The Dragon Cry Periodical 03

©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
The Sidhe
Created by
Fae Race of Legend
John C. Walborn
The Le Games
Against the Shadow
Artifacts and Abilities of Good
Cover Art by
Killer Maps
John C. Walborn
Kingdom of Kaligard
Sandro Boticelli
Interview with a PC
Saint Patrick Speaks
Interior Art by
John C. Walborn
Freelancer Spotlight
Mad Elf Enterprises
The Art of Calvin Camp
Mongoose Publishing
Product Spotlights
Articles by
The cover of this product features a fine piece of
John C. Walborn
artwork called Calumny of Apelles by Sandro
Boticelli. This artwork is believed to be public domain.
The Le Games
Politically Incorrect Games
Sacred Wolf Inc
" Some artwork copyright Calvin W. Camp and Mad Elf Enterprises, used with permission.
" Additional artwork by Jason Walton / LPJ Designs, used by permission.
This publication is free only through the generosity of our advertisers. If you re interested
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All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
The Sidhe
Fae Race of Legend
by Politically Incorrect Games and Sacred Wolf Inc
into the landscape, and difficult to spot. The entrances to the mounds are
protected by magic, so that they will only be revealed to those whom the
sidhe wish to see them. The mounds lead into deep underground
The Sidhe
caverns that are shaped from the earth**. Most of the sidhe communities
are formed in sets of circular tunnels and round rooms, which are
The sidhe (pronounced  shay ) are similar to the elves. In
seldom larger than 100 feet in diameter. The
appearance, they are like thin humans with golden
overall diameters of the communities are usually
hair, green eyes, and pale skin that seems to glow.
less than 2000 feet. There are no doors in sidhe
Their demeanor is calm and friendly, and they are
communities. The rooms are illuminated by small
slow to anger. They are generous to friends, and
spheres that cast a magical light, about the
merciless to enemies. They are patient, especially
strength of dim sunlight. Sidhe are immortal, but
when settling old scores. They do not strike out at
they may succumb to disease, poison, or fatal
someone who has crossed them, but instead will
damage. They mature until the age of 20 or 30,
deal small blows to that person, slowly taking
when physical ageing stops.
away the reputation, family, and fortune. It takes
years for the sidhe to destroy someone that has
The few sidhe who go into the mortal world are
brought them to anger, and it is a complete
often mistaken for civilized elves or beautiful
humans. There are many reasons for the sidhe to
enter the mortal world, but the most common is
As a whole, the sidhe are peaceful. They view
to aid a hero.
all things as interconnected and equal, with no
thing more important or more valuable as any
Note for Iron Gauntlets: Sidhe have a natural
other. They enjoy music, and magic* for the
attraction to magic. They begin the game with 1 level
possibilities that it contains. They do not use magic
in either the Totem or the Crafting ability (player s
in an off hand or reactionary manner. They use it
choice). The player may assign 1 point to any crafting-
carefully, and will deliberate to ensure that it is the
based skill during character creation, but may not
wisest action. They will only use magic quickly
increase in any crafting-based skill ithout the Wizard
when there is no other choice.
vocation. Sidhe possess the Tribesman background,
and the Frail and Vulnerability (Poison) gimmicks.
The sidhe are craftsmen, and build powerful items imbued with
magic. These items are rare, and are only seen outside of the sidhe
* The d20 System sidhe use natural (elemental) magic. See  Spells
mounds if they have been given as a gift. The sidhe will only offer their
after the stats for more information.
magic to heroes who have proven their friendship to the sidhe.
** The entrances to the mounds are gates into quasi-planes in the d20
Sidhe live in fertile plains and hills. They build mounds that blend
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
The Sidhe
Fae Race of Legend
Special Attacks: Spells, fascinate
Sidhe (d20 System)
Special Qualities: Spell Resistance 14 plus Hit Dice,  2 save v disease,
poison; immortal
(Medium Fey)
Hit Dice: 2d6 (6 hp)
" Fascinate: Once per round, a sidhe may attempt to fascinate one
Initiative: +1 Dex
creature. The creature must make a Will save (DC 16) or become
Speed: 30 feet
entranced and unable to act for 1d4+6 rounds. The creature will
AC: 11 (+1 Dex)
have no memory of the time, or what it was fascinated with.
