de Camp R2 The Clocks Of Iraz

The Clocks Of Iraz


The Clocks Of Iraz

The Reluctant King,
Book 2

L. Sprague de Camp

Authorłs Note

While the reader may, naturally, pronounce the names in this
tale as he pleases, for Penembic names I had the following scheme in mind: ue
and oe as in German; ui (obscured) as in biscuit"; other vowels more or less
as in Spanish and consonants as in English. Hence Ayuir rhymes with fire";
Chaluish, with demolish"; Chui-vir, with severe." The h in Sahmet, Fahramak
is sounded: sah-hłm-met," etc. The scheme is based upon the phonetics of

1. The Scarlet Mammoth

of the Unicorn, in the republic of Ir, one of the twelve city-states of

In the tavern called the Scarlet Mammoth, in the city of
Orynx, a slim, well-dressed young man toyed absently with a glass of wine and
watched the door. Although this man wore Novanan garb, there was about him a
suggestion of the exotic. His skin was darker than that of most Novarians,
although the latter were a mainly brunet folk. Furthermore, his ornaments were
gaudier than those of the Land of the Twelve Cities.

Across the common room sat an older man: a chunky fellow of
medium height, with a plain, nondescript face, clad in garments of sober black.
If the first man looked foppish, the second looked ostentatiously austere.

While the tall youth watched the door, the chunky man, now
and then sipping from a leathern drinking jack of ale, watched the tall youth.
Sweat beaded the foreheads of both men, for the weather was unseasonably hot.

The door flew open. In stamped six noisy, rough-looking men,
covered with sweat and dust and cursing the heat. They seized the largest table
in the common room and hammered on it. The tallest man, a burly, ruddy fellow
with deep-set dark eyes under heavy black brows and a close-cut black beard,

Ho, Theudus! Canłt a gang of honest workmen get a drink,
when their throats are caked with dust thick enough to raise a crop in?"

Coming, coming, Master Nikko, if youłll stop that hellish
racket," grumbled the taverner, appearing with his fists full of jacks of ale,
a thick finger hooked around each handle. As he set the vessels down, he asked:
Be this your last day, working out of Orynx?"

Thatłs right," said the big man, across whose face a
sword-cut had left a scar and put a kink in his nose. We move to Evrodium on
the morrow. Our orders are to make the aqueduct swing south, following the high
ground, before reaching Ir City."

I should think youłd cut directly across to Ir," said
Theudus, to shorten the total length."

We would, but the Syndicate would have to pay for an arcade
several leagues long, and you know how they are with money; they give it out as
a glacier gives out heat. When the thing is built, theyłll doubtless complain
that the grade is too low and the channel ciogs up. I warned ęem, but they
wouldnłt listen. No matter what route we pick, we poor surveyors get blamed."

Theyłve been talking about this project for years," said
the taverner.

Aye. They should have built it years agone, but I suppose
they hoped that Zevatas would send enough rain to fill the old aqueducts. They
did nought till water got so scarce that they had to ration baths. You ought to
smell the air in that underground city! They could cut it up and sell it for
fertilizer. Well, whatłs tor dinner?"

As the men gave their orders, the slim young man approached
the surveyorsł table. Standing behind the big man, he rapped the latter on the
shoulder with a peremptory forefinger. As the chief surveyor looked up, the
younger man, speaking Novarian with an accent, said:

You, there! Are you not |onan of Ardamai?"

The big manłs eyes narrowed, but his face remained blank and
his voice level. Never heard of him. Iłm Nikko of Kortoli, as my mates here
will attest."

But that iswell, come over to my table, where we can talk."

Certes, my unknown friend," said the surveyor in no
friendly tone. Carrying his ale, he rose and followed the other back to his
table. He sat down beside the younger one, while his hand strayed to the knife
at his belt. Now, sir, what can I do for you?"

The other gave a high-pitched giggle. Come, good my sir.
Everyone has heard of Jorian of Ardamai, once king of Xylar, who fled his
official decapitation and has been hidingow!"

Be quiet," murmured the big man, who had slid an arm around
the younger manłs waist and then, with his other hand, had thrust his knife so
that its point gently pricked the skin of the otherłs belly.

Howhow dare you!" cried the slim young man. You cannot
order me around! You durst not harm one of my rank!"

Want to find out? An youłd not mess up Theudusł nice clean
floor with your guts, you shall do exactly as told."

B-but, my dear Jorian, I know you! Doctor Karadur said that
Nikko of Kortoli was one of your false names, and that is how I tracked you
hithereh, stop that!"

Then shut up, idiot! What has Karadur to do with this? Keep
your voice down!"

He gave me a letter to you"

Who are you, anyway?"

M-my name is Zerltk-son of Doerumik son of"

An uncouth name, if ever I heard one. Whence come you?

Precisely, sir. The great city of Iraz, in fact. Now"

And Karadur is in Iraz?"

Aye, Master jorow\"

The next time you speak that name aloud, Iłll let you have
it up to the hilt. Letłs see this letter."

Zerlik looked down his long, hooked, high-bridged nose. Really,
sir, a gentleman like myself is not accustomed to such unmannerly"

The letter, your lordship, unless you want steel in your
guts. Did Karadur hire you as messenger?"

Really, good my sir! Persons of my quality do not work for
pay. It is our duty to serve the court, and my task is that of royal messenger.
When His Majesty, knowing me fluent in Novarian, commanded me to bear Karadurłs

During this speech, the big man had pried the seal off the
letter and unfolded the sheet of reed paper. He frowned at the spidery writing
on the crackly, golden-brown surface, then called:

O Theudus! A candle, if you please." When the candle had
been brought, the big man read the following epistleł

Karadur the Mulvaman to his stout comrade in the adventure
of the Kist of Avlen, greetings.

If you would recover your little Estrildis, and if you
remember enough of your early training in clockmaking to put in order the
clocks on the Tower of Kumashar, then come to Iraz with Master Zerlik. The task
should not be difficult, for I understand that these clocks were installed by
your sire in the first place. Farewell.

jorian of Ardamai murmured: The old fellow has better sense
than you, Zerlik my boy. Youłll notice he mentioned no names"

He broke off as a movement on the other side of the room
caught his eye. The man in plain, dark clothing laid a coin on his table, rose,
and walked quietly out. Jorian caught a glimpse of his profile against the
darkening sky, and then the door closed on the man.

Theudus!" Jorian called.

Aye, Master Nikko?"

Who was that who just left?"

The taverner shrugged. I know not. Hełs been here all afternoon,
sipping a little ale and watching about him."

Could you place him by his speech-"

He said little; but what he said was, meseemcd, with a southern

Jorian grunted. With those clothes and a southern accent,
he has ęXylarł written all over him, as surely as if he bore the crimson
hourglass on his tunic."

Are you not jumping to conclusions on scant evidenceł" said

Mayhap, but in my position one becomes sensitive to such
things. If it make you happy, Master Zerlik, know that youłre not the only
stupid man in the room. I should have noticed this wight as soon as I came in,
but I was thinking of other things."

Mean you the Xylarians are still fain to cut your head off
and throw it up for grabs, by way of choosing the next king? A beastly custom,
I always thought."

Youłd find it even beastlier if it were your head. Well, I
shall have to accept Karadurłs invitation in-stanter. But travel costs money,
and I have but little of the precious stuff."

That is all right. Doctor Karadur entrusted me with a sum
adequate for the purpose."

Good. How came you hither?"

In my chariot," said Zerlik.

You drove all the way from Irazł I knew not that the
coastal road was good for wheeled traffic."

It is not. My man and I had to dismount a hundred times, to
manhandle the thing over rocks and out of holes. But we made it."

Where is this man of yours?"

Ayuir is in the kitchen. You would not expect him to dine
with his master, would you?"

Jorian shrugged. After a pause, Zerlik said: Well, sir, and
what next?"

Iłm thinking. We have perhaps half an hour wherein to flee
the Scarlet Mammoth ere a squad of Royal Guardsmen from Xylar arrives with nets
and lariats. Are you staying here?"

Aye. I have a private room. But surely you do not propose
to leave tonight?"

Yes I do, and forthwith."

But my dinner!" cried Zerlik.

Bugger your dinner; corpses have no appetite. If you hadnłt
blabbed my name... Anyway, command your man to hitch up your chariot whilst we
gather our gear. Whatłs your idea of whither we should go?"

Why, back the way I camethrough Xylar and along the
coastal road, at the foot of the Lograms, and down the coast to Penembei to

(orian shook his head grimly. Youłll never see me in
Xylarnot whilst they seek to chop off my head."

What, thenShall we send eastward to Vindium and around the
other end of the Lograms?"

Not practical. Twould take months, and the valley of the
Jhukna is wild, roadless land. Methinks we needs must go by sea."

By sea!" Zerlikłs voice rose to a squeak. I hate the sea.
Besides, what would become of my beautiful chariot?"

You and your man can take it back the way you came. Iłll
join you in Iraz as soon as I can find passage."

From what I hear, there is not much coastal shipping just
now, with the pirates of Algarth active off the coast. Besides, I was commanded
to accompany you, to render aid and assistance."

lorian thought that if any help were called for, it would be
he who rendered aid to this spoilt young fop rather than the other way round.
But he merely said:

Then come with me, whilst your man takes the chariot. If we
cannot find passage on a coaster, we may have to sail our own ship, and that
takes at least two."

Ayuir might steal my car and run off with it!"

That, young sir, is your problem."

Nor can I be expected to flit about the world without a
single attendant, like some wretched vagrant"

Youłll learn, laddie. Youłd be surprised what one can do
when one puts onełs mind to it." Jorian rose. In any event, we cannot sit here
havering all night. I go to pack and shall meet you back here in a
quarter-hour. Tell your man to be ready to drive us down the river road to
Chemnis." He stepped back to the large table and touched one of the surveyors
on the arm. Come up to the dormitory a moment, Ikadion."

With a puzzled frown, the other followed forian up the creaking
stairs. In the dormitory, Jorian pulled his spare clothing, sword, and other
possessions out from under the bed. He donned the scabbard and jammed the other
gear into a stout canvas hag. As he worked he said:

I fear I must run out on you, as the pard said to the
lioness when the lion returned home."

You meanyou mean to leave the gang?"

Aye. That makes you head surveyor. The Syndicate owes me
for the work Iłve done so far. Pray collect my pay and keep it against my

When will that be, Nikko?"

I know not. Perchance in a fortnight, perchance in a year."

Whither away? Why the haste and mystery?"

Say that I fear the blast of the wintry winds and the drip,
drip, drip of the rain. When and if I return, Iłll seek you out and tell you
about itand also collect my pay."

The boys will be sorry to see you go. You drive them hard,
but they think youłre a good boss."

Tis good of you to say so. By rights you should have had my

True, but I never could get the work out of them as you do.
Did I hear that foreign fellow call you ęlorianł?"

Aye, but he had confused me with another man entirely."

With his duffel bag slung over his back and Ikadion
following, lorian strode to the head of the stair. Glancing over the scene below,
he muttered: Wherełs that Zerlik?" Then he stepped back and knocked on the
door of the private room occupied by the Irazi.

Coming, coming," said Zerlikłs voice.

Well, hurry up! Have you sent your man to get out the car-"

Nay, Ayuir is in here helping me. You do not expect me to
pack my own gear, do you?"

Jorian sucked his breath through his teeth. Iłve just
packed mine without dying of the effects. What do you want, an egg in your
beer? Send the fellow out; we have no time to squander."

The door jerked open. Zerlik said: My good man, if you
think I will do my own chores like a common lout, just to meet your

jorian Bushed a dangerous red. At that moment, Zer-likłs servant,
a small, swarthy man, spoke timidly in his own tongue. Zerlik hriefly replied.
Ayuir picked up the massive wooden chest and issued from the room.

One moment," said Zeriik. I needs must give the room a
last inspection, lest I forget aught."

forian waited while the servant staggered down the stairs
with the chest. Ayuir set the box down near the door and scuttled out.

Zerlik came out of his room; he, Jorian, and Ikadion started
down the stairs. As they did-so, five men in plain black clothing entered the
Scarlet Mammoth. In the lead came the chunky man, who pointed to Jorian and

There he is, hoys! Take him! King Jorian, I com-maud you in
the name of the kingdom of Xylar to surrender!"

The five rushed across the floor, circling around the table
at which the gaping surveyors sat. As one of the former started up the stairs,
{orian swung his duffel bag off his shoulder and hurled it at the man. The
missile bowled the fellow over, and the man behind him tripped over his body.

Before they could recover, Jonanłs sword came out with a
wheep. Jorian hurdled the two sprawling figures and brought the blade down in a
whistling cut on the shoulder of the next intruder. The man screamed and
staggered back, cloven halfway to the breastbone. He sank to the floor in a
swiftly widening pool of blood.

Another black-clad man threw a net over Jorianłs head.
Jorian slashed at the net but only entangled his sword in its meshes. He
struggled to tear off the net, but the men in black expertly drew it tighter
about him, while one stepped up behind him with a bludgeon.

Surveyors, to me," roared forian. Help! Zerlik, bear a
hand! Theudus!"

Coming out of their daze, the surveyors rose to attack the
men in black. Three of the latter pulled out short swords. The surveyor had
only daggers, but one picked up a stool and smote the nearest Xylanan over the

Theudus appeared with a mallet. After hesitating to see who
was fighting whom, he waded in with the surveyors. Zerlik, after dancing
excitedly about on the fringe of the fray, ran to his chest, fumbled with a
key, opened the chest, and took out a light scimitar.

Assailed from all sides, the Xylarians left off co-cooning
Jorian to defend themselves. Jorian tore and cut his way out of the net and
fell upon the foe. Since not only was he the largest man in the room hut also
his sword had much the longest reach, his reentry into the fray tipped the odds
against the kidnappers.

The combatants swayed back and forth, stabbing, punching,
grappling, falling down and scrambling up again, hurling crockery, thrusting,
slashing, swinging, and kicking. The room resounded with the shouts of the
fighters, the boom of overturned furniture, and the crash of breaking
tableware. Red blood spattered the floor and stained the fightersł garments.
The Red Mammoth trembled to the stamping of feet. The dm of roars, yells,
curses, and threats wafted into the street, so that several Oryncians gathered
about the door.

Outnumbered, the newcomers were soon overborne. Jorian sped
a fierce thrust through the body of one, while the Xylarian was engaged with
Zerlik. As the man fell, the remaining four set up a cry:

Out! Flee! Save himself who can!"

The four burst through their opponents and out the door. Two
dragged another, half-stunned by a blow from Theudusł mallet. The three still
on their feet displayed slashed clothing and oozing wounds. The faees of two
were masks of blood from head wounds. A flourish of weapons sent the spectators
fleeing, and the quartet vanished into the gathering dark.

Inside, two surveyors bound up cuts, while Ikadion sat with
head in hands, nursing a growing lump on his pate from a Xylarian bludgeon. The
first man whom

Jorian had struck down was dead; the other coughed bloody

My nice tavern!" wailed Theudus, surveying the wreckage.

We didnłt do it wantonly, Master Theudus," said Jorian, leaning
on his sword and breathing hard. Bear a hand with cleaning up, Floro. You,
too, Vilerias. Tot up the cost of breakage, mine host, and Master Zerlik will

What?" shrilled Zerlik.

Charge it against the sum Karadur entrusted to you on my behalf."

Are you in sooth the fugitive King Jorian of Xylar?" said a
surveyor in an awed tone.

Jorian ignored the question and turned to Theudus, who stood
over the wounded Xylarian. The taverner said:

This fellow may linger for hours, but I misdoubt hełll surviveSomeone
should fetch the constable; there must be an inquest on these manslayings."

Inquest all you like, but without me," said Jorian. Iłm
off with Master Zerlik."

Theudus shook his head. Tis not lawful, to leave town ere
the magistrate has dismissed you. There might be charges."

Iłm sorry. Whereas I am a reasonably law-abiding wight, I
canłt wait around for another gang to lay me by the heels, whilst your men of
the law mumble gravely in their beards. Pay Master Theudus, O Zerlik." While
Zerlik fumbled with his purse, Jorian donned his hat and shouldered his duffel
bag. Now letłs forth!"

But, Master forian!" said Zerlik. It is all but dark."

So much the better."

But we shall get lost or overset the chariot"

Fear not; Iłll drive. Therełs a moon, and I know the roads

Heavily laden with three men and their gear, Zerlikłs
chariot, drawn by a pair of handsome Fedirum whites, reached the village of
Evrodmm around midnight. Zerlik climbed down shakily, saying:

Methought my last moment had come a hundred times, Master
Jorian. Where got you that skill with driving a car?"

fonan laughed. I can do many things, some passing well and
some not so well. Iłm probably the only wandering adventurer especially trained
for the role."

When they had secured quarters, Zerlik asked Jorian to elucidate
his last remark. Over dinner, Jorianwho had a weakness for talkexplained.

I got into the king business by happenstance. I was about
your age and had been apprenticed to various crafts, such as clockmaking and
carpentry, and had served a hitch in the army of Othomae. When that was over, I
wandered into Xylar to see what might turn up. I happened upon the drill field
outside Xylar City on the day of the casting of the Lot of Imbal, when they
behead the old king and toss his head to the crowd.

When, not knowing this curious custom, I saw this dark,
round thing whirling towards me, I caught it without thinking. To my horror I
found that I was the new king of Xylar, having caught my predecessorłs gory

As soon as I learnt that the same fate awaited me five
years thence, I sought means to escape. I tried to flee, to bribe my way out,
to persuade the Xylarians to change their damned system, and even to drink
myself to death, all without avail.

Then I learnt that, with the help of Doctor Kara-durłs
spells, I might just possibly escape, in return for a favor I was able to do
him. Did I succeed, howsomever, the Xylarians would pursue me to the ends of
the earth, since their laws suffer not a new king to be chosen by any but the
prescribed method, and therefore they must essay to drag me back and resume
their interrupted rite to permit public business to go on-"

How if the king die in office-" asked Zerlik. Or if you
die ere they can recapture you?"

They have other procedures in such cases; but they

ęSec L. Spraguc du Camp: The Goblin Tower (Pyramid Books,


are irrelevant to me, since Iłm not yet dead and have no
yearning to become so. To resume: Knowing that I was virtually condemnedshould
my escape succeedto the life of a wandering adventurer, I prepared myself therefore
by the practice of such arts as acting, rough-and-tumble fighting,
sleight-of-hand, cozenage, and burglary. Fur these, I had the tutoring of some
of the most unsavory rogues in the Twelve Cities. But some of their lessons
have proven most serviceable."

Zerlik: Do you like this irregulous life?"

Nay. My real ambition is to be a respectable craftsman or
tradesmana surveyor, for ensampleearning a decent if modest living, rearing a
family, meeting my obligations, and plaguing no man. A peaceful bourgeois life
would suit me well, but it seems to flee betore me like the end of a rainbow."

If you knew the Xylanans were after you, why took you this
post in Ir, next door to Xylar? Why not work in some more distant place, like
Zolon or Tarxia?"

Because the Xylarians hold something I wish: to wit, my
wife. Therefore I skulk about their borders, seeking means to get her out."

Oh. Is this the Estrildis whereof the letter from Karadur

fonan gave Zerlik a hard look. By Imbalłs iron piz-zle,
young sir, you seem to have made rather free with my private correspondence!"

Oh, but [orian, Doctor Karadur requested that I memorize
the message, in case the letter were lost or destroyed!"

Ah, thatłs different. Ay, ętis she."

Oh. I have heard that you Novarians entertain ro-mantical notions
about women. When one has several wives, as I have, one takes a particular
woman less seriously."

I had several wives, too, when I was king. Five, in fact;
the Xylarians allow a plurality of wives to the king but not to his subjects.
Mulvanian or Penembic influence in the southern tier, I suppose. But this was
the last, and the one I chose myself."

Really-" Zerlik patted a yawn. It is hard for me to imagine
going to such trouble and risk over any woman. After all, they are ail
basically alike."

I have not found them so."

Zerlik shrugged. But whyIt cannot be that you were otherwise
condemned to a celibate life, for you Novarians seem to have no such rigid
interdicts against fornication and adultery as, I am told, obtain among the
Mulvanians. Is it that this woman is rich, and you wish to possess yourself of
her property-"

Not at all; shełs a Kortolian farmerłs daughter."

Is she then of extraordinary beauty?"

Not even that. Shełs a pretty little thing, with golden
hair like a Sbvemte; hut of stocky build and too thick in the ankles to please
the connoisseur of female beauty. No, Zerlik, itłs what we call love."

Oh, we have this ęloveł amongst us, too. In our land,
however, to fall in love is accounted a misfortunea kind of madness. It leads
men to entangle themselves with unsuitable women, causing their km distress and
embarrassment. Ordinarily, our parents choose our wives for us, very sensibly,
by go-betweens, with the advice of astrologers and haruspices."

This is not quite the same as your falling in love, laddie.
Let me merely say that I enjoy Estrildisł company more than that of any other
person I have known, and I am fain to have more of it, until death do us part."

Well, I wish you joy of it. But does not one become bored
with a single woman?"

That depends. Having tried your system, I have no faith in
it, either."

How so?"

Therełs a jingle that explains:

Oh, pity the man with a score of wives! For when theyłre at
outs, however he strives To gentle them down, the quarrel revives, With curses
and blows, and even with knives, Till among them ętis wonder that he survives.

Oh, weep for the fellow with multiple mates! For when theyłre
in concord, with garrulous spates

Of chatter, they seek their desiderates And wear him away by
alternates, Until the poor devil capitulates.

Condole with the poor polygamist! For every night he must
keep a tryst With one of the wives on the haremłs list, And he dare not repose
or leave one unkissed, Lest the peace of his family cease to exist."

Whose verse is that?"

An obscure poetaster, night [orian son of Evor. Anyway, one
woman at a timełs enough for me. When I get mine back, one wife, one house, and
one honest trade will suffice me." Jorian yawned. We must to bed, to be up ere

But that will give us scarce four hoursł sleep!" Aye, but
Chemnis is a long dayłs drive hence." You mean to make Chemnis in one day?" Certes.
Since four of those rogues escaped, the Xy-larians will soon be on my trail
again." Youłll slay my poor horses!"

I think not; and if I did, a self-proclaimed gentleman like
you could afford another pair."

Beyond Evrodium, the road swung north to join the main road
from Ir City to Chemnis, the main port of the republic at the mouth of the
Kyamos. As Zerlikłs chariot thundered down the river road to where Chemnis
arose on the margin of the estuary, a forest of masts and yards loomed over the
houses along the waterfront. Many ships had been laid up for the winter earlier
than usual, since the depredations of the Algarthian pirates had depressed
seaborne traffic.

The day after the arrival of Jorian and his companions in
Chemnis, they walked to the waterfront in the early morning. Zerlik still
staggered from the jolting of the previous dayłs headlong drive. Jorian

When I was king, we kept the sea thieves down. I built up
our little fleet and commanded it myself. Betwixt us in the South and the navy
of Zolon in the

North, no pirate dared to show his sail off the western
coast of Novaria. But theyłve let the fleet go to the shipworms since I fled,
whilst Zolon has a new High Admiral who dotes on fancy uniforms but never goes to

Zerlik looked more and more unhappy. At last he said: Master
Jorian, I fear that when His Majesty sent me forth on this errand, he did not
mean me to get my throat cut by pirates."


Sirrah, a man of my rank does not brook insults!"

Keep your doublet on, young fellow. I did but ask."

I bloodied my scimitar on your side against the kidnappers.
But meseems it were pure madness for us twain to set forth in some cockleshell
craft alone. If these bloody freebooters caught up with us, what earthly chance
should we have?"

Jorian frowned. Well, no regular ships sail now to ; so ętis
either buy or rent a ship of our own or not go at all. Rental were impractical,
they say, for the owner would demand so large a deposit that one might as well
buy the craft. Still, what you say makes sense of a sort.

I have it! Wełll be a pair of poor fishermen with but a
meager catch to show for our pains." They reached the waterfront, and Jorian
consulted a list of ships for sale. Letłs see; the Divrunia should lie yonder,
with the Flying Fish beyond and the Psaanius in the other direction..."

Jorian hunted up a ship broker whose name he had. The broker
took them on a tour of the waterfront. After a morning of inspecting ships,
Jorian bid the broker farewell for the nonce. While he and Zerlik ate at a
waterfront tavern, Jorian said:

Meseems the Flying Fish is our craft, an we can beat Master
Gatorix down to a reasonable price."

That dirty little tub!" cried Zerlik. Why"

You forget, laddie, that we shall be a pair of indigent
fishers. So a craft like the Divrunia, as spick as a royal yacht, were the last
thing we want. We must look the part."

Well, the Flying Fish certainly stinks of fish. Why cannot
we get a proper warshipsay, one of those Irian biremes anchored out yonder?
Then, with a well-armed crew, we should have nought to fear from corsairs."

Imprimis, those galleys are the property of the Republic of
Ir, and I have no reason to think the Syndicate would wish to sell one.
Secundus, such a deal would at best require months of negotiation, during which
time the Xylanans would be upon me. And tertius, have you a hundred thousand
marks wherewith to buy the ship, with an equal amount for the hire of the crew?"

Unh. But my good clothes"

We shall, naturally, wear garb suitable to our assumed
rank. So fear not for your finery. We shall be ragged and stinking."


Moreover, the Flying Fish is sound of hull and rigging.
With her beam she may be slow, but shełll get us whither we fain would go.
Finish your repast, so that we can sally forth to seek Master Gatorix."

When they found the ship broker again, lorian said: We
should like another look at your Flying Fish; albeit a thousand marks is beyond
the vault to heaven. Why, I could buy a surplus Zolonian trireme for that..."

After two hours of haggling, [orian brought the price down
to 650 marks. He said: Methmks we can do business, Master Gatorix. Of course,
youłll throw in a sun stone, a chart, and an astrolabe-.."

After further chaffering, Jorian asked the broker about distances,
winds, and currents between Chemnis and Iraz. Gatorix advised him that even
with favorable weather, the voyage would take at least a sennight. Jorian calculated
and dispatched Zerlik and Ayuir to buy supplies. When they returned, followed
by longshoremen laden with sacks of biscuits, salt pork, apples, salted fish,
salt, a fish net, two poles with lines and extra hooks, and suits of rough,
worn seamenłs garb, lorian was again engrossed in an argument with Gatorix.

Iłm trying to get him to include this spyglass in the deal,"
he explained. He wants a hundred marks extra for the thing."

Great Ughroluk!" cried Zerlik. In Iraz, one can buy a good
glass for a fraction of that."

Naturally," said Gatorix, since you Irazians invented the
contraption and make it, ętis cheaper there than here/ł

Jorian had raised the brass tube to his eye and trained it
eastward. He stood silently for a moment, then closed the telescope with a snap
and said in a changed voice:

Pay Gatorix his hundred marks, Zerlik."


No buts! Wełre taking the glass without further argument."


And help me to get this stuff aboard, yarely."

Surely, sirs," said Gatorix, youłre not putting to sea so
late in the day?"

No help for it," said Jorian. Hop to it, Ayuir; you, too,

Between a quarter and a half of an hour later, the Flying
Fish cast off and wallowed out into the estuary. The ship was a"* two-masted
lateener, with a blue hull and yellow sails. She flew a large mainsail forward
and a smaller mizzen aft. Seated abreast on the thwarts abaft the cabin, )orian
and Zerlik each heaved on an oar. lorian had to exert only a fraction of his
normal strength to keep the craft going in a straight line. He was so much
stronger than Zerlik that, if he had put his back into it, he would have made
the Flying Fish spin in circles.

As they drew away with exasperating slowness, Ayuir waved
from the quay before disappearing towards their inn. The Flying Fish heaved and
bounced on a brisk chop, driven up the estuary by a steady west wind. The afternoon
sun blazed in a clear blue sky.

I hope he makes it back to Penembei safely," said Zerlik in
a worried tone. The young Irazi was already looking green. He speaks but few
words of Novarian."

Poor fellow! I would have given him lessons."

Oh, it is not with him that I am concerned, but with my beautiful
car and team. I can always get another manservant."

jorian grunted. Zerlik said: Excuse me. I have heard of
these curious ideals that are rife in Novaria, of consideration for the lower
classes, and I suppose I should guard my tongue with more care. Why put we not
up the sails now?"

We ought to get farther from that lee shore first, lest
this sea breeze blow us back thither and pile us up."

They rowed for a while in silence, until Zerlik said: Let
me rest for a moment; I am fordone."

Very well. What sort of speech do you use in Pe-nembei?"

Why, Penembic, of course."

Is it related to Fediruni? I speak fair Fediruni, as well
as Mulvani and Shvenic."

Nay; Penembic is related to no other tongueat least, in
this part of the worldalbeit it contains not a few words of Fediruni and
Novarian origin. Our dynasty is of remotely Fediruni origin, you know; King
luktar was a nomadic chieftain in Fedirun. And before that, a Novarian
adventurer founded the city and begat a dynasty. But Penembic is a much more
precise and logical tongue than your congeries of Novarian dialects. Most of us
speak a little Fediruni, since that is the tongue of the cult of the supreme
god Ughroluk."

You must teach me Penembic."

I shall be pleased to. At least it will take my mind off
this damnable stench of fish. Tell me: Why took you Gatorixłs exhorbitant price
for his glass? And why the sudden haste?"

Jorian chuckled. I looked through the telescope up the Kyamos
and saw a squad of horsemen riding hard down the river road. They were mere
specks in the glass, but natheless they gave the impression of Xylar-ian
guardsmen... Hola!" forian reached behind him into the cabin and took the
spyglass from its rack. He peered through it shoreward. By Astisł ivory teats,
those !o-sels are on the quay now!"

Let me see," said Zerlik.

On shore, the telescope showed a group of black-clad men,
one of whom held the horses while the others expostulated with several Chemnites.
Their vigorous gestures could he seen.

Letłs hope they donłt find a barge and put to sea after us,"
muttered Jorian. Eight oars could easily overhaul two. Row harder!"

After a while, Zerlik asked: Could we not put up the sails

We shall, but count not too heavily upon them. With this onshore
wind, we shall have to tack out to sea, and I know not how high our little tub
will point. Here, give me the glass. Ten thousand demons, but theyłve already
found a barge and are putting out! Now wełre for it!"

2. The Flying Fish


Zerlik asked: How do we that? I have never sailed."

First, we heave to in the eye of the wind." With powerful
strokes of his oar, Jorian turned the bow of the Flying Fish westward. The
little ship pitched wildly as she took the waves bow-on. Jorian shipped his

Now," he said, keep her in this position whilst I raise
the sails. Oh, dip me in dung!"

What is the matter?"

I forgot that these sails had their covers on."

I thought you were a nautical expert?"

Do be quiet and let me think!" Jorian quickly unhooked the
lashing of the mizzen cover.

It is my skin, too," said Zerlik plaintively.

Fear not for your precious skin. Tis I whom theyłre after."

But if a fight develop, they will not draw subtle

forian, heaving on the mizzen halyard, forbore to answer.
The mizzen yard went up by jerks. The yellow sail flapped and boomed as it
luffed. Jorian shouted:

Keep her head into the wind!"

Why not sail on this sail alone?"

Too far aft; shełd give us too much weather helm."

I know not your nautical terms. Here come our pursuers!"

The black-hulled barge, rowed by eight men, had covered half
the distance from the quay to the Flying Fish. Zerlik asked:

Then why did you not put up that big front sail first?"

One must hoist sail from stern forward. If one hoists the
foremost sail first, the wind takes charge and sweeps one downwindwhich in
this case is upriver, whither we are fain not to go. There!"

forian belayed the halyard and worked his way forward to the
mainmast. An instant later, Zerlik heard a wild yell. He called:

What is the matter now?"

May fiends torment, for a million eternities, the bastard
who lashed this sail cover! He tied it in a hard knot, around to the front
where I canłt see it."

Hasten, or the Xylarians will be upon us," The pursuers
were now close enough for their faces to be discerned.

I do my utmost. Shut up and hold her bow steady!"

The mainsail yard, swathed in the canvas sail cover, extended
out for several feet beyond the bow. The knot that secured the lashing was at
the forward end of this yard. To reach it, Jorian had to sprawl out lizardlike
on the yard, gripping for dear life with his left arm, with his feet on the
anchor, while he felt around the butt end of the yard with his free hand. To
untie a hard knot with one hand takes doing even when one can see the knot, let
alone when one has to work solely by touch.

