Learning Italian Ebook cz IV (po angielsku)

71. Adverbs
Most adverbs are formed by adding -mente to the feminine singular form of the adjective. Adjectives
ending in -le or -re drop the final -e before adding -mente, if the l or r is preceded by a vowel.
Adjective Adverb
recente recentemente recently
comoda comodamente comfortably
finale finalmente finally
regolare regolarmente regularly
Note that the adverbial form of buono (good) is bene, and cattivo (bad) is male.
72. Passive Voice
In passive sentences, the subject receives the action of the verb. In active sentences, the subject
does the action. However, the meaning of both sentences is the same. The passive form is only
possible with transitive verbs and is much more common in English than in Italian. The passive form
consists of the verb essere plus the past participle of the main verb followed by da (by) and its
contractions. Essere should be in the same tense as the verb in its corresponding active sentence.
The past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject.
Active I miei genitori pagano l'affitto. My parents pay the rent.
Passive L'affito Ł pagato dai miei genitori. The rent is paid by my parents.
I contratti sono firmati dalle ragazze. The contracts are signed by the girls.
La stanza Ł stata arredata da Carlo. The room was decorated by Carlo.
L'affito sarą pagato dai miei genitori. The rent will be payed by my parents.
73. The Impersonal "Si"
Si can be used as a reflexive pronoun, but it can also be used as an impersonal pronoun. It
corresponds to "one, you, we, the people in general, or they" in English and always use the third peron
form of the verb (either singular or plural depending on the object).
Qui si vende carta da lettere. We sell writing paper here./Writing paper is sold here.
Si vendono anche matite? Do you also sell pencils?
Qui non si parla francese. We don't speak French here./French is not spoken here.
74. Post Office and Bank
post office la posta bank la banca
mailbox la cassetta delle lettere file cabinet la schedario
mail carrier il postino guard il custode
mailbag il sacco della posta safe la cassaforte
price il prezzo safety deposit box la cassetta di sicurezza
scale la bilancia checkbook il libretto degli assegni
package il pacchetto credit card la carta di credito
stamp il francobollo bills i biglietti
letter la lettera coins le monete
address l'indirizzo deposit slip il modulo per i depositi
postal worker l'impiegata postale pen la penna
newspaper il giornale check l'assegno
magazine la rivista bank teller il cassiere
75. To Give and to Receive
dare - to give ricevere - to receive
do diamo ricevo riceviamo
dai date ricevi ricevete
dą danno riceve ricevono
76. Infinitives followed by Prepositions
The following verbs require a or di when followed by another infinitive, although the preposition is not
always translated into English.
Verb + a + another infinitive Verb + di + another infinitive
aiutare to help aspettare to wait for
andare to go cercare to look for
cominciare to begin cessare to cease
continuare to continue chiedere to ask
correre to run comandare to command
imparare to learn credere to believe
insegnare to teach decidere to decide
invitare to invite dimenticare to forget
mandare to send dire to say, tell
passare to stop by domandare to ask
pensare to think of finire to finish
preparare to prepare offrire to offer
provare to try permettere to permit
risuscire to succeed promettere to promise
servire to be good for sapere to know
stare to stay, stand sognare to dream
tornare to return sperare to hope
venire to come tentare to try, attempt
77. The Beach
beach la spiaggia clam l'ostrica
island l'isola sand castle il castello di sabbia
lighthouse il faro fins le pinne
pier il molo goggles la maschera subacquea
lifeguard il bagnino palm tree la palma
coconut il cocco beach towel l'asciugamano
seashore il litorale oar il remo
surfboard la tavoletta da surf rowboat la barca a remo
sand la sabbia sea gull il gabbiano
lounge chair la sedia a sdraio seal la foca
beach umbrella l'ombrellone sea lion l'otaria
picnic il picnic wave l'onda
suntan lotion la crema abbronzante sailboat la barca a vela
beach ball il pallone waterskiing lo sci nautico
sea shell la conchiglia ocean liner la nave
seaweed l'alga marina hut la capanna
78. To Follow
seguire - to follow
sŁguo seguiamo
sŁgui seguite
sŁgue seguono
79. Fare Causative
The verb fare can be followed by an infinitive to express the idea of having someone do something or
having something done. If the object is a noun, it follows the infinitive; but if the object is a pronoun, it
precedes the verb fare. (Unless the object pronoun is loro, then it always follows the infinitive.) Note
that farsi can also be used in a causative construction when one is having something done to oneself.
