Sean Michael A Hammer novel 37 A is for Andy

A is for Andy, a Hammer story
By Sean Michael
'A' sat at the bar at the Hammer Club, enjoying a
glass of beer. They knew how to pull draughts here, and
the amount of head was just perfect.
It had been weeks since he'd been here. Hell, it had
been at least that long since he'd last gotten to unwind.
They'd been working a fucking hard case -- it was
always hardest when kids were involved -- and like
everyone else, he'd only been breaking to get some
sleep. They'd caught the asshole, though. It was iron-
clad, too.
The club was popping, loud and happy, the dance
floor full, the tiny little cover band much improved from
what he'd been listening to last night. He finished his
beer and asked for another. It was the perfect place to
"Howdy, Cinnamon, honey. Can I get a beer when
you get a chance?" The voice was low, slow, and pure
southern. Like some weird cowboy movie.
A couldn't help but turn and look.
Long and tall, a bearded man in a ball cap stood
there, in a white button down and a pair of jeans. Well,
hello, long tall drink of water.
"Sure, Andy. It'll be a few minutes."
"No worries." Andy draped himself over a barstool,
casual and easy.
A looked his fill, from head to toes and back down
again. Nice. Very nice. The boots looked ancient, the
jeans like well-loved friends. And they showed off the
most amazing ass. A's prick perked right on up,
suddenly eager to help him with the whole blowing off
steam thing.
One pretzel was picked out of the bar snacks,
inspected, then eaten, nibbled really.
A puffed himself up; he knew he looked good. Bright
blue eyes cut over to him, checked him out, and he got a
nod. He smiled in return, nodded back, and shifted over
so when he breathed in he could smell the man: cologne
and soap, rich and male and clean. Damn, the man was
He licked his lips.
Andy pinked, looked away, then looked back in a
charming flirt. A smiled, let the heat he was beginning
to feel show in his eyes. What a charmer.
Cinnamon brought Andy a beer, and it was nice to
see that the man tipped well.
A watched as Andy took a long swallow, throat
exposed, Adam's apple bobbing. Damn. Damn, that was
hot as hell. His prick had gone from interested to
wanting, pushing hard at his zipper.
He needed to find out if this fine specimen of a man
was single, was available, was interested. He held out
his hand. "A. Cooper."
"Andy Ballard. Pleased."
They shook and Andy had a nice grip. He kept
holding the man's hand a little longer than usual. It was a
cliche, sure, but it worked. "Nice to meet you."
Andy's hands were coarse, rough, a working man's
"You had supper yet?" Because he hadn't, and he
could eat Andy up with a spoon.
"No. No, I just got done with my work day." Andy
worked late.
"Then how about we find a table and indulge in
something decadent from the menu?"
"Absolutely. I could handle a little decadence."
"You want to sit back here or closer to where we can
watch the dancers?" And the floor show that was likely
to come after the music.
"I'm easy. You got a preference?"
"Let's go sit where we can watch the dancers. Makes
for a nice appetizer."
"Sure." Andy stood up, wandering over to an empty
table. The music was louder here, the crowds bigger.
It felt more private, though, somehow. They'd have to
lean into each other and nobody else would overhear.
Andy's eyes were on the dancers, quiet, somehow
One of the little waiters came by, looking harried but
managing a smile for them. "Do you know what you
want or would you like menus, Sir?"
A turned to Andy. "You know what you want, or
would you like me to order for you?"
"You can order. I'm easy."
"That's what I like to hear." He made sure Andy had
heard him and gave the man a warm smile before
turning back to their waiter. "Two steak dinners,
medium rare, full dressed potatoes and side salads. And
you can bring us each a couple more beers -- whatever
Cinnamon's got on tap'll do."
"Yes, Sir. I'll get your order in right away, Sir."
Andy finished his bottle, eyes still on the dancers, a
soft smile on his face.
"You like to dance, Andy?"