The freshening wind drove larger and larger waves up the estuary.
The Flying Fish leaped to each impact like Ł horse at a fence. Smash! smash!
went the little shipłs bow as she came down from each pitch.

Tossed up and down, eight or ten feet to each toss, [orian
had much ado to keep his grip on the yard. The sun, near to setting, turned the
seaward waves to gold, which glared in Jorianłs eyes like the glow from a

The barge drew closer. The Xylarians were within easy bowshot,
but Jorian was sure they would not try archery. For one thing, the wind would
carry their shafts awry; for another, they wanted him aiive.

ę Zevatas damn it!" he screamed as his hat blew off, alighted
gently on a wave, and went sailing up the estuary on its own.

Jonan!" called Zerlik. A man is readying a lariat."

When it seemed hopeless, Jorian felt the knot yield to his
straining fingers. The black pursuing barge was almost within spitting
distance. The knot came loose at last. Feverishly, lorian unhooked the sail
cover, bundled it up, and tossed it aft. It carne down on Zerlik and wrapped
itself pythonlike about him. In trying to free himself from the canvas, he let
go his oar.

Keep her head into the wind!" bellowed forian, heaving on
the main halyard.

Zerlik bundled up the sail cover and returned his attention
to his oar. Here comes the noose!" he called.

One Xylarian cast his lariat, but the cast fell short, into
the heaving blue water. The yellow mainsail went up. Its luffing in the strong
wind shook the ship, forian snouted:

Point her to starboard!"

Which is that?"

Oh, my gods! Back water, stupid!"

Zerlik caught a crab with his oar but at last did as
commanded. As the bow fell off to starboard, the wind, with sharp cracks,
filled the sails on the port tack. The Flying Fish heeled to starboard and
began to pick up speed.

As forian scrambled aft, he saw that the Xylarian with the
lariat was again whirling his noose. The manłs black hood had fallen back,
exposing a head of long, wheat-colored hair. The man, (orian thought, was
probably a nomad from the steppes of Shven. Xylar often hired these Northerners
for the Royal Guard because of their skill with the lariat, since the principal
duty of the Guard was, not to protect the king, but to keep him from escaping
and to catch him alive if he tried.

This time, forian was within easy casting distance. He
scuttled into the cockpit.

Ship your oar," he said, and catch hold of my belt in


Just do it.."

The oar clattered inboard, jorian stood up in the cockpit,
with one hand on the mizzen backstay, and thumbed his nose at the Xylarians.
Zerlik caught his belt from behind. The Xylarian put one foot on his gunwale to
make his cast.

Helped by the wind, the noose whirled through the air and settled
around Jorianłs shoulders. Jorian seized the rope in both hands and gave a
mighty heave. Zerlik pulled at the same time. The Xylarian was jerked clear out
of the barge, splash!

With cries of rage and alarm, the pursuers stopped rowing.
Those on the near side of the barge rose and stretched out their oars to the
man in the water. One, in his zeal, hit the swimmer over the head. The head
vanished but soon bobbed up again.

The Flying Fish gained speed. Jorian crouched in the
cockpit, holding the tiller with one hand and with the other, reeling in the
rope. He grinned at Zerlik.

One can never have too much good rope on shipboard," he

The barge fell astern, while the Xylarians hauled their
dripping comrade aboard. Zerlik asked;

Are we safe, now?"

I know not. She seems to point pretty well on this tack;
but we have yet to learn how featly she comes about and how well she pointed
with the sails taken aback."

What means that?"

Jorian explained the features of lateen sails and the good
and bad points of shifting the yards to the leeward of the masts with each
tack. He cast a worried glance ahead, where the far side of the estuary was
opening out as they neared it: a long, low green line of marshes and woods,
interspersed with croplands and villages.

Get forward, Zerlik," he said, and watch for shoal water.
All we need now is to run aground."

How shall I do that?"

Look straight down and yell when you think you see bottom."

After a while, Jorian called a warning, put the helm sharply
down, and brought the Flying Fish about on the starboard tack. The little ship
responded well and pointed almost as high on this tack as on the other. Zerlik

The Xylanans have not yet given up, O Jonan. They seek to
cut us off."

Jorian shaded his eyes. Laboring into the teeth of the wind,
the pursuers were forging seaward. Although the Flying Fish moved much faster
than the barge, the angle at which the lateener was forced to sail by the
direction of the wind brought the two vessels on converging courses.

Should we not tack again, ere we come close?" asked Zerlik.

Mayhap; but theyłd still he south of us. Theyłd run farther
out to sea and intercept us on the next tack. I have a better idea."

With a dangerous glint in his eye, Jorian held his course.
Closer came the barge.

Now," said forian, take the trumpet, go forward, and shout
a warning, that we mean to exercise our right of way. Let them stand off if
they would not be run down."

Jorian! The collision would smash both ships!"

Do as I say!"

Shaking his head, Zerlik went forward and shouted his warning.
The Xylarians turned faces towards the Flying Fish, swiftly bearing down upon
them. There was motion aboard the craft as some of the pursuers readied their
nets and lariats. The F/ying Fish kept on.

Can you swim, Zerlik?" asked Jorian.

A little, but not from here to shore! My gods, (orian,
would you really ram them?"

You shall see. Repeat your warning."

At the last minute, the barge burst into action. The rowers
backed water, the sea foaming over their oars. The Flying Fish raced past so
close to windward that the barge rocked in her wake. One Xylarian stood up to
shake a fist until his comrades pulled him down again.

Whew!" breathed Zerlik"Would you have truly run them down?"

Jorian grinned. Youłll never know. But, with that much way
on, ętwould not have been hard to dodge them. Anyway, we can now devote
ourselves to the sea road to Irazif storms, calms, sea monsters, and pirates
interfere not. Now excuse me whilst I pray to Psaan to avert these perils."

. Night fell, but the brisk wind held. Having lost his lunch
and being unable to eat any dinner, Zerlik sat moaning with his head in his

How do you stand it?" he asked, watching with revulsion as
Jorian, one hand on the tiller, put away a hearty supper. You eat enough for

Jorian bit a piece out of an apple, swallowed, and replied: Oh,
I used to get seasick, too. On my first cruise against pirates, as king of
Xylar, I was sick as a dying dog. I was like that fellow in the operetta, The
Good Ship Petticoat, by Galliben and Silferoyou know, the one who sings about
being a pirate captain bold."

I know it not. Could you give it to me?"

I can try, albeit vocal training is one skill wherefore Iłve
not had time." In a heavy bass voice, slightly off key, Jorian sang:

Oh, I am a pirate captain bold; I fill my vessel with
jewels and gold And slaughter my captives, young and old, To rule the raging
sea, oh!

And whether the blast be hot or cold, And the tossing main
be deep or shoaled, Iłm master of all that I behold As I cruise the ocean free,

But although with treasure I fill my hold, And my loot at a
bountiful price is sold, I harbor a secret thatłs never been told: Iłm sick as
a dog at sea, oh!"

That is good!" said Zerlik. I would learn it; for I know
no Novarian songs." He started off in a high but well-controlled tenor.

You sing better than I ever shall," said forian after he
had helped his comrade through the lyrics.

Ah, but amongst us, to carry a tune well is deemed one of
the accomplishments of a gentleman! How got you over your seasickness?"

Well, thanks to Psaan"

Thanks to whom?"

Psaan, the Novarian sea god. Anyway, my system adjusted,
and Iłve never been seasick since. Perhaps you will adapt likewise. That
reminds me: Is myahcolorful past known in Iraz?"

Nay, at least so far as I know."

Then how did you learn of it?"

Doctor Karadur told me about your having been king of Xylar
and accompanying him to Mulvan and Shven, to make it easier for me to find you.
He swore me to secrecy, howsomever."

Good for him! Karadur is a wise old man, if sometimes absent-minded.
Now, when we reach your homeland, I want no word of my former kingship or aught
else breathed abroad. To the Irazis I shall be merely a respectable technician.
Do you understand?"

Aye, sir."

Then come hither and take the tiller. It must be the hour
of the owl already, and I needs must get some sleep."

May I run her closer to shore? I can barely see the coast,
and so much water around me makes me nervous."

Zerlik gestured to eastward, where the Xylarian coast formed
a black strip between sky and sea, both illuminated by the rising moon. The
moon cast a million silvery spangles on the waves between the Flying Fish and
the shore.

Gods, no!" said lorian. Off a lee shore like this, the
more water around us the better. Keep her as far from shore as we are now, and
wake me if aught happens."

* * *

Next day, the west wind continued, blowing little
cotton-wool clouds across the deep-blue sky. Zerlik still complained of headache
but summoned enough strength to eat. lorian, with a scarf tied around his head
in piratical fashion in place of his lost hat, took the tiller. As he guided
the Flying Fish, he quizzed Zerlik about the language of Penembei. After an
hour of explanation, he clapped a hand to his forehead.

Gods and goddesses!" he cried. How do little Pe-nembians
ever master so complicated a tongue? I can understand having indicative,
interrogative, imperative, conditional, and subjunctive moods; but when you add
to those the optative, causative, dubitative, repor-tative, accelerative,
narrative, continuative, and"

But of course, my good Jorian! That is why we deem our
speech superior to all others, for one can say exactly what one means. Now, to
go over the aorist perfect reportative of the verb ęto sleepł again. In
Novarian you would say: ęThey say that I used to sleepł but in Pe-nembic we do
all that with a single word"

A single word with fifty-three suffixes," growled Jorian.
Later he said: Perhaps youłd better merely teach me common expressions, like ęGood
morningł and ęHow much?ł I used to think myself a fair linguist; but your
grammar baffles me."

Ah, but once you learn the rules, you have but to follow
them to speak correctly. There is none of those irregularities and exceptions
that make your Novarian tongue so maddening."

By mid-afternoon, the wind and the sea had moderated.
Feeling better, Zerlik moved about, learning the spars, the lines, and the
other parts of the ship.

I shall be a true mariner yet!" he exclaimed in a rush of
enthusiasm. Standing on the gunwale abeam of the mizzenmast, he burst into the
song from The Good Ship Petticoat. As he reached the final oh!" he let go the
mizzen stay to make a dramatic gesture. At that instant, the Flying Fish
lurched to a large wave. With a yell of dismay, Zerlik fell into the sea.

By Vaisusł brazen arse!" cried Jorian as he put the helm
down. The Flying Fish turned into the wind, lost way, and luffed. Jonan
gathered up the rope he had taken from the Xyiarians, belayed one end to a
cleat, and hurled the rest of it to Zerlik, whose head bobbed into sight and
out again with the rise and fall of the waves.

With the third cast, Zerlik got his hands on the rope,
(orian hauled him by the slack of his fishermanłs blouse up over the counter.
While Zerlik, bent into a knot of misery, retched, coughed, spat, and sneered,
Jorian said: Thatłll teach you to keep a grip on Something all the time youłre
out of the cockpit! Remember the rule: one hand for yourself, one for the ship."

Ghrlp," said Zerlik.

The wind fell. The sun set behind a bank of fog, which
rolled in from the sea. Jorian said:

We shall be becalmed in that fog. Wełd better head into
shore and anchor."

An hour later, as the first tendrils of fog drifted past the
Flying Fish, Jorian dropped anchor and furled sail. The wind died. The waves
became smooth little oily swells, just big enough to rock the Flying Fish
gently. Jorian and Zerlik bailed out the bilge water with sponge and bucket.

When daylight vanished, utter darkness settled down, since
the moon did not rise until hours after sunset. Jorian lit a small lanthorn.
When he and his companion tired of language lessons, they played skillet by the
feeble light. Jorian won several marks.

Never bluff more than once at a sitting/ł he said. Would
you like me to take first watch?"

Nay; I could not sleep, with all the salt water I have swallowed."

Later, [orian was awakened. Zerlik whispered: I hear something!"

Yawning and rubbing his eyes, forian ducked out of the
cabin, A pearly opalescence in the fog showed that the moon had risen. The
ocean was still as a pond, so tbat Jonan could not tell direction.

The sound was a rhythmic thump. Jorian, listening, said: Galley

Whose galley?"

Jorian shrugged. Belike Ir; beiike Xylar; belike
Al-garthian pirates."

What were the galleys of Ir or Xylar doing out in this murk?"

I know not. The sea power of both states is at ebbIr because
their pmchpenny Syndicate wonłt keep up their fleet; Xylar because they donłt
have me to keep ęem on their toes. Hence I surmise that all the ships of both
are snug in harbor, and that the oars we hear are piratical."

I should think the Algarthians would fear running aground
as much as we do."

They have wizards whose second sight enables them to warn
their ships away from rocks and shoals. They can also see storms and fogs
approaching from afar. Now letłs be quiet, lest they hear us."

A Penembic gentleman," muttered Zerlik, would scorn to let
such scum frighten him into silence."

Be as knightly as you please, when youłre on your own. Just
now, ętis my skin, tooas you remarked the other day. Since I am neither a
Penembian nor a gentleman, I prefer saving my hide to parading my courage. Now
shut up."

You ought not to speak to me like that" began Zerlik indignantly,
but Jorian shot him so fierce a look that he subsided.

The sound of the oars grew louder. Mingled with them was the
splash of the oar blades, the tap of the coxswainłs drum, and an occasional
snatch of speech. Jorian cocked an ear.

I cannot quite make out their language," he breathed.

The sounds receded and died. Zerlik said: May we speak,

I think so."

Well, if these Algarthian wizards can foresee the weather,
why cannot they control it?"

Seeing is one thing; doing, quite another. There have been
but few wizards who could control the winds and the waves, and their efforts
have gone awry as often as not. Take the case of King Fusinian and the tides."

What story is this?"

Jorian settled himself. Fusinian was a former king of my native
Kortoli. A son of Filoman the Well-Meaning, he was called Fusinian the Fox on
account of his small stature, agility, and quickness of wit.

Once, King Fusinian invited the leading members of his
court to a picnic on the beach of Sigrum, a few leagues from Kortoli City,
where the waves of the Inner Sea break on the silvery sands. A fine beach for
picnicking, swimming, and like amusements it is. The beach lies in a long curve
at the foot of a low bluff. Thither went Fusinian, with his lovely queen
Thanuda and the royal children, and his high officers of state with their wives
and children, too.

Now, one of the guests was Fusinianłs distant cousin
Forvil, then enjoying a sinecure as curator of the royal art gallery. Being fat
and lazy, Forvil impressed those who knew himincluding the kingas a harmless
nonentity. But the fact was that Forvil cherished royal ambitions of his own
and, at the time of the picnic, had already begun to put forth tendrils of

In Fusinianłs presence, however, the Honorable Forvil was
full of unctuous flattery. This time he outdid himself, for he said: ęYour Majesty,
your servants have placed the picnic chairs and tables where the rising tide
will inundate us all.ł

ęReally?ł said Fusinian, staring. ęBy Zevatas, I do believe
youłre right! I shall order all this gear moved to higher ground forthwith.ł

ęOh, sire, that will not be needed,ł quoth Forvil. ęSo
great are Your Serene Majestyłs powers that you have but to command the tides,
and they will obey you.ł For the tides in the Inner Sea, while smaller than
those along this coast, are still big enough to drench a crew of picnickers who
carelessly site their feast below the high-water mark."

ęDonłt talk nonsense,ł said Fusinian, and turned to give
the command to move the chairs and tables.

ęOh, but sire! ęTis a simple fact!ł persisted Forvil. ęAn
you believe me not, command the sea, and you shall see!ł

ęDamn it, I will!ł said Fusinian, no little annoyed, for he
suspected that Forvil essayed to make a fool of him. ęAnd you, dear cousin,
shall see what nugacities you are uttering.ł So Fusinian stood up and waved his
hands in mystic passes and cried:

Hocus pocus Keep your locus Do not soak us!"

Then he sat down and resumed eating, saying: ęIf we get
wet, O Forvil, you shall pay for the damage to our raiment.ł

The guests likewise remained seated and ate, albeit nervously,
since they did not wish on one hand to wet their finery, nor on the other to
entreat their king discourteously by fleeing the tide whilst he faced it
unflinching. And so things went for a time, whilst the picnic was consumed and
the sweet wines were poured.

But, strangely, the tide failed to rise at the appointed
time. People looked surreptitiously at pocket sundials and at one another
andwith deepening aweat their lively little king, who ate and drank
unconcerned. At last there was no doubt about it, that the tide had been halted
in us wonted rise. Forvil stared at his king with his fat face the color of
gypsum plaster.

Fusinian was perturbed by this phenomenon, for he knew well
enough that he had uttered no real magical spell, nor summoned a horde of
demons to hold back the tide. And, whilst he ponderedkeeping a straight face
the whilesone of his children approached him, saying: ęDaddy, a lady up on the
hill asked us to give this to you.ł

Fusinian saw that the note was from the witch Gloe, who
dwelt in the hills of southern Kortoli and had long coveted the post of chief
magician of the kingdom. The

\v fact was that she was not even a licensed wizardess,
because of a long-standing feud betwixt her and Fusi-nianłs Bureau of Commerce
and Licenses. She had come uninvited to the picnic in hope of persuading King
Fu-sinian to intervene with his bureaucrats. When, by her super-normal powers,
she overheard the colloquy between Fusinian and Forvil, she seized the
opportunity and, concealed in the woods above the bluff, cast her mightiest
spell, to hold back the tide.

Gloełs powers were, however, limited, as are those of all
sentient beings. For most of an hour she held back the tide but then felt her
authority weakening. She therefore scribbled this note and called to her the
young prince, who was playing tag with the other children on the slope of the
bluff. The note said: ęGloe to His Majesty: Sire, my spell has slipped, and the
waters are returning. Get you to higher ground.ł

Fusinian divined what had happened. But, if he confessed
the truth, all the effect of retarding the tide would be lost, and Forvil would
win this round. So he stood up and cried:

ęMy friends, we have sat here gorging and swilling longer
than is good for us. To settle our stomachs, I ordain a race to the top of
yonder bluff. There shall be three classes: first, the children below the age
of thirteen; the winner shall have a pony from the royal stables. Second: the
ladies, for whom the prize shall be a silver tiara from the royal coffers.
Third: the men, the swiftest of whom shall receive a crossbow from the royal
armory. I warn you that I shall take part in the third race. Since, howsomever,
ętwere ridiculous to award a prize to myself, I will, if I win, bestow it upon
him who comes in second. Line up, children! Ready, set, go!ł And the children
were off like the wind in a yelling mob. Then he said: ęLine up, girls! Youłd
better hike those gowns up to the knee, if you would make any speed. Ready,
set, go! And now, gentlemen...ł And he repeated the performance with the men."

Zerlik put in: If the king were competing, would not all
the courtiers make a point of losing?"

With some kings, aye; but not with Fusinian, whom they knew
to be a true sportsman. They knew that he would resent it if he caught anyone
patronizing him by deliberately holding back. So they all ran their best. Being
very wiry and active, Fusinian did in sooth reach the top of the bluff the
first of the men. But poor Forvil, being fat, was puffing and waddling along at
the base of the bluff when the tide came in with a rush, knocked him down,
rolled him over, and half drowned him before a pair of servants pulled him out
of the water.

Fusinian always disclaimed any hand in the phenomenon of
the tides, saying that it must have been the libration of the moon or some such
thing. But his folk believed not these disclaimers and looked upon him with
more awe than ever."

Did he reward the witch?"

Nay: for he said that shełd acted without authorization
and, moreover, had given him a very uncomfortable time whilst trying to think
his way out of the predicament into which she had plunged him. When he came
down with a persistent itch on the soles of his feet, he suspected that Gloe in
revenge had sent it upon him by goełtic magic. But nought could be proven; and
his chief wizard, Doctor Aichos, managed to cure it."

And the Honorable Forvil?"

In consequence of these events, Fusinian entertained a
lively suspicion of his cousin. Being Fusinian, he thought of an original way
to discourage Forvil from hanging about the court and intriguing for power.
Pretending that Forvil was a connoisseur of all the arts, he invited him down
to the dungeon beneath his palace to listen to Fusinian practicing on his
bagpipes. Forvilłs perceptive criticisms of his playing, he said, would soon
make him the finest piper in Novaria. After three days of this, Forvil ęgot
religion,ł as they say, and became a priest of Astis. Thereafter his sacerdotal
duties furnished him with a legitimate excuse for not listening to the howls of
the royal instrument. In any case, he .gave up his intrigues lest worse befall

An hour after sunrise, the fog thinned. A land breeze sprang
up. The fog dissolved into patches and dwindled away; the sun blazed forth.
Jorian hoisted the anchor and broke out the yellow sails. When they were well
out to sea, Zerlik said:

How convenient, that the wind should take us out to sea
again when we wish to go thither! Did you pray to your Psaan?"

jorian shook his head. I like it not. A regular land breeze
springs up at night and takes coasters and fishermen out to sea ere dawn. This
feels like the kind of caster that heralds a storm.. .Murrain! Do I see ships
off our starboard bow?"

Zerlik ducked around the mizzen. Aye, that you do! One is a
sailing ship; the other looks like some sort of galley but is also under sail."

Take the tiller." Through the spyglass, Jorian examined the
ships, which were bearing briskly down upon the Flying Fish. Fry my balls, but
Iłm a dolt for not keeping a sharper watch! I ought to have seen them as soon
as their mastheads showed. Now theyłve seen us."


Indubitably. That blue thing they fly is the Algar-thian

Can we flee?"

No chance, curse it. If I knew the rocks and shoals
hereabouts, I might seek refuge in water too shallow for them to follow; but I
donłt. If we had Karadur, belike he could cast a glamor on us to make us
invisible, or at least to make us look like a rock in the sea. But we have him

Why do the Twelve Cities not get together to extirpate this

Because theyłre too busy quarreling amongst themselves, and
one is ever hiring the pirates to plague another. Some years ago, in the reign
of Tonio of Xylar, the Syndicate of Ir did hire the Zolonian navy to root the
rascals out. But then the Novarians lapsed into their old ways, and the pirates
sprang up in the archipelago again."

You need an all-powerful emperor, like our king. What shall
we do if they stop us?"

Wełre humble fishermen, remember? Get a line over the side
and troll."

The approaching ships were now near enough for details to be
made out. One was a carack, converted from merchant service. The other had been
a bireme, which now had her lower oar ports blocked to make her more
serviceable in rough weather. Her oars had been shipped, but now several were
thrust out through the upper ports on each side to add to her speed.

I will not!" said Zerlik.

Jorian turned a puzzled frown. Will not what?"

Pretend to be a humble fisherman! I have been running and hiding
ever since I met you, and I am sick of it. I will defy these scoundrels to do
their worst!"

Calm down, you idiot! You canłt fight a whole shipload of

I care not!" cried Zertik, becoming ever more excited. At
least, I shall take a few of these wretches with me!"

He ducked into the cabin and reappeared with his scimitar,
which he unwrapped from its oilskin covering and drew from its sheath. He waved
it at the approaching ships, forcing Jorian to duck to avoid getting slashed.

Come on!" shrilled Zerlik. I defy you! Come, and you shall
taste the steel of a gentleman of"

A heavy thump cut off his words, and he slumped to the floor
of the cockpit, his sword clanging beside him. Jorian had struck him on the
head with the heavy leaden ball forming the pommel of his dagger. He lashed the
tiller, sheathed and put away the scimitar, got out the fishing tackle, and let
a line trail a stern.

Heave to!" carne a shout through a speaking trumpet from
the forecastle of the galley.

A sharp tug on Jorianłs fishing pole told of a strike. He
jerked the pole and felt a solid, quivering pull.

Heave to, I said!" came the cry from the galley. Are you
fain to be run down?"

Can ye na see that Iłve got a fish?" yelled Jorian,
struggling with line and pole.

There was a buzz of talk on the galley. Some sportsman among
the Algarthians was arguing that Jorian should be given a chance to land his
catch before being pirated. The galley swung to starboard, backing water with
her starboard oars. She furled her sail and rowed parallel to the Flying Fish,
twenty paces away. The car-ack trimmed sail to follow more distantly.

Jormn landed a mackerel. Leaving the fish to flop in the
bottom of the cockpit beside the unconscious Zer-lik, he brought the Flying
Fish into the wind and luffed.

God den, me buckos, and what would ye with me?" he said in
down-west Xylarian dialect. Would ye buy some of me fish? There he this bonny
fresh one ye seen me catch, and a dozen or three more salted in the hold. What
would ye?"

More muttering on the galley. The man with the trumpet
called: Wełll take your fish, Master Fisherman." As the galley maneuvered
close to the Flying Fish, the man said: What ails the other fellow, lying in
the bilge-"

Ah, the poor spalpeenme nephew, he behad no better sense
than to try to drink the port dry, afore we cast off. So now he be as ye see
him. Hełll be jimp in an hour."

Someone on the galley lowered a basket on a line over the
side. While several pirates with boathooks held the two vessels apart, )onan
tossed his fresh mackerel into the basket and followed it with salted fish from
the hold. When the basket had been hoisted back aboard the galley, )onan said:

Now about me price..."

The pirate with the trumpet grinned over his rail. Oh, wełll
give you something vastly more precious than money."

Eh? And what might that be?"

Namely, your life. Farewell, Master Fisherman. Shove off!"

[orian sat scowling up and moving his mouth in silent curses
as the galley rowed away and broke out its sails. Then his scowl changed to a
smile as he put his tiller to starboard, so that the little ship, as she backed
before the shpre wind, swung clockwise. The sails filled, and the Flying Fish
resumed her southward course. Zer

lik stirred, groaned, and pulled himself up on the thwart.
He asked:

What did you hit me with?"

Jorian unhooked his dagger from his belt. See this? The
blade wonłt come out unless you press this button. Hence I can use it as a
bludgeon, holding the sheath and striking with this leaden pommel. I had one a
couple of years ago, when I was adventuring with Karadur. I lost it later, but
I liked the design so well that I had another made. It comes in handy when I
wish, not to slay a man, but merely to stop him from doing something
foolishlike getting my throat cut so that he can show what a fearless, gallant
gentleman he is."

I will get even with you for that blow, you insolent bully!"

Youłd better save your revenge until after we reach Iraz. I
doubt if I could handle this craft alone; and if I could not, Iłm sure you

Are you always so invincibly practical? Have you no human
emotions? Are you a man or a machine of cogs and wires?"

Jorian chuckled. Oh, I daresay I could make as big a fool
of myself as the next, did I let myself go. When I was a young lad like you"

You are no doddering graybeard!"

Forsooth, Iłm not yet thirty; but the vicissitudes of an
irregulous life have forced maturity upon me. If youłre lucky, you will grow up
fast, too, ere some childish blunder puts you into your next incarnationas has
almost happened thrice on this little voyage."

Humph!" Zerlik ducked into the cabin, where he sat, holding
his head and sulking, for the rest of the day.

Next day, however, he was cheerful again. He obeyed orders
and performed his duties on the ship as if nothing had happened.


3. The T0we

marched along the western coast. The dragon-spine of the range, clad in
evergreen forests of somber hue, continued down into the sea. Hence, this part
of the Western Ocean was spangled with islets and sea-washed reefs and rocks,
forcing ships to detour to seaward. Then the Lograms dwindled into the hills of
Penembei, green in spring but a drab dun color, with only a faint speckling of
green, in autumn.

As the sun arose above these green-spotted brown hills on
the twenty-fourth of the Month of the Unicorn, Jorian aimed his spyglass
southward along the coast. He said:

Take a look, Zerlik. Is that your clock towerthat little
thing that sticks up where the shoreline meets the horizon?"

Zerlik looked. It could be...I do believe that it is...
Aye, I see a plume of smoke from the top. That is the veritable Tower of Kumashar."

Named for some former king, I suppose?" Nay, not so. It is
a curious story as to how this came to pass." Say on."

Know that Kumashar was an eminent architect and engineer,
over a century ago in the reign of Shashtai the Third, otherwise called
Shashtai the Crotchety. Now, Kumashar persuaded King Shashtai to hire him to build
this lighthouse towerwithout the clocks, however; those were installed later."

I know," said Jorian. My own dear father installed them
when I was a little fellow."

Really? Now that I think, I believe Karadur said something
of that in this letter. Did your father take you to Iraz with him?"

Nay; we dwelt in Ardamai, in Kortoli, and he was gone for
several months on this contract. He claimed your king cheated him out of most
of his tee, too; some confiscatory tax on money taken out of the kingdom. But
go on with the tale."

Well, King Shashtai wished his own namenot that of the architectinscribed
on the masonry for all to see. When Kumashar said that his name, too, ought to
appear, the king waxed wroth. He told Kumashar that he was getting above himself
and had better mend his ways.

But Kumashar was not so easily balked. He built the tower
with a shallow recess on one side, and on the masonry of the recess he
personally chiseled: ęErected by Kumashar the Son of Yuinda in the Two Hundred
and Thirtieth Year of the Juktarian Dynasty.ł Then he covered this inscription
with a coating of plaster, flush with the rest of that side of the tower, and
on the plaster he inscribed the name of the king as commanded.

For some years, the tower bore the name of King Shashtai.
But then the plaster softened in the brumal rains and peeled away, exposing the
name of the architect.

King Shashtai was furious when he learnt how he had been
flouted. It would have gone hard with Kumashar had he notfortunately or
unfortunately, depending upon how one looks at italready died of natural

So the king commanded that the offending inscription be
chiseled out and one more to his liking substituted. But his officials had
esteemed Kumashar highly and did not much like Shashtai the Crotchety, who was
by this time old and infirm himself. So they politely acceded to the kingłs
commands but then found endless pretexts for delaying the work. There was never
quite enough money in the treasury, or unforeseen technical problems had arisen,
or something. And soon King Shashtai died in his turn, leaving the inscription
still unmodified."

Showing that the power even of these mighty mon-archs is
limited by human factors," said Jorian. I went all through that as king of
Xylar. Tis one thing to say to onełs minion: ęDo this/ and have him reply: ęYes,
sire; I hear and obeył; and quite another to follow onełs order down the chain
of command and see that it be not mislaid along the way. What sort of king have
you now?"

King Ishabar?" Zerlikłs features took on a stiff controlled
expression. He gave a mechanical smile, such as jorian had often seen on the
faces of courtiers and officials during his own reign in Xylar. Oh, sir, what
a splendid monarch he is! Quite a paragon of wisdom, justice, courage,
morality, prudence, dignity, generosity, and nobility."

Sounds too good to be true. Has he no faults?" Ughroluk preserve
us! Nay, not a fault. Of course, , he is a bit of a gourmet. He sensibly
devotes himself to the harmless pleasures of the table and leaves the details
of running the state to experts, over whom he merely exercises a benevolent
supervision, Moreoever, he is too prudent to risk his precious person by
buzzing about the kingdom, forcing heavy expenses upon the locals to entertain him
and upsetting the provincial officials and military commanders by importunate
interference. Like a good king, he stays home in his palace and minds his

In other words, thought Jorian, the fellow is a lazy,
self-indulgent hog who sits gorging in his gilded sty and lets the kingdom
shift for itself.

The hills leveled off into the broad valley of the river
Lyap, at the mouth of which sprawled vast Iraz. The Flying Fish sailed serenely
past the suburb of Zaktan, on the northern side of the river. Zerlik pointed to
a large, many-spired building, on whose gilded domes and turrets the midday sun

The temple of Nubalyaga," he said.

Who or what is Nubalyaga?"

Our goddess of the moon and of love and fertility. The racecourse
lies behind it. There is supposed to be a secret tunnel under the river,
joining that temple with the royal palace. It is reported to have been dug at
vast expense in the reign of King Hoshcha, to serve the king on the occasions
of the Divine Marriage, but I know of none who will admit having actually seen

If it ever existed, it must have filled up with water,"
said Jorian. Those things always leak, and it would take an army with mops and
buckets to keep it dry. But whatłs this Divine Marriage?"

On the night of the full moon, the temple of Nubalyaga celebrates
the wedding of Nubalyaga to Ughroluk, the god of the sun, of storms, and of
war. The king plays the role of Ughroluk and the high priestess, that of
Nubalyaga. Chaluish, the high priest of Ughroluk, and High Priestess Sahmet are
nominally husband and wife, as required by their offices; hut they have long
been at bitter enmity, each trying to rape away some of the otherłs power. They
fell out over the Prophecies of Salvation, a decade agone."