Abbiamo fatto fare quelle sedia. We had that chair made.
Faccio studiare i ragazzi. I make the boys study.
Li faccio studiare. I make them study.
Mi faccio tagliare i capelli. I'm having my hair cut.
When a causative sentence has two objects, the person being made to do something becomes the
indirect object. In Italian, the indirect object is introduced by a.
Il maestro fa leggere lo studente. The teacher makes the student read.
Il maestro fa leggere la lettura allo studente. The teacher makes the student read the passage.
To avoid ambiguity with the indirect object, the preposition da instead of a can be used. The sentence
Abbiamo fatto mandare il pacco a Maria can mean two things: 1) We had Mary send the package
or 2) We had the package sent to Mary. If the first meaning is intended, then da can replace a.
80. Office / School Supplies
chalkboard la lavagna
eraser il cancellino
chalk il gesso
desk il banco
pencil la matita
book il libro
notebook il quaderno
paper la carta
page la pagina
pen la penna
backpack lo zaino
mistake lo sbaglio
exam l'esame (m)
clock l'orologio
student (m) lo studente
dictionary il dizionario
81. Conditional Tenses
The conditional tense expresses "would" and is used with requests and doubts. It is also used in
hypothetical situations with "if" clauses or with events or actions that may occur in the future, but
probably won't.
To form the present conditional, use the future stem and these endings for the three types of verbs.
(The verbs that have irregular future forms are also irregular in the conditional tense.)
-ei -emmo
-esti -este
-ebbe -ebbero
Gli parlerei, ma non Ł a casa. I would talk to him, but he's not at home.
Prendereste un caffŁ? Would you like some coffee?
Sarei pił contenta. I would be happier.
As in the future tense, verbs ending in -care and -gare add an h after the c or g for pronunciation.
Verbs endings in -ciare and -giare drop the final i in all forms of the present conditional.
Dovere, potere, and volere all have irregular forms in the present conditional:
dovere potere volere
dovrei dovremmo potrei potremmo vorrei vorremmo
dovresti dovreste potresti potreste vorresti vorreste
dovrebbe dovrebbero potrebbe potrebbero vorrebbe vorrebbero
The past conditional expresses the same basic idea as the present conditional. It is used to express
unfulfilled requests, situations that did not occur, or events which had the possibility to fulfill
themselves, but didn't. It is formed by using the present conditional of avere or essere and the past
participle of the main verb. One difference between English and Italian usage of the past conditional is
that when expressing a future action from the viewpoint of the past, Italian uses the past conditional
whereas English uses the present conditional.
Ha detto che sarebbe venuto. He said that he would come.