Attacks:  1 melee (by weapon) or +1 ranged (by weapon)
" Spell Resistance: Sidhe have a natural immunity to arcane magic,
Damage: By weapon
and a resistance to divine magic. They have spell resistance of (10
Face/Reach: 5 / 5 by 5
plus Wis modifier plus Hit Dice). They are, however, more
susceptible to poisons and disease, and suffer a  2 penalty to
Saves: Fort +0, Reflex +1, Will +6
saves against those.
Abilities: S 9, D 13, C 10, I 15, W 19, Ch 18
" Immortal: Sidhe do not die of natural causes. They can be killed
Skills: Concentration +3, Diplomacy +5, Handle Animal +5, Heal +6,
by physical damage, poison, and disease. They do not breed or
Hide +6, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (History) +6,
Knowledge (Nature) +6, Listen +5, Move Silently +4, Sense Motive +6,
Speak Language (any), Spellcraft +5, Survival +5, Use Magic Device
Languages: The sidhe speak an ancient dialect of Elvish, which has
been lost outside of the sidhe mounds. It is not a written language.
Feats: Dodge, Magical Aptitude, Stealthy
Most know Common, and some know several sylvan/wilderness
Climate/Terrain: Temperate hills or plains
Organization: Solitary, sect (6 11), or clan (40 100)
Combat: Sidhe try to avoid combat. They will attempt to fascinate
Challenge Rating: 1
opponents first, and will take the first opportunity to flee, unless the
Treasure: Standard
aggressors outnumber the defenders. They will not join an unjust
Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Neural Good, Neutral, Chaotic Good,
fight (such as a paladin s attack on a band of kobolds for no reason
Chaotic Neutral
other than they are kobolds), and may side with the weaker forces if
Advancement: By character class
they feel that the attack was unnecessary. The sidhe rely on their
Level adjustment: +2
spells for offence and defense, and will use physical attacks as a last
Spells: All sidhe are able to cast four orisons (0 level cleric or druid
spells) and two 1st level cleric or druid spells. They gain these as
Sidhe Characters: The sidhe use divine magic, drawing on the energy
clerics do. They must take their spells from either the cleric or the
within the natural world. They cannot take levels in a class that uses
druid lists.
arcane magic (such as sorcerer or wizard), and they cannot use the
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
The Sidhe
Fae Race of Legend
spellcasting ability of classes that gain arcane spells (such as bard), Cauldron of Restoration
though they can advance in those classes. Cleric or druid is the
preferred class. Sidhe who gain bonus spells due to high ability This is a large iron cauldron, eight feet in diameter, with a solid lid. It
scores may take arcane spells as their bonus spells, if the spell is weighs 500 pounds. The cauldron is always filled with liquid. If any of
tied to the natural world or the elements (such as obscuring mist or the liquid is spilled, the cauldron will lose its magical properties. The
fireball). sidhe know how to replenish the liquid, but
they will not do so unless the cauldron is in
Sidhe PCs have the following their ownership. The cauldron is seldom
modifiers and special abilities if given away, but loaned to those who defend
created as Player Characters: +2 to the sidhe.
Wisdom and Charisma,  2 Strength. The cauldron restores the recently dead (a
body up to 5 days deceased) to life for three
Sidhe player characters have the days. At the end of the three days, the
spellcasting ability of a first level cleric restored body will return to death, and may
or druid (player s choice), but do not not be restored again. Living bodies that are
gain bonus spells for high ability submersed in the liquid will be completely
scores or domains unless they take destroyed. The liquid is harmless until it
levels in one of those classes. +2 save v completely covers a body.
arcane magic (instead of Spell
Resistance),  2 to saves v disease and The body that is to be restored must be
poison. Sidhe PCs do not have the submerged completely in the cauldron. The
Fascinate ability. individual will return to life, fully healed.
