Mark Timon Triple Impact Design Duplication

by Mark Timon
This is my way of improving the classic D&D.
I ve always felt that the revelation of the design plays very well but there should
be a way of improving it.
After different trials, I came out with the TIDD.
I hope you enjoy it!!
Here is how is the TIDD is seen by the spectators.
A spectator is asked to focus his mind in an object or word for a demonstration
in mind reading.
The mentalist says that he is getting a very clear image of the design that the
spectator is just thinking of, and draws the following design on his pad:
The mentalist asks the spectator to confirm that this is the design he was
thinking of.
-It was a SNAKE. -says the mentalist.
Of course, the spectator says that the design is NOT the one that he has in
-Ok -says he mentalist
-Let s try again, but this time, I want you to think of the design with the name
written at the bottom of the image.
-For example, if you are thinking of the word APPLE, just picture in your mind a
big red apple and at the bottom of the image draw the words APPLE.
The mentalist then concentrates for a while and starts drawing this design:
-Now, I m sure that I m correct. You were thinking of the word HORSESHOE!!
Please give me a big applause for getting the right design. -says the mentalist
But also this time the spectator says that the design is not the one he has in
- Now, this is my last try, if I m wrong it would be very disappointing not only for
you but also for me , because it would be the first time that I don t get the right
-Please try the hardest you can to project the design you have in mind, ok?
-I know for sure that this time I will succeed.
After some time of silence, the mentalist takes his pad and starts drawing again.
Now before showing what he has drawn, the spectator is asked to name aloud
the design he has in mind.
SUN! - says the spectator
The mentalist looks at his pad, and with a disappointing face, he turns the pad
to the audience:
I m sorry; I got the word WORM&
Just when the audience thinks that the demonstration is over:
-Wait a second, now I understand! - says the mentalist
The mentalist tears out the 3 designs of his pad and facing the audience,
he makes a row with them.
What can the audience read?
See yourself:
Just let the audience read the word by themselves!
Ii Spontaneous applause !!
I force the design to the spectator, you decide by yourself which way
you can do it.
Feel free to share the TIDD with your friends