"Like that? No. No, I'm old school." Those amazing
blue eyes met his, wrinkling at the corners as the man
The band started up a ballad, and A grinned. "Old
school like that?" He stood and held out his hand.
"Oh..." The smile widened and made his knees weak.
Look at that.
"Come on, Andy, let's show the twinks what a slow
dance is supposed to look like." He pulled Andy out
onto the dance floor and the man moved into his arms,
easy as pie.
They swayed gently together, A enjoying himself
more than he could imagine. The lights dimmed and
Andy took his ball cap off, shoved it in one back pocket.
"Well, look at you."
Those pretty eyes met his. "Pardon me?"
"You were hiding behind that ball cap."
"Oh. I wear it all the time."
A suspected that Andy hid behind the facial hair,
behind a lot of things.
"You shouldn't hide this." He raised a hand and ran
his fingers over Andy's face.
Andy blushed and they went back to dancing, moving
to the slow rhythm. He slid one hand down, wrapped it
around one fine ass cheek. The muscles jerked and
twitched, the man's ass tiny, tight as fuck.
"You're a good dancer, Andy."
"Thank you." Andy swayed against him, slow and
His prick was nicely hard, rubbing against Andy now
and then as they moved together. They played three
slow songs in a row, and then the music sped up and
their food arrived. He took Andy's hand to lead him
back to their table.
"Thank you for the dance."
"I hope we'll have more before the night's out." And
he wasn't talking about what they'd just done on the
dance floor.
Andy offered him another of those bone-melting
smiles. "That would be lovely."
"It would, wouldn't it?" He nodded at their plates.
"Dig in."
"Thanks." Andy ate his steak, eyes seeming to pay
attention to everything.
"So what do you do?" He asked after they'd eaten for
a while.
"I'm a veterinarian. You?"
"I'm a cop. Major Crimes Division." He got to see all
the bad shit people perpetrated on each other.
"Oh, my. That's dangerous."
He shrugged. "It's more boring than dangerous,
Andy chuckled. "I suppose most jobs are, in the day-
"You find that true as a vet?"
"That my job's boring?" Andy's laugh was lost in the
music. "Only on good days."
"I bet you have some good stories."
"Oh, I've met some amazing animals."
"You must have a few pets." He'd always wanted a
dog, but his hours didn't let it happen.
This time the laughter wasn't drowned out. "One or
He smiled, fucking charmed.
They ate, making truly random small talk -- weather
and work, favorite restaurants. He liked the timber of
Andy's voice and couldn't help but wonder how it would
sound in passion.
Andy finished his second beer and waved off the
waiter when he asked if the man wanted a third. "I'm
done, man."
"Did you want to stay for the show or did you want to
go? Together."
Those amazing eyes met his, searching him. "We
could go. See if we could work somethin' out."
"That works for me, beautiful."
"Beautiful?" Andy pinked, head ducking.
"Yeah, beautiful."
"Huh." Andy stood, put his cap on.
"Oh, don't do that. Please." He nodded at the cap.
"I... Okay." The ball cap went back in one pocket.
"Thanks, man. Now for that perennial question. Your
place or mine?"
"Mine. I need to let the dogs out."
"Works for me. You got a vehicle? I cabbed my way
"My truck's in the lot across the street. I live a little
out of the way, but I can bring you back in the
"You got it. Lead the way. That'll let me watch your
"Listen to you." Andy led them out, that hat going on
as soon as they went outside. "I'm in the big red Ford."
"Is that a euphemism?" He couldn't help teasing, and
he waggled his eyebrows at Andy.
"Huh? No. No, there it is. My baby girl." The truck
was huge, red, shiny.
A thought he was even more charmed by Andy now.
His door was opened for him. The interior of the
truck was spotless, a dog collar hanging from the rear
When Andy started her up and country music flooded
the cab, A couldn't help but grin. "So what brought you
to the city?"
"Got offered a chance to work with a lady who was
my mentor in school. Had to take it. She taught me a ton
about the business."
"That's cool. And you like it here?"
