Physics Papers Steven Weinberg (2003), Damping Of Tensor Modes In Cosmology

Damping of Tensor Modes in Cosmology
Steven Weinberg
Theory Group, Physics Department, University of Texas,
Austin, TX, 78712
An analytic formula is given for the traceless transverse part of the anisotropic stress
tensor due to free streaming neutrinos, and used to derive an integro-differential equa-
tion for the propagation of cosmological gravitational waves. The solution shows that
anisotropic stress reduces the squared amplitude by 35.6 % for wavelengths that enter the
horizon during the radiation-dominated phase, independent of any cosmological param-
eters. This decreases the tensor temperature and polarization correlation functions for
these wavelengths by the same amount. The effect is less for wavelengths that enter the
horizon at later times. At the longest wavelengths the decrease in the tensor correlation
functions due to neutrino free streaming ranges from 10.7% for &!M h2 = 0.1 to 9.0% for
&!M h2 = 0.15. An Appendix gives a general proof that tensor as well as scalar modes sat-
isfy a conservation law for perturbations outside the horizon, even when the anisotropic
stress tensor is not negligible.
I. Introduction
It is widely expected that the observation of cosmological tensor fluctua-
tions through measurements of the polarization of the microwave background
may provide a uniquely valuable check on the validity of simple inflationary
cosmologies. For instance, for a large class of inflationary theories with single
scalar fields satisfying the  slow roll approximation, the wave-number de-
pendence PS " kn -1 and PT " kn of the scalar and tensor power spectral
functions and the ratio of these spectral functions after horizon exit during
inflation are related by[1]
PT /PS = -nT /2 . (1)
But in order to use observations to check such relations, we need to know
what happens to the fluctuations between the time of inflation and the
arXiv:astro-ph/0306304 v2 5 Oct 2003
present. There is a very large literature on the scalar modes, but ever since
the first calculations[2] of the production of tensor modes in inflation, with
only one exception[3] known to me, the interaction of these modes with mat-
ter and radiation has simply been assumed to be negligible in studies of the
cosmic microwave background[4]. It is not included in the widely used com-
puter program of Seljak and Zaldarriaga[5]. As we shall see, the effect is not
negligible even at the relatively low values of ! where the B-type polarization
multipole coefficients CB ! are likely to be first measured, and becomes quite
significant for larger values of !.
II. Damping Effects in the Wave Equation
The interaction of tensor modes with matter and radiation vanishes in the
case of perfect fluids, but not in the presence of traceless transverse terms in
the anisotropic stress tensor. In general, the tensor fluctuation satisfies

3a "2
'ij + #ij - hij = 16ĄGĄij , (2)
a a2
where dots indicate ordinary time derivatives. Here the components of the
perturbed metric are

g00 = -1 , gi0 = 0 , gij(x, t) = a2(t) ij + hij(x, t) (3)
where hij(x, t) is treated as a small perturbation; and Ąij(x, t) is the anisotropic
part of the stress tensor, defined by writing the spatial part of the perturbed
energy-momentum tensor as Tij = p + a2Ąij , or equivalently
T = p + Ąij , (4)
where p is the unperturbed pressure. In these formulas we are considering
only tensor perturbations, so that
hii = 0 , "ihij = 0 , Ąii = 0 , "iĄij = 0 . (5)
For a perfect fluid Ąij = 0, but this is not true in general. For instance, in
any imperfect fluid with shear viscosity , we have[6] Ąij = -#ij. Neverthe-
less, as we shall show in the Appendix, even where hydrodynamic approxi-
mations are inapplicable, hij becomes time- independent as the wavelength
of a mode leaves the horizon, and remains time-independent until horizon
re-entry. All modes of cosmological interest are still far outside the horizon
at the temperature H" 1010ć%K where neutrinos are going out of equilibrium
with electrons and photons, so hij can be effected by anisotropic inertia only
later, when neutrinos are freely streaming.
We can calculate the contribution of freely streaming neutrinos to Ąij
exactly[7]. We define a density n(x, p, t) as

