Schmale Bilderreigen und Erzähllabyrinth Catulls Carmen 64

Schmale, Michaela
307 pages
Bilderreigen und Erzähllabyrinth - Catulls Carmen 64
[Array of Images and Labyrinth of Narrative - Catull's Carmen 64]
1st ed. | 2004 | eBook | List price Euro [D] 99.95. RRP for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 150.00. *
ISBN 978-3-11-094037-4
Series: Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 212
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Also available in Hardcover: ISBN 978-3-598-77824-7 | List price Ź 99.95 [D] . RRP *US$ 150.00
Languages: German
Type of Publication: Monograph
About this Title
Despite a large number of studies, Catullus' so-called Peleus-epic (poem 64) is still said to be enigmatic and hermetic. In a seemingly
loose thematic coherence it narrates not only the nuptial of Peleus with the immortal Thetis, but also - across the different media
image and song - the fate of Ariadne and the deeds of Achilles ending with a topical lament. The often criticised structure of the
whole is here taken seriously as a complex, but highly artistic narrative that excells in its very own structural coherence. In particular
consideration of the different narrators and different types of narration, medial aspects (ecphrastic writing, (linguistic) images) and
intertextual references, this study tries to offer a new reading of the poem.
Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies > Classical Studies > Latin > Latin Language and Literature
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