Lekcja 20 Urlop

30.7.2014 Lekcja 20: Urlop
Lekcja 20: Urlop
Wraz z nadejściem lata nadchodzi czas urlopów. Czekamy na niego czasem z większym wytęsknieniem niż na
Święta Bożego Narodzenia czy Wielkanocy. Nie każdy jednak umie mądrze zaplanować i wykorzystać urlop i w
pełni się nim cieszyć. W dzisiejszym odcinku podpowiadamy, jak to zrobić.
With the arrival of summer also comes the time of vacations. We yearn for it even more than for Christmas or Easter.
And yet, many people don't know how to plan the vacation wisely and fully enjoy it. In today's episode we suggest you
how to do it right.
Research shows that, after returning from their vacation, 40% of employees are even more stressed than before they
left - all because they are unable to relax effectively. In fact, as many as 87% of Poles cannot relax when on leave. As
surveys show, only 13% of Poles get back to work in a good mood, well-rested and relaxed. Technology is mainly to
be blamed, as it does improve our lives, but at the same time it makes it extremely difficult for us to live without it.
Moreover, the continuing precarious situation in the job market also means that many employees are afraid to
completely disconnect from work, thus trying to be constantly available to the employer - sometimes literally day and
night. As many as 90% of employees who took a holiday recently were worried that they would find hundreds of e-
mails in their inbox upon their return, which in turn made one-third of respondents check emails while on holiday,
often responding to them via smartphones.
So what can be done to enjoy a stress-free vacation and fresh energy when you're back?
Before you leave, delegate your responsibilities to other work colleagues, providing them with clear instructions as to
the tasks that need to be done during your absence. Also, use technology, only for your benefit: enable automatic filter
of your emails so that they are immediately sent into folders marked as urgent and less urgent. Remember to leave
an auto-reply in your emails informing those writing to you that you are on vacation, obviously including the date of
your return. It may also be worth sending this message to your key customers. And don't take the office with you! Your
laptop, company phone or any documents are to be kept safely at bay. And if it's unthinkable for you not to be in touch
with your inbox, check your e-mails once a day only.
And when already on vacation, first thing to do is to relax. It's holiday time. Take a deep breath and smile. Enjoy any
new experiences and challenges. Welcome adventures as they are not really likely to occur when you're back to work.
Replace the phone or laptop with a far more enjoyable gadget, namely the camera, to keep in your memory all those
cherished moments from your holiday long after they are gone. Spend time with your dearest, indulge in good food
and sleep a lot. And - last but not least - try to forget about work altogether!
Tekst pochodzi z portalu Gazeta.pl - www.gazeta.pl © Agora SA
http://gazetapraca.pl/gazetapraca/2029020,136051,16357306.html 1/1


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