3 3

n(x, p, t) a" (xi - xi (t)) (pi - pri(t)) , (6)
i=1 i=1
with r labeling individual neutrino and antineutrino trajectories. The rela-
tivistic equations of motion in phase space for any metric with g00 = -1 and
gi0 = 0 are

pi pjpk "gjk
r r r
i = , Wri = . (7)
p0 2p0 "xi
r r
It follows then that n satisfies a Boltzmann equation
"n "n pi "n pjpk "gjk
+ + = 0 , (8)
"t "xi p0 "pi 2p0 "xi
it being understood that pi and p0 are expressed in terms of the independent
variable pi by pi = gijpj and p0 = (gijpipj)1/2. At a time t1 soon after
neutrinos started free streaming, n had the ideal gas form (assuming zero
chemical potentials)
n(x, p, t1) = exp gij(x, t1)pipj/kBT1 + 1 a" n1(x, p) , (9)
where N is the number of types of neutrinos, counting antineutrinos sepa-
rately, and kB is Boltzmann s constant. We therefore write
n(x, p, t) = n1(x, p) + n(x, p, t) (10)
so that n vanishes for t = t1.
In the absence of metric perturbations, Eq. (8) and the initial condition
(9) have the solution n(p) = n(p), where n(p) is the zeroth-order part of n1:
n(p) = exp (p/kBT1a1) + 1 , (11)
and p a" pipi. To first order in metric perturbations, Eq. (8) gives
"n(x, p, t) pi "n(x, p, t) p "
+ = - n2 (p)pipjpk (hij(x, t) - hij(x, t1)) ,
"t a(t) "xi 2a(t) "xk
where hats denote unit vectors. (In putting the Boltzmann equation in this
form, we use that fact that n1 depends on x and pi only through the combina-
tion gij(x, t1)pipj, so that to first order "kn1(x, p) = -p n2 (p)pipj"khij(x, t1).)
We now suppose that the x-dependence of hij(x, t) is contained in a factor
exp(ik x), where k is a co-moving wave number.1 Eq. (12) and the initial
condition that n = 0 at t = t1 then have the solution

i 2
n(p, u) = - p n2 (p) p k pi pj du2 eipk(u -u) hij(u2 ) - hij(0) (13)
2 0
where we now drop the position argument, and write n and hij as functions
of a variable u instead of t, with u defined as the wave number times the
conformal time

u a" k . (14)
t1 a(t2 )
The space part of the neutrino energy-momentum tensor is given by


1 pi prj 1 n pipj
i r
" "
T j = 3(x - xr) = dpk (15)
Detg p0 Detg p0
r r

This yields terms of first order in hij(u) from pi = gijpj and p0 = gijpipj, a
term of first order in hij(0) from the term n1 in n, and a term of first order
in hij(u) - hij(0) from n. Collecting all these terms and using Eq. (5) yields
a surprisingly simple formula for Ąij:

Ąij(u) = -4(u) K(u - U) h2 (U) dU (16)
where primes now indicate derivatives with respect to U or u; K is the kernel

1 sin s 3 cos s 3 sin s
K(s) a" dx (1 - x2)2ei x s = - - + , (17)
16 -1 s3 s4 s5
Conventionally the co-moving coordinate x and wave number k are normalized by
defining a(t) so that a = 1 at present. Here we will leave this normalization arbitrary.

and  = a-4 d3p p n(p) is the unperturbed neutrino energy density.
To continue, we use Eq. (16) in Eq. (2) and express time-derivatives
in terms of u-derivatives. This gives an integro-differential equation for

2a2 (u) a2 (u)
h2 2 (u) + h2 (u) + hij(u) = -24f(u) K(u - U) h2 (U) dU ,
ij ij ij
a(u) a(u) 0
where f a" /.
We took the initial time t1 to be soon after neutrinos started free stream-
ing, so interesting perturbations are outside the horizon then, and for some
time after. As we show in the Appendix, hij rapidly became time indepen-
dent after horizon exit, and remained so until horizon re-entry. In terms of
u, we then have the initial condition
h2 (0) = 0 . (19)
The solution of Eq. (18) can therefore be put in the general form
hij(u) = hij(0)(u) (20)
where (u) satisfies the same integro-differential equation as hij(u)

2a2 (u) a2 (u)
2 2 (u) + 2 (u) + (u) = -24f(u) K(u - U) 2 (U) dU; ,
a(u) a(u) 0
and the initial conditions
(0) = 1 , 2 (0) = 0 . (22)
III. Short Wavelengths
We will first consider wavelengths short enough to have re-entered the
horizon during the radiation-dominated era (though long after neutrino de-
coupling), and then turn to the general case in the next section. We can
take the initial time t1 to be early enough so that it can be approximated as
t1 C" 0, with the zero of time defined so that during the radiation-dominated
era we have a " t. Then in Eq. (21) we can set a2 /a = 1/u, while for 3
neutrino flavors f takes the constant value f(0) = 0.40523. Then Eq. (21)