"I do. I love the ocean." Andy took off the parking
break and they headed out. "I bought Bonnie's place
from her when she retired. I got a great deal."
Andy was sexy when he was excited about
something, and A was enjoying watching him.
"How about you? You live close?"
"I have a little apartment a few blocks from the
precinct. Don't need a lot of room on my own, you
know?" It wasn't much, but he didn't spend a whole lot
of time there and it fit his big screen TV and his
expensive movie watching chair.
"Yeah. I have two acres."
Two acres? Christ, the place would be worth a
"So how many dogs are we talking?" He figured
Andy had to have a few, being a vet and with a big place
like that.
"Ten, well, sixteen right now, but six of them are new
"Sixteen?" Well. That was quite a few more than he'd
expected. "Is it just the dogs?"
"There's cats. Four potbellied pigs. A white tipped
deer. About six ferrets. A chinchilla and a family of
prairie dogs. An iguana and three parrots." Andy's head
tilted. "And a miniature horse."
"A miniature fucking horse? Jesus, two acres is
beginning to sound like not enough."
Andy's fingers clenched on the steering wheel, just
the slightest bit. "Tell you what. Let's find us a little
hotel room. There's a place close by -- clean, quiet, great
big beds."
"Hey, man, I was just surprised, you know? That's a
lot of beasties."
Andy'd said he had to let the dogs out, and A would
believe it. Believed the man had more than just letting
dogs out to do, actually.
"I do, but they'll keep a couple hours. I've got a
routine with them."
"Was I being an asshole? Because that wasn't my
intent. Take me home and let me help you and then we
can blow off some steam." He was about to add "animal
style" but figured he'd best not -- his sense of humor
wasn't for everyone.
"I just... I know it's a lot, man. I get it, but they're my
"Then introduce me to 'em." He risked the joke this
time. "I guess I didn't realize just how big an
occupational hazard being a vet was."
"You must not know any of us, then." He got that
gentle smile, framed by white-blond hair. "There are
only some that are permanent. Lots of them are fosters."
"Oh, I know a couple. Not up close and personal,
though. I've got a few guys I drop animals off with when
they come up in cases."
"That's where Sherry came from. She's the doe. She
was being kept in someone's apartment patio."
"It always amazes me the things people think to do."
That wasn't the even close to the strangest thing he'd
ever seen.
"Yes. I devote one day a week to pro bono work --
helping people, finding homes."
"Good for you. I work with a gay and lesbian group. I
try to participate once a week, but there are weeks I just
don't have the time."
"Of course not." They headed out away from the city,
into the hills.
"So what's your safeword, man?" He liked getting
that kind of business out of the way before they got
"Pinocchio." Andy looked over at him, quickly. "It
always surprises me, how I read like a sub. Y'all always
"Sub-dar, eh?" He chuckled, and shrugged. "I don't
know if I can explain it. I'm not attracted to doms in the
same way. I often admire them, think they're damn
good-looking, but that's it."
"I don't know. I can't tell. I didn't know I was a sub
for a long time."
"No?" He'd discovered BDSM on the job when they'd
raided a leather club. He'd been hooked from the get-go.
"No. No, I grew up in Oklahoma. There wasn't
much... opportunity."
"Ah, I can see that. So it wasn't 'til you moved here?"
"In college. I experimented, came out. Figured things
out." Andy's cheeks were dark, even without lights. It
was cute that Andy could be a member of the Hammer
and still blush hard.
"So what kind of stuff are you into?"
"I like fucking. I like, uh, pushing and being pushed,
I guess?"
Oh, a pushy sub. A liked that. He liked it a lot. "You
like being punished?"
It took a long time for Andy to answer. "It turns me
on, yeah."
A just smiled, pleased.
"What about you? What are you into?"
"I like a strong sub, a man who knows his mind."
"You... you're single?"
"I wouldn't have been out cruising if I wasn't!" He
wasn't that kind of man.
"I had to ask. Some guys have an open deal."
"Well, I hope they're up front if they do." He couldn't
stand assholes who jerked people around.