However, that person will be unable to
communicate in any way. The person will
Sidhe Relic (IG/d20)
be unable to make a sound, write, or use
any other means of relaying complex
The magic of the Sidhe is powerful,
thoughts or ideas (simple gestures may be
and their relics may be used by anyone.
allowed.) The restored individual will retain
There are prices to be paid for their use,
all memories, and will be able to use all of
though. The relics require either a
the skills and abilities that the living person
payment of some sort (such as a special
had, unless they involve speech or communication. If the restored
quest in favor of the sidhe, or the destruction of a specific enemy), or
individual is killed again, the body cannot be restored.
the relic will have a drawback. When creating a sidhe relic, the price or
the drawback should be connected to the relic s use or function, and
The cauldron may be used to restore up to 100 individuals to life
should be bad enough to keep it from being used too often.
before the liquid is rendered useless.
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Against the Shadow
Artifacts and Abilities of Good
by John C. Walborn
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke creatures, Improved Turning.
Benefit: You turn or rebuke creatures as if you were two levels
 We who stand against the shadow must stand as one, lest the darkness
consume us all. - Lord Thanalian al Jundaredan
This article is dedicated to those who oppose the forces of evil at all
Prerequisite: Good aligned.
cost; those who value their lives far less than the pursuit of good. The
Benefit: Grants +1 to hit and damage when fighting evil outsiders or
abilities and artifacts on the following pages may be used to augment all
undead. (Always applies, cannot be disabled.)
good aligned characters who take their religions seriously, though
paladins and clerics will, admittedly, benefit most.
Prerequisite: Good aligned, Holy Anger, BAB 4+.
Benefit: Grants +2 to Strength and Constitution, but  2 to AC
(Dodge) when fighting evil outsiders or undead. Effects expire
(Some feats duplicated from d20 SRD for ease of reference& ) instantly when no longer actively engaged in combat with the
appropriate beings. (Always applies, cannot be disabled.)
Prerequisite: Good aligned caster. HOLY FURY [GENERAL]
Benefit: You may  consecrate any spell, granting it a +2 DC to all Prerequisite: Good aligned, Holy Anger, Holy Rage, BAB 6+.
evil aligned beings affected by it. Prepare spell as if 2 levels higher, 3 Benefit: Any weapon you swing at an evil outsider or undead is
levels higher if combined with the effects of the Consecrated Spell treated as if you have the Improved Critical Feat with that weapon,
Focus feat. though you suffer an additional  2 AC when fighting beings of this
type. (Always applies, cannot be disabled.)
Prerequisite: Good aligned caster. IMPROVED EVIL SENSE [GENERAL]
Benefit: All of your spells specifically targeting an evil being (does Prerequisite: Good aligned, Evil Sense, Wisdom 13.
not include non targeted spells such as Fireball) gain an additional Benefit: Your inherent evil sense improves to a range of 60 and you
+2 DC to any saving throw allowed. now have an idea of the potency of evil you re sensing, expressed by
the Game Master on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most powerful
EVIL SENSE [GENERAL] evil you have encountered to this point. Direction and identity are
Prerequisite: Good aligned, must be taken at character creation. still unknown.
Benefit: You can inherently sense the existence of evil aligned beings
within 30 ; Does not grant any sense of direction, number, power, or IMPROVED TURNING [GENERAL]
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Against the Shadow
Artifacts and Abilities of Good
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke creatures. save or be destroyed. A weapon of disruption must be a
Benefit: You turn or rebuke creatures as if you were one levels bludgeoning weapon.
STEADFAST FAITH [GENERAL] Price: Variable bonus (+1/+3)
Prerequisite: Good aligned. Effect: This weapon has been given the personal blessing of a deity
Benefit: +1 saving throw versus spells cast by an evil caster; and was likely crafted in their honor, bearing symbols distinctly
additional +3 saving throw versus evil spells. marking it as such. On all weapons with a base bonus less than +5,
the effect is simply an additional +1 and a point of interest for
storyline purposes. On +5 weapons, the price of this property is as a
Weapon Abilities
+3 bonus, adding an additional +1 base bonus to create a rare and
exceptional +6 item.
(Some abilities duplicated from d20 SRD for ease of reference& )
BANISHMENT, EVIL (Minor, Normal, Greater)
Price: +2 bonus
Price: Variable bonus (+1/+2/+4)
Effect: A holy weapon is imbued with holy power. This power
Effect: If a weapon of banishment strikes a blow against an outer
makes the weapon good aligned and thus bypasses the
planar creature of a specific alignment, declared during the crafting
corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2d6 points of
(assumed Evil for the purposes of this article), the creature must
damage against all of evil alignment. It bestows one negative level
succeed at a Willpower saving throw or be banished to their home
on any evil creature attempting to wield it. The negative level
plane. The save DC and maximum number of hit dice affected
remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the
depends on whether the effect is Minor (8 HD, DC 14); Normal (12
weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level never results in
HD, DC 16), or Greater Banishment (16 HD, DC 18).
actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including
restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows,
and slings so crafted bestow the holy power upon their ammunition.
