Marura Repetytorium PR Quick Test 13A key

CLASS: SCORE: & & & & & & & & & & & / 15
I. Zaznacz wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych. (4 pkt)
1. warren breed den hive
2. breeze drizzle rain downpour
3. octopus shark fish badger
4. tsunami eruption boulder earthquake
II. Dopasuj wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby utworzyć poprawne wyrażenia. (4 pkt)
1 get soaked a habitat
2 outer b trees
natural c to the bone
fair-weather d territory
struck e space
emergency f friend
mark g by lightning
pine h services
III. Przetłumacz podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań. (3 pkt)
1. Judy can t have forgotten (na pewno nie zapomniała) to lock the door.
2. It is believed that (Uważa się, że) this species is threatened with extinction.
3. If the rescuers had arrived sooner, more people would have survived (przeżyłoby).
Express Publishing: Matura  Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 13A
IV. Uzupełnij luki, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz
A, B, C lub D. (4 pkt)
We arrived there around midday  it was hot, dry and we were tired, but I was armed with a bottle
of water, a camera and my binoculars, and nothing could dampen my spirits when I saw the vast
plains of the Serengeti expanded around me. This terrain was simply perfect for spotting
1) & & & & & & .
Our first major spot came just as we entered the national park boundaries. It was a lion 
a beautiful, strong female, seeking shade from the hot African sun, nestling on the thick
2) & & & & & & of a huge tree! I was utterly delighted to see such a beautiful specimen, dozing
contentedly and occasionally glancing down at us with her golden eyes.
Continuing further into the national park, we spotted another big cat. This time it was a leopard. We
stopped for minutes on end to take pictures, look through binoculars, and simply gaze at this sleek
and adaptable hunter. Leopards are notoriously shy and elusive creatures, and we knew we were
3) & & & & & & to have spotted one. It was starting to seem like there was a surprise for us around
every corner!
Our suspicions were confirmed when we happened upon a huge clump of deep green palms.
Wanting a closer look, we drove on, only to find a veritable oasis in the heart of the Serengeti.
There were hippos  and plenty of them. Hippos in the water, hippos on the banks, hippos in the
grass, and hippos wandering on the huge rocks. Amongst the much larger hippos in the group there
were also a handful of juvenile hippos which looked miniature when standing side by side with
their elders. However, even these younger specimens simply dwarfed the other 4) & & & & & & at
the watering hole  crocodiles. The hippos were utterly unperturbed by the presence of these
prehistoric, sinister and utterly motionless creatures, sometimes even nudging them out of their path
to the water!
Adapted from  Travelogue Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
published on
1 3
A. nature A. lucky
B. environment B. unfortunate
C. landscape C. favourable
D. wildlife D. chosen
2 4
A. leaves A. class
B. branch B. breed
C. bark C. species
D. wood D. type
Express Publishing: Matura  Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 13A


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