"Yeah, usually. I just don't need the hassle of a pissed
off guy hunting me."
"Nobody does." They turned off the road. "This your
place?" He peered out the window.
"It is." They drove down a long driveway. "Those
two big buildings are the barns and the one with the
porch is my house."
The house was good-sized, a sprawling ranch with a
huge porch with rocking chairs in the front.
"Looks like a great place." He was looking forward to
seeing the man's brood actually.
"It is." They parked under a car port and Andy
stretched. "Come on in. The dogs are in the runs in the
back, except for Pepper, Star, and Buck. They live in the
"How come?" He followed Andy.
"Because they're mine. Because Pepper is fifteen,
Star only weighs eight pounds, and Buck is scared of
"Scared of grass?" A figured he had to meet a dog
afraid of grass.
"God, yes. Terrified." Andy opened the front door
and three dogs -- a Great Dane, a medium sized hound
dog and the tiniest fuzzy beast he'd ever seen -- met
He chuckled. "I can guess which one is Star -- who's
Pepper and who's Buck?"
"Buck is the Dane. Pepper is my old lady hound
dog." Andy knelt down and opened his arms and they
came to him, wagging and wriggling.
He had to admit, it warmed him, seeing a man who
was so good to his animals. He'd seen too much tragedy
that started with cruelty to animals. These guys were
adored, healthy, and the house -- at least what he could
see of it -- was spotless.
"They're awesome." He crouched down next to Andy
and held out his hand to Star who sniffed him
Pepper came right to him, pushed into his touch
while Buck lolled on the ground, long legs kicking.
"So why is the great big huge dog terrified of grass?"
He rubbed Pepper's head, scratched behind the ears.
"I have no idea. He just shorts out." Andy scratched
bellies. "Come on you beasts. Let me put you on the
back porch."
"So what can I do to help?"
"Oh, I've got it. Have a seat in the front room."
"You sure? I don't mind, honestly." Plus he was
curious about all of the beasts.
"Well, if you'd like to. The outside beasts are all
taken care of. I hire a young man in pre-vet to help every
"I was wondering how long it would take to get
everyone dealt with. So it's just these three?" He trailed
after Andy, not really one to sit around while other
people worked.
"Yes, sir. The birds should all be asleep and the cats
are cats."
"So it's not going to take long at all." He liked the
idea of that -- that they'd soon be getting to know each
other a whole lot better. He also liked the way Andy said
"Five minutes, ten if Buck won't use the bathroom."
"You got him trained to go inside or have you got an
area sanded over?" It was kind of fascinating, watching
Andy move.
"I have a sanded area." The dogs were fed, quickly,
loved on.
"You're a good man, Doctor Andy."
"I'm just a guy. These guys are my family."
"And that makes you a good man." He reached out
and squeezed that fine, fine ass. It was tight, firm, and
felt like a dream. "A good man with a stunning ass."
Andy's laughter filled the air. "Do you want a drink
or anything?"
"I'd like to dance with you again, man. Maybe in the
"Oh." Look at that smile. Damn. That was electric.
"Is that a yes?"
"Yes. Yes, sir. I'd love that. Come on back."
Andy led him from the clean, bright mudroom
through a warm, yellow kitchen, and into a long
hallway. The master suite was huge, dark, masculine,
with an overstuffed leather sofa and a king sized bed.
"I like your style, Andy." He could feel at home here.
"Thank you. This is the first room I redid."
"Does the bathroom look as good as this?"
"Then lead on. I'm eager for the sight of that ass
without the clothes."
Andy went bright red, head ducking as he was led
through a set of pocket doors.
The bathroom was the size of a small oasis -- black
marble tub, a huge glass shower, a fucking towel
"Holy fuck, Andy. This is bigger than my apartment."
And he was only exaggerating a little bit.
"It's my dream bathroom." Andy pinked. "I'm in here
a lot."