Price: +1 bonus
Effect: Undead creatures struck with a consecrated weapon suffer
Armor Abilities
from minor disruption, giving it a  1 penalty on attack, damage, and
saving throws. This effect does not stack with its self and lasts one
Price: +3 bonus
DISRUPTION Effect: The wearer of this armor is surrounded by a persistent 20
Price: +2 bonus radius of Consecration. They receive a +3 sacred bonus to turn
Effect: A weapon of disruption is the bane of all undead. Any undead and all undead within the area receive a  1 penalty on
undead creature struck in combat must succeed on a DC 14 Will attack, damage, and saving throws.
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Against the Shadow
Artifacts and Abilities of Good
Price: +3 bonus Description: This large mithril shield protects as a large steel shield.
Effect: Evil aligned weapons cannot score a critical hit against the It was crafted by elves for their queen long ago, but is now carried
wearer of this armor. With all other weapons, the confirmation roll by a human priestess named Fe unala.
must also be a critical threat, otherwise damage is rolled normally. Effect: Aside from bonuses for being masterwork and mithril, the
shield bears a base +3 bonus and +10
RIGHTEOUS GLAMER competency bonuses to the Handle Animal and
Price: +1 bonus Ride skills.
Effect: Wearer gains +4 to Charisma when Special: At the Game Master s discretion, this
dealing with others of the exact same shield could be worth a great deal of money to
alignment. The bonus is +2 for those who all or certain elves for its historical import and
only partially match the wearer s alignment. identifiable nature.
Description: This longsword has a black silk
wrapped handle, a round hilt of black iron, and
The following artifacts were made by the
a polished iron blade looking something like a
forces of good to be used by their allies. Thus, it
saber. A thin blood groove runs along the back
may be assumed that all artifacts listed here are
edge of the blade.
good aligned:
Effect: The sword is a +1 weapon but gains
stackable bonuses of +1 against evil opponents,
+1 against chaotic opponents, and +1 against
Description: This heavy wool coat bears the
designs and markings of the Jundaredan
Consecrators, a guild of paladins bent on
wiping all undead from the face of the
Description: This long oaken staff is carved
earth. It is red with dark blue and silver
smooth and coated in a fine white enamel.
stitching over the entire surface of the coat.
Along the haft are six gold bands, each bearing
Effect: The coat bestows an armor bonus (to
divine runes in praise to Durche, the Protector.
AC) of +4 as well as a +2 to all saving throws. A special ritual must
Effect: The staff is capable of casting all  Cure spells, using one
be performed on the wearer by a high priest of the Jundaredan
charge per level of the spell (or half the level of the caster, whichever
Consecrators or the coat s magical effects are repressed in addition
is greater), with 18 total charges (3 per band) available per day. Only
to any negative energy levels the wearer may suffer.
once, the staff may be broken to cast Miracle or True Resurrection as
Special: The wearer of this coat is marked as having the blessings of
a 20th level Cleric. After this, the staff disintegrates to dust and
the guild and thus should gain some circumstance bonuses when
cannot be restored through any method.
dealing with their allies and enemies.
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Interview with a PC
Saint Patrick Speaks
by The Le Games and Patrick Beach
overpowered in 3.0, and it bugs me that spellcasters suffer from that
disadvantage  especially considering how many attacks the fighter
Each month we interview a member of the gaming community to
types get anyway. I realize that the Quicken Spell feat somewhat
better understand it as a whole. This month we are interviewing veteran
compensates for this, but it s a costly feat that only comes later in the
gamer Patrick Beach.
game, anyway. I guess if that s my biggest complaint, then the game
system must work pretty well, eh?
Q: Who are you?
Just a quiet fella who enjoys the finer things in life: books, movies
Q: What kinds of custom rules do you use for Dungeons &
and RPGs. I support myself by tinkering with databases, mostly.
