130319173409 bbc english at work ep59 final

English at Work
Episode 59: The show must go on
Language for presenting a new product
Narrator: Welcome back to English at Work. It s an exciting day for Tip Top Trading.
It s launching its latest product  the plastic aubergine. The launch is
taking place at a swanky hotel; lots of clients have turned up - but there s
one important person missing.
Denise: (whispering) Has anyone seen Anna?
Paul: I haven t seen her all morning. Tom, you were with her last.
Tom: That was last night at the pub. She was drowning her sorrows.
Denise: Drowning her sorrows?
Tom: Yeah. She saw Dave from IT with another woman  Julie from accounts,
actually. She was very upset.
Denise: Oh poor Anna.
Paul: So you left her drowning in the pub? And who s got the prototype
aubergine to show at the launch?
Tom: Oh no! Anna has. It s in her bag. What are we going to do?
Denise: Panic!
Paul: No Denise. Calm down. I ll just have to make a start and I m sure Anna will
turn up. OK, here goes. (Clears throat) Excuse me everyone, could you all
gather round? Our presentation is about to begin.
Tom: I ll change the slides for you on the computer Paul. I m good with
Paul: Okey dokey. (Stumbling over words) Ermm& ladies and gentlemen, thank
you for coming to our presentation. We have something very exciting
to& ermm& show you and it s not a fruit& ha ha&
(Door opens)
Anna: & .and here it is  fresh from the factory  our plastic aubergine!
(Polite applause)
Narrator: Anna, you re just in time.
Anna: I know. I think I drank a bit too much last night and now I can t remember
what to say.
English at Work ©British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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Narrator: Well, you need to convince everyone that this is best product on the
market and that it s something they really want. You could say "We believe
this high quality product is something your business needs" - and, "Our
new product has been designed to the highest specifications" - and tell
people that "This product is the perfect decoration on any café or
restaurant table" - tell them that, and the orders will come flying in!
Anna: What? They ll send them by aeroplane?
Narrator: No Anna! Just do your presentation and see what happens.
Anna: OK then. (To the audience) Yes everyone, this aubergine may look good
enough to eat but it is made of the highest quality plastic and I m
convinced it s something your business needs.
Paul: Err yes, that s right. It may be plastic but it is& fantastic!
Anna: Thank you Paul. This product has been designed to the highest
specifications. It s tough and durable.
Client: Yeah but why would I want to buy it?
Tom:  Cos it s cheap mate!
Anna: No Tom. It s because it is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant
table. It shows you re serious about food.
Paul: And it doesn t go mouldy.
Anna: Yes. We re taking orders today and& and&
Narrator: And? And what, Anna?
Anna: I don t know what to say next.
Narrator: Offer them a discount and a guarantee.
Anna: Oh right. If you place an order for more than 1,000, we can offer you a
generous discount. Plus, all our products come with a money-back
Client: I like it!
Narrator: Well done Anna. She gave a clear presentation, and sounded enthusiastic
about the product. Here s a reminder of some of the things she said:
It is made of the highest quality plastic and I m convinced it s something
your business needs.
This product has been designed to the highest specifications. It s tough and
It is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant table.
English at Work ©British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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We can offer you a generous discount. Plus, all our products come with a
money-back guarantee.
Anna: Thanks for listening. Tom has a few slides to show, which illustrate how the
aubergine has been designed. Tom& Tom?
Tom: (whispering) Oh no, it s frozen, the slides won t change.
Dave: (From back of room) It s OK, I can fix it, I am the IT guy after all.
Tom: Dave? What are you doing here? Cheating on Anna like that. Here Anna,
give me that aubergine.
Anna: Tom, no!
Tom: (Throwing the aubergine) There, that s for upsetting Anna.
(Window smashes)
Dave: Ha ha - missed me!
Denise: Ha! Well the aubergine s certainly tough and durable.
Paul: Tom, Anna, I think we d better talk about this back in my office.
Narrator: Crikey! That was certainly a spectacular presentation. Let s hope Tom s
outburst doesn t stop the orders flying in  but not via the window! Find
out next time on English at Work. Bye!
Listening challenge:
In her presentation, what does Anna suggest using the plastic aubergine for?
(As a perfect decoration on tables in cafes and restaurants.)
English at Work ©British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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