"It's the best fucking bathroom I have ever seen. Just
look at that shower." They could have a five man orgy in
there and still have room for a couple of twinks with
suds and sponges.
Andy's cheeks darkened. "I did that. Built it by
"No shit? A vet and a builder all in one." He moved
in, stroked one hot cheek.
"It's a hobby." Andy leaned into him, eyelids going
Oh, there they were, back on track after the long
drive and the dog-feeding. "Cool..." He leaned in for a
Their lips hovered close for a second, then they met,
Andy's moustache soft against his lips. Humming, he
licked at Andy's lips, encouraging them to open for him.
Andy tasted like hops, like hunger, like need, and A
wanted more.
He pressed up against the long, lean body. Andy was
hard, firm and solid against him. He let his tongue fuck
Andy's lips as his hands moved to begin undoing
buttons. Tanned and warm, Andy's skin felt amazing
against his fingertips.
He searched for the man's nipples with his fingertips.
They drew up, almost like they were avoiding his touch.
He didn't let them, though, his fingers stroking across
them. Andy's offered him a soft little sound, inhaled,
pulling away without seeming to.
He backed off the kiss, eyebrows climbing up.
"What? No. Not at all."
He slid his thumb across Andy's right nipple,
watching for the reaction. Andy's body arched the barest
bit. Ah, super-sensitive. He got it. And he liked it.
Grinning, he gave the little nub of flesh a bit of a twist.
Andy's eyes crossed and the man reached for him.
"I'm going to have so much fun with you."
"I fucking hope so, man."
He laughed and brought their mouths back together
again, sliding the shirt right off Andy's shoulders. The
man had a tattoo on his chest, a rainbow paw print, tiny
and surprising.
"Look at that." Leaning in, he touched it with his
"It was my graduation present. My sisters and my
mom have them too."
"It's cool." He lapped at it again, then moved to
tongue Andy's right nipple.
Andy's nipple drew up tight, teasing his tongue. "I.
Hot, huh?"
"Uh-huh. Very." He moved to the other nipple.
Responsive, needy. Hungry. He approved.
He kissed his way back up to Andy's mouth, fingers
searching out the man's belt. Andy tugged him closer,
held them together and A couldn't help but think the
man was protecting his nipples a little. He thought he
could drive Andy crazy playing with them.
Andy tugged his shirt out of the back of his pants.
"Yeah, skin on skin sounds perfect right now." He
approved of that, too.
"Yeah. You're fine, man. Real hot."
He hummed, pleased at the compliment. He sucked
his belly in, giving Andy room to get his pants undone
as he started working on Andy's. Andy's jeans were
paper thin and skin tight, peeling down over a tight little
He wrapped his hands around that butt as soon as it
was bared to him. Andy didn't have his boots off yet, but
it didn't matter. This kept the man off-balance and that
was a good thing.
Their pricks slapped together and he groaned, rubbed.
Andy moaned. "You're hung. I approve."
That surprised a laugh out of him. Andy grinned and
winked. Still chuckling, A pressed in for another kiss,
pressing their bodies together. Andy was hot, cock hard
and full, hands like a vise on his arms. The man wanted
him badly; he liked that. It made it mutual.
It made him want to make Andy ache. "Shower?" he
muttered against Andy's lips, hands squeezing that sweet
"Behind us."
He was going to pop Andy's ass. "Are you always a
brat?" He kicked off his shoes and worked his jeans
right off.
"Me?" Oh, somebody really did like to push buttons.
He laughed -- every new thing he found out about
Andy made the man more appealing. "You are. The kind
who needs to be punished."
"Nah." He felt Andy's cock jump, though, felt the
sudden electricity in the air. Fuck, but Andy was quickly
becoming his favorite man ever.
Andy pulled away, stripped, then led him into the
shower, a lovely assortment of showerheads, hoses,
nozzles, toys artfully arranged on hooks.
"I do like a man who knows what he likes." It was a
fucking sweet set-up.
Andy didn't answer, just turned the water on, the heat
coming immediately, pounding on him.