One house rule that I m trying to persuade one of my DM s to
Q: How long have you been playing RPGs?
approve concerns fumbling. While D&D has no official stance on
Since the early 80 s. Guess it s pretty close to 25 years now. Damn.
weapon fumbles, the DMG option states that players must make a DC 10
Dex check to avoid fumbling if they roll a 1 on their attack. That means
Q: What RPGs have you played?
that a 1st level fighter with a 10 Dex has the same chance to fumble as a
All of the iterations of D&D, Top Secret, Gamma World, Rolemaster,
20th level fighter with a 10 Dex, and that makes no sense. I d like to see
Star Frontiers, Villains & Vigilantes, Spycraft. I don t know if that s more
the BAB factored into the fumble chance, so that a character with more
or less of a diverse gaming experience than most gamers my age have. I
combat experience has a smaller chance to fumble.
took a break from role playing for a while, so maybe folks who ve
gamed all their lives have played more game systems than I have.
Q: Your least favorite RPG, and why?
Hmm. If you only include the game systems I ve played (which
Q: Your favorite RPG, and why?
seems fair), I guess Top Secret  but Gamma World and Star Frontiers
The original is still the best: D&D. While the traditionalist in me
run close behind. Keep in mind, though, that I didn t actively dislike any
honors the game that defined the entire genre, D&D has earned the top
of these, but simply enjoyed them less than the other RPGs. If you
spot in my internal ranking. The fantasy setting is likely the most
include the RPGs I haven t played, I suppose Vampire: The Masquerade
appealing one I ve found, probably because it takes more of a mental
would top the list. I find it too pretentious by far.
stretch to make it work. I suppose the fact that a fantasy setting is the
one most removed from the world I live in makes that type of setting a
Q: What RPG do you absolutely refuse to play, and why?
more mystical place to play. I also think that 3rd Edition D&D has one of
I don t know if you consider live action to be an RPG by the strictest
the most elegant game mechanic systems around.
sense, but I have no interest in dressing up as a vampire and running
around the streets at night. For me, the joy of the game is stimulated by
Q: What don t you like about Dungeons & Dragons?
the imagination, and live action games shut down the imagination
Hmm. That s a tough one. I think the game system is so well
balanced that it s hard to come up with weak spots unless I nit pick. One
thing about 3.5 that I don t care for is the change to Haste that prevents
Q: What do other players do that annoy you?
spellcasters from slinging a second spell. I didn t think that was
Talk while the party is trying to accomplish something. I like to
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Interview with a PC
Saint Patrick Speaks
focus on the game, to make sure that we ve accomplished our goals for (rules, flavor, images, layout, price, etc?) Since I m primarily a
the session. Of course, we re all there to laugh and have fun, but it player, I look for books that allow me to customize my character or play
shouldn t drown out the game. atypical classes and races. While the core classes and races are core for a
reason, it s nice to branch off into new
Q: Tell me about the worst DM you territory now and then. So, any books that
ever had, and why? dangle new possibilities for my PCs are
Well, he wasn t really the worst DM the ones that catch my eye.
I ve ever had, but he comes to mind an
awful lot. It was frustrating because he Q: How do you feel Wizards of the Coast
was one of the best DMs I ve played with has done with D&D in general?
in terms of his ability to challenge the Overall, I would say they ve done very
party and make the gameplay seamless. well. 3rd Edition is the best version of
Unfortunately, he couldn t leave his D&D ever produced, and far more
house rules alone. It seemed like he balanced than previous editions. WotC
changed his combat rules (and magic has done a good job producing a lot of
rules, too, sometimes) every session, materials to interest a wide variety of
which just drove us (me, in particular) players and DMs, though they have sort
nuts. Players make certain decisions of saturated the market.
about their characters based on their
knowledge of the rules  not necessarily Q: What is your favorite campaign
to metagame or min/max, but because setting for D&D/D20, and why?
their characters have an understanding I enjoy custom settings the most, as the
of the way the campaign world works standard settings are a little too played
that the players themselves don t have, out. It s nice to get away from the Harpers
since it isn t real. When those rules or the Shieldlanders and be surprised by
change, they affect a character s the folk your DM has created on his own.
effectiveness and often reduce it, which
can be disheartening. Q: What is your least favorite campaign
setting for D&D/D20, and why?