What prophecies were these?"

Oh, Sahmet announced that Nubalyaga had revealed to her in
a dream that the salvation of Iraz depended on a barbarian savior from the
North." Zerlik looked sharply at Jorian. Would you qualify as a barbarian
savior from the North?"

Me? By Astisł ivory teats, no! Iłm no barbarian, and I have
all I can do to save my own hide, let alone a cityłs. But the other prophecy?"

Well, not to be outdone, Chaluish proclaimed that all this
about barbarian saviors was nonsense. His god Ughroluk had appeared to him in a
trance and avouched that the salvation of Iraz depended on keeping the clocks
in Kumasharłs Tower running. And there things restalbeit ęrestł is not the
word I want, since the twain have continued to plot and intrigue against each
other from that day to this."

They sailed past the mouth of the Lyap, where scores of
ships, large and small, lay at anchor. There were high

sided merchant galleons, smaller caracks and caravels,
little coasters and fishermen, barges and wherries, and the long, low, lethal,
black-hulled forms of war galleys. Preeminent among these were several huge
catamarans, capable of carrying thousands of rowers, sailors, and marines in
each twin-hulled ship. The sun gleamed on the gold-plated ornaments of the
galleys. The Penembic flag, with a golden torch on a blue field, flew from
their lackstaffs.

I shouldnłt think Algarthian pirates would venture near
Iraz, in the face of that fleet," said [orian.

Zerlik shrugged. It is not, alas, so formidable as it

Wherefore soł"

The costs of labor have been rising, so that His Majesty
has been unable to afford full crews. And one of those monster double-hulled
battleships, if its oars be not fully manned, is too slow and unwieldly to cope
with pirates. There have in fact been several piracies within a few leagues of
Iraz during the past year. Now there is talk of ships of black freebooters from
Paalua, across the ocean, ioming in the game. They once invaded Ir, did they

Aye, and not so long past."

The cries of sailormen came faintly across the water as some
ships furled sails and were towed to their anchorages by tug-wherries. Others
were towed out, broke out their sails, and put to sea.

The Flying Fish sailed past the river mouth and reached the
waterfront of Iraz proper. Here, ships pushed off from the piers and quays,
while others sought places at them, with much shouting and cursing.

Along the shore, wooden cranes slowly rotated and raised and
lowered their loads, like long-necked water birds. They were powered by huge treadwheels,
which in turn were manned by convicts. Behind them rose the sea wall guarding
the city, and over the wall could be seen the domes and spires of Iraz. The hot
sun flashed on roof plates of copper, or of copper plated with silver and gold.
Beyond the city, on a ridge of higher ground, a row of windmills turned lazily
in the gentle breeze.

Where should we dock?" asked Jonan.

II believe the fishing wharves are at the south end," said

The Flying Fish passed the Tower of Kumashar, soaring up
over a furlong. Halfway up, on all four sides, the circle of a clock face
interrupted the sweep of the buff-colored masonry. The single hand of all four
clocks showed the Hour of the Otter, (orian took out a ring with a short length
of fine chain, held it suspended, and turned it slowly against the sun. A
pinhole in the upper part of the ring let a tiny shaft of light through to
illumine the hours marked on the inner side of the lower half of the ring.

As I thought, ętis past the Hour of the Turtle," said

If that be designed for measuring times in Ir," said
Zerlik, you must needs correct it for the distance you have come southward."

I know that; but even with such a correction, ętis plain
that your clocks are out of order."

They have not run for months. Old Yiyim, the clockmaster,
kept saying that he would get them fixed any day. At length His Majesty lost
patience. Doctor Karadur had been pressing him to let him take over the task,
and now the king told him to go ahead. So the .good doctor requested His
Majesty to dispatch me to fetch you to Iraz. And behold, here we are! Excuse me
whilst I don more seemly garb."

Zerlik vanished into the cabin, whence he presently emerged
with a complete change of clothes. He wore a silken shirt with full sleeves and
over it a short, embroidered, sleeveless vest. A knee-length pleated skirt clad
his legs; slippers with turned-up toes, his feet. On his head sat the
cylindrical, brimless, felt Irazi cap, like a small inverted bucket.

You had better don your more respectable raiment, also," he
said. Even though you disclaim the status of gentleman, it were well as a
practical matter to look like one."

I daresay youłre right," replied [orian. In his turn, he
got out his one decent suit of shirt, jacket, hose tights, and soft boots.

You are obviously a foreigner," said Zerlik, surveying him,
but that is no matter. Iraz is a cosmopolitan city, and the folk are used to
exotic garb."

The Flying Fish came abreast of the fishing wharves, where
nets spread like gigantic bats from house to house to dry. Jorian guided the
little ship to within a score of yards of the first empty quay, then hove to
and lowered the sails.

Why sail we not right up to the mooring?" asked Zerlik. It
would make a better impression than laboring into shore by our oars, like a
pair of base lumpers."

If I knew the ship and the waterfront better, I might. As
it is, I might miscalculate. Then we should smash into the quay and damage our
ship. That would make a far worse impression than rowing."

As the Flying Fish touched gently against the quay, forian
and Zerlik scrambled ashore and made fast to the bollards. While they were
tying up, an official-looking person with brass buttons on his dark-blue vest
and a short, curved sword at his side bustled up and spoke in Penembic. Zerlik
answered. Although he could now make up a few simple sentences in the complex
Penembic tongue, forian could not understand the language when spoken rapidly.

He is a deputy port inspector," said Zerlik as the man
climbed aboard the Flying Fish. He will collect the harbor tax and issue you a
temporary pass. Then you must apply at the Bureau of Travel and Immigration for
a permit as a resident alien."

Can we leave the ship tied up here?"

I do not believe we are supposed to leave it overnight, but
for a small bribe I think I can arrange it. He will not make things difficult
for one of my rank."

How shall I find Karadur?"

Oh, I will take care of that. Instead of lugging our gear
to our quarters like navvies, let you remain with the ship, guarding it, whilst
I go to inform Doctor Kar

adur of our arrival. He will send transportation suitable
for persons of our quality."

lorian was not much taken with this plan, fearing being
stranded in a strange city where he neither knew his way nor spoke the
language. While he pondered his reply, the inspector sprang ashore again and
chattered with Zerlik. Next, the inspector produced writing materials,
including several small sheets of reed paper.

He wants your name and nationality," said Zerlik.

With Zerlik translating, forian furnished the needed information,
while the inspector filled in blanks on his form in duplicate. At last )orian
was asked to sign both copies.

Will you kindly read this to me?" he said. I like not to
sign my name to aught I canłt read; and your Penembic script looks like a
tangle of fishhooks."

Zerhk translated the text: a statement of Jorianłs identity,
the purpose of his visit, and other elementary matters. At length he signed.
The official handed him one copy and departed. Zerlik shouted across the
waterfront street, and a donkey boy came running with his animal behind him.

Farewell for the nonce!" cried Zerlik, swinging aboard the
ass. Guard well our impedimenta!"

He jogged off along the waterfront street, with the boy
running beside him. Then he turned and vanished through one of the huge
fortified gates in the sea wall, which rose behind the row of slatternly houses
on the landward side of the street.

Jorian shaded his eyes against the low westering sun and
gazed out to sea, which had become an undulating carpet of golden flakes. Then
he examined his surroundings.

Men came and went along the waterfront. Most were Penembians
in felt caps. Some wore a pleated knee-length skirt like Zerlikłs, while others
encased their legs in baggy trousers, gathered at the ankle. There was a
sprinkling of Fedirunis in head cloths and robes, and an occasional Mulvanian
in a bulbous turban. Now and then came a black mana Paaluan with wavy hair and
beard, wearing a feather cloak, or perhaps a kinky

haired, scar-faced man from the tropical jungles of
Ber-aoti, swathed in animal skins or in a loosely-pinned rectangle of cloth. A
train of laden camels swayed past, their bells chiming.

(orian waited.

And he waited.

He took a turn along the waterfront, peering in the doors of
the taverns and lodginghouses that backed against the sea wall and looking in
shop windows. He tried to ask a few Irazis the way to Doctor Karadurłs
dwelling. He had put together the words comprising a simple question; but each
time, the native came back with a long, rattling sentence, too fast for Jorian
to understand. He stopped a man in a head cloth and queried him in Fediruni,
but all the reply he got was:

I am sorry, good sir, but I am a stranger here, too."

Jorian returned to the Flying Fish and waited some more. The
sun set. He prepared a dinner from the supplies on the ship, ate, waited some
more, and went to sleep in the cabin.

Next morning, there was still no sign of Zerlik. Jor-ian wondered
whether the young man had fallen victim to an accident, or to foul play, or
whether he had deliberately abandoned his companion.

[orian would have liked to stroll about the neighborhood, to
learn the layout of the nearby streets. On the other hand, be durst not leave
his gear unguarded aboard the Flying Fish. Although the cabin door had a lock,
it was of the sort that any enterprising thief could pick with a bent pin. To
prove that this was the case, Jorian took out of a leathern inside pocket in
his hose one of several pieces of bent wire and opened the locked door with
ease. He had learnt to pick locks in preparing for his flight from Xylar.

To find a man in a strange city, without guide or map, where
one did not speak the language, was a formidable task. (If he had known about
street signs and house numbers, he would have added their lack to the hazards
facing him. Never having heard of them, he did not miss them.) The task was
perhaps not quite so haz

ardous as slaying a dragon or competing in spells with a
first-class wizard, but it was still one to daunt all but the boldest.

When a merchantman pulled into a neighboring berth and several
travelers stepped ashore, a tout hurried up to offer his services. Jonan,
however, had a profound distrust of such gentry. The more eager one of them
seemed to take the stranger in tow, the more likely he was to be planning
robbery or murder.

The Hour of the Hare came, and Jorian still turned over
plans. For instance, if he could accost a port official with whom he had some
speech in common, he could then ask advice about trustworthy guides. Of course
the fellow might hand him over to some cutthroat with whom he had an
arrangement for sharing the loot...

As Jorian, seated in the cockpit of the Flying Fish, thought
about these matters, a familiar figure appeared in the distance, ambling
towards the Flying Fish on the back of an ass. It was a thin, dark-skinned old
man with long white hair and beard, clad in a coarse brown robe and a bulbous
white turban. He was followed by a youth mounted on another ass and leading a

Jorian bounded out of his ship. Karadur!" he shouted.

The oldster drew rein and stiffly dismounted. Jorian folded
him in a bearlike hug. Then they held each other out by the arms.

By Imbalłs brazen balls!" cried Jorian. Itłs been over a

You look well, my son," said Karadur, on the middle finger
of whose left hand shone a golden ring with a large, round, blue stone. The
sun has burnt you as dark as a black from the jungles of Beraoti."

Iłve been conning this little tub for ten days, with-out a
hat. And by the way, Holy Father, shełs yours."

What mean you, O Jorian?"

The Flying Fish belongs to you. You furnished the wherewithal
to buy her in Chemnis."

Now, really, my son, what should I ever do with a ship like
that? I am too old to take up fishing as a means of livelihood. So keep the
ship; I relinquish her to you."

Jorian chuckled. The same impractical old Karadur!

Well, Iłm no fisherman, either, so perhaps your feelings wonłt
be hurt if I sell her... On second thought, perhaps I had better keep her. When
one becomes involved in one of your enterprises, one never knows when a speedy
scape will be needed. But tell me: Where in the forty-nine Mulvanian hells is
that ninny Zerlik? He was supposed to fetch me away yesterday."

Karadur shook his head. A light-minded wight, I fear. I encountered
him by happenstance this morn at the palace, whither he had come to deliver his
report to the king. When he saw me, he clapped a hand to his forehead and
cried: ęOh, rny gods, I forgot all about your friend )orian! I left him
awaiting me on the waterfront!ł And then the taie came out."

What had he been doing?"

When he left you, he hastened home to greet his household
and to see whether his charioteer had yet returned with his car and team. As it
fell out, they had come in the day before; and so excited was Zerlik by the
reunion with his beloved horses that he forgot about you."

And also, I daresay, by the pleasant prospect of fut-tering
his wives all night," said Jorian. If I never see that young ass again, ętwill
be too soon."

Oh, but he greatly admires you! He talked me deaf about
what a splendid comrade you were in a tight place: so masterful and
omnicompetent. When you have completed your work here, if you embark upon another
journey, he would fain accompany you, to play squire to your knight."

Tis good to know that someone esteems me, but hełd only be
in the way. I suppose he is not a bad lad; just a damned fool. But then, I
doubtless committed equal follies at his age. Now whither awayI need a bath."

To my quarters, where you shall lodge. Put your bags on the
spare ass, and we wil! deliver Zerlikłs at his house on the way."

Over lunch at Karadurłs apartment, in a rooming house near
the palace, Jorian said: As I understand it, you wish me to fix the clocks in
the Tower of Kuma-shar, and this will somehow free Estrildis from Xylar. Whatłs
the connection?"

My son, I have no instant method of recovering your spouse"

Then why haul me a hundred leagues down the coast? Of
course, if the job pay well"

But I confidently expect to obtain such a method as a
result of your success with the clocks. The little lady has not become some
otherłs wife, has she?"

Iłm sure not. I got word to her by one of my brothers, who
traveled through Xylar, selling and repairing clocks, and smuggled a note in to
her. The note urged her, if she still loved me, to hold out,that I should find
a way to bring her forth. But how will my repairing Irazi clocks do that?"

It is thus. The high priest of Ughroluk once uttered a prophecy,
that these clocks should save the city from destruction, provided that they
were kept running on time. Last year the clocks stopped; nor could Clock-master
Yiyim prevail upon them to function again. This is not surprising, since Yiyim
was an impoverished cousin of the king, who had been appointed to this post
because he was in penury and not because he knew aught about clocks."

Whatłs the state of the horological art in Iraz?"

None exists, beyond a few water clocks imported from Novaria
and the grand one that your father installed in the tower. In the House of
Learning, several savants strive to master the art. They have attained to the
point where one of their clocks loses or gains no more than a quarter-hour a
day. In a few years, me-thinks, Iraz will make clocks as good as any. Till
then, the Irazis must make do with sundials, hourglasses, and time candles."

Whatłs this House of Learning?" asked Jorian.

It is a great institution, set up over a century ago
underahwho was that king?" Karadur snapped his fingers. Drat it! My memory
worsens every day. Ah! I remember: King Hoshcha. It has two divisions: the
School of Spirit and the School of Matter. The former deals with the magical
arts; the latter, with the mechanical arts. Each school includes libraries,
laboratories, and classrooms wherein the savants impart their principles to

Like the Academy at Othomae, but on a grander scale," said

Exactly, my son, exactly; save that the Academyahdevotes
itself mainly to literary and theological studies, whereas the House of
Learning deals with more utilitarian matters. I have a post in the School of

Come to think, I heard of this House when I was studying poetry
at the Academy. Wasnłt it they who developed the modern windmill?"

Aye, it was. But the House of Learning is not what it was

How so?" asked lorian.

Hoshcha and his immediate successors were enthusiasts for
the sciences, both material and spiritual. Under them, the House received
lavish subsidies and achieved great advances. But later kings discovered that,
for all the achievements of their laboratories, they were still bound by mortal
limitations. A more efficient draft harness did not keep the kingłs officals
from grafting and peculating and oppressing the people. A spell against
smallpox did not cure the king of lusts, follies, and errors of judgment. An
improved water wheel did not stop his kinsmen from trying to poison him to
usurp the throne."

If you fellows are given your heads, youłll have this world
as mechanized as that afterworld, whither our souls go after death and where
all tasks are done by machinery. Youłll remember that I glimpsed it in my
flight from Xylar."

Karadur shrugged and continued: Discovering that life, even
though materially better in some ways, was not really happier, the kings began
to lose interest in the House of Learning. During the last half-century,
appropriations have been steadily lessened. There have been no great advances
since the invention of the telescope, thirty-odd years ago.

The present head of the House of Learning is one

Boraianother sinecurist, unqualified for his task. Because
of the prophecy concerning the clocks, the king and his advisers have been
greatly exercised over their malfunction. The king has brought pressure to bear
upon Borai, who in turn has brought it upon the dean of the School of Matter,
who in his turn has applied it to Yiyim the Clockmasterall to no avail.

None of these gentlemen can admit the principle that appointments
to the House of Learning ought to be on a basis of merit and knowledge, for
then their own posts would be endangered. The expert, they assert, is too full
of prejudices and convictions that this or that is impossible. Only the
gentlemanly amateur can view these arcane arts in a judgmatical spirit. And so
things have buzzed along for months, with much loquacity but no action.

Last month, His Majesty gave a banquet to the professors of
the School of Spirit. The king entertained us with such gustatory rarities as
the tongues of the fatu-liva bird of distant Buranggods of Mulvan, how that
man eats! Being myself a man of very simple tastes, I paid little heed to these
exotic delicacies but seized the opportunity to broach some of my own ideas to His
Majesty. I implied that, had I Boraiłs authority, I could eftsoons have his
tower clocks put in order.

We beat around the bush somewhat, since prudent commoners
utter not blunt truths to kings, nor do wise kings reveal their full minds to
commoners. King Ish-bahar, howsomever, is not an unreasonable individual when
one can get his mind off his stomach. He conceded that something must be done
about his non-timekeeping timepieces. On the other hand, he could not simply
dismiss Borai, who has powerful friends among the nobility, on the mere say-so
of a junior professor and a foreigner at that.

At last we reached a compromise. Ishbahar would grant me a
special commission as Friend of the King, which in practice means kingłs errand
boy. I might then make my own arrangements for fixing the clocks, if they
worked, the king would pension off Borai and appoint me in his room. On the
strength of my commis

sion, I sent Zerlik to find you, having approximately
located you by divination."

But how does this get my little darling out of that gilded
gaol in Xylar?"

See you not, my son? As director of the House of Learning,
I can direct the efforts of the scientists and magicians under my command in
such directions as would prove most efficacious in abducting your wife. With
all that intellectual power"

I wonder that you havenłt figured out some magical method
of your own."

That is not possible in my present situation. The dean of
the School of Spirit, Fahramak, is of the same kidney as Borai and Yiyim. To
make sure that I did notahłshow him up,ł as the vulgar put it, he assigned me
to one of the most useless tasks he could find: compiling a dictionary of the
language of the demons of the Fifth Plane. He visits me betimes to make certain
that I waste not my time on other researches."

What had you in mind as a method of rescue?"

A magical flying vehicle seems the most promising. You have
certainly heard of flying brooms and carpets. We have investigated these and
found that, while it is possible to imprison a demon in one of these objects
and compel him to bear it aloft, they leave much to be desired as aerial

What do they do?"

They wobble, overturn, go into a spin like that of a
falling leaf, and otherwise misbehave, with usually fatal results for the would-be
flier. Some of Fahramakłs savants are working on the problem now. If you will
repair the clocks, I shall be in a position to assign more of my colleagues to
the problem, and I doubt not that we shall soon achieve our goal."

Who will pay me," asked lorian, and how much?"

I shall pay you from the fund set aside for my use as Kingłs
Friend. Would half a Penembic royal a day suit you?"

How much is that in Novarian?"

A Penembic royal is worth about two and a half Irian marks,
or a sixth of a Xylarian lion."

Half a royal a day will do nicely, then."

It is not so much as it seems at first blink, for these
great cities are costly to dwell in. If you find yourself running short, confer
with me."

Meseems I shall do well to invest my first pay in some local
garb, to be less conspicuous."

Karadur looked sharply. That brings up a question. Dress
has political significance here."

OH Howłs that?"

. There are two racing factions, the Pants and the Kilts"

I beg your pardon. Said you racing factions?"

Aye. Belike I had best begin at the beginning. Know that of
all mankind, the folk of Iraz are the greatest sport fanatics, and their
favorite sport is racing. They race beasts of divers kindseven tortoises."

What? Were a snail race not more thrilling?"

Spare me your jests, my son. These are giant tortoises,
from distant isles. Men ride them around the Hippodrome. Now there are two
factions, distinguished by their garb. One faction wears kilts, like that which
you saw on Master Zerlik; the other, trousers. It is a rare race that is not
followed by a riot betwixt the factions, with knifings and other outrages; and
there are affrays between factionists apart from the races."

Whatłs the political angle?"

With so much rabid partisanship afloat, the factions have acquired
political colorings. One might call the Pants the liberals and the Kilts the
conservatives, since the kilt is the more traditional garment. Trews have come
into fashion only in the last century, being copied from those worn in northern

Then I shall perforce have to be enrolled as a liberal,"
said Jorian, for I prefer trousers. Where stands the king in this?"

He is supposed to be neutral, since the factions have
public status and furnish companies of the Civic Guard. In fact, he leans to
the Kilts, who are vociferous supporters of absolute monarchy, whereas the
Pants would fain limit the kingłs power by an elective council. The Pants are
in bad odor just now, for a dissident faction of them has fled Iraz, it is
feared to foment revolt in the countryside, ft were wiser for you, therefore,
to dress as a Kilt."

jorian stubbornly shook his head. I shall wear trousers,
for I should never feel comfortable in a skirt. Too drafty. You will have to
explain that, as a foreigner, the garment has no political significance for me."
, Karadur sighed. I will try. As I said, King Ishbahar is not an unreasonable
wight, if one interfere not with his gustatory pleasures."


courtyard of the Tower of Kumashar and tipped his head back, squinting against
the brightness of the sky.

By Vaisusł brazen arse!" he said. Those clocks must be
thirty stories above us. Am I doomed to run up and down thirty flights of steps
every day?"

Nay, my son," said Karadur. As the tower was originally
built in the days of Shashtai the Third, men had to toil up all seventy-odd
stories to bear fuel for the beacon. But so many workmen perished of heart
failure that, when Joshcha established the House of Learning, he commanded the
savants to devise a method of hoisting men and materials up and down the tower.
Come with me, and you shall see."

The twain approached the vast entrance on the north side,
where the huge teakwood doors were flanked and surmounted by sculptured lions,
dragons, and gryphons. The soldier leaning against the stone of the door frame
straightened up, stepped in front of the door, and clicked his greaves together
as he came to attention. He barked a challenge in Penembic.

Karadur peered nearsightedly. Oh," he said, and replied in
the same tongue. Here!"

The old Mulvanian produced a scroll of parchment, which he
handed to the soldier. The latter, needing both hands to unroll the stiff
sheet, had to balance his halberd awkwardly in the crook of his arm as he read.
He let the parchment roll up again with a snap and handed it back.

Pass, sirs!" he said, bringing his fist up to his bron-zen
breastplate in salute. He turned the big brass door handle with a clank and
pushed open one of the teak-wood valves. The hinges squealed.

The interior was cavernous and dusty. After the brilliance
of the sun outside, it seemed dark, although windows at every story let in
light. The light was dimmed, however, by the dirt on the windowpanes.

To the right, the mam staircase rose from the floor. It
circled round and round the tower as it rose, with landings at every story to
give access to the many small chambers built into the structure. The hollow
shaft of the interior rose into dimness far above.

On the ground floor were pieces of apparatus: chains and
ropes hanging down from above and, to one side, a horse mill. This comprised a
vertical shaft with a horizontal crosspiece on top. From each end of the
crosspiece dangled a set of straps and a horse collar. No animals now occupied
the harness.

Whatłs that?" asked Jorian.

When the clocks are running, the water that drives them
must needs be daily pumped from the sump back up into the reservoir. A pair of
mules, attached to yon mill, turns the shaft, which drives the pump by means of
those chains and sprockets and things. You would understand them better than I.
Since the clocks have stopped, howsomever, the mules have been put to other
tasks. Hola, Saghol!"

A bundle of rags in a corner stirred and resolved itself
into a sleeping workman. As the man rose, a grin split the brown face and
showed an irregular row of yellow teeth.

Ah, Doctor Karadur!" said the man and went on in Penembic.
Jorian thought he said: Do you wish to go up?"

Aye," said Karadur and turned to (orian. How much do you
weigh, my son?"

A hundred and ninety the last time I weighed. When I get
over two hundred, I begin to worry. Why?"

Your weight must be counterbalanced." Karadur turned to the
lift attendant. Allow us three hundred and a quarter."

Saghol pulled one of the cords that hung from above, whence
a bell tinkled faintly.

Stand in this thing with me," said Karadur. The wizard
stepped into a large, open-topped wooden box or tray, six feet on a side, with
a handrail around it and a gantrylike structure arching over their heads.
Attached to this structure was a chain, which extended upward out of sight.

Saghol grasped another cord and jerked it thirteen times,
with a pause between jerks. Then he pulled the first cord again, twice. The
bell tinkled.

Whatever is he doing?" asked Jorian.

He is signaling his colleagues above to set counterweights
weighing three hundred and twenty-five pounds in the other car, to balance our
weight. Hold tight!"

Jorian gripped the stanchion on his side of the box, which
trembled and rose. By Zevatasł golden whiskers!" he exclaimed as he peered
over the edge.

Make no sharp movements," said Karadur, lest you set this
car to swinging like a pendulum."

The stairs and chambers of the tower sank past as the lift
rose. The walls carne slowly closer, since the tower tapered upward. At the
sixteenth story, the other car, laden with cast-iron weights, sank past them.
The sounds of gearwheels and ratchets from above waxed louder.

The car stopped, and Karadur stepped briskly out. Jorian followed.
A pair of brawny, sweating Irazis rested from turning a pair of large flywheels
by means of crank handles.

The shaft bearing these wheels was united by gearing with a
huge sprocket wheel mounted over the center of the hollow shaft of the tower.
The lift car that had carried Jorian up hung from one end of the chain that
passed over the sprocket, while the weighted car that had passed them hung from
the other. A dog locked the ę gearing in place.

Whew!" said forian, peering uneasily down the shaft. That
scared me worse than when the princess Yargali turned into a monster serpent
whilst I was in bed with her."

Now, now, my son!" said Karadur. Do you still practise
your old vice of self-deprecation?"

Jorian grinned weakly. Not very often, Holy Father. Anyway,
I misdoubt these fellows understand Novar-ian." He stepped to one of the
windows. Beneath him, vast Iraz lay spread out, with broad, straight
processional avenues cutting at various angles through the tangle of lesser
streets and alleys. Amid the sea of red-tiled roofs, the metallic roof-plates
of temples and other public buildings flashed blindingly in the sunlight, like
gems scattered about a red-patterned counterpane.

Oi!" said lorian. Karadur, tell me: is that the palace?
And that the temple of Ughroluk? And that the House of Learning? Where lies our

Karadur pointed out landmarks, (orian said: I wonder the
king add not a few coppers to his treasury by letting the vulgus up the tower
for a small fee, to enjoy the view."

One of Ishbaharłs predecessors did that; but so many young
people, disappointed in love, ascended the tower to jump from the top that the
privilege was rescinded. If you have seen enough, follow me."

The old man led lorian up a narrow stair to the next level,
cluttered by a mass of machinery. To one side rose another lift, like the one
that had brought them halfway up the tower but smaller.

That takes fuel up to the beacon," said Karadur. There is
Yiyim now."

A metallic tapping came from the clockwork. Then a small,
gnomish man with a graying beard popped out of the gearing. In one hand he
gripped a hammer, with which he had been tapping one of the huge brass

O Yiyim," said Karadur, this is lorian the Korto-lian,
whom the king has commanded to repair the clocks. Jorian, I present Clockmaster

Yiyim stood glaring with fists on hips, silent but for the
hiss of breath in his nostrils. Then he hurled his hammer to the floor with a

You cursed old pickthank!" he screeched. Offspring of a demon
and a sow! Incondite meddler!" He added several more epithets, for which Jorianłs
limited Penembic was inadequate. So your plot finally came to a boil, eh? And
you think Iłll show this young mountebank how these clocks work, so that he can
steal the credit for starting them and cozen me out of my post, eh? Well, not
one word of help shall you have from me! If the twain of you get caught in the
gears and ground to sausage, so much the better. May the gods piss on you!"

Yiyim vanished down the stairs. The sounds of the lift told
of his departure.

Something tells me I had better not stand at the base of
the tower whilst that fellowłs at the top," said (orian, where he could drop
something on me."

Oh, he is harmless. If you succeed, Ishbahar will pension
him off; and he surely would not risk loss of his pension by fomenting trouble."

Yes? Umm. Iłve seen what happened before when you trusted
somebody to be upright and reasonable." Joriari picked up the hammer. Herełs
one tool, anyway. Therełs a tool rack on yonder wall, but with nary a tool in

They have all been mislaid or purloined over the years,"
said Karadur. You needs must furnish your own."

I shall, when Iłve looked over the works..."

For an hour, Karadur sat cross-legged on the floor, absorbed
in meditation, while Jorian tapped and pried and fingered the clockwork. At
last he said:

I havenłt worked on clocks for years, but it is plain as
your .whiskers why this machine wonłt run."

What is the cause, my son?"

Causes, you mean. For one thing, one of the pallets of the
escapement is bent. For another, somebody must have struck this gear in the
train a heavy blow and marred one of the teeth. For three, the oil in the
bearings has been allowed to dry and get sticky, so the wheels wouldnłt turn even
if all the other faults were righted."

Can you rectify these deficiencies?"

I think so. But first I must order tools. Who would be the
best man in Iraz for that?"

On the twenty-third of the Month of the Stag, a procession arrived
at the courtyard of the Tower of Ku-mashar. First marched a musical band. Then
came a company of the royal guard, consisting of one platoon each of pikemen,
swordsmen, and arbalesters. Then came the royal litter, borne on the shoulders,
not of slaves, but of the leading gentlemen of the court, half of them in kilts
and half in trousers. A squadron of cavalry brought up the rear.

The courtiers set down the litter in front of the main
entrance. As the curtains of the litter parted, the soldiers clanged to salute,
while the civilians dropped to one knee.

An enormously fat man in a gold-embroidered white robe, with
a curly wig on his head and a serpent crown on top of that, emerged slowly from
the litter. The effort made him puff and wheeze.

When King Ishbahar had caught his breath, he made an upward
gesture, so that the sun flashed on the huge ruby seal stone on the middle
finger of his left hand. In a high, wheezy voice he said:

Rise, good people! Ah, Doctor Karadur!"

The king waddled forward. In his path lay a puddle from yesterdayłs
rain, but one of the gentlemen quickly threw his mantle over it.

Karadur bowed. The king said: And is this your

Jorian, Your Majesty," said Karadur.

Master Jorian? A pleasure to know you, young sir, heh heh.
Are the clocks running?"

Aye, O King," said Jorian. Would you fain see the works?"

Indeed we would. Is the lift working?"

Aye, sire."

We trust all its parts are sound and solid, for we are not
exactly a sylph, heh heh! Let us go; let us go."

The king puffed his way through the portal. Inside, the
ground floor of the tower had received a hasty sweeping and cleaning. A pair of
mules walked the boom of the mill around, while a muleteer from time to time
cut at one or the other with his whip. The gears and shafting grumbled. The
king stepped aboard the lift.

Doctor Karadur!" he said. It were inconsiderate to ask one
of your years to climb thirty flights, so you shall ride with us. You, too,
Master Jorian, to answer technical questions."

Your Majesty!" said one of the gentlemena tall, thin man
with a pointed gray beard. No offense to Messires Karadur and Jorian, but it
were risky to entrust yourself to the car without a bodyguard."

Well, heh heh, one stalwart soldier ought to suffice."

If lift will bear weight, sire," said Jorian.

What is its limit?"

I know not for sure, but methinks we press it."

Ah, well, we cannot diet down in time for this ride.
Colonel Chuivir!"

Aye, sire?" replied the most glittering soldier of all, a
strikingly handsome man as tall as Jorian.

Detail a squad of the guard to ascend the tower by the
stairs, keeping on a level with us as the lift bears us aloft. Pick strong men
with sound hearts! We would not have them collapse halfway up, heh heh."

Like the tower, Saghol, the ground-floor lift attendant, had
been cleaned up for the occasion. He jerked his cords, and the lift rose,
groaning. The squad of guardsmen clattered up the stairs, keeping pace with the

At the top, the king got off the lift, which wobbled as his
weight left it, and wheezed his way up to the clockwork floor. Jorian followed.
The soldiers, red-faced, sweating, and gasping, filed into the clockwork
chamber after him.

