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BBC Learning English

The English We Speak

03 April 2012

Comfort zone


(ON PHONE) OK Helen, sounds interestingâ€ÅšI’ll be right over. Bye! Helen has something interesting to show me, so I’m off to see it now.



Err, hi Helen.


Hello Rob. Welcome to my comfort zone.


Your what?


My comfort zone. I’ve made a very comfortable area for relaxing in. Don’t you think it’s relaxing Rob?


Well yes. Nice cushions, a very cosy sofa and soft lighting – but Helen, why did you want to show me this relaxing and comfortable room – are you up to something?


No! You said we were doing a programme about comfort zones – so I decided to make one.


I see. Well we could describe this room as our comfort zone but usually the term refers to how someone feels.


Oh! So it’s not just a place, but a state of mind.


Yes. If someone is in their comfort zone, they feel secure and comfortable, they might even feel in control. Maybe these examples will help to explain moreâ€Åš


John isn’t going for the promotion - he wants to stay in his comfort zone and doesn’t want the extra stress.

Jane stays in her comfort zone when booking her holiday and will never travel overseas.


So those examples describe people who are happy doing something

they’ve always done. They feel safe and secure.


It sounds like a nice place to be.


It is but it can also imply you won’t take risks and move out of your comfort zoneâ€Åš


â€Åšinto your un-comfort zone you mean or your non-comfort zone?

The English We Speak

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2012

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Exactly. Listen to these examplesâ€Åš


Sally is dressing outside her usual comfort zone; have you seen the dress she’s wearing Tonight?!

Bob’s working outside his comfort zone by agreeing to run the accounts department.


A comfort zone can also describe the ideal temperature of a room. It’s just the right conditions to feel comfortable in – not too hot, not too cold.


Well Rob, I think we’re in just the right comfort zone now.


We are but come on, let’s step outside and get some fresh air.


Sorry Rob, I’m staying in my comfort zone. Mmm, it’s so cosy and I feel so secure here and anyway, it might be raining out there.


You don’t take any chances Helen! Oh well, see you later. Bye.


Bye! Oh this sofa is so comfortable,mmmâ€Åš

The English We Speak

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2012

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