Q: What makes a good DM to you? While the Forgotten Realms has a lot
Someone who is well prepared, in going for it, I think it s almost too well
command, and brings the game world to known for many players to properly
life. enjoy. 1st level characters start out knowing very little about the
campaign world; it s tough to play that convincingly when you know
Q: What compels you to buy a particular game/book? what s waiting around every corner.
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Interview with a PC
Saint Patrick Speaks
Q: What is your favorite D&D race/class combo, and why? future, language based creative activities will still offer far more to the
My current favorite is halfling wizard. I play one now who s typical RPG enthusiast.
modeled after Fox Mulder, and it s a blast. The flexibility and utility that
a wizard brings to the game is incredible if the character is well Q: Final Comments?
prepared, and halflings have always struck me as being a little off It amazes me that D&D (and other RPGs) still have a bad reputation
balance as a race. It makes for a nice combination. in the minds of so many people. When I mentioned that I played D&D to
a friend of mine not long ago, she was rather shocked, and asked me if
Q: What is your favorite D&D race, and why? that wasn t akin to Satan worshipping  and she was being serious! I did
Humans. Their adaptability and ubiquitous can fit any character my best to disabuse her of the crazy notions she had, but I get the feeling
concept, and there s something almost poignant about playing a short there are a lot of folks with similar ideas running around out there. I
lived human in a world where many races live hundreds or thousands wish I could help explain what a positive investment RPGs can be for
of years. Existential angst is yummy. kids, especially in this anti literate age.
Q: What is your least favorite D&D/D20 race and or class, and
I ve never played a gnome or a dwarf. While I could get behind the
right dwarf, gnomes really hold no interest for me; they re too damned
cute. When I DM d last, I house ruled out gnomes. They seem a little bit
of an afterthought, without a well defined place of their own.
Q: What non-rpg games do you like to play?
I spend a fair amount of time with my PS2, mostly playing Baldur s
Gate 2 and GTA: Vice City. I don t play much on my PC except the old,
old school stuff, like Master of Magic (which has never been equaled)
and the Master of Orion series. In terms of tabletop, I enjoy Risk and
Stratego and the occasional game of Texas Hold  Em.
Special Thanks to Patrick for taking the time out to answer my
Q: Do you think that RPGs will decline in popularity in years to questions. Next month we ll get the other side of the equation with
come? Interview with a DM, so stay tuned!
Not at all. RPGs will always be popular for the same reason that
books will be, even in a multimedia driven era. RPGs and books We are always interested in hearing from our readers and getting
stimulate the language centers of the brain, which leaves the visual brain them involved with this publication. If you are interested in being
free to ideate and roam freely. Visual media concretize the visual brain, interviewed for a future issue, please email me at
which really shuts down the imaginary capabilities of the person in
question. So, no matter what fancy virtual reality games await us in the
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Freelancer Spotlight
The Art of Calvin Camp
by The Le Games
Q: What companies have you freelanced for?
In the table top rpg world, thereÄ…s been Eilfin Publishing, Bbrack
Each month we highlight a freelancer who has worked in the RPG
Productions, d6Legend / West End Games, Hogshead Publications,
industry. This month we are focusing on the RPG artist, Calvin Camp.
HinterWelt Enterprises, Living Room Games, Spectre Press / Politically
Incorrect Games, Dilly Green Bean Games, and Valent Games.
Q: How long have you been in the gaming industry as a
Transfinite Publications and Postmortem Studios have used some of my
pre existing pieces. There have also been a handful of e zines, and a
Which time? I actually gave it a shot back in 1994. I sent out piles of
couple web rpgs that IÄ…ve done work for (but I believe theyÄ…re no longer
inquiries and got very little response. Looking back, itÄ…s probably a
around, sadly). I hope I havenÄ…t missed anybody.
wonder I got any (I wasnÄ…t very good, though IÄ…d get lucky on a piece
sometimes). I did manage to sell a drawing as a cover for the Middle
Q: Which specific books do you have images in?