On the clockwork floor, the machinery was in full noisy operation.
The shaft driven by the horse mill on the ground floor rotated, driving the
pump that raised water from the sump to the reservoir above. Water ran from
this reservoir through a pipe to a large wheel bearing a circle of buckets. As
each bucket filled, the escapement released the wheel, allowing it to rotate
just far enough to bring an empty bucket under the spout. At the bottom of
their travel, the buckets tipped, spilling their water into the trough, whence
it ran to the sump. The bucket wheel drove a gear train connected to the shafts
of the four clocks on the four sides of the tower. Another mechanism struck a
gong on the hour.

We have not been up here in years, heh, heh," said King
Ishbahar, raising his voice to be heard above the clatter and splashing. Pray
explain this to me, good Master Jorian."

Jorianłs Penembic was now fairly fluent if ungram-matical.
With Karadur helping to translate when he got stuck, Jorian told the king about
clockwork. While for-ian spoke, several gentlemen, having come up on the second
trip of the lift, filed into the chamber.

You should know Doctor Borai, O forian," said the King. He
is director of our House of Learningat least for now."

Borai, potbellied, gray-bearded, and kilted, bowed to
Jorian, mumbled something that Jorian could not hear, and shot a slit-eyed
glare at Karadur.

Pardon us a moment," said the king. We would speak to him
of plans for the city, and where better to discuss such things than this lofty
eyrie, whence it is spread out below us like a map?"

The king waddled over to a window, where to Borai he pointed
out various things below, talking animatedly. A plump, trousered man a little
older than Jorian addressed him.

Permit me, Master Jorian. I am Lord Vegh, stasiarch of the
Pants. I see by your garb that you are a person of progressive ideas, like
those of my honorable association. When you take out Penembic citizenship,
perhaps you would care"

Soliciting a new member already, eh, Vegh?" said the tall,
thin grandee with the pointed gray beard. Not sporting, you know."

First come, first served," said Vegh.

Excuse me, my lords," said Jorian. I he not up on Irazi
politics. Explain, pray."

Vegh smiled. This is Lord Amazluek, stasiarch of the Kilts.
Naturally, he would prefer to enlist you in his"

Bah!" said Amazluek. The poor fellow has but lately
arrived in Iraz. How should he know the glories of our ancient traditions,
which my association cherishes and upholds? Be advised, young sir, that if you
would fain make your way amongst people of the better sort here, you ought to
abandon those barbarous nether garments"

I believe I was conversing with Master Jorian, when you cut
in, Amazluek," said Vegh. Will you kindly mind your business, whilst I"

It is my business!" cried Amazluek. When I see three cozening
an innocent young foreigner"

Cozening!" shouted Vegh. Why, thou"

Gentlemen! Gentlemen!" said several courtiers, thrusting
themselves between the angry stasiarchs.

Anyway," said Amazluek, none of my association has turned
traitor and fled to the provinces to raise a rebellion!" He turned his back and
stalked off.

What he talk about?" said Jorian, looking innocent.

Vegh: Oh, he alludes to that rascal Mazsan, leader of a
dissident faction. He was a member of my honorable association ere we expelled
him. There are always bloodthirsty extremists, and Mazsan is ours."


You see, Master Jorian, wethe Pants, that isare the moderates
of Iraz. We follow the middle way, in .urging that the Royal Council be elected
and given legislative powers. On one hand we have mossbacked conservatives,
like Amazluek, who would hold back all progress. On the other, we have fanatics
like Mazsan, who would abolish the monarchy altogether. We are the only
sensible folk."

What this about Mazsan disappearing?"

He and some followers have dropped out of sight, and rumor
says they fled the city when their attempt to unseat me failed. But none has
seen them since. I suspect that some of Amazluekłs rich young thugs caught the
lot at a conspiratorial meeting, murdered them, and concocted the tale of their
flight to discredit all the Pants. When"

Gentlemen!" wheezed the king. We do believe we have seen
enough for the nonce. Let us all return to the courtyard, where we shall have
somewhat to say."

When they were drawn up in the courtyard in the middle of a
hollow square of the Royal Guard, King

Ishbahar said:

It is our pleasure to announce that, in recognition of
their services to our crown and state in repairing the clocks of the Tower of
Kumashar, we hereby appoint Doctor Karadur of Mulvan director of the House of
Learning, and Master Jorian of Kortoli our new clock-master. In recognition of
their many years of faithful service, Doctor Borai and Clockmaster Yiyim are
retired on pension. Doctor Borai is hereby made honorary commissioner of city

Oi! Who said I wanted to be clockmaster?" Jorian whispered
to Karadur.

Do be quiet, my son. You needs must do something whilst I
grapple with the problem of your wife, and the pay is fair."

Oh, well. Borai doesnłt seem to like being pensioned."

That is not surprising, seeing that his income will be
halved. The city-planning thing carries no salary."

Then we have another enemy to watch out for."

You are too suspicious"

And now, gentlemen," said the king, we shall return to our
humble home. Doctor Karadur and Master ]orian, it is our pleasure that you take
lunch with us this noon."

On the way from the tower to the palace, Jorian and Karadur
passed through a huge gate in the wall sur

rounding the palace grounds. From the top of the gate rose a
row of iron spikes, one of which bore a human head.

The Gate of Happiness," said Karadur.

That wight up yonder doesnłt look very happy," said Jorian,
indicating the head.

Oh, this is the traditional place where heads of
malefactors are exhibited."

A curious conceit, to attach such a name to such a place."

You utter verities, my son. The present monarch, howsomever,
is mild and merciful, so that there is seldom more than one head on exhibition
at a time. The conservatives grumble that such lenity encourages evildoers.

In the palace, the gentleman litter-bearers were dismissed
by the king. Jorian and Karadur were conducted to a private dining room, where
they ate with the king, alone but for a pair of guardsmen standing in the
corners, a secretary who scribbled notes, and the kingłs food taster.

After amenities, forian brought up his brush with the
pirates of Algarth on his voyage south. From what I hear," he said, they wax
ever more aggressive along these coasts. I daresay Your Majesty knows what
actions to take against them."

Looking unhappy, King Ishbahar spoke to the secretary: Remind
me to pass the word to Admiral Kyar, O Herekit." Then to Jorian: Ah, that we
could persuade these rogues to earn honest livings, like other men! Do you know
that the ungrateful knaves have had the insolence to demand an increase in our
annual largesse?"

Means Your Majesty that you pay them tribunh\" Jorian
broke off as Karadur kicked his shin beneath the table. I meanahthat your
government subsidizes these gentry?"

One might put it thus. One might. I know there is an
argument for a hard policy; we have gone over it many a time and oft in council
meetings. But our great philosopher Rebbim held that such men. should not be blamed
for their acts. The Algarthian Archipelago is a congeries of barren, sea-beaten
rocks, where little food can DC raised. The folk of that grim land must,
therefore, resort to piracy or face starvation. So a subsidy, in return for
immunity to our ships, seemed but a humane and benevolent act.

Besides which, the subsidy was at first but a fraction of
the cost of putting our navy on a war footing. Know you that the stroke man of
a bench of rowers now gets three coppers a day? Some people are never
satisfied." The king shook his head, his jowls wobbling. But let us to a
pleasanter subject. Do try this rhinoceros liver with sauce of lampreyłs
brains. You will swear that you have tasted nought like it, heh heh."

Jorian tried it. Your Majesty is right," he said,
swallowing manfully. Your servant has never tasted aught like it. But, whilst
Your Majestyłs wish is my command, I have come to point where I can still chew
but not swallow. I am full."

Oh, come! A big, lusty swain like you? What you have eaten
would not keep a bird alive. Not a bird."

That depends upon the kind of bird, sire. I have already
eaten thrice my usual lunch. Is like story of King Fusinian and the Teeth of
Grimnor, which I told you."

The kingłs jowls quivered with laughter. Ah, Master Jorian!
Would that, had the gods permitted us children, we had a son like you!"

Startled, Jorian looked up. Your Majestyłs flattery overwhelms
me. But..." he raised an inquiring eyebrow.

Karadur said: Master Jorian is new to Iraz, sire, and he
has been working night and day on the clocks. He is therefore unfamiliar with
your dynastic situation." Our dynastic situation, as the learned doctor
delicately puts it, is simple. We have had several wives, of whom two survive;
but with all of these available females, we have begotten but one child, who
died in infancy. So now we face the prospect of passing our crown on to one of
a pair of worthless nephews.

But let us speak of more cheerful things. In three days
comes the feast of Ughroluk, with the major races of the year. You two learned
gentlemen shall occupy reserved seats in the Hippodrome, directly below the
royal box. You will be safer there in case the factionists make a disturbance."

The king sighed as he looked at the still heaped plates
before him. Would we could spend the afternoon enjoying the harmless delights
of the palate and interfering with none. But, alas, we must depart for our nap,
after which we have a tedious matter of a lawsuit to decide. Ah, the rues of

Know, Master Jorian, that in our youth we were deemed a bit
of a scholar. In the libraries, you will still find our treatise on the
pronunciation of Penembic in the days of Juktar the Great. But all that, alas,
is far behind us. For the past year, we have endeavored to write our memoirs,
but so implacably does public business nibble at our time that we have not yet
reached the third chapter."

I can sympathize," said Jorian. I, too, have sometimes
wished that I could have been a scholar, as Doctor Karadur is, in sooth. I did
once study briefly at the Academy of Othomas; but the exigencies and
contingencies of life have never let me abide in any one place long enough to
get my teeth into a program of serious study."

Now that you are living amongst us," said the king, we are
sure that this difficulty can be overcome. And now we must away once more. Fare
you well, our friends."

Later, Jorian said: He seems like an amiable old duck."

Amiable, yes," said Karadur. But he neglects public
business to pamper his stomach, and he has no more spine than a bowlful of
jelly. From a strictly moral point of view, I applaud his pacific outlook; but
I fear it is impractical in this wicked world."

forian grinned. Youłre the one who was always twit-ting me
on my juvenile cynicism, as you called it, and now ętis you who voice acerb

I have probably caught some of your acrimonious outlook,
like a contagious tisic. So long as the kingdom ride on an even keel, King
Ishbahar may do well enough. But if a crisis arisewell, we shall see."

Is this fellow Mazsan likely to overthrow him? So feeble a
rule impresses me not as perdurable."

Mazsan has dwelt in Novaria and returned full of lofty
ideas for setting up a republic on the lines of Vin-dium. His following is
formidable, since oppression and corruption are rife amongst Ishbaharłs
officials. Let us hope Mazsan never succeeds."

Why so? The Vindines seem to do as well as the folk of any
of the Twelve Cities, and things do not look good to me here."

It is not Mazsanłs ideas, which are not bad as such things
go; it is the man himself. I know him. He is brilliant, energetic, and
idealisticbut a hater, boiling with rancor and ferity. He has boasted that,
when he attains power, there shall be displayed at the Gate of Happiness not
one head but a thousand. There is a tale that he would even summon the wild
nomads of Fe-dirun to help him to his goal."

ęTis too bad that we cannot somehow sunder the man from
his ideas," said Jorian.

Aye; but that is the rock whereon many noble political
schemes have gone to wrack. Mazsan could proclaim the worldłs most enlightened
constitution, but that would do the Irazis no good when he began decapitating
them by the hundred, as he would the instant he had power."

So then," said Jorian, the choice between that kindly mass
of wobbling royal jelly and the gifted but bloodthirsty Master Mazsan is like
the choice between being hanged and beheaded."

True, but that is the way of the world."



another autumnal rain. The mouth of the Lyap was covered with small craft,
plying back and forth like a swarm of water insects as they conveyed thousands
of Irazis across the river to Zaktan.

Jorian and Karadur strolled up the street that led from the
Zaktanian waterfront. The street ended at the edge of the temenos of the temple
of Nubalyaga. Following the flow of the crowd, Jorian and Karadur proceeded
around the temple grounds to the right. This brought them to the temple
entrance at the eastern end of the temenos.

The temple was a huge structure of domes and spires. The silver
plating of its tiles glowed softly under the gray sky. Flanking the entrance
were two thirty-foot statues of Nubalyaga in the form of a beautiful naked
woman. One statue showed her as bending a huge bow; the other, pouring water
from a jar.

The one on the left is chasing away the eclipse," said
Karadur, whilst the other controls the tides."

Jorian stopped to look. Thatłs funny," he said. Last night
I dreamt that a woman just like that sculptorłs model appeared unto me."

Oh? What did she?"

She said something like: ęBeware the second crown, my son.ł
Since the dame was clad as you see those statues, and since I have been
unwontedly virtuous since you and I parted in Metouro, I sought to make love to
her; but she turned to smoke and vanished. Since I

thought the dream but a manifestation of my bridled lusts,
and since the words did not seem to make sense, I paid no special heed and have
now forgotten the rest of the vision."

Hm. One needs must be alert to such things, because the
godsahreally do appear to mortals thus, as you well know."

If the advice of this goddess be no better than that of
that little green god, Tvasha, who advised us in Shven, I can do without it."

Since the temple stood on an elevation, the street leading
eastwards from it sloped downwards. Down this street flowed a river of folk:
Irazis, the men in kilts or trousers and their women in enveloping robes;
foreigners from Fedirun and Novaria and evensweating in their furs and heavy
woolensblond barbarians from distant Shven. Among the Irazi men, kilt-wearing
partisans sported the red and white colors of their faction, while adherents of
the Pants wore blue and gold.

It gratifies me to hear that you are subduing the lusts of
the flesh," said Karadur. It is the requisite preliminary step towards moral
perfection and spiritual enlightenment. Have you, then, adhered to some ascetic
philosophy or culms?"

Nay; I merely felt that Estrildis would mislike it if she
knew Iłd been dipping my wick. Thatłs love for you. If I ever get her back, Iłll
make up for lost time."

They came to the outer wall of the Hippodrome, where rows of
stone arches, one atop another, supported the tiers of seats. The crowd divided
and flowed around the structure to the entrances. Jorian said:

Our passes admit us through Entrance Four. Which is that?"

To the right," replied Karadur.

Hawkers of flags, toy chariots, handwritten programs, and
food and drink mingled with the crowd, crying their wares, (orian and Karadur
found Entrance Four and were swept in with the tide. An usher saluted as he saw
the royal passes and directed their holders to seats below the royal box, at
the halfway mark on one side of the long, elliptical course.

Jorian and Karadur settled in their seats and opened /
their lunch. On their left, where seats were reserved for active members of the
Pants, the stands were a mass of blue and gold. On their right, red and white
likewise filled the stands in the bloc composed of Kilts. Members of the two
blocs scowled at each other across the intervening strip reserved for noblemen
and officials, where sat Jorian and Karadur. Now and then, an epithet , was
shouted above the general dm.

Jorian was finishing his beer when a fanfare announced the
king. All in the stands arose as Ishbahar waddled into his box and lowered
himself into the gilded ę throne. When the audience had sat again, the king
motioned to his cner, who produced a speaking trumpet. The king held up a sheet
of reed paper and a reading glass. He began to read in his wheezy squeak,
pausing between sentences so that the crier could bellow his words.

It was a dull little speech, what Jorian could understand of
it: ...auspicious occasion., .glorious nation ... gallant contestants... good
sportsmanship... may the best team win..."

As the king finished, a man arose from among the Pants and
shouted: When will Your Majesty bring the slayers of Sefer to book?"

The king replied through his crier: Pray, good sir, do not
bring up this question now. The time is inappropriate. We are pursuing the
matter..." But the voice even of the leather-lunged crier was lost in the chant
of Justice! Justice!" that rose from the massed Pants. In their turn, the
Kilts began shouting in rhythm: Down! Quiet! Down! Quiet!"

Whołs Sefer?" asked Jorian.

An official of the Pants, who was found slain. The Pants
swear he was killed by a gang of Kilts; the Kilts deny all knowledge of it."

The shouts of the crier, together with a threatening move on
the part of the squads of gleaming guardsmen in bronzen cuirasses and crested
steel helmets, at length : abated the shouts of the rival factionists.

They are putting the tortoise race first," said Karadur, to
amuse the mob and take the factiomstsł mindsif that be the word I wishoff
their feud."

At the starting post at one end of the course, Jorian
sighted through his spyglass-four huge tortoises. When they stood up on their
thick, bowed legs, the tops of their shells were the height of a tall man from
the ground. On the back of each tortoise was strapped a saddle, similar to a camel
saddle. On each saddle sat a man in motley clownłs costume.

At the blast of a trumpet, the four tortoises ambled
forward. It took them a long time to reach the part of the track directly
before lorian. In the meantime, bets flew thick and fast.

As the tortoises plodded past at a slow walk, the crowd
roared at the antics of the riders, of whom two wore the colors of the Kilts
and two, those of the Pants. They reached out to thwack one another with
slapsticks, turned somersaults off their mounts and bounded back on, and
indulged in a hundred zany gambols.

Jorian: I feel a certain kinship for the Kilts, even though
I wear trews."

How so, my son? Are you becoming aristocratical-minded?"

Not at all. Their colors, red and white, are those of the
flag of Xylar. The Xylarian war cry, in fact, was ęred and white!ł" Jonan
sighed. Betimes I regret that those lackwits wouldnłt let me show what a good
king I could be."

The tortoises passed on around to the other side of the
course. A single circuit constituted their race. The good humor of the crowd
seemed to have been restored. Next came a race between two teams of zebras.
Then a detachment of the Royal Guard, their metal polished to mirrorlike
surfaces, marched around the course to the tune of a military band, stopping
from time to time to perform a brief precision drill with their spears.

Six camels, ridden by brown-robed Fediruni desert men, raced
four laps around the course. Then a float bearing a gilded image of the god
Ughroluk, drawn by white oxen and preceded by a hundred priests singing a
mighty hymn, passed slowly around the course. Many in the crowd joined the
priests in singing. The god, crowned with ostrich plumes dyed scarlet and gold
and emerald, bore a silver thunderbolt in one hand and a golden sunbeam in the

A pair of King Ishbaharłs elephants, draped in purple and
gold, lumbered around the track, not seeming to hurry much despite the yells of
their mahouts and the whacks of their goads. Then two teams of unicorns raced.

Now come the horses," said Karadur. Being the fleetest
draft animals, their race will decide the day as between the Pants and the

Tension grew. A trumpet peal sent the four teams off. As the
four chariotstwo blue and gold, two crimson and silverthundered past, the roar
from the blocks of factionists drowned out all other sounds.

There were seven laps to the race. With each lap, the excitement
waxed. As the chariots whirled past, men stood up, shaking fists, sobbing,
frothing, and screaming.

When the cluster of vehicles rounded the first turn on the
fourth lap, there was a crash and a glimpse of pieces of chariot flying. Two
cars had collided. A detached wheel continued along the course on its own for
half a bowshot before toppling over. When the dust had blown away enough for
Jorian to see, he glimpsed a pair of stretcher-bearers trotting across the sand
to pick up a victim. There was also a glimpse of an injured horse struggling to

By the time the two surviving cars approached on their next
lap, the service crew had largely cleared away the wreckage. The two survivors
passed and repassed on the straightaway, neither able to gain a definitive
advantage. On the last lap, they whirled to the finish line abreast. As they
sped past the royal box, forian could not see that either had the advantage.

Officials huddled in consultation at the edge of the track.
Then a pair of them hastened up the steps to the royal box. More consultation,
and the crier shouted:

Driver Paltoi, of the Pants, wins!"

The Pants applauded. Jorian noted that the Penem-bians applauded
like Novarians, by clapping their hands, not by snapping their fingers like

A growl arose from the Kilts. It grew, mingled with cries of
Foul! Foul!" The Pants shouted back. Was there a foul?" asked forian. Karadur
shrugged. Alas, I am no expert on sports; nor are my old eyes up to detecting
such irregularities. Natheless, methinks we had better make ourselves scarce." Why?"

The races are over, all but the awards to the winners; but
my spiritual senses tell me a riot is brewing. Besides, it looks like rain."

All right/ł said Jorian, rising.

As he did so, a large beer mug, turning over and over in the
air, flew from the bloc of Kilts towards the Pants. It struck Jonanłs head with
a crash and shattered. Jorian slumped back into his seat.

My boy!" cried Karadur. Are you injured?" Jorian shook his
head. That does not seem to have split what few brains I have left. Letłs go."

He rose again, staggering a little, and started for the
exit. A trickle of blood ran down one side of his face. More missiles flew over
the central strip between the two blocs of factionists. As the gentry in this
strip left their seats to run for cover, the two blocs rose and rushed at each
other, drawing hitherto hidden daggers and short swords. Trumpets blew. The
crier screamed. Whistles sounded.

Squads of glittering guardsmen clattered hither and yon,
striving to beat the combatants apart with spear shafts. Others fought their
way to the royal box to protect the king, who sat quivering and helplessly
waving his fat hands. Fighting spread all over the Hippodrome, while the more
peaceable members of the audience ran for the exits. The noise grew deafening.

Pulling Karadur by one bony wrist, Jorian forced his way
through the crush at Entrance Four. In the concourse outside, knots of
factionists were already

Ł hurling missiles, brandishing improvised clubs,
kick-r ing, punching, and stabbing.

Jorian tried to thread his way among the combatants to the
main entrance without becoming embroiled. As he reached the gate, a fierce yell
from behind made him turn.

Kill the dirty foreigners!" shrieked a man. A flash of
lightning revealed the man as Borai, the former director of the House of
Learning. He was haranguing a group of armed Kilts. Beside him stood Yiyim, the
former clockmaster. Thunder growled.

The old witch cast a spell on our team!" screamed Borai. That
cost us our victory!"

And the young one is his apprentice!" added Yiyim. Slay
them both! Tear them to pieces!"

The well-gnawed carcass of a chicken whirled through the air
and missed Jorian; so did a horse turd. A paving stone, however, grazed Jorianłs
already bloody scalp and staggered him.

Run, my son!" gasped Karadur. Whither?" shouted Jorian.

The temple! To the temple of Nubalyaga! Demand sanctuary!"

The pair trotted across the street, just as rain began to
fall. The gang of Kilts broke into a run behind them. As they reached the slope
leading up to the temple, Karadur said:

Go on, my son. I cannot run up yon hill." I wonłt leave
you" : Go on, I say! I am old; you have many years"

Without further words, Jorian gathered up the ancient bag of
bones in his arms and ran up the hill car-; rying Karadur, despite the
Mulvanianłs pleas. Jorian , slipped on the rain-wet cobblestones and fell;
Karadurłs $ bulbous turban came off and rolled away. Jorian scram-S bled up
again with his burden and ran on. The mob vj. behind them gained.

|: At the entrance to the temple, a pair of eunuch guards,|
standing inside the gate, crossed their spears to bar the |way. Jorian, his
red face streaked with mingled rain, sweat, mud, and blood, was too winded to
speak. Karadur cried:

Admit us in the name of the lady Sahmet, sirs! I am Doctor
Karadur of the House of Learning!"

The eunuchs lowered their spears. As soon as Jorian and
Karadur were inside, the eunuchs clanged the bron-zen gate valves shut. Other
guards hastened from other parts of the temenos. In a trice, a dozen eunuchs,
with cocked crossbows, stood in a line behind the gate.

Begone, or we will shoot through the bars!" they shouted.

The mob milled and screamed but made no effort to assault
the gate. Jorian and Karadur hastened towards the main temple building.

I owe you my life," said Karadur.

Oh, nonsense! Had I thought the matter out, I should
probably have left you. You almost deserve it for assuring me that Borai and
Yiyim were harmless. Wherełs this Lady Sahmet?"

I will send in our names. If she be not engaged in ritual,
methinks she will see us."

Despite the drizzle, the mob of Kilts, under the leadership
of Borai and Yiyim, had spread out into a cordon, which seemed to be extending
itself clear around the temenos.

Theyłre laying siege to the place," said Jorian.

I am sure the kingłs men will clear them away. If not, belike
Sahmet can solve our difficulty."

If we had one of those flying things you have spoken of, we
could flit over their heads. But then, if we had a carriage, we should have a
horse and carriage, if we had a horse. Isnłt that a fire?" Jorian pointed to a column
of smoke and sparks, which rose above the nearby roofs.

Aye; the fools will burn down the city if given a free

High Priestess Sahmet received Jorian and Karadur in her
chamber of audience. She was a tall, large-boned woman in her forties, handsome
but too massive of jaw and beaklike of nose to be called beautiful. Clad in a
gauzy robe of pale gray embroidered with symbols in silver thread, she sat in a
chair of pretence and stared with large, dark eyes at the disheveled fugitives.
A couple of lesser priestesses glided about.

It is a pleasure to see you again, good Doctor Karadur,"
she said in a deep, resonant voice, albeit one could wish the circumstances
less frantic. And who is the young man?"

I am Jorian the Kortolian," said Jorian, presently
clockmaster to His Majesty. I am honored to meet Your Sanctity."

The woman gave Jorian a penetrating stare. She snapped her
fingers. Inkyara! More light, if you please." When a branched candlestick had
been set on a taboret and lit, Sahmet said:

Master Jorian, methought I knew you."

Madam! I misdoubt I have had the pleasure"

I mean not in the sense of knowing you on this material
plane. But ! have seen you in visions."

Yes, madam?"

You are the barbarian savior!"

Eh? Oh, come now, Madam Sahmet. I am no barbarian! I learnt
my letters when I was but five, in school in Ardamai; and I have studied at the
Academy at Oth-omae. My table manners may not be up to courtly standards, but I
do not make a pig of myself. I am only an honest craftsman, and in any case I
am unqualified to s,ave Iraz from any doom. But what mean you to do with us?"

Not cast you to that slavering mob, certes." She spoke in
an undertone to one of the lesser priestesses, who glided out and presently
returned. After a whispered colloquy, Sahmet said:

Fires have sprung up in several parts of Iraz as well as
Zaktan, and the soldiers are too busy fighting them to control the mobs of
factionists. The crowd of Kilts surrounding this temple has been reinforced, so
you cannot leave by the streets."

Neither have we magical power to fly over their heads,"
said Jorian.

Let me think," said Sahmet. I am loath to harbor you overnight,
since for entire males to pass the night here, other than on the occasion of
the Divine Marriage, would offend the goddess. Happily, there is another
course. Ere I reveal it to you, howsomever, I must have your promise to do me a
small favor in return."

Jorianłs eyes narrowed. Madam, I have been in and out of
not a few tight places in my short life, and buying pigs in pokes is one thing
I have learnt to avoid. If I can, I shall be glad to help youbut I must needs
know about this favor."

It amounts to little. I do but ask that you play a small
part in one of our forthcoming observances."

If you mean to make a eunuch of me, madam"

Bountiful heavens, nothing like that! I solemnly promise
that it shall cost you not the least scrap of your splendid physique. More I
cannot say now."

Nor senses, faculties, and abilities?"

Nor those, either. Well, sir?"

Jorian argued a little more, but no further details could he
elicit from Sahmet. He exchanged glances with Karadur, but the old wizard was
not helpful, lorian did not like to promise anything under such vague
conditions, but he saw no alternative;

Very well, Madam Sahmet," he said, I agree."

Good! You shall not rue your choice. Now come with me."

An assistant priestess hurried up with a small lan-thorn,
which she handed to Sahmet. The high priestess led them out. They passed
through halls ana rooms and down steps until Jorian was lost. In an underground
passage, dimly lit by a single sconce, Sahmet halted at a massive, bolted,
wooden door.

Master Jorian," she said, I would not do this for any
wight, even to save life. But, since this peril involves the barbarian savior,
I have no choice." She slipped a massive ring off one finger. Take this. When
you come to the door at the far end of the tunnel, knock four times, thus." She
tapped twice with a knuckle, paused, and tapped twice more. When the peephole
opens, show this ringwhich, may I add, I wish returned when this peril has

She drew back the bolt and opened the door. Then she held
out a hand. Fare you well, gentlemen." She gripped Jorianłs hand longer and
more forcibly than he expected. I may see you again, Master Jorianand sooner
than you think."

She handed forian the lanthorn, whose single candle stub
sent feeble rays through its windows of glass. The heavy door boomed shut
behind Jorian and Karadur.

The passageway sloped down and down and down. The stones
lining the tunnel became wet and slimy. Jorian said:

This must be that tunnel under the Lyap Iłve heard of. I am
sure wełre below the water table."

The what, my son?"

The water table. Know you not how, a certain distance below
the, surface, water ftlls up all the pores betwixt the grains of soil? Hence,
if one digs below that level, one gets a well."

Nay, I did not know, having devoted my life to the
spiritual as opposed to the material sciences. How learnt you such things?"

I picked them up when I was surveying for the Syndicate of

You are assuredly a versatile fellow."

Jorian grinned in the gloom. I suppose I am." He recited:

Oh, Jorian was a man of many parts;

Hełd gallop on a fiery steed of war,

Cross swords with desperados, or Purloin from maidens fair
their gentle hearts; Whip up a sonnet, rondeau, or sestine,

Discharge a deadly shaft, repair a clock,

Administer a kingdom, pick a lock, Survey a road, or sail a

For all his many skills, this artful man Could never reach the
goal for which he played,

Which was to settle with a loving wife, Become a quiet, bourgeois

And prosecute some worthy, peaceful trade Throughout a long
and uneventful life."

Jorian hastened to add: Iłm really not so self-conceited as
all that. Tis just that the rhyme amused me."

Karadur chuckled. My boy, you are all that you say; albeit
I doubt that you are really so determined upon a quiet life as you proclaim.
Otherwise you would not"

Oh, yes? And who dragged me from my quiet, peaceful surveying
job to this hotbed of intrigue and insurrection?"

Ah, but in your last letter you said you would do aught to
recover your Estrildis."

Oh, well, so I did. But now Iłm sure we are below the Lyap.
What keeps the water out? I see no pumps."

The water is kept from Hoshchałs Tunnel by a trio of
wizards, spell-casting night and day. They are Goel-nush, Luekuz, and Firaven,
in my Department of Applied Thaumaturgy. Just now the House of Learning is
embroiled in a furious feud, which I am supposed to resolve and compose. So
high has partisan feeling run that the deans of my two schools will not speak
to each other."

Whatłs this?"

Goelnush, Luekuz, and Firaven form part of the School of
Spirit. Now, engineers in the School of Matter claim that with pumps of the
latest design, they can keep the tunnel as dry as my three wonder-workers, at
less cost and with less chance of failure. The dean of the School of Spirit
retorts that pumps are quite as likely to break down as a group of well-trained
thaumaturges; that besides labor to furnish power for the pumps, we should
require plumbers to keep the pumps and pipes in order; and that the pumping
apparatus with its pipes would occupy so much of the tunnel that it would
impede the kingłs monthly journeys through it."

Is this the Divine Marriage whereof Zerlik told me?"

Aye. You know of that, then?"

I know what Zerlik told me. Is this ritual marriage consummated?"

Wellahyes, it is. In sooth, when the king can no longer
play his manful part, he is disposed of."

Good gods, this is as bad as Xylar! How is it done?"

When the king can no longerahcarnally penetrate the high
priestess, she reports the fact to her nominal husband, the high priest of
Ughroluk. Then the high priest, with a delegation of lesser priests, waits upon
the king and presents him with the sacred rope, wherewith to hang himself."

And the silly ass does it?"

Aye; although this suicide has taken place but once in the
last century. All the other kings have perished in war, or by assassination, or
from some common ill, ere the rope came into piay."

Holding his lanthorn up, Jorian walked a few steps along the
dark tunnel in silence. Then he said:

By Thiołs horns, you donłt suppose that promise Sahmet exacted
from me was to take the kingłs place in this ceremony?"

I know not, my son, but I fear she had some such scheme in

There you are! I listen to your moral preachments on the virtues
of continence and try to practise them; but the very gods conspire against my
new-found virtue."

True, O Jorian. Little though I esteem fornication, I fear
I must condone it this once."

Well, thatłs something. At least, I donłt suppose Sahmet
will turn into a gigantic serpent, as did the princess Yargali. Now, I can see
why Sahmet might not find Ishbahar to her taste as a bedfellow. But why pick on

You were to hand; she has seen youor claims she has seen
youin her visions; and perhaps she finds you attractive."

If Iłm attractive to her looking like this, shełll find me
utterly ravishing when cleaned up. Well, I daresay I can hold up my end, in all
senses of the phrase. We wonłt tell Estrildis about it and hope that, if she
find out, shełll forgive me natheless."