2 24f(0)
2 2 (u) + 2 (u) + (u) = - K(u - U) 2 (U) dU , (23)
u u2 0
Because of the decrease of the factor 1/u2, the right-hand of Eq. (23) becomes
negligible for u k" 1, so deep inside the horizon the solution of Eqs. (22) and
(23) approaches a homogeneous solution
(u) A sin(u + )/u (24)
as compared with the solution sin(u)/u for f = 0. A numerical solution
of Eqs. (22) and (23) shows that (u) follows the f = 0 solution pretty
accurately until u H" 1, when the perturbation enters the horizon, and there-
after rapidly approaches the asymptotic form (24), with A = 0.8026 and 
very small. This asymptotic form provides the initial condition for the later
period when the matter energy density becomes first comparable and then
greater than that of radiation, so the effect of neutrino damping at these
later times is still only to reduce the tensor amplitude by the same factor
A = 0.8026. Hence, for wavelengths that enter the horizon after electron
positron annihilation and well before radiation-matter equality, all quadratic
effects of the tensor modes in the cosmic microwave background, such as
the tensor contribution to the temperature multipole coefficients C! and the
whole of the  B-B polarization multipole coefficients C! B, are 35.6% less
than they would be without the damping due to free- streaming neutrinos.
(Photons also contribute to Ąij, but this effect is much smaller because at
last scattering photons contribute much less than 40% of the total energy.)
IV. General Wavelengths
To deal with perturbations that may enter the horizon after the matter
energy density has become important, let us switch the independent variable
from u to y a" a(t)/aEQ, where aEQ is a(t) at the time tEQ of radiation- matter
equality. To see how they are related, note that

dy a a2 a0
= = H0 &!M + (&!ł + &!) ( fraca0a)4 (25)
du aEQk/a aEQk a
The redshift of matter-radiation equality is given by 1 + zEQ = a0/aEQ =
&!M/(&!ł + &!), so Eq. (25) can be simplified to read
du Q
= " (26)
dy 1 + y

Q a" . (27)
a0H0 &!M (1 + zEQ)
Since u 0 for y 0, the solution of Eq. (26) is

u = 2Q 1 + y - 1 . (28)
The Hubble constant at matter-radiation equality has the value HEQ =

H0 2&!M(1 + zEQ)3, so Eq. (27) can be written
Q = 2k/kEQ , (29)
where kEQ a" aEQHEQ is the wave number of perturbations that just enter
the horizon at the time of radiation-matter equality. (Hence in particular
the results of the previous section apply for Q k" 1.)
The fraction of the total energy density in neutrinos is well known
&!(a0/a)4 f(0)
f(y) = = (30)
&!M (a0/a)3 + (&!ł + Omega)(a0/a)4 1 + y
f(0) = = 0.40523 . (31)
&! + &!ł
A little algebra then lets us put Eq. (21) in the form

d2(y) 2(1 + y) 1 d(y) 24 f(0) d(y2 )
(1+y) + + +Q2(y) = - K(y, y2 ) dy2 ,
dy2 y 2 dy y2 0 dy2
where K(y, y2 ) is the same as the K(s) given by Eq. (17), but with s now
given by

s a" z - z2 = 2Q 1 + y - 1 + y2 (33)
The initial conditions (22) now read


(0) = = 0 . (34)

We now have to face the complication that for general Q the value of y at
last scattering is not in an asymptotic region where the effect of anisotropic
inertia is simply to damp (t) by some constant factor. We therefore now
have to consider what feature of (t) is related to observations of the cosmic
microwave background. It is  that enters into the Boltzmann equation
for perturbations to the temperature and Stokes parameters[9], so in the
approximation of a sudden transition from opacity to transparency, we expect
the B-B and other multipole coefficients to depend on (y) only through a
factor |2 (yL)|2, where yL = (1 + zEQ)/(1 + zL) is the value of y at last
scattering. Hence we will be primarily interested in calculating the value of
|2 (yL)|2 for various values of Q, and comparing these values with what they
would be in the absence of anisotropic inertia.
For Tł0 = 2.725ć%K, we have &!ł +&! = 4.1510-5h-2, so, taking 1+zL =
1090, the parameter yL is
yL = 22.1 &!Mh2 .
It will be useful also to have an idea of the value of ! for which the multipole
coefficients in various correlation functions are dominated by perturbations
with a given Q. The dominant contribution to a multipole coefficient of
order ! comes from wave numbers k C" aL!/dL, where aL is a(t) at the time
of last scattering, and dL is the angular diameter distance of the surface of
last scattering, which for flat geometries is:

