Weapons of the Gods Secrets of the Qin Warriors

Secrets of the Qin Warriors
Secrets of the Qin Warriors
Complete Details on the automaton warriors
of The qin DYNASTY
for Weapons of the Gods
Indeed, it may have been this last that led
to his premature death! For one theory for
his demise (for he was not yet old) was
that he quaffed an immortality potion that
alas contained too much cinnabar& that is
to say, mercury. Not an easy death, if this
were true. But of the facts of this matter,
the sages do not know.
What is known is that the First
Emperor commanded the first of the Great
Qin Shihuangdi
Empires  before the glory that was Rome,
there was the pinnacle that was Qin. Ying
Without any doubt, the reign of
Zheng commanded vast armies, brilliant
Qin Shihuangdi was a marvel  a dark and
scholars and magicians, and himself was a
tyrannical miracle that set the standards
matchless courtier-warrior  but for
for despotism for all of following human
immortality, he created wonders, many of
history. Born Ying Zheng, the King of Qin,
which last to this day.
in the course of his ascension to become
Whether it was the army-defeating
the First Emperor of China, achieved
All-In-Chaos Bells or his many
much& unifying the vast sprawl of Shen
innovations in tactics or his godlike kung
Zhou, standardizing writing and currency,
fu& no doubt his most remembered
burning and destroying vast amounts of
creations were the Thousand-Sword
literature to control the will of his people 
Statue Warriors. Whenever Qin would
and that was only the cultural loss.
defeat an army, he would have his forces
Millions died to make the First Emperor s
confiscate every single weapon and piece
dreams a reality; whether to build the
of armor from the field& thence to be
Great Wall or to establish the roman-like
brought back to E Fang Palace in Xian.
Emperor s Roads that girdle the entire
There, these weapons were forged into his
marvelous Bronze Warriors. Stunningly
Ruling from his great palace in
lifelike in every detail, these metal soldiers
Xian (pictured below), Qin Shihuangdi
made the mightiest of his forces. Not only
pretty much achieved whatever he set his
did they bodyguard him at all times (for
mind to& save for immortality.
unlike mere mortals, their loyalties were
unquestionable and inviolate), but they
were always at the head of his armies  for
how could one fight a foe that did not
bleed, did not fear, and never ever turned
aside or stopped, until all lives were
terminated? The Qin
Warriors were tireless
And implacable  no
Mere man could match.
In Weapons of the Gods, the
Thousand-Sword Statue Warriors Lore
can be found on page 128. Therein, it is
mentioned that it is not enough to find a
Qin Warrior, but that to have one animate
and become an ultimately loyal guardian,
you must fulfill two conditions. The first
condition is you must have the
authorization of a representative of the
Qin Dynasty& and given that the First
Emperor is over five hundred years dead,
this is no easy feat.
In game terms, this can be
achieved via one of two options  either
by finding a Qin Dynasty Descendant& or
by being one, as detailed on page 129!
(Note that the heir must be descended by
Statue Warrior will simply state whether
blood alone, not martial legacy.) To
or not they will serve the teller of tales.
activate the Warrior (who will appear to
In terms of System, this translates
simply be an inanimate statue, though of
to checking the Martial Virtues of the
stunning detail and workmanship), the
candidate, though the standards vary
Qin Dynasty representative need only
somewhat between the Warrior types. For
speak to it, and it will awaken and attend
the Thousand-Sword Statue Warriors of
that person, though it will not necessarily
Qin himself, the candidate must have a
obey them unless they happen to meet the
permanent rating of 5 in either the Virtues
second condition (see below). In the case
of Righteousness (Xia or Chou, Justice or
of a bloodline descendant giving
Revenge) or the Virtues of Fidelity (Ba or
authorization to another, it need only be
Bao, Force or Ferocity). Furthermore, the
said to the Warrior, and so it is done.
candidate must have a minimum Virtue
It is the second condition that
rating in the off-virtue group; i.e. if one
provokes the most mystery  to have a
has a Rating 5 in a Righteousness Virtue,
Qin Warrior serve you (whether a
then you must have at least a 4 Rating in a
Thousand-Sword Statue Warrior or a
Fidelity Virtue to impress a Thousand-
Second Emperor Statue Warrior), you
Sword Statue Warrior (The Terracotta
must submit to its judgement& by telling
Warriors of Qin Erhuangdi are less
tales of your career in the Martial Arts
discerning& one can impress them with
World! These tales cannot be mere
only a 2 Rating in the off-virtue).
braggadocio  they must be true (the Qin
Of course, this is all based on one
Warriors can infallibly tell if they are
having located a Qin Dynasty Warrior to
being lied to in this instance) and the
impress in the first place! In the centuries
telling must take at least one night, though
that have followed, the Thousand-Sword
others may help by recounting their
Statue Warriors have become scattered  it
personal experiences of the warrior at
is unknown how many are left, or in what
hand. (Of course, this might well result in
condition they re in. By and large they are
the warrior finding them more acceptable,
only found singly, though it s rumored
if they too can gain a Qin
that troves of them exist. For more
Dynasty heir s approval!)
information, see the following pages.