Your secret is safe with me, my son."

Good. But why need the king anything so costly as this
tunnel for his connubial visits? Why cannot he cross the Lyap in a boat, like
everyone else?"

Karadur shrugged. Some say that King Hoshchawho was not of
the line of Juktar the Great and whose right to the throne was therefore
questionedwas full of fancies about being assassinated as he rode through the
streets. Others aver that he wished the tunnel as a means of escape from his
palace in the event of revolution. In any case, he began the use of the tunnel
for the Divine Marriage, and his successors have imitated him."

What finally happened to Hoshcha?"

After all his precautionswhich included wearing a steel
breastplate under his robeshe slipped in getting out of his bath and fractured
his skull."

At the head of the long, narrow flight of steps that ended
Hoshchałs Tunnel, (orian rapped four times on the heavy door. When the peephole
opened, he held up Sahmetłs ring.

A bolt clanked and the door groaned open. There stood King
Ishbahar in a dressing gown, without his wig. The lamplight shone on his egg-bald
pate. A pair of guardsmen stood behind him; beyond these, servants hovered.

By Nubalyagałs cleft!" cried the king, forian! Whatever befell
you, my boy? Come in, come in! You, too, Doctor."

They stepped into the kingłs dressing room, and Jor-ian told
briefly what had happened to him and his companion since the start of the riot.
A guardsman closed the door, which became merely one more panel in the wall.
The handle of the bolt that secured it looked like a piece of gilded

You did the proper thing," said the king. We shall order
the arrest of those villains Borai and Yiyim. You two shall sup with us this
even. But first, my dear Jor-ian, you must clean up. You look as if you had
been fighting a dragon and getting the worst of it, heh heh. You shall have the
use of our royal bathtub, no less!"

Your Majestyłs consideration overwhelms me," said (orian.

Stuff and nonsense, my boy! We are friends, not merely sovran
and subject. Evvelik! Conduct these gentlemen to the bathroom and furnish them
with the needfuls."

The royal bathtub was a huge affair of burnished copper. As
Jorian soaked and soaped, he murmured to Karadur, who was washing his face and

O Karadur, is this king deemed a little queer?"

Nay; barring his fondness for the table"

I mean, with a lust for boys or men in lieu of women."

Oh, ah I see. Nay again. Whereas that aberration is rife in
Irazi, I think not that the charge has ever been laid against Ishbahar. When
young, he had several wives, of whom all but two have died or been cast off;
but I know of no other outlet for his lusts. Forsooth, me-thinks his only
present passion is for rare victuals. Why?"

Why else should he seek to make a bosom friend and confidant
of a nobodya mere foreign artisanlike me? It makes no sense."

Perchance he simply likes you, my son. Or again, perchance
it is concerned with Sahmetłs plans for you."

Oh. We must look further into this matter. And by the bye,
meseems this tub were an admirable flying vehicle for our foray into Xylar. If
we kept the weight well down in it, ętwere stabler than the common flying
carpet or broomstick."

Karadur shook his head dubiously. It would take a mighty
demon to loft such a weight, and demons resist being imprisoned in copper or
silver, since they know it is difficult for them to escape therefrom."

Why not try Gorax, whom you keep mewed up in that ring? Hełs
the strongest demon I know of."

Alas, Gorax owes me but one more labor. Then he will be
free to return to his own plane. Hence I dare not release him save for the
direst need."

I should have thought that being chased by that mob this afternoon
were a case of direst need."

True; but so scattered were my old wits that I never
thought of Gorax at all."

Over one of King Ishbaharłs colassal repasts, jorian asked: How
went the riots, Your Majesty?"

Luckily for Iraz, the rain waxed so heavy that it dispersed
the factionists. Hence only a few score were slain and a few houses looted and
burnt. This factiousness is a dreadful thing, but we know not how to end it.
Have some of these oysters, which have come all the way from the coast of
Shven, packed in ice."

Why not simply stop the races, sire?"

Ah, one of" our predecessorsHuirpalam the Second, as we
recalltried that. Then the two factions united to revolt, drag poor Huirpalam
to the Hippodrome, and tear him to piecesa small piece at a time. We would not
invite a similar fate, heh heh."

If you will pardon your servantłs saying so, me-thinks Your
Majesty will have to face these factions down, soon or late. But that is Your
Majestyłs concern. Tell me, sire, what is this about Madam Sahmetłs wishing me
to take part in a service to the moon goddess?"

The king looked startled. She has told you already? One moment."
He sighed to everybody present save Jorian and Karadureven the bodyguards and
the food tasterto leave the chamber. Then he said, barely above a whisper: Know
you the fate of a futterless king in Penembei ?"

I have been told of it, sire."

It is true." The king pointed to a massive bracket overhead,
whence hung a lamp. All too true. They take away that lamp, and we are
supposed to toss the rope over yon gallows. We stand on a table, make fast the
knot, and overset the tableugh! Thus they get rid of an unwanted monarch
without laying impious hands on his sacred person."

Is Your Majesty finding his sacerdotal dutiesah"

Arduous? Have we your solemn oath of secrecy?"

Jorian and Karadur both swore. Ishbahar went on: Our life
is in your hands. We would not entrust it to you gentlemen, save that desperate
conditions demand desperate remedies. For several months, now, our lady Sahmet
has been dissatisfied with our performance; and forsooth, we had as lief
abandon such games, since our girth imposes mechanical difficulties upon the
coital process, and the fires of youth have long since burnt low.

So, you see, our life is already in the hands of Madam Sahmet.
She has but to tell her nominal husband, High Priest Chaluish, and he will pay
us a visit with the sacred rope. She refrains for two reasons: Imprimus, that
she hates High Priest Chaluish and would do nought to favor him; secundus, that
I have promised her a lusty springald with an iron yard as my surrogate, an she
will keep tacit about my limitations. And you shall be he."

jorian: I trust I shall prove worthy of the honor. But we
once had a king in Kortoli who faced a similar predicament."

Tell us, dear boy."

This was King Finjanius, who reigned just after the Dark
Age following the fall of Old Novaria to nomadic invaders from Shven. The
Kortolian rule was that, when the king was no longer for any reason deemed
worthy to rule, the chief priests of the kingdom called upon him to present him
with a goblet of poison to drink. If he drank not, they said, the magical nexus
betwixt him and his land would be broken, and the crops would wither and the
people starve.

Now, Finjanius was sent to the Academy at Oth-omae
for his higher education. The Academy was then a. new institution with but a
handful of professors

none of the ivy-clad buildings it now boasts. In the
Academy, Finjanius absorbed what were then deemed heretical ęmodernł ideas.
Shortly after his return from Othomae, he succeeded to the throne when his
uncle, the old king, died.

For a year or so, Finjanius ran the affairs of Kortoli ^according
to his best lights. Being young, he had little ^reverence for tradition and
introduced many novelties, h as no longer requiring subjects to knock their
heads )n the ground nine times in approaching him, or no longer forbidding them
to speak to him unless he spoke first. This last rule had nearly lost him a
military campaign against Aussar, when none of his officers durst warn him of
an ambush.

Finjanius it was who introduced the public bath to Kortoli
and encouraged all the people, regardless of age, sex, or rank, to mingle
freely in these establishments. Moreover, he patronized them himself and did
not scruple to indulge in vulgar horseplay with his subjects, splashing and
ducking them and being splashed and ducked in turn.

Such conduct made him popular with the commons but gravely
offended the more conservative elements. These at length determined that
Finjanius needs must go. Since the chief priests also belonged to the leading
and most tradition-bound families, a concensus was soon obtained. Presently, a
delegation of priests waited upon the king with the fatal draft.

ęOho!ł quotha, ęwhat is this?ł

ęThe gods/ said the high priest of Zevatas, ęhave decided
that Your Majesty is no longer worthy to rule.ł

ęHow know you that, sirrah?ł said Finjanius.

ęThey have informed us in visions and dreams, sire,ł
replied the priest. ęThey demand the life of the chiefest man of the kingdom,
lest they loose their wrath upon the land.ł

ęSo they crave the chiefest life, eh?ł said the king. He
counted the priests and found that there were eight in the party. ęNow, whereas
I am doubtless the chief man in Kortoli, you holy fathers are also not without
standing. Would you not agree, messires?ł

ęAye, sire,else we were not qualified to pass the godsł
commands on to you.ł

ęIn sooth, let us suppose that the life of one of you is
worthahlet us say, one eighth of mine. That were plausible, were it not?ł

ęAye, milord king,ł said the priest.

ęThen,ł said Finjanius, ęan the gods desire the chiefest
life, they should be just as well satisfied with eight lives, each worth one
eighth of mine. Ho, guards! Seize me these eight gentlemen and hang them

And so it was done. Thereafter none durst broach such a proposal
to the king again, and hence the custom fell into abeyance."

King Ishbahar said: Do you propose, dear Jorian, that we
adopt a course like unto your kingłs?"

That is up to Your Majesty. It has been done; and what men
have done, men can do again." Jorian turned to Karadur. Is that not one of the
proverbs of your Mulvanian sage, what is his name?"

Cidam," said Karadur.

The king shuddered, his chins quivering. Alas! Wouldwould
that we had the hardihood to essay such an enterprise." A pair of tears
trickled down his fat cheeks. But we could not defy tradition. We fear we are
not of the stuff of your Finjanius." The king burst into sobs and covered his
face with his hands.

Your Majesty!" said Karadur. An your servitors and guardsmen
return and find you weeping, they will think we have entreated you ill and slay

The king wiped his face with his napkin and smiled through
his tears. Let us forget our griefs, then. Have some more of this Vindine
wine! Master Jorian, we trust you are an entire man, with the usual lusts and

Aye, sire."

Then you should not find the task confronting you arduous
or disagreeable. Whilst a trifle older than you, Sahmet is neither unattractive
nor cold. Neither. Remember, it is not just your prick that you pleasure, but
our royal neck, as well, that you save. We will have Herekit make you out a
commission as Friend of the King forthwith, for such you will be in a most
literal way."

I thank Your Majesty," said lorian. When does this sacred
orgy take place?"

At the next full moon, eleven nights hence. Let us drink to
your success. May you give Her Sanctity a night she shall remember to her


inspect his clocks. He was pleased to find that yesterdayłs disturbances had
not reached the tower. Then he made his way through the bustling crowds to the
House of Learning.

Knowing him by now, the sentries admitted him without question.
As he walked through the halls, he lingered at the doors of several
laboratories where experiments were in progress. In one, engineers of the
School of Matter tinkered with a machine designed to run on the power from
boiling water. The project was old, but none had yet succeeded in making the
contraption do any useful work. In another, technicians worked on a telescope,
like the ordinary spyglass but much larger, wherewith they hoped to investigate
the heavenly bodies.

Other chambers were in use by wizards of the School of
Spirit. In one, three such sages sought to train a demon from the tenth plane,
a creature of low intelligence, to obey simple commands. In another, a
wizard-physician experimented with a spell to cure plague; his subjects were
condemned criminals who had volunteered for the task on the promise of freedom
if they survived.

Besides these activities, many rooms stood empty. As a
result of the decline of the kingsł financial support of the House of Learning,
the size of its personnel and the scale of its projects had greatly shrunk in
recent decades.

At least," said forian, seated in the directorłs office, yesterdayłs
misadventures finally led you to get a new turban. That old one was getting so
decrepit that I expected to find mice nesting in it." He had had his own hair
cut short to bandage the wounds on his scalp.

Contemn not such old things, my son," said Kar-adur. That
turban had acquired some small magical potential, merely by being in the
vicinity when so many fell incantations were uttered and spells were cast. Do
your clocks run harmoniously?"

As regularly as the heavenly bodies. Iłve just come from
the Tower. There was never any real problem, had your predecessor hired a
competent mechanic instead of a fumbler. My father did a good, workmanlike job,
as anyone who knew him could have told you.

What Iłve come for, howsomever, is not the state of the
clocks but the state of Jorian of Ardamai. Have you a means for our raid into

Gods of Mulvan, (orian, be not so hasty! Here we have
barely escaped with our lives from riot and insurrection; we have traversed the
most secret passageway in the kingdom; we have become embroiled in the conflict
amongst the king, Madam Sahmet, and High Priest Chaluish"

All the more reason for pressing on. Whatłs Chaluish like?"

A little gray-haired mannobody whom one would look at
twice. He was in that parade of priests yesterday, and I have encountered him
at courtly functions. But"

I have the Flying Fish tied up in a private dock for a
small monthly rental, but I fear shełd prove too slow if we really had to run
for it. So we had better prepare some swifter magical vehicle"

My son, I have never said that I would accompany you on
your mission of abduction. Much though I esteem the lady Estrildis, I cannot
desert a responsible post for petty personal"

Petty!" barked Jorian. Iłll have you know"

Now, now, my son, I meant no offense. But you have seen how
this kingdom totters along, and Iunworthy though I beam in a position to lend
it a little stability and rationality. It were irresponsible"

i quote," growled Jorian: ęSo convenient a thing it is to
be a reasoning being, for it enables one to think up a plausible reason for
whatever one wishes to do.ł

The wise Cidam?"

Nay; our home-grown Novarian philosopher Achaemo. But, my
reverend old spooker, my task needs at least two persons."

Take Zerlik," said Karadur. The lad will be delighted."

What, and have to wipe that idiotłs nose at every step? No,
thank you! Hełd do something silly at the critical moment, such as challenging
the captain of the guard to a duel just when I was trying to hoist Estrildis
out undetected."

At least, he is reasonably strong and agile. I am neither,
nor am I any longer up to such desperate adventures. Another journey like ours
around the Inner Sea would terminate this incarnation for me."

You can still cast a dire spell, which Zerlik cannot. But
letłs leave the question of personnel for the nonce to discuss the vehicle. How
about that royal copper bathtub?"

Karadur wagged his head"Alas, I see no prospect of obtaining
it for your purpose. Even supposing that I could persuade the king to lend it"

Build another like it, then."

That were too costly. It would come to hundreds of royals,
and I have no funds in this yearłs appropriation to cover it.

Furthermore, you appear not to realize the practical
difficulties. It would require months of the most puissant sorcery to entrap
our demon and compel him to our will. For such an enterprise, my best men were
Goelnush, Luekuz, and Firaven, but they are fully occupied with keeping Hoshchałs
Tunnel dry. The other sorcerers at my command are all less competent. Old
Oinash, for ensample, is but a doddery old timeserver awaiting his pension.
Barch, a younger man, is gifted but careless. Twice he has barely escaped
sudden death at the claws of a hostile demon he had evoked, through some silly
error in his pentacle; but he never seems to learn. As for Yanmik"

Why not put these dimmer flames on the tunnelwhich must
now be mere routineto release your best men for my spell?"

The king has forbidden it. He is tain not to have the
wizard on duty sneeze and let in the floods just as he is traversing the tunnel
on his tryst with Sahmet. Therefore he insists that my best men be kept at this
task. And speaking of the king, there isahummanother complication."

Whatłs this? Out with it!"

TheahHis Majesty but this morn forbade me to assist you
in any way in leaving Iraz. He must be apprehensive as to what might befall him
if you were not present at the next full moon to pleasure the priestess."

Jorian glowered. Curse it, you hauled me away from a good,
respectable job, where I was at least geographically near to my darling, to
this distant and turbulent city, on the promise of getting me means to rescue
her. All you needed, you said, was to become director of the House of Learning,
and the fish was in the creel. Well, thanks to my clockery, youłre now
directorand what happens? You canłt do this for this reason, and you canłt do
that for that, and so on. I can make things hot for people who betray me"

My son, my son! Pray, take not that harsh and hostile tone.
At the moment, I admit I envisage no easy thoroughfare to your noble goal. Only
have patience, and the gods will open the way for us. They have never metyes,
Nedef ?" Karadur changed from Novarian to Penembic. O Jorian, this is our
official scryer; Master Nedef, I present Jorian the Kortolian, our new
clock-master. You were saying?"

Doctor Karadur," said the scryer, I fear I have portentous

You may speak before Master Jorian."

Iraz is threatened by a host of assailants."

Eh? Vurnu, Kradha, and Ashaka! What assailants? We are at
war with none."

May I sit, sir? I am weak with what I have seen."

By all means, sit. Now tell us forthwith."

The scryer drew a long breath, North, east, south, and
westthey converge upon us from all sides. From the west comes a fleet of
Algarthian pirates; from the south, a rabble of armed peasants under Mazsan and
his faction; from the east, a swarm of Fediruni nomads on camels; and from the
north, a Free Company of mercenaries from Novaria."

How nigh are they?"

Some are nigher than others; they may reach us on the morrow."

How got the Fedirunis past the army along our eastern borders?
Have they defeated the frontier force?"

I know not, Doctor. They were already well inside the
border when I discovered them."

We must notify the king instanter," said Karadur.

They found King Ishbahar at his afternoon repast, which he
called tea." Sit down, sit down, our dear fellows!" he cried. Have a cup of
genuine tea, brought at vast expense from Kuramon in the Far East. Have some of
these honey biscuits to go with it. Try some of these sardines. Have you tea in
Novaria nowadays?"

It can be obtained, Your Majesty," said Jorian, but it has
never really taken hold. Perhaps the fact that the upheavals in Salimor cut off
the supply from time to time have discouraged its use. Howsomever"

The Novarians ought to take it up," said Ishbahar. They
are too much given to drunkenness, we hear. A pleasant but nonintoxicating
drink were better for their health." The king bit off the end of a huge
plantain from Beraoti. Moderation in all things is our guiding principle.
Temperance." The plantain rapidly diminished.

No doubt, sire. But we have something important to"

In fact, dear boy, how would you like a royal concesion, to
freight tea up the coast to Xylar? You could build up a profitable trade"

Sire," said Jorian, Iraz is about to be attacked. Had we
not better break the impending siege ere discussing trade routes?"

Iraz? Besieged?" said the king, holding an dive in front of
his open mouth. Nubalyaga save us, but what is this?"

Karadur explained the visions that the scryer had seen in
his crystal ball.

Oh, dear!" said the king, looking sadly at the piles of
uneaten food. To have to break off such a splendid tea in the middle! The
sufferings we kings endure for the welfare of our people! Ho, Ebeji! Summon
Colonel Chuivir!"

When the glittering commander of the Royal Guard had clanked
in and saluted, Ishbahar asked Karadur to repeat his tale. Then he asked

However did those barbarians get past the frontier undetected?"

You forget, sire, that General Tereyai has assembled the
frontier army for maneuvers in the foothills of the Lograms, leaving the border
covered by only a skeleton force. The Fedirunis must have surprised one of the
frontier fortresses and poured through ere the alarm could be spread."

Where is Admiral Kyar?"

I believe he has put to sea in his flagship, to exercise
his rowers."

Then, Colonel, you would seem to be the ranking officer in
Iraz. Kindly get word to General Tereyai and Admiral Kyar as soon as you can.
Meanwhile, you shall mobilize the Royal Guard and call up the companies of the

But, Your Majesty, how shall Ihow do you wish me to carry
out your commands? Shall I send a barge out to seek the admiral"

Ishbahar slapped the table, making the cups and dishes
dance. Colonel Chuivir! Bother us not with those details; just carry out our
orders! Now go and get to work!" When the crestfallen colonel had clanked out, the
king shook his head. Woe is us! We do believe we committed an error in
appointing Chuivir to that command. He looked so magnificent on parade, but he
has never fought a battle in his life."

Then how did it happen, sire?" asked forian.

He was a cousin of our third wife and well-liked in
society. Since we relied upon the frontier force to keep the foe a decent distance
from Iraz, we never expected that the actual defense of the city would devolve
upon this amiable popinjay. Herekit!"

Aye, sire?" said the secretary.

Draft me a letter to Daunas, Grand Bastard of Oth-omae, inquiring
whether he would hire out to us a few squadrons of his lobster-plated heavy
cavalry, and on what terms. And command two of our swiftest couriers to stand
by, booted and saddled. Draft another to Shaiu, king of kings of Mulvan, urging
him to invade the deserts of Fedirun from the east, since this land will be
partly stripped of warriors. Suggest that he loot their sacred city of Ubar."
The king turned back to his guests with a sigh. Ah, well, we have done what we
can. Now the fate of the city rests upon our gallant subjects."

Does Your Majesty plan to take an active part in the defense?"
asked Jorian.

Bountiful heavens, dear boy, nay! Can you imagine us, with
our girth, trading spear-thrusts on the battlements? Besides, we have always
been a man of peace, with little use for fire-eating sword-rattlers. And now,
meseems, our city and our life must needs depend upon these same swashbucklers.
Doctor Karadur, you should muster your scientists and wizards to the work of defense.
Have you, perchance, a spell to summon some unhuman racesay, the silvans of
the Logramsto our aid?"

I will see what the House of Learning can do," said
Karadur. But let Your Majesty not count upon any such assistance. The unhumans
have little love for mankind, having been harshly entreated by them. To seek to
compel aid from them is like holding a sword by the wrong end, so that it
wounds the hand of the wielder. But I go"

Stay, stay. Now that we have given the essential commands,
there is no reason why we should not finish our tea."

But, sire, I"

Nay, relax. A quarter-hour more or less will not decide the
fate of the city. Do have some of these mushrooms, gathered in the jungles of

If Your Majesty thinks them safe..." said forian, staring
uneasily at a yellow-spotted purple fungoid growth of singularly repulsive

Nonsense! We have been eating these for years, and we have
not lost a royal taster yet, heh heh."

Jorian manfully swallowed a mouthful of fungus. To give himself
a pretext for not eating another, he said:

Your Colonel Chuivir reminds your servant of the tale of
King Filoman and the golem general."

Go ahead, dear boy," said the king. You will not mind if
we steal a bit of your mushroom, will you?"

Feel free, sire."

This king," began Jorian, otherwise called Filoman the
Well-Meaning, was the father of the celebrated Fu-sinian the Fox. King Filoman
was also an outstanding ruler in his way. He had the noblest emotions and the
best intentions of any Kortolian monarch. He was intelligent, courageous,
honest, hard-working, moral, kind, and generous. His only fault was that he had
no common sense, and in practice this fault often cancelled all his other
virtues put together.

One legend says that this fault was caused by an
astrological conjunction at his birth. Another avers that, when the fairies gathered
for his naming ceremony, the fairy who was supposed to confer common sense lost
her temper when she beheld another fairy wearing a gauzy gown just like hers
and flounced out in a rage without bestowing her gift.

Early in his reign, King Filoman confronted the problem of
the defense of his realm. Being a peace-loving man, he supposed that others
fett likewise. In this opinion he was encouraged by his minister, an oldster
named Periax whom he had inherited from the previous reign.

Periax urged Filoman to reduce the army to a mere royal
guard. ęWars/ quotha, ęare caused by mutual fears and suspicions, which in turn
are caused by armaments. Get rid of the armaments and you will abolish war.
When our neighbors see us disarming, they will know that we have no aggressive
intentions towards them and lose their fear of us. Then they will follow our
example, and peace and brotherhood shall reign forev-ermore.ł

Periax did not enlarge upon the real reason for his advice.
This was that he was himself too old and creaky to sit a horse, brandish a
sword, and perform other warlike acts. In these early limes, the king and his
ministers were expected to lead charges in person. Periax reckoned that, as a
result of his pacific policy, war would at least be deferred until after his
natural death, and he cared not for what befell the kingdom thereafter.

Periaxłs argument seemed to Filoman like sound sense, so he
virtually disbanded his army. Now, at this time, Kortoliłs southern neighbor,
Vindium, was under the rule of Nevors the Daft, whose character is implied by
his sobriquet. I need not detail the enormities of his reign: wasting his
treasury on solid gold statues of himself; slaying ministers, kinsmen, and
associates on the slightest pretext; whimseys like making his army dress up as
frogs and go hopping about the parade ground on all fours, shouting ęDiddit!
Diddit!ł while King Nevors rolled on the ground screaming with laughter.

In time, a cabal of noblemen and officials got the king
apart from his bodyguard, hacked him to pieces, and threw the pieces into the
Inner Sea. Then the problem arose, who should take the unlamented Nevorsł
place? For he had slain all his near kin.

As it happened, an astute and ambitious lawyer, Doctor Truentius,
had foreseen these events and gathered a powerful following among the commons.
When King Nevors was slain, Truentius marched to the palace at the head of
thousands of his partisans, chased out the relicts of the old reign, and
proclaimed a republic

;! with himself as First Consul.

V Truentius was the most brilliant man in Vindium.

. He had read all the historians and philosophers and płrophets
and had thought deeply on questions of gov

. ernment. He it was who, more or less singlehanded, invented
republican government in Novaria. He drew up a constitution for Vindium which,
considering its early date, is still acclaimed as a marvel of profound and
original thought.

Knowing himself the ablest man around, Truentius

. . inferred that his decisions as to what was best for the

..,. Vindines were necessarily right. Therefore, anyone who

ę; opposed them was by definition an enemy of the people

: and hence a scoundrel for whom the direst punishment were
too lenient. Soon Vindium City saw in its main

,;; square a large wooden block, served by a man with a
black hood over his head and a large ax in his hands,

;ł: wherewith to smite off the head of anyone so malign
and perverse as to dispute the infallible reasoning of

; Doctor Truentius.

After a couple of years of this, Truentius, finding that
such domestic problems as the production and distribution of wealth and the
reconciliation of order with

łł liberty stubbornly resisted the best efforts of
himself and his headsman, bethought him of spreading the

:, blessings of popular government to the rest of Twelve

, Cities. Besides the benefits that such a program would

,; confer upon the other Novarians, it would rally the

>;\ Vindines, who were beginning to fall into seditious
fac-|> tions, behind their First Consul and furnish him with 4 a pretext for
making his rule even more absolute. He Ł. therefore sent an ultimatum to King
Filoman of Kortoli, ;< demanding that Filoman abdicate in favor of a
popularly ę, elected consul. 4k Naturally perturbed, King Filoman sought

The advice he got from his councillors, however, was jł so
contradictory that Filoman could make nought of it.

Some were for arming every man in the kingdom and resisting
to the last; but others pointed out that no such stock of arms existed.

Some said to reactivate the old army and recall the retired
officers to the colors. But it transpired that most of these officers had gone abroad
to seek service as mercenaries. The former general of the Kortolian army, for instance,
was now serving as a captain in the forces of the Grand Bastard of Othomae. It
would take too long to recall them, even if they were willing to come.

Old Periax urged Filoman to yield to Truentiusł overwhelming
force. But others said that, judging by his masterłs conduct, the new First
Consulłs first act would be to set up a chopping block in Kortoli City to
shorten everybody who might possibly be a threat to him, which included all
those present.

At last it was decided to make some arms, and buy some, and
call up the lustier young men, and hire such former officers as could be found
to train them to use them.

The only thing that saved Kortoli from conquest during this
parlous time was the fact that Truentius, too, had his military troubles. For
most of the officers of the Vindine army, as members of the old regime, either
had been executed or had fled. Truentius knew that the mob of mechanics and
merchants, with whose help he had seized power, would not be up to a real
campaign without much organization and training.

To gain time, Filoman was urged to seek a parley with
Consul Truentius. To strengthen Filomanłs hand, it was decided to hold a
plebiscite of all adult male Kortolians, as to whether they wished to continue
under the rule of King Filoman or to change to a republican system like that of
Vindium. When the plebiscite was held, the Kortolians gave Filoman ninety-seven
out of every hundred votes. This may have been the votersł honest opinion,
since Filoman was then greatly beloved for his modesty, kindliness, and other
virtues. Besides, Truentiusł republican doctrines had been somewhat discredited
by tales of his unbridled use of the ax.

The question also arose, who should command the new Kortolian
army? Several councillors put themselves forward for the post. But, whenever
one proposed himself, the others shouted him down, crying that he was an ambitious
schemer who sought to use his power to usurp the throne. So vehement was the
opposition to any name proposed that Filoman felt he needs must leave his
choice in abeyance for the time being.

The parley with Truentius was duly arranged. It took place
on an islet in the river Posaurus, which divided Vindium from Kortoli. Each was
to bring no more than three armed men with him. In due course, the two met, ate
lunch, and got down to business. Truentius said:

ęMy good Filoman, love you your people?ł

ęCertes!ł replied the king. ęHave I not proven it an
hundred times over?ł

ęThen, an you truly love them, you must yield your throne
as I have demanded. Otherwise you will bring down upon them a brutal,
sanguinary war. The choice is yours, and so is the responsibility.ł

ęAnd wherefore should I do that?ł

ęFirst, because I demand it and have the force to compel
your compliance; second, because it is the good and righteous thing to do.
Monarchy is an ancient superstition, an outmoded charade, an obsolete form of
injustice and oppression.ł And Truentius lectured Filoman on the reasons for a
popular republic.

ęBut,ł said Filoman, ęwe have just polled the Kortolians,
and they voted overwhelmingly to keep the monarchy.ł

Truentius laughed. ęMy dear Filoman, do you expect me to
take your vote seriously, when you held the plebiscite and counted the votes?ł

ęDo you insinuate that I cheated?ł cried Filoman in wrath.
ęNever has anyone so impugned my honesty in the five years of my reign!ł

Truentius merely laughed some more. ęWell, let us suppose
that you did report the votes truthfully. You are a naive enough young fool to
have done just that. It still makes no difference, since the people natheless
voted for a republic.ł

ęHow do you make that?ł

ęWhy, it is simple. Any population is divided into two factions:
the people, and the enemies of the people.

Since my program is the best one for the people, anybody who
opposes it must logically be an enemy of the people.ł

ęMean you/ said Filoman, ęthat if ninety-seven out of every
hundred vote for me and three for you, the three are the people and the other
ninety-seven the enemies thereof?ł

ęCertes, my lad. Right glad am I to see that you learn the
facts of politics so quickly.ł

ęBut that is absurd!ł cried Filoman. ęIt is merely a
pretext for the infinite expansion of your own power!ł Truentius sighed. ęI
will try once more to explain, albeit I fear your grasp of logic is inadequate.
My guiding principle is: all power to the people. The people, I assume, are
always right. Do you follow me so far?ł ęAye.ł

ęTnen, if certain malevolent or misguided persons make a decision
that is obviously wrong, it follows that they cannot belong to the people.
Therefore they must be enemies of the people.ł

ęBut who decides which decision is right?ł ęNo mere
mortal mind decides that, but the iron laws of logic. For ensample, I have
explained to you why a republican government is preferable to a monarchy. This
is an objective fact, which no personal whim, error, or bias can alter, any
more than they can change the sum of two and two. Thereforeł

But Filoman interrupted: ęNever! I will die fighting ere I
suffer you to put this monstrous doctrine into effect!"

ęOh, come, my dear King! That is quite unnecessary. You
can abdicate and flee abroad with as much of the royal treasury as you can bear
with you. In fact, I have your successor, the First Consul of Kortoli, already
chosen. He is a muleteer named Knops: a good man who will promote your former
peoplełs welfare.ł

ęThe people would never vote your puppet Knops into office!ł

ęOh, yes they would, because he would have no opposition.
Since I have chosen him, and since my logic is irrefutable, it follows that
Master Knops is the best i *.

man for the magistracy. Anybody opposing him would be an
enemy of the people, to be slain out of hand.ł

ęBut Knops is not even a Kortolian!ł

ęNot now; but as your last official act, you can confer
citzenship upon him. I like to keep things orderlył

Just then, a powerful sneeze came from a clump of alders on
the Vindine side of the Posaurus. Filoman looked up, startled, and his eyes
caught the glint of the sun on steel. For once he acted with admirable
promptitude. He shouted to his men-at-arms: ęTreason! Let us fly!ł And he and
his men sprang to their feet and ran through the shallows to the Kortolian side
of the river, where a groom held their horses.

Truentiusł guards and the men he had hidden rushed after
them and brought down one of Filomanłs men with an arrow; but the king and the
others got away. It had not occurred to Filoman to have more armed men waiting
over the nearest hill to come to his aid, so there was nought to do but ride
hell-for-leather. They galloped off into the hills of southern Kortoli and lost
their pursuers.

