Lekcja 6 Headhunting

30.7.2014 Lekcja 6: Headhunting
Lekcja 6: Headhunting
Headhunting, określenie, które prawdopodobnie zdarzyło ci się już kiedyś usłyszeć, to forma bezpośredniej
rekrutacji. Polega ona na wyszukiwaniu kandydatów spełniających określone kryteria. Ale jak sprawić, że
staniesz się łatwo dostępny dla rekruterów? Poniższa zwięzła "instrukcja head-huntingu" postara się
odpowiedzieć ci na to pytanie.
Headhunting, a term that you have probably happened to hear before, is a form of direct recruitment. It involves the
search of candidates who meet the specified criteria. But how to put yourself in a position making you readily
available for recruiters? The following brief "head-hunting manual" will try to answer this question for you.
It makes it possible to reach the so-called passive candidates, who are currently not seeking employment, as well as
those with uncommon knowledge, skills or professional experience. Headhunting tasks are usually outsourced to
specialised agencies. The process of enlisting the candidates tends to be confidential. Nowadays, we observe a
dynamic growth in the quantity and quality of web services supporting direct recruitment. Moreover, headhunting
recruitment is increasingly popular in case of lower-level positions, while not so long ago it was reserved rather for
senior managers and professionals with unique skills.
In brief, the goal of the headhunter is to get where the employer has failed to reach in order to acquire the perfect
candidate for the particular job, then to collect as much relevant information about the prospective candidate, next, to
encourage him to accept the job, and, finally, to make him start work for the company of his client.
Statistically speaking, chances are, you are rather a job seeker than a headhunter. So how do you get them to notice
you? Even assuming you're not actively looking for a job right now, it's never too early to prepare for the future. That's
why you should be prudent when it comes to mixing business with pleasure. An untimely remark at a social meeting
or at a social portal, such as Facebook, might easily undo all the hard work you've invested in self-promotion or even
jeopardise your entire career. Similarly, building genuine connections over time both in real and virtual life, you're
more likely to find people willing and able to help you when the time comes to look for a new job.
Certainly, you may contact headhunters or search firms directly and ask them to add you to their database of potential
candidates. However, there's plenty of other ways to get yourself noticed. If you work in the education or publishing
sector, you have a great opportunity to get your name in print, which will allow you to get noticed outside your own
organisation. Similarly, the more conferences or social meetings you attend, the better. Even if you are not the
speaker there, you still can network and mingle with headhunters or potential future employers. Every work provides
various benefits of this kind: if you travel a lot, make sure to establish a lot of relations and make a good impression, if
you work in IT, advertise yourself on the web as effectively as you can, and so on.
Talking about IT, headhunting - just as other business processes nowadays - is increasingly entering the e-domain.
There are many sites allowing you to promote yourself, but LinkedIn is probably the most effective social networking
platform when it comes to attracting the attention of headhunters. If you don't have an account there, open it ASAP; if
you do, follow a handful of useful tips that will allow you to make the most of it:
- connect with as many people as possible, thus greatly improving your chances of showing up in as many searches
as possible. Be careful to connect with those involved in your field, and not some random strangers. If there is a
person you would like to connect with, but whom you don't know, you may send them a personal message referring to
your shared interests or opinions.
- join groups and be an active contributor to LinkedIn forums, since headhunters often look at groups relating to their
field to find potential candidates: the more professional comments you make, the more visible will you be to them.
- choose your keywords wisely, as it is through them that recruiters use LinkedIn to search for potential candidates.
Make sure it's a substantial portion and not an overdose; obviously, a profile flagrantly overstuffed with keywords will
rather discourage the reader than anything else.
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