SHSpec 078 6111C09 Effective Auditing

6111C09 SHSpec-78 Effective Auditing

There is only one thing that can make an E-meter lie and that's a bad
auditor. Where an auditor has withholds, he won't want to get others'
withholds off, so he won't want to believe the meter. Auditor diffidence is
also based on a fear of what they might hear from pcs, such as gossip about
themselves. Pc's do appreciate auditor control in session. On a sec check,
the PC may not know what it is that's giving a read. At that point, you get
helpful, ask a lot of various things to help him locate it, compartment the
question to see where the read is coming from, etc. But if the PC is
resisting, not even trying to look, acting resentful, etc., don't be a softy.
Get as tough as necessary to get the withhold. The PC has gone into a games
condition, and you have got to get him out of it. You have to be able to
judge what's happening to the PC and not expect there is a ritual way to
handle him. The technology and procedures of scientology are to assist you to
audit the PC, not to hide behind. There is no substitute for a live auditor,
particularly in sec checking. This doesn't mean you should always he sweet.

Don't overwhump the PC, creating missed withholds of nothing. Don't be a
robot. Don't ignore the PC's answers, creating an enforced withhold. Don't
do something that suddenly shifts the PC's attention, like going from no
interest to enthusiastic interest in a jump. It takes a certain amount of
auditor to make an auditing session. Some auditors can put too much there,
with distractive comments, and so forth. If the meter breaks in mid-session,
don't do anything at all about it except carry on with the session, until you
can declare a break. Then fix the meter and restart. Never distract the PC's
attention out of session. Fiddling with the meter can cause the TA to climb
as much as two divisions.

Don't develop a nice calloused death mask in lieu of TR-0. Process the
PC in front of you. Just get brave. The way to get your ruds in, as an
auditor, is to just relax, look over the situation, even if it takes a bit of
time. Find out what is going on by asking, "What is going on?" You ask him.
That's different from a ritual. Do you know that with one single question
that is heartfelt and meant by you, you can put all the ruds in, just like

How do you run a sec check on a tough PC with lots of withholds when the
meter is broken? You don't. You run some havingness and confront and end
session and get a new meter. But never distract a PC's attention from the
session. You can be as interesting or as interested as you please, as long as
it's relevant to the session and to what the PC is doing. What upsets the PC
is an irrelevancy to his case. It's not what you do; it's how relevant your
actions are. You must have your attention on the PC. The auditor could dance
a jig as long as it is relevant to the pcs case. You'll drop some of your
shackles and death masks when you learn this. Differentiate between what you
can get away with and what you can't. All the PC demands is that the auditor
be effective and his attention relevant to the PC's case. That's what the
auditor violates when he gets in trouble with the PC. The whole pattern of
ARC breaks is that the PC ceases to believe that the auditor's attention is
relevant to his case.

Per the Philadelphia Doctorate Lectures, the highest level [of reality]
is conviction. This is above agreement, communication, above mechanics. It's
a belief. The PC must stay convinced that the auditor is interested in
auditing him and interested in auditing his case and doing it effectively,
with attention on the PC. This conviction takes something to achieve. It can
be accomplished, if you know enough about the mind and have enough reality on
its mechanics. Knowing these things, you are never debarred by the mystery of
it all. The PC looks like something that can be resolved. If you know the
mechanics of how he operates; and if you know all the parts of his mind, you
understand enough of what he is doing to form ARC with the PC. Now your
interest and attention is on the particularities, the specifics of his
difficulties. If you are comfortable with the basics and the mechanics,
you'll be able to handle people's upsets effectively. Somebody who
understands life can talk about life, and other people know he understands
life even if they don't know what he is saying, oddly enough.

So if you, who could be looking and interested, aren't doing it with the
PC, he has been out. It's upsetting that you don't do what you could be
doing. People do not forgive no auditing or being ineffective. So audit the
PC and be effective. The PC wants your attention cn his case. If you start to tell him about your case, forget it! No matter how kindly your motives are, just be sure you are effective and that your attention is on his case.

[Details on modifiers]

The ARC the PC forms with the auditor is not just from sweetness and
kindness. It's from auditor control, interest, and effectiveness. Student
auditing can well be slow because the PC can feel the student is auditing in
order to learn about it, not because of interest in his case. If an auditor
goes and carelessly sleeps with the PC, he'll get no auditing done
thereafter. He's no longer interested in the PC's case, he's interested in
the PC's body. Being complimentary to your PC goes only so far; then it
becomes interest in the PC's body, not in his case, so it is no longer
effective. Out of session compliments may be fine.

Every skill you have in auditing routines: sec checks, model session,
problems intensive, has a certain form which rather guarantees interest in the
PC's case. Don't let it ride on automatic, however, or it compounds the
felony. You get the situation where the ritual is interested in the PC's
case, but the auditor isn't. The PC gets a weird unreality about the whole
thing. The auditor has to be interested in the PC's case and determined to do
something effective about it; then, through the media of E-meter and
procedure, he gives the auditing commands. The commands are vital but
secondary. They do nothing by themselves.

In sec checking, if the auditor does not become visible and real to the
PC, no withholds will read. You get reads on the meter in direct ratio to
your reality to the PC. This is true in assessment, too. Your presence is as
poor, in the PC's opinion, as you have to keep the rudiments in. The auditor
is as real and has as much presence to the PC as the ruds stay in. Interest
must be present to get reads and restimulate the PC. The more presence you
have, the more you can get out of the PC. It can disturb a PC to have some
overt or partly known thing and to hear, from some non-present and non-located
terminal a question about it that doesn't restimulate it. When it's a thetan
to thetan question, there's live interest and communication and you get reads
and answers. The bank is responsive to your presence. You can handle it
better than he can. If you never order his bank around, nothing happens.

The way to get a PC into session is to audit him. Do something
effective. Beware of mechanical distractions of all kinds. Pcs who are ARC
broken about "unflat processes" are really upset about moving off an effective
process to something ineffective. If it's effective, run it through to the
end, even if it's rough. The only sin is not auditing, especially when you've
started auditing. If to be effective, you have to throw down the meter, OK.
And that's sometimes what it takes. Put your attention on the PC and what
he's doing. The PC will even forgive something like this, "Just sit there and
shut up for a minute and let me think. You've presented me here with a rough
one and I'm not quite sure which way I'm going on the thing, so just be quiet
for a moment and lemme figure this out! Shut up, now? Jesus, you've got a
rough case! ... All right. This is what I'm gonna do...." The PC will accept
this because you are going to do something about his case.


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