They lost themselves, also. They were wandering around, suffering
hunger and thirst, when a woman of early middle years called to them from a

ęHail, Your Majesty!ł she cried. ęCan a loyal subject be
of service to you?ł

ęMethinks you can, good lady,ł quoth Filoman. ęBut how
know you me?ł

ęI have powers not of this mundane sphere,ł she said. ęBut
come on into my cave and refresh yourselves.ł

ęMean you that you are a witch?ł

ęNay, sire; a proper wizardess, hight Gloe. At least, I
should be but for a trifle of difficulty about my license, which I am sure Your
Majesty can put straight with a snap of his finger.ł

When Filoman, his two surviving men-at-arms, and the groom
had refreshed themselves, Fifoman said: ęI

am sure the difficulty whereof you speak can be ironed iout.
But if you have in sooth magical powers, mayhap you can tell me how to find a
Commander-in-chief for my new army, which is even now drilling against the expected
onslaught from Vindium.ł

Then he told her how, amongst his councillors, all those
with warlike experienceand some withoutcoveted the post, but none wished for
anyone else to have it. In sooth, King Filoman himself worried over the
prospect that a successful general might oust him from his throne.

ęWhy not lead your army yourself?ł asked Gloe.

ęI am not qualified. Being a lover of peace and of my
fellow men, I have not sought experience with the bloody art of war.ł

ęWell, then,ł said Gloe, ęI needs must make you a golem general.ł

ęA what?ł

ęA golem is a manlike image of clay, animated by a demon
from the Fifth Plane. I shall set this demon the task of defeating the
Vindines. I shall promise him that, once that is done, he may return to his own
plane, leaving the image lifeless and no threat to Your Majesty. If you would
fain preserve the image, you can bake it to brick and stand it on a pedestal.ł

ęBut/ said Filoman, ęwill this demon of yours possess the
needful military skill?ł

ęHe will be adequate, sire. After all, the Vindine army is
itself but a rabble of shopkeepers and artisans, since most of the Vindine
knightly class who have not lost their heads have fled abroad. Moreover,
Truentius, for all his bloodthirsty talk, is an arrant coward who cannot bear
the sight of blood. He never attends those executions he orders so lavishly.ł

This seemed like a sound proposal, so Filoman assented. A
sennight later, Gloe arrived in Kortoh City driving an oxcart wherein, padded
by straw against damage, lay the image of a man seven feet tall. When the cart
drew up in front of the palace, Gloe uttered a spell. Then the image threw off
its straw and climbed creakily to its feet.

It was the image of a mighty warrior in armor, wearing the
insignia of a Kortolian general. Gloe had not stinted her preparations, for the
clay that composed the armor and costume of the image was painted to resemble
the real thing. In fact, one had to look closely to perceive that it was not in
sooth a normal man of commanding aspect.

In a hoarse, growling voice, the image said: ęGeneral Golemius
reporting for duty, Your Majesty.ł

And indeed, General Golemius proved a competent commander,
even if the yellow-gray complexion of his face and hands made the soldiers

Another sennight passed, and word came that the Vindines
had crossed the Posaurus into southern Kor-toli. Filoman and his new army
marched out to meet them. Filoman kept in the background and left the active
commanding to General Golemius, who seemed to manage well enough.

At length the two armies sighted each other, on a dank day
of lowering clouds. General Golemius drew up his army. Filoman, mounted and attended
by a small personal guard, watched admiringly from a nearby hilltop.

When the golem general had gotten all his men in place, he
stepped to the fore, waved his sword, and growled: ęForward!ł So the army
clattered after their general, who tramped stolidly in the lead.

Filoman walked his horse down the hill and followed the
army at a leisurely pace. The force marched across the plain, which was broken
here and there by a few small clumps of trees. As the two armies approached,
Filoman saw that which startled him. Leading the Vindine army was, not First
Consul Doctor Truentius, but another golem general. For Truentius, being as
Gloe had said a physical coward, had had recourse to his own sorcerer. This thaumaturge
had summoned another demon from the Fifth Plane to animate a general of clay.

The armies moved slowly, because both were composed largely
of green troops, whose alignment was often disordered by the trees that dotted
the plain. When this happened, the two clay generals had to halt their forces
and straighten them out again. And then it began to ram.

As the armies came closer, the rain came down harder. It
rang on helmets with a metallic sound; it trickled down inside hauberk and
greave. And, just as the armies came within bowshot, they slowed and stopped.

King Filoman pushed his horse forward through the rear
ranks to see what had halted his host. Soon he observed that General Golemius
was standing still in front of his army. Moreover, the general seemed to have
lost in stature and gamed in girth. As Filoman watched, the general dissolved
into a mound of mud, as did the other general.

That left both armies without commanders. Over against the
Kortolians stood the Vindmes, whose army was much larger. Behind the Vindine
army, First Consul Truentius sat in his carriage, watching, for he had never
learnt to ride a horse. When his army halted, he clambered up on the roof of
his carriage to see what betid. Discovering that his general, like the other,
had reverted to clay, he began to shout: ęForward, my brave men! At them!

At first, his army milled and shuffled uncertainly. But
then some officers, by blows and exhortations, got their units moving again.

Meanwhile the Kortolian army, seeing a force of nearly
twice their own strength bearing down upon them, began to edge backwards. Here
and there a man broke from the ranks and ran. Vindine arrows began to fall
amongst the Kortolians.

King Filoman had drawn up his horse beneath a tree, to keep
out of the rain. And in this tree was a hornetsł nest. Because of the rain, the
hornets were all huddled inside their nest and minding their own affairs, when
an arrow aimed at the king flew high and skewered their nest. I know not if
Penembei have insects like these, but our Novarian hornets most fiercely resent
any tampering with their nests and take stern measures against the tamperer.

As the hornets swarmed out, the first animate thing they beheld
was King Filoman. He was sitting his horse right under their bough, waving his
sword and trying by cnes and appeals to stem the rout of his army, in much the
same vein as Truentius on the other side was barkening on his host. Presently
Filoman gave an even louder yell as a hornet stung him on the wrist and another
on the cheek. Then his horse whinnied, as another stung it on the arse, and
bounded forward.

Filomanłs guard put spurs to their steeds to keep up with
the king. The soldiers saw their king galloping straight at the foe,
brandishing his sword and followed by a handful of bodyguards. Someone set up a
cry of: ęSave the king!ł and started running after Filoman. When some did, all
did, so that what had been a rout of the Kortolians was changed in a trice into
a rout of the Vindines.

Truentius commanded his coachman to turn the carriage
around,but, finding this difficult in the press, the coachman lighted down
from his seat and fled on foot. Truentius then climbed into the driverłs seat
and tried to take the reins himself. Having no knowledge of chariotry, however,
he was unable to bring the frightened horses under control. Then he got down,
too, but was overborne in the rout and trampled to death.

The Vindines fled in disorder from Kortoli. When the survivors
got home, they changed their constitution to allow for two elected consuls, in
the hope that the twain would watch each other and keep each other from seizing
unlawful power. And, despite interludes of turbulence and usurpation, they have
kept to that scheme ever since.

Filoman rode home in triumph, notwithstanding that his face
was grotesquely swollen from the sting. He was hailed as the savior of Kortoli
for his desperate charge into the heart of the foe. He disclaimed credit,
saying that the victor was neither himself nor his golem general, but the
hornet that had stung his horsełs rump. But so great was the love for Filoman
that people said, ah, that is just our hero-king being modest.

In any case, Filoman decided to stick to flesh-and-blood generals
thereafter. They might have their faults but at least would not dissolve into
mud at the first wetting.

Later, Filomanłs reign became more and more eccentric. He
retained a ghost as his minister; he tried to abolish crime by pensioning all
criminals; and he fell under the influence of a Mulvanian ascetic, Ajimbalin.
This man persuaded him to lead a life of utter self-denial and mortification of
the flesh, to the neglect of his kingdom and of his queen, who eloped with a
pirate captain.

The Kortolians sometimes wondered if they had not been
wiser to toss Filoman out and adopt a republican scheme like that urged upon
them by Truentius. In fact, they might well have done so; but, ere matters
could come to a head, Filoman lost his life in a riding accident and was
succeeded by his much abler son Fusinian. King Fusinian restored the popularity
of the monarchy, and it has persisted down to the present day."

The king laughed heartily until he got into a fit of
coughing and wheezing and had to be slapped on the back by his taster and his

At least," he said, we have never appointed a general of clockwork
or of clay, heh heh. Chuivir may not be any Juktar the Great, but at least he
bleeds if one pricks him." The kingłs little black eyes stared sharply at
forian out of his puffy, round face. That brings up a problem. Yes, sir, a
problem. Two days ago, our spies brought us a rumor that you, dear boy, were
not quite what you seemedthat, in sooth, you were no mere mechanic but a
former ruler of some Novarian city-state. Is that true?"

[orian and Karadur exchanged glances. Jorian muttered: Zerlik
must have been flapping that long tongue of his." He turned to the king. It is
true, Your Majesty. Your servant was king of Xylar for five years. Know you
their method of succession?"

We once knew but have forgotten. Tell us."

Every five years, they come together in a grand assembly,
cut off the old kingłs head, and throw it up for grabs. I became king by
catching my predecessorłs head when I saw it flying towards me, not then
realizing what the object was and what catching it implied. When my five years
neared their end, Doctor Karadur devised a method for me to escape this drastic

Bountiful heavens!" exclaimed the king. Here, the ruler is
at least granted more than five years of tenure; albeit the principle is not
wholly different. How did the Xylarians take the escape of their human

They have been after me ever since, to drag me back and
complete their interrupted ceremony. Therefore I beg Your Majesty not to reveal
my former status, lest the Xylarians get wind of my whereabouts and kidnap me.
I barely escaped one such attempt on my way hither."

The king clucked. Too bad, too bad. An we could publicly
proclaim that you were a former king, we could do fine things for you. What was
the date of your birth?"

[orian raised his bushy black eyebrows, but replied: I was
born in the twelfth year of King Fealin the Second of Kortoli, on the fifteenth
of the Month of the Lion. Why, sire?"

Have you taken that down, Herekit?" the king asked his secretary;
then to (orian: We asked it so that our wise men can calculate what the fates
have in store for you. Tell me: had you warlike experience during your

Aye, sire; quite a lot. I led Xylarłs army in two pitched
battles, at Dol and at Larunum, with brigands calling themselves free companies,
as well as several skirmishes. I admiraled the Xylarian fleet in driving the
Algarthian pirates away from our shores. Besides, I had already seen battle
whilst serving a hitch in the Foot Guards of the Grand Bastard of Qthomae."

Then, my dear |orian, you would seem to be the answer to a
fat old manłs prayer."

How so, sire?"

Look you. We know nought of warfare and make no pretense of
doing so. Our senior officer, Colonel Chuivir, is, for practical purposes, as
ignorant as we. He, howsomever, is not fain to admit it. For that matter, it
would do the spirits of the defenders no good for their commander to avouch
himself a military ninny.

We lack time to find a replacement for Chuivir.

Most of the officers in his command are, we suspect, as innocent
of war as he. Our seasoned commanders are all with the frontier army. Nor can
we appoint you in Chuivirłs place. You are a foreigner and a commoner, whom the
militia would not obey with any zeal. Moreover, Chuivir has influential friends
among the nobility and officials, who would be affronted by our abruptly dismissing
him ere he has had time to commit any gross blunder. Even a king with
theoretically unlimited power, you know, must constantly make sure of his
political support, heb heh."

Well, sire?" said Jorian as Ishbahar hesitated.

So weahthe thought has come to us: How would you like to
be our military aide?"

What would that entail?"

Oh, you would wear a fancy uniform. In theory, you would be
merely our messenger boy, to carry our commands to the forces and bring us
reports of the fighting. In practice, we shall ask you to look over the
military situation every day, decide what needs to be done, and advise us
accordingly. We shall put your recommendations in the form of royal commands,
which you shall convey to Chuivir or whomever else we designate. You will not
seem to have any power over the defense but in fact will be in full command
thereof. How does that strike you?"

All I can say, sire, is that I will try my best."

Good." Ishbahar spoke to the secretary: Herekit! Draw up a
commission for Master Jorianyes, Ebeji-"

Sire," said the attendant, who had just come in, a shipłs
officer would speak with you on urgent business."

Oh, curse this churlish world, that will not let a man eat
a simple snack in peace! Send him in."

The visitor was a young naval officer with a drawn, ghastly
look, who dropped to one knee. Sire!"

Well, sir?"

Admiral Kyar is lost, and the pirates of Algarth are upon

EhEh? Oh, good gods! How did this happen-"

Thethe admiral took the flagship Ressam out this morn for
exercises, accompanied by two small dispatch galleys, the Onuech and the By an.
At sea, we encountered a .patch of fog, which some said had the look of
sorcerous fog. Then, of a sudden, a swarm of Algarthian craft sped out of the
fog and surrounded the Ressam. Being undermanned, she could not work up enough
speed to fight clear. The freebooters also took the Onuech; but the By an, by
putting the marines on the oars, won free."

Were you in command of the Byari2." asked the king.

Aye, sire. If Your Majesty thinks I ought to have stayed
and perished with the admiral"

Nay, nay, you did right. Someone had to bring us word. In
fact, you are hereby promoted to admiral in place of Kyar. Prepare the rest of
our navy for battle." To the secretary, the king said: Draw up a royal
commission for this officer and bring it to us to sign. Now, Admiral, do sit
down and try some of thisby Ugh-rolukłs toenails, the young man has fainted!
Pour water on him, somebody!"

That evening, forian and Karadur stood on the floor of the
Tower of Kumashar that housed the clockwork. They looked towards the sea, where
the Penembic navy was locked in battle with a fleet of Algarthian pirates. The
largest Penembic ships, the huge catamarans, were not even sent into action for
want of rowers to man them. The ships that did take part in the battle moved
sluggishly for lack of oar power.

There goes another one," said Jorian as ruddy flames enveloped
a ship.

One of ours or theirs?" said Karadur.

One of ours, I fear; but ętis hard to be sure in this
failing light."

How did that young fellowwhatłs his namethe officer whom
the king of a sudden promoted to admiral, how effective has he proven?"

lorian shrugged. Considering the generally unprepared state
of the fleet and the lack of time, therełs no |; ęway to tell. Not even Diodis
of Zolon, the greatest Novanan sea commander, could have done much in this manłs

How do you with Colonel Chuivir?"

Methinks he suspects the true state of affairs. He seems to
take the kingłs commands with ill grace, even if he had not yet flouted any of
them. What worries me is that, if he learn that the Xylarians are after me, he
may get word to them to come and take me."

They could hardly do that, with the city surrounded and
under siege."

True, Doctor. So Iłm in a pretty pass, am I not? Iłm safe
whilst the siege lasts. My duty, howsomever, is to defeat and break it, which
will place me again in jeopardy. If on the other hand the besiegers take the
city, I shall probably lose my head in that case, too." He reached up and
tugged at his head. lust making sure ętis firmly fixed in place."

An we win here, I am sure the king could protect you."

Perhaps, perhaps. But suppose he find himself straightened
for money to pay the cost of the war and hear of the price the Xylarians have
placed on my head?"

Oh, he is a kindly man"

For the present; but the day may come when he loves his
little Jorian less than the cash I could bring. My taste of kingship has taught
me never to trust any ruler. They can always justify any perfidy by saying, ęItłs
for the peoplełs good.ł"

The battle continued for hours in ever-deepening darkness
and confusion. Then the surviving Penembic ships broke off and fled up the
Lyap. The pirates swept the decks of the anchored ships, both naval and
merchant, and invested the shoreline outside the wall of the city.

Next day, a Free Company in flashing armor marched down the
Novarian Road from the north; Mazsanłs peasant army straggled up from the
south; and a swarm of robed, camel-riding nomads from Fedirun approached from
the east. The siege had begun.


set up their camps. That of the Free Company was an orderly fortified square
of tents, surrounded by a ditch and an embankment. It stood in the fields
northeast of the city, where a bend in the Lyap gave the mercenaries room to
camp between the river and the wall.

The camp of the Fedirunis was a sprawling city of r brown
camelłs hair tents set every which way, whence sounds of drums and wailing
music arose at night. From eastward, a stream of Fedirunis rode camels, horses,
mules, and asses down the East Road to join the besiegers. The news that Iraz
might be sacked had spread over the eastern deserts and had drawn all the sand
.thieves of Fedirun like flies to honey. The city of cam-f elłs-hair tents grew
and spread like a fungus.

Mazasanłs peasants had not brought tents. Instead, they
built rude huts of fieldstone and brushwood or else [ęslept, bundled in
sheepskins, in the open. The Algarthian pirates slept aboard their ships.

The suburb of Zaktan across the Lyap, whose people

, had all fled to Iraz proper, was plundered and some of

;the houses were burnt; but a rainy spell prevented a

|! general conflagration. The beacon atop the Tower of

Kumashar was dark, for the only incoming ships were additions
to the pirate fleet.

The besiegers assembled mantlets, which they ex-iłftended in
lines towards the city. From behind these ^łdefenses, their archers sniped at
Irazis on the walls.


Since this part of Penembei had few trees, the besiegersł
engineers broke up some of King Ishbaharłs biggest war galleys for timber to
build their engines.

Beyond the lines of mantlets, siege enginescatapults, tortoises
(wheeled sheds), and belfries (movable siege towers)began to take shape. The
sounds of sawing and hammering continued day and night.

Meanwhile, the wizards on both sides tried out their arts.
The besiegersł magicians conjured up illusions of vast, winged monsters, which
swooped with bared fangs and fiery breath at the battlements. At first, the
defenders scattered with cries of alarm. But Karadur and his assistant wizards
quickly identified these monsters as mere harmless phantasms and dispersed them
with counter-spells.

The besiegersł sorcerers then cast a mighty spell, which
evoked a horde of bat-winged, scaly demons from the Sixth Plane, to assail the
defenders with fangs and talons. But the defending thaumaturgists cast a
counter-spell. This spell caused all the bees, wasps, and hornets within ten
leagues of Iraz to swarm to the city and attack the demons. With shrieks of
pain and croaks of outrage, the demons fled and vanished back to their own

The men of the Free Company, as the best-disciplined
soldiers among the attackers, were the first to complete a catapult. The
skeins, slings, and fittings they had brought along in their baggage wagons,
and for timbers they used wood from the dismantled battleships.

This catapult was of the two-armed, dart-throwing type. They
levered it forward on its ponderous wheels. A big wooden shield, hung with
green hides, was fastened in front of it to protect it against
counter-bombardment. Karadurłs wizards, collected on the wall, sweated and
mumbled and gesticulated in attempts to cast a spell upon the device.

Early one morning, under an overcast sky, Karadur stood
watching from the wall. He said to fonan: I fear me, alas, that they have
already placed a protective spell

over yonder engine, so that all my wizardsł efforts will go
for nought. The advances in magic of recent centuries have given the defense
great advantages in wiz-ardly conflict."

Jorian, in silvered scale mail, peered through his spyglass.
Methinks theyłre ready to shoot," he said. Take a look."

Ah, me! You are right."

Get ready to duck. One of those darts would skewer you like
an olive on a toothpick... Here it comes!"

The Free Companyłs catapult discharged with a crash. The
missilea three-foot bolt of wood and iron, with wooden vaneswhistled over
their heads, to curve down and fall inside the city.

If that be the best they can do," said Karadur, I doubt
that they will soon beat us down by hurling darts at random into this vast

You donłt understand," said Jorian. That was a mere
ranging shot. When they get the elevation right, theyłll use that engine to
scatter defenders on the wall and thus hinder the servicing of our engines.
Now, do you see that other catapult a-building, back of the first one?"


That one will be twice as big and will throw balls of stone
or brick instead of darts. Theyłll wheel it forward and set it to battering a
breach in our wall, whilst the dart-thrower protects it ęgainst our
counter-measures by a covering bombardment. It may take a fortnight; but soon
or late, the wall will crumble and fall at that point."

What can we do?"

Iłve already told Colonel Chuivir to start his masons
building a lune behind the threatened point. Whether hełll do it is another
thing. He suspects that, when I tell him ętis the kingłs will that he do
thus-and-so, it is really my idea, and he bubbles with resentment."

How is our defending army coming?"

Jorian spat. Lousy! The Royal Guard have had at least
formal training, but theyłre a mere handful. The militia companies are
drilling; but the two stasiarchs are more interested in blackguarding and
plotting against each other than they are in winning the warThere have been
many affrays betwixt Pants and Kilts, with several wounded and a couple slam.

Theyłre just urban rabble anyway: splendid at rioting,
looting, and arson, but as soldiers worth no more than so many rabbits. They
argue every command and take a perverse pride in slovenliness and
indiscipline-Had f but a few thousand of my sturdy Kortolian peasants..." Jorian
laughed shortly. Perdy, kimmer," he said, falling into his rustic Kortolian
dialect, a grew up in little Ardamai and kenned the farm folk well. Then a
thought them the crassest clods, dullards, and skinflints on earth. When a
first saw Kortoli City, a said, aha! City life be the life for me! And indeed,
a still find city folk better company. But, when it come to the push of the
pike, gie me yeomen wił dung on their boots and na thought but the next harvest
in their heads!

Now, take those houses built against the West Wall, along
the waterfront street. That was strictly illegal, since such dwellings provide
cover for attackers; but Ishbaharłs inspectors doubtless pocketed bribes to

|orian fell silent for a moment while he swept the besiegersł
lines with his telescope. Then he said: Were I boss of yon besiegers, ęstead
of wasting time in building catapults and belfries, Iłd make hundreds of
scaling ladders and send the whole force against our walls at once."

Why, my son? Such ladders are easily overthrown, to the
scathe of the men clinging to them. I have never understood how any number of
men could take a defended wall. Why cannot the defenders simply push over the
ladders as fast as they are erected?"

Were numbers anywhere near even, they could. Stout-hearted
defenders can beat off several times their number of attackers. But the foe now
outnumber us fifteen or twenty to oneat least as far as real soldiers are
concerned,I count not Veghłs and Amazluekłs rabble. With the defenders so few,
they could not man alt parts of the wall at once. By throwing up ladders
against parts of the wall that are bare for the nonce, the assailants can get a
lodgment on the top. Once a few sections are taken, the attackers can stream
down into the city and make their numbers felt.

If the foe strike now, hełll have an excellent chance of
overrunning the city; whereas, an he fool around with all these beautiful
engines, he may find his advantage lost by Tereyaiłs arrival,.. Speaking of
whom, has your scryer, whatłs his name, found out whether our messengers have
yet reached General Tereyai?"

Nedef has been at his crystal from dawn to sunset, but the
scrying has been poor. I daresay the foełs wizards have cast spells to block
it. Now and then Nedef gets a fix on some spot in northern Penembei, but all he
sees are bare brown hills, with no sign either of our frontier army or of the

Hmm." Jorian stared so long through his spyglass that
Karadur said:

What is it, O forian?"

See you that thing between the camps of the Free Company
and that of the Fedirums?"

It looks like another line of mantlets, does it not? My dim
old eyes"

Aye, but what are mantlets doing so far backEven a catapult
couldnłt reach ęem. They seem inordinately high, and methinks I detect activity
behind them." Jorian turned on Karadur. Could your scryer get a glimpse behind
that fence?"

He can try, whilst I essay to counter the interference of
the foełs magicians."

An hour later, Jorian and Karadur sat in Nedefłs chamber in
the House of Learning. The scryer sat cross-legged on a bench, hunched over his
crystalsphere, which rested upon a small stand of ebony carved into coiling
dragons. Karadur sat, also cross-legged, on a cushion on the floor, leaning
back with his eyes closed and moving his lips. Jorian sat in a chair, holding a
stylus and a waxed wooden tablet. He leaned forward tensely, holding the stylus

The scryer spoke just above a whisper: The scene ripples
and shifts, although it is not so confused as yesterdayłs. ..Methinks their
wizards who cast interference upon me have been recalled to other tasks... Ah,
now I see Iraz...The scene pitches and tosses, as if I were an insect riding an
autumnal leaf borne along on the wind... Steady, steady... Nay, that is the wrong
side of the besiegersł ring... Now I have the nomadsł tents in view ..More to
the left! The left! Ah, here we are. Here is your fence, whereon I look
down...Curse this interference; it is like trying to see the bottom of a river
through the waters of a rapid. I see a great pile of long things; long things
withcrosspieces.. .Ah... Now I see men working on these objects... From my
height, they look like ants; but... They hammer and saw..."

Ladders?" said forian.

Ah, that is it! Ladders! I could not be sure, because of
bad scrying, but ladders they are."

Can you estimate their number?" said Jorian.

Nay; but there must be hundreds..."

Jorian looked at Karadur. Theyłre doing just what I said I
should do in their place. The siege engines are a diversion, to make us think
we have plenty of time to ready our defenses. Instead, theyłll rush us early
some morn with all those ladders and scramble over our walls ere wełve rubbed
the sleep out of our eyes. Once inside, they could stand off Tereyai for ay.
With command of the sea, they could not be starved out.

Keep Nedef at his crystal and command him to try to learn
the foełs precise plans. If he could eavesdrop on a conference amongst the
leaders, that might be helpful. Meanwhile, I must forth to tell Chuivir to
build crutches."


Thatłs what we call those poles with a curved or forked
crosspiece at the end, for pushing over ladders."

Beware of arousing Chuivirłs jealousy!"

lorian had thitherto been careful to report back to the
palace before issuing royal commands to Colonel Chuivir. But, as he strode
through the streets between the House of Learning and the palace, an uproar
drew his attention. A group of armed Kilts was chasing three Pants along the
avenue, waving swords and shouting vengeance.

Heryx blast them!" snarled Jorian to himself, stepping out
into the street. As the Pants ran past him, he threw out his arms in a
commanding gesture and roared: Halt, in the kingłs name!"

At least, he thought, his glittering parade armor did have
its uses. At the sight of his regalia, the pursuing Kilts halted. The three
Pants clustered behind him, panting:

They.. .would.. .slay us... good sir! And... for nought!"

What is all this?" barked Jorian.

Thieves!" screamed the leading Kilt. We found them sneaking
and snooping around our armory, to steal our weapons!"

They lie!" cried a new voice. Jorian turned, and there was
the plump Lord Vegh, stasiarch of the Pants. I sent my trusty lads thither to
ask a few civil questions of the other faction, as to what armament they
thought most suitable"

Now it is ye who lie!" cried the gaunt, goateed Amazluek,
pushing through the gathering crowd. Civil questions, forsooth! Mere
questioners need not try to pick the lock on the armory door"

There was no one on guard," shouted a Pant. None to answer
our questions, so we sought to"

Amazluek: Liar again! There is always a man"

Thou callest me liar?" yelled Vegh, drawing his sword.

Liar, thief, and coward!" screamed Amazluek, drawing likewise.

Stop it! Stop it!" shouted Jorian over the rising din. Put
up your blades, in the kingłs name!"

The clash and ring of sword against sword answered him.
Spectators began to shout and to cheer on the combatants according to which
faction they supported. They also began to bark threats and insults at each other.
Jorian saw one man kick anotherłs shins, another tweak anotherłs nose, and a
third seize anotherłs hair and pull it. A full street battle was in the making.
In desperation, Jorian drew his sword and knocked up the crossed blades of the

Keep out of this, dirty foreigner!" snarled Amaz-luek,
making a thrust at Jorianłs chest. Not expecting the attack, Jorian was slow in
parrying. But his corselet saved his life as the stasiarchłs point skittered
off its scales and tore the sleeve of Jorianłs jacket.

Vegh lunged at Amazluek, who had to leap back and make a
hasty parry to save his own gore. Jorian unhooked his lead-pommeled dagger.
Holding it by the sheath, he stopped behind Amazluek and brought the pommel
down on the stasiarchłs head.

Amazluek wilted to the cobblestones. When Vegh made to run
the prostrate man through, Jorian knocked his blade aside and thrust his own
point into Veghłs face.

Get back, or I will give you some of the same!" he said.

Who are you to order us about" sputtered Vegh.

I am who I am. You five Kilts, carry Lord Amazluek back to
your headquarters. If water in the face fail to revive him, fetch a chirurgeon
to tend him. Lord Vegh, will you be so good as to send your men back to their
barracks? Meseems they need every waking hour for drill, if they are to
withstand the foe."

The Kilts, cowed by Jorianłs size and air of command,
silently picked up their fallen leader and disappeared. Vegh grumbled some
threat or curse under his breath. Being a full head shorter than Jorian, he
seemed indisposed to carry the argument further. He and his trio also departed,
and the crowd broke up.

Jorian hurried on to the palace. The sun had passed the meridian,
and Jorian felt oppressed by the need for haste. The attack with scaling
ladders might come at any time, and the disparity in numbers of hardened
fighters grew with every additional Fediruni who halted his camel in the
growing tent city east of Iraz.

It was urgent that the crutches be prepared forth

with. It was also urgent that something drastic be done
about the command of the militia, before the factions began a civil war.

At the palace, Jorian was told that King Ishbahar was taking
his nap after lunch and could not be disturbed. Jorian chewed his mustache in
frustration. He considered forcing an entrance to the kingłs private chambers
on grounds of emergency, waiting until the king awoke, or going directly to
Chuivir without clearing his intentions with the king first. The dangers of the
last course seemed to him the least.

He found the handsome colonel in his chamber in the topmost
level of the huge, cylindrical keep built against the wall on the eastern side
of the city. Thence Chuivir could watch the entire length of the East Wall,
including the East Gate. Chuivir, wearing gilded lizard mail even more gorgeous
than Jorianłs, was checking payrolls.

(orian saluted by bringing his fist to his chest. Colonel,"
he said, it is the kingłs pleasure that his forces prepare for an imminent
assault on the walls by scaling ladders. In particular, he desires that
hundreds of crutches be prepared and placed on the walls to overthrow these

Chuivir frowned. Where got he any such idea, Captain
Jorian? Any fool can see that they are readying a prolonged attack on the walls
themselves, by catapults and ram tortoises, in order to make a breach before
mounting his assault."

Jorian told of the scryerłs discovery of the ladder work
going on behind the fence to the northeast. Colonel Chuivir picked up his own
spyglass and leaned out the window on that side of the tower. After a while, he

Nay, your seer must have been mistaken. Even if they be preparing
ladders, it were incredible that they should essay to use them so early upon
our walls."

His Majesty," said Jorian, thinks they are fain to make a
sudden assault in hope of carrying the city ere General Tereyai arrive with his

Chuivir stubbornly stuck to his point. My good Captain, it
says right here in Zayuitłs Military Manual"he waved a copy"that the chances
of carrying a wall over forty feet high with ladders alone were negligible. And
our walls measure forty-five feet."

A city this size should have at least sixty-foot walls,"
said Jorian.

Perhaps; but that is beside the point."

Well, are you going to set men to making crutches?"

No. I need all the manpower I can get for practise at conventional
drill, for arms making, and for strengthening the masonry."

But, sir, His Majesty was quite positive"

The colonel gave Jorian a sharp look. Meseems that, to
listen to you, His Majesty has been taking an entirely unwonted interest in the
details of the defensesomething he has never done hitherto. Did he give you
such a message just now, from his own mouth?"

Certes. You do not think I would give you orders on my own
responsibility, do you?"

On the contrary, that is just what I think. Know, good my
sir, that I command the defense and none otherlet alone foreign interlopers,
if you would convince me that His Majesty has in sooth issued this silly command,
you must bring me a written order in his own hand, or else persuade him to
issue his dicta to me in person."

Would you rather let the enemy in than yield on a bit of protocol?"
said Jorian angrily. If I must needs run back and forth all day bearing bits
of paper"

Get out of here!" shouted Chuivir. Any royal commands
hereafter shall be in writing, or I will ignore them. Now off with you and stop
pestering me, or I will have you arrested!"

We shall see," growled Jorian. He left the tower fuming.

That evening over supper, he told Karadur of the dayłs

When I got back to the palace," he said, I found the King
just waking up. I told him about the quarreling between the factions and about
my troubles with Chuivir. I said I feared my supervision would come to nought
unless I had direct and acknowledged command of the whole defense, with none to
gainsay me. Even then, ętwould be a chancy thing.

I told Ishbahar I wanted nothing less than commanding the defense
of Iraz, which was not my city; but I was caught therein and stood to fall
therewith. Hence, to save my own hide, I needs must do what I could to save it."

Did he believe yourahprotestations of virtue?"

I know not, albeit they expressed my true sentiments. He
flat refused, howsomever, to oust Chuivir and the stasiarchs and appoint me in
their room, saying ętwere politically impossible.