"A man could get used to this." He closed his eyes a
second, enjoying the beating of the water on his
"Yeah. It's a great shower." Andy's hands were slick,
soapy on his skin.
He spread his legs to give himself more balance --
and Andy better access -- and opened his eyes, watching
the lean body move as Andy soaped him. Andy's hands
were rough, careful on him.
"You've got a great touch."
"Thanks." Andy beamed under the praise.
He grabbed hold of the man's chin, tilted his head and
took a kiss. This time the kiss was deep, hungry, wild,
Andy meeting him head on. He fucked the man's lips
with his tongue, his hands moving to slide over Andy's
shoulders, touching him wherever he could reach. Andy
was slender enough that he could count the bumps in
Andy's spine. He teased his fingers along it, rubbing and
stroking on his way back to that sweet ass.
The man's body was made to fuck, deep and hard. He
wasn't sure how he knew, but he did.
He pulled Andy to him, rubbing the soap from his
body's to Andy's. Andy's moan was sweet, the sensual
fucker damn near dancing against him.
"You got supplies in here, man?" He needed lube and
a condom if he was going to do Andy.
"Mmm." Andy went to a little glass cabinet, recessed
out of the water, and pulled out a tube of slick, a single
rubber. A caught a glimpse of a plug.
It made him a little jealous, thinking of Andy
bringing other men to this little bit of paradise and it had
him growling softly.
"You cool, man?"
"Yeah. Just don't like the idea of you having other
men here." He could admit it. He might have just met
Andy, but he was already feeling possessive over that
skinny ass.
"There have been a couple over the last few years.
Mostly I play alone."
"Now you have me." He took the lube and condom
from Andy's fingers and took another kiss. He'd make
sure neither of them regretted it, either.
When the kiss was over, he encouraged Andy to turn
and put his hands on the tile. The long body looked even
longer stretched out, spread for him. Groaning, he slid
his hand down Andy's spine, followed that line right to
the man's crack. Andy's body was tight and fine, just the
barest dusting of white-blond hair over the sweet cheeks.
He worked one finger between those cheeks, rubbing
on the little hole. Just that touch had a blush climbing up
Andy's spine, slow and sweet. It made him groan again
and he pushed just the tip of his index finger into the
tight hole. Andy's toes curled, and that tiny ring of
muscles squeezed him.
"Oh, fuck, you're going to feel like magic around
"You like fucking, man?" Andy was pushing back,
moving into him.
"Fucking love it." He tugged his finger away and
slicked up all three on his right hand. "You?" He didn't
need Andy to say anything to know the answer, he'd
have known, even if Andy hadn't already told him
"Need it. Deep and hard."
"That's the plan, Doc." He rubbed his finger along
Andy's hole again, then pushed the slippery digit in to
the first knuckle.
"Fucking A." Andy took him right in.
He chuckled at that, pushed his finger the rest of the
way in.
"Laughing at me." Andy was chuckling too, rocking.
"Laughing at the joke, Doc -- you're fucking A, or
rather, he's fucking you."
"Oh. Oh!" Andy laughed hard, body shaking with it.
God, he'd never laughed while prepping like this. It
felt great.
Andy leaned into the spray, hair flattening, turning
almost clear. He slipped a second finger in with the first,
stretching Andy out, twisting them together to push deep
as he looked for Andy's gland. It took him time. Andy
seemed to almost be working against him, and he had to
grab Andy's hip, hold it tight, to peg that pleasure spot.
Lovely, pushy man.
Once he found it, he kept working it. Over and over,
deep and hard, making Andy twist. His fingers wrapped
around Andy's hip, holding tight enough to bruise as he
kept playing that spot.
"Sh..shit. Oh, goddamn."
"You like that. You love ass play." Only a man who
did would have as many shower toys as Andy did.
"Yes. Fuck, yes." Andy fought it, though, fought the
He slapped the man's ass, and slid a third finger in.
Andy hissed, went up on tiptoe and pressed back.
"Gonna send you flying."