1 dx

dL = ,
H0(1 + zL) 1/(1+zL)
&!M x + (1 - &!M)x4
where zL is the redshift of last scattering. Thus the multipole order that
receives its main contribution from wave lengths that are just coming into
the horizon at matter-radiation equality is

dLkEQ dx

!EQ a" = 2&!M (1 + zEQ) , (35)
aL 1/(1+zL)
&!Mx + (1 - &!M )x4
where zEQ is the redshift of matter-radiation equality. For present radiation
temperature Tł0 = 2.725ć%K and &!Mh2 = 0.15 this redshift is zEQ = 3613.
If also &!M = 0.3 and 1 + zL = 1090 then the integral in Eq. (35) has the
value 3.195, and so Eq. (35) gives !EQ = 149. Hence for these cosmological
parameters, Eq. (29) gives
! !
Q = 2 C" .
!EQ 105
When referring below to specific values of !, it will always be understood
that the conversion from Q to ! has been made using these cosmological
parameters, but it should be kept in mind that the dependence of the function
(y) on y and Q is independent of cosmological parameters, and that the
value of y at last scattering depends only on Tł0, 1 + zL. and &!Mh2, not on
&!M or &!vac.
Let us first consider the case Q j" 1, which for the above cosmological
parameters corresponds to ! j" 100. Here the kernel K(y, y2 ) has the constant
value 1/15, and Eqs. (32) and (34) have a solution of the form
(y) 1 - Q2g(y) for Q 0 (36)
where g(y) is independent of Q, and satisfies the inhomogeneous differential

d2g(y) 2(1 + y) 1 dg(y) 8f(0)
(1 + y) + + + g(y) = 1 (37)
dy2 y 2 dy 5y2
and the initial conditions
g(0) = g2 (0) = 0 . (38)
According to the above discussion, the streaming of free neutrinos damps
the various tensor correlation functions of the cosmic microwave background
by a factor |2 (yL)/2 (yL)|2, which for Q j" 1 becomes |g2 (yL)/g0(yL)|2, the
subscript 0 denoting quantities calculated ignoring this damping, i.e., for
f = 0, and yL again equal to the ratio of a(t) at last scattering to that
at matter-radiation equality. Numerical solutions of Eqs. (37) and (38) for
f(0) = 0.40523 and for f = 0 show that the damping factor |g2 (yL)/g0(yL)|2
is very close to a linear function of yL and hence of &!M h2 for observationally
favored values of &!Mh2, increasing from 0.893 at &!Mh2 = 0.10 to 0.910 for
&!Mh2 = 0.15.
This damping is relatively insensitive to Q for small Q. For instance,
numerical integration of Eqs. (32) and (34) shows that for &!M h2 = 0.15, the
damping has only decreased from 9% to 8% for Q = 0.55 (! C" 58), and to 7%
for Q = 0.8 (! C" 84). Matters are more complicated for larger values of Q and
!, because the damping factor |2 (yL)/2 (yL)|2 is the ratio of two oscillating
functions with slightly different phases, so that the plot of |2 (yL)/2 (yL)|2
vs. Q shows narrow spikes: this ratio becomes infinite at values of Q for
which 2 (yL) vanishes and then almost immediately drops to zero at the
slightly larger value of Q for which 2 (yL) vanishes. (Even if we average
over the small range of y values over which last scattering occurs, the plot of
|2 (yL)/2 (yL)|2 vs. Q still shows finite though high narrow spikes at the
zeroes of 2 (yL).) These spikes are not particularly interesting, because they
occur at values of Q where 2 (yL) is particularly small, so that the multipole
coefficients in the various tensor temperature and polarization correlation
functions will be very difficult to measure for the corresponding values of
!. The values of |2 (yL)/2 (yL)|2 in the relatively flat regions between the
spikes steadily decreases from the value C" 0.9 for Q j" 1 to a value close to
the result .644 found in the previous section for Q C" 10.
The effects considered in this paper will doubtless eventually be taken
into account in the computer programs used to analyze data from PLANCK
and other future facilities. In the meanwhile, the planning of future observa-
tions should take into account that the damping of cosmological gravitational
waves is not negligible.
I am grateful for valuable conversations with Richard Bond, Lev Kofman,
Eiichiro Komatsu, Richard Matzner and Matias Zaldarriaga. Thanks are due
to Michael Trott for advice regarding the numerical solution of Eq. (18), and
to Matthew Anderson for checking the numerical results. This research was
supported in part by the Robert A. Welch Foundation, by NSF Grant PHY-
0071512, and by the US Navy Grant No. N00014-03-1- 0639,  Quantum
Optics Initiative.
This Appendix will prove a result quoted in Section II, that in all cases
there is a tensor mode whose amplitude remains constant outside the hori-
zon, even where some particles may have mean free times comparable to
the Hubble time. The argument is similar to one used previously to show
the existence under very general conditions of two scalar modes for which a
quantity R is constant outside the horizon.[10] It is based on the observa-
tion that for zero wave number the Newtonian gauge field equations and the
dynamical equations for matter and radiation as well as the condition k = 0
are invariant under coordinate transformations that are not symmetries of
the unperturbed metric.2 The most general such transformations are