At length he summoned the three and me to tea this afternoonAnother
gorge, naturally. If His Majesty keep on stuffing me like a sausage skin, I
shall have to go on a fast; Iłve already gained ten pounds in Iraz.

Well, at table, Amazluek, with a bandage round his head,
glared daggers at Vegh and me. But I will say old Fatty did his best. He
homilized us on the need for cooperation whilst the siege lasted. An we failed
to work together, he reminded us, we should be tied to posts, tarred, and
kindled to illumine the Fedirunisł victory feast. The desert dwellers have
quaint notions of entreating their captives. At the end, he was blubbering
great tears of self-pity and had even my three recalcitrant commanders looking
solemn and wiping their eyes."

Did he confirm your tale of having obtained the order about
the crutches from him?"

Aye; luckily, I had thought to prime him on this little
white lie. So we all parted with expressions, if not of good will, at least of
promises to work for the common goal. But nought has really been changed, and
the morrow will doubtless see us at one anotherłs throats again."

How about those crutches?"

Seeing a chance to score off his rival, Amazluek said hełd
be responsible for them. His faction, he said, had many competent woodworkers,
and he would set them to sawing and nailing night and day. Then Vegh said his
Pants could make two crutches for every one turned out by the Kilts. The king
said to go to it."

Karadur: My son, I promised Nedef to look in at his sanctum
this even. He is attempting to spy on a meeting of the hostile commanders, to
learn what he can of their plans. Wiltahaccompany me? With all in confusion
and arms handed out broadcast, the streets are none too safe oł nights."

Surely, old man. Have you a lanthorn?"

Nedef murmured: Nay, I see no gathering around the tent of
the Fediruni chieftain.. .That leaves the Al-garthians..."

For some minutes, the scryer sat silently with an intense expression,
as he strove to guide the vision in the crystal seaward.

It is easier this even," he said. Belike all the wizards
are at meat. Ah, here is the piratesł flagship, with longboats clustering about
her. The council of war must be aboard..." Then more silence. Nedef gasped: Aid
me, Doctor Karadur! The wizards have cast a protective spell about the admiralłs
cabin, so I cannot enter it."

Karadur mumbled and made passes. At last Nedef exclaimed: Ah,
now I am in! But it takes all my strength to remain..."

What see you?" asked Jorian.

In sooth, it is a veritable council of war. I see Maz-san
the factionist, and the pirate admiralI think his name is Hrundikar, a great
huge wight with a long red beard. I also see the leaders of the Free Company
and of the nomads, whose names I know not."

What do they?"

They talk, with much gesticulation and pauses for the interpreters...
Mazsan says something about making an attack from all four sides at once, to
stretch the defense thin..."

Silence, then: They argue the question of timing their
attack. The Fediruni points heavenward,heI

cannot read his lips, for he speaks his native tongue. Ah,
the interpreter asks how they can time their attacks with the sun hidden by

Now Mazsan speaks. He says something about the Tower of
Kumashar... He holds a spyglass to his eye. The Fediruni asks a question, but I
cannot catch it... Mazsan demands something of Admiral Hrundikar. Everybody
takes a drink... Now a sailor brings in a sheet of somethingparchment or
paper. They spike it to the bulkhead; each of the four chieftains drives his
dagger through one comer of the sheet. With a piece of charcoal, Mazsan draws a
two-foot circle on the sheet. He marks a spot in the enter. He makes a set of marks
around the edge of the circle. He draws an arrow, starting at the center and
pointing to one of the marks..."

Which mark? Which mark?" demanded lorian.

It is on the right-hand side of the circle... My vision is

If it were a clock, what time would it tell?"

Ah, I see! The clock hand points to the third hour. Now the
scene grows wavery, as if their wizards had returned to their task..."

Nedefłs voice trailed off. The scryer slumped in a faint and
rolled off his bench to the floor.

Dear me, I hope he have not damaged his brain," said
Karadur. That is a hazard of his profession."

His pulse seems normal," said lorian, bending over the
fallen man. So now we know: the foe will attack at the third hour of the
morningor the Hour of the Otter, as we say in Novaria. They will time their
assault by watching the Tower of Kumashar through telescopes."

We know not the day of the attack," said Karadur.

True, but we had better assume it to be tomorrow. I must
get word to the king and the commanders."

I cannot leave poor Nedef in a swoon..."

Take care of him, then, whilst I go about my business,
which brooks no delay."

Go you first to the king?"

Nay, I think Iłll drop in first on Chuivir to pass the

What chance have we, with a few hundred guardsmen against
their tens of thousands?"

The chance of a pollywog in a pond full of pike. But the
militia can push over ladders if nought else. Still, ętis a muchel of city wall
to cover with a small force. All they need is one good foothold..."

I suppose we could stop the clocks in the Tower of
Kumashar. Then they would lack means of coordinating their attack."

Jorian stared. Youłre right, old man. But, by Heryxłs iron
yard, youłve given me an even better idea! Each of the four parties plans to
attack a different side and use a different one of the four clocks, does it

I suppose so."

All right, you succor Master Nedef; Iłm off."

When he had reported to the king, who was eating a late evening
snack, Ishbahar asked the same question that Karadur had already posed: What
chance have we, lad, with their twenty or thirty thousand against our four hundred-odd
guardsmen and a few thousand militiamen?"

Not much, Your Majesty," said Jorian. I do, how-somever,
have an idea that may well throw their attack into confusion."

What is it?"

Ere I tell Your Majesty, your servant would like to beg a
boon, in case my scheme work."

Anything, my boy, anything! If it work not, none of us will
have further use for material possessions anyway. An we defeat this siege, we
have plans for you."

All I ask, sire, is your copper bathtub."

The gods bless our soul, what an extraordinary request! No
cartload of gold? No high office? No noble maiden for your harem?"

Nay, sire; i meant just what I said."

Of course you shall have it, win or lose. But what is your

Jorian told him.


Colonel Chuivir: The Fedirunis will attack the East Wall first, in about half
an hour."

How in the name of Ughroluk do you know?"

Because at that time, the east clock will show the third

But will not the other clocks show the sameoh!" Chuivir
stared round-eyed at Jorian. You mean you have set them all to show different

Jorian nodded, and Chuivir gave a command. Messengers departed
on a run. Soon, nearly all the Royal Guard was assembled along the East Wall,
with their armor gleaming dully in the gray light. Mingled with them were several
companies of militia. Most of the militiamen bore either crutches or spears to
whose butt-ends short crosspieces had been affixed. When all were in place,
there was a man for every six feet of wall. A skeleton guard of militia was
left on the other walls.

From the swarming, dun-colored camp of the Fedirunis, ramłs
horns gave their soft bleat. A flood of figures, robed in brown, sand color,
and dirty white, poured out from the tent city and streamed towards the East
Wall. They covered the earth like a swarm of ants. Foremost among them came
hundreds of pairs of men, each pair carrying a ladder. Others gathered in knots
and unlimbered the powerful, double-curved compound horn bows of Fedirun.

Keep your heads down!" shouted Chuivir. The command was
passed down the line.

The Fediruni bows twanged, and sheets of arrows shrieked up
from their line. Some shafts soared over the battlements; others struck the
stones and rebounded. A few struck home. Cries arose along the line of the
defenders, and the physicians of Iraz ran up and down with their gowns
flapping, seeking the wounded.

The swarm of foes flowed up to the wall. All along the line,
hundreds of ladders were planted in the ground. Their other ends rose like the
booms of cranes as the attackers pushed on them from behind with hands and
spear points.

Loose!" cried Chuivir.

All along the wall, arbalesters of the Royal Guard stepped
out from behind their merlons to discharge their crossbows into the crowd
below. Then they ducked back again to reload. Elsewhere, squads of militiamen
placed boxes of heavy stones and cauldrons of boiling oil, molten lead, and
red-hot sand in the embrasures and tipped them until the contents poured down
on the heads beneath. Screams resounded.

Still the ladders rose until their upper ends, even with the
top of the wall, came to rest.

Wait until they are loaded, Colonel," said Jorian.

Curse it, stop telling me how to run my business!" snapped
Chuivir. I was going to do just that." He raised his voice: Crutch men, wait
for the signal! How far up are they, Captain Jorian?"

Jorian risked a peek out an embrasure. Three man-heights.
Give them a little more...Now!"

As the heads of the most active climbers approached the top
of the wall, the Fediruni archers ceased shooting for fear of hitting their
own. Chuivir shouted; O-o-over!"

All along the wall, militiamen hooked their crutches into
the tops of the ladders and pushed. Here and there a man fell to a Fediruni
arrow, but another took his place. The ladders swayed outward and fell,
dropping their shrieking burdens into the crowd.

The Fediruni leaders dashed up and down, screaming commands
and exhortations. Up went the ladders again,

ę Again, swarms of brown-robed figures scrambled up them.

Jorian found himself next to an embrasure in front of which
an Irazi militiaman had fallen with an arrow through his throat. The top of a
ladder showed in the gap between the merlons. Before Jorian could gather his
wits, a black-bearded brown face, surmounted by a white head cloth held in
place by a camelłs-hair rope, popped into the embrasure. Golden hoops hung
gleaming and swaying from the manłs ear lobes.

Jorian snatched up the crutch that the fallen Irazi had
dropped. His first attempt to place it against one of the uprights of the
ladder miscarried; he missed and .almost hurled himself through the embrasure.
Before he could recover and replace the implement, the Fediruni leaped like a
cat through the embrasure and had at him with a scimitar.

Jorian threw up the crutch to parry a whistling cut, which
drove into the wood and nearly severed the crutch. He struck at the man, but
the crutch broke at its weakened point. The man slashed again; his blade
clashed against Jorianłs mail as Jorian leaped back.

By the time the man drew back his arm for a third blow,
forian had his sword out. A straight thrust took the unarmored man in the ribs.
The Fediruni still had the strength to complete his cut, which clanged on
Jorianłs helmet, knocking it down over his eyes and filling his head with

Jorian pushed his helmet back into place, to see the
Fediruni leaning against the merlon. The scimitar dropped from his lax fingers
as the man slowly sagged to the pavement.

Meanwhile, another Fediruni had hoisted himself through the
embrasure. This man carried both a scimitar and a leathern buckler in his right
hand. Over his brown robe he wore a crude cuirass of boiled leather, painted
red and blue, and on his head a light steel cap with a slender spike on top. As
he came, he shifted the buckler to his left hand and engaged Jorian. There was ęa
quick exchange of cuts and thrusts,the man was a skilled fighter.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jorian saw a third Fe-diruni,
with his shaven skull bare, climbing through. If the third man gained the wall
and assailed him from behind, Jorian knew he would have little chance. Despite
the hero tales, it was rare indeed that a single swordsman could defeat two
competent foes at once. If [orian took his attention for a heartbeat off the
man he was fighting, the fellow would instantly have him. He tried to speed up
his cuts and lunges to kill the man before the other came. But the man caught
the blows on his buckler and sent back one whistling counter-cut after

The third man had reached the wall and slithered around behind
}orian, who knew what was happening but could do nothing to stop it. Then a
shriek arose behind him, and the sound of a falling body. The eyes of the man
he was fighting shifted past him, and in an instant Jorian ran him through the

Here is another!" cried Chuivir, drawing a bloody sword
from the Fediruni behind forian. Help me!"

The colonel referred to a fourth Fediruni, now poised on the
topmost rung of the leadder with a scimitar in his teeth. Jorian and Chuivir
each drove the point of his sword into one of the two uprights. Over!" said

They shoved. The ladder swayed out. It seemed to stand balanced
for an incredible time, while the topmost Fediruni looked down with eyes that
widened with terror in his swarthy face. The last sight that Jorian had of him,
as the ladder toppled, was of the manłs opening his mouth to scream and
dropping the sword he had held in his teeth.

That was close," said Chuivir, They have gained another
foothold yonder,come along!"

The two rushed along the wall to where several Fe-dirunis
had formed a solid knot with their backs to an embrasure, while others,
climbing up the ladder from behind, tried to push in. Watch!" said lorian.

He put a foot on the adjacent embrasure and hurled himself
up on top of the merlon. A small, slender Fe

diruni was just pushing through the embrasure behind the knot
of battlers. At the moment, he was on hands and knees in the embrasure.

Jorian swung up his arm and brought his sword down in a
long, full-armed cut. He had the satisfaction of seeing the manłs head fly off,
to roll among the trampling feet of the fighters. The blood-spouting body
collapsed in the embrasure, and through Jonanłs mind flitted a fleeting thought
of wonder that so small a man should contain so much blood. A scarlet pool
spread out on the flagstones, so that the fighters slipped and staggered in it.

The body hindered the next climber, who pushed and tugged at
it to clear it out of the way. While he was so engaged, Jorian caught him in
the face with a backhand cut. The man fell off the iadder, carrying away those
below him in a whole concatenation of screams and crashes.

Hand me a crutch!" Jorian shouted.

A spear was at length passed up to him. With this he pried
one of the uprights of the ladder away from the stone and sent it toppling. The
Fedirunis on the wall, cut off from support and slipping and falling in the
puddles of blood, were soon beaten down and hacked to pieces.

Panting, Jorian, in dented helm and rent hauberk, confronted
Colonel Chuivir, around whose left arm a physician was tying a bandage. Below,
the Fedirunis sullenly flowed back towards their tent city. They carried many
of their wounded; but many more were left behind, along with hundreds of

Bad?" said Jorian.

Scratch. You?"

Never touched me. Thank you for your help."

No trouble. When and whence is the next attack?" asked

Soon, north. The north clock is set an hour after the east."

The Free Company, eh?"

Aye. Not many, but fell fighters."

With that armor, they will not be able to climb so
monkeylike. Adjutant, everybody but the skeleton guard to the North Wall!"

An hour later, the Free Company withdrew from the North
Wall, leaving scores of armored figures lying like smashed beetles at its base.
Jorian, bleeding from a cut on the side of his law, told Chuivir: The pirates

The houses that had been illegally built against the West
Wall, facing the waterfront, furnished the pirates with an easy means of
getting halfway up the wall. They made several lodgments on the top of the wall
and clung to them despite the hardest fighting, Jorian took another light
wound, on his right arm. But the houses, being inflammable, soon blazed up
under a shower of incendiary missiles from the wall. Pirates struggling to
emplace short ladders on the roofs of the houses were engulfed in flames and
died screaming.

By the time the clock on the south side of the Tower of Kumashar
showed the third hour, Mazsanłs peasant army had heard about the defeats of the
other three forces. There was talk of a mysterious mixup in timing, and of the
unexpected strength of the defenders. The yells of Mazsanłs officers and even
blows with the flats of swords failed to get the peasants to rush the wall.
They stood sullenly muttering; some began to trickle away.

Trumpets blared in the hills. Little black specks grew to
squadrons of the regular Penembic cavalry, riding down the East Road and

Tereyai!" shouted voices along the wall, as the frontier
army rolled into view.

As the word went round, Mazsanłs peasants dissolved in mad
flight. The Fedirunis, fearful of being cut off from their homeland, abandoned
their camp, swarmed on their camels and horses, and scattered. The Algarthian
pirates scrambled aboard their ships, cast off, and hoisted sail.

The Free Company struck its camp in orderly fashion. It
formed three hollow squares, with pikes leveled outwards in all directions and
crossbowmen inside the squares. The mercenaries marched leisurely away on the
North Road, as if daring anybody to try to stop them. No one did.

My boy!" cried the king. You have saved Iraz! Nothing were
too good for you! Nothing!"

Oh, come, sire," said the bandaged Jorian, affecting more
modesty than he really felt. All your servant did was to sit up half the night
tinkering with the clocks, to make the four dials register different hours."

But that proves the prophecy. Or rather, both prophecies.
You are the barbarian savior, and the salvation of the city depended upon the
clocksł functioningalbeit not quite in the sense that one would expect, hen
heh. Name your reward!"

All I want, Your Majesty, is that copper bathtub."

Forsooth? Well, it is a queer sort of reward; but if that
is your desire, you shall have it. Shall we have it delivered to Doctor Karadurłs

Nay, sire. Leave it where it is for the time being. But one
of these days I shall want it. And one other thing!"

Yes? Yes?"

Pray stop calling me a barbarian! I am only an honest craftsman,
as civilized as the next wight."

Oh," said the king. We see the difficulty. You think of a ębarbarianł
as a rude, uncouth, illiterate oaf from some backward land where they know not
letters and cities. But in the prophecy, methinks, the word was used in its
older sense, to mean any non-Penembian. The change in meaning took place during
the century preceding this one; we told you we used to be a bit of a scholar.

So, you see, in that sense you are a barbarian, however
refined your manners and vast your erudition. And the prophecies are proven
after all. By the way, it is fortunate that our victory took place when it did,
and that you sustained no grievous wounds. In three nights, we shall have a
full moon again."

Jorian wrinkled his forehead. So, Your Majesty?"

Have you forgotten? That is the monthly Divine Marriage of
Nubalyaga!" Oh," said [orian.

Three nights later, at the full of the moon, [onan gave the
ritual knock on the massive door at the north end of Hoshchałs tunnel. The door
swung open, and in it stood two minor priestesses in gauzy gowns. They bowed
low, saying:

All hail, Your Majesty, soon to be divine!"

Jorian nodded affably. Whither away, lassies?"

Follow us."

[orian followed them through winding corridors, up stairs,
and through portals. Once he passed the main chamber of the temple. Through an
open door, he glimpsed scaffolding and saw men moving about. He heard the
sounds of sawing and hammering and the clink of masonsł chisels.

The Free Company and the Algarthians had looted the temple
of all the gold and precious stones they could pry off the decorations. They
might have destroyed the whole structure had not Mazsanłs influence restrained
them. Now craftsmen were working overtime to refurbish the fane.

Priestesses!" said lorian, WhereahI mean when do Iah"

Oh, sire!" murmured one. You needs must be suitably clad
ere the god incarnate himself in you!"

They led him at last into a smaller chamber, where garments
were laid out on a divan.

Now, sire," they said, if Your Majesty will graciously

[orian sat on the end of the divan while they pulled off his
shoes and buskins.

Now arise, sire, and stand still whilst we prepare you."

)orian stood up, and they began to undress him. They took
off his Irazi cap, unbuttoned his vest and shirt, and untied the draw string of
his trousers, lorian soon stood in his breechclout, which one of the girls
began to unfasten.

Eek!" said [orian. Ladies, please!"

Oh, but this, too, must come off!" said a priestess with a
giggle. Surely a man of Your Majestyłs age and experience..."

Oh, very well," grumbled [orian. I am an old mar-ried man,
and in my native land we all bathe together. It just seemed odd."

Off came the breechclout. The appraising stares of the priestesses
made Jorian wince. One said:

Think you he will do, Gezma?"

The other priestess cocked her head thoughtfully. He may.
The gods have endowed him with length, but as for strengthwell, the proof of
the pudding is in the eating, they say, whilst the proof of the"

Ahem!" said forian. If you must discuss me as if I were a
prize bull, I had rather you did it out of my hearing. Besides, it is cool for
standing in onełs skin."

With squeals of suppressed laughter, the priestesses draped
Jorian in flame-colored gauzy robes, which they bound with a scarlet sash. They
completed his raiment with a golden wreath on his head and pearl-sewn sandals
on his feet.

Oh, my, does he not look the very god?" said one.

He i,s!" cried the other, sinking to her knees and touching
her forehead to the floor. Great Ughroluk!" she prayed. Deign to look with
favor upon thine humble subjects!"

Deliver us from sin and evil!" said the other, prostrating
herself likewise.

Stretch forth thy divine hand over the pious priesthood of
thine eternal consort!"

lorian fidgeted while the two young women poured out their
pleas. He did feel godlike. He certainly did not feel as if he could pass
miracles to save anybody from sin and evil.

Yes, yes, I will do my divine best," he said at last. Now
where do we... ?"

The priestesses scrambled up. Will Your Divine .. Majesty
follow us?"

More corridors, and then he came to a chapel. One of the
priestesses whispered: Usually the rite is held in the main sanctum, but that
is full of craftsmen."

As (orian entered, a small orchestra of lyres and pipes
played a delicate, tingling melody. In the center of the room stood a huge bed.
The air was heavy with incense and perfume.

Before the altar at one side stood High Priestess Sah-met.
Like (orian, she was enveloped in gauze. On her noble brow, a silver tiara
flashed with white gems. In the dim light of the little oil lamps hung from the
ceiling, she looked almost beautiful. As Jonan approached, she bowed low,

All hail, divine consort! All hail, king of the gods!"

All hail, Your Sanctity," said Jorian. Here is your ring,

The following morning, Jorian met Karadur in King Ishbaharłs
palace, whither the wizard had gone to report to his royal employer. The two
set out afoot for Kar-adurłs quarters. As they passed through the Gate of
Happiness, {orian squinted up at Mazsanłs head, which occupied one of the
spikes atop the gate. He said:

Some of his ideas seemed sound to me. Too bad they couldnłt
have been tried out. If someone could persuade the king to command them..."

That has been tried," said Karadur. Mazsan himself once
urged Ishbahar to redistribute the lands of the great magnates amongst the
peasants. But these lords are powerful men, with their own armed followings,
and they would not without demur accede to the loss of their power and pelf. A
hero-king might undertake it, were he willing to risk an uprising led by the
magnates; but poor old Ishbahar..." The Mulvanian shrugged. How went things
last night?"

Jorian laughed. Damndest experience of my life, and Iłve
had some beauties." He told of his robing and his being conducted to the
wedding chapel. He continued: They made me stand for hours, clad in those
gauzy things like one of the he-whores you see mincing up and down Shashtai II
Street, whilst they went through an eternity of ritual. They sang hymns and
intoned prayers, whereof I could understand nought, since they were in an old
form of the language. They handed me a silver thunderbolt and a golden sunbeam
and bade me wave them about in prescribed motions.

Well, I am not exactly decrepit, but ętis hard to keep up
onełs interest for hoursif ęinterestł be the word I seek. At last the mummery
was over, and Sahmet and I were hailed as the lawfully wedded god and goddess.
These deities had supposedly taken up their temporary abodes within our mortal

Felt you any divine possession?" asked Karadur.

Nary a bit. Belike the true Ughroluk and Nubalyaga were otherwise
occupied. Or, belike, when they feel like a bit of amorous libration, they can
do it perfectly well in their own persons without employing mortals as

Anyway, Sahmet led me to the bed. I was taken aback by the
thought of futtering the dame with all the company looking on bug-eyed. I
wondered if I couldahrise to the occasion under those circumstances. But the
priestesses hauled out screens, which they set up around the bed, and snuffed
all but one of the lamps. I heard them swishing out of the chamber, and then
the only sound was that of that damned orchestra, twee-tling and plunking away
in the corner.

Well, even when I had a harem in Xylar, I never invited in
the Royal Band to play whilst I plumbed the depths. I may be old-fashioned, but
for some things I like privacy. Howsomever, necessity is a stern schoolmaster
and Sahmet, a handsome woman. So I set about my business, with the usual
kissing and fondling and disrobing. Presently we were one flesh, as say the

How fared you?"

Wherefore would you know, old ascetic? The details would
shock your pure soul."

Indulge my curiosity, my son. All human affairs are of moment
to me, even though my spiritual profession limits my participation in worldly
activities. Of course, such things are of but abstract concern to me, who must
needs conserve his chastity to attain the highest levels of magical practise.
But my knowledge of amatory matters is all gained at second hand, from hooks,
and you can furnish knowledge the books overlook."

Very well. The first try was not very successful. As a
result of my year of virtuous conduct, I was like a crosshow on a hair trigger.
Sahmet was disappointed, hut I told her not to worry; that with a respite I
should be ahle to repeat my performance.

So, for the next half-hour, we ate and drank and talked of
this and that. I told her of some of the deeds of King Fusinian. Then I was
ready again, and this time I did a proper fifty-stroke job. The lady flopped
beneath me like a fish on a hook. She said it was the first time in years that
she had really enjoyed a man,in fact, ever since she had quarreled with

But think you she was then ready to drop off to sleep? By
Vaisusł brazen arse, nay! She lusted for more. After another half-hour, I
managed to work up another stand and gave her a proper frigging.

But then she wanted still more. Becoming weary, I pretended
to go to sleep, which in sooth soon became the real thing. But this morn, at
the dawnłs first light, I was aroused by my holy bedmate, diddling with me in
hopes of raising my temple column."

Did she succeed?"

Oh, aye, it worked; if anything, too well." Jorian yawned. I
could sleep the clock around. Afterwards she crushed me to her ample bosom with
hot words of love. She swore I should never leave Iraz but remain here for ay,
to riddle her night and day."

You could fare further and do worse," said Karadur.

What? Become a male concubine? And give up my little
Estrildis? You must think me a mere tomcat, fornicating about the world as
opportunity offers."

Nay, my son. This is, after all, the lawful consummation of
a sacerdotal rite and hence noahfornication."

Not so lawful. The ram in this holy tupping is supposed to
be the king, and Iłm not the king. If High Priest Chaluish find out and have a
mind to make trou

ble... No, thank you! These high intrigues are too chancy
for a simple fellow like me.

Besides, who knows whatłIl happen when Ishbahar dies? With
all that fat, he looks not like a good risk. Then the new king and the
priestess might decide to have me quietly murderedtheyłre skillful with poison
hereto rid themselves of my awkward presence.

In any case, whilst I may not be of the stuff of heroes, I
care not to be any ladyłs fancy man. Puttering is good healthy fun, but Iłd
rather earn my bread with my hands and head than with my prick. Besides, I like
it better with my own dear little wife, with whom ętis an act of love and not
of mere lust. Now I have the kingłs promise of the copper bathtub, all I need
is a proper spell from you to make it fly. Then ho for Xylar!"

The speli is still incomplete," said Karadur.

Well, hurry it up! Put more men on the job!"

When I can, I will. But just now we at the House of
Learning are occupied with preparations for the grand festival that the king
has commanded for five days hence, to celebrate the salvation of Iraz. If you
be not too busy with your clocks, I could employ your engineering skills at the
House, in the designs of some of our stage effects."

Glad to help," said forian.

9. The Waxen Wife

Ishbaharłs litter up the ramp to the royal box. At the top of the rampr the
litter bearers set the litter down. This time, the bearers were slaveshairy
ape-men from the jungles of Komilakhnot aristocrats. King Ishbahar did not
trust his poundage to amateurs on such slopes.

The king wriggled out of the litter like a broaching whale.
He waved to the crowd and puffed through the entrance to his box, around which
guardsmen were drawn up. Jorian and Karadur followed.

Sit anywhere you like, our dear fellows, anywhere you like!"
said the king. We needs must occupy this cursed throne, albeit it is far from
comfortable. Now, where is lunchAh, steward, here you are! Doctor Karadur,
will you move your chair, pray, to let the table be set up? Master )orian, we
have a real treat for you: minced scarlet monkey from Beraoti, fried in the fat
of the giant tortoise of Burang. And wine made from the chokeberry of Salimor.
Try it!"

)orian thought that chokeberry wine was an excellent name
for the fluid, but he drowned his potion. The king leaned confidentially
towards him. Are you in fine fettle today, dear boy?"

As far as I know, sire. Whył"

We have a little surprise for you later. We are sure that
so stalwart a youth as yourself would hardly shriek and swoon with shock; but
we thought it well to warn you.

May I ask the nature of this"

Nay, you may not!" The king gave Jorian a heavy wink. To
tell you now were to spoil the fun, hen heh. You shall see in good timein good
time. Do you dance?"

I dance some Novarian dances, like the volka and the whirligig.
Why, sire?"

We are planning a grand ball. You can doubtless learn the
Penembic steps. It has been years since we gave one; as you can see, dancing is
not exactly our forte."

While the king shoveled in the food, and lorian and Karadur
ate modest portions, the stands below them filled. As before, the Pants sat on
their left in blue and gold, while the Kilts, in red and white, sat on their
right. Nobles and officials occupied the intermediate strip.

Let us hope that we have not another factional disturbance,"
said Karadur.

The king swallowed a huge mouthful. We had the stasiarchs
before us just this morning, Doctor. We laid down the law to them, we assure
you! They promised to love each other like brothers. Like brothers, they said."

Brotherly love, sire, cannot always be counted upon," said
)onan, as in the case of the kings Forimar and Fusonio of my native Kortoh."

What is this tale, Master Jorian?" asked the king.

It is called the Tale of the Waxen Wife. King Forimar was a
collateral ancestor of the better-known King Fi-loman the Well-Meaning, who was
the father of King Fusinian the Fox. This king was known as Forimar the Esthete.
He was noted for his indifference to public affairs and for his passion for the
arts, at which he was himself no mean performer. He was a fair architect, an accomplished
musician, a worthy composer, a fine singer, and an excellent painter. Some of
his poems are the glories of Kortolian literature to this day. He could not,
alas, do all these things and at the same time run the kingdom.

As a result of Forimarłs neglect, public affairs in

Kortoli got into a frightful mess. The army was a cowardly
rabble, crime and corruption prevailed in the city, and the people were on the
verge of revolt. Then the army of neighboring Aussar marched into Kortoli. The
city was saved by a ruse devised by Forimarłs brother Fusonio, who returned in
the nick of time from a mission abroad.

In saving the city, however, Fusonio demanded as his price
that Forimar abdicate in his favor. This Fori-mar did with ill grace; but I
will tell Your Majesty that story some other time.

Anyway, the king was now Fusonio, who was of a very different
character. Fusonio had none of his brotherłs esthetic sensitivities. He was a
bluff, hearty, sensual type, whose idea of a large evening was to spend it
incognito in some low tavern frequented by the rougher element, swilling ale
and roaring ribald songs with unwashed peasants and ruffianly muleteers.

Whereas Forimar was unwedded, Fusonio had a plump, peasantly,
and not at all beautiful wife, named Ivrea, who had borne him five children.
The twain would oft argue familial matters at the tops of their voices until
the windows rattled; but woe betide the man who thought they were really
quarreling and sought to take advantage of the fact! Both would turn upon him
like tigers, and the children like tiger cubs.

After his abdication, Forimar at first found it a relief
not to be pestered by his ministers for decisions about public works, and hiring
and firing, and foreign affairs, and law and order, and all those other tedious
matters that take up a rulerłs time."

We know whereof you speak," said King Ishbahar.

After a while, however, Forimar began to regret his lost
kingship. Whilst his brother granted him an ample stipend, it was no longer
enough to enable him to gratify his artistic whims. For ensample, he had an
idea for an all-Novarian poetry contest, which he hoped to make into an annual
affair and thus to place Kortoli in the front rank as a cultural center. As
usual, he entertained grandiose ideas for the prizes. He had already spent his
allowance on paintings, sculptures, and the like and had borrowed against it
until his credit was exhausted. When he besought of his brother ten thousand
golden marks for poetry prizes, Fusonio told him he was out of his mind.

ęI have enough trouble rounding up tax money to repair the
damages of your reign, dear brother,ł quoth he. ęGet you gone and contemplate
the beauty of a daisy in the field, or something equally cheap and harmless.
You shall get no money for your schemes here, unless you save up your

It happened that a man named Zevager had lately, set up an
exhibition of waxworks in Kortoli City, showing such historical tableaux as
King Finianius defying the priests, the crowning of Ardyman the Terrible as
emperor of Novaria, and the beheading of the rebel Ros-kianus. Zevager, who
prided himself on the meticulous realism and authenticity of his exhibits,
besought the former king to allow such an effigy to be made of His Highness and
displayed. Forimar, who had never shown any sense about money but was now
straitened by its lack, demanded a fee, which Zevager paid.

Forimar took an interest in making the image, as he did in
all the arts. Thus he discovered that Zevager, besides the usual techniques of
making waxen effigies, knew something of magic. He cast a glamor spell upon the
image, so that it looked even more like its living model then it otherwise
would have. Forimar went to the Bureau of Commerce and Licenses and learnt that
Zevager had no license to practise magic in Kortoli. This gave him a handle to
use in dealing with the man.

When the exhibit of the waxen Forimar proved popular, Forimar
subtly insinuated into Zevagerłs mind the thought of making images of King
Fusonio and Queen Ivrea. For a larger bribe, Forimar undertook to gam the permission
of the royal couple to having their images put on display. He said it would
cost him vast sums in bribes and contributions to worthy causes favored by his
brother; but in fact it cost him nought. He simply asked his brother and sister-in-law
at breakfast whether they would mind if he told his old friend Zevager that he
might reproduce them in wax.

