballistic raincoat.
Weapon Roll DF/DD Dam. Type
Hi-Power 86 20 Hyd. Shock
Punch 59 3 Impact
Identification Friend or Foe page 11 of 11 © 1992 Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.


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