Upgrade Instagram For Marketing

Some Ideas For Local, Offline, And
Social Marketing With Instagram
Joe Finn & James Renouf
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Instagram For Marketers
So, you're asking  why do I care that I can now post to Instagram from my PC?
Good question, and of course we have a great answer :)
In a nutshell, now that you have this capability, you can, as a social marketing, offline marketing, or
local marketing consultant, integrate Instagram deeply into your campaigns, with relative ease, all from
your PC:
" You can post images from your PC that you create with e.g. PhotoShop or other editors
" You can include your own URLs in the comments and image descriptions you write from your
PC or laptop
" I show below four examples of how to use Instagram as part of some high value campaigns
So let's dive right in!
Hash Tags And RSS Feeds
Before everything else, I need to explain the hash tag feature, which is one of the most powerful but
under-used feature of Instagram. Basically, when you post an image you can tag it with a so-called
hash tag, which is simply a '#' followed by a word. Examples: #dogsofinstagram, #redhead, #yummy.
What this does is to allow images to be searchable. You can find all images tagged with, for example,
#nice_cake, #sweet, #valentine, etc. Of course big businesses like Coca Cola "! and Nike "! are all
over this with their own hash tags.
Even better, a hash tag automatically generates an RSS feed, which is simply a list of items, in this case
a list of items tagged with that hash tag. The RSS feed is easily accessible via well known URLs, of the
general form http://instagr.am/tags/[hashtag name]/feed/recent.rss. Here's a couple examples:
" Dogs of Instagram: http://instagr.am/tags/dogsofinstagram/feed/recent.rss
" Redheads: http://instagr.am/tags/redheads/feed/recent.rss
" Coca Cola: http://instagr.am/tags/cocacola/feed/recent.rss
I think you get the idea.
So what can you do with that? Well, a lot actually, as you'll see in the next four examples.
Example #1: Restaurant Client Gets Discount
This first example is just the absolute simplest one, only using the already existing ability of anyone
with a smart phone to post on Instagram and to tag their images with some hash tags.
Let's say Jose owns a Mexican Food restaurant in Amarillo, Texas. And his social presence is managed
by James. So one day James gets an idea, to have a viral campaign whereby happy eaters will spread
the word about Jose's restaurant with the following simple campaign:
" During the meal, the waiter approaches the client and asks  Sir, do you have a smart phone . If
the client answers yes, the waiter says  Well if you take a picture of me when I'll bring the food
and post that to Instagram with the hash tag #casajoseamarillo and maybe also on your
Facebook, then we offer you a 25% discount!
" When the waiter comes back with the order, the client does as requested, tags the picture and
posts to Facebook, and then they gets their discount after enjoying a good meal. Everyone is
happy and has a good time!
" In the background, the picture appears in the RSS feed for the hash tag, and is posted on Casa
Jose's website, their Facebook business page, the client's Instagram stream, and the client's
Facebook profile. That's four places where the happy faces of the client and waiter appear, with
a message  had a tasty lunch at Jose's, 6/21/2012, 12:30 #casajoseamarillo .
" Friends of the client of course notice, and some will come in to try the food. They also get
offered a similar discount, and keep the ball rolling.
" Before long there's a huge buzz all over Amarillo that Casa Jose is the new  in place to eat
TexMex, and the line goes around the block to have lunch at the restaurant.
All of that buzz from a really elementary unsophisticated campaign using pictures and Instagram!
Example #2: Local Business Coupons
After his success with Casa Jose, James' business is taking off and he's now managing the local
mattress store. Mattresses are a high ticket item, buyers are very price sensitive, and there are constant
price wars in this market. How is James going to add business for his client and generate some foot
traffic to the store?
Here's how:
" James decides to use a QR-code as a local coupon. He generates a QR code for the text
 Mattress Discounters 120 Main Street Amarillo Tx 32012 10% Discount , using for example
http://qrcode.kaywa.com/. Here's the QR code that the site generated:
" Then James saves the image, posts it with the hash tag for the business, #mattressamarillo, so it
shows up on the business's Facebook page. James comments on the image on Instagram and
Facebook explaining that if you  like the image on Instagram and repost it to Facebook, then
when you walk in, you can get a 10% discount on all red-tagged mattresses in the store. Besides
that, the store will beat any local competitor's advertized price by 10%, James writes.
" He also promotes the QR-code with blog posts, social bookmarks, etc.
" Customers walk in after seeing the promotion, whip out their smart phone, like the image,
repost it to Facebook, and get a 10% discount.