," ęNot at all,ł said Fusonio, ęso long as his images do not
make monsters of us. It will be good public relations.ł

Thus Forimar kept all the money that Zevager paid him, but
he was still far short of the ten thousand marks needed for his poetry contest.
So he became more and more intimate with Zevager. Soon he enticed the showman
into a conspiracy against the throne. He inveigled the magician into his plot
by, on one hand, dangling before him the post of Minister of Fine Arts when
Forimar should become king, and on the other hinting that, if Zevager resisted
his lure, he would denounce the showman for witchcraft or unlawful magic.

In his magical arsenal, Zevager had a spell of immobility.
To effect this spell, he had to get samples of Fusoniołs hair and finger-nail
parings. Forimar got these for him.

One night, when Fusonio was out on one of his pub-crawls,
Zevager cast the spell upon him as he was passing near the waxwork museum.
Zevager and Forimar dragged the statuesque Fusonio within, exchanged his
garments with those on the waxwork, and set him up in place of the image. The
effigy they hid in a lumber room.

Then Forimar hastened to the palace, awoke his
sister-in-law, and gave her a document in his brotherłs writing. The document

My darling Ivrea:

I have departed the kingdom for a secret meeting of all the
heads of Novarian city-states in Xylar City, about threatening moves by the
nomads of Shven. My absence should be kept quiet as long as possible.
Meanwhile, my brother Forimar is named regent. Convey my love to the children
and promise them that I shall be back in a fortnight or two.

Fusonio Rex

Actually, the document was a clever forgery. Being an
artist, Forimar could feign the calligraphy of anyone he chose. Ivrea was
startled; but the tale sounded plausible, since there had been rumors of an
invasion from Shven.

So Forimar ascended the throne as regent. His first act was
to announce his poetry contest and appoint a committee of judges. He entered no
poems of his own, knowing that he would have an unfair advantage in such a contest.
This would militate against making the contest a respected annual event. He was
sincere in his desire to advance the art of poetry and to promote Kor-toli as a
center of culture.

Forimarłs next act was to begin a purge of his brotherłs adherents.
He retired some, sent others to far places, and demoted still others. The posts
thus vacated he filled with his own supporters. He moved cautiously, not wishing
to arouse suspicion. He calculated that in a month, when Fusonio was due to
return, he would have the machinery of state firmly in his grip and could
declare himself king.

As for Fusonio, now standing regally in Zevagerłs waxworks,
Forimar would decide what to do with him later. He hesitated to slay his
brother, since the family had an old tradition of presenting a united front to
the world despite their internal differences. On the other hand, he knew his
brother for a much abler man than he, who if left alive would surely devise
means to usurp the throne from the usurper.

He reckoned, however, without Queen Ivrea. When a fortnight
had passed with no word of Fusonio, she became suspicious. She besought the aid
of a scryer, who sent his mystic vision to Xylar and reported that there was no
sign of an international conference in that city.

Ivrea mourned, sure that foul play had befallen her man but
uncertain what to do next. One day, missing him, she stopped at Zevagerłs
museum to look at his waxworks. Fusoniołs effigy, she thought, were better than
no husband at all. Zevager was delighted that the queen and several of her
ladies should patronize his establishment. He showed them about with much
bowing and scraping.

When Ivrea sighted the ostensible effigy of Fusonio, she exclaimed
at its verisimilitude. In fact, she said, she could scarce believe that it was
not her man in the flesh. When Zevager was talking to some of the other women
at the other end of the chamber, she touched the hand of the image and found
that it did not feel like wax.

Then she conceived a daring plan. She made careful note of
the costume on her own effigy.

Back in the palace, she supped that even with her
brother-in-law. ęI met your friend Master Zevager today,ł she said, and artlessly
told of her visit. ęHe said something about seeing you there tomorrow.ł

ęOh?ł said Forimar. ęMethought it was the day after tomorrowbut
then, I always get dates mixed up.ł

That night, Ivrea sallied forth with a single guardsman
whom she trusted and another fellow lately released from gaol for burglary. For
a suitable reward, the burglar picked the lock on the door of Zevagerłs museum,
admitted her, and locked the door behind her. Ivrea climbed the stair to the
loft where the images stood. Clad almost exactly like the waxwork, she hid the
effigy of herself behind a curtain and took its place.

When sounds announced the approach of Zevager and his first
customers, she stiffened to immobility. One of the viewers said that the image
of the queen was so lifelike that she could swear she saw it breathe. Luckily,
Zevager took this as a compliment to his glamor spell.

Later, when there were no regular customers in the museum,
Regent Forimar arrived. Standing before the royal trio of images, he nervously
asked Zevager what was up. ęAre our plans discovered?ł he panted.

ęNay, my lord, not to my knowledge,ł said the showman.
True, there have been rumors that King Fusonio set out on some mysterious quest
but never reached his destination. He vanished off the earth, they say.ł
Zevager glanced at the effigy of the king and chuckled. ęOf course, my lord,
you and I know that he is in plain sight stillif one know where to look.ł

ęHush up, you fool!ł said Forimar. ęEven walls have ears. I
may have to strike sooner than I expected. Therefore we may have to scrap one
of your waxen images.ł He in his turn looked at Fusonio. ęA pity, but we cannot
risk having him turn up alive and vigorous.ł

The twain walked slowly down the loft, talking in low
voices, so that Queen Ivrea could no longer hear them. But she knew enough.
Zevager saw his royal guest out and came back up the stairs.

As he stepped out on the floor of the loft, a movement made
him turn. He had just time to glimpse the queenłs effigy, as he thought,
swinging the ax from the tableau of the execution of Roskianus the rebel. He
gave one horrified shriek ere the blade split his skull. Luckily for Ivrea, who
was a strapping wench, the ax in the tableau was real and not an imitation of
painted wood. Zevager had prided himself on authenticity.

The showmanłs apprentice was at the door below to collect
admission fees. When he heard the disturbance, he hurried up the stairs. When
he saw Ivrea with a bloody ax in her hand and Zevager lying dead, he gave an
even louder shriek and took to his heels.

With the death of Zevager, the spell he had cast upon
Fusonio quickly wore off. The king blinked and rubbed his eyes and began to
breathe normally.

ęWhere am I ?ł he said. ęWhat in the forty-nine Mul-vanian
hells is going on?ł

When things had been explained, he said ęHand me the ax, my
dear. My reach is longer than yours.ł And the pair marched post-haste back to
the palace. The guards gaped at the sight of their king and queen approaching
the palace unescorted, the king with a bloody ax on his shoulder; but none
barred their way.

Presently Fusonio came upon his brother, practising a flute
solo in his study. Seeing what was toward, Forimar fell to his knees and begged
for his life.

ęWell,ł said Fusonio, swinging the bloody ax about his head,
ęI ought to give you what our ancestor gave Roskianus. No headless man has ever
yet caused his sovran trouble.

ęBut then, we have our tradition of keeping a united front
to the world, which I am loath to breach. So you shall depart forthwith as my
ambassador to Saiirnor in the Far East. And I shall send a message to my old
friend the Sophi of Salimor, that if he is fain to keep our profitable trade,
he must hold you there for the rest of your days.ł

And so it was done. Face was saved by the appointment of
Fonmar as ambassador, none but a very few knowing that he was going into exile
and genteel captivity. It is said that he wrought revolutions in several of the
native arts of Salimor, hut that I cannot vouch for."

What of Forimarłs poetry contest;"ę asked the king.

Since the judges had been chosen, the announcements had
been made, and the submissions were already pouring in, Fusonio forbore to
cancel the event, lest in so doing he dishonor the government of Kortoli and
bring to light the discord betwixt him and his brother. A few sennights later,
after Forimarłs departure, the judges announced their awards. First prize, they
said, should go to Vatreno of Govannian for his poem, Demonic Downfall. This
verse began:

Temper the bejeweled interpleading, Monotheistic, fair,
letter-perfect; Counterchange an alien thither. We prevaricate, iunket
despumate, And traverse plumate lanes. Intercommunication is pixilated.
Explanation: liquoricity incorrigible...

The ludges brought the manuscripts of all the prize-winning
poems to King Fusonio for his approval. He was supposed to bestow the prizes
the following day. Fusonio read Vatrenołs poem and said:

ęWhat is this? Some kind of joke?ł

ęOh, no, Your Majesty,ł quoth the chief judge. ęIt is a
serious poem, very soul-revealing.ł

ęBut,ł said Fusonio, ęthe thing has neither rhyme nor
rhythm. Moreover, meseems it makes no sense. It is not my idea of a poem at

ęOh, that!ł said the judge. ęOne can see that Your Majesty,
with all due respect, has not kept up with late developments in the art of
poesy. Rhyme and rhythm have been abandoned as archaic, artificial fetters on
the artistłs creativity.ł

ęBut still, one expects a poem to make sense!ł

ęNot today, sire; one does not. We live in chaotic times,
so poetry should reflect the chaos of the times. If the world fail to make
sense, one cannot expect a poem to do so.ł

ęPerhaps you feel chaotic, messires,ł said the king, ębut I
do not. In fact, to me the world makes very good sense indeed.ł

ęWould that your humble servants had Your Majestyłs divine
omniscience!ł said the chief judge with sarcasm.

ęI claim no omniscience,ł said Fusonio with ominous calm. ęThe
world is far too complicated for any one mortal mind to encompass in its
entirety. The few things I do claim to understand seem to follow orderly
natural lawsincluding the follies of my fellow men.ł He flicked the paper with
a finger. ęIf you ask me, Master Vatreno composed this thing by opening a
dictionary at random and pointing to words with his eyes closed.ł

ęWell, ah,ł said the judge, ęas a matter of fact, sire,
that is just what he did. Afterwards he added a few auxiliary words like the"
to give it grammatical form. We thought it a brilliant poetical innovation. It
is the coming thing.ł

Fusonio glanced through the poems to which the judges had
awarded the lesser prizes, but they pleased him no more than did Demonic
Downfall. At last he said:

ęAnd I am supposed to pay ten thousand good marks out of
my straitened treasury for this garbage! Well, when I order beer in a tavern, I
at least expect beer for my coin and not horsepiss.ł With that, he tore the
manuscripts across with one wrench and roared: ęGet out, you dolts! Asses!

The judges ran from the chamber with their robes flying and
King Fusonio after them, thwacking their rumps with his scepter. The poetry
contest was called off on the ground that nought worthy of award had been
submitted. This act caused much discontent among the artists and the advanced
thinkers, who called Fusonio a low-browed tyrant and a crass vulgarian. But
Fusonio paid no heed and had, in fact, a long and successful reign."

King Ishbahar laughed heartily. Luckily for us, perhaps, we
have no brothers,nor has poetry in Penembei ever reached such a pitch of
refinement that none but the poet can ever understand one of his own
compositions. But now the program is due to begin*ł To his secretary he said: Herekit,
hand us our reading glass and the proclamation."

Ishbahar stood up and read, while the crier bellowed his
words through the speaking trumpet. The speech was the usual amass of cliches,
and then the parades and clownings and races began.


last race had been run. King Ishbahar stood up to announce the winners. As
before, the crier relayed his words.

Leave not early, good people," said the king. When the formalities
are over, we shall have somewhat to say that will interest you."

The king went down the list of winners. As the crier called
each name, the winner marched up the steps to the royal box, bent the knee,
and, to general applause, received his prize from the king. For once, the
rivalry of the Pants and the Kilts seemed in abeyance.

Then King Ishbahar cleared his throat. Loyal subjects of
the Penembic crown!" he said. Amidst the turmoils of the last month, we have
been delayed in bringing up a matter of moment to all of you: to wit, the

You are all aware that we have no heirs of our body, legitimate
or otherwise, living. Therefore, as our reign nears its destined end, it
behooves us, to assure an orderly succession, either to search amongst our more
distant kinsmen for a suitable candidate or to resort to the extreme measure of

Be not astonished at the mention of adoption, our friends.
True, the succession has not passed by adoption for over a century. But some
may have forgotten that the great King Hoshcha was an adopted son of his
predecessor, Shashtai the Third. Hoshcha had not a drop of the blood of (uktar
the Great in his veins. To retain the crown within our divine family, he wedded
both of his predecessorłs daughters, and the first of their sons to reach maturity
was his successor.

Now we are confronted by a similar situation. True, we have
living male relatives, but amongst them we have failed to find any who qualify
for the duties of king.

The gods, however, have sent us a true heroa man young
enough to give the throne many years of vigorous occupancy, yet old enough to
be past his youthful follies; a man of mighty thews, active mind, and solid
character. He has already saved holy Iraz from the horde of miscreants who
lately assailed her. Moreover, the fatidical and astrological indications agree
that he was born on a lucky day.

We have, therefore, this day signed and sealed the
documents adopting this hero as our son and designating him as our lawful
successor. Anon, we shall arrange for his marriage to one or more of our
kinswomen, amongst whom are several of nubile age and winsome-ness.

This done, we shall abdicate the throne in favor of our
adopted son, ere the holy father Chaluish find it needful to wait upon us with
the sacred rope."

Sounds of disturbance began to swell from the throng. Nay,
nay, good people," said the king, be not surprised at talk of abdication!
lukar II did it, as historical records attest. Quiet, please! Quiet! We have
not yet told you the name of our chosen successor."

Jorian, having inferred what was coming next, gave Karadur a
desperate glare. The old Mulvanian only spread his hands helplessly.

The hero in question," continued Ishbahar, my adopted son
and your next king, is forian the son of Evor! Rise, my son!"

Leaning towards Karadur, ]orian hissed: Oil Get me out of
this, curse it!"

I cannot," murmured Karadur. I was surprised, also. Stand
up as the king commands!" But I donłt wish to be king" Later, later. Stand
up now!"

(orian stood up. A slight pattering of applause was quickly
drowned in a storm of boos and catcalls. From the benches occupied by the Pants
arose a chant, growing louder with each repetition: Dirty foreigner! Dirty
foreigner! Dirty foreignerł. DIRTY FOREIGNER!"

On the other side, the Kilts took up the cry until the Hippodrome
rocked with it. The stasiarchs, Vegh and Amazluek, could be seen standing amid
their factions, beating time like orchestra conductors. The chant spread to the
rest of the audience until it became deafening.

King Ishbahar stood beside Jorian with tears running down
his fat cheeks. P-pray, good subjects" he stammered. The crier shouted his words
but was unheard in the din of Dirty foreigner."

Missiles began to fly. Royal guardsmen rushed towards the
royal box to protect the king. Colonel Chuivir appeared at the rear of the box.

Your Majesty!" he shouted. Come quickly, or all is lost!
The factions have united in sedition against your throne. You must get back to
your palace!"

Come, our friends," said Ishbahar to forian and Karadur.
The king waddled out of the box to the top of the ramp. His gilded litter lay,
smashed, on one side.

How shall we return to the palace without a conveyance?" he

Walk!" said Chuivir.

Another guardsman rushed up clanking and spoke into the
colonelłs ear. Beyond the crowd of gleaming guardsmen, lorian glimpsed a scud
of mob, missiles flying, and weapons whirling. Chuivir said:

The insurgents have seized the waterfront of Zak-tan. Your
Majesty will have to use Hoshchałs Tunnel."

Must we climb that dreadful hill afoot?"

It is that, or else," said the colonel with visible

Ah, us! Let us hasten, then."

Followed by Jorian and Karadur and protected by a mass of
guardsmen, the king puffed his way down the ramp. In the concourse, screams of
rage and defiance and a rain of cobblestones, bricks, potsherds, and other missiles
assailed the guardsmen. A knot of citizens rushed at the guards with clubs and
knives. The guards easily beat off the attack, leaving a wrack of tumbled bodies.
A few guards who bore crossbows began methodically shooting into the swirling,
screaming crowds. This way!" yelled Chuivir.

Stumbling over corpses, they pushed across the street surrounding
the Hippodrome and started up the slope to the Temple of Nubalyaga. After a few
steps, the king halted, panting.

We can no more," he moaned. Help me with him, Master
)orian," said the colonel. Each of them draped one of the kingłs fat arms
around his neck. With help on either side, the king dragged his monstrous
weight slowly up the hill.

At the top, the eunuch guard was already drawn up behind
their gate with crossbows ready. They opened the gate to admit the king and his

At the temple, High Priestess Sahmet came running out. After
a quick explanation, she said: Follow me, sire!" and led the way towards the
Tunnel of Hoshcha. Hold!" cried Colonel Chuivir. I shall come with you as
soon as I appoint a commander of the local detachment."

Why?" asked the king.

If I can regain the palace and take command of the main
body of the Guard, belike I can keep the sedition from spreading across the
river. Captain Saloi!" Aye, sir?"

Take command of the guardsmen in Zaktan. Try to guard the
main points, like this temple. If you have enough men, send a flying squad to
patrol and break up gatherings of rebels." He turned to the king. If it please
Your Majesty, we are ready to go now."

Sahmet clutched (orianłs arm and whispered: You shall see
me again at the next full moon!"

Four men moved through the Tunnel of Hoshcha: lorian in
front, bearing a lanthorn; then King Ishbahar, puffing and panting; then
Karadur; and lastly Colonel Chuivir, with another lanthorn. To (orian it seemed
an eternity, for the king toddled along with tiny steps at a snailłs pace.

They had come, he supposed, halfway across and were under
the deepest part of the Lyap, when he saw something that made his hair rise.
From the side of the tunnel, a tiny jet of water sprayed out, shooting halfway
across at waist height before breaking up into discrete drops.

Gods and goddesses!" he exclaimed. Look at that, Karadur!"

Here is another," said the wizard, pointing to the overhead,
whence another trickle of water descended.

Everywhere they looked, forward and back, water appeared in
drips and leaks and spurts. The floor of the tunnel became wet and slippery.

What befalls, Doctor Karadur?" wheezed the king. Have your
hydrophobic spells failed? Should we have ordered pumps installed after all?"

It must be," said Karadur, that a mob has invaded the
House of Learning and snatched my wizards Goel-nush, Luekuz, and Firaven from
their task. I hope they have not done the poor fellows to death."

Yes, yes," said forian. But hadnłt we better hurry, ere
this burrow fill with water?"

Aye, my son, that we must." Karadur turned back. Your

Weare going {puff}as fastas we can," said the king. If
you fear drowninggo onwithout us."

Oh, come on, sire!" said Chuivir heartily. Lengthen those
royal strides!"

With every step, the leakage of water increased. Soon the
four were splashing along ankle-deep. Groaning and gasping, the king made a
desperate effort to speed up his uncouth waddle. Then he slipped and fell with
a great splash.

Your Majesty!" cried the three others at once.

)orian and Karadur handed Chuivir their lanthorns. Grunting
with effort, they got Ishbahar into a sitting position. The kingłs eyes were
half closed, and his breath came in rattling snores. He did not answer at
first. They pushed him so that his back rested against the side wall of the
tunnel. The water was calf-deep.

At last the king opened his eyes. Master lorian!" he whispered.

Aye, sire?"

Lean over. Close."

Jorian leaned. With a last effort, the king reached up,
plucked the serpent crown from his bewigged pate, and clapped it on [orianłs

Nowmy hoyyou are king. These witnesses..."

The kingłs voice trailed off to a mumble and ceased. Karadur
tried to feel his pulse.

I cannot locate the blood vessel through all that fat," he
grumbled. He thrust a hand inside the kingłs robe and then laid his ear against
the kingłs breast.

He is dead," said Karadur. Methinks his heart succumbed."

Not surprising, with all that blubber," said (orian.

Let us be off, Captainahsire," said Chuivir, ere we
drown like rats."

What of the king?" said Jorian. It would look odd for him
to have entered the tunnel with us but not to emerge. An we cannot show his
unmarked body, men will say we slew him."

You are right, my son," said Karadur. Help lorian to bear
the body, Colonel."

Chuivir took an arm. Take the other, MasterahKing forian."

The two struggled and heaved. Between them, they got the
body up. Grunting, they staggered a few steps. Then lorian slipped. The two men
and the corpse fell with a mighty splash. Karadur said:

If the water become any deeper, the body will float. You
two can haul it by the feet."

O wise old man!" said Jorian. Take his other ankle,

The water was soon knee-deep. Karadur, with his robe hiked
up to his bony brown knees, went ahead. He held the two lanthoms, which gave
off feeble yellow glows. Behind him waded [orian and Chuivir, hauling on the
bodyłs ankles. The corpse still scraped along the floor of the tunnel, but with
each rise m the water level the body lightened.

Are you sure we have the right tunnel?" said Chuivir. We
must have walked halfway to the Fedirum border."

This is the tunnel, certes," said Jorian. It is now
sloping up. If we can keep ahead of the rise in the water level, we shall

The water gains," said Chuivir. It is up to my waist.
Would I had doffed this damned armor in the temple."

The deepening water floated the kingłs body off the floor
and made it easy to tow. On the other hand, it impeded the movements of the
three living men. They could only plod, plod under a continuous shower of jets
and leaks and trickles from the parts of the tunnel not yet submerged.

That is the trouble with magic," growled forian. When
folks think they can count on it, they skimp on proper engineering and

The water continued to rise; it was now breast-high. Jorian
and Chuivir tried to speed their progress by making swimming motions with their
free arms. Karadur, being smaller, was forced to hold the lanthorns over his
head to keep them from being drowned. His white beard trailed in the water.

A spurt of water from the overhead struck one of the
lanthorns, which went out with a faint hiss. On they plodded through the gloom.
Jorian mutered:

Any higher, and the cursed corpse will scrape the roof."

If the remaining light go, at least we can feel our way,"
panted Chuivir. There are no forks or branches in this tunnel, are there?"

Nay," said Karadur. It runs straight toglubl" The water
had been up to his chin, and a ripple filled his mouth. He coughed and
sputtered, shaking the remaining lanthorn.

Ho, donłt put out our last light!" said forian. Drowning
is bad enough, but drowning in the dark..."

Save your breath, King" said Chuivir.

Karadur, who had gained a little on the other two, turned
back long enough to say: When my boy Jorian ceases conversing, you will know
he has terminated his present incarnation."

Can you talk without getting a mouthful of water?" said fordan.

Now that you mention it, the water has not deepened recently."

The water level remained constant for a time, while the only
sounds in the tunnel were the heavy breathing of the three men and the
splashing of their slow progress. At last the water began to recede. Soon the
kingłs body was again scraping the bottom.

At least, we are now above the river level," said fonan. Now
all we need worry about is being slaughtered by rebels at the far end."

I could not fight a mouse," groaned Chuivir.

Karadur knocked on the secret door to the kingłs bedchamber.
When he had explained, the door opened. After some delay, several guards and
palace servants came down the stair with a stretcher.

They found forian and Chuivir a furlong down the tunnel, sitting
in half a foot of water with their backs to the wall, breathing heavily in a
state of utter exhaustion. The monstrous corpse lay in the water near them.

When the people from the palace had rolled the body on the
stretcher, tied it fast with straps, and borne it back up the tunnel, Jorian
got to his feet with a groan. Chuivir, weighed down by his armor, had to be
helped up. After another struggle, the two crept on hands and knees up the
stair and entered the royal hedchamber. They collapsed into chairs and lay
back, dripping puddles on the floor. Karadur already occupied another chair,
with his turban on the floor beside him. The wizardłs eyes were closed.

Wine!" croaked Jorian. Servants scurried.

Jorian looked up from his goblet to see an officer of the
Guard. Sir!" said this man. What means this? King Ishhahar is dead, and you
wear his crown!"

Do I, forsooth?" said Jorian. He pulled off the serpent
crown and stared at it absently, as if he had never seen it before.

Is it true what they say, that His late Majesty named you
his sucessor?"

It is," said Chuivir behind the officer. His Majesty died
of natural causes in the tunnel whilst fleeing the insurrection in Zaktan. Have
the rebels attacked the palace yet?"

Nay, Colonel. But some have crossed the river, and there is
fighting and looting and arson along the waterfront. What are my orders?"

Secure the palace against attack, first of all. I shall be
with you presently to take active command. Now leave us. You servants, also."
When the chamber had been cleared of all save Karadur, Jorian, and Chuivir, the
last set down his goblet.

Excellent wine," he said. Vindine, methinks. I he-gin to
feel like a human being again. Now, sir, you and I have some matters to
straighten out."

At your service, Colonel," said Jorian, also putting down
his goblet.

He looked speculatively at Chuivir, wondering what chance he
would have against the colonel in a fight. Chuivir wore armor and a sword
against Jorianłs mere dagger; but Chuivir had been much more exhausted by the
ordeal in the tunnel.

Chuivir: Do you really intend to exercise your kingship, in
view of the general revolt against you?"

No longer than I must," said Jorian. I wanted no crown.
Ishbahar was a fool to name me without first making sure of political support
for the move."

A well-intentioned wight, but no monarch," said Chuivir. Well,
that relieves my mind. You may be the lawful sovran,but as a foreigner you are
unpopular. Even if I threw my full weight behind you, I know not if I could
keep you on your throne. How long is no longer than you must?"

As long as it takes Doctor Karadur and me to take off in
our flying bathtub."

Eh? What is this?"

Ishbahar promised me that great copper tub of his as an
aerial vehicle."

How will you make it fly?"

Jorian nodded towards Karadur, who was rewinding his turban.
The good doctor has in his ring a demon, who will bear us aloft."

But, Jorian!" protested Karadur. I told you I did not wish
to liberate Gorax save in direst emergency, since this will be his last labor"

Jorian snorted. If this be not a dire emergency, with the
whole city buzzing about our ears, then I know not an emergency when I see it.
Wouldst rather be torn to bits by a mob whipped up to hatred of foreigners?"

Oh. But, my son, think of all the good you could effect if
you retained the crown! You could introduce those reforms that Mazsan preached.
You could provide the House of Learning with adequate financial support"

Not when half the people I saw would wish to shoot, stab,
or poison me. Theyłve made it plain that they want no foreigner for king. This
must be that ęsecond crownł whereof Nubalyaga warned me in the dream. The first
was the crown of Xylar, which you and I buried near the Marshes of Mom."

The Irazis would soon forget their xenophobia," persisted
Karadur, one you were firmly ensconced in power and demonstrated what a good
king you could be and how well you adapted to their ways. You already speak better
Penembic than I do. After all, Juktar the Great was not only a foreigner but
also a barbarian, and this is a cosmopolitan city."

Jorian shook his head. I tried to show the Xylarians what a
good king I could be, too, but that didnłt stop them from trying to cut off my
head. Besides, how should I ever get firmly esconced in power, without some
foreign mercenary army at my back?"

Surely there are loyal elements in the Guard and in the Frontier
Army on whom you could rely. Once you dompted the factions"

And suppose I did, then what? Spend my life humping Her
Sanctity Sahmet until the priests arrived with the sacred rope? No, thank you!"

You could abolish that custom, as did that Korto-lian king."

Doubtless. But ętis useless to try to argue me round, old
man. Iłve had my taste of kinging it. Whilst ętwas fun in a way, I have no wish
to go back to it. Many lust for the wealth, power, and glory that kingship
entails, but I harbor no such lordly ambitions. A simple life, with a
respectable trade, a snug house, plenty to eat and drink, a loving family, and
congenial cronies will suffice me.

Nor do I covet an Irazi wife. I already have one spouse,
and thatłs a plenty. Besides, the more ! travel, the better I appreciate my
native land.

Oh, some like the mountains, rugged and grim, Where the
sleet storms howl and the low clouds skim,

And you hang by your toes from a ledgełs rim, But Iłll
warble a rondeau and carol a hymn To Novaria, dear Novaria.

And some seek the desert, barren and dry, Where the hot sun
hangs in a cloudless sky And your camel sways and your eyeballs fry, But I to the
land of my birth will hie: To Novaria, my Novaria.

While some love the spires of vast Iraz And admire its
domes with ohłs and ahłs And go to the races to shout hurrahs, But the bonniest
land that ever there was Is Novaria, fair Novaria.

So let the factions fight it out; ętis no affair of mine.
To the forty-nine Mulvanian hells with the Penembic crown! Iłm for Xylar to
rescue my little darling, and thatłs that."

Looking worried, Chuivir passed a hand across his forehead. Well
then, sire, I wonderahperhaps you can advise me. With you gone, the leading
contenders for the crown will be the stasiarchs. But I deem neither Vegh nor
Amazluek a man of kingly quality; whiles, of the late kingłs sisterłs sons, one
is a wastrel and the other a halfwit. General Tereyai, to whom I have sent
messengers, is old and soon to retire. Admiral Kyar is dead. Have you any
thought as to whom I should back?"

lorian stared at Chuivir. Why not be king yourself ?
Methinks you would make not a bad one."

Chuivirłs mouth fell open. Really? You offer me the crown?"

Why not? I thought you a harmless, feckless fop, but since
the rebel assault you have learnt fast."

Chuivir shrugged. I do my poor best."

To make it legitimate, fetch writing materials, and I will
sign over the sovranty, to take effect when we leave in our flying tub. Whether
you can make it good is your problem."

Chuivir rose. I thank you, sire, and will try to deserve
your trust. Now I must go to command my men; but I shall soon return to see you

As Chuivir clanked out, lorian raised his voice: Servants!
Hither, pray. I want a change of clothingwarm woolens, suitable for roughing
it; not these pretty silky things. Arid fetch a dry robe for Doctor Karadur."

Oh, my son, I need no"

Tis cold aloft, and I canłt have you catching a tisic. You
there, find the chief armorer and tell him to fetch me some weapons and armor
to make a choice from. And where did King Ishbahar keep his privy purse? You!
Tell the cook to whip up a dinner for the doctor and me. Not fancy, but
substantial, and tell him to waste no time about it."

While the servants scurried, a guardsman entered, saying; A
courier named Zerlik would fain see Your Majesty."

Send him in," said Jorian.

The young man entered and dramatically dropped to one knee. Your
Majesty!" he cried. I have just re

turned from bearing the kingłs letter to Othomae Nominating
you was the best thing King Ishbahar ever did. My sword is at your service;
your every wish is my command!"

That is fine, but I fear I shanłt be here long enough to
profit from your loyalty."

You are leaving? Take me with you as your s-squire!" Alas,
our vehicle cannot carry three. Colonel Chuivir is my deputy and chosen
successor, so transfer your loyalty to him."

But there must be something, sire" I will tell you. You
have a big house. Set aside one small room as a refuge for me, should I ever
have to flee Novana and go into hiding here."

It shall be done! May the gods bless Your Majesty!" Better
ask them to bless Chuivir; he will need it. Farewell!"

An hour later, the streets of Iraz resounded to the tramp of
feet, the roar of mobs, the clash of arms, and the screams of the stricken.
Chuivir and several of his guardsmen stood on the roof of the palace, watching
the bathtub carrying Jorian and Karadur wobble off into the heavens. The rays
of the setting sun gleamed redly on the copper of the tub. The vehicle shrank
until it became a mere crimson spark in the deepening blue of the heavens.

Chuivir, wearing the serpent crown of Penembei instead of
his helmet, sighed and murmured: There goes the man who should really have
been king, were he not debarred by popular prejudice. Ah, well." He turned to
the officers around him and began to receive reports and issue commands.

About The Author

L. Sprague de Camp, who has over ninety-five books to his
credit, writes in several fields: historical, SF, fantasy, biography, and
popularizations of science. But his favorite genre of literature is fantasy.

De Camp is a master of that rare animal humorous fantasy. As
a young writer collaborating with the late Fletcher Pratt. he set forth the
world-hopping adventures of Harold Shea. These are available today in two
books: The Compleat Enchanter and Wall of Serpents. Together. Pratt and de Camp
also wrote the delightfully zany Tales from Gavagaris Bar, a book which has
remained in print for forty years.

In 1976, at the 34th World Science Fiction Convention, he recei
ved The GandalfGrand Master A ward for Lifetime Achievement in the Field of
Fantasy. The Science Fiction Writers of America presented him with their Grand
Master Nebula Award of 1978. Alone, and with his wife and sometime collaborator
Catherine, de Camp has been a welcome guest of honor at fan conventions
throughout the United States.

The de Camps live in Villanova, Pennsylvania. They have two
sons: Lyman Sprague. and Gerard Beekman. both of whom are distinguished



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