Once completed, the
RANK/ARCHETYPE: Fourth Rank Warrior Equivalent
ORIGIN: Necromantic Construct (Terracotta)
REGION: Hanzhao (Hell Clan Territory)
(Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted.)
Athletics 3 [Running 2]
Fight 3
Lift 3
Initiative 4
Dodge 4
Finesse 2
Melee 2 [Swords 2]
Ride 1
Grace 1
Inspire 3 [Terror 2]
Tactics 2
Awareness 3
Ranged 4 [Bow 2]
Senses 3
KUNG FU STYLE - Lightfoot 2 (No Chi Cost to Use: Surefoot 1, Run Like a Deer 2)
BACKGROUNDS - Iron Fists (Quality), Qin Warrior Secrets (See Following).
PROTECTION: River 2, Equivalent of Perfect Light Armor (-10 to all Damage Taken).
HEALTH: 15 points per level.
Painfully Honest (Brutally Blunt), Unwholesome
(Inhuman Dead Thing).
RANK/ARCHETYPE: Third Rank Warrior Equivalent
ORIGIN: Necromantic Construct (Bronze-Steel Alloy)
REGION: Anywhere
(Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted.)
Athletics 4 [Running 2]
Climb 2
Fight 4 [Hammer 2]
Lift 6
Initiative 5
Dodge 5
Finesse 2
Melee 3 [Sword 2]
Ride 3
Grace 1
Inspire 5 [Terror 2]
Tactics 3
Awareness 5 [Ambushes & Danger 2]
Ranged 5 [Bow 2]
Senses 5
KUNG FU STYLE - Lightfoot 3 (No Chi Cost to Use: Surefoot 1, Run Like a Deer 2, Headlong
Flying Leap 3)
BACKGROUNDS - Iron Fists (Perfect), Weapon Training (Any Weapon), Qin Warrior Secrets
(See Following).
PROTECTION: River 3, Equivalent of Perfect Medium Armor (-15 to all
Damage Taken).
HEALTH: 18 points per level.
DISADVANTAGES - Painfully Honest (Brutally Blunt), Unwholesome (Inhuman Dead Thing).
Qin Dynasty Lore
backlash will be felt by them  the Critical
Secrets of the Qin
Failure will inflict unconsciousness on the
presumptuous magician, as they feel the
Destiny Cost: 2 horror and sorrow of the Wall Dead in
Study Difficulty: Learning (30) their minds, before they black out and flee
the horrible suffering (in return, they will
550 Years Before the Return of Tiger Soul
receive 2 Destiny the first time this
What powers the Qin Warriors? How happens, as they gain insight from the
were they made? These and other experience).
questions have bothered the few sages On top of that, no Qin Warrior can
who have ever heard of or even be intimidated or affected in any way by
encountered a Qin Dynasty Warrior. social manuevering  they have no
What is known is this  the vast Confidence, because they need none.
majority of the Qin Warriors are either Qin Warriors do not generally
inaccessible or lost; indeed, a true initiate conversations, though will
accounting of their numbers is not to be converse if spoken to. They generally
found, anywhere. But yet, they exist, for contain themselves to direct observations,
every once in a while, a brave hero (or vile and can be very helpful in their cold and
villain) will appear with one of these at inhuman assessments of things.
her side  made of clay or metal, All Statue Warriors speak with the
implacable, imperturable, tireless and same voice (and if two are present, they
virtually unstoppable, save by powerful will speak in eerie unison). This voice will
kung fu or excellent teamwork. automatically inflict a Morale Attack on
The truth of the matter is this  the any Ordinary Folk or Followers present 
Warriors are powered by those Qin for it is the sighing of a thousand winds in
Shihuangdi slaughtered. Each Qin Warrior a cavern, a whisper of ten thousand
is, in effect a form of Manifested Curse voices. It is always heard by those present,
Spell, with the source of their power the but nobody not in the presence of the
Grief of the millions of Wall Dead (see pg. Warrior will be able to hear it  no
328 of Weapons of the Gods) and the eavesdropping on a Warrior will work.
manifested spirit installed into the The drawback to the Qin Dynasty
automaton bodies by another lore & now Warriors is obvious  they do not heal.
thought to be lost. The result is not a ghost They must be repaired, by a master
in a shell; instead, it is more like a western craftsman with a minimum Crafting skill
golem, though sentient and possessed of of 4 with a Specialization in Statues.
great power, particularly given the large However, their sorcerous and necromantic
number of souls that power it. nature makes them the equivalent of Class
As a result, all Qin Warriors are III Divine God-weapons for the purposes
powerfully motivated by Grief; but of those weapons effect upon them in
because of their dead state, this passion battle (just their bodies, not their weapons,
cannot be put to use by Secret Arts of any which are usually mundane).
kind. Furthermore, it is an Impossible
Difficulty (60!) task to affect directly Qin
Warriors of either type with the Secret
2 Defense: You gain a +1 die to any
Arts  while they can feel the effects of
and all applicable pools in
such sorceries, they themselves resist
combat against a Warrior,
direct manipulation  and if the
as you are familiar
attempting Courtier or Scholar critically
with their true
fails (easily done!) some sort of horrific


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