x0 x0 + %Eł(t); , xi ij - ij xj , (A1)
where H a" a/a, %Eł(t) is an arbitrary function of time, and ij = ji is
an arbitrary constant matrix. Under these conditions we have something
like a Goldstone theorem: since the metric satisfies the field equations both
before and after the transformation, the change in the metric under these
transformations must also satisfy the field equations. This change is simply

g00 = %Eł(t) , gi0 = 0 , gij = a2(t) - H(t)%Eł(t)ij + ij . (A2)
This means that for zero wave number we always have a solution with scalar
 = H%Eł - ii/3 , Ś = -%Eł (A3)
and a tensor mode
hij = ij - ijkk . (A4)
In this respect, the theorem proved here is similar to the Goldstone theorem[11] of
quantum field theory. The modes for which R or hij are constant outside the horizon take
the place here of the Goldstone bosons that become free particles for long wavelength.
(The notation for Ś and  is standard, and the same as in Ref. [10].) These
are just gauge modes for zero wave number, but if they can be extended to
non-zero wave number they become physical modes, since the transforma-
tions (A1) are not symmetries of the field equations except for zero wave
number. For the scalar modes there are field equations that disappear in the
limit of zero wave number, so that conditions Ś =  - 8ĄGĄS and u = %Eł
(where ĄS is the scalar part of the anisotropic inertia, called  in Ref. [10])
and u is the perturbation to the velocity potential) must be imposed on the
solutions (A3) for them to have an extension to non-zero wave number. It
follows then that the zero wave number scalar modes that become physical
for non-zero wave number satisfy
%Eł = -H%Eł + kk/3 - 8ĄGĄS , u = %Eł . (A5)
Then for zero wave number the quantity R a" - + hu has the time-
independent value
R = kk/3; . (A6)
For tensor modes there are no field equations that disappear for zero wave
number, so the solution hij =constant automatically has an extension to a
physical mode for non-zero wave number.
As examples, we note that both the anisotropic stress tensor Ąij = -#ij
for an imperfect fluid with shear viscosity  and the tensor (16) for freely
streaming neutrinos vanish for #ij = 0, so in the limit of zero wave numbers
Eq. (2) has a solution with #ij = 0. The above theorem shows that this result
applies even when some particle s mean free time is comparable with the
Hubble time, in which case neither the hydrodynamic nor the free- streaming
approximations are applicable.
The solution with #ij = 0 for zero wave number is not the only solu-
tion, but the other solutions decay rapidly after horizon exit. There is no
anisotropic inertia in scalar field theories, and in the absence of anisotropic
inertia, Eq. (2) for zero wave number has two solutions, one with hij con-
stant, and the other with #ij " a-3, for which hij rapidly becomes constant.
The energy-momentum tensor of the universe departs from the perfect fluid
form later, during neutrino decoupling, and perhaps also during reheating
or periods of baryon or lepton nonconservation, but during all these epochs
cosmologically interesting tensor fluctuations are far outside the horizon, and
hence remain constant.
1. A. Starobinsky, Sov. Astron. Lett. 11, 133 (1985); E. D. Stewart and
D. H. Lyth, Phys. Lett. 302B, 171 (1993).
2. V. A. Rubakov, M. Sazhin, and A. Veryaskin, Phys. Lett. 115B, 189
(1982); R. Fabbri and M.D. Pollock, Phys. Lett. 125B, 445 (1983); L.
F. Abbott and M. B. Wise, Nuclear Physics B244, 541 (1984). A. A.
Starobinskii, Sov. Astron. Lett. 11, 133 (1985).
3. The effects of anisotropic inertia due to both neutrinos and photons
