Untitled Document



Invisible Mode?
Selecting yes will allow you not to appear in the 'Logged In Users' list.


Automatically login when you return to the site? (uses cookies)


Hide Email Address?
Clicking yes hides your email address in your public profile, so that it is not accessible by other members.


Disable Private Messaging?
Disallows other members to send Private Messages to your internal mailbox.


Hide your profile from public view?
Selecting yes will not allow anyone to view your personal profile, except admin.


Hide your gallery from public view?
Selecting yes will not allow anyone to view your personal gallery, except admin.


Email Notification

Email-notify when you make changes to your profile?

Email-notify when your ads expired?

Email-notify when someone replies to your ads?

Email-notify when someone sends you a private message?

Ads browsing options

Show sub-categories that have no ads?

Default ads view:

Default ads per page:
Number of ads that are shown on one page.


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member sendmail
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community member user
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