List of Phobias


Acerophobia Sourness
Acrophobia Heights
Agoraphobia Open spaces
Aichurophobia Points
Ailourophobia Cats
Akousticophobia Sound
Algophobia Pain
Altophobia Heights
Amathophobia Dust
Ancraophobia wind
Androphobia Men
Anginophobia Narrowness
Anglophobia England or things English
Anthropophobia Human beings
Antlophobia Flood
Apeirophobia Infinity
Apiphobia Bees
Arachnophobia Spiders
Asthenophobia weakness
Astraphobia Lightning
Atelophobia Imperfection
Atephobla Ruin
Aulophobia Flutes
Auroraphobia Auroral lights
Bacillophobia Microbes
Barophobla Gravity
Bathophobia Depth
Batophobia Walking
Batrachophobia Reptiles
Belonephobia Needles
Bibliophobia Books
Blennophobia Slime
Brontophobia Thunder
Carcinophobia Cancer
Cardiophobia Heart condition
Chaetophobia Hair
Cheimatophobia Cold
Cherophobia Cheerfulness
Chionophobia Snow
Chrometophobia Money
Chromophobia colour
Chronophobia Duration
Claustrophobia Enclosed spaces
Clinophobia Going to bed
Cnidophobia Stings
Coprophobia Faeces
Cryophobia ice,frost
Crystallophobia Crystals
Cymophobia Seaswell
Cynophobia Dogs
Demonophobia Demons
Demophobia Crowds
Dendrophobia Trees
Dermatophobia Skin
Dikephobia Justice
Doraphobia Fur
Dromophobia Crossing streets
Eisoptrophobia Mirrors
Elektrophobia Electricity
Eleutherophobia Freedom
Enetephobia Pins
Entomophobia Insects
Eosophobia Dawn
Eremitophobia Solitude
Ergophobia work
Erythrophobia Blushing
Gallophobia France or things French
Gametophobia Marriage
Germanophobia Germany or things German
Geumatophobia Taste
Graphophobia Writing
Gymnophobia Nudity
Gynophobia women
Hadephobia Hell
Haematophobia Blood
Haptophobia Touch
Harpaxophobia Robbers
Hedonophobia Pleasure
Hippophobia Horses
Hodophobia Travel
Homichlophobia Fog
Homophobia Homosexuals
Hormephobia Shock
Hyalinopygophobia Glass Bottoms
Hydrophobia water
Hygrophobia Dampness
Hypegiaphobia Responsibility
hypnophobia Sleep
Hypsophobia High place
Ideophobia Ideas
Kakorraphiaphobia Failure
Katagelophobia Ridicule
Kenophobia Void
Kleptophobia Stealing
Koniphobia Dust
Kopophobia Fatigue
Kyphophobia Stooping
Lalophobia Speech
Limnophobia Lakes
Linonophobia String
Logophobia Words
Lyssophobia Insanity
Maniaphobia Insanity
Mastigophobia Flogging
Mechanophobia Machinery
Metallophobia Metals
Meteorophobia Meteors
Monophobia One thing
Musicophobia Music
Musophobia Mice
Mysophobia Dirt
Myxophobia Slime
Necrophobia Corpses
Negrophobia Negroes
Nelophobia Glass
Neophobia New
Nephophobia Clouds
Nosophobia Disease
Nyctophobia Darkness
Ochlophobia Crowds
Ochophobia Vehicles
Odontophobia Teeth
Oikophobia Home
Olfactophobia Smell
Ommataphobia Eyes
Oneirophobia Dreams
Ophiophobia Snakes
Ornithophobia Birds
Ouranophobia Heaven
Panphobia everything
Pantophobia everything
Parthenophobia Young girls
Pathophobia Disease
Patroiophobia Heredity
Peccatophobia Sinning
Pediculophobia Lice
Peniaphobia Poverty
Phagophobia Swallowing
Pharmacoplmbia Drugs
Phasmophobia Ghosts
Phobophobia Fears
Phonophobia Speaking aloud
Photophobia Strong light
Phronemophobia Thinking
Phyllophobia Leaves
Pnigerophobia Smothering
Pogonophobia Beards
Poinephobia Punishment
Polyphobia Many things
Potophobia Drink
Pteronophobia Feathers
Pyrophobia Fire
Russophobia Russia or things Russian
Rypophobia Soiling
Satanophobia satan
Sciophobia Shadows
Selaphobia Flashes
Siderodromophobia Travelling by train
Siderophobia stars
Sinophobia China or things Chinese
Sitophobia Food
Spermatophobia Germs
Spermophobia Germs
Stasophobia standing
Stygiophobia Hell
Syphilophobia Syphilis
Tachophobia Speed
Tremophobia Trembling
Taphophobia Burial alive
Teratophobia Monsters
Terdekaphobia Number thirteen
Thaasophobia Sitting idle
Thalassophobia Sea
Thanatophobia Death
Theophobia God
Thermophobia Heat
Thixophobia Touching
Tocophobia Childbirth
Toxiphobia Poison
Trypanophobia Inoculations, injections
Traumatophobia Wounds, injury
Xenophobia Foreigners
Zoophobia Animals


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