were included in a large program of numerical calculations reported
by J. R. Bond, in Cosmology and Large Scale Structure, Les Houches
Session LX, eds. R. Schaeffer, J. Silk, and J. Zinn-Justin (Elsevier
Science Press, Amsterdam, 1996). Bond concluded from the numerical
results that there is an average  <" 20% reduction of the squared tensor
amplitude for multipole order ! larger than about 100, and that this
would not be observable in measurements of C! because according to
Eq. (1) tensor modes already make a much smaller contribution to C!
than scalar modes. It is the prospect of cosmic microwave background
polarization measurements that makes the effect of anisotropic inertia
on the tensor amplitude important.
4. See, e.g., V. F. Mukhanov, H.A. Feldman, and R. H. Brandenberger,
Physics Reports 215, 203 (1992); M. S. Turner, M. White, and J. E.
Lidsey, Phys. Rev. D 48, 4613 (1993); M. S. Turner, Phys Rev. D.
55, 435 (1997); D. J. Schwarz, astro-ph/0303574.
5. U. Seljak and M. Zaldarriaga, Astrophys. J. 469, 437 (1996).
6. S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology (Wiley, New York, 1972),
Eq. (15.10.39). (It should be noted that hij as defined in this refer-
ence is a2 times the hij used in the present work.) For k/a k" a/a, this
formula for Ą gives the damping of gravitational waves that had been
calculated by S. W. Hawking, Astrophys. J. 145, 544 (1966).
7. Differential equations for both the scalar and tensor parts of the anisotropic
stress tensor were given by J. R. Bond and A. S. Szalay, Astrophys. J.
274, 443 (1983), using an orthonormal basis instead of the coordinate
basis used here, but the result was applied only for the scalar modes.
8. For perturbations outside the horizon, where z j" 1, we can replace
K(z - y) with K(0) = 1/15, and the integral in Eq. (8) becomes
just (hij(z) - hij(0))/15. Aside from the term hij(0), this equation
in the radiation-dominated case is then equivalent to Eq. (4.3) of C.
W. Misner, Astrophys. J. 151, 431 (1968), which was derived to study
a phenomenon different from that considered here: the approach to
isotropy of a homogeneous anisotropic cosmology. (This equation was
generalized to the case of finite mean free times by C. Misner and R.
Matzner, Astrophys. J. 171, 415 (1972).) Misner took hij(0) = 0
(but h2 (0) = 0), on the ground that a constant term in hij could be

made to vanish by a coordinate transformation, and found a decaying
solution. But a constant term in hij is only a gauge mode when k is
strictly zero. As remarked in the Appendix, the existence of this gauge
mode means that there is a physical mode with k = 0 for which hij

becomes constant outside the horizon, where k is negligible, but which
becomes time-dependent when the wavelength re-enters the horizon.
[After the preprint of this work was circulated, I learned of an article
by A. K. Rebhan and D. J. Schwarz, Phys. Rev. D 50, 2541 (1994),
which obtained an integro-differential equation like Eq. (18), but with
extra terms representing more general initial conditions. No attempt
was made to identify the initial conditions that would actually apply
cosmologically, or to calculate the damping effect relevant to the cosmic
microwave background.]
9. See, e. g., M. Zaldarriaga and U. Seljak, Phys. Rev. D55, 1830 (1997).
10. S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. D67, 123504 (2003).
11. J. Goldstone, Nuovo Cimento 9, 154 (1961); J. Goldstone, A. Salam,
and S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. 127, 965 (1962).


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