popup window 004

Pop-Up Window 004

function JumpSelect(fn) {
var whi= eval("form" + fn +"." + fn +".value");


Pop-Up Window 004



Bird House 1
Bird House 2
Bird House 3
Bird House 4

This script sets up the window using a form.  It
does not work well in Netscape


<!-- options may be added to the window.open for its attributes -->
function JumpSelect(fn) {
var whi= eval("form" + fn +"." + fn +".value");

Script instructions for <BODY> of the HTML

<form name="formj1" action="javascript:JumpSelect('j1')">
<p align="center"><select name="j1" size="1"
style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFFF00">
<option value="images/bh1.jpg" selected>Bird House 1
<option value="images/bh2.jpg">Bird House 2
<option value="images/bh3.jpg">Bird House 3
<option value="images/bh4.jpg">Bird House 4
</select><input type="submit" value="Let's See It!"></p>

Paste script between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags.

function JumpSelect(fn) {
var whi= eval("form" + fn +"." + fn +".value");

Paste script where needed in the body of the HTML Document.

Bird House 1
Bird House 2
Bird House 3
Bird House 4

© Copyright 2003


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