Earth Play by Mail newsletter, put out by Games Design Workshop, but
Oh, letÄ…s see... a couple made it into BbrackÄ…s ºPromised
not much else. It was a very short career. I basically decided it was going
Sandsº (though a lot of what I did there was early concept work. I had to
to be more work and expense to get going than I could put in at the time,
bow out due to time constraint issues before they really got rolling),
and gave it up for quite awhile. I didnÄ…t really even do any drawing to
PIGÄ…s ºRuneStrydersº (and strangely enough I even have one writing
speak of for a few years, life just got in the way.
credit to my name, in their Two Fisted Tales supplement ºPulp
Villiansº), HinterweltÄ…s ºNebulonº and ºShades of Earthº, a couple of
Then about 2000 I started drawing again, put up a freebie website
EilfinÄ…s ºUndiscovered Q&Aº e zines (I did the cover for the first one),
and just kind of messed around. I tried doing character portraits for
HogsheadÄ…s ºCrime Scene,º an ºEarthdawnº book I donÄ…t recall the name
gamers for awhile, and decided that really wasnÄ…t my thing. I sent out a
of (how sad it that? They say the mind is the first thing to go, but yeesh),
few submissions, and got a commission here and there. I got a few
ValentÄ…s ºMinigame Magazine #3 (I think it was #3 anyway), a couple of
others more or less by accident, but I didnÄ…t push very hard. I just played
the ºAlmanacºs from Transfinite, the cover of Postmortem StudioÄ…s º100
at it as a hobby for a while longer.
Fantasy Adventure Seeds,º DGBGÄ…s ºGuardian Universe Core Fuzionº ...
I think thatÄ…s most of them. IÄ…ve always been sad that the WEG
Even now I feel like IÄ…m really just getting started. IÄ…ve got some
Metabarons book I worked on never came out. That would have been
work in print, and a few people know my name, but IÄ…m still a very little
nice, but what do you do? (And thereÄ…s my playtest version of Tales of
fish. As things stand right now, IÄ…m just beginning to get things geared
Angor, but that hardly counts, since itÄ…s my book)
up to try and push the art a little harder. Things have changed a bit from
where I was that first time. For my day job I also freelance (as an
Hopefully my stuff will be popping up all over the place now that
architectural draftsman), so I can set my own hours now & I work from
my clip art collections are out. [end shameless plug]
home (instead of punching a time clock for somebody else), so itÄ…s easier
to make a commitment to doing work on a deadline than it once was.
Q: Which published image are you the most proud of?
Wow. Tough one.
So yeah, IÄ…m really just getting started.
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Freelancer Spotlight
The Art of Calvin Camp
IÄ…d have to say the image that Postmortem Studios used on the cover swords.
of the º100 Fantasy Adventure Seeds.º ThereÄ…s just something about that
one that IÄ…ve always liked (got a good review too). IÄ…ve never really been much into other types of games (like cards,
board, or video games) or sports. They just never appealed to me.
Q: Do you game? If so, what do you enjoy playing and why?
IÄ…m not gaming at the moment. I was in a game that had been going
weekly for... must be around ten years, but it ground to a halt recently.
Just one of those things where people get too busy. Hopefully it will
start up again. If not, IÄ…ll have to start one myself. I need to get to work
on playtesting and get my game finished before I change my mind about
how to do it again.
As to what IÄ…ve played... usually D&D (because itÄ…s what everybody
plays, right?), though we never got past 2nd edition in our group. WeÄ…d
get some Shadowrun in now & then too. There were various other
games for short periods... Twilight 2000, Star Wars, Champions, Marvel
Superheroes, & others. I generally prefer the fast paced, rules light style
to the more crunchy systems like D&D, Hero, & Shadowrun. IÄ…ve also Q: What kinds of sources do you use for inspiration in your
done some Vampire LARP, and another live action fantasy based thing artistry?
where we dressed up like idiots and beat on each other with padded Probably the biggest source is the characters, from the games IÄ…ve
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Freelancer Spotlight
The Art of Calvin Camp
played and the stories IÄ…ve never gotten written, all Q: Final Thoughts?
those fictional people in my head wanting to get out. I You donÄ…t want to get me ranting, itÄ…s not a pretty
read a lot, but I tend to sort of soak that up like a thing to see.