" The QR-code now appears in the customers' FB stream, people notice it, and read the comment
about the store offering the discount, etc. The process repeats itself, and pretty soon the store
gets mentioned in the local news paper as an innovative marketer using Instagram to generate
more walk-ins
" Matress Discounter's competitors wish they had hired James when he first offered them his
services, instead of showing him the door :)
Example #3: Contest To Win Big Prize  Generate HUGE Buzz
James' agency is flourishing after the Mattress Discounter and Casa Jose wins, and his competitors are
taking notice. James has some cool new tools and is winning many local clients, so his competitor John
is looking for a way to up the game. Here's what he came up with for his client, the local Shoe store:
" John goes to Flickr and searches for a funny image about shoes that has a commercial use
license and that can be modified legally. The search string for this is:
" Next, he posts his selected image with the hash tag #funnyshoescaption and adds instructions
for people to take the image, save it to their PC, add captions, repost it to Instagram with the
same hash tag and a comment mentioning the store's URL, and also post it on Facebook.
" John adds a comment saying this is a contest for the funniest caption, and the prize is free shoes
for 10 years for the winner and one person of their choice. That's a $3000 value!
" John also arranges for all pictures tagged with the hash tag to appear on Facebook on the
business's page (via the RSS feed of the tag) as well as on the shoe store's web site.
" People post funny entries on Instagram per the instructions given by John. Five entries are
posted the first day, the second day sees twenty three entries, on the third day there's fourty
three entries, and by the end of the week there's been more than three hundred entries!
" Customers visiting the store talk about the funny images (as in  Have you seen the one
where...? ) and everyone is abuzz about the contest and who the winner will be.
" The winner (picked by the store owner) is invited for a ceremony with the mayor handing him
the certificate of Free Shoes For Ten Years, his picture appears in the local newspaper, and
everyone is now visiting the shoe store whenever they want to have a fun time talking about the
great contest.
Example #4: Building A Cell Phone Numbers List
Now things are really heating up in Amarillo, and I don't mean just the heat of the summer! All offline
marketers are trying to outdo each other providing new features and services based on Instagram and
other social platform to their clients.
Look at what Tom came up with. He noticed that after a while all this buzz dies off, and then the foot
traffic generated by the campaign also dries up. That got him thinking, what if, instead of reaching each
prospect only once, he could reach them many times, repeatedly, with any new marketing message he
wants to send out. Now wouldn't it be more effective if he could convert each visitor with a smart
phone to a repeat visitor, calling them back to the business any time he wanted to refresh the traffic?
Well, Tom went to work and figured out how to do this.
What he did was create a mobile number list for the business. The numbers on this list belong to clients
that respond to an initial campaign, a simple coupon campaign for 10% off when they visit Allen's
Drive In Movies. Once they're on the list, the theater can send them more promotions, like a July 4th
promo for an evening movie with fireworks, and so on. And the nice thing is that all of these clients are
repeat clients, which as we IMers are way more valuable than new customers.
Here's how it worked:
" Tom created an image on his PC with the following words on it:  Text ilovedrivein to 34908 to
get 10% off everything . He uploaded that image to Instagram, added the hash tag
 allendrivein , and put a comment below the image explaining what's going on. The image also
shows up on Allen's Drive In Movies Facebook page, and on the business's web site.
" When the client texts, they get sent a reply text message with a coupon code that they mention
when paying for tickets at the Drive In theater (or they can show the code to the cashier). They
get the discount and everyone is happy.
" Also when the client texts ilovedrivein to the five-digit number, their cell phone number gets
added to a list, and after that, every time the list owner (Allen's business) sends a message to
that list, all the cell phone numbers on the list get a text message.
That means that after the client is added to the mobile phone number list, every time the list owner
wants to generate some foot traffic, all they have to do is send another coupon to the list, or some other
offer that requires the client to show up at the store. Basically a way to generate traffic on demand. And
it costs about 10% (at most) of what the business would pay to insert one of those coupons into a
coupon pack that you get delivered via email each month.
What's the technology behind this? Well, there are many companies that offer mobile list building
services. The best one I've found is Mobile Auto Responder. They offer a fixed cost program for
unlimited messages and campaigns, which is what you want. Mobile list building is a subject for a
whole other WSO, which I'm planning to do over the summer.
Pretty clever way to convert visitors from Instagram to mobile list members :)
A word about ethical mobile autoresponder marketing  you must provide a disclaimer saying that
charges may apply if they accept the text messages, plus a way to unsubscribe. Most ethical mobile list
building companies do provide an easy way for subscribers to leave the list, and after they select to
leave the list, they will not receive future messages. This is the same ethics that apply to email
marketing. Besides that, most mobile phone users do not have unlimited text messages, at least in the
US. So you want to use these lists really sparingly and conservatively. Otherwise you will get
complaints and the mobile list building company will decide to stop doing business with you, and you
lose your entire investment.
I also advise to convert your mobile list subscribers to Facebook fans or email subscribers at the
earliest possible opportunity, as a backup way to reach them if they leave your mobile list or your
provider stops servicing you for whatever reason. Hard learned lessons ;)
Hopefully by now you see how powerful this is, and you've got some ideas of your own on how to use
Instagram in your own campaigns. If you come up with some cool stuff, let me know!
These are just some initial ideas of how to use Instagram. I'm certain much more is possible, and I'll be
using this new capability to maximum effect in my own business!
Yours In Success,


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