PHP HOW-TO: Appendix B SQL abstraction Example Next Previous Contents 14. Appendix B SQL abstraction Example Submitted by: Gianugo Rabellino To get this file, in the web-browser, save this file as 'Text' type as sqlabst.lib PX: PHP Code Exchange <?php /* * SAL - SQL Abstraction Library * version 0.01 */ /* ** Set the variable $dbtype to any of the following ** values: MySQL, mSQL, Postgres, ODBC before including this library */ // $dbtype = "MySQL"; // $dbtype = "mSQL"; // $dbtype = "PostgreSQL"; // $dbtype = "ODBC"; // SQL_connect($host, $user, $password, $db) // returns the connection ID function SQL_connect($host, $user, $password, $db) { global $dbtype; switch ($dbtype) { case "MySQL": $conn=mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $password); mysql_select_db($db); return $conn; break;; case "mSQL": $conn=msql_pconnect($host); msql_select_db($db); return $conn; break;; case "PostgreSQL": $conn=pg_pconnect($host, "5432", "",$db); return $conn; break;; case "ODBC": $conn=odbc_pconnect($db,$user,$password); return $conn; break;; default: $conn=mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $password); mysql_select_db($db); return $conn; break;; } } // SQL_query($host, $user, $password, $db) // executes an SQL statement, returns a result identifier function SQL_query($query, $id) { global $dbtype; switch ($dbtype) { case "MySQL": $res=mysql_query($query, $id); return $res; break;; case "mSQL": $res=msql_query($query, $id); return $res; break;; case "PostgreSQL": $res=pg_exec($id,$query); return $res; break;; case "ODBC": $rid=odbc_prepare($id,$query); $res=odbc_execute($rid); return $res; break;; default: $res=mysql_query($query, $id); return $res; break;; } } // SQL_num_rows($host, $user, $password, $db) // given a result identifier, returns the number of affected rows function SQL_num_rows($res) { global $dbtype; switch ($dbtype) { case "MySQL": $rows=mysql_num_rows($res); return $rows; break;; case "mSQL": $rows=msql_num_rows($res); return $rows; break;; case "PostgreSQL": $rows=pg_numrows($res); return $rows; break;; case "ODBC": $rows=odbc_num_rows($res); return $rows; break;; default: $rows=mysql_num_rows($res); return $rows; break;; } } // SQL_fetchrow($res,$row) // given a result identifier, returns an array with the resulting row // Needs also a row number for compatibility with PostgreSQL function SQL_fetch_row($res, $nr) { global $dbtype; switch ($dbtype) { case "MySQL": $row = array(); $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); return $row; break;; case "mSQL": $row = array(); $row = msql_fetch_row($res); return $row; break;; case "PostgreSQL": $row = array(); $row = pg_fetch_row($res,$nr); return $row; break;; case "ODBC": $row = array(); $cols = odbc_fetch_into($res, $nr, &$row); return $row; break;; default: $row = array(); $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); return $row; break;; } } // SQL_fetch_array($res,$row) // given a result identifier, returns an associative array // with the resulting row using field names as keys. // Needs also a row number for compatibility with PostgreSQL. function SQL_fetch_array($res, $nr) { global $dbtype; switch ($dbtype) { case "MySQL": $row = array(); $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); return $row; break;; case "mSQL": $row = array(); $row = msql_fetch_array($res); return $row; break;; case "PostgreSQL": $row = array(); $row = pg_fetch_array($res,$nr); return $row; break;; /* * ODBC doesn't have a native _fetch_array(), so we have to * use a trick. Beware: this might cause HUGE loads! */ case "ODBC": $row = array(); $result = array(); $result = odbc_fetch_row($res, $nr); $nf = count($result)+2; /* Field numbering starts at 1 */ for ($count=1; $count < $nf; $count++) { $field_name = odbc_field_name($res, $count); $field_value = odbc_result($res, $field_name); $row[$field_name] = $field_value; } return $row; break;; } } Next Previous Contents


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