sponge and it comes out as my own thing (I almost
never do actual characters or scenes from books IÄ…ve As to final thoughts, I donÄ…t know. What am I
read) but thereÄ…s no doubt itÄ…s an inspiration. I used to supposed to be thinking about? See, people give me
read a lot of comic books, which made me want to do these blanket opportunities and my mind just shuts
my own (and I will one of these days, darn it), but for off. I can almost literally hear the whine as my brain
some reason IÄ…ve never really been drawn to the powers down.
superhero genre for my art. IÄ…ve done some
superheroes here and there, but fantasy has always You ever have that happen? Someone says, ºWhat are
been my main focus. Lately IÄ…ve gotten into film noir you thinking about?º and suddenly there honestly
movies and hardboiled detective fiction, and thatÄ…s isnÄ…t a single coherent thought in your head? And
beginning to show in my work in odd ways youÄ…re not even sure what it was you were thinking
(Dwarven Gumshoes, Femme Fatales with fangs, and about a second ago?
ºUh.... nothing.º Happens to me all the time. So I
Q: What are you working on right now? guess just... thanks for the interview. ItÄ…s been fun.
Right now, IÄ…m tinkering (endlessly it seems) with
my own Tales of Angor game and doing some art for Special Thanks to Calvin Camp for answering my
that. I may have some work on a mixed genre project questions. His portfolio and contact information can
coming, but thatÄ…s not quite a done deal yet, itÄ…s still at be found at:
the verbal agreement stage. I might have something
else lined up in the next month or so also, but itÄ…s all If you are a freelancer in the RPG industry, whether as
kind of up in the air. IÄ…ve even been toying with the an artist or writer, and you wish to be spotlighted in a
idea of trying to flex my writing muscles on some of future issue, please contact me at
the short PDFs that seem to be popular these days, but
IÄ…m not sure about that. (IÄ…ll need to find a rules guru to
help me, if I do, because my d20 fu is not strong).
Calvin W. Camp s artwork appears throughout this
publication and, soon, throughout many various Dungeon
So IÄ…ve got some irons in the fire, but actually my
Dwellers Guild Games products. We at DDG Games highly
plateÄ…s not terribly full right now (not that IÄ…m
recommend Calvin s work, especially as found in the Mad Elf
dropping any hints, or anything. Really. Well... maybe Archive Clipart Collection series.
a little).
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
Product Spotlights
Complete Guide to Dragonkin
Dragonkin are bequeathed greed and ambition, but lack the power to claim it. No matter what they do, they canÄ…t
escape one ever present fact: they are the spawn of dragons, but they live in the world of man. The Complete Guide
to Dragonkin examines these half bloods in all their forms, from those spawned by polymorphed dragons to the
mutant creatures produced by arcane egg sculpting. It features rules for dragonkin PCs and monsters, new feats
and racial templates, four new prestige classes, rules for ancient dragons that ascend to the power of gods, and
more! Like all Complete Guides, it is 100% stand alone and world neutral.
72 pages plus covers.
Writer: Bret Boyd
Cover Artist: Michael Erickson
Interior Artists: Ilya Astrakhan, Brian England, David Griffith, Claudio Muniz, Alejandro Villen Real
Legends of Avadnu
The worldÄ…s first epic level monster collection! Featuring the most powerful creatures from AvadnuÄ…s history,
Legends of Avadnu uses material recently added to the SRD to create monsters for use in any epic level d20 System
Presented in the same format as the acclaimed Denizens of Avadnu, each monster entry is supplemented with
adventure ideas and a separate entry providing depth into AvadnuÄ…s unique history and ecology.
Legends of Avadnu also contains monster tokens for each creature so they can easily be used with figures on a battle
grid. To conserve on file space, the monster tokens are only available from our website at the following URL:
Face such terrible foes as the earth shaking devourer, the angelic and alien lumina, and the weather wielding true mistji!
©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
The Dragon Cry Periodical is copyright 2004, 2005 John C. Walborn and Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games.
Articles are copyrighted by their respective authors and used with permission.
All art is copyright 2004, 2005 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games or used with the permission of the copyright holder.
The game mechanics and general text of this product is hereby designated Open Gaming Content. This excludes art, layout, and design as well as
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©2004 Dungeon Dwellers Guild Games and respective authors
All text in this product is Open Gaming Content, excluding art, design, and layout


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