(Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)) The NLP Goal Setting Model(1)

The NLP Goal Setting Model
 The Well-Formed Outcome Model
Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.
Linda Rounds
Goal setting functions as a prerequisite to success in most areas of life. Yet sadly, still ninety-five percent of people do not set
goals. Who do these ninety-five percent work for? The five percent who do!
The Neuro-Linguistic Processing (NLP) model enables us to go beyond mere  goal setting into the actual  programming of our
minds to drive us toward our desired goal. How does it do this?
The brain works primarily from our sensory system (pictures, sounds, feelings). The NLP goal setting model addresses this by
getting our goal sensory specific. But it doesn t stop there. For, the brain not only uses the sensory system, it also uses our
word meanings that drive the sensory system. For this reason, the NLP Goal Setting Model makes absolutely sure that we
language ourselves in such a way as to drive our very neurology and physiology towards obtaining our desired goal.
The specificity of the NLP Goal Setting Model facilitates concentration on what you internally see, hear, and feel. Your attention
will direct itself toward external and internal resources necessary in achieving the goal.
The NLP model provides the following key components that enable you to effectively identify your desired outcome and it
begins by eliciting that outcome even now:
1. Stating the goal in positive terms.
2. Specify the goal in sensory-based terms.
3. Specify the goal in a way that you find compelling.
4. Run a Quality Control check on the goal to ensure balance in all areas of your home/work life.
5. Ensure the goal can be self-initiated and maintained.
6. State the context of the goal.
7. State the resources needed to achieve the goal.
8. Evidence procedure.
In teaching this model, I encourage the class participants to take it very seriously. The reason- the questions of this model are
carefully designed to make sure that your outcome is suitable for you in all areas of your life. I like to add, "Make sure you
want it for you probably will get it." When I first learned this model in 1990, my outcome was to become an NLP Trainer. Well,
it worked. As you go through the questioning, pay close attention to any "voices" or feelings in you that may indicate that your
goal either isn't for you or needs adjustment. Once you have your goal so defined that you can answer the questions and be
totally aligned with your goal, then go for it! We wish you great success in your goal-setting venture
Linda Rounds works as a Human Resource Manager. She has taken the model and created a questionnaire for the  360 Review
process used at the company where she works. This model is widely used. She says,
A 360 Review is where the employee s peers along with his/her manager review the employee. It is designed to ensure
employees are accountable to everyone in the company instead of just shmoozing up to the managers. It is a great
process because it provides more accurate information on the employee s behaviors and skill set. It also reveals when
there is a gap between the manager's perception of the employee and the perception of the employee s peers.
Although there are many ways to administer the 360 Review, I have designed our process so that on the employee's
anniversary month he/she chooses seven individuals to participate in the review. The employee must choose their
immediate manager, three co-workers within their same department, and three internal customers (employees). Their
manager approves the list but is only able to add someone to the list, they cannot take anyone off of the employee s
chosen list.
The review form itself is completely designed from our companies six Corporate Values & Beliefs. We measure employee
performance based off of the values & beliefs because we believe that the more they are aligned with our stated values
and beliefs the better chance we have of fulfilling our Mission Statement.
The following is the questionnaire that Linda has created and made available to our readers:
Developing Goals  The NLP Model
Going Beyond Mere  Goal Setting
Goal # _______
Name: ______________________________________
Present Situation
1. In what category does your 360 Review reveal
the greatest opportunity for improvement?
Where would you like the score to fall next
3. What do you want to achieve by obtaining the
above score (be sure to state it in the positive i.e.,
 I am improving my time management skills ).
Specify in Sensory Based Terms
1. What specific do-able steps will you take to
achieve your goal?
2. What comments from others will be different on
your 360 Review once your goal is achieved?
3. How will your perception of yourself be
improved by accomplishing the goal?
Quality Control Check
1. What will you ultimately gain through achieving
your goal?
2. What will you lose by achieving your goal (think
carefully about this)?
3. Is your goal achievable? Why or why not?
4. Will obtaining your goal provide a balanced
home/work life?
5. What conflicting thoughts do you have about
achieving your goal?
Goal Context
1. What is your specific timeline for accomplishing
this goal?
2. Have you ensured that your goal is self-initiated
and controlled?
(You should not have to involve anyone else to
accomplish your goal)
3. How will you measure or recognize
Resources Needed to Achieve Goal
1. What resources or training will you need to
accomplish your goal?
2. Who else has achieved this goal that could serve
as a mentor?
3. What prevents you from moving toward and
attaining your goal now?
Evidence Of accomplishment
1. How will you know that your goal has been
2. What evidence will others have, see or
experience that will indicate to them that your
goal has been achieved?
In signing below, both the employee and manager are in agreement and understand the expectations set above. Additionally,
both manager and employee are in agreement with the plan and timeline that has been established to meet expectations.
(Signature Required)
________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________
Employee Signature Manager Signature Date
©2002 Bob Bodenhamer, Linda Rounds and The Institute of Neuro-Semantics®