Andy nodded. "I fucking hope so."
"Gonna." He brought Andy's mouth to his, kissed the
man hard.
Andy's ass ground into him, into his hips.
"You ready for me?" He certainly was. He was
exactly ready.
"Yes. Fuck, yes. Never been more ready."
His fingers slid right out of Andy and he gloved
himself up. He had to take a couple of deep breaths, just
to calm himself down, before pushing in. And thank god
he had. Andy was perfect heat and tightness, squeezing
around his cock. The man's body worked him like a fist,
muscles jerking and rippling, sliding over him.
He rested his forehead against Andy's neck for a
moment or two, breathing hard so he didn't go off right
away. Then he grabbed hold of Andy's hips and started
to move.
"Fuck, you're hung." Andy pushed back, meeting
each thrust.
"And you're fucking tight." He sped his movements,
putting some real strength behind each push into Andy.
"Yes. God, yes. Want." Andy needed better than
anyone he'd ever fucked.
He wrapped a hand around Andy's shoulder, the other
staying around one hip, and pulled the man into his
"Yes..." Andy nodded, helping him out.
"Good." He grunted the word out, working hard.
Andy's arms started to shake, leg muscles hard
against him. He slid his hand from Andy's hip to the
man's hard, needy cock and wrapped around it, jacking
it hard.
"Fuck!" Andy's ass went fist-tight around his cock.
He moaned and squeezed Andy's cock tight. "Ease
up, babe."
"Uh...uh-huh." Andy gulped in a breath or so.
He started jacking the long cock. Andy started to
relax, ease around his cock.
"There you go, babe." He started moving again,
"Sorry. Been a while."
"You're good. It's all good." He thrust faster, syncing
it with the pulls of his hand.
"All..." Andy groaned, fingers curling on the tile.
"Yeah, all good." He pushed in hard. No more
talking, he wanted Andy's focus on him.
"Yes!" Andy slammed back against him, desperate,
"Yeah. Yeah, babe. Just like that." He was talking,
though he couldn't have sworn as to what he said, or that
it made sense. "Soon. Soon, Andy."
Andy nodded, taking every thrust, wild against him.
"Come on, babe. Fucking come on my cock." He
wanted it, he wanted to feel Andy all around his prick.
Feel it, he did, that tight body going even tighter,
working his prick as Andy lost it.
"Fuck yes! Fuck!" He pushed in hard and stayed
there, his own come pulled out of him by Andy's tight,
rippling hole. So fucking fine. So hot. Jesus.
He rested his cheek against Andy's back, panting
hard, the water sluicing over them. He could hear
Andy's heart, just pounding. He pressed a kiss on Andy's
spine, then another.
"G...good. Good shower."
"Fucking awesome shower." He slid out carefully,
pulling the condom off and looking for the garbage.
Andy pointed out the little trash can, the thing
blending in with the rest of the decor.
He tossed the garbage and grabbed a towel, crooking
his finger at Andy. "Come on, babe. It's time to take this
Andy turned the water off and grabbed a towel
himself, fluffing all that blond hair, beard, moustache.
A took himself a long look, watching the lean
muscles moving. Andy was built like a runner, or a
swimmer, no spare fat on him. It made A want to feed
him. Feed him and fuck him. Two of his favorite things.
Grinning, he held out his hand for Andy's. "Now
show me that big old bed of yours."
"You know it. It's comfy." Andy's fingers curled
around his.
He drew the man in and took a soft kiss. He was
smitten, charmed, in lust. Call it what you will, he was
fucking glad he'd made his way to the Hammer tonight.
From the look in the man's eyes, Andy was too.
If you liked this book you might like: Better Than
Friends, a Hammer story, Little Jamie, a Hammer story
and So Happy Together, a Hammer story
A is for Andy
Copyright © 2012 by Sean Michael
All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in case of brief quotations embodied
in critical articles or reviews. For information address
Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX
Printed in the United States of America.
Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / June 2012
Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press,
Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680


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