82. Parts of a Car / Gas Station
gas pump la pompa di benzina
gas cap il coperchio del serbatoio
gas can il bidone per la benzina
trunk il bagagliaio
roof il tetto
seat il sedile
door lo sportello
tire la gomma
license plate la targa
bumper il paraurti
headlight il fanale
hood il cofano
windshield wiper il tergicristallo
steering wheel il volante
oil can il oliatore
radiator il radiatore
battery la batteria
jumper cables i cavi per l'avviamento
screwdriver il cacciavite
hammer il martello
wrench la chiave
nut il dado
screw la vite
wheel la ruota
tires le gomme
air pump la pompa pneumatica
flat tire la gomma a terra
83. To Drive
condurre - to drive
conduco conduciamo
conduci conducete
conduce condścono
84. Travelling / Airport
Where is... Dov'Ł... doh-veh
the bank? la banca? lah bahn-kah
the bathroom? la toilette? lah twah-let-tah
an automatic cash machine? un bancomat? oon bahn-koh-maht
the car rental? l'autonoleggio? low-toh-no-led-joh
the taxi stand? il posteggio dei taxi? eel poh-stehd-joh day taks-see
the phone? il telefono? eel teh-leh-foh-noh
the ticket office? la biglietteria? lah bee-lyeht-teh-ree-ah
the train station? la stazione? lah stah-zee-oh-neh
the bus stop? la fermata dell'autobus? la fair-mah-tah dell ow-toh-boos
the subway? la metropolitana? lah meh-tro-poh-lee-tah-nah
the airport? l'aeroporto? lah-eh-roh-por-toh
the currency exchange? l'ufficio cambio? loo-fee-choh kahm-byoh
the information booth? l'ufficio informazioni? loo-fee-choh een-for-maht-zee-ohn-ee
the lost baggage office? l'ufficio oggetti smarriti? loo-fee-choh ohd-jeht-tee smahr-ree-tee
the entrance? l'entrata? lehn-trah-tah
the exit? l'uscita? loo-shee-tah
ticket il biglietto
flight il volo
reservation la prenotazione
round-trip ticket il biglietto di andata e ritorno
smoking fumatori
non smoking non fumatori
baggage il bagaglio
suitcase la valigia
passport il passaporto
gate l'uscita
boarding pass la carta d'imbarco
Lira lire
85. Directional Words
straight ahead sempre diritto
to the right a destra
to the left a sinistra
down there laggił
behind dietro
in front of davanti a
next to accanto a
across from dirimpetto a
after dopo
near vicino a
far from lontano da
86. Use of the Infinitive
The infinitive can be used after certain prepositions, such as per, prima di and senza; whereas in
English, the gerund form is usually used.
Siamo pronto per uscire. We are ready to go out.
Prima di partire. Before leaving.
Senza dire niente. Without saying anything.
The past infinitive may be used after senza and dopo. It is formed with the auxiliaries essere or avere
and the past participle of the verb. The final -e of the auxiliary verb is commonly dropped.
Sono venuti senza aver telefonato. They came without having telephoned.
ritornata dopo aver comprato i biglietti. She returned after having bought the tickets.
The infinitive may also function as a noun. In this case, the English translation is also the gerund form.
Viaggiare stanca. Travelling is tiring.
Letting, seeing or hearing someone do something is expressed by the forms of lasciare, vedere and
sentire plus the infinitive.
Ho sentito cantare Teresa. I heard Teresa sing.
Ho veduto dormire i bambini. I saw the children sleep.
87. Subjunctive Mood
The Subjunctive mood expresses doubt, uncertainty, hope, fear, possibility, opinions, etc. and is used
much more frequently in Italian. It is mainly used in dependent clauses (sentences introduced by a
conjunction that do not have a complete meaning) that are introduced by che.
The present subjunctive of regular verbs is formed by dropping the normal endings, and adding these
new endings:
-are -ere 1st -ire 2nd -ire
-i -iamo -a -iamo -a -iamo -isca -iamo
-i -iate -a -iate -a -iate -isca -iate
-i -ino -a -ano -a -ano -isca -iscano
Verbs ending in -care and -gare add an h before all endings of the present subjunctive. Verbs ending
in -ciare and -giare drop the i from their stems.
Many common verbs have irregular present subjunctive forms:
avere essere andare bere dare dire
abbia abbiamo sia siamo vada andiamo beva beviamo dia diamo dica diciamo
abbia abbiate sia siate vada andiate beva beviate dia diate dica diciate
abbia abbiano sia siano vada vadano beva bevano dia diano dica dicano


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